[b][size=4]《Water Brain》[/size][/b]
[b]配音:[/b] 樊健恩 / 樊海明 / 樊映彤 / 樊泳其 / 樊摩尔
[b]导演:[/b] 周坚锐 / Ani7ime studio
[b]制片国家/地区:[/b] 中国大陆
[b]语言:[/b] 普通话/国语
[b]上映日期:[/b] 2009-06-15
《Water Brain》的故事发生在一个奇幻的具有东方韵味的蒸汽化城市,城市里的每个小孩身后都有一个巨大的怪物督促他们做写不完的作业,他们的后脑是一个装水的容器,会因紧张而膨胀,产生出怪兽的食物——压力棉花糖,怪兽吃下后会产生能量,由收集器收集后供给整个城市。
主角小乐是这个城市里一个爱幻想的小孩,一个偶然的机会,小孩子发现了纸飞机可以让怪物变小,教室开始混乱起来 了,混乱中小孩得到了前所未有的快乐,但是教室警报响起后,小孩被镇压住了。放学了,小孩们背起怪兽离开,因为 怪兽就是他们那沉重的书包。小乐把向往自由的希望寄托在一架藏好的纸飞机上,他在怪兽的阻挠下大力的把纸飞机飞 出去了,纸飞机自由翱翔,飞到了小孩们从来没有看到过的美丽天空,但同时,纸飞机也开始燃烧了...
This is a story about mental pressure.In this story,the kids are constantly forced to bury themselves into their endless homework by those giant monsters behind them.The children's brains are filled with water that can be heated by tension.If a kid is overstressed,the water in their brain would boil and produce steam,which becomes the food of the greedy monsters and the energy of the whole city.Thus,those poor children repeat their lives day after day, serving as the powerplant of their world,spending their childhood in tragic misery......
该动画短片由由广州美术学院数码艺术专业的学生团队Ani7ime studio 制作,这是他们的毕业作品。