牛津书虫系列《The Oxford Bookworm》【中英对照】(连载中:8.25更至第3-1-4本第10章)_派派后花园

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[Novel] 牛津书虫系列《The Oxford Bookworm》【中英对照】(连载中:8.25更至第3-1-4本第10章)

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等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 40楼  发表于: 2014-08-14 0

■ 7 The Church
  In the spring of 1936,Mrs Simpson wrote a letter to her husband.
  'Dear Ernest,'she wrote.'You have been very kind to me.You are a good and strong man.But I must tell you that our marriage is finished.I am in love with the King and I want a divorce.Don't be angry.There is nothing you can do.I'll never forget you, but I have to be free.'
  Ernest replied immediately:'Your letter arrived this morning. I will do what you ask, but I'll never stop loving you.And if you need me,I'll always be here.'
  That night the King and Wallis met at a small restaurant in Piccadilly. Edward read Ernest's letter again and again.'That's wonderful news,'he said.'Nothing can stop us now!'
  The next day, when Edward came down to breakfast,Gordon Lang, the Archbishop of Canterbury,was waiting for him.
  'Good morning, Gordon,'the King said.'How nice to see you again. And what can I do for you?'
  For a minute the Archbishop said nothing. Then he opened a small black bag and took out three newspapers.'I have come to see you about Mrs Wallis Simpsonn,'he began.'The newspapers say that you want to marry her. Are these stories true,Sir?'
  'Yes,Gordon, Wallis is going to be my wife.'
  'But that's not possible,'the Archbishop replied.'You know what the Church thinks about marriage and divorce. Di-vorce is wrong in the eyes of God!'
  Edward smiled and then said:'Can I ask you some ques-tions about God, Mr Lang?'
  'Yes, of course, Sir.'
  'Is God happy when two people fall in love?'
  'Yes, Sir, but…'
  'And is God happy when two people fall in love and get married?'
  'And is God happy when two people fall in love,get mar-ried, and live happily together?'
  'Then,Archbishop, Wallis and I will make God very happy.We are in love, we'll get married, and we'll live to-gether happily!'
  'But you don't understand,Sir,'Mr Lang replied.'The Church says that divorce is wrong. Mrs Simpson cannot leave Mr Simpson and then marry you.You must forget about her and find another woman. Please,Sir, I must ask you to think again.'
  'That is not possible,'Edward said softly.'When Wallis is free,I shall marry her.'
  There was a long silence.The Archbishop looked down at the floor and shook his head. 'You're making a big mistake,Sir,'he said. 'The Church is very strong,and we will not have this woman as our Queen!'
  Suddenly Edward stood up, his face red and angry.'Thank you for coming,'he said.'But I have nothing more to say.And I want to be alone.'
  The Archbishop stood up to go, but then turned and touched the King's arm.'Please,Sir, think again. The Church will be against you.'
  'I don't care,'Edward replied.'I have God on my side,and that is all I need.Goodbye, Mr Lang.'

■ 7 教会

■ 8 The Storm
  In July and August Wallis and the King sailed the Mediter-ranean. They met Prime Minister Metaxas in Greece,Kemal Ataturk in Turkey,and King Boris in Bulgaria. But that summer is famous for Edward's clothes.On the journey from Athens to Istanbul, the King took off his shirt to get brown in the sun. It was hot, and ten minutes later he was asleep.So he did not see the young photographer who was now taking pictures of the King…
  When Edward returned from the Mediterranean,there was a letter waiting for him.
  It was from Mr Albert Thompson of Birmingham, who wrote:'I saw a picture of you in the newspaper this morning and I felt very angry.I have never seen a King dressed as bad-ly as you were! No shirt! And no tie,no socks,no hat… and in short trousers! How could you,Sir?'
  Edward showed this letter to Stanley Baldwin,the Prime Minister.'What do you think of this?'the King asked.
  'Mr Thompson is right, Sir,'the Prime Minister replied.'You want to be modern, but the people don't like it.'
  Edward put the letter on the fire.'And do you think that divorce is “modern”, Mr Baldwin?'
  The Prime Minister sat down.'Yes, Sir,'he began,'I've read about this Mrs Simpson.She has two husbands still alive.And you must understand what that means, Sir.She cannot marry a King.'
  'But I cannot live without her,'Edward said.
  'Then,Sir,'the Prime Minister replied,'I can see there's a storm coming.I have talked to your family and to Archbishop Lang, and we will not have this woman as our Queen.'
  That night the Prime Minister and the King spoke for many hours. There were hundreds of questions, but only one answer. And so,in the early hours of the next morning, Ed-ward said:
  'You tell me that Wallis cannot marry a King.So there is only one thing that I can do.I will give the crown to my brother, and leave England.I must follow my heart. You tell me that it's a crime to fall in love.You tell me that it's wrong to be happy.How strange this country is!'
  An hour later Edward telephoned Wallis.'The Prime Minister says that a storm is coming,'Edward said.'So I want you to go away.'
  Wallis packed her bags and left for France. Then Edward went to see his mother.
  It was a sad, strange, and angry meeting.'Do you know what you are doing?'the Queen asked.'Look out of that window. Outside this palace there are 400 000 000 people who call you King.They need you.And you will leave all this for Mrs Simpson?'
  'Yes,mother, I will. I'm in love.'
  'Love?'Queen Mary shouted.'You're a King!You must love your country first!'
  'But I'm also a man,'Edward said softly,'and there's nothing that I can do.'
  That afternoon the King telephoned Winston Churchill, one of his closest friends.
  'I have some sad news,'Edward began.'Last night Mr Baldwin came to see me. I have decided to go away next week.'
  'Do you mean on holiday, Sir?'
  'No,Winston,I'm leaving England.I'm never coming back.George will be King.'
  'But that's not right, Sir.You're a free man.You must stand and fight.'
  'No,' the King said.'I have seen war and it's a terrible thing.I don't want to fight again.'
  'But the people love you.And they want Wallis to be Queen.'
  'Perhaps they do,'Edward replied.'But she cannot be Queen. My enemies are stronger than I am.I am just a sailor.And when the winds change, the sea moves and it takes my boat away.'

■ 8 风暴


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 41楼  发表于: 2014-08-14 0

■ 9 The Woman I Love
  A few days later Mr Churchill came to see Edward at Buckingham Palace.At first the King was quiet.Then he said:'This is my last night in England,Winston.I love this country.I wanted to be a modern,kind King.I wanted to change the world,but they stopped me.And now I have to leave.'
  It was ten o'clock.Edward stood up and walked over to the window.In the dark streets below there were hundreds of people.They were singing and calling his name:'Edward,Edward,we love Edward!'they shouted.'Long live the King!Long live love!'
  Suddenly the King turned to Mr Churchill.'Why is this happening to me,Winston?'he cried.'What have I done wrong?'
  He sat down and put his head in his hands.There was a silence in the room,but through the open window came the shouting from the street.'Long live Edward!Long live love!Long live Edward!Long live love!'
  Mr Churchill came over and put his hand on the King's arm.Edward looked up.'Thank you,Winston,'he said.'You were a good friend to me.'
  'Thank you,Sir.And you were a good King.'
  At ten o'clock the next morning the telephone rang in Edward's bedroom.
  'They're ready for you now,Sir,'a voice said.
  The King walked slowly down the stairs.In front of him there was an open door.The family were waiting for him.His mother sat near the window,dressed in black.His brothers stood beside her.'How close they are!'the King thought.
  On a small table in the centre of the room there was a piece of paper.Edward sat down and read these words:
  I,Edward the Eighth,King of Great Britain,King of India,King of Australia,King of New Zealand,King of Canada,King of Kenya,King of Nigeria,King of Bur-ma,King of Malaya,King of Singapore,and King of thirty-two other countries,have today given the crown to my brother George.
  God be with him and all his people.
  10th December 1936.
  Edward took a pen and wrote his name at the bottom of the page.Then he stood up and kissed his brother's hand.
  'I never wanted this to happen,'George said.'This is the worst day of my life.'
  Edward walked over to his mother.'Before I kiss you,'she said,'there are some things that I want to say.I have never understood you,child.This morning you were a King.But tonight,you'll run from England like a thief.Alone.An-gry.Afraid.You think that you're free.But you're not.You cannot be free.
  'Everyone needs their family.Everyone needs their home.And tonight you have lost both those things.
  'I love you.I am your mother and nothing can change that.But if you marry that woman,you will break my heart.Go now.It is all very sad.'
  Edward kissed Queen Mary's hand.Then he turned and walked away.
  The next day Edward returned to Windsor Castle.He went into a small,cold room at the top of the building.From there,he spoke on BBC radio to Britain and the world.
  This is what he said:
  Tonight,for the first time,I can say a few words to you.Earlier today I gave the crown to my brother George.He is now your King.I will soon leave this country and travel to France.My heart is with Wallis and I cannot live without the woman I love.'
  I don't know what will happen to me.Perhaps I will never see England again.But think of me tonight when I sail across the sea.
  God be with you.Long live King George!
  Edward left Windsor Castle and got into a large black car.It was now midnight and it was just beginning to rain.
  'Take me away as quickly as you can,'he said.The car moved off into the darkness and the rain.
  'What a night!'said the driver.'I think the sky is cry-ing,Sir.'
  At 1.30 a.m.they arrived at Portsmouth.Edward got out of the car and a voice said:'The King is here!'
  Edward stopped and looked out across the open sea.There was a thin,cold smile on his face.'King?'he said.'No,I am not the King.I am just a man in love.'
  Then he turned and walked onto the ship and into the night.

■ 9 我爱的女人

■ 10 The Wedding
  The next morning Edward telephoned Wallis from Boulogne.
  'Did you listen to me on the radio?'he asked.
  'Yes,of course,'she said.
  'And how did you feel?'
  'I was sitting in my room alone,'Wallis said.'And when I listened to your words,I felt so sad.I put my hands over my eyes and I just cried.I couldn't stop myself.You have left everything for me.But I love you so much,Edward,and with me,you'll be the happiest man in the world.'
  'I am that already,'he replied.'You are all that matters in my life.'
  Edward married Wallis Simpson six months later,on 3rd June1937.None of the Royal Family came to the wedding.Edward was forty-three.Wallis was forty-one.And they now took a new name-the Duke and Duchess of Windsor.
  A few weeks later Edward wrote to his brother King George.'I was surprised that you didn't come to the wedding,'he wrote.'But Wallis is now my wife and nothing can change that.As you know,we have a house in Paris.But France is not my home,and I want to live again at Windsor with Wallis by my side.'
  I'm sorry,Edward,'King George wrote back.'But you know how I feel about that woman.I do not like her.I will never like her.You can live here,but Wallis cannot.'
  'My brother',Edward said later,'pushed me away like a dog.I will never forget what he did.And after that I decided that I didn't want my family.They didn't want Wallis,and so I didn't want them.'

■ 10 婚礼

■ 11 Paris
  For the next thirty years the Duke and Duchess lived in Paris.They gave parties and travelled round the world,but they never went back to Buckingham Palace.
  When King George died in 1952 and Queen Mary died in 1961,Edward returned to Windsor for a few days.But Wallis stayed in France.'It's your family,'she said.'Not mine.'
  But then,in 1966,the Duke and Duchess met Queen Elizabeth(the daughter of King George)at a small party in London.After thirty long years it was time to forget the past.Elizabeth kissed the Duchess and touched her arm.Then she turned to the Duke and said:'Wallis is so beautiful,uncle.I think you're a lucky man.'
  'That day Elizabeth was very kind to us,'Edward wrote later.'But why couldn't my mother or my brother say those words to me?'
  On BBC television in 1969 the Duke and Duchess spoke about their life together.
  'Do you argue?'someone asked them.
  'No,not really,'the Duchess replied.'But there's one thing about my husband that I really don't like.He is always late.It doesn't matter if he's meeting a queen,a president,or a film star.He can never arrive on time.I don't know why.I have tried to change him,but it's just not possible.'
  The Duke smiled and touched her hand.'I know that I'm often late,'he said.'But on our wedding day,I arrived at the church twenty minutes before you.I was early and you were late.'
  'Yes,that's true,'the Duchess said.And they both laughed.
  'You could see real love in their eyes,'one newspaper wrote.'They were on television,but they forgot about the cameras and the millions of people who were watching.They were just two people in love.'
  The Duchess was famous for her jewellery.'After my husband,'she once said,'I love jewellery more than anything else in the world.'And after thirty-five years with the Duke she had hundreds of pieces,which came from all over the world.
  'I have never met a more beautiful woman than Wallis,'Edward wrote,'and I love giving her presents.She has given me so much happiness.I buy her jewels to say“thank you”.'
  In May 1972 the Duke became ill.When the doctor arrived,he listened to Edward's heart and then said:'How many cigarettes do you have a day,Sir?'
  'About forty or fifty,'the Duke replied.'But please don't ask me to stop.I've smoked for sixty years and I cannot change now.'
  That night Edward called Wallis into the room.'I feel very tired,'he said.'And I'm afraid.I love you.I have been very happy with you,and you have been a wonderful wife.When I die,I want you to take my body back to Windsor.Will you do that for me?'
  'Yes,of course,'she said.And they both began to cry.
  The Duke of Windsor died one hour later with Wallis by his side.
  Three days later,a blue aeroplane arrived in Paris.Wallis went back to England with the Duke's body and,for the first time in her life,she entered Buckingham Palace.
  A week later the Duchess returned to France,and for the next fourteen years she lived alone in Paris.The big house was dark.The doors were locked and she did not go out.
  In the afternoons she sat in the dining room with Edward's love letters.'They were so beautiful,'she said.'I read them again and again.'
  But then,in 1986,Wallis became ill.She went to a small hospital near the house,and a few days later she died.'With-out Edward,'she once wrote,'my life was empty.'
  She was buried in England next to her husband at Wind-sor.'It's a strange thing,'one newspaper wrote.'When they were alive,the Duke and Duchess could never live in Britain.It was only in death that they could be there together.'

■ 11 巴黎

■ 12 Long Live Love!
  In 1970,two years before his death,Edward said:
  There are some people who think that I was wrong to give away my crown.But they don't understand true love.
  When I was young,I lived in Buckingham Palace.I could have anything that I wanted.But I wasn't happy be-cause my heart was empty.
  Then I met Wallis and everything changed.For half of my life I have lived here with the most beautiful woman in the world.And she is everything to me.
  When I sit in my garden with the Duchess by my side,I sometimes think about my early life.I remember the days alone in my bedroom.I remember the teacher who hit me with a stick.I remember the war and my travels around the world.And then I remember the crowds of people below my window,who shouted:'Long live love!'
  On my last night in London I spoke with Winston Churchill.In the middle of our conversation he said:'I think,Sir,that the best things in life are free.'I have nev-er forgotten those words.And now,many years later,I un-derstand what they mean.You cannot buy happiness.And you cannot buy love.
  To be happy deep inside your heart is the most wonderful thing in the world.I have been a lucky man.And so I say:
  'Thank God for Wallis,and LONG LIVE LOVE!'

■ 12 爱情万岁!


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 42楼  发表于: 2014-08-16 0

【02-03】  [亡灵岛 / 约翰·埃斯科特 著]
  Dead Man's Island by John Escott

■ 简介

■ 1 Coming to England
  My name is Carol Sanders.
  I live in England now,but when I was younger,I lived in Hong Kong.My father was a businessman there and my mother worked as a secretary.We lived in Hong Kong for seven years.
  I was happy at school, with lots of friends,and we had a good time.I liked pop music—the Rolling Stones,David Bowie and Jake Rosso were my favourites.
  Jake Rosso was my favourite singer. He died in a car accident the year I left school, but I listened to his pop records all the time.I had hundreds of pictures and photos of him on my bedroom wall.
  Then one day in winter when I was seventeen,things began to go wrong for me.
  My father went to Australia on business.I loved him very much and didn't like him going away.
  ‘Come home quickly,’I always said to him.
  He was in Australia for two weeks.Then, on the day of his journey home, an aeroplane from Sydney crashed into the sea just south of Hong Kong.Everybody on the plane died.
  I heard about the plane crash on television.At first, I did not think about my father.Then I remembered he was flying back from Sydney on that day.
  ‘Oh,no!’I cried.
  I telephoned the airport but they did not know the names of all the passengers then.
  ‘Perhaps my father didn't get that plane,’I thought.‘ Oh,please!Please!’
  My mother was at work and I called her on the telephone.She came home quickly and we went to the airport and waited for news.
  Later,we learned my father was on the plane.
  ‘It's not true!’I shouted.
  But it was true, and I began to cry.
  I cried for weeks and weeks.I spent many days alone in my room.I was lonely and sad and I wanted to die,too.
  I stopped going out with my friends. I didn't want to see other people.I stopped listening to Jake Rosso's records, and took his pictures off my bedroom wall. I didn't listen to music or watch television. Nothing mattered any more.
  Then I stopped crying.I stopped feeling sad and began to feel angry.
  ‘Why did it happen to him?’I asked my mother.‘Why do the best people die?Jake Rosso.My father.’
  ‘I… I don't know, Carol,'my mother said.She was unhappy,too.
  At the time of the plane crash, I was a student at college.I enjoyed the college work and life very much, but after my father's death I stopped doing my work at the college.I began to go out with some new friends.They were different from my other friends,and my mother didn't like them.
  ‘ They're bad people,Carol,'she told me.‘They do dangerous things.’
  ‘They're exciting,’I said.‘And I like them.’
  I knew she was angry but I didn't care. But then I learned my new friends took drugs,and I began to take drugs,too.It was wrong and stupid,I know that now, but I was unhappy and angry.
  The police came to the college to arrest some of the students.They didn't arrest me, but I had to leave the college.It was a bad time.
  My mother was very unhappy with me.‘What am I going to do with you,Carol? she said.
  ‘I'm sorry,’I told her.
  ‘We'll go back to England,'she said.‘You can find a college there.Perhaps you can be happier in England.’
  ‘All right,’I said.‘I want to forget what's happened.I want to forget what I've done and begin a new life, be a new person.’
  A month later, we came back to England.We lived in London,in a hotel.It was strange,at first, with all the red buses and everybody speaking English.It was the beginning of the summer,three months before college began in the autumn.London was full of tourists.
  We looked at all the famous buildings—Buckingham Palace,the Tower of London.And we went to restaurants and theatres in the evenings.It was interesting and exciting and I began to forget the bad times in Hong Kong.
  ‘I'm pleased we came to London,’I told my mother.
  But after a few weeks,she said,‘You need to find a college,Carol.You must go on studying. And I need a job.’
  That evening, we looked in the newspapers.
  ‘What about this?’I said.I showed my mother a job in the newspaper.
  for the summer months
  on a small private island in Scotland.
  Live with the family in a big house.
  interseting work and good pay
  for the right person.
  Phone Greta Poss.Telephone number 071…
  ‘Well, that sounds interesting,'said my mother.‘I'd like to work as a secretary on an island in Scotland.It's a beautiful country, Carol, and you can go to a college there in the autumn.’
  ‘And it's a place to live for the summer,’I said.‘Hotels are expensive.’
  My mother telephoned Greta Ross.
  Come and see me tomorrow, Greta Ross told her.‘Come to Savoy Hotel at eleven o'clock.’
  I went to Savoy Hotel with my mother.It was big and ex pensive,bigger than our hotel,and in the centre of London.
  ‘Mum needs this job,I thought.‘And a private island in Scotland is a nice place to live.Perhaps I can forget what's happened if I go there.’
  ‘Room twenty-two,'said the woman at the hotel desk.‘Go on up. Mrs Ross will see you now.’
  Greta Ross was waiting for us.She was about thirty years old and very beautiful.She wore an expensive red dress and her hair was very long and dark.
  ‘This is my daughter,Carol,'said my mother.
  ‘Hallo, Carol,'said Greta Ross.
  ‘Hallo,’I said.
  ‘Carol is eighteen years old,'said my mother.‘Can she come with me,if I get the job? Perhaps she can help in the house or in the garden.She likes gardening.She's studying farming at college.’
  ‘Perhaps, said Greta Ross.‘There's a small farm on the island.’
  ‘I'd like to work on the farm,’I said.
  Greta Ross looked at my mother.‘How long did you live in Hong Kong,Mrs Sanders?’
  ‘Seven years,’answered my mother.‘My husband died in a plane crash last year,so we've come back to live in England.’
  ‘Where did you live before Hong Kong?’
  ‘We lived in India for three years.’
  Then Greta Ross took my mother into a room and asked her more questions.I waited outside.
  ‘Greta Ross is nice,’I thought.‘I hope my mother gets the job.’
  Soon after,the door opened and my mother came out.She was smiling.
  Greta Ross said,‘Please wait here for a minute,Mrs Sanders.I want to make a phone call.'she went back into the room,and closed the door.
  I was sitting on a chair near the door,and I could just hear Greta Ross's voice speaking on the phone.
  ‘I think I've found someone,'she was saying.‘She has a daughter,but the girl can work in the garden or on the farm… Don't worry,they've been away from England for ten years… It'll be all right,I tell you… Don't worry.’
  After a few minutes, Greta Ross put down the phone and came ont of the room.
  ‘You've got the job,'she told my mother.
  My mother was pleased.‘Thank you,'she replied.
  I was pleased,too, but now I was worried about that phone call.I didn't understand it.

■ 1 来到英格兰

■ 2 The Island
  We went to Scotland the next day,first by plane,then by train.Greta Ross travelled with us.
  I looked out of the train window and saw fields and villages and mountains.‘Mum is right,’I thought.‘Scotland is a very beautiful place.’
  ‘You're going to be my husband's secretary,’Greta Ross told my mother He's a businessman,but he never leaves the island.He does all his work by telephone and letter and computer.He invests money in companies, all over the world.’
  ‘Do many people live on the island?’I asked.
  ‘Not many,'said Greta Ross.‘You'll meet them soon.’
  ‘Greta Ross is young,’I thought.‘Is her husband young,too? How can a young man buy an island?Is he very rich?’
  After the train, we went on Mr Ross's boat, which took us out to the island. The boatman was a young man. He had dark hair and was brown from the sun.
  ‘This is Tony, said Greta Ross.‘He works for Mr Ross.’
  ‘Hi,'said Tony.
  Soon we were near the island.I could see the beaches and the cliffs. The boat slowed down.
  ‘There are dangerous rocks around the island,’explained Tony.‘A lot of them are under the water and you can't see them.I have to be careful.But the rocks keep other boats away,and that pleases Mr Ross.’
  ‘Why?’I asked.
  Tony looked at Greta Ross but she wasn't listening.‘Mr Ross doesn't like visitors to the island,'tony said in a quiet voice.
  Then Greta Ross looked at us and Tony said no more.
  ‘Why doesn't Mr Ross like visitors?’I thought.‘Has he something to hide?’
  When we arrived on the island, my mother and I followed Greta up to the house.It was very big and there were trees all around it.
  A woman was waiting inside the house.
  ‘This is Mrs Duncan,Tony's mother,'said Greta.‘She's the housekeeper and her husband is the gardener.Mrs Duncan will take you up to your rooms. I'm going to tell Mr Ross you've arrived.’
  The housekeeper was a little woman with short hair. She went up the stairs,and my mother and I went after her.
  My room was next to my mother's.I looked out of the win dow and saw the garden at the back of the house.A man was working in the garden,near some trees.‘Is that Mr Duncan?’I thought.I looked between the trees and saw the sea.‘It's a beautiful house and a beautiful island.’
  That evening,we had dinner with Mr and Mrs Duncan and Tony.We ate in the big kitchen.
  ‘What happened to Mr Ross's last secretary?’asked my mother.
  ‘She's in hospital,'replied Mrs Duncan.‘She's going to be away all summer.’
  ‘Isn't Mrs Ross lonely here?’I said.
  ‘No,'said Mrs Duncan.‘She likes painting a lot.She has a room upstairs and goes there to paint.She's very good.Sometimes she goes to different places on the island to paint pictures.’
  We finished eating our meal.Soon after,Greta Ross came into the kitchen.
  ‘Mr Ross wants to see you and your daughter now,Mrs Sanders,'she said Follow me,please.’
  We followed her through the house and into a big room.This was Mr Ross's office and he was sitting behind a desk.
  I was surprised.He was a young man,about thirty.He had a moustache,short dark hair,and he wore glasses.
  Mr Ross was speaking into the telephone.‘Who does he look like?’I thought.‘Is it Tony Duncan?’
  ‘Mr Ross is talking to a business friend in New York,'said Greta.‘Please,sit down.’
  While we waited, I looked around the office.There were three telephones,a computer, and lots of books and papers.
  There was another door and I could see a smaller room,next to the office.There was a smaller desk and another computer in there.
  Mr Ross finished speaking on the phone,then looked care fully at my mother and me.For a few seconds he didn't speak,and just watched us.Then he said,‘I'm pleased to meet you,Mrs Sanders.I need some help with my work.My secretary is in hospital,and there's a lot of work to do. Sometimes you’11have to work late at night,because of time differences in New York and Tokyo.Is that all right?’
  ‘Yes, that's all right,’said my mother.
  ‘Can you use a computer?’
  ‘Good.’He looked at me.‘Is this your daughter?’
  ‘Yes, this is Carol,'said my mother.
  ‘Hallo,’I said.
  ‘Greta says you like gardening.There's a big garden here,so you can help Mr Duncan.And there's a farm.Dan and Stella Parks live in the farmhouse and work on the farm.You can help them,too.We have some animals.Some sheep,a few cows and chickens.And there's a horse called Smoke.He's grey,like his name.Can you ride?’
  ‘Yes,’I said.‘I can ride a horse.’
  ‘You can ride Smoke around the is land,if you like.’
  ‘I'd like that,’I said.‘Thank you.’
  ‘And we grow vegetable and fruit,’he said.‘I work on the farm sometimes.I enjoy it.’
  I smiled at him but he didn't smile back.
  ‘Carol will enjoy working on the farm,'said my mother.‘Won't you,Carol?’
  ‘Yes,’I said.
  ‘Mr Ross looks sad,’I thought.‘But how did he get all his money? And why does he hide away on an island?’

