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[Novel] 《第二十二条军规》——Catch-22(中英文对照)完结

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等级: 派派版主
配偶: 此微夜
举报 只看该作者 20楼  发表于: 2013-10-26 0

Chapter 20 Corporal Whitcomb
    The late-August morning sun was hot and steamy, and there was no breeze on the balcony. The chaplain movedslowly. He was downcast and burdened with self-reproach when he stepped without noise from the colonel’soffice on his rubber-soled and rubber-heeled brown shoes. He hated himself for what he construed to be his owncowardice. He had intended to take a much stronger stand with Colonel Cathcart on the matter of the sixtymissions, to speak out with courage, logic and eloquence on a subject about which he had begun to feel verydeeply. Instead he had failed miserably, had choked up once again in the face of opposition from a strongerpersonality. It was a familiar, ignominious experience, and his opinion of himself was low.
  He choked up even more a second later when he spied Colonel Korn’s tubby monochrome figure trotting up thecurved, wide, yellow stone staircase toward him in lackadaisical haste from the great dilapidated lobby belowwith its lofty walls of cracked dark marble and circular floor of cracked grimy tile. The chaplain was even morefrightened of Colonel Korn than he was of Colonel Cathcart. The swarthy, middle-aged lieutenant colonel withthe rimless, icy glasses and faceted, bald, domelike pate that he was always touching sensitively with the tips ofhis splayed fingers disliked the chaplain and was impolite to him frequently. He kept the chaplain in a constantstate of terror with his curt, derisive tongue and his knowing, cynical eyes that the chaplain was never braveenough to meet for more than an accidental second. Inevitably, the chaplain’s attention, as he cowered meeklybefore him, focused on Colonel Korn’s midriff, where the shirttails bunching up from inside his sagging belt andballooning down over his waist gave him an appearance of slovenly girth and made him seem inches shorter thanhis middle height. Colonel Korn was an untidy disdainful man with an oily skin and deep, hard lines runningalmost straight down from his nose between his crepuscular jowls and his square, clefted chin. His face wasdour, and he glanced at the chaplain without recognition as the two drew close on the staircase and prepared topass.
  “Hiya, Father,” he said tonelessly without looking at the chaplain. “How’s it going?”
  “Good morning, sir,” the chaplain replied, discerning wisely that Colonel Korn expected nothing more in theway of a response.
  Colonel Korn was proceeding up the stairs without slackening his pace, and the chaplain resisted the temptationto remind him again that he was not a Catholic but an Anabaptist, and that it was therefore neither necessary norcorrect to address him as Father. He was almost certain now that Colonel Korn remembered and that calling himFather with a look of such bland innocence was just another one of Colonel Korn’s methods of taunting himbecause he was only an Anabaptist.
  Colonel Korn halted without warning when he was almost by and came whirling back down upon the chaplainwith a glare of infuriated suspicion. The chaplain was petrified.
  “What are you doing with that plum tomato, Chaplain?” Colonel Korn demanded roughly.
  The chaplain looked down his arm with surprise at the plum tomato Colonel Cathcart had invited him to take. “I got it in Colonel Cathcart’s office, sir,” he managed to reply.
  “Does the colonel know you took it?”
  “Yes, sir. He gave it to me.”
  “Oh, in that case I guess it’s okay,” Colonel Korn said, mollified. He smiled without warmth, jabbing thecrumpled folds of his shirt back down inside his trousers with his thumbs. His eyes glinted keenly with a privateand satisfying mischief. “What did Colonel Cathcart want to see you about, Father?” he asked suddenly.
  The chaplain was tongue-tied with indecision for a moment. “I don’t think I ought—““Saying prayers to the editors of The Saturday Evening Post?”
  The chaplain almost smiled. “Yes, sir.”
  Colonel Korn was enchanted with his own intuition. He laughed disparagingly. “You know, I was afraid he’dbegin thinking about something so ridiculous as soon as he saw this week’s Saturday Evening Post. I hope yousucceeded in showing him what an atrocious idea it is.”
  “He has decided against it, sir.”
  “That’s good. I’m glad you convinced him that the editors of The Saturday Evening Post were not likely to runthat same story twice just to give some publicity to some obscure colonel. How are things in the wilderness,Father? Are you able to manage out there?”
  “Yes, sir. Everything is working out.”
  “That’s good. I’m happy to hear you have nothing to complain about. Let us know if you need anything to makeyou comfortable. We all want you to have a good time out there.”
  “Thank you, sir. I will.”
  Noise of a growing stir rose from the lobby below. It was almost lunchtime, and the earliest arrivals were driftinginto the headquarters mess halls, the enlisted men and officers separating into different dining halls on facingsides of the archaic rotunda. Colonel Korn stopped smiling.
  “You had lunch with us here just a day or so ago, didn’t you, Father?” he asked meaningfully.
  “Yes, sir. The day before yesterday.”
  “That’s what I thought,” Colonel Korn said, and paused to let his point sink in. “Well, take it easy, Father. I’llsee you around when it’s time for you to eat here again.”
  “Thank you, sir.”
  The chaplain was not certain at which of the five officers’ and five enlisted men’s mess halls he was scheduled tohave lunch that day, for the system of rotation worked out for him by Colonel Korn was complicated, and he hadforgotten his records back in his tent. The chaplain was the only officer attached to Group Headquarters who didnot reside in the moldering red-stone Group Headquarters building itself or in any of the smaller satellitestructures that rose about the grounds in disjuncted relationship. The chaplain lived in a clearing in the woodsabout four miles away between the officers’ club and the first of the four squadron areas that stretched awayfrom Group Headquarters in a distant line. The chaplain lived alone in a spacious, square tent that was also hisoffice. Sounds of revelry traveled to him at night from the officers’ club and kept him awake often as he turnedand tossed on his cot in passive, half-voluntary exile. He was not able to gauge the effect of the mild pills he tookoccasionally to help him sleep and felt guilty about it for days afterward.
  The only one who lived with the chaplain in his clearing in the woods was Corporal Whitcomb, his assistant.
  Corporal Whitcomb, an atheist, was a disgruntled subordinate who felt he could do the chaplain’s job muchbetter than the chaplain was doing it and viewed himself, therefore, as an underprivileged victim of socialinequity. He lived in a tent of his own as spacious and square as the chaplain’s. He was openly rude andcontemptuous to the chaplain once he discovered that the chaplain would let him get away with it. The borders ofthe two tents in the clearing stood no more than four or five feet apart.
