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[Articles Enjoy] 小故事6篇

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等级: 文学之神
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2015-07-28 0


We had a remarkable sunset one day last November.

I was walking in a meadow, the source of a small brook, when the sun, just before setting, after a cold gray day, reached a clear stratum in the horizon.
The softest and brightest evening sunlight fell on the dry grass, on the branches of the trees on the opposite horizon, duanwenw.com and on the leaves of the shrub oaks on the hillside, while our shadows stretched long over the meadow eastward, as if we were only motes in its beams. duanwenw.com It was such a beautiful sight that we could not have imagined a moment before, and the air was so warm and serene that nothing was needed to make a paradise of that meadow.

The sun set on that retired meadow, where no house was visible, with all the glory and splendor that it lavished on cities, as it has never set before. There was only a solitary marsh-hawk having its wings gilded by the golden light. A hermit looked from his cabin, and a little black-veined brook meandered through the marsh. As we walked in that pure and brilliant light gilding the withered grass and leaves I thought I had never been bathed in such a golden flood, and never would again.




The Four Seasons of LifeOur journey on earth consists, like the year, of four seasons: spring, summer, fall and winter.

Life is only loaned to us, and as with everything borrowed, must someday be returned. We are only here for a short stay, and have many tasks. We must contend with pain in order to achieve peace, accept problems if we are to reach success, and shed tears if we are to share laughter. duanwenw.com We have many lessons to learn. Each and every moment of life is an important one.

In spring, everything grows fresh and new. Lilacs blossom, and the maple and oak trees produce new leaves. It is a time when we are as if newly born into the world.

You are now entering the summer of your life. Everything is now in full bloom. The trees and flowers proudly display all their beauty and elegance. This season doesn’t seem as if it will end, yet it slips by before you know it.

The fall is next, when the leaves drop to the ground, and the farmers gather their crops and reap the rewards of their labor. The harvest moon is full and round, and slightly misted by a passing cloud. This is the most satisfying of the four seasons.

Then all too quickly the winter of your life is upon you, and everything is barren. However, duanwenw.com there is a peaceful sort of beauty in the wintertime. If you allow your spirit to be free, you will remain youthful longer than you thought possible.

Is winter truly the season to end all seasons?






The Eagle and his CaptorA Man once caught an Eagle, and after clipping his wings turned him loose among the fowls in his hen-house, where he moped in a corner, looking very dejected and forlorn. After a while his Captor was glad enough to sell him to a neighbour, who took him home and let his wings grow again. As soon as he had recovered the use of them, the Eagle flew out and caught a hare, which he brought home and presented to his benefactor. A fox observed this, and said to the Eagle, “Don’t waste your gifts on him! Go and give them to the man who first caught you; make him your friend, and then perhaps he won’t catch you and clip your wings a second time.”



The Moon can’t be stolen
A Zen master lived the simplest kind of life in a little but at the foot of a mountain. One evening, while he was away, a thief sneaked into the hut only to find there was nothing in it to steal. The Zen Master returned and found him.      “You have come a long way to visit me, ” he told the prowler, “and you should not return empty-handed. duanwenw.com Please take my clothes as a gift.”      The thief was bewildered, but he took the clothes and ran away.      The Master sat naked, watching the moon.      “Poor fellow, ” he mused, “I wish I could give him this beautiful moon.”