■ 2 岛屿
[ 此帖被半世癫在2014-08-17 00:36重新编辑 ]


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 43楼  发表于: 2014-08-16 0

■ 3 The Photograph
  I worked in the garden for the first two days.The weather was hot and sunny.I liked working with Mr Duncan,and he was pleased with my work.
  ‘You're a good gardener,’he said.
  ‘I've always liked gardening,’I said.‘But I'm studying at college to be a farmer.’
  Sometimes I saw Greta Ross.
  ‘She likes to be alone,’I thought.Once or twice I saw Greta go out with her painting things.She went up on the hills or down to the beach.
  Mr Duncan took me to the farm and I met Dan and Stella Parks.They were very friendly.
  ‘You can work on the farm for the next three days,'said Day Parks.‘Mr Duncan says you're a good gardener.Are you a good farmer,too?’
  I smiled at him.‘I am,’I said.
  He smiled back.
  So I worked on the farm with Mr and Mrs Parks.They were nice people.I helped with the cows and the chickens,and went up on the hills with Mr Parks and his dog to look after the sheep.
  One afternoon I went out riding. Smoke was a big, lazy,friendly horse.I enjoyed riding and Smoke knew his way around the island very well.I learned new places to go to.
  I rode along the cliff top and then in between some trees.When we came out of the trees, I saw the house from the other side.I tried to find the window of my room.Which one was it?
  Suddenly,I saw a face at one of the windows.The face was looking at me.It was there for just a second or two,then it moved away quickly.
  ‘Who was thst?’I thought.‘Was it Mr Ross?And which room was it?’
  I didn't see my mother very much that first week.She worked all day and in the evenings.She wrote letters to South America,Japan,Canada and Australia. Sometimes,she worked after I was in bed.
  ‘Mr Ross works hard,'she told me.‘He invests money in many companies and countries.But it's not his money.’
  ‘It's not?’I was surprised by this.
  ‘No,it's his wife's money.And she bought the island.It's her island,her house,her farm.Everything belongs to her.’
  ‘How strange!But why does Mr Ross always look sad?And why does he never leave the island?’I asked.
  ‘I don't know,'said my mother.‘He says he likes it here and likes working on his farm.It's strange,I know.’
  Sometimes,when I finished work,I walked along the beaches or the cliffs.Or I went swimming in the sea.I liked swimming.Greta Ross often came to the beach to swim,but Mr Ross never came.
  ‘Stay away from the rocks,Carol,’Greta Ross told me.‘They're very dangerous.’
  ‘I will,’I said.
  Sometimes I took my camera to the beach and took photographs of some of the boats that went by.I took photographs of the birds on the cliffs.
  There were other small islands near our island, and boats with tourists stopped at them.But no boats stopped at our island.They kept away from the dangerous rocks.Tony was right.The island did not have visitors.
  One day,I was walking back to the house,and had my camera with me.I stopped and looked at the big house.Mr Duncan was working in the garden in front of it.At first,he didn't see me.
  ‘I'm going to take a photograph of the house,’I thought.‘The sun is in just the right place, and it will make a good picture.’
  I looked at the building through my camera,and took the photograph.Mr Ross was coming out of a door.He was in my picture,too,and he looked angry.
  ‘That's all right,’I thought.‘It's still a good photograph.’
  But Mr Duncan was running across the grass.He came quickly up to me and said,‘Give me your camera.’He looked very worried.
  ‘Wbat's wrong?’I asked in surprise.I gave him the camera.
  ‘Never take photographs of Mr Ross,’he said.And then he opened the back of my camera and took out the film.
  ‘Hey!What are you doing?’I said.‘You'll spoil my film!’
  But he didn't stop.‘Sorry,’he said, and he put the film into his pocket.‘But no pictures of Mr Ross. He doesn't like people to take pictures of him.’
  Mr Ross was watching us.He saw the camera and he saw Mr Duncan take out the film,but he said nothing.Then he turned and went back into the house.
  Later,I told my mother about Mr Duncan and the camera.‘He spoiled my film,’I said.
  ‘I don't understand,'she said.‘Why did he do that?’
  ‘I don't know,’I said,‘but there's something strange about Mr Ross.’
  About a week later,I finished work early one day and came back to the house.My mother was working in her small room,next to Mr Ross's office. Mrs Duncan was in the kitchen.Greta Ross was painting in her room upstairs.
  I went to my room and began reading a book.I was sitting beside the window.After half an hour,I got tired of reading.I looked out at the rain,and the grey sea and rocks between the trees.
  ‘My book isn't very interesting,’I thought.
  I got up and went out of my room.I walked along the passage and turned a corner.Then I saw the door at the end of the passage.There was a large plant in a plant pot outside the door.
  ‘Where dogs that door go?’I thought.‘I haven't seen it before.’I remembered the face at the window in my first week on the island.‘Perhaps it's the door to that room,’I thought.
  I walked along to the door and turned the handle.The door didn't move.It was locked.
  ‘What are you doing?'said a voice behind me.
  I turned round quickly and saw Greta Ross.She looked angry.
  ‘That room is private,'she said.
  ‘I'm sorry,’I said.‘I didn't—’
  ‘Stay away from there,'she told me.
  I told my mother about the locked door.
  ‘What's behind it?’I said.‘Is it a secret?’
  ‘I don't know,'said my mother.‘It doesn't matter.Mr Ross can have locked rooms if he wants them.’
  ‘I think he does have secrets,’I said.‘There's something strange about him There's something strange about this island.Somebody isn't telling us something.Something important.’
  My mother laughed.‘Stop playing detective,Carol,'she said.

■ 3 照片

■ 4 The Locked Room
  Two days 1ater there was a storm in the middle of the night.
  I was hot and I couldn't sleep.I got out of bed,went across to the window and looked out at the night.Black clouds hur ried across the sky,and the trees moved wildly in the wind.The rain made a loud noise on the window.
  I opened my window and put my head out into the wind and the rain.I looked at the other windows in the house.Most of them were dark.But one window had a light in it.‘Somebody isn't sleeping,’I thought.‘Which room is that?’
  There were six windows between my window and the room with the light.
  ‘And there are six doors between my room and the locked door!’I thought.‘That light is in the locked room.Somebody's in there!’
  I put on my dressing-gown and went out of my room.The house was dark,and at first I couldn't see very well.I walked along the passage and turned the corner.
  There it was, the locked room.And there was a light under the door!
  I went nearer and heard noises.
  ‘Somebody's moving about in the locked room’,I thought.‘Who is it?’
  Then the light went off and the door opened.
  I was afraid to move.
  Somebody came out of the room, and into the dark passage.Lightning suddenly lit up the house,and I saw who it was.
  ‘It's Mr Ross!’I thought.‘What was he doing in that room in the middle of the night?’
  I didn't move and he didn't see me. He locked the door of the room carefully.He didn't put the key in his pocket,but hid it in the plant pot next to the door.
  ‘He's coming along here,’I thought.‘I must get back to my room.’
  And I ran back along the passage.
  Mr Ross heard me .‘Who's that?’he called.
  I didn't answer,but ran into my room and closed the door.
  He came along the passage and stopped outside my door.Then he walked past and went on down the stairs.
  I took off my dressing-gown and went back to bed. I was shaking because I was afraid.
  ‘Now I know how to get into the locked room,’I thought.‘But what's in there?’
  There was no storm in the morning,but it was still raining.I got up early and worked on the farm.There were eggs from the chickens and I put them in boxes.I helped to milk the cows and then took them out to the field.
  Later,I went back into the house for breakfast.‘Did you sleep all right last night?’asked Mrs Duncan.‘Or did the storm wake you up?’
  ‘I… slept all right,’I said.I didn't want to tell her about the light in the locked room,or about Mr Ross.
  After breakfast,I went back upstairs.Mr Ross was talking on the telephone in his office.My mother was working at her desk.I knew that Mrs Duncan was in the kitchen and that Mr Duncan was working in the garden.
  ‘Where's Mrs Ross?’I thought.
  Then I looked out of the window and saw her with Tony Duncan.They were walking to the boat.
  ‘He's taking her out in the boat,’I thought.‘Perhaps she's going to Edinburgh.’
  The boat moved away from the island and I waited until it was out at sea.Then I opened the door of my room.
  There was nobody in the passage and I ran along to the locked room.The key was still in the plant pot and I took it out.My hand was shaking.
  Then I unlocked the door.

■ 4 锁着的房间

■ 5 A Dead Man
  I went into the room… and I was very surprised.
  The room was full of strange things.Coloured shirts and suits.Three guitars.And there were posters and photographs on the walls.
  I looked at the posters.
  Jake Rosso's face looked down at me.
  I looked at the dead Jake Rosso's pictures,and I remembered all the photographs on the walls of my room in Hong Kong.I could never forget that face—the face of my favourite singer.
  Then,while I looked at his face,something strange happened.I began to see another face in the posters.An older face,and with a moustache,but the same face.
  I saw the face of Mr Ross.
  ‘No!’I said.‘It's not true!’
  But it was,I knew it was.
  ‘Mr Ross is…Jake Rosso!’
  ‘No!'said a voice behind me.
  I turned round and saw Mr Ross.He was standing in the doorway.He looked…afraid.
  ‘I don't believe you!’I said.
  ‘You have to believe me!’
  I looked at the posters.‘Who is that,if it's not you?’
  ‘It's Jake Rosso.He was… my brother.’
  ‘That's not true!I shouted.‘I don't believe you.Listen,Jake Rosso was my favourite singer—I had hundreds of pho tos of him.I still have all his records.I loved him,do you understand?Thousands of people loved him.’
  ‘He's dead,'mr Ross said quietly.
  ‘No!’I shouted.‘You're Jake Rosso!You look different now,yes.You've got short hair,you've got a moustache now,and you wear glasses.But you're… Jake… Rosso.You were my favourite pop star, so I know.’
  Mr Ross said nothing,and watched my face.
  ‘He doesn't know what to do,’I thought.‘He knows I don't believe him,and he's afraid.’
  Then he said,‘It was you in the passage last night,wasn't it?’
  ‘Yes,’I answered.
  He looked angry.‘I was wrong to give your mother a job,’he said.‘I thought it was OK because you came from Hong Kong.And I needed help with my work.I needed a good secretary.’
  ‘Does your other secretary know who you are?’I asked.‘Do the other people on the island know?’
  Mr Ross didn't answer,but walked across to the window.He was thinking.
  ‘What's he going to do?’I thought.
  Then he turned round.‘OK,you're right.I…I am Jake Rosso.’
  ‘I knew it!’
  He looked worried and unhappy.‘Can you keep a secret?A very important secret?’
  I thought for a minute,then I said,‘Yes,I can keep a secret.’
  Then he told me:
  ‘The other people on this island are my family.’
  ‘Your family?’I said.
  ‘Yes.My real name is James Duncan,and Mr and Mrs Duncan are my father and mother.Tony is my younger brother,and his wife, Lisa,is my secretary.It's she who's in hospital.’
  ‘And Stella and Dan Parks?’I asked.
  ‘My mother's sister and her husband,’he said.
  ‘But what are you doing here on this island?I don't understand.’
  ‘I'11 tell you,’he said.He sat down on a chair and took a guitar in his hands,but he didn't play it.‘You were right.I was a famous pop star.I was very rich,and I had a beautiful wife.But things went wrong.’
  ‘I took drugs,’he said.‘I drank a lot of alcohol.I got drunk and crashed cars.I did stupid,terrible things.I knew it was wrong but I couldn't stop doing it.I was… crazy,for a time.’
  ‘I can understand that,’I told him.‘I've taken drugs,too.
  He looked surprised.‘You have?’
  ‘Yes,’I said.‘After my father died,I was very unhappy and things went wrong for me too.But go on with your story.’
  He went on.‘One night,I was driving my car.I was drunk and— and I hit somebody.A young girl.She…died.I killed her.’
  ‘Yes,’he said.‘She was fifteen years old.I wanted to die,too.The money didn't matter any more.Nothing mat tered any more.’
  ‘What did you do after the accident?’I asked.
  ‘I drove on in the car.I didn't stop,and I didn't tell the police.I had killed someone and I was afraid.’He looked afraid now.He put the guitar down and went on with his story.‘So I made a plan.Jake Rosso had to die,too.It was the best thing to do.And so… I “killed” him.’
  ‘But you're still alive.’
  ‘My family know I'm alive, but no other people know.’He looked at me.‘But now you know.’
  ‘How did you do it?’I asked.
  ‘I told my family about my p1an and I told Greta,my wife.At first they didn't like it.But after a long time,they said OK.Then I faked the car crash.’
  ‘Faked it?’
  ‘Yes,’he said.‘I put some of my things in the car.A guitar,and some clothes.Then I pushed my car over a cliff and burned it.The police found the burned car and thought I was dead.Everybody thought I was killed in the car crash.’
  ‘But you faked the crash,’I said.
  ‘What did you do then?’
  ‘My family hid me away for months.I tried to change into a different person— with shorter hair,a moustache, quiet suits.All my money went to Greta and she changed her name to Ross.I told her to buy this island.Now I invest her money,the money that was mine.And now I'm “James Ross.”
  ‘What about“Jake Rosso”?’I asked.
  ‘Jake Rosso took drugs,’he said.‘Jake Rosso got drunk and crashed cars. He killed a young girl,so he had to “die”.I can never forget the girl.I think about her every day.’
  ‘And that's why you always look so sad,’I thought.
  I looked around the room.‘Why do you keep a room like this? Why do you keep the guitars,the posters and photographs?’
  James Ross did not speak for a minute.Then he said,‘I need to remember my old life, and what Jake Rosso was like.I'm never going to sing again and I'm never going to take drugs But I need this room,to remember.’
  I looked at the posters and the photographs.And I looked at his sad face.‘I'm not going to say anything.I won't tell my mother,I won't tell anybody.’
  James Ross looked at me.‘I think you understand,’he said.
  ‘I do,’I said.‘I've done bad things.I want to forget them,too.I needed to get away,to hide,too.That's why we came to England,to begin a new life Yes,I understatld.’
  He took my hand,and we walked out of the room and closed the door.
  I never went into the room again,and I didn't tell anybody.
  My mother and I left the island at the end of the summer.Soon after,I went to college.
  My life is bettter now.I work on a farm in England and my mother works in an office. My mother doesn't worry about me,because I'm happier now.
  I haven't been back to the island.
  But I know there's a ‘dead man’living there.

■ 5 亡灵
[ 此帖被半世癫在2014-08-17 00:37重新编辑 ]


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 44楼  发表于: 2014-08-16 0

【02-04】  [哈克贝利·费恩历险记 / 马克·吐温 著]
  The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

■ 简介

■ 1 Huck in trouble
  You don't know about me if you haven't read a book called The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.Mr Mark Twain wrote the book and most of it is true.In that book robbers stole some money and hid it in a very secret place in the woods.But Tom Sawyer and I found it,and after that we were rich.We got six thousand dollars each-all gold.
  In those days I never had a home or went to school like Tom and all the other boys in St Petersburg.Pop was always drunk,and he moved around a lot,so he wasn't a very good father.But it didn't matter to me.I slept in the streets or in the woods,and I could do what I wanted,when I wanted.It was a fine life.
  When we got all that money,Tom and I were famous for a while.Judge Thatcher,who was an important man in our town,kept my money in the bank for me. And the Widow Douglas took me to live in her house and said I could be her son. She was very nice and kind,but it was a hard life because I had to wear new clothes and be good all the time.
  In the end,I put on my old clothes and ran away.But Tom came after me and said that I had to go back,but that I could be in his gang of robbers.So,I went back,and the widow cried and I had to put on those new clothes again.I didn't like it at all.Her sister,Miss Watson,lived there too.She was al-ways saying,'Don't put your feet there,Huckleberry,'and 'Don't do that,Huckleberry.'It was terrible.
  When I went up to bed that night,I sat down in a chair by the window. I sat there a good long time, and I was really unhappy.But just after midnight I heard 'mee-yow!mee-yow!'ortside.Very softly,I answered,'mee-yow!mee-yor!' Quietly,I put out the light and got out through the window.In the trees, Tom Sawyer was waiting for me.
  We went through the trees to the end of the widow's garden.Soon we were on top of a hill on the other side of the house.Below us we could see the river and the town.One or two lights were still on,but everything was quiet. We went down the hill and found Joe Harper, Ben Rogers and two or three more of the boys.Then Tom took us down the river by boat to his secret place,which was a cave deep in the side of a hill.When we got there, Tom told us all his plan.
  'Now,we'll have this gang of robbers,'he said,'and we'll call it Tom Sawyer's Gang.If somebody hurts one of us,the others will kill him and his family. And if a boy from the gang tells other people our secrets,we'll kill him and his family,too.'
  We all thought this was wonderful,and we wrote our names in blood from our fingers.Then Ben Rogers said,'Now, what's the gang going to do?'
  'Nothing,'replied Tom.'Just rob and kill. We stop people on the road,and we kill them,and take their money and things.But we can keep a few of the people,and then their friends can pay money to get them back.That's what they do in the stories in books.'
  But Ben wasn't happy.'What about women?'he asked. ' Do we kill them,too
  'Oh,no,'Tom answered.'We're very nice to them, and they all love us, and they don't want to go home.'
  'Then the cave will be full of women, and people waiting,and we'll have to watch them all night…'
  'We'll all go home now,'Tom said,'and we'll meet next week, and we'll kill somebody and rob somebody.'
  Ben wanted to begin on Sunday,but the others said no.It was bad to kill and rob on a Sunday.
  My clothes were very dirty and I was very tired when I got back.Of course,the next morning Miss Watson was angry with me because of my dirty clothes,but the widow just looked unhappy.Soon after that we stopped playing robbers because we never robbed people and we never killed them.
  * * *
  Time went on and winter came.I went to school most of the time and I was learning to read and write a little.It wasn't too bad,and the widow was pleased with me.Miss Watson had a slave,an old man called Jim,and he and I were good friends.I often sat talking to Jim,but I still didn't like living in a house and sleeping in a bed.
  Then,one morning,there was some new snow on the ground and outside the back garden I could see footprints in the snow. I went out to look at them more carefully.They were Pop's footprints!
  A minute later,I was running down the hill to Judge Thatcher's house. When he opened the door,I cried,'Sir,I want you to take all my money.I want to give it to you.'
  He looked surprised.'Why,what's the matter?'
  'Please,sir,take it! Don't ask me why!'
  In the end he said,'Well,you can sell it to me,then.'And he gave me a dollar and I wrote my name on a piece of paper for him.
  That night when I went up to my room,Pop was sitting there, waiting for me!I saw that the window was open,so that was how he got in.
  He was almost fifty and he looked old.His hair was long and dirty and his face was a terrible white colour.His clothes were old and dirty,too,and two of his toes were coming through his shoe.He looked at me all over for a long time,and then he said,' Well,just look at those Clean,tidy clothes!And they say you can read and write now. Who said you could go to school?'
  'The widow…'I began.
  'Oh, she did, did she? Well, you can forget about school.I can't read and your mother couldn't read;no one in our family could read before they died,so who do you think you are? Go on,take that book and read to me!'
  I began to read, but he hit the book and it flew out of my hand,across the room.Then he shouted,'They say you're rich—how's that?'
  'It isn't true!'
  'You give me that money!I want it.Get it for me tomorrow!'
  I haven't got any money.Ask Judge Thatcher.He'll tell you.I haven't got any money.'
  'Well, give me what you've got in your pocket now.Come on, give it to me!'
  'I've only got a dollar, and I want that to…'
  'Give it to me,do you hear?'
  He took it,and then he said he was going out to get a drink.When he was outside the window, he put his head back in and shouted,'And stop going to that school, or you know what you'll get!'
  The next day he was drunk,and he went to Judge Thatcher to get my money.The judge wouldn't give it to him.But Pop didn't stop trying and every few days I got two or three dollars from the judge to stop Pop from hitting me.But when Pop had money, he got drunk again and made trouble in town.He was always coming to the widow's house,and she got angry and told him to stay away.Then Pop got really angry and one day he caught me and took me a long way up the river in a boat.I had to stay with him in a hut in the woods and I couldn't go out by myself.He watched me all the time. The widow sent a man to find me and bring me home,but Pop went after him with a gun, and the man ran away.