  It was Colonel Korn who had mapped out this way of life for the chaplain. One good reason for making thechaplain live outside the Group Headquarters building was Colonel Korn’s theory that dwelling in a tent as mostof his parishioners did would bring him into closer communication with them. Another good reason was the factthat having the chaplain around Headquarters all the time made the other officers uncomfortable. It was one thingto maintain liaison with the Lord, and they were all in favor of that; it was something else, though, to have Himhanging around twenty-four hours a day. All in all, as Colonel Korn described it to Major Danby, the jittery andgoggle-eyed group operations officer, the chaplain had it pretty soft; he had little more to do than listen to thetroubles of others, bury the dead, visit the bedridden and conduct religious services. And there were not so manydead for him to bury any more, Colonel Korn pointed out, since opposition from German fighter planes hadvirtually ceased and since close to ninety per cent of what fatalities there still were, he estimated, perished behindthe enemy lines or disappeared inside the clouds, where the chaplain had nothing to do with disposing of theremains. The religious services were certainly no great strain, either, since they were conducted only once a weekat the Group Headquarters building and were attended by very few of the men.
  Actually, the chaplain was learning to love it in his clearing in the woods. Both he and Corporal Whitcomb hadbeen provided with every convenience so that neither might ever plead discomfort as a basis for seekingpermission to return to the Headquarters building. The chaplain rotated his breakfasts, lunches and dinners inseparate sets among the eight squadron mess halls and ate every fifth meal in the enlisted men’s mess at GroupHeadquarters and every tenth meal at the officers’ mess there. Back home in Wisconsin the chaplain had beenvery fond of gardening, and his heart welled with a glorious impression of fertility and fruition each time hecontemplated the low, prickly boughs of the stunted trees and the waist-high weeds and thickets by which he wasalmost walled in. In the spring he had longed to plant begonias and zinnias in a narrow bed around his tent but had been deterred by his fear of Corporal Whitcomb’s rancor. The chaplain relished the privacy and isolation ofhis verdant surroundings and the reverie and meditation that living there fostered. Fewer people came to himwith their troubles than formerly, and he allowed himself a measure of gratitude for that too. The chaplain didnot mix freely and was not comfortable in conversation. He missed his wife and his three small children, and shemissed him.
  What displeased Corporal Whitcomb most about the chaplain, apart from the fact that the chaplain believed inGod, was his lack of initiative and aggressiveness. Corporal Whitcomb regarded the low attendance at religiousservices as a sad reflection of his own status. His mind germinated feverishly with challenging new ideas forsparking the great spiritual revival of which he dreamed himself the architect—box lunches, church socials, formletters to the families of men killed and injured in combat, censorship, Bingo. But the chaplain blocked him.
  Corporal Whitcomb bridled with vexation beneath the chaplain’s restraint, for he spied room for improvementeverywhere. It was people like the chaplain, he concluded, who were responsible for giving religion such a badname and making pariahs out of them both. Unlike the chaplain, Corporal Whitcomb detested the seclusion ofthe clearing in the woods. One of the first things he intended to do after he deposed the chaplain was move backinto the Group Headquarters building, where he could be right in the thick of things.
  When the chaplain drove back into the clearing after leaving Colonel Korn, Corporal Whitcomb was outside inthe muggy haze talking in conspiratorial tones to a strange chubby man in a maroon corduroy bathrobe and grayflannel pajamas. The chaplain recognized the bathrobe and pajamas as official hospital attire. Neither of the twomen gave him any sign of recognition. The stranger’s gums had been painted purple; his corduroy bathrobe wasdecorated in back with a picture of a B-25 nosing through orange bursts of flak and in front with six neat rows oftiny bombs signifying sixty combat missions flown. The chaplain was so struck by the sight that he stopped tostare. Both men broke off their conversation and waited in stony silence for him to go. The chaplain hurriedinside his tent. He heard, or imagined he heard, them tittering.
  Corporal Whitcomb walked in a moment later and demanded, “What’s doing?”
  “There isn’t anything new,” the chaplain replied with averted eyes. “Was anyone here to see me?”
  “Just that crackpot Yossarian again. He’s a real troublemaker, isn’t he?”
  “I’m not so sure he’s a crackpot,” the chaplain observed.
  “That’s right, take his part,” said Corporal Whitcomb in an injured tone, and stamped out.
  The chaplain could not believe that Corporal Whitcomb was offended again and had really walked out. As soonas he did realize it, Corporal Whitcomb walked back in.
  “You always side with other people,” Corporal Whitcomb accused. “You don’t back up your men. That’s one ofthe things that’s wrong with you.”
  “I didn’t intend to side with him,” the chaplain apologized. “I was just making a statement.”
  “What did Colonel Cathcart want?”
  “It wasn’t anything important. He just wanted to discuss the possibility of saying prayers in the briefing roombefore each mission.”
  “All right, don’t tell me,” Corporal Whitcomb snapped and walked out again.
  The chaplain felt terrible. No matter how considerate he tried to be, it seemed he always managed to hurtCorporal Whitcomb’s feelings. He gazed down remorsefully and saw that the orderly forced upon him byColonel Korn to keep his tent clean and attend to his belongings had neglected to shine his shoes again.
  Corporal Whitcomb came back in. “You never trust me with information,” he whined truculently. “You don’thave confidence in your men. That’s another one of the things that’s wrong with you.”
  “Yes, I do,” the chaplain assured him guiltily. “I have lots of confidence in you.”
  “Then how about those letters?”
  “No, not now,” the chaplain pleaded, cringing. “Not the letters. Please don’t bring that up again. I’ll let you knowif I have a change of mind.”
  Corporal Whitcomb looked furious. “Is that so? Well, it’s all right for you to just sit there and shake your headwhile I do all the work. Didn’t you see the guy outside with all those pictures painted on his bathrobe?”
  “Is he here to see me?”
  “No,” Corporal Whitcomb said, and walked out.
  It was hot and humid inside the tent, and the chaplain felt himself turning damp. He listened like an unwillingeavesdropper to the muffled, indistinguishable drone of the lowered voices outside. As he sat inertly at therickety bridge table that served as a desk, his lips were closed, his eyes were blank, and his face, with its paleochre hue and ancient, confined clusters of minute acne pits, had the color and texture of an uncracked almondshell. He racked his memory for some clue to the origin of Corporal Whitcomb’s bitterness toward him. In someway he was unable to fathom, he was convinced he had done him some unforgivable wrong. It seemed incrediblethat such lasting ire as Corporal Whitcomb’s could have stemmed from his rejection of Bingo or the form lettershome to the families of the men killed in combat. The chaplain was despondent with an acceptance of his ownineptitude. He had intended for some weeks to have a heart-to-heart talk with Corporal Whitcomb in order tofind out what was bothering him, but was already ashamed of what he might find out.
