prinz songz_派派后花园

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[专辑推荐] prinz songz

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等级: 热心会员
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2010-06-05 0
prinz songz
— (若麦香浓。) 亲如果能附上推荐歌曲的音乐试听就好了。毕竟音乐版发帖尽量带上试听。贴个教程:  谢谢你的理解与支持。~(≧▽≦)/~ (2010-06-05 22:39) —

【I can take it】
【Yu smilin】

找了很久都只有这4首,prinz songz的歌应该除了【Gone】都比较冷。


You're gone to my heart and pain to my chest
You got to stop my end and stop my test
Comes to my peace when I'm lost plan
It's like a bullet shut up right do my best
I don't know what to say didn't know what to do
I'm a brown man while I'm still crying about you
I don't know but don't believe you don't know when I see you baby
you what you what try to be what you need
But now you're gone I let you sleep away
I try to say goodbye what you want to say
Things I love what ben best at last don't change
But cross up so close so lies goes rutine
Remember reason best forgot and for some ways
Remember we to share turn it to somedays
No man no meaning to no longer I will be something
How was head was here to forgot something
Do you remember all the time just smile that was gone that was gone
Do you remember all the time we love never done never done
Do you remember all the time that how we close
All the time that you cry who ride for the most
That was hard to believe that was hard to see
That now now you're you're gone
I gave you more all baby you drop dear
I'll lie you here be how dare you stop dear
I gave up hide not like rocket
But the here dry can't drop it
You're my sweeters nears hurt to breath
What I do you real now you deal to meet
Now my happiness
Well that show my best to history
I try my best just to forgetting your face
And I try my best to forget the days
I keep on trying but can't forget your face
Cus I keep on leading cross every days
It's so hard when you're love someone else
So I sad waiting for someone-self
Waiting for you just for come on yo
But I know do you want come on yo
Do you remember all the time just smile that was gone that was gone
Do you remember all the time we love never done never done
Do you remember all the time that how we close
All the time that you cry who ride for the most
That was hard to believe that was hard to see
That now now you're you're gone
Baby I swear I got I love you
How wish things went away with sad words
I dream house I dream course
I picture them all of our family
And start we by baby
It's a perfect magazine plan
How wish it all be real still
It's like my heart no longer when my
She's not my love love doesn't exit
She make my heart-ships
So many busy now make my heart feel so disease
She's gone how wish I wasn't lie
Cuz I got pains the pains are clark
So answer my question as lie
Do you remember all the time just smile that was gone that was gone
Do you remember all the time we love never done never done
Do you remember all the time that how we close
All the time that you cry who ride for the most
That was hard to believe that was hard to see
That now now you're you're gone
Do you remember all the time just smile that was gone that was gone
Do you remember all the time we love never done never done
Do you remember all the time that how we close
All the time that you cry who ride for the most
That was hard to believe that was hard to see
That now now you're you're gone

PS:昨晚应朋友求上传了Ray,于是顺便这里也贴上地址,有兴趣的姑娘可以下载来听听。除了prinz songz的4首,还有一首是【Gone】的女生翻唱版本【Tell me who you are】。

[ 此贴被kelluchi在2010-06-05 22:55重新编辑 ]
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +3
  • wp963

    派派币 +3

    谢谢分享 O(∩_∩)O



等级: 热心会员
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2010-06-05 0




亚瑟篇的背景音乐是【Gone】,梅林篇的也不错,叫【en dag tilbage】,话说又是丹麦组合的歌- -
[ 此贴被kelluchi在2010-06-05 23:00重新编辑 ]


等级: 读书识字
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2010-06-06 0





等级: 文学俊才
举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2010-06-06 0



嗯嗯,谢谢姑娘喜欢^ ^




等级: 热心会员
举报 只看该作者 4楼  发表于: 2010-06-06 0
— (wp963) 建议使用楼主留言功能 (2010-06-07 13:36) —
引用第2楼其叶沃若于2010-06-06 09:59发表的  :

呵呵,Gone还是挺多人听过的嘛。Prize songz的其它歌也请姑娘听一下吧,也很不错的~
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