■ 1 哈克遇到麻烦
  * * *

■ 2 Huck escapes and finds a friend
  Mostly it was a lazy,comfortable kind of life,but after about two months Pop began to hit me too much with his stick.He often went away into town too,and then he always locked me in the hut.Once he was away for three days and I thought I was never going to get out again.
  When he came back that time,he was drunk and angry.He wanted my money,but Judge Thatcher wouldn't give it to him.The judge wanted to send me to live with the widow again,Pop told me.I wasn't very pleased about that.I didn't want to go back there.
  So I decided to escape and go down the river and live in the woods somewhere. When Pop was out,I began to cut a hole in the wooden wall of the hut. In a few days,when the hole was bigger,I could take the wood cut, escape through the hole,and put the wood back.
  One morning Pop sent me down to the river to catch some fish for breakfast.To my surprise, there was a canoe in the water and there was no one in it.Immediately,I jumped into the river and brought the canoe to the side. It was lucky that Pop didn't see me,and I decided to hide the canoe under some trees and use it when I escaped.
  That afternoon,Pop locked me in and went off to town.'He won't be back tonight,'I thought, so I began to work hard at my hole.Soon I could get out through it,and I carried food and drink and Pop's gun down to the canoe.Then I put back the wood to hide the hole,took the gun and went into the woods.There I shot a wild pig and took it back to the hut with me.Next,I broke down the door with an axe.I carried the pig into the hut and put some of its blood on the ground. Then I put some big stones in a sack and pulled it along behind me to the river.Last of all,I put some blood and some of my hair on the axe.I left the axe in a corner of the hut and I took the pig down to the river.
  'They won't know it's only a pig in the river,'I said to myself.'They'll think it's me.'
  Then I took the canoe and went down the river to Jackson's Island. By then it was nearly dark, so I hid the canoe under some trees and went to sleep.
  It was after eight o'clock when I woke up the next day and the sun was high in the sky.I was warm and comfortable and I didn't want to get up.Suddenly,I heard a noise up the river.Carefully,I looked through the trees,and I saw a boat full of people.There was Pop,Judge Thatcher,Tom Sawyer and his Aunt Polly and his brother Sid, and lots of others. They were looking for my body in the river. I watched them, but they didn't see me, and in the end they went away.I knew that nobody was going to come and look for me again.I found a good place under the trees to sleep and to put my things.Then I caught a fish and cooked it over a fire.
  I lived like that for three days, and then I decided to have a look round the island. So I went into the woods.'This is my island,'I thought.'I'm the only person on it.'
  Suddenly,just in front of me,I saw a fire,and it was still smoking.There was somebody on my island!I didn't wait. I turned and went straight back.But I couldn't sleep.After a time,I said to myself,'I can't live like this.I must find out who it is.'
  Silently, I moved along the river in my canoe,under the darkness of the trees.And then I stopped.Through the trees I could see the light of a fire. Afraid, I left my canoe and went nearer.There was a man lying by the fire.Suddenly,he sat up and I saw that it was Jim,Miss Watson's slave!I was really happy to see him!'Hello,Jim,' I cried,and I jumped out from behind the tree.
  Jim fell to his knees.'Please don't hurt me!' he cried. 'I've always been good to dead people!'
  'It's all right,Jim.I'm not dead,' I said.'But why are you here on the island?' I asked.
  'Well, Huck,' he began.'Old Miss Watson wanted to sell me. A man came into town and told Miss Watson that he'd buy me for eight hundred dollars.She couldn't say no, so I ran away.I ran down to the river to hide,but everybody in the town was there. They said you were dead, Huck.I had to wait all day to get away.When it was dark,I got on to a big boat and hid. When we came near this island, I jumped into the water and swam here.'
  Jim finished his story and then we both carried all our things into a cave and hid the canoe under some trees.We were just in time because then the rains came. It rained for days,and the river got higher and higher. All kinds of things came down the river and one night there was a little wooden house, lying half on its side. We got the canoe out and went to take a look.Through the window we could see a bed,two old chairs and some old clothes.There was something lying in the corner and we thought it looked like a man.Jim went in to see, but he said,'He's dead.Someone shot him in the back.Don't look at his face,Huck.It's terrible!'
  I didn't want to see the dead man's face,so I didn't look.We just took the old clothes and a few other things,and went back to our cave on the island.
  Another night,when we were out looking for things on the river,we found a raft.It was made of good, strong wood,and was about four metres by five metres.'This could be useful,'I said to Jim, so we pulled it back to the island behind the canoe, and tied it up under the trees.

■ 2 哈克出逃并找到一个朋友
[ 此帖被半世癫在2014-08-17 00:39重新编辑 ]


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 45楼  发表于: 2014-08-16 0

■ 3 Huck and Jim travel south
  For some days everything went along quietly,but we were getting bored. We wanted to know what was happening in town and so I decided to go and find out. Jim said,'Why don't you wear the old dress and the hat that we found in the house? People won't know you, then. They'll think you're a girl.' And so I did.
  Just after it was dark,I got into the canoe and went up the river to the bottom of the town.There,I left the canoe and went on foot. Before long, I came to a little house which was always empty.Now there was a light on,and when I looked through the window, I saw a woman of about forty.She was a stranger and that was good because she didn't know me.So I knocked on the door.'I must remember that I'm a girl'I said to myself.
  The woman opened the door.'Come in,' she said.She looked at me with her little bright eyes.'What's your name?'she asked.
  'Sarah Williams,'I replied.'I'm going to see my uncle,on the other side of town.My mother's ill, you see,and she needs help.'
  'Well, you can't go there by yourself now.It's too dark.My husband will be home in about an hour. Wait for him and he'll walk with you.'
  And then she began to tell me about all her troubles. I was getting bored with all this until she said something about Pop and my murder.
  'Who did it?'I asked.
  'Well,'she replied,'some people say old Finn did it him-self;other people think it was a slave who ran away that night.His name was Jim. They'll give three hundred dollars to anybody who finds him——and they'll give two hundred dollars for old Finn. He got drunk and left town with two strangers.A lot of people think he killed his boy and he's going to come back one day, and get all Huck Finn's money.' 'And what about the slave?'I asked.
  'Oh,they'll soon catch him. People want the three hundred dollars. I think he's on Jackson's Island, you know.I've seen smoke there.My husband's gone to get two of his friends and they're going over there with a gun later tonight.'
  When I heard this, my hands began to shake. The woman looked at me strangely,but then she smiled and said kindly,'What did you say your name was?'
  'M-Mary Williams.'
  'Oh,' she said,'I thought it was Sarah.'
  'Er… well, yes, it is. Sarah Mary Williams. Some people call me Sarah and some people call me Mary, you see.'
  'Oh,do they?'She smiled again.'Come on,now—what's your real name? Bill? Bob? I know you're not really a girl.'
  So then I had to tell her another story, with a different name,and I said I was running away. She said she wouldn't tell anybody, and gave me some food before I left.I hurried back to the island and Jim.
  'Quick,Jim!'I cried,waking him up.'They're coming to get us!'
  We got out the raft as fast as we could,put all our things on it, tied the canoe on behind, and moved off down the river.When it began to get light,we hid. When it was dark again,we travelled on. On the fifth night we passed St Louis, and we decided to go on down to Cairo in Illinois,sell the raft there and get a boat to Ohio.There are no slaves in Ohio.
  We slept for most of that day and we began our journey again when it was dark.After some time,we saw lights on the Illinois side of the river and Jim got very excited. He thought it was Cairo. Jim got the canoe ready and I went off in it to take a look at those lights. But it wasn't Cairo.
  After that, we went on down the river. It was very dark that night and it wasn't easy to see where we were going.Suddenly, a big steamboat came at us very fast, and the next minute it was right over us. Jim and I jumped off the raft into the water. The boat hit the raft and went on up the river.
  When I came up out of the water, I couldn't see Jim any-where.I called out his name again and again,but there was no answer.'He's dead!' I thought.Slowly, I swam to the side of the river and got out.I saw that I was near a big old wood-en house. Suddenly a lot of very angry dogs jumped out at me.They made a terrible noise and someone called from the house,'Who's there?'
  'George Jackson,'I answered quickly.'I've fallen off a river boat.'
  Well, the people who lived in that house were very kind,and they took me in and gave me some new clothes and a good meal. I told them that my family were all dead,so they said I could stay with them as long as I wanted. It was a beautiful house and the food was good there, so I stayed.
  A few days later one of the slaves in the house came to me and said,'Come with me!'Together,we went down to some trees by the river.'In there!'he said and went away.
  On the ground, I found a man, asleep. It was Jim! I was really pleased to see him.When the steamboat hit the raft,Jim told me, the raft didn't break up.Jim swam after it and caught it. Then he began to look for me.
  We decided to leave at once. It's all right living in a house for a little while, but you feel more free and easy and comfort-able on a raft.

■ 3 哈克和吉姆向南旅行

■ 4 The Duke and the King
  Two or three days and nights went by and nothing much happened.We travelled at night when it was dark and everybody was asleep. We didn't want anyone to see Jim and ask questions about him.
  Then, one morning,just after it was light,I found a little canoe,so I got into it and went over to the side of the river.I was looking round,when,suddenly,two men ran through the trees.
  'Help!' they cried.'There are men and dogs trying to catch us. But we've done nothing wrong!'
  One of the men was about seventy years old;the other was about thirty,and they both had very old, dirty clothes. I said they could come with me, and we ran quickly back to the canoe.
  Back on the raft we talked for a time and then the young man said,'My friends,I think I can tell you my secret now.I'm really a duke.My grandfather was the son of the Duke of Bridgewater,but he left England and came to America.When the old Duke died,my grandfather's younger brother stole everything and made himself the Duke of Bridgewater.'
  Well,of course,we were all very unhappy for our friend the Duke,but he said,'I'll be happier if you do things for me.Bring me my dinner!'
  So we did things for him,and he liked it. But the old man spoke very little and he looked unhappy,too.After a time he said,'You know,Bridgewater,I, too, have a secret.'And he began to cry.
  'What do you mean?'the Duke asked.'What's your secret?'
  And then the old man told us that he was really the first son of the King of France.He asked us all to go down on one knee when we spoke to him. we could call him'Your Majesty',too.So that was what we did, and they were both happy.Of course,I knew that they weren't really a duke and a king, but I didn't tell Jim.It's best if everybody is happy when you're living together on a raft.
  The King and the Duke were very interested in Jim.'Is he a slave?'they wanted to know.'Is he running away?'
  I had to tell them something, so I said that Jim belonged to my uncle and was taking me to my family in New Orleans.
  'Well,we'll travel down river with you,then,'said the King.'We'll have a fine time together.'
  So the four of us went on down the river, but Jim and I didn't like those two men.They were always getting drunk and making plans to get money out of people in every town.It's all right to take a chicken or something if you're hungry,but these men were really bad! Jim and I decided to get away from them as soon as we could.It wasn't easy because they wanted to be with us all the time.
  Then one morning the King went off into a town and told us to wait for him. We waited all morning and he didn't come back,so the Duke and I went into town to look for him. We looked all afternoon and in the end we found him in a bar, drunk,and then he and the Duke began to fight about some money.
  Now we can get away from them,I thought.I turned and ran back to the river.'Quick,Jim!' I shouted.'It's time to go!'But there was no answer. Jim wasn't there!
  I ran into the woods,crying and shouting Jim's name. But there was still no answer.
  Just then a boy came along.'Have you seen a slave?'I asked him,and I described Jim.
  'Why,yes,'the boy replied.'He's a runaway slave.I heard all about it in town.A family called the Phelpses have got him now.An old man in a bar told Mr Phelps that there was a runaway slave on a raft down by the river. He said he hadn't got time to take the slave back himself.So Mr Phelps gave him forty dollars and they went down and caught the slave this afternoon.The Phelpses are going to take him back to his owner, and they'll get three hundred dollars for him!'
  I knew those two men were bad! I asked the boy where the Phelpses lived and he said it was a big white house a little way down the river.
  I began to make plans to get Jim back.First,I took the raft and went down to a little island.I hid the raft under the treesand lay down to sleep.Before it was light,I went off down the river in the canoe.When I thought I was near the Phelpses place,I stopped,got out of the canoe and went up to the house.Suddenly,a lot of dogs ran out.They came from everywhere and they made a terrible noise.
  A woman about fifty years old ran out of the house,with some little children behind her.She was smiling all over her face and she took me by the hands and cried,'It's you,at last,isn't it?'
  I didn't stop to think.'Yes,ma'am,'I said.
  'Well, what took you so long? We thought you were coming two days ago. Your Uncle Silas goes to town every day to meet you.He's there now,but he'll be back soon.'She didn't stop talking and I couldn't tell her that she was making a mistake.' Tell us all about them,'she cried.'Tell me everything.'
  I knew then that I had to tell her… but just then she cried,'Here he is!Quick,hide!'and she pushed me inside the house and behind the front door.Then her husband came in and she asked him,'Has he come?'
  'No,'her husband replied.
  'Look!'she shouted,and then she pulled me out from be-hind the door.
  'Why,who's that?'Mr Phelps cried,surprised.
  'It's Tom Sawyer!'she laughed.

■ 4 公爵和国王

■ 5 The plan to free Jim
  When I heard that,I nearly fell through the floor,but it was a big piece of luck.It was easy for me to be Tom Sawyer because Tom was my best friend.He and his brother Sid lived with their Aunt Polly up in St Petersburg, and I knew all about them.Now I learnt that Aunt Polly had a sister,who was Mrs Phelps.She and her husband were Tom's Aunt Sally and Uncle Silas.And Tom was coming down south by boat to stay with them for a bit.
  We all sat there talking and I could answer all their questions about the Sawyer family.I was feeling really happy about this when suddenly I heard a boat on the river.'Tom could be on that boat,'I thought,'and he's going to walk in here and call out my name before I can stop him.I've got to go and meet him.'
  So I told the Phelpses that I would go into town to get my bags, which were at the boat station.I hurried up the road and before I was halfway to town,there was Tom Sawyer coming along.
  When he saw me, his mouth fell open and he looked a bit white in the lace.'Aren't you dead?'he said.'Everybody said that you were murdered!'
  'I'm not dead yet,'I said,'but listen…'I told him about my adventures,and Tom loved all that.Then I told him about the Phelpses and that they thought I was Tom Sawyer.'What shall we do?'I asked him.
  Tom thought for a bit,and then he said,'I know.You take my bags and say they're yours. I'll come to the house in about half an hour.'
  'All right,'I said,'but there's another thing.You know old Miss Watson's slave Jim, who ran away? Well,he's a prisoner here,and I'm going to help him escape.'
  'Jim?'Tom said.'But he's—'Then he stopped and thought.'Right.I'll help,too,I'll make a really good plan.'He looked very excited.
  So I went back to the house with the bags,and Tom came along half an hour later.He knocked on the door and when his Aunt Sally opened it, he said he was Sid, Tom's brother.He wanted his visit to be a surprise for his dear old Aunt Sally,he said.
  Well,Aunt Sally was very pleased to see Tom and Sid.She thought it was wonderful.She and Uncle Silas were really nice people.
  When we were alone later,Tom and I talked about Jim's escape.I said I had a plan,and Tom listened to it.
  'It's a good plan,'he said when I finished.'But it's too easy! It's got to be a real escape,like a real adventure in a sto-ry-book.So we want something difficult and dangerous.
  Now,listen to this…'
  So he told me his plan.I knew it would be a good one be-cause Tom's plans are always crazy and exciting.
  And we sure had a lot of fun with that plan!We knew that Jim was locked up in a hut outside the house.Every night we got out through our bedroom window and dug a hole right under the wall of the hut.It took us a week,and it was hard work.We talked to Jim secretly and told him about the plan,and he was really pleased.
  We also wrote secret letters to everybody.Tom said that people always do this in books.We wrote that there was a gang of slave-thieves coming up from the south.They wanted to steal Jim and get the three hundred dollars from his owner.Well,the Phelpses and their friends got very excited, and on the night of the escape I went into the sitting-room,and there was a crowd of men in there—all with guns!
  I ran and told Tom, and he said that this was really good.'It's a real adventure now, all right,'he said, very excited.'Perhaps they'll come after us,and shoot,and we'll all get killed!'
  Well,there wasn't time to think about it because it all happened so quickly.We got Jim out through the hole under the wall,and began to run down to the river.But the men heard us and came after us.They began to shoot,and so we ran as fast as we could to the canoe.We got in it and went over to Spanish Island.My raft was there,and our plan was to escape on that and go on down river.
  'Now,Jim,'I cried,'you're a free man!'We were all very happy,but Tom was the happiest of all,because he had a bullet in his leg.
  When Jim and I heard that,we weren't so happy.Tom wanted the adventure to go on, but Jim and I said that a doctor must look at Tom's leg.Tom was getting angry about this,but Jim said:
  'You listen to me,Tom Sawyer.You say I'm a free man now,and perhaps I am.But old Jim is not going to run away and leave one of his friends with a bullet in his leg! So I'm staying right here until a doctor comes.'
  I knew Jim would say that. He was a good, true friend, and you can't say that about many people.
  Well,that was the end of the adventure,really.I went and found a doctor in the town.He was a kind old man,and he said he would go over to the island. But Tom's leg got very bad,and the next day the doctor and some other men carried Tom home to the Phelpses' house.They brought Jim too, and they locked him up in the hut again.But the doctor said,'Be kind to him, because he didn't run away and he stayed to help me with the boy.'
  They took Tom up to bed because his leg was really bad,and Aunt Sally sat with him while he slept.I didn't want to answer any questions so I kept out of everybody's way.
  When Tom woke up the next day,he felt better.I was in the room and he said to me,'Jim's all right,isn't he?'
  I didn't know what to say because Aunt Sally was listening, and before I could stop him,Tom went on:
  'We did it,Aunt Sally.Me and Tom here.We helped Jim escape.'He told her all about the digging and everything,and Aunt Sally's mouth was opening and closing like a fish.Then she got really angry with Tom.
  'That slave is locked up again and he's going to stay there.And if I catch you again—'
  Tom suddenly sat up in bed.'You can't do that!'he cried.'Jim was old Miss Watson's slave, but she died two months ago.Before she died,she wrote that she wanted Jim to be free,and not a slave any more.Jim's a free man,not a slave!
  Well,that was a surprise to me and Aunt Sally!She thought Tom was crazy.'But Sid,why did you help him to escape,if he was free already?'she said.
  'I wanted the adventure,of course!'said Tom.'We made a really exciting plan and… Oh my!…AUNT POLLY!'
  We turned round,and there was Tom's Aunt Polly in the doorway!That was the second big surprise.Aunt Sally was really pleased to see her sister,and jumped up to put her arms round her. I got under the bed as fast as I could.There was trouble coming for me and Tom, that was for sure.
  Then Aunt Polly said to Tom,'You always were a terrible boy,Tom Sawyer,and I want to know—'
  'But Polly dear,'said Aunt Sally,'this isn't Tom.It's Sid.Tom was here a minute ago.Where is he?'
  'Where's Huck Finn,you mean,' replied Aunt Polly.'Come out from under that bed, Huck Finn.'
  So Tom and I had to explain everything.Aunt Polly said that Aunt Sally wrote and told her that Tom and Sid were there.She knew that it wasn't true, so she decided to come and find out what was happening.But she said that it was true about Miss Watson and that Jim was a free man now.
  We got Jim out of the hut and Aunt Sally and Uncle Silas were really nice to him.Later,Tom, Jim and I had a long talk by ourselves.Tom talked and talked,and then he said,'Let's all three of us run away one night,and go and have ad-ventures in the wild country down south.'
  It sounded like a good plan to me.'The only thing is,'I said,'I haven't got any money to buy the right clothes and things.All my money back in St Petersburg will be in Pop's pockets by now.'
  'No,'said Tom.'Your money's all there.Your Pop never came back.'
  'No,and he won't come back,Huck,'Jim said.'You remember that dead man on the river,when I said“Don't look at his face”?Well,that was your Pop.You can get your money when you want.'
  Tom's leg is almost better now, and I haven't got any more to write about.I'm really pleased about that because it was very difficult to write a book and I won't do it again.But I think I'm going to have to run away before the others,because Aunt Sally wants me to live with her. I'll have to sleep in a bed and wear clean clothes and learn to be good,and I can't do that again.I've done it once already.
  The End
  Yours Truly
  Huck Finn

■ 5 使吉姆获得自由的计划
[ 此帖被半世癫在2014-08-17 00:40重新编辑 ]


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 46楼  发表于: 2014-08-16 0

【02-05】  [鲁滨孙漂流记 / 丹尼尔·笛福 著]
  Robinson Cruso by Daniel Defoe

■ 简介

■ 1 My first sea journey
  Before I begin my story,I would like to tell you a little about myself.
  I was born in the year 1632,in the city of York in the north of England. My father was German,but he came to live and work in England. Soon after that,he married my mother,who was English. Her family name was Robinson,so,when I was born,they called me Robinson,after her.
  My father did well in his business and I went to a good school. He wanted me to get a good job and live a quiet,com-fortable life. But I didn't want that. I wanted adventure and an exciting life.
  'I want to be a sailor and go to sea,'I told my mother and father. They were very unhappy about this.
  'Please don't go,'my father said. 'You won't be happy,you know. Sailors have a difficult and dangerous life. 'And be-cause I loved him,and he was unhappy,I tried to forget about the sea.
  But I couldn't forget,and about a year later,I saw a friend in town. His father had a ship,and my friend said to me,'We're sailing to London tomorrow. Why don't you come with us?'
  And so,on September 1st,1651,I went to Hull,and the next day we sailed for London.
  But,a few days later,there was a strong wind. The sea was rough and dangerous,and the ship went up and down,up and down. I was very ill,and very afraid.
  'Oh,I don't want to die!'I cried. 'I want to live!If I live,I'll go home and never go to sea again!'
  The next day the wind dropped,and the sea was quiet and be autiful again.
  'Well,Bob,'my friend laughed. 'How do you feel now?The wind wasn't too bad. '
  'What!'I cried. 'It was a terrible storm. '
  'Oh,that wasn't a storm,'my friend answered. 'Just a lit-tle wind. Forget it. Come and have a drink. '
  After a few drinks with my friend,I felt better. I forgot about the danger and decided not to go home. I didn't want my friends and family to laugh at me!
  I stayed in London for some time,but I still wanted to go to sea. So,when the captain of a ship asked me to go with him to Guinea in Africa,I agreed. And so I went to sea for the second time.
  It was a good ship and everything went well at first,but I was very ill again. Then,when we were near the Canary Is-lands,a Turkish pirate ship came after us. They were famous thieves of the sea at that time. There was a long,hard fight,but when it finished,we and the ship were prisoners.
  The Turkish captain and his men took us to Sallee in Moroc-co. They wanted to sell us as slaves in the markets there. But in the end the Turkish captain decided to keep me for himself,and took me home with him. This was a sudden and terrible change in my life. I was now a slave and this Turkish captain was my master.

■ 1 我的第一次海上旅行

■ 2 Down the coast of Africa
  For two long years I lived the life of a slave. I worked in escape,but it was never possible. I thought about it day and night. My master liked to go fishing in a little boat,and he al-ways took me with him. A man called Moely,and a young boy also went with us.
  One day my master said to us,'Some of my friends want to go fishing tomorrow. Get the boat ready. '
  So we put a lot of food and drink on the boat,and the next morning,we waited for my master and his friends. But when my master arrived,he was alone.
  'My friends don't want to go fishing today,'he said to me. 'But you go with Moely and the boy,and catch some fish for our supper tonight. '
  'Yes,master,'I answered quietly,but inside I was excited. 'Perhaps now I can escape,'I said to myself.
  My master went back to his friends and we took the boat out to sea. For a time we fished quietly,and then I moved carefully behind Moely and knocked him into the water. 'Swim!'I cried. 'Swim to the shore!'
  My master liked to shoot seabirds and so there were guns on the boat. Quickly,I took one of these guns. Moely was swim-ming after the boat and I shouted to him:
  Go back to the shore!You can swim there—it's not too far. I won't hurt you,but if you come near the boat,I'll shoot you through the head!'So Moely turned,and swam back to the shore as quickly as he could.
  Then I said to the boy,'Xury,if you help me,I'll be a good friend to you. If you don't help me,I'll push you into the sea too. '
  But Xury was happy to help me. 'I'll go all over the world with you,'he cried.
  I wanted to sail to the Canary Islands,but I was afraid to go too far from the shore. It was only a small boat. And so we sailed on south for some days. We had very little water,and it was dangerous country here,with many wild animals. We were afraid,but we often had to go on shore to get more water. Once I used a gun to shoot a wild animal. I don't know what animal it was,but it made a good meal.
  For about ten or twelve days we sailed on south,down the coast of Africa. Then one day we saw some people on the shore—strange,wild people,who did not look friendly. By now we had very little food,and We really needed help. we were afraid,but we had to go on shore.
  At first,they were afraid of us,too. Perhaps white people never visited this coast. We did not speak their language,of course,so we used our hands and faces to show that we were hungry. They came with food for us,but then they moved away quickly. We carried the food to our boat,and they watched us. I tried to thank them,but I had nothing to give them.
  Just then two big wild cats came down to the shore from the mountains. I think they were leopards. The people were afraid of these wild cats,and the women cried out. Quickly,I took a gun,and shot one of the animals. The second wild cat ran back up into the mountains.
  Guns were new to these African people,and they were afraid of the loud noise and the smoke. But they were happy about the dead wild cat. I gave them the meat of the dead animal,and they gave us more food and water.
  We now had a lot of food and water,and we sailed on. Eleven days later we came near the Cape Verde Islands. We could see them,but we couldn't get near because there was no wind. We waited.
  Suddenly Xury called to me,'Look,a ship!'
  He was right!We called and shouted and sailed our little boat as fast as we could. But the ship did not see us. Then I re-membered the guns which made a lot of smoke. A few minutes later the ship saw us and turned.
  When we were on the ship,the Portuguese captain listened to my story. He was going to Brazil and agreed to help me,but he wanted nothing for his help. 'No,'he said,when I tried to pay him. 'Perhaps,one day,someone will help me when I need it. '
  But he gave me money for my boat,and for Xury,too. At first,I did not want to sell Xury as a slave,after all our danger-ous adventures together. But Xury was happy to go to the cap-tain,and the captain was a good man. 'In ten years'time,'he said,'Xury can go free. '
  When we arrived in Brazil three weeks later,I said goodbye to the captain and Xury,left the ship,and went to begin a new life.