  Outside the tent, Corporal Whitcomb snickered. The other man chuckled. For a few precarious seconds, thechaplain tingled with a weird, occult sensation of having experienced the identical situation before in some priortime or existence. He endeavored to trap and nourish the impression in order to predict, and perhaps even control, what incident would occur next, but the afatus melted away unproductively, as he had known beforehandit would. Déjà vu. The subtle, recurring confusion between illusion and reality that was characteristic ofparamnesia fascinated the chaplain, and he knew a number of things about it. He knew, for example, that it wascalled paramnesia, and he was interested as well in such corollary optical phenomena as jamais vu, never seen,and presque vu, almost seen. There were terrifying, sudden moments when objects, concepts and even peoplethat the chaplain had lived with almost all his life inexplicably took on an unfamiliar and irregular aspect that hehad never seen before and which made them totally strange: jamais vu. And there were other moments when healmost saw absolute truth in brilliant flashes of clarity that almost came to him: presque vu. The episode of thenaked man in the tree at Snowden’s funeral mystified him thoroughly. It was not déjà vu, for at the time he hadexperienced no sensation of ever having seen a naked man in a tree at Snowden’s funeral before. It was notjamais vu, since the apparition was not of someone, or something, familiar appearing to him in an unfamiliarguise. And it was certainly not presque vu, for the chaplain did see him.
  A jeep started up with a backfire directly outside and roared away. Had the naked man in the tree at Snowden’sfuneral been merely a hallucination? Or had it been a true revelation? The chaplain trembled at the mere idea. Hewanted desperately to confide in Yossarian, but each time he thought about the occurrence he decided not tothink about it any further, although now that he did think about it he could not be sure that he ever really hadthought about it.
  Corporal Whitcomb sauntered back in wearing a shiny new smirk and leaned his elbow impertinently against thecenter pole of the chaplain’s tent.
  “Do you know who that guy in the red bathrobe was?” he asked boastfully. “That was a C.I.D. man with afractured nose. He came down here from the hospital on official business. He’s conducting an investigation.”
  The chaplain raised his eyes quickly in obsequious commiseration. “I hope you’re not in any trouble. Is thereanything I can do?”
  “No, I’m not in any trouble,” Corporal Whitcomb replied with a grin. “You are. They’re going to crack down onyou for signing Washington Irving’s name to all those letters you’ve been signing Washington Irving’s name to.
  How do you like that?”
  “I haven’t been signing Washington Irving’s name to any letters,” said the chaplain.
  “You don’t have to lie to me,” Corporal Whitcomb answered. “I’m not the one you have to convince.”
  “But I’m not lying.”
  “I don’t care whether you’re lying or not. They’re going to get you for intercepting Major Major’scorrespondence, too. A lot of that stuff is classified information.”
  “What correspondence?” asked the chaplain plaintively in rising exasperation. “I’ve never even seen any ofMajor Major’s correspondence.”
  “You don’t have to lie to me,” Corporal Whitcomb replied. “I’m not the one you have to convince.”
  “But I’m not lying!” protested the chaplain.
  “I don’t see why you have to shout at me,” Corporal Whitcomb retorted with an injured look. He came awayfrom the center pole and shook his finger at the chaplain for emphasis. “I just did you the biggest favor anybodyever did you in your whole life, and you don’t even realize it. Every time he tries to report you to his superiors,somebody up at the hospital censors out the details. He’s been going batty for weeks trying to turn you in. I justput a censor’s okay on his letter without even reading it. That will make a very good impression for you up atC.I.D. headquarters. It will let them know that we’re not the least bit afraid to have the whole truth about youcome out.”
  The chaplain was reeling with confusion. “But you aren’t authorized to censor letters, are you?”
  “Of course not,” Corporal Whitcomb answered. “Only officers are ever authorized to do that. I censored it inyour name.”
  “But I’m not authorized to censor letters either. Am I?”
  “I took care of that for you, too,” Corporal Whitcomb assured him. “I signed somebody else’s name for you.”
  “Isn’t that forgery?”
  “Oh, don’t worry about that either. The only one who might complain in a case of forgery is the person whosename you forged, and I looked out for your interests by picking a dead man. I used Washington Irving’s name.”
  Corporal Whitcomb scrutinized the chaplain’s face closely for some sign of rebellion and then breezed aheadconfidently with concealed irony. “That was pretty quick thinking on my part, wasn’t it?”
  “I don’t know,” the chaplain wailed softly in a quavering voice, squinting with grotesque contortions of anguishand incomprehension. “I don’t think I understand all you’ve been telling me. How will it make a goodimpression for me if you signed Washington Irving’s name instead of my own?”
  “Because they’re convinced that you are Washington Irving. Don’t you see? They’ll know it was you.”
  “But isn’t that the very belief we want to dispel? Won’t this help them prove it?”
  “If I thought you were going to be so stuffy about it, I wouldn’t even have tried to help,” Corporal Whitcombdeclared indignantly, and walked out. A second later he walked back in. “I just did you the biggest favoranybody ever did you in your whole life and you don’t even know it. You don’t know how to show yourappreciation. That’s another one of the things that’s wrong with you.”
  “I’m sorry,” the chaplain apologized contritely. “I really am sorry. It’s just that I’m so completely stunned by all you’re telling me that I don’t even realize what I’m saying. I’m really very grateful to you.”
  “Then how about letting me send out those form letters?” Corporal Whitcomb demanded immediately. “Can Ibegin working on the first drafts?”
  The chaplain’s jaw dropped in astonishment. “No, no,” he groaned. “Not now.”
  Corporal Whitcomb was incensed. “I’m the best friend you’ve got and you don’t even know it,” he assertedbelligerently, and walked out of the chaplain’s tent. He walked back in. “I’m on your side and you don’t evenrealize it. Don’t you know what serious trouble you’re in? That C.I.D. man has gone rushing back to the hospitalto write a brand-new report on you about that tomato.”
  “What tomato?” the chaplain asked, blinking.
  “The plum tomato you were hiding in your hand when you first showed up here. There it is. The tomato you’restill holding in your hand right this very minute!”
