Bill Kaulitz~
新人发帖。。。。多多包涵~下面的推荐的歌旋律很轻松,清新~也适合晚上睡觉听~[s:248]  (中国内陆的乐团)旅行乐团—悠长假期 罗马假日 熊宝贝乐团—环岛旅行(前面挺安静的,后面比较HI~属于甜蜜摇滚)(欧美) Sound—be be you love(看过牛仔裤的亲都听过~) Band of horses—infinite arms Clay aiken—can't take eyes off you jaron and then longroad to love—meantime girl petalsback on the rose pray for you Jonathan day—carousel close to you our time is coming(活泼了一点 ) Kenny G—fall again(还记得震撼一时的回家这首歌么?) Lissie—record colector(我还很喜欢这歌。。。) Michael Buble—Quando,quando,quando Norah Jones—new york city Radical Face—a little hall Samantha James—amber sky The innocen mission—rain The weepies —gotta have you By:夹子~