■ 2 南下非洲海岸
[ 此帖被半世癫在2014-08-17 00:41重新编辑 ]


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 47楼  发表于: 2014-08-17 0

■ 3 The storm and the shipwreck
  I stayed in Brazil and worked hard for some years. By then I was rich…but also bored. One day some friends came to me and said,'We're going to Africa to do business. Why don't you come with us?We'll all be rich after this journey!'
  How stupid I was!I had an easy,comfortable life in Brazil,but,of course,I agreed. And so,in 1659,I went to sea again.
  At first,all went well,but then there was a terrible storm. For twelve days the wind and the rain didn't stop. We lost three men in the sea,and soon the ship had holes in its sides. 'We're all going to die this time,'I said to myself. Then one morning one of the sailors saw land,but the next minute our ship hit some sand just under the sea. The ship could not move and we were really in danger now. The sea was trying to break the ship into pieces,and we had very little time. Quickly,we put a boat into the sea and got off the ship. But the sea was very rough and our little boat could not live for long in that wild water.
  Half an hour later the angry sea turned our boat over and we were all in the water. I looked round for my friends,but I could see nobody. I was alone.
  That day I was lucky,and the sea carried me to the shore. I could not see the land,only mountains of water all around me. Then,suddenly,I felt the ground under my feet. Another mountain of water came,pushed me up the beach,and I fell on the wet sand.
  At first I was very thankful to be alive. Slowly,I got to my feet and went higher up the shore. From there,I looked out to sea. I could see our ship,but it was wrecked and there was no-body near it. There was nobody in the water. All my friends were dead. I was alive,but in a strange wild country,with no food,no water,and no gun.
  It was dark now and I was tired. I was afraid to sleep on the shore. Perhaps there were wild animals there. So I went up into a tree and I stayed there all night.

■ 3 风暴与海难

■ 4 A new life on an island
  When day came,the sea was quiet again. I looked for our ship and,to my surprise,it was still there and still in one piece. 'I think I can swim to it,'I said to myself. So I walked down to the sea and before long,I was at the ship and was swimming round it. But how could I get on to it?In the end,I got in through a hole in the side,but it wasn't easy.
  There was a lot of water in the ship,but the sand under the sea was still holding the ship in one place. The back of the ship was high out of the water,and I was very tnankful for this be-cause all the ship's food was there. I was very hungry so I be-gan to eat something at once. Then I decided to take some of it back to the shore with me. But how could I get it there?
  I looked around the ship,and after a few minutes,I found some long pieces of wood. I tied them together with rope. Then I got the things that I wanted from the ship. There was a big box of food—rice,and salted meat,and hard ship's bread. I al-so took many strong knives and other tools,the ship's sails and ropes,paper,pens,books,and seven guns. Now I needed a little sail from the ship,and then I was ready. Slowly and carefully,I went back to the shore. It was difficult to stop my things from falling into the sea,but in the end I got everything on to the shore.
  Now I needed somewhere to keep my things.
  There were some hills around me,so I decided to build my-self a little house on one of them. I walked to the top of the highest hill and looked down,I was very unhappy,because I saw then that I was on an island. There were two smaller is-lands a few miles away,and after that,only the sea. Just the sea,for mile after mile after mile.
  After a time,I found a little cave in the side of a hill. In front of it,there was a good place to make a home. So,I used the ship's sails,rope,and pieces of wood,and after a lot of hard work I had a very fine tent. The cave at the back of my tent was a good place to keep my food,and so I called it my 'kitchen'. That night,I went to sleep in my new home.
  The next day I thought about the possible dangers on the is-land. Were there wild animals,and perhaps wild people too,on my island?I didn't know,but I was very afraid. So I decided to build a very strong fence. I cut down young trees and put them in the ground,in a halfcircle around the front of my tent. I used many of the ship's ropes too,and in the end my fence was as strong as a stone wall. Nobody could get over it,through it,or round it.
  Making tents and building fences is hard work. I needed many tools to help me. So I decided to go back to the ship again,and get some more things.
  I went back twelve times,but soon after my twelfth visit there was another terrible storm. The next morning,when I looked out to sea,there was no ship.
  When I saw that,I was very unhappy. 'Why am I alive,and why are all my friends dead?'I asked myself. 'What will hap-pen to me now,alone on this island without friends?How can I ever escape from it?'
  Then I told myself that I was lucky—lucky to be alive,lucky to have food and tools,lucky to be young and strong. But I knew that my island was somewhere off the coast of South America. Ships did not often come down this coast,and I said to myself,'I'm going to be on this island for a long time. 'So,on a long piece of wood,I cut these words:
  After that,I decided to make a cut for each day.

■ 4 孤岛上的新生活


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 48楼  发表于: 2014-08-17 0

■ 5 Learning to live alone
  I still needed a lot of things. 'Well,'I said,'I'm going to have to make them. 'So,every day,I worked.
  First of all,I wanted to make my cave bigger. I carried out stone from the cave,and after many days' hard work I had a large cave in the side of the hill. Then I needed a table and a chair,and that was my next job. I had to work on them for a long time. I also wanted to make places to put all my food,and all my tools and guns. But every time I wanted a piece of wood,I had to cut down a tree. It was long,slow,difficult work,and during the next months I learnt to be very clever with my tools. There was no hurry. I had all the time in the world.
  I also went out every day,and I always had my gun with me. Sometimes I killed a wild animal,and then I had meat to eat.
  But when it got dark,I had to go to bed because I had no light. I couldn't read or write because I couldn't see. For a long time,I didn't know what to do. But in the end,I learnt how to use the fat of dead animals to make a light.
  The weather on my island was usually very hot,and there were often storms and heavy rain. The next June,it rained all the time,and I couldn't go out very often. I was also ill for some weeks,but slowly,I got better. When I was stronger,I began to go out again. The first time I killed a wild animal,and the second time I caught a big turtle.
  I was on the island for ten months before I visited other parts of it. During those months I worked hard on my cave and my house and my fence. Now I was ready to find out more about the rest of the island.
  First,I walked along the side of a little river. There,I found open ground without trees. Later,I came to more trees with many different fruits. I decided to take a lot of the fruit,and to put it to dry in the sun for a time. Then I could keep it for many months.
  That night I went to sleep in a tree for the second time,and the next day I went on with my journey. Soon I came to an opening in the hills. In front of me,everything was green,and there were flowers everywhere. There were also a lot of differ-ent birds and animals. I saw that my house was on the worst side of the island. But I didn't want to move from there. It was my home now. I stayed away for three days,and then I came home. But I often went back to the other,greener side of the island.
  And so my life went on. Every month I learnt to do or to make something new. But I had troubles and accidents too. Once there was a terrible storm with very heavy rain. The roof of my cave fell in,and nearly killed me!I had to build it up again with many pieces of wood.
  I had a lot of food now. I cooked it over a fire or dried it in the sun. So I always had meat during the rainy months when I could not go out with a gun. I learnt to make pots to keep my food in. But I wanted very much to make a harder,stronger pot—a pot that would not break in a fire. I tried many times,but I could not do it. Then one day I was lucky. I made some new pots and put them in a very hot fire. They changed colour,but did not break. I left them there for many hours,and when they were cold again,I found that they were hard and strong. That night I was very happy. I had hot water for the first time on the island.
  By then,I also had my own bread. That was luck,too. One day I found a little bag. We used it on the ship,to keep the chickens' food in. There was still some of the food in the bag,and I dropped some of it onto the ground. A month later I saw something bright green there,and after six months I had a very small field of corn. I was very excited. Perhaps now I could make my own bread!
  It was easy to say,but not so easy to do. It is a lot of work to make bread from corn. Many people eat bread,but how many people can take corn from a field and make bread out of it without help?I had to learn and to make many new things,and it was a year before I cooked and ate my first bread.
  During all this time I never stopped thinking about escape. When I travelled across to the other side of the island,I could see the other islands,and I said to myself,'Perhaps I can get there with a boat. Perhaps I can get back to England one day. '
  So I decided to make myself a boat. I cut down a big tree,and then began to make a long hole in it. It was hard work,but about six months later,I had a very fine canoe. Next,I had to get it down to the sea. How stupid I was!Why didn't I think before I began work?Of course,the canoe was too heavy. I couldn't move it!I pulled and pushed and tried everything,but it didn't move. I was very unhappy for a long time after that.
  That happened in my fourth year on the island. In my sixth year I did make myself a smaller canoe,but I did not try to es-cape in it. The boat was too small for a long journey,and I did not want to die at sea. The island was my home now,not my prison,and I was just happy to be alive. A year or two later,I made myself a second canoe on the other side of the island. I also built myself a second house there,and so I had two homes.
  My life was still busy from morning to night. There were al-ways things to do or to make. I learnt to make new clothes for myself from the skins of dead animals. They looked very strange,it is true,but they kept me dry in the rain.
  I kept food and tools at both my houses,and also wild goats. There were many goats on the island,and I made fields with high fences to keep them in. They learnt to take food from me,and soon I had goat's milk to drink every day. I also worked hard in my cornfields. And so many years went by.

■ 5 学会独自生活

■ 6 A footprint
  Then,one year,something strange and terrible happened. I often walked along the shore,and one day I saw something in the sand. I went over to look at it more care-fully,and stopped in sudden surprise.
  It was a footprint—the footprint of a man!
  Who could this be?Afraid,I looked around me. I listened. I waited. Nothing. I was more and more afraid. Perhaps this man was one of those wild people who killed and ate other men!I looked everywhere,but there was nobody,and no other foot-print. I turned and hurried home. 'There's someone on my is-land,'I said to myself. 'Perhaps he knows about me…Per-haps he's watching me now from behind a tree…Perhaps he wants to kill me. '
  That night I couldn't sleep. The next day I got all my guns ready and I put more wood and young trees around my house. Nobody could see me now. But,after fifteen years alone on the island,I was afraid,and I did not leave my cave for three days.
  In the end,I had to go out to milk my goats. But for two years I was afraid. I stayed near my home and I never used my guns because I didn't want to make a noise. I could not forget the footprint,but I saw and heard nothing more,and slowly I began to feel happier.
  One day,a year later,I was over on the west side of the is-land. From there I could see the other islands,and I could also see a boat,far out to sea. 'If you have a boat,'I thought,'it's easy to sail across to this island. Perhaps that explains the foot-print—it was a visitor from one of the other islands. '
  I began to move more freely around the island again,and built myself a third house. It was a very secret place in a cave. 'No wild man will ever find that,'I said to myself.
  Then one year something happened which I can never forget. I was again on the west side of the island and was walk-ing along the shore. Suddenly,I saw something which made me feel ill. There were heads,arms,feet,and other pieces of men's bodies everywhere. For a minute,I couldn't think,and then I understood. Sometimes there were fights between the wild men on the other islands. Then they came here to my island with their prisoners,to kill them,cook them,and eat them. Slowly,I went home,but I was very angry. How could men do this?
  For many months I watched carefully for the smoke from fires,but I didn't see anything. Somehow the wild men came and went,and I never saw them. I was angry and afraid. I wanted to shoot them all,but there were many of them and on-ly one of me. 'Perhaps I can shoot two or three,'I said to my-self,'but then they will kill and eat me. '
  Then,one morning in my twenty-third year on the island,I was out in my fields and I saw the smoke from a fire. Quickly,I went up the hill to watch.
  There were nine men around the fire,and they were cooking their terrible food. Then these wild men danced round the fire,singing and shouting. This went on for about two hours,and then they got into their boats and sailed away. I went down to the shore and saw the blood of the dead men on the sand. 'The next time they come,I'm going to kill them,'I said angrily.

■ 6 一个脚印


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 49楼  发表于: 2014-08-17 0

■ 7 Friday
  For two years I never went anywhere without my gun. I felt lonely and afraid,and had many sleepless nights. One night there was a very bad storm,and I thought I heard the sound of guns out at sea. The next morning I looked out,and saw a ship. It was lying on its side not far from the shore. Quickly,I put my little boat in the water and sailed out to it.
  There were two dead men on the ship,but no one alive. The bodies of the other sailors were lost in the sea. I took some clothes and tools,and also a box of Spanish gold and silver money. I was a rich man now,but what use was money to me?I could not buy anything with it.
  I wanted people,a friend,somebody to talk to…somebody who could help me escape from my island. One morning I woke up and made a plan. 'I'll try to catch one of the prisoners of the wild men,'I said to myself. 'He'll be happy to be alive and perhaps he'll help me to escape. 'I watched day and night,but for a year and a half there were no boats.
  Then one day five boats came. There were about thirty men and they had two prisoners. They made their fire on the sand and danced round it. Then they killed one of the prisoners and began to cook their terrible meal. The second prisoner waited under the trees,with two men to watch him. Suddenly,the prisoner turned and ran. The two men ran after him,but the other wild men were busy round the fire and did not see what was happening.
  The prisoner ran like a wild goat,and soon I saw that he was coming near the bottom of my hill. As fast as I could,I ran down the hill and jumped out of the trees between the prisoner and the two wild men. I hit the first man with the wooden end of my gun and he fell down,but I had to shoot the second man. The poor prisoner did not move. He was afraid of the noise of my gun.
  I called to him and tried to show him that I was friendly. Slowly,he moved nearer to me,but just then the first wild man began to get up from the ground. Then the prisoner spoke and I understood that he wanted my sword. How happy I was to hear words again!I gave him my sword,and at once he cut off the head of his enemy.
  Hurriedly,we hid the dead bodies under some leaves,and then left quickly. I took my prisoner to my secret cave on the other side of the island and gave him food and drink. After that,he went to sleep.
  He was a fine young man,about twenty-five years old,tall and well-built,with a kind face and a nice smile. He had a brown skin,black hair,bright eyes and strong white teeth. I decided to give him the name of'Man Friday',because I first saw him on a Friday.
  When he woke up in the morning,he ran out to me. I was milking my goats in the field,and he got down on the ground and put his head near my foot. I understood that he was thank-ing me,and I tried to show him that I was his friend.
  I began to teach him to speak English,and soon he could say his name,'Master',and'Yes'and'No'. How good it was to hear a man's voice again!
  Later that day we went back to my first house. We went carefully along the beach,but there were no boats and no wild men. Just blood and bones all over the sand. I felt ill,but Fri-day wanted to eat the pieces of men's bodies which were still on the ground. I showed him that this was terrible for me,and he understood.
  When we got to my house,I gave Man Friday some trousers,and I made him a coat and a hat. He liked his new clothes very much. Then I made him a little tent to sleep in,but for a few weeks I always took my gun to bed with me. Per-haps Friday was still a wild man and would try to kill me in the night. At first,Friday was very afraid of my gun. Some-times he talked to it,and asked it not to kill him.
  Friday was a quick learner and his English got better day by day. He helped me with the goats and with the work in the cornfields,and soon we were good friends. I enjoyed teaching him and,most of all,having a friend to talk to. This was the happiest of all my years on the island.
  Friday and I lived together happily for three years. I told him the story of my adventures and about life in England,and he told me about his country and his people. One day we were at the top of the highest hill on the island,and we were looking out to sea. It was a very clear day and we could see a long way. Suddenly,Friday began to jump up and down,very excited.
  'What's the matter?'I said.
  'Look,Master,look!'Friday cried. 'I can see my country. Look over there!'
  I looked,and there to the north-west,between the sea and the sky,was a long thin piece of land. I learnt later that it was the island of Trinidad,and that my island was in the mouth of the River Orinoco on the north coast of South America.
  I began to think again about escape. Perhaps Friday wanted to go home too. Perhaps together we could get to his country. But what then?Would Friday still be my friend,or would his people kill me and eat me?
  I took Friday to the other side of the island and showed him my big canoe. It still lay under the trees. It was very old now,and there were holes in the wood.
  'Could a boat like this sail to your country,Friday?'I asked him.
  'Oh yes,'he answered. 'A boat like this can carry a lot of food and drink. '
  'Then we'll make another canoe like it,and you can go home in it,'I said.
  But Friday looked very unhappy. 'Why are you angry with me?'he asked. 'What have I done?Why do you want to send me home?'
  'But I thought you wanted to go home,'I said.
  'Yes. But you must come with me. Kill me if you want,but don't send me away from you!'
  Then I saw that Friday was a true friend,and so I agreed to go with him. We began work on the canoe at once. Friday chose the tree himself—he understood wood better than I did—and we cut it down. We worked hard and in a month the boat was finished. Two weeks later it was in the sea,and we began to get ready for our long journey.

■ 7 星期五

■ 8 Escape from the island
  I was now in my twenty—seventh year on the island,and I did not want to be there for another year. We worked hard to get the corn in,and to make a lot of bread. We had dried fruit and salted meat,and big pots to keep water in. One evening Friday went out to look for a turtle for meat and eggs. But in less than an hour he was back,and he looked very afraid.
  'Master!Master!'he cried. 'There's a great ship near the island,and men are coming to the shore in a boat!'
  I jumped up and ran with him down to the shore. To my great surprise,I saw that it was an English ship!But why was it here?English ships never came this way. Perhaps they were pirates!'Don't let them see you,Friday!'I called. 'We'll hide in the trees and watch. '
  There were eleven men in the boat,but three of them were prisoners. Their arms were tied with rope,but their legs were free and they could walk. The other sailors pushed the three prisoners up the beach,laughing and shouting and hitting them. Then some of them sat down on the sand and began to drink. Others walked away to look at the island,and two men stayed to watch the boat. The three prisoners walked slowly a-long the beach and sat down under a tree,not far from us. They looked very unhappy.
  Very quietly,I came up behind them through the trees,and called out to them in English.
  'Don't be afraid,'I said. 'I'm an Englishman. Perhaps I can help you. '
  The three men turned and looked at me. They did not answer at once;they were too surprised. Perhaps they thought I was a wild man myself,in my strange home—made clothes of animals' skins,and with my long hair and beard. Then the old-east man spoke.
  'I am the captain of that ship,'he said,'and these two men are my first and second officers. Last night there was a mutiny,and the seamen took the ship from me. Now they're going to leave the three of us here,to die on this island. '
  'De these mutineers have guns?'
  'Only two,'he answered,'and they've left those on the boat. '
  'All righ,'I said. 'We'll fight them,but if we get your ship back for you,you must take me back to England. '
  The captain agreed immediately and thanked me very warm-ly for my help. Friday ran back to my house to get all the guns,and the captain and I made a plan.
  The first part was easy because the seamen were not ready for a fight. We shot the two men at the boat,and the captain shot another man. This man,Tom Smith,was the worst of them all and he began the mutiny on the ship. Then the cap-tain talked to the other five men,and they agreed to help him. They did not really want to be mutineers,but they were afraid of Tom Smith.
  'Now,'I said to the captain,'we must get back your ship. How many men are on it?'
  'Twenty-six,'the captain replied,'and they will fight hard because they won't want to go home. It is death for all muti-neers in England. But not all the men are bad. I'm sure that some of them will help me. '
  Just then we saw another boat,which was coming from the ship to the shore. There were ten men in it,and they all had guns. We ran into the trees and waited.
  It was a long hard fight,but by now it was dark and this helped us very much. We ran here and there in the trees,call-ing and shouting. The seamen could not see us and did not know how many men they were fighting. In the end the first officer shouted to them:
  'Put down your guns and stop fightng!The captain has fifty island people to help him. We can kill you all!'
  So the seamen stopped fighting and we took their guns. Three of the men agreed to come back to the captain,and we put the others in my cave. Friday and I stayed to watch the prisoners,while the captain and his men went back to fight for the ship.
  All night we listened to the sound of guns and shouting,but in the morning,when the sun came up,the captain was master of his ship again. I went down to the shore to meet him.
  'My dear friend,'he cried,'There's your ship!I'll take you to the ends of the world in it!'
  I put my arms round him,and we laughed and cried together. How happy I was to leave the ialand!
  My good friend Friday came with me,of course,but we left the mutineers on the island. We decided not to kill them;they could begin a new life on the island. I showed them my three houses,my cornfields and my goats,and all my tools. Their life would he easy because of all my hard work for so many years.
  And so,on the nineteenth of December 1689-after twen-ty-seven years,two months and nineteen days-I said good-bye to my island and sailed home to England.

■ 8 逃离孤岛

■ 9 Home in England
  When I came back to England,I felt like a stranger in the country. Many things were different,and not many people remembered me. I went home to York,but my fa-ther and mother were dead,and also my two brothers. I did find the two sons of one of my brothers. They were happy to learn that I was alive,and I was pleased to find some family.
  After some months I decided to go down to Lisbon in Portu-gal. I had friends there who could help me to sell my land in Brazil,and I needed the money. Friday came with me. He was always a good and true friend to me. In Lisbon I found the Portuguese captain,who took me in his ship to Brazil,all those years ago. It was good to see him again,and he helped me with my business. Soon I was ready to go home again—by land. No more adventures and dangers by sea for me!
  It was a long,hard journey. We had to cross the mountains between Spain and France in winter,and the snow was deep. Poor Friday was very afraid of the snow. In his country it was always hot,and he did not like cold weather.
  Back in England I found a house and began to live a quiet life. My two nephews came to live with me. The younger one wanted to be a sailor,and so I found him a place on a ship. Af-ter a while I married,and had three children,two sons and a daughter. Then my wife died,and my nephew,who was now the captain of a ship,came home to see me. He knew that I did not really like a quiet life.
  'I have a fine ship,uncle,'he said. 'I'm going out to the East Indies-India,Malaya,the Philippines…Why don't you come with me?'
  And so,in 1694,I went to sea again,and had many more ad-ventures. Perhaps one day I'll write another book about them.