  The captain unclenched his fingers with surprise and saw that he was still holding the plum tomato he hadobtained in Colonel Cathcart’s office. He set it down quickly on the bridge table. “I got this tomato from ColonelCathcart,” he said, and was struck by how ludicrous his explanation sounded. “He insisted I take it.”
  “You don’t have to lie to me,” Corporal Whitcomb answered. “I don’t care whether you stole it from him ornot.”
  “Stole it?” the chaplain exclaimed with amazement. “Why should I want to steal a plum tomato?”
  “That’s exactly what had us both stumped,” said Corporal Whitcomb. “And then the C.I.D. man figured out youmight have some important secret papers hidden away inside it.”
  The chaplain sagged limply beneath the mountainous weight of his despair. “I don’t have any important secretpapers hidden away inside it,” he stated simply. “I didn’t even want it to begin with. Here, you can have it andsee for yourself.”
  “I don’t want it.”
  “Please take it away,” the chaplain pleaded in a voice that was barely audible. “I want to be rid of it.”
  “I don’t want it,” Corporal Whitcomb snapped again, and stalked out with an angry face, suppressing a smile ofgreat jubilation at having forged a powerful new alliance with the C.I.D. man and at having succeeded again inconvincing the chaplain that he was really displeased.
  Poor Whitcomb, sighed the chaplain, and blamed himself for his assistant’s malaise. He sat mutely in aponderous, stultifying melancholy, waiting expectantly for Corporal Whitcomb to walk back in. He was disappointed as he heard the peremptory crunch of Corporal Whitcomb’s footsteps recede into silence. Therewas nothing he wanted to do next. He decided to pass up lunch for a Milky Way and a Baby Ruth from his footlocker and a few swallows of luke-warm water from his canteen. He felt himself surrounded by dense,overwhelming fogs of possibilities in which he could perceive no glimmer of light. He dreaded what ColonelCathcart would think when the news that he was suspected of being Washington Irving was brought to him, thenfell to fretting over what Colonel Cathcart was already thinking about him for even having broached the subjectof sixty missions. There was so much unhappiness in the world, he reflected, bowing his head dismally beneaththe tragic thought, and there was nothing he could do about anybody’s, least of all his own.



等级: 派派版主
配偶: 此微夜
举报 只看该作者 21楼  发表于: 2013-10-27 0

Chapter 21 General Dreedle
    Colonel Cathcart was not thinking anything at all about the chaplain, but was tangled up in a brand-new,menacing problem of his own: Yossarian!
  Yossarian! The mere sound of that execrable, ugly name made his blood run cold and his breath come in laboredgasps. The chaplain’s first mention of the name Yossarian! had tolled deep in his memory like a portentous gong.
  As soon as the latch of the door had clicked shut, the whole humiliating recollection of the naked man information came cascading down upon him in a mortifying, choking flood of stinging details. He began toperspire and tremble. There was a sinister and unlikely coincidence exposed that was too diabolical inimplication to be anything less than the most hideous of omens. The name of the man who had stood naked inranks that day to receive his Distinguished Flying Cross from General Dreedle had also been—Yossarian! Andnow it was a man named Yossarian who was threatening to make trouble over the sixty missions he had justordered the men in his group to fly. Colonel Cathcart wondered gloomily if it was the same Yossarian.
  He climbed to his feet with an air of intolerable woe and began moving about his office. He felt himself in thepresence of the mysterious. The naked man in formation, he conceded cheerlessly, had been a real black eye forhim. So had the tampering with the bomb line before the mission to Bologna and the seven-day delay indestroying the bridge at Ferrara, even though destroying the bridge at Ferrara finally, he remembered with glee,had been a real feather in his cap, although losing a plane there the second time around, he recalled in dejection,had been another black eye, even though he had won another real feather in his cap by getting a medal approvedfor the bombardier who had gotten him the real black eye in the first place by going around over the target twice.
  That bombardier’s name, he remembered suddenly with another stupefying shock, had also been Yossarian!
  Now there were three! His viscous eyes bulged with astonishment and he whipped himself around in alarm to seewhat was taking place behind him. A moment ago there had been no Yossarians in his life; now they weremultiplying like hobgoblins. He tried to make himself grow calm. Yossarian was not a common name; perhapsthere were not really three Yossarians but only two Yossarians, or maybe even only one Yossarian—but thatreally made no difference! The colonel was still in grave peril. Intuition warned him that he was drawing close tosome immense and inscrutable cosmic climax, and his broad, meaty, towering frame tingled from head to toe atthe thought that Yossarian, whoever he would eventually turn out to be, was destined to serve as his nemesis.
  Colonel Cathcart was not superstitious, but he did believe in omens, and he sat right back down behind his deskand made a cryptic notation on his memorandum pad to look into the whole suspicious business of theYossarians right away. He wrote his reminder to himself in a heavy and decisive hand, amplifying it sharply witha series of coded punctuation marks and underlining the whole message twice, so that it read:
  Yossarian! ! ! (?)!
  The colonel sat back when he had finished and was extremely pleased with himself for the prompt action he hadjust taken to meet this sinister crisis. Yossarian—the very sight of the name made him shudder. There were somany esses in it. It just had to be subversive. It was like the word subversive itself. It was like seditious andinsidious too, and like socialist, suspicious, fascist and Communist. It was an odious, alien, distasteful name, thatjust did not inspire confidence. It was not at all like such clean, crisp, honest, American names as Cathcart,Peckem and Dreedle.
  Colonel Cathcart rose slowly and began drifting about his office again. Almost unconsciously, he picked up aplum tomato from the top of one of the bushels and took a voracious bite. He made a wry face at once and threwthe rest of the plum tomato into his waste-basket. The colonel did not like plum tomatoes, not even when theywere his own, and these were not even his own. These had been purchased in different market places all overPianosa by Colonel Korn under various identities, moved up to the colonel’s farmhouse in the hills in the dead ofnight, and transported down to Group Headquarters the next morning for sale to Milo, who paid Colonel Cathcartand Colonel Korn premium prices for them. Colonel Cathcart often wondered if what they were doing with theplum tomatoes was legal, but Colonel Korn said it was, and he tried not to brood about it too often. He had noway of knowing whether or not the house in the hills was legal, either, since Colonel Korn had made all thearrangements. Colonel Cathcart did not know if he owned the house or rented it, from whom he had acquired itor how much, if anything, it was costing. Colonel Korn was the lawyer, and if Colonel Korn assured him thatfraud, extortion, currency manipulation, embezzlement, income tax evasion and black-market speculations werelegal, Colonel Cathcart was in no position to disagree with him.
