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[Free Talk] 萌物出没请注意:呆萌的浣熊被卡住了!~!

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等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 浮生缘
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2014-03-02 0

This raccoon was definitely not in the mood for its close-up when it was caught on camera while trapped inside a tree.

The animal was trying to shelter from the heavy snow when it climbed through a hole but clearly forgot its vital statistics and became wedged.

But the cheeky raccoon was not going to give up without a fight and stuck its tongue out at the photographer while it waited to be rescued.

It had been in search of a hollow tree to hide from the snow at Cologne Zoo in Germany when it became lodged.

Unluckily for the raccoon, German photographer Susi Fischer was on hand to capture its embarrassment for posterity.

Ms Fischer, 45, snapped the hilarious moment during a visit to the zoo and just happened upon the raccoon's struggle.

She said: 'It was a bitterly cold day and you could see the raccoon using all its strength to try and squeeze into the space.

'It took a really long time to get inside but as soon as it did its face quickly turned to a look of frustration because it realised it was too big to wriggle out.

'It didn't stop it from poking its tongue out at me though when it saw me trying to take its picture.'

Ms Fischer regularly visits local zoos in the hope of getting the perfect image.

She said: 'My passion is animal photography which first began with getting shots of cats and this led on to me always being on the lookout for getting pictures of all different types of animals in zoos.'
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