■ 9 英国的家


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 50楼  发表于: 2014-08-17 0

【02-06】  [爱丽丝漫游奇境记 / 刘易斯·卡罗尔 著]
  Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

■ 简介

■ 1 Down the rabbit-hole
  Alice was beginning to get very bored.She and her sister were sitting under the trees.Her sister was reading,but Alice had nothing to do.Once or twice she looked into her sister's book,but it had no pictures or conversations in it.
  'And what is the use of a book,'thought Alice,'without pictures or conversations?'
  She tried to think of something to do,but it was a hot day and she felt very sleepy and stupid.She was still sitting and thinking when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran past her.
  There was nothing really strange about seeing a rabbit.And Alice was not very surprised when the Rabbit said,'Oh dear!Oh dear!I shall be late!'(Perhaps it was a little strange, Alice thought later,but at the time she was not surprised.)
  But then the Rabbit took a watch out of its pocket,looked at it,and hurried on.At once Alice jumped to her feet.
  'I've never before seen a rabbit with either a pocket,or a watch to take out of it,'she thought.And she ran quickly across the field after the Rabbit.She did not stop to think, and when the Rabbit ran down a large rabbit-hole,Alice followed it immediately.
  After a little way the rabbit-hole suddenly went down,deep into the ground.Alice could not stop herself falling,and down she went,too.
  It was a very strange hole Alice was falling very slowly, and she had time to think and to look around her.She could see nothing below her because it was so dark.But when she looked at the sides of the hole,she could see cupboards and books and pictures on the walls.She had time to take things out of a cupboard,look at them,and then put them back in a cupboard lower down.
  'Well!'thought Alice.'After a fall like this,I can fall anywhere!I can fall downstairs at home,and I won't cry or say a word about it!'
  Down,down,down.'How far have I fallen now?'Alice said aloud to herself.'Perhaps I'm near the centre of the earth.Let me think…That's four thousand miles down.' (Alice was very good at her school lessons and could remember a lot of things like this.)
  Down,down,down.Would she ever stop falling?Alice was very nearly asleep when,suddenly,she was sitting on the ground.Quickly,she jumped to her feet and looked around.She could see the White Rabbit,who was hurrying away and still talking to himself.'Oh my ears and whiskers!'he was saying.'How late it's getting!'
  Alice ran after him like the wind.She was getting very near him when he suddenly turned a corner.Alice ran round the corner too,and then stopped.She was now in a long,dark room with doors all round the walls,and she could not see the White Rabbit anywhere.
  She tried to open the doors,but they were all locked.'How will I ever get out again?'she thought sadly.Then she saw a little glass table with three legs,and on the top of it was a very small gold key.Alice quickly took the key and tried it in all the doors,but oh dear!Either the locks were too big,or the key was too small,but she could not open any of the doors.
  Then she saw another door,a door that was only forty centimetres high.The little gold key unlocked this door easily, but of course Alice could not get through it—she was much too big.So she lay on the floor and looked through the open door,into a beautiful garden with green trees and bright flowers.
  Poor Alice was very unhappy.'What a wonderful garden!' she said to herself.'I'd like to be out there—not in this dark room.Why can't I get smaller?'It was already a very strange day,and Alice was beginning to think that anything was possible.
  After a while she locked the door again,got up and went back to the glass table.She put the key down and then she saw a little bottle on the table('I'm sure it wasn't here before,'said Alice).Round the neck of the bottle was a piece of paper with the words DRINK ME in large letters.
  But Alice was a careful girl.'It can be dangerous to drink out of strange bottles,'she said.'What will it do to me?'She drank a little bit very slowly.The taste was very nice,like chocolate and oranges and hot sweet coffee,and very soon Alice finished the bottle.
  * * *
  'What a strange feeling!'said Alice.'I think I'm getting smaller and smaller every second.'
  And she was.A few minutes later she was only twenty-five centimetres high.'And now,'she said happily,'I can get through the little door into that beautiful garden.'
  She ran at once to the door.When she got there,she remembered that the little gold key was back on the glass table.She ran back to the table for it,but of course,she was now much too small!There was the key,high above her,on top of the table.She tried very hard to climb up the table leg,but she could not do it.
  At last,tired and unhappy,Alice sat down on the floor and cried.But after a while she spoke to herself angrily.
  'Come now,'she said.'Stop crying at once.What's the use of crying?'She was a strange child,and often talked to herself like this.
  Soon she saw a little glass box near her on the floor.She opened it,and found a very small cake with the words EAT ME on it.
  Nothing could surprise Alice now.'Well,I'll eat it,'she said.'If I get taller,I can take the key off the table.And if I get smaller,I can get under the door.One way or another,I'll get into the garden.So it doesn't matter what happens!'
  She ate a bit of the cake,and then put her hand on top of her head.'Which way?Which way?'she asked herself,a little afraid.Nothing happened.This was not really surprising.People don't usually get taller or shorter when they eat cake.But a lot of strange things were happening to Alice today.'It will be very boring,'she said,'if nothing happens.'
  So she went on eating,and very soon the cake was finished.

■ 1 掉进兔子洞
  * * *

■ 2 The pool of tears
  'Curiouser and curiouser!'said Alice.(She was very surprised,and for a minute she forgot how to speak good English.)
  'I shall be as tall as a house in a minute,'she said.She tried to look down at her feet,and could only just see them.'Goodbye,feet!'she called.'Who will put on your shoes now?Oh dear!What nonsense I'm talking!'
  Just then her head hit the ceiling of the room.She was now about three metres high.Quickly,she took the little gold key from the table and hurried to the garden door.
  Poor Alice!She lay on the floor and looked into the garden with one eye.She could not even put her head through the door.
  She began to cry again,and went on crying and crying.The tears ran down her face,and soon there was a large pool of water all around her on the floor.Suddenly she heard a voice, and she stopped crying to listen.
  'Oh,the Duchess,the Duchess!She'll be so angry!I'm late,and she's waiting for me.Oh dear,oh dear!'
  It was the white Rabbit again.He was hurrying down the long room,with some white gloves in one hand and a large fan in the other hand.
  Alice was afraid,but she needed help.She spoke in a quiet voice.'Oh,please,sir—'
  The Rabbit jumped wildly,dropped the gloves and the fan, and hurried away as fast as he could.
  Alice picked up the fan and the gloves.The room was very hot,so she began to fan herself while she talked.'Oh dear! How strange everything is today!Did I change in the night? Am I a different person today?But if I'm a different person, then the next question is—who am I?Ah,that's the mystery.'
  She began to feel very unhappy again,but then she looked down at her hand.She was wearing one of the Rabbit's white gloves.'How did I get it on my hand?'she thought.'Oh,I'm getting smaller again!'She looked round the room.'I'm al- ready less than a metre high.And getting smaller every second!How can I stop it?'She saw the fan in her other hand, and quickly dropped it.
  She was now very,very small-and the little garden door was locked again,and the little gold key was lying on the glass table.
  'Things are worse than ever,'thought poor Alice.She turned away from the door,and fell into salt water,right up to her neck.At first she thought it was the sea,but then she saw it was the pool of tears.Her tears.Crying makes a lot of tears when you are three metres tall.
  'Oh,why did I cry so much?'said Alice.She swam around and looked for a way out,but the pool was very big.Just then she saw an animal in the water near her.It looked like a large animal to Alice,but it was only a mouse.
  'Shall I speak to it?'thought Alice.'Everything's very strange down here,so perhaps a mouse can talk.'
  So she began:'Oh Mouse,do you know the way out of this pool?I am very tired of swimming,oh Mouse!'(Alice did not know if this was the right way to speak to a mouse.But she wanted to be polite.)
  The mouse looked at her with its little eyes,but it said nothing.
  'Perhaps it doesn't understand English,'thought Alice.'Perhaps it's a French mouse.'So she began again,and said in French:'Where is my cat?'(This was the first sentence in her French lesson-book.)
  The mouse jumped half out of the water and looked at her angrily.
  'Oh,I'm so sorry!'cried Alice quickly.'Of course,you don't like cats,do you?'
  'Like cats?'cried the mouse in a high,angry voice.'Does any mouse like cats?'
  'Well,perhaps not,'Alice began kindly.
  But the mouse was now swimming quickly away,and soon Alice was alone again.At last she found her way out of the pool and sat down on the ground.She felt very lonely and unhappy.But after a while the White Rabbit came past again, looking for his white gloves and his fan.
  'The Duchess!The Duchess!Oh my ears and whiskers!She'll cut my head off,I know she will!Oh,where did I drop my gloves?'Then he saw Alice.'Why,Mary Ann, what are you doing here?Run home at once,and bring me some gloves and a fan.Quick,now!'
  Alice hurried away.'But where is his house?'she thought while she ran.Strangely,she was no longer in the long room with the little door,but outside in a wood.She ran and ran but could not see a house anywhere,so she sat down under a flower to rest.

■ 2 泪水潭


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 51楼  发表于: 2014-08-17 0

■ 3 Conversation with a caterpillar
  'Now,'Alice said to herself.'First,I must get a little bigger,and second,I must find my way into that beautiful garden.I think that will be the best plan.But oh dear!How shall I get bigger?Perhaps I must eat or drink something,but the question is,what?'
  Alice looked all around her at the flowers and the trees,but she could not see anything to eat.Then she saw a large mush- room near her.It was as tall as she was.She walked across to look at it,and there,on top of the mushroom,was a large caterpillar,smoking a pipe.After a while,the Caterpillar took the pipe out of its mouth and said to Alice in a slow,sleepy voice,'Who are you?'
  'I don't really know,sir,'said Alice.'I know who I was when I got up this morning,but I have changed so often since then.I think I am a different person now.'
  'What do you mean by that?'said the Caterpillar.'Explain yourself!'
  'I can't explain myself,sir,'said Alice,'because I'm not myself,you know.'
  'I don't know,'said the Caterpillar.
  'It's difficult to describe,'Alice replied politely.'One minute I'm very small,the next minute I'm as tall as a house,then I'm small again.Usually,I stay the same all day,and changing so often feels very strange to me.'
  'You!'said the Caterpillar,in a very unfriendly voice.'Who are you?'
  They were now back at the beginning of their conversation, which was not very helpful.Alice felt a little cross and decided to walk away.
  'Come back!'the Caterpillar called after her.'I've something important to say.'
  This sounded better,so Alice turned back.
  'Never get angry,'said the Caterpillar.
  'Is that all?'said Alice,trying not to be angry.
  'No,'said the Caterpillar.For some minutes it smoked its pipe and did not speak,but at last it took the pipe out of its mouth,and said,'So you've changed,have you?How tall do you want to be?'
  'I would like to be a little larger,sir,please,'said Alice.'Eight centimetres is really very small.'
  For a while the Caterpillar smoked its pipe.Then it shook itself,got down off the mushroom,and moved slowly away into the grass.It did not look back at Alice,but said,'One side will make you taller,and the other side will make you shorter.'
  'One side of what?'thought Alice to herself.
  She did not say this aloud,but the Caterpillar said, mushroom.'Then it moved away into the wood.
  Alice looked at the mushroom carefully,but it was round, and did not have sides.At last she broke off a piece in each hand from opposite sides of the mushroom.She ate some of the piece in her left hand,and waited to see what would happen.
  A minute later her head was as high as the tallest tree in the wood,and she was looking at a sea of green leaves.Then a bird appeared and began to fly around her head,screaming, 'Egg thief!Egg thief!Go away!'
  'I'm not an egg thief,'said Alice.
  'Oh no?'said the bird angrily.'But you eat eggs,don't you?'
  'Well,yes,I do,but I don't steal them,'explained Alice quickly.'We have them for breakfast,you know.'
  'Then how do you get them,if you don't steal them?' screamed the bird.
  This was a difficult question to answer,so Alice brought up her right hand through the leaves and ate a little from the other piece of mushroom.She began to get smaller at once and, very carefully,she ate first from one hand,then from the other,until she was about twenty-five centimetres high.
  'That's better,'she said to herself.'And now I must find that garden.'She began to walk through the wood,and after a while she came to a little house.

■ 3 和毛虫的谈话

■ 4 The Cheshire Cat
  There was a boy outside the door,with a large letter in his hand.(He was dressed like a boy,but his face was very like a fish,Alice thought.)The Fish-Boy knocked at the door,and a second later a large plate came flying out of an open window.
  'A letter for the Duchess,'the Fish-Boy shouted.He pushed the letter under the door and went away.
  Alice went up to the door and knocked,but there was a lot of noise inside and nobody answered.So she opened the door and walked in.
  She found herself in a kitchen,which was full of smoke.There was a very angry cook by the fire,and in the middle of the room sat the Duchess,holding a screaming baby.Every few minutes a plate crashed to the floor.There was also a large cat,which was sitting on a chair and grinning from ear to ear.
  'Please,'Alice said politely to the Duchess,'why does your cat grin like that?'
  'It's a Cheshire Cat,'said the Duchess.'That's why.'
  'I didn't know that cats could grin,'said Alice.
  'Well,you don't know much,'said the Duchess.Another plate crashed to the floor and Alice jumped.'Here!'the Duchess went on.'You can hold the baby for a bit,if you like.The Queen has invited me to play croquet,and I must go and get ready.'She pushed the baby into Alice's arms and hurried out of the room.
  'Oh,the poor little thing!'said Alice,looking at the baby, which had a very strange face.She took it outside into the wood and walked around under the trees.Then the baby began to make strange noises,and Alice looked into its face again.Its eyes were really very small for a baby,and its nose now looked very like the nose of a pig.
  'Don't make noises like that,my dear,'said Alice.'It's not polite.You're beginning to sound like a pig.'
  But a few minutes later,there was no mistake.It was a pig.Alice put it carefully on the ground,and it ran quietly away on its four legs into the wood.
  'I'm pleased about that,'Alice said to herself.'It will be a good-looking pig,but it would be terrible to be a child with a face like that.
  She was thinking about pigs and children when she suddenly saw the Cheshire Cat in a tree.The Cat grinned at her,and she went nearer to it.
  'Please,'she said,'can you tell me which way to go from here?'
  'But where do you want to get to?'said the Cat.
  'It doesn't really matter—'began Alice.
  'Then it doesn't matter which way you go,'said the Cat.
  'But I would like to get somewhere,'Alice explained.
  'If you just go on walking,'said the Cat,'in the end you'll arrive somewhere.'
  That was true,thought Alice,but not very helpful,so she tried another question.'What kind of people live near here?'
  'To the left,'the Cat said,'lives a Hatter.And to the right,lives a March Hare.You can visit either of them.They're both mad.'
  'But I don't want to visit mad people,'said Alice.
  'We're all mad here,you know,'said the Cat.'I'm mad.You're mad.'
  'How do you know that I'm mad?'said Alice.
  'Of course you're mad,'said the Cat.'Only mad people come here.'
  Alice was thinking about this,but the Cat went on,'Are you playing croquet with the Queen today?'
  'I would like to very much,'said Alice,'but nobody has invited me yet.'
  'You'll see me there,'said the Cat,and vanished.
  Alice was not really surprised at this,because so many strange things were happening today.She was still looking at the tree when,suddenly,the Cat appeared again.
  'I forgot to ask,'said the Cat.'What happened to the baby?'
  'It turned into a pig,'Alice said.
  'I'm not surprised,'said the Cat,and vanished again.
  Alice began to walk on,and decided to visit the March Hare.'It's the month of May now,'she said to herself,'so perhaps the Hare won't be as mad as he was in March.'
  Suddenly,there was the Cheshire Cat again,sitting in another tree.Alice jumped in surprise.
  'Do you think,'she said politely,'that you could come and go more slowly?'
  'All right,'said the Cat.And this time it vanished very slowly.First its tail went,then its body,then its head,and last,the grin.
  'Well!I've often seen a cat without a grin,'thought Alice,'but never a grin without a cat!'
  Soon she saw the house of the March Hare in front of her.It was a large house,so she ate a little piece of mushroom to get bigger,and walked on.

■ 4 切舍猫


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 52楼  发表于: 2014-08-18 0

■ 5 A mad tea-party
  There was a table under a tree outside the house,and the March Hare and the Hatter were having tea.A Dormouse was sitting between them,asleep.The three of them were all sitting together at one corner of the table,but the table was large and there were many other seats.Alice sat down in a big chair at one end.
  'Have some coffee,'the March Hare said in a friendly voice.
  Alice looked all round the table,but she could only see a teapot.'I don't see any coffee,'she said.
  'There isn't any,'said the March Hare.
  'Then why did you ask me to have some?'said Alice crossly.'It wasn't very polite of you.'
  'It wasn't very polite of you to sit down.We haven't invited you to tea,'said the March Hare.
  'But there are lots of seats,'said Alice.
  'Your hair's too long,'said the Hatter,looking at Alice with interest.
  'It's not polite to say things like that,'said Alice.
  The Hatter looked surprised,but he said,'Why is a bird like a desk?'
  Alice was pleased.She enjoyed playing wordgames,so she said,'That's an easy question.'
  'Do you mean you know the answer?'said the March Hare.
  'Yes,'said Alice.
  'Then you must say what you mean,'the March Hare said.
  'I do,'Alice said quickly.'Well,I mean what I say.And that's the same thing,you know.'
  'No,it isn't!'said the Hatter.'Listen to this.I see what I eat means one thing,but I eat what I see means something very different.'
  Alice did not know what to say to this.So she took some tea and some bread-and-butter while she thought about it.The Dormouse woke up for a minute and then went to sleep again.After a while the Hatter took out his watch,shook it,then looked at it sadly.
  'Two days slow!I told you that butter wasn't good for watches!'he said angrily to the March Hare.
  'It was the best butter,'said the March Hare sadly.
  Alice was looking at the watch with interest.'It's a strange watch,'she said.'It shows the day of the week,but not the time.'
  'But we know the time,'said the Hatter.'It's always six o'clock here.'
  Alice suddenly understood.'Is that why there are all these cups and plates?'she said.'It's always tea-time here,and you go on moving round the table.Is that right?But what happens when you come to the beginning again?'
  'Don't ask questions,'said the March Hare crossly.'You must tell us a story now.'
  'But I don't know any stories,'said Alice.
  Then the March Hare and the Hatter turned to the Dormouse.'Wake up,Dormouse!'they shouted loudly in its ears.'Tell us a story.'
  'Yes,please do,'said Alice.
  The Dormouse woke up and quickly began to tell a story, but a few minutes later it was asleep again.The March Hare poured a little hot tea on its nose,and the Hatter began to look for a clean plate.Alice decided to leave and walked away into the wood.She looked back once,and the March Hare and the Hatter were trying to put the Dormouse into the teapot.
  'Well,I won't go there again,'said Alice.'What a stupid tea-party it was!'Just then she saw a door in one of the trees.'How curious!'she thought.'But everything is strange today.I think I'll go in.'
  So she went in.And there she was,back in the long room with the little glass table.At once,she picked up the gold key from the table,unlocked the little door into the garden,and then began to eat a piece of mushroom.When she was down to about thirty centimetres high,she walked through the door, and then,at last,she was in the beautiful garden with its green trees and bright flowers.

■ 5 疯狂的茶会

■ 6 The Queen's game of croquet
  Near the door there was a rose-tree and three gardeners, who were looking at the roses in a very worried way.
  'What's the matter?'Alice said to them.
  'You see,Miss,'said the first gardener,'these roses are white,but the Queen only likes red roses,and she—'
  'The Queen!'said the second gardener suddenly,and at once,the three gardeners lay down flat on their faces.Alice turned round and saw a great crowd of people.
  It was a pack of cards,walking through the garden.There were clubs(they were soldiers),and diamonds,and ten little children(they were hearts).Next came some Kings and Queens.Then Alice saw the White Rabbit,and behind him, the Knave of Hearts.And last of all,came THE KING AND QUEEN OF HEARTS.
  When the crowd came near to Alice,they all stopped and looked at her,and the Queen said,'Who are you?'
  'My name is Alice,Your Majesty,'said Alice very politely.But she thought to herself,'They're only a pack of cards.I don't need to be afraid of them!'
  'And who are these?'said the Queen,looking at the three gardeners.Then she saw the white roses,and her face turned red and angry.'Off with their heads!'she shouted,and soldiers hurried up to take the gardeners away.The Queen turned to Alice.'Can you play croquet?'she shouted.
  'Yes!'shouted Alice.
  'Come on,then!'shouted the Queen.The crowd began to move on,and Alice went with them.
  'It's—it's a very fine day,'said a worried voice in her ear.Alice saw that the White Rabbit was by her side.
  'Very fine,'said Alice.'Where's the Duchess?'
  'Shhh!'said the Rabbit in a hurried voice.'She's in prison,waiting for execution.'
  'What for?'said Alice.
  But just then the Queen shouted,'Get to your places!', and the game began.
  It was the strangest game of croquet in Alice's life!The balls were hedgehogs,and the mallets were flamingoes.And the hoops were made by soldiers,who turned over and stood on their hands and feet.Alice held her flamingo's body under her arm,but the flamingo turned its long neck first this way and then that way.At last,Alice was ready to hit the ball with the flamingo's head.But by then,the hedgehog was tired of waiting and was walking away across the croquet-ground And when both the flamingo and the hedgehog were ready,there was no hoop!The soldiers too were always getting up and walking away.It really was a very difficult game,Alice thought.
  The players all played at the same time,and they were al- ways arguing and fighting for hedgehogs.Nobody could agree about anything.Very soon,the Queen was wildly angry,and went around shouting'Off with his head!'or'Off with her head!'about once a minute.
  Alice began to feel worried.'The Queen is sure to argue with me soon,'she thought.'And what will happen to me then?They're cutting people's heads off all the time here.I'm surprised there is anyone left alive!'
  Just then she saw something very strange.She watched carefully,and after a minute or two she saw that the thing was a grin.'It's the Cheshire Cat,'she said to herself.'Now I'll have somebody to talk to.'
  'How are you getting on?'said the Cat,when its mouth appeared.
  Alice waited.'I can't talk to something without ears,'she thought.Slowly the Cat's eyes,then its ears,and then the rest of its head appeared.But it stopped at the neck,and its body did not appear.
  Alice began to tell the Cat all about the game.'It's very difficult to play,'she said.'Everybody argues all the time, and the hoops and the hedgehogs walk away.'
  'How do you like the Queen?'said the Cat quietly.
  'I don't,'said Alice.'She's very—'Just then she saw the Queen behind her,so she went on,'—clever.She's the best player here.'
  The Queen smiled and walked past.
  'Who are you talking to?'said the King.He came up behind Alice and looked at the Cat's head in surprise.
  'It's a friend of mine—a Cheshire Cat,'said Alice.
  'I'm not sure that I like it,'said the King.'But it can touch my hand if it likes.'
  'I prefer not to,'said the Cat.
  'Well!'said the King angrily.He called out to the Queen, 'My dear!There's a cat here,and I don't like it.'
  The Queen did not look round.'Off with its head!'she shouted.'Call for the executioner!
  Alice was a little worried for her friend,but when the executioner arrived,everybody began to argue.
  'I can't cut off a head,'said the executioner,'if there isn't a body to cut it off from.'
  'You can cut the head off,'said the King,'from anything that's got a head.'
  'If somebody doesn't do something quickly,'said the Queen,'I'll cut everybody's head off.'
  Nobody liked that plan very much,so they all turned to Alice.'And what do you say?'they cried.
  'The Cat belongs to the Duchess,'said Alice carefully.'Perhaps you could ask her about it.'
  'She's in prison,'the Queen said to the executioner.'Bring her here at once.'
  But then the Cat's head slowly began to vanish,and when the executioner came back with the Duchess,there was nothing there.The King ran wildly up and down,looking for the Cat,and the Duchess put her arm round Alice.'I'm so pleased to see you again,my dear!'she said.
  'Let's get on with the game,'the Queen said angrily,and Alice followed her back to the croquet-ground.
  The game went on,but all the time the Queen was arguing, and shouting'Off with his head!'or'Off with her head!' Soon there were no hoops left,because the soldiers(who were the hoops)were too busy taking everybody to prison.And at the end there were only three players left—the King,the Queen,and Alice.
  The Queen stopped shouting and said to Alice,'Have you seen the Mock Turtle yet?'
  'No,'said Alice.'I'm not sure what a Mock Turtle is.'
  'Then come with me,'said the Queen.
  They found the Mock Turtle down by the sea.Next to him was a Gryphon,asleep in the sun.Then the Queen hurried away,saying,'I have to get on with some executions.'
  The Gryphon woke up,and said sleepily to Alice,'It's just talk,you know.They never execute anybody.'
  Alice was pleased to hear this.She felt a little afraid of the Gryphon and the Mock Turtle,because they were so large.But they were very friendly,and sang songs and told her many stories about their lives.The Mock Turtle was in the middle of a very sad song when they all heard a shout a long way away: 'It's beginning!'
  'Come on!We must hurry!'cried the Gryphon.It took Alice by the hand and began to run.