  All Colonel Cathcart knew about his house in the hills was that he had such a house and hated it. He was neverso bored as when spending there the two or three days every other week necessary to sustain the illusion that hisdamp and drafty stone farmhouse in the hills was a golden palace of carnal delights. Officers’ clubs everywherepulsated with blurred but knowing accounts of lavish, hushed-up drinking and sex orgies there and of secret,intimate nights of ecstasy with the most beautiful, the most tantalizing, the most readily aroused and most easilysatisfied Italian courtesans, film actresses, models and countesses. No such private nights of ecstasy or hushed-up drinking and sex orgies ever occurred. They might have occurred if either General Dreedle or GeneralPeckem had once evinced an interest in taking part in orgies with him, but neither ever did, and the colonel wascertainly not going to waste his time and energy making love to beautiful women unless there was something init for him.
  The colonel dreaded his dank lonely nights at his farmhouse and the dull, uneventful days. He had much morefun back at Group, browbeating everyone he wasn’t afraid of. However, as Colonel Korn kept reminding him,there was not much glamour in having a farmhouse in the hills if he never used it. He drove off to his farmhouse each time in a mood of self-pity. He carried a shotgun in his jeep and spent the monotonous hours there shootingit at birds and at the plum tomatoes that did grow there in untended rows and were too much trouble to harvest.
  Among those officers of inferior rank toward whom Colonel Cathcart still deemed it prudent to show respect, heincluded Major ---de Coverley, even though he did not want to and was not sure he even had to. Major ---deCoverley was as great a mystery to him as he was to Major Major and to everyone else who ever took notice ofhim. Colonel Cathcart had no idea whether to look up or look down in his attitude toward Major --- de Coverley.
  Major ---de Coverley was only a major, even though he was ages older than Colonel Cathcart; at the same time,so many other people treated Major ---de Coverley with such profound and fearful veneration that ColonelCathcart had a hunch they might know something. Major ---de Coverley was an ominous, incomprehensiblepresence who kept him constantly on edge and of whom even Colonel Korn tended to be wary. Everyone wasafraid of him, and no one knew why. No one even knew Major ---de Coverley’s first name, because no one hadever had the temerity to ask him. Colonel Cathcart knew that Major ---de Coverley was away and he rejoiced inhis absence until it occurred to him that Major --- de Coverley might be away somewhere conspiring against him,and then he wished that Major ---de Coverley were back in his squadron where he belonged so that he could bewatched.
  In a little while Colonel Cathcart’s arches began to ache from pacing back and forth so much. He sat downbehind his desk again and resolved to embark upon a mature and systematic evaluation of the entire militarysituation. With the businesslike air of a man who knows how to get things done, he found a large white pad,drew a straight line down the middle and crossed it near the top, dividing the page into two blank columns ofequal width. He rested a moment in critical rumination. Then he huddled over his desk, and at the head of the leftcolumn, in a cramped and finicky hand, he wrote, “Black Eyes!!!” At the top of the right column he wrote,“Feathers in My Cap!!! !!” He leaned back once more to inspect his chart admiringly from an objectiveperspective. After a few seconds of solemn deliberation, he licked the tip of his pencil carefully and wrote under“Black Eyes!!!,” after intent intervals:
  FerraraBologna (bomb line moved on map during)Skeet rangeNaked man information (after Avignon)Then he added:
  Food poisoning (during Bologna)andMoaning (epidemic of during Avignon briefing)Then he added:
  Chaplain (hanging around officers’ club every night)He decided to be charitable about the chaplain, even though he did not like him, and under “Feathers in MyCap!!! !!” he wrote:
  Chaplain (hanging around officers’ club every night)The two chaplain entries, therefore, neutralized each other. Alongside “Ferrara” and “Naked man in formation(after Avignon)” he then wrote:
  Alongside “Bologna (bomb line moved on map during)” “Food poisoning (during Bologna)” and “Moaning(epidemic of during Avignon briefing)” he wrote in a bold, decisive hand:
  Those entries labeled “?” were the ones he wanted to investigate immediately to determine if Yossarian hadplayed any part in them.
  Suddenly his arm began to shake, and he was unable to write any more. He rose to his feet in terror, feelingsticky and fat, and rushed to the open window to gulp in fresh air. His gaze fell on the skeet-range, and he reeledaway with a sharp cry of distress, his wild and feverish eyes scanning the walls of his office frantically as thoughthey were swarming with Yossarians.
  Nobody loved him. General Dreedle hated him, although General Peckem liked him, although he couldn’t besure, since Colonel Cargill, General Peckem’s aide, undoubtedly had ambitions of his own and was probablysabotaging him with General Peckem at every opportunity. The only good colonel, he decided, was a deadcolonel, except for himself. The only colonel he trusted was Colonel Moodus, and even he had an in with hisfather-in-law. Milo, of course, had been the big feather in his cap, although having his group bombed by Milo’splanes had probably been a terrible black eye for him, even though Milo had ultimately stilled all protest bydisclosing the huge net profit the syndicate had realized on the deal with the enemy and convincing everyone thatbombing his own men and planes had therefore really been a commendable and very lucrative blow on the sideof private enterprise. The colonel was insecure about Milo because other colonels were trying to lure him away,and Colonel Cathcart still had that lousy Big Chief White Halfoat in his group who that lousy, lazy CaptainBlack claimed was the one really responsible for the bomb line’s being moved during the Big Siege of Bologna.
  Colonel Cathcart liked Big Chief White Halfoat because Big Chief White Halfoat kept punching that lousyColonel Moodus in the nose every time he got drunk and Colonel Moodus was around. He wished that Big ChiefWhite Halfoat would begin punching Colonel Korn in his fat face, too. Colonel Korn was a lousy smart aleck.
  Someone at Twenty-seventh Air Force Headquarters had it in for him and sent back every report he wrote with ablistering rebuke, and Colonel Korn had bribed a clever mail clerk there named Wintergreen to try to find outwho it was. Losing the plane over Ferrara the second time around had not done him any good, he had to admit,and neither had having that other plane disappear inside that cloud—that was one he hadn’t even written down!
  He tried to recall, longingly, if Yossarian had been lost in that plane in the cloud and realized that Yossariancould not possibly have been lost in that plane in the cloud if he was still around now raising such a big stinkabout having to fly a lousy five missions more.
  Maybe sixty missions were too many for the men to fly, Colonel Cathcart reasoned, if Yossarian objected toflying them, but he then remembered that forcing his men to fly more missions than everyone else was the mosttangible achievement he had going for him. As Colonel Korn often remarked, the war was crawling with groupcommanders who were merely doing their duty, and it required just some sort of dramatic gesture like makinghis group fly more combat missions than any other bomber group to spotlight his unique qualities of leadership.
