I do not know
I just stay the same
But it seems like different from beforehttp_imgload.jpg
I really have no idea
Ring,in my hand,yes,
it hold my little finger
Since you are gone,I wore it
That time, I felt cold,even chilling
But LEILEI--my sweetie,this is you sent me
in my last birthday
the ring have your temperature,and warm my heart
The day after tomorrow,you will enter the university entrance examination
In fact,I'm very up set,you know your emtion with HAI is so difficult to solve
I thought this boring you long times,but love it is!
I WISH!I PRAY! This time you can get yr ideal grade and go to the college you want!Because this is the last time.
MAN MAN,I am sorry for that you persuade me----you said to me:He is a bad guy,not worth me pay for much...I'm sorry I can't take off this ring from my little finger,I know you are very unhappy for so obstinate I am,but I swear,you know that is a promise---never X with anybody
Yep,you are right,He is such a bad egg!Neither handsome nor good quality,but you know what?Just what I told you--you can't say anything about his good points,but no one can take the place of him
I know what you worried,please don't worried,I will be good,be happy one day.