■ 6 王后的槌球游戏

■ 7 Who stole the tarts?
  The King and Queen of Hearts were sitting on their thrones when Alice and the Gryphon arrived.There was a great crowd of birds and animals,and all the pack of cards.
  Soldiers stood all around the Knave of Hearts,and near the King was the White Rabbit,with a trumpet in one hand.
  In the middle of the room there was a table,with a large plate of tarts on it.'They look good,'thought Alice,who was feeling a little hungry.
  Then the White Rabbit called out loudly,'Silence!The trial of the Knave of Hearts will now begin!'He took out a long piece of paper,and read:
  The Queen of Hearts,she made some tarts,
  All on a summer day.
  The Knave of Hearts,he stole those tarts,
  And took them all away.
  'Very good,'said the King.'Call the first witness.'
  Alice looked at the jury,who were now writing everything down.It was a very strange jury.Some of the jurymen were animals,and the others were birds.
  Then the White Rabbit blew his trumpet three times,and called out,'First witness!'
  The first witness was the Hatter.He came in with a teacup in one hand and a piece of bread-and-butter in the other hand.'I'm very sorry,Your Majesty,'he said.'I was in the middle of tea when the trial began.'
  'Take off your hat,'the King said.
  'It isn't mine,'said the Hatter.
  'Stolen!Write that down,'the King said to the jury.
  'I keep hats to sell,'explained the Hatter.'I don't have a hat myself.I'm a Hatter.'
  'Give your evidence,'said the King,or we'll cut your head off.'
  The Hatter's face turned white.'I'm a poor man,Your Majesty,'he began,in a shaking voice.
  Just then Alice had a strange feeling.After a minute or two she understood what it was.
  'Don't push like that,'said the Dormouse,who was sitting next to her.'I'm nearly falling off my seat.'
  'I'm very sorry,'Alice said politely.'I'm getting bigger and taller,you see.'
  'Well,you can't do that here,'said the Dormouse crossly, and he got up and moved to another seat.
  The Hatter was still giving evidence,but nobody could understand a word of it.The King looked at the Queen,and the Queen looked at the executioner.
  The unhappy Hatter saw this,and dropped his bread-and- butter.'I'm a poor man,Your Majesty,'he said again.
  'You're a very poor,speaker,'said the King.He turned to the White Rabbit.'Call the next witness,'he said.
  The next witness was the Duchess's cook,who spoke very angrily and said that she would not give any evidence.The King looked worried and told the White Rabbit to call another witness.Alice watched while the White Rabbit looked at the names on his piece of paper.Then,to her great surprise,he called out loudly,'Alice!'
  'Here!'cried Alice,jumping to her feet.
  'What do you know about these tarts?'said the King.
  'Nothing,'said Alice.
  The Queen was looking hard at Alice.Now she said,'All people a mile high must leave the room.'
  'I'm not a mile high,'said Alice.'And I won't leave the room.I want to hear the evidence.'
  'There is no more evidence,'said the King very quickly, 'and now the jury will—'
  'Your Majesty!'said the White Rabbit,jumping up in a great hurry.'We've just found this letter.There's no name on it,but I think the Knave wrote it.'
  'No,I didn't!'said the Knave loudly.
  'Read it to us,'said the King.
  'Where shall I begin,Your Majesty?'asked the Rabbit.
  'Begin at the beginning,'said the King,'and go on until you get to the end,then stop.'
  Everybody listened very carefully while the White Rabbit read these words.
  They tell me you have been to her,
  And talked of me to him.
  She thought I was a gardener,
  But said I could not swim.
  He tells them that I have not gone,
  (We know that this is true).
  If she decides to hurry on,
  What will they do to you?
  I gave her one,they gave him two,
  You gave us three or more.
  They all returned from him to you,
  But they were mine before.
  'That's a very important piece of evidence,'said the King.He looked very pleased.'Now the jury must—'
  'If anybody in the jury can explain that letter,'said Alice (she was not afraid of anything now,because she was much bigger than everybody in the room),'I'll give him sixpence.It's all nonsense!It doesn't mean anything.'
  The jury busily wrote this down.'She thinks it's all nonsense.'
  'All nonsense,eh?'said the King.He read some of the words again.'But said I could not swim.You can't swim, can you?'he said to the Knave.
  The Knave's face was sad.'Do I look like a swimmer?'he said.(And he didn't—because he was made of paper.)
  The King smiled.'I understand everything now,'he said.'There are the tarts,and here is the Knave of Hearts.And now the jury must decide who the thief is.'
  'No,no!'said the Queen.'Off with his head!The jury can say what it thinks later.'
  'What nonsense!'said Alice loudly.'The jury must decide first.You can't—'
  'Be quiet!'said the Queen,her face turning red.
  'I won't!'said Alice.
  'Off with her head!'screamed the Queen.Nobody moved.
  'It doesn't matter what you say,'said Alice.'You're only a pack of cards!'
  Then the pack of cards flew up into the sky and began to fall on Alice's face.She gave a little scream… and woke up.She was lying next to her sister under the trees,and some leaves were falling on her face.
  'Wake up,Alice dear,'said her sister.'You've been asleep a long time.'
  'Oh,I've had a very curious dream!'said Alice,and she told her sister all about the strange adventures in her wonderful dream.

■ 7 谁偷了果馅饼?
[ 此帖被半世癫在2014-08-19 01:25重新编辑 ]


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 53楼  发表于: 2014-08-18 0

【02-07】  [格林·盖布尔斯来的安妮 / 露西·莫德·蒙哥马利 著]
  Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery

■ 简介

■ 1 A surprise for the Cuthberts
  Matthew Cuthbert lived with his sister Marilla on their farm on Prince Edward Island in Canada. Their farm- house, Green Gables, was just outside the little village of Avonlea. Matthew was nearly sixty and had a long brown beard. His sister was five years younger. They were both tall and thin, with dark hair. Everybody in Avonlea knew that the Cuthberts were quiet people who worked very hard on their farm.
  One afternoon Matthew drove the horse and cart to the sta-tion. 'Has the five-thirty train arrived yet
'he asked the sta-tion-master.
  'Yes, 'the man replied. 'And there's a passenger who's waiting for you. A little girl. '
  'A little girl
'asked Matthew. 'But I've come for a boy! The children's home is sending us one of their orphan boys. We're going to adopt him, you see, and he's going to help me with the farm work. '
  'well, perhaps the children's home didn't have any boys, so they sent you a girl, 'answered the stationmaster carelessly. 'Here she is. '
  Matthew turned shyly to speak to the child. She was about eleven, with long red hair in two plaits. Her face was small, white and thin, with a lot of freckles, and she had large grey-green eyes. She was wearing an old brown hat and a dress which was too small for her.
  'Are you Mr Cuthbert of Green Gables
'she asked excitedly in a high, sweet voice. 'I'm very happy to come and live with you, and belong to you. I've never belonged to anyone, you see. The people at the children's home were very kind, but it's not very exciting to live in a place like that, is it
  Matthew felt sorry for the child. How could he tell her that it was all a mistake
But he couldn't just leave her at the sta-tion. He decided to take her home with him. Marilla could ex-plain the mistake to her.
  He was surprised that he enjoyed the journey home. He was a quiet, shy man, and he didn't like talking himself. But to-day, he only had to listen, because the little girl talked and talked and talked. She told him all about herself while they drove along.
  'My parents died when I was a baby, you know, and for the last three years I've had to work for my food. I've lived with three different families and looked after their children. So I've always been poor, and I haven't got any nice dresses! But I just imagine that I'm wearing the most beautiful blue dress, and a big hat with flowers on, and blue shoes, and then I'm happy! Do you imagine things sometimes
  'Well, I… I…not often, 'said Matthew.
  They were now driving past some very old apple trees next to the road. The trees were full of sweet-smelling, snowy- white flowers. The little girl looked at them.
  'Aren't the trees beautiful
'she said happily. 'But am I talking too much
Please tell me. I can stop if necessary, you know. '
  Matthew smiled at her. 'You go on talking, 'he answered. 'I like listening to you. '
  When they arrived at Green Gables, Marilla came to the door to meet them. But when she saw the little girl, she cried in surprise, 'Matthew, who's that
Where's the boy
  'The children's home has made a mistake, 'he said unhappily, 'and sent a girl, not a boy. '
  The child was listening carefully. Suddenly she put her head in her hands and began to cry.
  'You—you don't want me! 'she sobbed. 'Oh—oh! You don't want me because I'm not a boy! '
  'Now, now, don't cry, 'said Marilla kindly.
  'Don't you understand
Oh! This is the worst thing that's happened to me in all my life! '
  'Well, you can stay here, just for tonight, 'said Marilla. 'Now, what's your name
  The child stopped crying. 'Will you please call me Cordelia
' she asked.
  'Call you Cordelia
Is that your name
  'Well, no, it isn't, but it's a very beautiful name, isn't it
I like to imagine my name is Cordelia, because my real name is Anne Shirley—and that's not a very interesting name, is it
  Marilla shook her head. 'The child has too much imagina-tion, 'she thought.
  Later, when Anne was in bed, Marilla said to her brother, 'She must go back to the children's home tomorrow. '
  'Marilla, don't you think…'began Matthew. 'she's a nice little thing, you know. '
  'Matthew Cuthbert, are you telling me that you want to keep her
'asked Marilla crossly.
  Matthew looked uncomfortable. 'Well, she's clever, and interesting, and—'
  'But we don't need a girl! '
  'But perhaps she needs us, 'Matthew replied, surprisingly quickly for him. 'She's had a very unhappy life up to now, Marilla. She can help you in the house. I can get a boy from the village to help me on the farm. What do you think
  Marilla thought for a long time. 'All right, 'she said in the end, 'I agree. The poor child can stay. I'll look after her. '
  Matthew smiled happily. 'Be as good and kind to her as you can, Marilla. I think she needs a lot of love. '

■ 1 卡斯伯特兄妹俩大吃一惊

■ 2 At Green Gables
  And so the next morning Marilla said, 'Well, Anne, Matthew and I have decided to keep you, only if you're a good girl, of course. Why, child, what's the matter
  'I'm crying, 'sobbed Anne, 'because I'm very happy! It's beautiful here! People say I'm very bad, but I'll try very hard to be good. Oh, thank you! Thank you! '
  'Now stop crying, child, 'said Marilla a little crossly, 'and listen. We're going to adopt you, and send you to school after the summer holidays. '
  Anne stopped crying. 'Can I call you Aunt Marilla
I've never had any family at all, so I'd really like to have an aunt. We could imagine that you're my mother's sister. '
  'I couldn't, 'answered Marilla firmly.
  'Don't you imagine things
'asked Anne, surprised.
  'No, I don't, 'Marilla replied. 'I do my housework, and look after Matthew, and go to church on Sunday. There's no time for imagining things in this house. Just remember that, Anne. '
  Anne was silent for a few minutes. Then she said, 'Marillam do you think I'll find a best friend in Avonlea
Someone who really understands me and knows all my secrets. I've always wanted a friend like that. '
  'Our friends, the Barrys, have a daughter called Diana, who's eleven, like you But if you want to play with her, you'll have to be very good. Mrs Barry is very careful about Diana's friends. '
  'Diana! What a beautiful name! 'said Anne excitedly. 'Her hair isn't red, is it
I hope it isn't. 'She looked sadly at her red plaits. 'I hate my hair. '
  'Diana has dark hair. She's a good, clever girl. Try to be like her, Anne. '
  When the two girls met, they knew at once that they would be good friends. They often played together, in the fields, or by the river, or in the garden. In the morning Anne helped Marilla with the housework. Then in the afternoon she played with Diana, or talked happily to Matthew while he worked on the farm. She soon knew and loved every flower, tree, and animal at Green Gables.
  The Cuthberts had another friend, Mrs Rachel Lynde. She liked to know everything that was happening in and around Avonlea. She was very interested in the Cuthberts'little or-phan girl, so one day she visited Marilla.
  'I was very surprised to hear about the child, 'she told Mar-illa. 'So you and Matthew have adopted her! '
  'I'm surprised myself, 'answered Marilla with a smile. 'But she's a clever little thing, you know. And she's always dancing, or singing, or laughing. '
  Mrs Lynde shook her head sadly. 'What a mistake, Marilla! You've never had any children yourself, so how can you look after her
  Just then Anne ran in from the garden. She stopped sudden-ly when she saw a stranger in the kitchen. Mrs Lynde looked at the thin little girl in the short dress, with her freckled face and red hair.
  'Isn't she thin, Marilla
'she said. 'Just look at those freckles! And hair as red as carrots! '
  Anne's face went red. She ran up to Mrs Lynde.
  'I hate you! 'she shouted angrily. 'I hate you! You're a horrible, fat old woman! 'And she ran upstairs.
  'Oh dear, oh dear! 'said Mrs Lynde. 'What a terrible child! You'll not have an easy time with her, Marilla. '
  'You were rude to her, Rachel, 'Marilla replied, before she could stop herself.
  'Well! 'said Mrs Lynde. She got up and walked to the door. 'I think this orphan is more important to you than I am. When I think how long we've been friends…You'll have trouble with her, I can tell you. Well, I'm sorry for you, that's all. Goodbye. '
  Marilla went upstairs to Anne's room. The child was lying on her narrow bed, sobbing loudly.
  'You mustn't get angry like that, Anne. Mrs Lynde is my friend, and you were very rude to her. '
  'She was rude to me! 'said Anne. 'She said I was thin and freckled and red-haired. It was very unkind! '
  'I understand how you feel, 'said Marilla. 'But you must go to her and tell her you're sorry. '
  'I can never do that, 'said Anne firmly.
  'Then you must stay in your room and think about it. You can come out when you agree to say that you're sorry. '
  Anne stayed in her room all the next day. Downstairs the house was very quiet without her. That evening, while Marilla was busy in the garden, Matthew went up to Anne's room. The child was sitting sadly by the window.
  'Anne, 'he said shyly, 'why don't you say you're sorry
Then you can come down, and we can all be happy. '
  'I am sorry now, 'said Anne. 'I was very angry yesterday! But do you really want me to…'
  'Yes, do, please. It's lonely downstairs without you. But don't tell Marilla I've talked to you. '
  Marilla was pleased to hear that Anne was sorry. Later that evening, when she and Anne were in Mrs Lynde's warm kitchen, Anne suddenly fell on her knees.
  'Oh Mrs Lynde, 'cried the little girl, 'I'm very sorry. I can't tell you how sorry I am, so you must just imagine it. I am a bad girl! But please say you will forgive me. I'll be sad all my life if you don't ! '
  'She's enjoying herself! 'thought Marilla, watching Anne's face. 'She doesn't look sorry at all, but happy and excited! '
  But Mrs Lynde said kindly, 'Of course I forgive you. 'And later she said to Marilla, 'Perhaps you're right to keep her. She's a strange little thing, but I think I like her. '

■ 2 在格林·盖布尔斯
[ 此帖被半世癫在2014-08-19 01:26重新编辑 ]


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 54楼  发表于: 2014-08-18 0

■ 3 At Avonlea school
  When school started in September, Anne and Diana walked there and back together every day.
  'What a beautiful day, 'Anne said happily one morning, as the two little girls walked across the fields. 'I'm very lucky to have you as my best friend, Diana. You are my best friend, aren't you
  'Of course, Anne, 'replied Diana, taking Anne's hand. 'And just think, today you'll meet Gilbert Blythe. He's three years older than us, and very good-looking. He's just come back from holiday, and starts school today. '
  'Oh, boys! 'said Anne. 'I'm not interested in them. '
  But she did look at Gilbert when they arrived at school. He was a tall boy, with curly brown hair and a friendly smile.
  'He is good-looking, 'Anne whispered to Diana, 'but why does he smile at me
He doesn't know me! '
  Avonlea school was quiet that day. The teacher, Mr Phillips, was helping some of the older children at the back of the schoolroom. Anne was looking out of the window at the reds and yellows of the trees, and the silvery blue of the river. She was far away in the world of her imagination. But Gilbert wanted her to look at him. He whispered to her, but she did not move. He was surprised. Girls were usually very ready to look at him.
  Suddenly he put his arm out, pulled her red plaits, and said in a loud whisper, 'Carrots! Carrots! '
  Anne jumped up and looked angrily at Gilbert.
  'You horrible boy! 'she cried. 'I hate you! 'And then she brought her heavy book down on Cilbert's head.
  Mr Phillips heard the noise, and came slowly to the front of the schoolroom.
  'Anne Shirley, why did you do that
'he asked. She stayed silent. Gilbert said, 'I'm sorry, Mr Phillips. I was rude to her. That's why she hit me. 'But the teacher did not listen to Gilbert.
  'I cannot have bad children in my school, 'said Mr Phillips firmly, 'Anne, go and stand in front of the class. 'And there Anne stood for the rest of the day, a lonely little girl with a small white angry face.
  'I hate Mr Phillips! 'she thought. 'And I'll never look at or speak to Gilbert Blythe again! '
  The next day some of the school children were playing in a farmer's field in their lunch hour, so they were a little late for afternoon school. Anne ran into the classroom at the same time as the boys, just after the teacher.
  'You're late, Anne, 'said Mr Phillips. 'You won't sit with Diana today. I see that you enjoy being with the boys very much, so go and sit next to Gilbert this afternoon. '
  Anne's face went white. 'He can't mean it! 'she thought.
  'Did you hear me, Anne
'asked Mr Phillips.
  'Yes sir, 'said Anne and moved slowly to Gilbert's desk. There she sat down and put her head on the desk, with her arms over it.
  'This is the end, 'she was thinking. 'I wasn't the only per-son who was late. And he's sent me to sit with a boy! And that boy is Gilbert Blythe! '
  The rest of the day went very slowly for Anne. When it was time to leave, she went to her desk, next to Diana's, and took all her books, pens and pencils with her.
  'What are you doing, Anne
'asked Diana.
  'I'm not coming back to school, 'replied Anne firmly.
  'Oh! But Anne…we're reading a new book next week…and we're playing a new game on Monday, and… It'll be very exciting! And you'll miss it, Anne! '
  But Anne was not interested. 'I'm sorry, Diana, 'was her only answer.
  That evening Marilla ran round to Rachel Lynde's house. 'Rachel, please help me! Anne says she won't go back to school. What am I going to say to her
  Mrs Lynde already knew about Anne's troubles at school, and she was always very pleased when people asked her to help. She smiled and sat back comfortably.
  'I've had ten children myself, so I know all about them, 'she said. 'Anne can stay at home for a while. She'll want to go back to school again soon, I'm sure. '
  So Anne stayed at home, and only saw Diana in the evenings. She was a child who felt very strongly. She hated Gilbert Blythe, but she really loved Diana.
  One evening Marilla found Anne crying in the kitchen. 'What's the matter, child
'she asked in surprise.
  'I love Diana very much, 'sobbed Anne. 'I can't live with-out her, Marilla! But what will happen when she marries
I hate her husband already! I can imagine her in the church in her long white dress…and then she'll go away! And I'll nev-er see her again! '
  Marilla turned away to hide her smiling face. What a strange, funny child Anne was! Marilla tried not to laugh, but she couldn't stop herself.
  'You and your imagination, Anne Shirley! 'she cried, and she laughed and laughed.
  Mrs Lynde was right, of course. After a few days Anne de-cided to go back to school. All the children were pleased to see her again, but she did not speak to Gilbert Blythe.

■ 3 在埃文利学校

■ 4 More trouble for Anne
  'I think I'll ask the new vicar, Mr Allan, and his wife to tea on Wednesday. 'said Marilla one day.
  'Oh yes, please do! 'cried Anne excitedly. 'Mrs Allan is young and beautiful, and has a very sweet smile! Can I make a cake for tea
Say yes, Marilla! '
  Marilla agreed, and for the next few days Anne planned what she would put in her cake.
  'I do hope it's going to be a good one, 'she told Diana. 'Sometimes I forget to put in the right things. '
  'You made a very good one last week, 'said her friend. 'I'm sure it'll be all right. '
  On Wednesday the tea party started very well.
  'These are very good cakes, Miss Cuthbert, 'Mrs Allan said to Marilla. 'You have been busy. '
  'Anne made this one, specially for you, Mrs Allan, 'replied Marilla.
  'Oh well, I must try some, 'laughed the vicar's wife. But after the first mouthful there was a very strange look on her face.
  'Is anything wrong
'asked Marilla. She ate a piece of Anne's cake herself. 'Oh! Anne! What have you put in this cake
'she cried.
  'Isn't it…isn't it all right
'asked Anne, her face red.
  'All right
It's horrible! Don't try to eat any more, Mrs Allan. Anne, you've put my medicine in this cake! '
  'Oh! I didn't know! It was white, and in a bottle! I thought it was milk! 'sobbed Anne. She ran upstairs and fell on her bed, crying loudly.
  But later that evening, when Mrand Mrs Allan went home, Marilla came to talk to her.
  'Oh Marilla! 'cried Anne. 'Everybody in Avonlea will laugh at me for putting medicine in a cake! '
  Marilla smiled and touched Anne's hot face. 'No, they won't, Anne. Mrs Allan wasn't angry, you know. She said it was very kind of you to make her a cake, and she's asked you to tea at her house! '
  'Oh, so she's forgiven me! She is nice, isn't she
'said Anne thankfully. 'Why do I get into trouble like this
Perhaps I won't make any mistakes tomorrow. '
  Marilla shook her head, still smiling. 'You'll think of some-thing, Anne. You're very good at making mistakes! '
  Spring came, with its bright green leaves and early flowers. One April evening Marilla came home late after visiting friends. She found the kitchen empty, and no supper on the table.
  'Where's Anne
'she thought crossly. 'I told her to get the supper ready. 'She hurried upstairs to Anne's room, and found the girl sobbing on her bed.
  'Don't look at me, Marilla! 'Anne cried. 'I know I'm bad, I know I am! '
  'What is the matter
'asked Marilla. 'Are you ill
  'Oh Marilla, I just want to die! Look at my hair! '
  And Marilla saw that Anne's long thick red hair was now a horrible dark green.
  'Oh Anne! 'she said, 'What have you done now
  'I…I bought a bottle of something special from a man who came to the door. He said it would change my hair from red to black! Oh, I know it was stupid of me! But what shall I do
  They washed Anne's hair again and again, but it was still green. Anne stayed at home for a week, saw nobody, and washed her hair every day. But at the end of the week, Maril-la said, 'I'm sorry, Anne, we'll have to cut it all off. You can't go to school with green hair. '
  Anne had to agree. 'Perhaps this will teach me not to think about being beautiful, 'she said sadly.
  Everybody was surprised to see Anne with very short hair, but no one learned the secret. And some weeks later, there were some new, darker red curls, which pleased Anne very much.
  * * *
  That summer Anne and her friends often played in an old boat on the river.
  'Today, let's imagine that I'm a prisoner and I'm escaping from prison by boat, 'said Anne. 'I'll hide in the boat and the river will carry it down to the bridge. You're my family, and you must meet me at the bridge. '
  The other girls agreed, so Anne got into the boat and hid under some coats. Her friends pushed the boat off down the river and ran across the fields to get round to the bridge. For a few minutes the prisoner enjoyed the game, but then she sud- denly felt wet and sat up. Water was coming in very fast through a hole in the bottom of the boat! Luckily, there were some trees by the river and Anne saw a low branch over the water. She jumped up and caught the branch. The boat went on without her and a few seconds later went down under the water.
  Her friends on the bridge saw the boat, but they did not see Anne under the tree. 'Oh! Oh! Anne's dead! The boat's gone down and she's in the river! 'they screamed, and ran back to the village for help.
  Poor Anne could not move. She held on and held on, but her arms were getting tired and she knew that she would fall in a minute. Suddenly, there was Gilbert Bly the in his boat!
  'Anne Shirley! 'he cried. 'What are you doing there
'He did not wait for an answer, but quickly helped Anne into his boat. She didn't say a word. When they arrived at the bridge, she got out and turned away.
  'Thank you for helping me, 'she said coldly.
  But Gilbert jumped out, and put a hand on her arm.
  'Anne, 'he said quickly, 'I'm sorry I called you "carrots. "It was a long time ago. I think your hair is really nice now. Can we forget it, and be friends
  For a second Anne wanted to say yes. But then she remembered standing alone in front of the school children all after-noon, because of Gilbert. She would never forgive him for that! 'No, 'she replied coldly, 'I shall never be your friend, Gilbert Bly the! '
  'All right! 'Gilbert jumped angrily back into his boat. 'I'll never ask you again, Anne Shirley! '
  Anne walked home with her head held high, but she felt strangely sad, and wanted to cry.
  'Why are you always in trouble, Anne
'asked Marilla, when she heard about Anne's adventure.
  'Well, I think I'm learning, Marilla, 'answered Anne. 'I learn from my mistakes, and after today, I won't use my imagination so much. I don't think Avonlea is the right place for imagination. '
  'No, it isn't, 'agreed Marilla a little crossly.
  When she went out, Matthew, who was sitting quietly in his corner, whispered to Anne, 'Keep a little imagination, Anne, not too much, of course, just a little. '

■ 4 安妮还有更多的麻烦
  * * *
  * * *
[ 此帖被半世癫在2014-08-19 01:27重新编辑 ]