  Certainly none of the generals seemed to object to what he was doing, although as far as he could detect theyweren’t particularly impressed either, which made him suspect that perhaps sixty combat missions were notnearly enough and that he ought to increase the number at once to seventy, eighty, a hundred, or even twohundred, three hundred, or six thousand!
  Certainly he would be much better off under somebody suave like General Peckem than he was under somebodyboorish and insensitive like General Dreedle, because General Peckem had the discernment, the intelligence andthe Ivy League background to appreciate and enjoy him at his full value, although General Peckem had nevergiven the slightest indication that he appreciated or enjoyed him at all. Colonel Cathcart felt perceptive enough torealize that visible signals of recognition were never necessary between sophisticated, self-assured people likehimself and General Peckem who could warm to each other from a distance with innate mutual understanding. Itwas enough that they were of like kind, and he knew it was only a matter of waiting discreetly for prefermentuntil the right time, although it rotted Colonel Cathcart’s self-esteem to observe that General Peckem neverdeliberately sought him out and that he labored no harder to impress Colonel Cathcart with his epigrams anderudition than he did to impress anyone else in earshot, even enlisted men. Either Colonel Cathcart wasn’tgetting through to General Peckem or General Peckem was not the scintillating, discriminating, intellectual,forward-looking personality he pretended to be and it was really General Dreedle who was sensitive, charming,brilliant and sophisticated and under whom he would certainly be much better off, and suddenly ColonelCathcart had absolutely no conception of how strongly he stood with anyone and began banging on his buzzerwith his fist for Colonel Korn to come running into his office and assure him that everybody loved him, thatYossarian was a figment of his imagination, and that he was making wonderful progress in the splendid andvaliant campaign he was waging to become a general.
  Actually, Colonel Cathcart did not have a chance in hell of becoming a general. For one thing, there was ex-P.F.C. Wintergreen, who also wanted to be a general and who always distorted, destroyed, rejected ormisdirected any correspondence by, for or about Colonel Cathcart that might do him credit. For another, therealready was a general, General Dreedle who knew that General Peckem was after his job but did not know howto stop him.
  General Dreedle, the wing commander, was a blunt, chunky, barrel-chested man in his early fifties. His nose wassquat and red, and he had lumpy white, bunched-up eyelids circling his small gray eyes like haloes of bacon fat.
  He had a nurse and a son-in law, and he was prone to long, ponderous silences when he had not been drinkingtoo much. General Dreedle had wasted too much of his time in the Army doing his job well, and now it was toolate. New power alignments had coalesced without him and he was at a loss to cope with them. At unguarded moments his hard and sullen face slipped into a somber, preoccupied look of defeat and frustration. GeneralDreedle drank a great deal. His moods were arbitrary and unpredictable. “War is hell,” he declared frequently,drunk or sober, and he really meant it, although that did not prevent him from making a good living out of it orfrom taking his son-in-law into the business with him, even though the two bickered constantly.
  “That bastard,” General Dreedle would complain about his son-in-law with a contemptuous grunt to anyone whohappened to be standing beside him at the curve of the bar of the officers’ club. “Everything he’s got he owes tome. I made him, that lousy son of a bitch! He hasn’t got brains enough to get ahead on his own.”
  “He thinks he knows everything,” Colonel Moodus would retort in a sulking tone to his own audience at theother end of the bar. “He can’t take criticism and he won’t listen to advice.”
  “All he can do is give advice,” General Dreedle would observe with a rasping snort. “If it wasn’t for me, he’dstill be a corporal.”
  General Dreedle was always accompanied by both Colonel Moodus and his nurse, who was as delectable a pieceof ass as anyone who saw her had ever laid eyes on. General Dreedle’s nurse was chubby, short and blonde. Shehad plump dimpled cheeks, happy blue eyes, and neat curly turned-up hair. She smiled at everyone and neverspoke at all unless she was spoken to. Her bosom was lush and her complexion clear. She was irresistible, andmen edged away from her carefully. She was succulent, sweet, docile and dumb, and she drove everyone crazybut General Dreedle.
  “You should see her naked,” General Dreedle chortled with croupy relish, while his nurse stood smiling proudlyright at his shoulder. “Back at Wing she’s got a uniform in my room made of purple silk that’s so tight hernipples stand out like bing cherries. Milo got me the fabric. There isn’t even room enough for panties or abrassière underneath. I make her wear it some nights when Moodus is around just to drive him crazy.” GeneralDreedle laughed hoarsely. “You should see what goes on inside that blouse of hers every time she shifts herweight. She drives him out of his mind. The first time I catch him putting a hand on her or any other woman I’llbust the horny bastard right down to private and put him on K.P. for a year.”
  “He keeps her around just to drive me crazy,” Colonel Moodus accused aggrievedly at the other end of the bar.
  “Back at Wing she’s got a uniform made out of purple silk that’s so tight her nipples stand out like bing cherries.
  There isn’t even room for panties or a brassière underneath. You should hear that rustle every time she shifts herweight. The first time I make a pass at her or any other girl he’ll bust me right down to private and put me onK.P. for a year. She drives me out of my mind.”
  “He hasn’t gotten laid since we shipped overseas,” confided General Dreedle, and his square grizzled headbobbed with sadistic laughter at the fiendish idea. “That’s one of the reasons I never let him out of my sight, justso he can’t get to a woman. Can you imagine what that poor son of a bitch is going through?”
  “I haven’t been to bed with a woman since we shipped overseas,” Colonel Moodus whimpered tearfully. “Canyou imagine what I’m going through?”
  General Dreedle could be as intransigent with anyone else when displeased as he was with Colonel Moodus. Hehad no taste for sham, tact or pretension, and his credo as a professional soldier was unified and concise: hebelieved that the young men who took orders from him should be willing to give up their lives for the ideals,aspirations and idiosyncrasies of the old men he took orders from. The officers and enlisted men in his commandhad identity for him only as military quantities. All he asked was that they do their work; beyond that, they werefree to do whatever they pleased. They were free, as Colonel Cathcart was free, to force their men to fly sixtymissions if they chose, and they were free, as Yossarian had been free, to stand in formation naked if theywanted to, although General Dreedle’s granite jaw swung open at the sight and he went striding dictatoriallyright down the line to make certain that there really was a man wearing nothing but moccasins waiting atattention in ranks to receive a medal from him. General Dreedle was speechless. Colonel Cathcart began to faintwhen he spied Yossarian, and Colonel Korn stepped up behind him and squeezed his arm in a strong grip. Thesilence was grotesque. A steady warm wind flowed in from the beach, and an old cart filled with dirty strawrumbled into view on the main road, drawn by a black donkey and driven by a farmer in a flopping hat and fadedbrown work clothes who paid no attention to the formal military ceremony taking place in the small field on hisright.