A little Girl’s DreamThe promise was a long time keeping. But then, so was the dream.In the early 1950s in a small Southern California town, a little girl hefted yet another load of books onto the tiny library’s counter.    The girl was a reader. Her parents had books all over their home, but not always the ones she wanted. So she’d make her weekly trek to the yellow library with the brown trim, the little one-room building where the children’s library actually was just a nook1. Frequently, duanwenw.com she ventured out of that nook in search of heftier fare.    As the white-haired librarian hand-stamped the due dates in the ten-year-old’s choice, the little girl looked longingly at "The New Book" prominently displayed on the counter. She marveled again at the wonder of writing a book and having it honored like that, right there for the world to see.    That particular day, she confessed her goal."When I grow up," she said, "I "m going to be a writer. I’m going to write books." The librarian looked up from her stamping and smiled, not with the condescension4 so many children receive, but with encouragement. "When you do write that book," she replied, "bring it into our library and we’ll put it on display, right here on the counter." The little girl promised she would.    As she grew, so did her dream. She got her first job in ninth grade, writing brief personality profiles,which earned her $1.50 each from the local newspaper. The money palled5 in comparison with the magic of seeing her words on paper. A book was a long way off.    She edited her high-school paper, married and started a family, but the itch to write burned deep. She got a part-time job covering school news at a weekly newspaper. It kept her brain busy as she balanced babies. But no book. She went to work full time for a major daily. Even tried her hand at magazines. Still no book.    Finally, she believed she had something to say and started a book. She sent it off to two publishers and was rejected. She put it away, sadly. Several years later, the old dream increased in persistence. She got an agent and wrote another book. She pulled the other out of hiding, and soon both were sold.    But the world of book publishing moves slower than that of daily newspapers, duanwenw.com and she waited two long years. The day the box arrived on her doorstep with its free author’s copies, she ripped it open. Then she cried. She’d waited so long to hold her dream in her hands. Then she remembered that librarian’s invitation, and her promise.    Of course, that particular librarian had died long ago, and the little library had been razed to make way for a larger incarnation. The woman called and got the name of the head librarian. She wrote a letter, telling her how much her predecessor’s words had meant to the girl. She’d be in town for her thirtieth high school reunion, she wrote and could she bring her two books by and give them to the library? The librarian called and said’ "Come." So she did, clutching a copy of each book.    Inside the big new library, the librarian welcomed her warmly. She introduced a reporter from the local newspaper — a descendant10 of the paper she’d begged a chance to write for long ago. Then she presented her books to the librarian, who placed them on the counter with a sign of explanation. Tears rolled down the woman’s cheeks.    Then she hugged the librarian and left, pausing for a picture outside, which proved that dreams can come true and promises can be kept. Even if it takes thirty-eight years. The ten-year-old girl and the writer she’d become posed by the library sign, right next to the reader board, which said: WELCOME BACK, JANN MITCHELL.





也就在这天,她说出了自己的理想。     “我长大后,”小女孩说,“要当一名作家,我要写书。”正盖着戳印的图书管理员抬起头来冲她笑了笑,那种笑并不是一种敷衍迁就小孩子的笑,相反,笑里满含着鼓励与支持。“等你写出本书时,”管理员说,“就把它带到图书馆来,我们就会把书展示在柜台上。”小女孩许诺她一定会写本书来。女孩慢慢地长大,她的梦想也日趋成熟。上九年级时,她得到了她的第一份工作,就是为当地的一家报纸撰写名人小传,每篇文章1.5美圆。她所写的东西变成一排排铅字,没有比这更令人骄傲的了,稿费与之比起来,显得微不足道。但写书的事还遥遥无期。    她在高中校报做过编辑,然后结了婚,生了孩子,但她对写作仍激情不减。后来,她找了一份兼职,为一家周报采编校园新闻。这让她在照顾几个宝宝的同时,脑子一刻也没有停歇,但她还是没写书。之后,她在一家大型日报社做过全职,还在杂志社上过班,可她还是没写书。    后来,她总想说点什么,于是,她就写了一本书。写完后,她把书寄给两家出版社,但都被一一拒绝,她伤心地把书收了起来。数年后,她出书的欲望日渐强烈。于是,她找了一个经纪人,又写了一本书。她把先前的那本书也拿了出来,连同后一本一起寄给了出版社。不久,两本书都卖了出去。    然而,书的出版要比日报慢得多。作者样书送到她家的那天,她迫不及待地撕开了包装,要知道,她等这一天等了两年。后来,她哭了,她的梦想终于实现了。同时,她也记起了那位管理员的邀约和她自己的承诺。当然,那位管理员已去世很多年了。为了建一座更大的图书馆,原先那个小的早就被夷为平地。这个女人打电话查到了图书馆负责人的名字。接着,她给这位负责人写了一封信,告诉她,她的前任负责人的话是如何影响一个小女孩的一生。她还写道,她要回小镇参加高中毕业30年聚会,还问她能否顺便带上她的两本书送给图书馆。管理员打来电话说:“把两本书带来吧。”于是,她带着那两本书回到了久别的小镇。    走进大而新的图书馆,管理员热情地接待了她,还将她引见给当地报纸的一名记者——这家报纸就是她多年前曾恳求给机会写点文章的那家。然后,她把书赠给了管理员,管理员将这两本书摆在柜台上,还附加了一些额外的注解。这个女人激动得热泪盈眶。    



