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俄罗斯超级偶像、流行乐重量级人物Dima Bilan(季马·比兰)最新单曲Believe me的官方MV,这首歌同时也帮助他成为俄罗斯参加“2008欧洲电视歌曲大赛”(Eurovision Song Contest)的歌手~
Dima Bilan(俄文:Дима Билан)是当今俄罗斯流行乐坛的又一重量级人物。2006年欧洲歌会已经结束,虽然芬兰“魔鬼”获得了冠军,但是不少欧洲...国家的观众更喜欢亚军得主Dima Bilan
Dima Bilan出生于1981年12月24日,从小就学习音乐,目前已经推出过两张个人专辑,并且获得过2005年MTV俄罗斯音乐奖的年度表演和年度男歌手两个大奖。还曾代表俄罗斯参加欧洲MTV奖。
关于“欧洲电视歌曲大赛” “欧洲电视歌曲大赛”(Eurovision Song Contest)从1956年在瑞士Lugano(卢加诺)举办第一届以后每年会举行一次,作为本届获得冠军的国家便可获得下一届的承办权。比赛的结果不是评委说了算,而是由全欧洲的电视观众决定。歌曲演唱完毕,会给出十分钟时间,由电视观众打投票电话进行评选,投票范围为除自己国家外的其他所有歌手。这个大赛还有个特色就是不规定歌手必须是这个国家的“自己人”,各个国家可以根据自己的情况请“外援”,好象足球比赛,比较出名的有Celine Dion在1988年代表瑞士参赛并拿了冠军。
歌词: Even when the thunder and storm begins I'll be standing strong like a tree in the wind Nothing's gonna move this mountain Or change my direction I'm falling off that sky and I'm all alone The courage that's inside gonna break my fall Nothing's gonna deem my light within
But if I keep going on It will never impossible, not today
Cause I've got something to believe in As long as I'm breathing There is not a limit to what I can dream Cause I've got something to believe in Mission to keep climbing Nothing else can stop me if just believe And I believe in me
Even when the world tries to pull me down Tell me that I can, try to turn me around I wont let them put my fire out, without no!
But if I keep going on It will never impossible, not today
Cause I've got something to believe in As long as I'm breathing There is not a limit to what I can dream Cause I've got something to believe in Mission to keep climbing Nothing else can stop me if just believe And I believe:
I can do it all Open every doorTurn unthinkable to reality You'll see- I can do it all and more!
Believing As long as I'm breathing There is not a limit to what I can dream Cause I've got something to believe in Believing Mission to keep climbing Nothing else can stop me if just believe And I believe me. http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjM5OTA3ODg=.html