  At last General Dreedle spoke. “Get back in the car,” he snapped over his shoulder to his nurse, who hadfollowed him down the line. The nurse toddled away with a smile toward his brown staff car, parked abouttwenty yards away at the edge of the rectangular clearing. General Dreedle waited in austere silence until the cardoor slammed and then demanded, “Which one is this?”
  Colonel Moodus checked his roster. “This one is Yossarian, Dad. He gets a Distinguished Flying Cross.”
  “Well, I’ll be damned,” mumbled General Dreedle, and his ruddy monolithic face softened with amusement.
  “Why aren’t you wearing clothes, Yossarian?”
  “I don’t want to.”
  “What do you mean you don’t want to? Why the hell don’t you want to?”
  “I just don’t want to, sir.”
  “Why isn’t he wearing clothes?” General Dreedle demanded over his shoulder of Colonel Cathcart.
  “He’s talking to you,” Colonel Korn whispered over Colonel Cathcart’s shoulder from behind, jabbing his elbowsharply into Colonel Cathcart’s back.
  “Why isn’t he wearing clothes?” Colonel Cathcart demanded of Colonel Korn with a look of acute pain, tenderlynursing the spot where Colonel Korn had just jabbed him.
  “Why isn’t he wearing clothes?” Colonel Korn demanded of Captain Piltchard and Captain Wren.
  “A man was killed in his plane over Avignon last week and bled all over him,” Captain Wren replied. “He swears he’s never going to wear a uniform again.”
  “A man was killed in his plane over Avignon last week and bled all over him,” Colonel Korn reported directly toGeneral Dreedle. “His uniform hasn’t come back from the laundry yet.”
  “Where are his other uniforms?”
  “They’re in the laundry, too.”
  “What about his underwear?” General Dreedle demanded.
  “All his underwear’s in the laundry, too,” answered Colonel Korn.
  “That sounds like a lot of crap to me,” General Dreedle declared.
  “It is a lot of crap, sir,” Yossarian said.
  “Don’t you worry, sir,” Colonel Cathcart promised General Dreedle with a threatening look at Yossarian. “Youhave my personal word for it that this man will be severely punished.”
  “What the hell do I care if he’s punished or not?” General Dreedle replied with surprise and irritation. “He’s justwon a medal. If he wants to receive it without any clothes on, what the hell business is it of yours?”
  “Those are my sentiments exactly, sir!” Colonel Cathcart echoed with resounding enthusiasm and mopped hisbrow with a damp white handkerchief. “But would you say that, sir, even in the light of General Peckem’s recentmemorandum on the subject of appropriate military attire in combat areas?”
  “Peckem?” General Dreedle’s face clouded.
  “Yes, sir, sir,” said Colonel Cathcart obsequiously. “General Peckem even recommends that we send our meninto combat in full-dress uniform so they’ll make a good impression on the enemy when they’re shot down.”
  “Peckem?” repeated General Dreedle, still squinting with bewilderment. “Just what the hell does Peckem have todo with it?”
  Colonel Korn jabbed Colonel Cathcart sharply again in the back with his elbow.
  “Absolutely nothing, sir!” Colonel Cathcart responded sprucely, wincing in extreme pain and gingerly rubbingthe spot where Colonel Korn had just jabbed him again. “And that’s exactly why I decided to take absolutely noaction at all until I first had an opportunity to discuss it with you. Shall we ignore it completely, sir?”
  General Dreedle ignored him completely, turning away from him in baleful scorn to hand Yossarian his medal inits case.
  “Get my girl back from the car,” he commanded Colonel Moodus crabbily, and waited in one spot with hisscowling face down until his nurse had rejoined him.
  “Get word to the office right away to kill that directive I just issued ordering the men to wear neckties on thecombat missions,” Colonel Cathcart whispered to Colonel Korn urgently out of the corner of his mouth.
  “I told you not to do it,” Colonel Korn snickered. “But you just wouldn’t listen to me.”
  “Shhhh!” Colonel Cathcart cautioned. “Goddammit, Korn, what did you do to my back?”
  Colonel Korn snickered again.
  General Dreedle’s nurse always followed General Dreedle everywhere he went, even into the briefing room justbefore the mission to Avignon, where she stood with her asinine smile at the side of the platform and bloomedlike a fertile oasis at General Dreedle’s shoulder in her pink-and-green uniform. Yossarian looked at her and fellin love, desperately. His spirits sank, leaving him empty inside and numb. He sat gazing in clammy want at herfull red lips and dimpled cheeks as he listened to Major Danby describe in a monotonous, didactic male dronethe heavy concentrations of flak awaiting them at Avignon, and he moaned in deep despair suddenly at thethought that he might never see again this lovely woman to whom he had never spoken a word and whom henow loved so pathetically. He throbbed and ached with sorrow, fear and desire as he stared at her; she was sobeautiful. He worshiped the ground she stood on. He licked his parched, thirsting lips with a sticky tongue andmoaned in misery again, loudly enough this time to attract the startled, searching glances of the men sittingaround him on the rows of crude wooden benches in their chocolate-colored coveralls and stitched whiteparachute harnesses.
  Nately turned to him quickly with alarm. “What is it?” he whispered. “What’s the matter?”
  Yossarian did not hear him. He was sick with lust and mesmerized with regret. General Dreedle’s nurse was onlya little chubby, and his senses were stuffed to congestion with the yellow radiance of her hair and the unfeltpressure of her soft short fingers, with the rounded, untasted wealth of her nubile breasts in her Army-pink shirtthat was opened wide at the throat and with the rolling, ripened, triangular confluences of her belly and thighs inher tight, slick forest-green gabardine officer’s pants. He drank her in insatiably from head to painted toenail. Henever wanted to lose her. “Oooooooooooooh,” he moaned again, and this time the whole room rippled at hisquavering, drawn-out cry. A wave of startled uneasiness broke over the officers on the dais, and even MajorDanby, who had begun synchronizing the watches, was distracted momentarily as he counted out the secondsand almost had to begin again. Nately followed Yossarian’s transfixed gaze down the long frame auditoriumuntil he came to General Dreedle’s nurse. He blanched with trepidation when he guessed what was troublingYossarian.