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 55楼  发表于: 2014-08-18 0

■ 5 Queen's College
  One day Marilla said, 'Anne, your new teacher, Miss Stacy, spoke to me yesterday. She says you must study for the examinations for Queen's College in two years' time. Then if you do well, you can study at Queen's in Charlotte-town for a year, and after that you'll be a teacher! '
  'Oh Marilla! I'd love to be a teacher! But won't it be very expensive
  'That doesn't matter, Anne. When Matthew and I adopted you three years ago, we decided to look after you as well as we could. Of course we'll pay for you to study. '
  So in the afternoons Anne and some of her friends stayed late at school, and Miss Stacy helped them with the special ex-amination work. Diana didn't want to go to Queen's, so she went home early, but Gilbert stayed. He and Anne still never spoke and everybody knew that they were enemies, because they both wanted to be first in the examination. Secretly, Anne was sorry that she and Gilbert weren't friends, but it was too late now.
  For two years Anne studied hard at school. She enjoyed learning, and Miss Stacy was pleased with her. But she didn't study all the time. In the evenings and at weekends she visited her friends, or walked through the fields with Diana, or sat talking to Matthew.
  'Your Anne is a big girl now. She's taller than you, 'Rachel Lynde told Marilla one day.
  'You're right, Rache! 'said Marilla in surprise.
  'And she's a very good girl now, isn't she
She doesn't get into trouble these days. I'm sure she helps you a lot with the housework, Marilla. '
  'Yes, I don't know what I'd do without her, 'said Marilla, smiling.
  'And look at her! Those beautiful grey eyes, and that red-brown hair! You know, Marilla, I thought you and Matthew made a mistake when you adopted her. But now I see I was wrong. You've looked after her very well. '
  'Well, thank you, Rachel, 'replied Marilla, pleased.
  That evening, when Matthew came into the kitchen, he saw that his sister was crying.
  'What's the matter
'he asked, surprised. 'You haven't cried since…well, I can't remember when. '
  'It's just…well, I was thinking about Anne, 'said Marilla. 'I'll…I'll miss her when she goes away. '
  'When she goes to Queen's, you mean
Yes, but she can come home at weekends, on the train. '
  'I'll still miss her, ' said Marilla sadly.
  In June the Avonlea boys and girls had to go to Charlotte-town to take their examinations.
  'Oh, I do hope that I've done well, 'Anne told Diana when she arrived back at Green Gables. 'The examinations were very difficult. And I've got to wait for three weeks before I know! Three weeks! I'll die! '
  Anne wanted to do better than Gilbert. But she also wanted to do well for Matthew and Marilla. That was very important to her.
  Diana was the first to hear the news. She ran into the kitchen at Green Gables and shouted, 'Look, Anne! It's in Father's newspaper! You're first… with Gilbert…out of all the students on the island! Oh, how wonderful! 'Anne took the paper with shaking hands, and saw her name, at the top of the list of two hundred. She could not speak.
  'Well, now, I knew it, 'said Matthew with a warm smile.
  'You've done well, I must say, Anne, 'said Marilla, who was secretly very pleased.
  For the next three weeks Anne and Marilla were very busy. Anne needed new dresses to take to Charlottetown.
  The evening before she left, she put on one of her new dresses to show Matthew. Marilla watched the happy young face. She remembered the strange, thin little child, with her sad eyes, who arrived at Green Gables five years ago, and she started crying quietly.
  'Marilla, why are you crying
'asked Anne.
  'I was just thinking of you when you were a little girl, 'said Marilla. 'And…you're going away now…and I'll be lonely without you. '
  Anne took Marilla's face in her hands, 'Marilla, nothing will change. Perhaps I'm bigger and older now, but I'll al-ways be your little Anne. And I'll love you and Matthew and Green Gables more every day of my life. '
  Marilla could not say what she felt, like Anne, but she could show it. She put her arms round her girl and held her close to her heart.
  And so for the next year Anne lived in Charlottetown, and went to college every day. She sometimes came home at week-ends, but she had to study hard. Some of her Avonlea friends were at Queen's too, and also her enemy, Gilbert Blythe. Anne saw that he often walked and talked with other girls. She felt sure that she and Gilbert could have some interesting conversations. But she didn't want to be the first to speak to him, and he never looked at her.
  There were examinations at the end of the college year, in May. Anne studied very hard for them.
  'I'd love to get the first place, 'she thought. 'Or perhaps I could get the Avery prize. 'This was a prize for the student who was best at English writing, and Anne knew she was good at that. The Avery prize paid for a free place for four years at Redmond College, one of the best colleges in Canada.
  When news of the examinations came, Anne waited for her friends to tell her. She heard shouting. 'It's Gilbert! He's the first! ' She felt ill. But just then she heard another shout. 'Anne Shirley's got the Avery! 'And then all the girls were round her, laughing and shouting.
  'Matthew and Marilla will be pleased! 'thought Anne. 'Now I can go on studying, and they won't have to pay! '

■ 5 女王学院

■ 6 Matthew and Marilla
  But when she arrived back at Green Gables, Anne knew at once that something was wrong. Matthew looked
  much older than before.
  'What's the matter with him
'Anne asked Marilla.
  'He's had some heart trouble this year, 'replied Marilla. 'He really isn't well. I'm worried about him. '
  'And you're not looking well, Marilla, 'said Anne. 'Now you must rest, while I do the housework. '
  Marilla smiled tiredly at Anne. 'It's not the work, it's my head. It often hurts, behind my eyes. I must see the doctor about it soon. But another thing, Anne, have you heard any-thing about the Church Bank
  'I heard it was having a difficult time. '
  'All our money is in that bank. I know Matthew's worried about it. '
  The next morning a letter came for Matthew. Marilla saw his grey face and cried, 'What's the matter, Matthew
  Anne, who was bringing an armful of flowers into the kitchen, saw his face too. Suddenly, Matthew fell to the ground. Anne dropped her flowers and ran to help Marilla. Together they tried everything, but it was too late. Matthew was dead.
  'It was his heart, 'said the doctor, who arrived a little later. 'Did he have any bad news suddenly
  'The letter! 'cried Anne. 'Shall I see what's in it
Oh Mar-illa, look! The Church Bank has had to close down! Your money, and Matthew's, has all gone! '
  Everybody in Avonlea was sorry to hear that Matthew was dead. For the first time in his life, Matthew Cuthbert was an important person.
  At first Anne couldn't cry. But then she remembered Matthew's smiling face when she told him about the Avery prize. Suddenly she started crying and couldn't stop. Marilla held her in her arms and they sobbed together.
  'Crying can't bring him back, 'whispered Marilla. 'We'll have to learn to live without him, Anne. '
  * * *
  In the next few weeks Anne and Marilla worked hard together on the farm and in the house. Everybody in Avonlea was very kind to them, but it was a sad time.
  One day Marilla said, 'I'll miss you when you go to Red-mond College, Anne. What are the other Avonlea students go-ing to do
  'Some of them are going to teach, and some are going to stay at Queen's. '
  'Gilbert's going to teach at Avonlea school, isn't he
'Anne didn't reply, so Marilla went on. 'He's very tall and good-looking now, don't you think
Like his father, John, when he was younger. You know, John and I were very good friends, years ago. '
  Anne looked up, interested. 'What happened
Why didn't you…
  'Well, we had a fight about something. He asked me to be friends again, but I couldn't forgive him. Later I was sorry, but he didn't speak to me again. Perhaps we…Oh well, it was a long time ago. '
  The next day Marilla went to see the doctor. When she came back, she looked very tired and ill.
  'What did the doctor say
'asked Anne worriedly.
  'He says I mustn't read or write, and I must wear glasses. Then my head won't hurt. But if I'm not very careful, I'll be blind in six months! '
  For a minute Anne was silent. Then she said firmly, 'Then you must be careful, Marilla. '
  'Think how terrible it is to be blind! But how lucky you've got a free place at Redmond College! I can't give you any money, you see. All our money's gone, and I can't work now. I think I'll have to sell the farm, and go and live with Rachel Lynde! 'and poor Marilla sobbed wildly.
  That night Anne sat alone in her bedroom. She thought and thought for some time, and then she smiled. When she went to bed, she knew what she was going to do.
  The next day she explained it all to Marilla.
  'You can't sell Green Gables, it's our home! Just listen, I've planned everything. I'm not going to Redmond College, it's too far away. I'm going to teach, in one of the village schools near here. Then I can live there during the week and come home at weekends to look after you. Diana's father will use our fields and pay us for them, and so we'll have some money. You see
  'Oh Anne! I'll be all right if you're here. But you must go to Redmond, if you want to study…'
  'Redmond College doesn't matter, 'laughed Anne. 'I'm going to study at home in the evenings. And I'm going to be a really good teacher! That's better than anything! '
  Marilla shook her head and tried not to cry. 'You're a good girl, Anne. Now we can keep Green Gables! '
  A few days later Rachel Lynde came to the farm.
  'Do you know, 'she said, 'that Gilbert isn't going to be the Avonlea teacher now
  'Isn't he
'cried Anne. 'Why not
  'When he heard that you wanted to be near Marilla, he de-cided to teach at a school in another village. So you can be the Avonlea teacher now. '
  'Oh! 'said Anne, surprised. 'That's…that's very kind of him. '
  And that day, when she saw Gilbert by the river, she stopped him and held out her hand.
  'Gilbert, 'she said shyly, 'I… I want to thank you. It's very good of you. If I'm the Avonlea teacher, I can help Mar-illa much more at home. '
  'I'm happy to help you, Anne, 'said Gilbert. He smiled and held her hand firmly. 'Are we going to be friends now
Have you forgiven me for calling you"carrots"
  Anne laughed. 'I forgave you a long time ago. '
  'I'm sure we're going to be very good friends, Anne. Can I walk home with you
  And when Anne came into the Green Gables kitchen, Maril-la said, 'You look very happy, Anne. Was that Gilbert who was with you just now
  'Yes, 'replied Anne, her face red. 'Gilbert and I've decided to be friends. Oh Marilla, I think life is going to be good for all of us! We'll have to work hard, but we'll be happy. And we'll keep our dear old Green Gables! What could be better than that! '

■ 6 马修和玛丽拉
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[ 此帖被半世癫在2014-08-19 01:28重新编辑 ]


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 56楼  发表于: 2014-08-18 0

【02-08】  [五个孩子和沙精 / 伊迪丝·内斯比特 著]
  Five Children and It by Edith Nesbit

■ 简介

■ 1 Beautiful Children
  The house was about four kilometres from the station,but after only a minute or two the children began to ask,' Are we nearly there?'And every time they saw a house they said,' Oh, is this it?'But it never was. Then they came to the top of a hill, and there was a White house with a green garden and lots of fruit trees. ' Here we are!'Mother said.
  Everyone hurried to get out of the carriage—— Robert,Anthea, Jane, Cyril, and Martha, the nursemaid, with the baby. But Mother did not hurry. The children ran round the house and all through the garden to see what there was. But Mother stood and watched the driver while he carried the boxes into the house.
  The children loved the house. They knew immediately that they were going to be happy there. Mother did not like the house very much because it was old and there were no cup-boards. But it was deep in the country and after two years in London the children thought that it was wonderful. If you live in London and your family is not rich, you get bored because you cannot go to shops and theatres ,and people say,' Don't do this' and 'Don't go there. 'In the country you can go any-where and do anything.
  The white house was on the hill, with a wood behind it and a gravel-pit on one side . It was at the gravel-pit, a week later,that the children found a fairy. Well, that was what it called itself. But it was different from other fairies.
  It happened when Mother had to go and stay with Grand-mother,who was ill. Martha stayed with the children,of course. But the house was very quiet and empty. The children did not know what to do. Then Cyril said,' Let's go to the gravel-pit. '
  The gravel-pit was very large, with grass and wild flowers round the sides at the top. When they got there, the children decided that they would go down into the pit to play in the sand.
  ' Let's dig a deep hole— perhaps we can get all the way down to Australia,'said Robert.
  The others agreed and they all began to dig hard in the sand. But it was a very hot day. Baby went to sleep and Robert, Cyril, and Jane sat down to rest, but Anthea went on working on the hole.
  Suddenly she screamed. ' Cyril! Come here! Quick!There's something alive!'she cried.
  They all jumped up and hurried over to see what it was.
  ' It's got feet,'Anthea said. ' And fur. Don't hurt it. I know this sounds stupid, but it said something. '
  ' What did it say?' asked Cyril.
  'It said,“You leave me alone. ”
  The others just laughed, but the two boys began to move away more of the sand. Soon they could see that there really was something moving in the hole.
  Suddenly a hard little voice cried,' Leave me alone!'
  They all jumped back and no one spoke for a minute. Then Robert said,' But we want to see you. '
  ' Yes, I wish you'd come out,'Anthea said.
  'Oh, well, if that's your wish,'the voice said, and the sand began to fly about everywhere. Then something brown and furry and fat fell out into the hole. ' I think I was asleep,'it said.
  The children stood and looked at it. It really was very strange. It could move its eyes in and out on stalks, it had big ears and its body was fat and round and furry. Its legs and arms had soft fur all over them too, and it had hands and feet.
  ' What is it?' asked Jane. ' Shall we take it home?'
  The thing turned its long eyes to look at her. ' Does she always say stupid things?'it said.
  ' She doesn't mean it,' Anthea said. ' Don't be afraid. We won't hurt you. '
  The little thing was angry. ' Hurt me! 'it cried. ' I'm not afraid of you!'
  'Oh, don't be angry,'said Anthea kindly. ' Tell us who you are. We really don't know. '
  'You don't know?'it said. ' Don't you know a Psammead when you see one?'
  'A Sammyadd? What's that?'Jane said .
  ' A sand-fairy, of course. Don't you know a sand-fairy when you see one?'
  It looked very unhappy, and Jane said,' Of course! I can see that you're a sand-fairy now. '
  And Robert said,'Well, I didn't know that you were a Psammead, but I can see that you are something very wonder-ful. Please talk some more to us. '
  The Psammead looked a little happier when it heard that,and it said,'Well,you can talk to me ,if you want to. Per- haps I'll answer you and perhaps I won't. Now saysomething. '
  At first the children could not think of anything to say,but then Robert asked,' How long have you lived here?'
  'Oh,thousands of years,' the Psammead answered.
  The children waited, but the Psammead was silent.
  ' Please tell us more,' Robert said.
  'Well, all right, then,'the Psammead said. ' There were lots of us then,' it went on. ' People sent their children out to look for Psammeads,and when they found us,we gave them a wish. '
  'What happened to all the Psammeads, then?' Robert asked.
  'Well,if they get wet,they get ill and they usually die, and that's what happened. Most of them got wet and died. And I'm not going to tell you another thing. '
  ' Oh,just one more question,please,'said Robert. ' Do you give wishes now?'
  ' You've had one,'said the Psammead. ' You wished to see me,and here I am. '
  ' Oh, please. Just one more,' Anthea cried.
  ' Well, all right, but be quick!I'm tired of you!'
  It is very difficult to think of a really good wish, in just a second or two. Then Anthea remembered a wish of hers and Jane's. She knew that the boys wouldn't like it, but it was better than nothing.
  ' I wish we were all very, very beautiful,' she said.
  The Psammead pushed out its long eyes and got bigger and fatter, and the children waited. Then it said,' I'm sorry. I haven't done this for a long time. I'll try again,butl can only do one wish a day for you. Do you agree to that?'
  ' Yes, oh yes!'the children cried.
  ' But remember, the wish is only for a day,'said the Psammead. ' When the sun goes down,everything goes back to what it was. '
  The Psammead slowly got bigger, then suddenly went small again. ' That's all right!'it said. At once it turned and went back into the sand at the bottom of the hole.
  The children stood there for a second, and then Anthea turned to speak to the others. But they were not there! She was looking at three strangers— a girl with beautiful red hair and big blue eyes, and two very good-looking boys. Suddenly she understood. They had their wish. The strangers were Robert and Cyril and Jane—but now they were beautiful. Cyril's hair was golden now, and Robert's was black.
  ' I liked you better before!'Robert cried angrily to his brother and sisters. 'Jane's hair looks like carrots, and Cyril looks really stupid with long golden hair. '
  They went to find Baby, but he was just the same as he was before.
  ' Perhaps it's because he's young. He can't have wishes. We'll have to remember that next time,'Anthea said,and she held out her arms to him. But Baby's mouth turned down at the corners and then he began to cry loudly. He did not know them!
  It took an hour to stop him crying and then, very tired and cross, they took him home. Martha, Baby's nursemaid, was waiting at the front door. She took Baby from them quickly:
  ' Where are the others?'she asked. 'And who are you?'
  ' we're us,of course,' Robert said. ' You don't know us be-cause we're beautiful. '
  ' And we're very hungry,'said Cyril,'and we want our lunch, please. '
  ' Go away!'Martha screamed. ' Or I'll send for the police,'and she closed the door in their faces.
  The children were very hungry by then, and they tried three times to get into the house—but Martha would not let them in. After a while they went and sat at the bottom of the garden to wait for the sun to go down. 'The wish will finish then, won't it?'Jane said.
  But the others didn't answer because no one was really sure.
  It was a terrible afternoon. They had no lunch, no tea, and they were tired, angry and afraid. It's true that they were all very beautiful,but that's not a lot of help when you'rs unhappy. In the end they fell asleep.
  It was nearly dark when they woke up. Anthea was the first to wake up and she looked at the others. They were no longer very beautiful. Everything was all right again. Happily, they all went back to the house. Of course, Martha was angry.
  ' Where have you been all day?'she cried.
  It is not easy to explain a Psammead to an angry nursemaid,so the children didn't try.
  'We met some beautiful children and we couldn't get away from them until it was nearly dark,'Anthea said. ' They were terrible, and we never want to see them again. '
  And they never have.

■ 1 漂亮的孩子

■ 2 The Children Wish to Be Rich
  The next morning Martha took Baby out with her and the children decided to go back to the gravel-pit to look for the Psammead again. At first they could not find it. 'Per-haps it wasn't really here,'Robert said . But they began to dig into the sand with their hands and suddenly they came to the brown furry body of the Psammead. It sat up and shook the sand out of its fur.
  ' How are you today?'Anthea asked.
  'Well,I didn't sleep very well,but thank you for asking,'the Psammead answered.
  ' Can you give wishes today?'Robert said. ' Because we'd like to have two,if we can. But one is a very little wish. '
  'Well, all right,' said the Psammead, looking at Robert with its long eyes. ' Let's have the little wish first. '
  ' Martha mustn't know about the wishes,'Robert said. ' I mean, she mustn't see anything different about us. And can you do that for every wish on every day?'
  The Psammead went a little bigger and then went small again. ' I've done that,'it said. ' It was easy. What's the next wish?'
  ' We wish,' said Robert slowly,' to be very rich. '
  ' How much money do you want?'asked the Psammead. 'It won't do you much good, of course,'it said quietly to itself. 'Well, how much—— and do you want it in gold or notes?'
  'Gold, please,'Robert said. 'Millions!'
  'A full gravel-pit,all right?'said the Psammead,sounding bored. ' But get out before I begin, or you'll die underneath it. '
  Its thin arms got very long and it began to move them about. The children were afraid, and ran as fast as they could up to the road. When they were there, they turned to look back. They had to close their eyes and open them again very slowly . The gravel-pit was full, right up to the top, with new,shining,gold coins!
  The children stood with their mouths open, and no one said a word.
  Then Robert took one of the coins in his hand and looked at it. ' It's different from English money,'he said.
  ' Well,it doesn't matter. It's gold,'said Cyril. 'Don't for-get that it will all go when the sun goes down. Come on! Let's put as much as we can in our pockets and go and spend it. '
  So they all put gold coins in their pockets and went off to the village. But the gold was heavy, and soon they were very tired and hot. They decided to get something to drink in the village and then go on to the town of Rochester.
  Cyril went into the shop and the others waited outside. But when Cyril came back with a bottle of lemonade, he said,' I had to pay with my real money. When they saw all the coins,they wouldn't change the gold. '
  'Well, I'll try to get something with the gold,'Anthea said. ' We need a horse and cart. Come on. '
  Anthea went to talk to a man who had a horse and cart, and the others waited. After a few minutes she came back, looking very pleased with herself. ' I wasn't stupid like Cyril,' she said. ' I only took out one coin, not all of them,and the man said he'll drive us to Rochester and wait for us. '
  On the way to Rochester, they did not speak. They were making plans about how to spend their gold, and they did not want to talk in front of the driver.
  But when they arrived in Rochester, with about twelve hun-dred gold coins in their pockets, they found that it was very difficult to spend them. Anthea tried to buy a very nice hat, but the woman in the shop looked very strangely,first at the gold coins, then at Anthea.
  ' I can't take that,'she said. ' It's not modern English money. '
  They went from shop to shop, but no one wanted to take their gold. ' It's because our hands are dirty and we look untidy. People think we've stolen the gold,'Anthea said.
  And it was worse when they tried to buy a horse and car-riage. Cyril showed the man his gold, and the man called to his son,'Send for the police!'
  ' It's our money,'said Cyril angrily. 'We're not thieves. '
  ' Where did you get it from then?'said the man.
  ' A sand-fairy gave it to us,'said Jane. ' He gives us a wish a day and they all come true. '
  The man shook his head slowly. ' Oh dear, oh dear,'he said. 'Stealing, and then telling stories about it. '
  Just then a policeman arrived and when he heard about the gold, he said to the four children,'Come with me. I'm taking you to the police station!'
  The children were angry and unhappy, but the policeman walked along the road behind them and they couldn't escape. They held their heads down because they did not want anyone to see them, and suddenly Robert ran into someone. ' Robert,what have you done now?'a voice cried . It was Martha and Baby!
  The policeman explained everything to Martha, and Cyril had to take the gold out of his pocket and show it to her.
  ' I can't see anything—just two very dirty hands,' she said. ' There's no gold there. What are you talking about?'
  And then the children remembered that Martha couldn't see the wishes.
  It was getting dark when they arrived at the police station. The policeman explained about the gold and the Inspector said,'Well , let's see it. '
  Cyril put his hands into his pockets— but they were empty! The others put their hands into their pockets. They were empty, too! Of course, all the fairy gold went when the sun went down!
  ' How did they do that?'cried the policeman.
  Martha was very angry with him. ' I told you that there wasn't any gold,'she shouted. ' You'll be in trouble for this. Saying that these poor little children are thieves!'
  But she was very angry with the children too. ' What were you doing in town alone?'she said to them outside the police station.
  And she took them home and sent them to bed early.

