很不错的嘻哈雷鬼---sean kingston---beautiful girls_派派后花园

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很不错的嘻哈雷鬼---sean kingston---beautiful girls

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等级: 派派贵宾
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2008-08-25 0
sean kingston

      Sean Kingston这个今年17岁的牙买加小伙子有张胖胖的娃娃脸,可他却同样因为拥有一段异于常人的坎坷童年,而有着同龄人所没有的成熟。在他的歌词里,完全看不到一个十几岁的年轻人应该有的轻飘飘,这或许因为他从来就不曾有过一个轻松的青春期。

      Sean Kingston出生在牙买加首都金斯敦(Kingston),6岁开始在迈阿密长大。尽管有着一个很不一般的祖父——牙买加传奇音乐制作人Jack Ruby。Sean还是一度沦落到当母亲和姐姐双双入狱的时候,无家可归只能窝在破车里。而Sean优秀的音乐天赋并没有因为生活的艰辛而被埋没,凭借出色的掌控节奏和旋律的才能,Sean Kingston在十几岁的年纪就混迹迈阿密的演出圈,参加各种才艺比赛,曾经和Ludacris,Pitbull这样的大牌同台演出。

      去年年初的某天,Sean Kingston进入了曾为Britney Spears,50 Cent,Rihanna制作歌曲的著名制作人J.R. Rotem的MySpace,J.R.给Sean回复了email,在听到了Sean的样带后,立即把他签进了自己的厂牌——和Epic唱片的合资公司 Beluga Heights,并在2007年春天为他发行了单曲《Colors 2007》。

      Sean Kingston真正一炮而红还是因为他的第2支个人单曲《Beautiful Girls》。某天Sean在广播里听到黑人歌手Ben E. King的歌曲《Stand By Me》,立即问J.R.有没有人用采样过这首歌。J.R.立即编了简单的节奏,Sean在一个小时内就完成了歌词。Sean的所有歌词都坚持自己创作,并且坚持不说脏话也不用消极的语言的原则。

      除了坚持自己的创作理想以外,Sean Kingston还拥有远大的志向——要在这个行业中发扬光大,拥有自己的唱片厂牌,在商界寻找自己的位置,大干一番。另外,Sean还要实现自己儿时的梦想,就是重读表演学校。也许某天,你能够看到小胖Kingston的第一部戏。谁知道呢?反正他还很年轻。

歌手:sean kingston    
专辑:eyes above water

You're way too beautiful girl
That's why it'll never work
You'll have me suicidal, suicidal
When you say it's over
Damn all these beautiful girls
They only wanna do your dirt
They'll have you suicidal, suicidal
When they say it's over
Verse 1:
See it started at the park
Used to chill at the dark
Oh when you took my heart
That's when we fell apart
Coz we both thought
That love lasts forever (lasts forever)
Sean Kingston
They say we're too young
To get ourselves sprung
Oh we didn't care
We made it very clear
And they also said
That we couldn't last together (last together)
See it's very define, girl
One of a kind
But you mush up my mind
You walk to get declined
Oh Lord...
My baby is driving me crazy
(Repeat Chorus)
Verse 2:
It was back in '99
Watchin' movies all the time
Oh when I went away
For doin' my first crime
And I never thought
And then I came out
Mami moved me down South
Oh I'm with my girl
Who I thought was my world
It came out to be
That she wasn't the girl for me (girl for me)
(Repeat Refrain and Chorus)
Verse 3:
Now we're fussin'
And now we're fightin'
Please tell me why
I'm feelin' slightin'
And I don't know
How to make it better (make it better)
You're datin' other guys
You're tellin' me lies
Oh I can't believe
What I'm seein' with my eyes
I'm losin' my mind
And I don't think it's clever (think it's clever)
You're way too beautiful girl
That's why it'll never work
You'll have me suicidal, suicidal, suicidal...

 ∝ 涼綺


等级: 内阁元老
漫 长 声 息 ,
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2008-08-25 0
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