nce upon a time there was an old fisherman. He went fishing very early every morning, but he never cast his net more than four times a day.  
One morning, he went out early to the sea. He cast his net for the first time, and drew in the body of an animal. He cast it a second time, and drew in an old basket full of sand. He cast it a third time, and drew in a lot of stones. It seemed he would have nothing to take home that morning.  
  Day had now broken, and he cast his net for last time. After some time, he began to draw the net in. He found it was very heavy. But there were not any fish in it. Instead he found a jar with a lid. He shook the jar, but could hear nothing. So he took off the lid and looked inside. He could see nothing. After a while a light smoke came slowly out of the jar. Then little by little, the smoke grew heavier and thicker till finally it turned into a terrible Genie!   "Get down on your knees," said the Genie, "for I'm going to kill you."   "Why? Didn't I set you free from the jar?"   "That's why I'm going to kill you, but I'll let you choose how you're going to die."  
"But why?"   "Listen, and I will tell you my story."   "I was one of the spirits in heaven. But I did not want to obey Solomon's orders. So one day, he put me in this jar and threw it into the sea.  
"During the first hundred years of my stay in the sea, I made a promise that if anyone set me free I would make him very rich. But no one came. During the second hundred years, I promised that if anyone set me free I would show him all the treasures in the world. But still no one came. During the third hundred years, I promised that if anyone came to set me free, I would make him king over the earth.   "Still no one came. Then I became very angry, and decided that if anyone should set me free I would kill him at once. Now you have come and set me free. So you must die, but I will let you say how you want to die."
  The fisherman was not frightened. He said: "Since I must die, I must. But before I die, answer me one question."   "All right, but be quick."   "Were you really in the jar? You are so big and the jar is so small that it could hardly hold one of your feet."   "Of course I was in the jar. Don't you believe me?"  
"No, and I won't until I've seen you in the jar with my own eyes."

   When he heard this, the Genie changed into smoke. Slowly the smoke went back into the jar. When all of it was in the jar, the fisherman quickly put the lid on and threw it back into the sea.





   隔一会儿,瓶里冒出一股青烟,飘飘荡荡地升到空中,继而弥漫在大地上,逐渐凝成一团,最后变成个巨大的魔鬼,披头散发,高高地耸立在渔夫面前。魔鬼头像堡垒,手像铁叉,腿像桅杆,口像山洞,牙齿像白石块,鼻孔像喇叭,眼睛像灯笼,样子非常凶恶。    渔夫一看见这可怕的魔鬼,呆呆的不知如何应付。一会儿,他听见魔鬼叫道:“所罗门啊,别杀我,以后我不敢再违背您的命令了!”    “魔鬼!”渔夫说道,“所罗门已经死了一千八百年了。你是怎麽钻到这个瓶子里的呢?”    魔鬼说:“渔夫啊,准备死吧!你选择怎样死吧,我立刻就要把你杀掉!” “我犯了什么罪?”渔夫问道,“我把你从海里捞上来,又把你从胆瓶里放出来,救了你的命,你为什么要杀我?”    魔鬼答道:“你听一听我的故事就明白了。” “说吧,”渔夫说,“简单些。”  


  渔夫叫道:“好倒霉啊,碰上我来解救你!是我救了你的命啊!” “正因为你救了我,我才要杀你啊!” “好心对待你,你却要杀我!老话确实讲得不错,这真是‘恩将仇报’了!” “别再罗唆了,”魔鬼说道,“反正你是非死不可的。”这时候渔夫想道:“他是个魔鬼,我是个堂堂的人。我的智慧一定能压制他的妖气。”于是他对魔鬼说:“你决心要杀我吗?” “不错。” “凭神的名字起誓,我要问你一件事,你必须说实话。” “可以,”魔鬼说,“问吧,要简短些。”    “你不是住在这个胆瓶里吗?可是照道理说,这个铜瓶既容不下你一只手,更容不下你一条腿,怎麽容得下你这样庞大的整个身体呀?”

   “你不相信我住在这个胆瓶里吗?”    “我没有亲眼看见,绝对不能相信。”    这时候,魔鬼摇身一变,变成一团青烟,逐渐缩成一缕,慢慢地钻进胆瓶。渔夫见青烟全进了胆瓶,就立刻拾起盖印的锡封,把瓶口封上,然后学着魔鬼的口吻大声说:“告诉我吧,魔鬼,你希望怎样死?现在我决心把你投到海里去。”    魔鬼听了渔夫的话,就说:“渔夫,刚才我是跟你开玩笑的。”  


[ 此帖被北清欢°在2015-07-28 16:42重新编辑 ]
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