■ 2 孩子们希望变得富有
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等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 57楼  发表于: 2014-08-19 0

■ 3 Wings
  The next day was very wet. It rained all day and the children could not go to see the Psammead. They stayed at home and wrote letters to their mother. But none of them told her about the Psammead. And the day after that, their Uncle Richard came and took them out,so they did not see the Psammead for two days. But Anthea spent a lot of time think-ing about what to wish for.
  The next morning, while Martha was busy with Baby, the children left the house quietly and went to see the Psammead. On the way, Anthea said to the others,' I know what we can ask for—— wings!'
  The others were silent for a minute, but then they all agreed that they too would like to have wings.
  They found the Psammead easily. ' I wish we all had beauti-ful wings to fly with,'Anthea said.
  The Psammead made itself very big and then went small again. The children felt strange for a minute and when they looked, they saw that they had beautiful soft wings of many colours. They moved them about and jumped up and down, and soon they could see the green fields and sunny woodsbelow them and the blue sky above. They could fly! It was wonderful, and they flew over the woods and trees, the townsand villages, for a long time. But they began to get hungry.
  Just then they saw below them some trees full of large red plums. ' We mustn't steal,'Cyril said.
  ' We've got wings,'Jane answered quickly,' so we're birds. It's all right for birds to take things. Birds can't steal. '
  So they flew down onto the trees, and they ate as many of the plums as they could.
  They were finishing the plums when they saw a very angry little fat man,who was hurrying through the trees. They were his plums and the poor man thought that boys from the village were stealing them. But when he saw that the children had wings, his mouth fell open and his face went green. Anthea did not want to steal anything,of course, so she flew down and pushed some money into his pocket.
  'Don't be afraid,'she said. ' We've had some of your plums. We thought that it wasn't stealing, but now I'm not so sure. So that was some money to pay for them. '
  The little man sat there on the ground and looked up into the sky. 'Talking birds! Children with wings! This is a lesson for me. From now on,I'm going to live a better life,'he said. And he went into the house and was very kind to his wife.
  Plums are very nice, of course, but you soon feel hungry again. So the children stopped first at one house,then another, to ask for something to eat. They didn't get anything because everyone was afraid of them and screamed and ran away when they saw them. By four o'clock they were getting very tired and hungry,so they flew down onto the roof of a church,to think what to do.
  ' We can't possibly fly all the way home without something to eat,'said Robert.
  In the end they decided to take some food from the vicar's house next to the church.
  ' He's a good man . He'll understand. We'll leave some money for the food,'Cyril said,'and a note saying that we're sorry. '
  Cyril got in through the window and gave the food to the others, who were outside. There was some cold meat, half a cold chicken, some bread and a bottle of soda-water. Then they all flew back up onto the church roof to eat it. They were very hungry, so they really enjoyed it. But when you are very hungry, and then you eat a big meal and sit in the hot sun on a roof, it is very easy to fall asleep. And so they did— while the sun slowly went down in the west.
  They slept for a long time. When they woke up it was dark —and,of course, they had no wings.
  ' We must get home,'Cyril said. ' There's a door over there. That's the way down. '
  But when they tried the door,they found that it was locked from the other side. They were on top of the church and they had no wings! How were they going to get down?
  Anthea put her arm round Jane, who was beginning to cry. 'It will only be for one night,'she said.
  Then Cyril said,'I know. Let's shout! The lights are on inthe vicar's house. Someone will hear us and get us down. '
  So they shouted and screamed as loudly as they could, and the people in the house heard them. The vicar ran out with his servant.
  ' Someone is murdering somebody in the church!'the vicar said, afraid. 'Perhaps it's the thief who stole the cold chicken and things. '
  But they could not understand why the voices were coming from the sky. So the children shouted,' We're up here —on top of the church!'
  The two men were still afraid,but,slowly and carefully,they went up the stairs inside the church. When they came to the top, the vicar shouted through the closed door,'How many of you are there? Have you got guns?'
  ' There are four of us,and, no, we haven't got guns,'Cyril answered.
  Slowly, the vicar opened the door.
  'Good Heavens!'he cried. 'They're children!'
  ' Oh, please take us down,'cried Jane.
  So the vicar and his servant took them down and into the vicar's house. Of course, the vicar wanted to know why the children were on the church roof.
  ' We went up there because we wanted to see what it was like,'said Cyril. 'But then we couldn't get down again be-cause the door was locked. 'He didn't say anything about the wings,of course.
  ' But who locked the door?'the vicar asked.
  ' We don't know,'Jane answered. ' But we're not telling you everything. '
  'Ah! There's a friend in it, then,'said the vicar's servant man, who was called Beale.
  ' Yes, but we can't tell you about him,' said Anthea, think-ing of the Psammead. ' We really are very sorry, and please,can we go home now? '
  The vicar still did not understand,but he was a kind man, so he sent the children home in a carriage with his servant. Martha,of course, was very angry with them, but Mr Beale explained everything very well. He was a good-looking young man with a nice smile,and after a while Martha forgot to be angry.
  So the day ended happily after all.

■ 3 翅膀

■ 4 Bigger than the Baker's Boy
  The next morning Martha said that the children could not go out. ' You can stay in and be good,' she said.
  ' There's something that we all want,' said Robert. ' Can I just go out for half an hour to get it?' And Martha,who was really very kind,said that he could.
  Of course, they all wanted the day's wish. So Robert hur-ried to the sand-pit.
  The Psammead was waiting for him, but when Robert tried to think of a really good wish, he couldn't, and the others were not there to help him.
  ' Hurry up,'the Psammead said. ' I can't wait all day. '
  ' Oh dear,'Robert said. ' I wish that we didn't have to come here to get our wish… Oh, don't!'
  But it was too late. The Psammead was already making it-self big.
  'There!' it said. ' That wasn't easy, but I've done it. You don't need to come here to have your wish. '
  Robert thanked the Psammead and then hurried back to tell the other children. ' We must wish for something really good tomorrow,'he said.
  The next morning they thought and thought,but they couldn't think of a really good wish,so they decided to go to the gravel-pit. Suddenly they saw a baker's boy,who was coming along the road with his basket of bread, and they decided to play a game with him.
  ' Stop!' cried Cyril.
  ' Your money or your life!'shouted Robert.
  And they stood on each side of the baker's boy.
  The baker's boy,who was tall and large, was not very interested and he pushed them both away.
  'Don't be stupid!' he said.
  But Robert pushed him back and knocked him over. The bread fell out of the boy's basket and went all over the road. The baker's boy was very angry. He hit Robert and they began to fight. But the baker's boy was much bigger and stronger than Robert. He was also not a nice fighter— he pulled Robert's hair, kicked him in the leg, and hit him hard in the stomach. Then he picked up his bread, put it back in the basket, and went on his way.
  Cyril wanted to help Robert, but the girls held his arms and stopped him. So Cyril was angry with the girls,and everybody was unhappy. They went along to the gravel-pit, and Robert began to kick the sand angrily. ' I'll teach that baker's boy a lesson one day,'he said. 'I wish I was bigger than him!'
  Just then they saw that the Psammead was sitting behind them, and was watching them!
  The next minute, Robert had his wish. He was bigger than the baker's boy! Much, much bigger! He was now more than three metres tall!He was not pleased because he looked very strange next to the others, who were still small.
  The others felt sorry for him then, and asked the Psammead for another wish . But the Psammead was very cross and un-helpful. 'Why don't you think before you wish?'it said. ' He's a wild, noisy boy, and he can stay like that for the day. It will do him good. Now go away and leave me alone!'
  The others turned back to their enormous brother. ' What are we going to do?'They asked.
  'First,'said Robert,' I'm going to get that baker's boy!'And because he had very long legs, he arrived at the bottom of the hill long before the baker's boy, who was stopping at the houses along the road to leave the bread.
  Robert hid behind a haystack and waited for the boy . When he saw the baker's boy coming,he jumped out from behind the haystack and the boy's mouth fell open in surprise. Then Robert took hold of him and put him on top of the haystack.
  ' Now get down from there,if you can!' Robert said.
  It was very late when the baker's boy got back to the shop,and the baker was very angry!
  Then Robert and the others went home,and down to the bottom of the garden. Anthea asked Martha to bring their lunch out there. She knew that Robert was too big to get into the house. Of course, Martha could not see that Robert was much bigger than before, and she only gave him as much meat and potatoes as usual— and no more. Poor Robert was very hungry.
  The others were feeling unhappy too because there was a fair in town and they wanted to go to it. ' We can't go anywhere now,'Cyril said. ' Not with Robert like this. '
  Suddenly Jane cried,'I know! Let's take Robert to the fair!Someone there will pay us to show him to people. We can make a lot of money. '
  The others thought that this was a good plan, and they left at once. When they arrived, they asked to see the head man. His name was Bill,and when he saw Robert, he got very excited.
  ' How much do you want for him?'he asked.
  ' You can't buy me,'said Robert,' but I'll come and show myself this afternoon,if you give me fifteen pounds—and some food!'
  ' Right!'Bill agreed.
  So Bill took Robert inside one of the big fair tents and gave him something to eat. But while Robert was eating, Bill put men outside to stop him from escaping.
  Then Bill stood outside the tent and began to shout to the crowds. ' Come and see the biggest man in the world!'he cried.
  Very soon, people began to stop and listen. A young man and his girlfriend were the first to go and look at Robert. They paid their money to Bill and wnet in . The people outside heard a loud scream from the girl,and then they all wanted to go in too.
  Soon Robert was the most exciting thing to see at the fair,and Bill was making a lot of money. ' Much more than fifteen pounds!' Cyril said to the girls.
  Poor Robert got very bored. He had to shake hands with everybody and talk, to show that he was real. And how could he escape at the end of the day?' They'll kill us when I go small again,' he said.
  Cyril thought for a minute. Then he said,' I've got a plan,'and he went outside the tent to talk to Bill. 'Look here,' he said,' my brother must be alone when the sun goes down. He gets very strange and angry then. I don't know why, but you must leave him alone, or he'll hurt someone. '
  Bill was not very happy about this, but he agreed, and when the sun went down, they left Robert alone. Robert quickly got out under the back wall of the tent, and no one knew who he was because he was just a small boy again.
  The children ran all the way home— and we do not know what Bill said when he found that Robert was not there!

■ 4 比面包师的儿子个子大

■ 5 The Last Wish
  The next day there was a letter to say that the children's mother was coming home that afternoon. So they decided to wish for something for their mother. They were busy trying to think of something when Martha came into the room,very excited.
  ' There were thieves at Lady Chittenden's last night,'she said. ' They took all her jewels! She's got lots of beautiful dia-monds— they cost thousands of pounds, I've heard. '
  ' When I'm older,I'm going to buy Mother jewels like that ,'Robert said.
  ' I'd lide Mother to have all Lady Chittenden's beautiful jewels now,'said jane. ' I wish she could. '
  'Oh Jane !'cried the others. ' What have you said?'
  'Well, she will have them,'said Robert. ' You've wished!Everyont will think she stole them! We'll have to try to find the Psammead and ask it to take the wish back. '
  They hurried down to the gravel-pit,but they could not find the Psammead. So they hurried home again and looked in their mother's room for the jewels, but they were not there yet.
  ' Well, we'll tell Mother about the Psammead, and she'll give back the jewels when they come,'Anthea said.
  Cyril shook his head slowly. ' She isn't going to believe us. Can anyone believe about a Psammead if they haven't seen it?And adults never believe things like that. No,she'll think we are the thieves and we'll all go to prison, and everything will be terrible!'
  And that afternoon,when Mother came home, the children ran to meet her, and put their arms round her— and tried to stop her from going upstairs to her room.
  ' But I must take my coat off, and wash my hands!'she cried, laughing. And she went up to her room.
  The children went after her— and there, on the table, was a green box. Mother opened it.
  ' Oh,how beautiful!' she cried.
  It was a ring. A beautiful diamond ring.
  ' Perhaps it's a surprise present from Father,' she said. ' But how did it get here?'
  But then she found a diamond necklace— and brooches—and bracelets. There were jewels in every cupboard in her room. The children began to look unhappy, and Jane began to cry.
  Mother was no longer smiling. ' Jane, what do you know about this?'she said slowly. ' The true story, please. '
  ' We met a sand-fairy, Mother,'Jane began.
  ' Don't be stupid,Jane,'Mother said angrily.
  'Some thieves stole all Lady Chittenden's jewels from her house last night,'Cyril said quickly. ' Perhaps these are her jewels!'
  Then Mother called for Martha. ' Have any strangers been inthis room, Martha?' she asked.
  ' Yes, but it was just my young man,' Martha answered,afraid. ' He was moving a heavy cupboard for me. '(This, of course,was Mr Beale,the vicar's nice young servant,who was now very friendly with Martha. )
  So,of course,Mother thought that he was one of the thieves. She would not listen to the children and decided to go at once into town to tell the police. The children could not stop her.
  ' This is terrible!' said Anthea. ' Poor Martha! And poor Mr Beale—he isn't a thief! What are we going to do?' Then she cried,' Come on! We must find the Psammead!'
  They all hurried down to the gravel-pit, and this time they found the Psammead, sitting on the sand and enjoying the evening sun. When it saw them, it tried to get away, but Anthea put her arms round it. ' Dear,kind Psammead…'she began.
  ' Oh, you want something, don't you?' it said. 'Well,I can't give you any more wishes today. '
  ' Don't you like giving wishes?'Anthea asked.
  ' No, I don't,'he said . ' Go away and leave me alone!'
  But Anthea went on. ' Listen,'she said. ' If you do what we want today,we'll never ask you for another wish. '
  'I'll do anything for that,'it said. ' I really don't enjoy giv-ing wishes. It's very hard work, you know, and I get so tired. '
  'Well, first I wish that Lady Chittenden will find that she has never lost her jewels. '
  The Psammead got bigger, and then went small again. 'Done!'it said.
  'I wish that Mother won't get to the police. '
  'Done!'the Psammead said again.
  ' And I wish,' said Jane suddenly,'that Mother and Martha will forget all about the jewels. '
  'Done!'the Psammead said, but its voice was tired. 'Now,it went on ,' will you wish something for me?'
  'Can't you give yourself wishes?' asked Cyril.
  'Of course not,'the Psammead said. 'Wish that you will never tell anyone about me. '
  ' Why?' asked Robert.
  ' Well, you children always ask for stupid things. But adults aren't like that. If they get hold of me,they'll want to wish for real, important things—like free houses for poor people,and new schools for children everywhere in the country,and money to give to old people. Boring things like that. And they'll find a way to keep them after the sun goes down. And what will happen to the world if all those changes come at once ? There'll be terrible trouble. So go on , wish it! Quick!'
  Anthea said the Psammead's wish,and it got very,very big. When it was small again, it said,' Now, I'm very tired. Do you want one last wish?'
  'Thank you for everything,'said Jane. ' Have a good long sleep— and I wish that we'll see you again someday. '
  Then,for the last time, the Psammead went big,then small again. It looked at them all once more with its long eyes,and then dug itself quickly into the sand.
  And when they arrived home again,everything was all right. Mother came home and she and Martha remembered nothing, and Lady Chittenden found that her jewels were not lost.
  ' Will we ever see the Psammead again, do you think?'Jane said to the others, later in the garden.
  And,of course,they did, but not in this story. It was in a very, very different place. It was in a… But I must say no more.

■ 5 最后一个愿望


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 58楼  发表于: 2014-08-19 0

【03-01-01】  [弗兰肯斯坦 / 玛丽·雪莱 著]
  Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

■ 简介

■ 1
  ‘Captain! Something is moving on the ice.Look over there!’
  The sailor stood at the top of the mast, high above the Captain. His hand pointed away from the ship, across the miles of ice that covered the sea.
  The Captain looked to the north, where the sailor was pointing. He saw something coming fast towards the ship across the ice. He put his telescope to his eye, and through it he could see the shapes of ten dogs pulling a sledge over the ice. He could also see the driver of the sledge—a huge figure,much bigger than a man.
  The sledge came nearer and nearer to the sea. Soon it was only a quarter of a mile from the ship.No one needed a telescope now to see the huge figure of the driver.
  Suddenly the sledge went behind a mountain of ice and disappeared. At that moment another sledge appeared. It, too,was moving fast, and was clearly chasing the first sledge. This driver was a smaller figure, more like an ordinary man.Faster and faster the dogs ran;then the second sledge also disappeared behind the mountain of ice.
  Two hours passed. The sledges did not appear again. Nothing moved on the ice. Soon night came, and in the night there was a storm. In the morning,the sailors saw that great pieces of ice were floating round the ship.Suddenly the sailor on the mast shouted again:
  ‘Captain, I can see a man on the ice.’
  The sailor was pointing to a piece of ice that was floating near the ship. A man was sitting on the ice, and near him was a broken sledge. The man was nearly dead from cold and could not walk. The sailors carried him carefully onto the ship, and took him to the Captain, who said:
  ‘Welcome to my ship.I am the Captain and my name is Robert Walton.’
  ‘Thank you, Captain Walton,’ the man said.‘My name is Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein.’
  Then he fainted and said no more.
  Two days passed before the man was strong enough to talk and then the Captain asked him to tell his story.
  ‘I am trying to catch someone,’ said Frankenstein.‘That is why I have come so far north on the ice.’
  ‘We saw you following someone,’ the Captain said.‘He was huge, much bigger than a man. We saw his sledge just in front of you on the night before the storm.’
  ‘I am pleased you all saw that huge figure,’ Frankenstein said.‘Perhaps that will help you to believe my story.’
  During the days, while the Captain worked on the ship,Frankenstein wrote down his story, and each evening he read what he had written to the Captain.
  Here is Victor Frankenstein's story.

■ 1

■ Victor Frankensteom's Story Begins

■ 2
  I was born in Switzerland, in the town of Geneva. My parents loved each other very much, and I learnt from the example of their love.I learnt that to love and to be patient are the most important things in the world.
  My mother hoped to have a daughter after I was born, but for five years I was the only child. And then my mother found a sister for me.She was helping a family in which there were five children. They were very poor,and the children were thin and hungry. One of the children was a little girl, with golden hair and blue eyes Her name was Elizabeth. My mother took the little girl into our family,and Elizabeth became the daughter that my mother had always wanted. As I grew older, my love for Elizabeth became stronger all the time.
  Later my mother had two other sons, Ernest and William.A young woman called Justine came to live in the house to help my mother with the children. We loved her as much as she loved us.
  The years passed happily, and we had everything that we needed. At school I met another very fine person. His name was Henry Clerval, and he was very clever. My family also liked him very much, so he was a welcome visitor to our house.
  I studied very hard at school.I wanted to know the secrets of life, and, most of all, I wanted to know how to make living things.I read all the books that I could find.One day,some-thing happened that added a new idea to the ideas that I al-ready had.I was fifteen at the time, and we were on holiday in the mountains. There was a wild storm, and with it came the most frightening thunder and lightning that I had ever seen in my life. About twenty metres in front of our house was a great tree.Suddenly a huge fork of lightning hit the tree.After a few seconds, there was nothing left of it except a black piece of wood two metres high. The lightning had destroyed it.
  I saw how strong electricity was. I began to read all the books that I could find about electricity and its terrible power.

■ 维克多的故事开始了

■ 2
  我在学校学得很刻苦。我想要知道生命的奥秘,而且我最想知道的便是如何制造有生命的东西。我阅读了我能找到的一切书籍。有一天发生了一件事情,它给我新的启发。我那时15岁,我们正在山中度假。那天有一场暴风雨,夹杂其间的是我平生见过的最为吓人的雷霆和闪电。在我们的房子前面约二十米处有一棵大树。突然间一个叉状闪电击中了大树。 几秒钟之后,那棵大树便只剩下两米高的一块黑木头。闪电摧毁了它。


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 59楼  发表于: 2014-08-19 0

■ 3
  For seventeen years my life was very happy. Then the first sad thing happened. My mother became very ill,and soon she knew that she was dying. Just before she died,she asked Elizabeth and me to go to her room. She held our hands and said:
  ‘My children, I am very happy because you love each other,and because one day you will get married. Everyone in the family loves you, Elizabeth. Will you take my place in the family, my dear? I can die happy if you will look after them when I have gone.’
  My mother died, and we were very sad, because we loved her dearly Elizabeth was brave and helped us; her sweet smile gave us some happiness in the unhappy days after my mother's death.
  The time came for me to go to university.I did not want to leave my sad family, but we all knew that I should go. It was hard to leave, too, because the parents of my good friend Henry Clerval would not let him go to university with me. And so I had to go alone.
  On my first day at the university I met my teacher, Professor Waldman, who was one of the greatest scientists in the world. He gave a wonderful talk to all the students who were starting at the university. He ended his talk by saying:‘Some of you will become the great scientists of tomorrow. You must study hard and discover everything that you can. That is why God made you intelligent—to help other people.’
  After the professor's talk,I thought very carefully.I remembered the storm when I was fifteen. I remembered how the lightning had destroyed the tree.I wanted to use electricity to help people, and I wanted to discover the secrets of life.I decided to work on these two things. I did not know then that my work would destroy me and the people that I loved.
  I started work the next day. I worked very hard and soon Professor Waldman and I realized that I could learn to be a very good scientist.
  The professor helped me very much, and other important scientists who were his friends helped me,too. I was interested in my work and I did not take one day's holiday during the next two years. I did not go home, and my letters to my family were very short.
  After two years I had discovered many things and I built a scientific machine that was better than anything in the university. My machine would help me answer the most important question of all. How does life begin? Is it possible to put life into dead things? To answer these questions about life I had to learn first about death.I had to watch bodies from the moment when they died and the warm life left them. In the hospital and in the university, I watched the dying and the dead.Day after day, month after month, I followed death.It was a dark and terrible time.
  Then one day, the answer came to me. Suddenly I was sure that I knew the secret of life. I knew that I could put life into a body that was not alive.
  I worked harder and harder now. I slept for only a short time each night, and I did not eat much food.I wrote to my family less often. But they loved me and did not stop writing to me.They said they understood how busy I was. They did not want me to stop work to write or to see them. They would wait until I had more time. They hoped to see me very soon.
  The professors realized that I was doing very important work, and so they gave me my own laboratory. There was a small flat above the laboratory, where I lived, and sometimes I stayed inside the building for a week and did not go out.
  Above the laboratory I built a very tall mast. It was 150metres high, and higher than the tallest building in the city.The mast could catch lightning and could send the electricity down to my machine in the laboratory. I had never forgotten the lightning that had destroyed the tree. There had been so much power in the electricity of that lightning. I believed I could use that electricity to give life to things that were dead.
  I will say no more than that. The secret of my machine must die with me. I was a very clever scientist, but I did not realize then what a terrible mistake I was making.

■ 3

■ 4
  In my laboratory I made a body. I bought or stole all the pieces of human body that I needed, and slowly and carefully, I put them all together.
  I did not let anybody enter my laboratory or my flat while I was doing this awful work. I was afraid to tell anybody my terrible secret.
  I had wanted to make a beautiful man, but the face of the creature was horrible. Its skin was thin and yellow, and its eyes were as yellow as its skin. Its long black hair and white teeth were almost beautiful, but the rest of the face was very ugly.
  Its legs and arms were the right shape, but they were huge.I had to use big pieces because it was too difficult to join small pieces together. My creature was two and a half metres tall.
  For a year I had worked to make this creature, but now it looked terrible and frightening. I almost decided to destroy it.But I could not. I had to know if I could put life into it.
  I joined the body to the wires from my machine. More wires joined the machine to the mast. I was sure that my machine could use electricity from lightning to give life to the body. I watched and waited.Two days later I saw dark clouds in the sky, and I knew that a storm was coming. At about one o'clock in the morning the lightning came.My mast began to do its work immediately, and the electricity from the lightning travelled down the mast to my machine. Would the machine work?
  At first nothing happened. But after a few minutes I saw the creature's body begin to move.Slowly, terribly, the body came alive. His arms and legs began to move, and slowly he sat up.
  The dead body had been an ugly thing, but alive, he was much more horrible. Suddenly I wanted to escape from him. I ran out of the laboratory, and locked the door. I was filled with fear at what I had done.
  For hours I walked up and down in my flat. At last I lay down on my bed, and fell asleep. But my sleep was full of terrible dreams, and I woke up suddenly. The horrible thing that I had created was standing by my bed. His yellow eyes were looking at me; his mouth opened and he made strange sounds at me. On his yellow face there was an awful smile. One of his huge hands reached towards me…
  Before he could touch me, I jumped off the bed and ran downstairs into the garden. I stayed there all night, but I could not think clearly.I was afraid. And when morning came, I went out into the town and began to walk about.
  I did not notice where I was walking, but soon I came to the station. A train from Geneva had just arrived, and the passengers were leaving the station. One of them ran towards me when he saw me. It was my dear friend Henry Clerval.
  He was very pleased to see me. He took my hand and shook it warmly.
  ‘My dear Victor!’ he said.‘What a lucky chance that you are here at the station. Your father, and Elizabeth and the others, are very worried about you, because you have not visited them for a long time. They ask me to make sure that you are well. And I have very good news. My father has agreed to let me study at the university, so we shall be able to spend a lot of time together.’
  I was very happy to hear this news, and for a moment I for-got my fears.I took Henry back to my flat and asked him to wait outside while I went in to look. I was afraid that the creature was still there. But he had disappeared.At that time I did not think of other people, and what the creature could do to them.I took Henry into the flat and cooked a meal for us.But Henry noticed how thin I was,and that I was laughing too much and could not sit still.
  Suddenly he said:‘My dear Victor, what is the matter with you?Are you ill? Has something awful happened?’
  ‘Don't ask me that,’ I cried. I put my hands over my eyes.I thought I could see the horrible creature there in front of me. I pointed wildly across the room, and shouted:‘He can tell you. Save me! Save me!’ I tried to fight the creature,but there was nothing there. Then I fainted and fell to the floor.
  Poor Henry! I do not know what he thought. He called a doctor and they put me to bed. I was very ill for two months,and Henry stayed and looked after me. His loving care saved me from death.
  I wanted to go home and see my family as soon as possible.When I was well enough,I packed my clothes and books.All my luggage was ready, and I was feeling very happy when the postman arrived with some letters.One of the letters ended my short time of happiness.

■ 4
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