北欧音乐精灵挪威才女Venke Knutson - Kiss_派派后花园

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[乐评分享] 北欧音乐精灵挪威才女Venke Knutson - Kiss

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等级: 职业撰稿
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2009-07-15 0

Venke Knutson-Kiss(Venke Knutson)


Kiss - Venke Knutson 吻--Venke Knutson
Shadows fall, 秋天的阴影
Leaving traces in your face, 在你脸上留下的痕迹
That I can look for when I'm old, 在我老去的时候可以找到
And think of all the days we could have missed, 所有的日子我们可能已经错过
Now here again, 现在也是
I'm always young in the silly lines Of poetry, 我总是很天真的陶醉在很傻的诗句中
But I believe, 但是我相信
That tide is turning 浪潮即将涌动
Round and round again.. 来来又回回
Ooohh, I'm a little suprised by your kiss, 哦,你的吻我有一点惊讶
And who's going to blame me for this, 但是你将为这个责备我
A little song today, 今天来唱一首小曲吧
An illution in a pictureframe to stay.. 一个幻象留在了画框上
You pass me by, 你穿过我
This old man with his cane and all, 这个老人握着他的拐杖
Heading for an eveningstroll, 向一个方向慢慢的走
The streets were wet with rain, 这个街道因为下雨而潮湿
And even though he did not speak, 即使他没言语
He told a lot, 但还是说了很多
By beeing weak I saw a glimt, 通过变弱,我看到个提示
Of who he'd been, 他变成了谁
And who I'd like to be.. 我想成为谁
Ooohh, I'm a little suprised by your kiss, 哦,你的吻我有一点惊讶
And who's going to blame me for this, 但是你将为这个责备我
A little song today, 今天来唱一首小曲吧
An illution in a pictureframe to stay.. 一个幻象留在了画框上
Now where you wanna go, 现在你想去哪里。
What you wanna know, 你想知道什么
Makes the world go round, 围绕这个地球
What you wanna be, 你想成为什么
It doesn't matter to me, 对我来说没关系
Just sing from your soul, 仅仅是发自心灵的歌唱
Sing from your soul, 发自心灵的歌唱
You're growing old.. 你将慢慢老去
And ooohh, I'm a always suprised by your kiss, 你的吻我总是很惊讶
And who's going to blame me for this, 但是你将为这个责备我
A little song today, 今天来唱一首小曲吧
An illution in a pictureframe, 在画框上有一个幻象
And ooohh, I'm a little suprised by your kiss, 哦,你的吻我有一点惊讶
And who's going to blame me for this, 但是你将为这个责备我
A little song today, 今天来唱一首小曲吧
An illution in a pictureframe, 在画框上有一个幻象
And ooohh, I'm a little suprised by your kiss, 哦,你的吻我有一点惊讶
And who's going to blame me for this, 但是你将为这个责备我
A little song today, 今天来唱一首小曲吧
An illution in a pictureframe to stay.. 一个幻象留在了画框上
An illution in a pictureframe to stay 一个幻象留在了画框上

英文名:Venke Knutson Liodden
  成名作:Kiss,In2u,Panic,Someone,Scared,Love Explains It All等

继Lene Marlin后又一来自北国的纯美音乐精灵。2004年的挪威乐坛因为一个美少女而充满惊喜。Venke Knutson,这个出生于挪威南部小镇的女 孩,音乐世家的背景赋予了她令人羡慕的音乐才华,美国的成长经历激发了她的灵感和天赋,使她 从一相懵懂的躺在草地上看星星的女孩成长为一个热爱音乐的才女。音乐对于她来说是一个事业而 推出了自己的处女大碟《Scared》其中她包揽了大部分的创作,与制作人和吉他手一起精心打造出 一张摇滚风味十足的精彩专辑。Venke Knutson那慵懒略带嘶哑的嗓音,靓丽的外形和精妙的音乐迅 速征服了歌迷,勇夺2004年挪威销量排行榜第一的位置。

Venke Knutson -《Places I Have Been》
  1. A Lot Of Love
  2. Time To Kill
3. When The Stars Go Blue  
4. There She Goes
5. Feeling Ok
6. Someday Soon
7. You Keep Me Hanging
  8. Just A Minute
9. Hold On
  10. Someone
11. Tell Me What
Venke Knutson -《Scared》

  01. Scared
  02. Panic
  03. In2u
  04. Kiss
  05. Table turns UI
  06. Beyond my dreams
  07. Love explains it all
  08. Mary
  09. Is it how it is
  10. I wonder

  Venke Knutson -《Crush》

 01. Walk The Walk
02. Crush
  03. Crazy Over You
  04. Win With Your Hands Down
  05. Holiday
  06. Shelter From The Rain
  07. How The Story Goes
  08. You're So Cool
  09. Whoopsy Daisy
10. Sink Or Swim
[ 此帖被ˇ水无香ˇ在2009-07-15 20:42重新编辑 ]


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