  “Cut it out, will you?” Nately warned in a fierce whisper.
  “Ooooooooooooooooooooh,” Yossarian moaned a fourth time, this time loudly enough for everyone to hear him distinctly.
  “Are you crazy?” Nately hissed vehemently. “You’ll get into trouble.”
  “Ooooooooooooooooooooh,” Dunbar answered Yossarian from the opposite end of the room.
  Nately recognized Dunbar’s voice. The situation was now out of control, and he turned away with a small moan.
  “Ooooooooooooooooooooh,” Dunbar moaned back at him.
  “Ooooooooooooooooooooh,” Nately moaned out loud in exasperation when he realized that he had just moaned.
  “Ooooooooooooooooooooh,” Dunbar moaned back at him again.
  “Ooooooooooooooooooooh,” someone entirely new chimed in from another section of the room, and Nately’shair stood on end.
  Yossarian and Dunbar both replied while Nately cringed and hunted about futilely for some hole in which to hideand take Yossarian with him. A sprinkling of people were smothering laughter. An elfin impulse possessedNately and he moaned intentionally the next time there was a lull. Another new voice answered. The flavor ofdisobedience was titillating, and Nately moaned deliberately again, the next time he could squeeze one inedgewise. Still another new voice echoed him. The room was boiling irrepressibly into bedlam. An eerie hubbubof voices was rising. Feet were scuffled, and things began to drop from people’s fingers—pencils, computers,map cases, clattering steel flak helmets. A number of men who were not moaning were now giggling openly, andthere was no telling how far the unorganized insurrection of moaning might have gone if General Dreedlehimself had not come forward to quell it, stepping out determinedly in the center of the platform directly in frontof Major Danby, who, with his earnest, persevering head down, was still concentrating on his wrist watch andsaying, “...twenty-five seconds... twenty... fifteen...” General Dreedle’s great, red domineering face was gnarledwith perplexity and oaken with awesome resolution.
  “That will be all, men,” he ordered tersely, his eyes glaring with disapproval and his square jaw firm, and that’sall there was. “I run a fighting outfit,” he told them sternly, when the room had grown absolutely quiet and themen on the benches were all cowering sheepishly, “and there’ll be no more moaning in this group as long as I’min command. Is that clear?”
  It was clear to everybody but Major Danby, who was still concentrating on his wrist watch and counting downthe seconds aloud. “...four... three... two... one... time!” called out Major Danby, and raised his eyes triumphantlyto discover that no one had been listening to him and that he would have to begin all over again. “Ooooh,” hemoaned in frustration.
  “What was that?” roared General Dreedle incredulously, and whirled around in a murderous rage upon MajorDanby, who staggered back in terrified confusion and began to quail and perspire. “Who is this man?”
  “M-major Danby, sir,” Colonel Cathcart stammered. “My group operations officer.”
  “Take him out and shoot him,” ordered General Dreedle.
  “I said take him out and shoot him. Can’t you hear?”
  “Yes, sir!” Colonel Cathcart responded smartly, swallowing hard, and turned in a brisk manner to his chauffeurand his meteorologist. “Take Major Danby out and shoot him.”
  “S-sir?” his chauffeur and his meteorologist stammered.
  “I said take Major Danby out and shoot him,” Colonel Cathcart snapped. “Can’t you hear?”
  The two young lieutenants nodded lumpishly and gaped at each other in stunned and flaccid reluctance, eachwaiting for the other to initiate the procedure of taking Major Danby outside and shooting him. Neither had evertaken Major Danby outside and shot him before. They inched their way dubiously toward Major Danby fromopposite sides. Major Danby was white with fear. His legs collapsed suddenly and he began to fall, and the twoyoung lieutenants sprang forward and seized him under both arms to save him from slumping to the floor. Nowthat they had Major Danby, the rest seemed easy, but there were no guns. Major Danby began to cry. ColonelCathcart wanted to rush to his side and comfort him, but did not want to look like a sissy in front of GeneralDreedle. He remembered that Appleby and Havermeyer always brought their .45 automatics on the missions, andhe began to scan the rows of men in search of them.
  As soon as Major Danby began to cry, Colonel Moodus, who had been vacillating wretchedly on the sidelines,could restrain himself no longer and stepped out diffidently toward General Dreedle with a sickly air of self-sacrifice. “I think you’d better wait a minute, Dad,” he suggested hesitantly. “I don’t think you can shoot him.”
  General Dreedle was infuriated by his intervention. “Who the hell says I can’t?” he thundered pugnaciously in avoice loud enough to rattle the whole building. Colonel Moodus, his face flushing with embarrassment, bentclose to whisper into his ear. “Why the hell can’t I?” General Dreedle bellowed. Colonel Moodus whisperedsome more. “You mean I can’t shoot anyone I want to?” General Dreedle demanded with uncompromisingindignation. He pricked up his ears with interest as Colonel Moodus continued whispering. “Is that a fact?” heinquired, his rage tamed by curiosity.
  “Yes, Dad. I’m afraid it is.”
  “I guess you think you’re pretty goddam smart, don’t you?” General Dreedle lashed out at Colonel Moodussuddenly.
  Colonel Moodus turned crimson again. “No, Dad, it isn’t—““All right, let the insubordinate son of a bitch go,” General Dreedle snarled, turning bitterly away from his sonin-law and barking peevishly at Colonel Cathcart’s chauffeur and Colonel Cathcart’s meteorologist. “But get himout of this building and keep him out. And let’s continue this goddam briefing before the war ends. I’ve neverseen so much incompetence.”
  Colonel Cathcart nodded lamely at General Dreedle and signaled his men hurriedly to push Major Danby outsidethe building. As soon as Major Danby had been pushed outside, though, there was no one to continue thebriefing. Everyone gawked at everyone else in oafish surprise. General Dreedle turned purple with rage asnothing happened. Colonel Cathcart had no idea what to do. He was about to begin moaning aloud when ColonelKorn came to the rescue by stepping forward and taking control. Colonel Cathcart sighed with enormous, tearfulrelief, almost overwhelmed with gratitude.
  “Now, men, we’re going to synchronize our watches,” Colonel Korn began promptly in a sharp, commandingmanner, rolling his eyes flirtatiously in General Dreedle’s direction. “We’re going to synchronize our watchesone time and one time only, and if it doesn’t come off in that one time, General Dreedle and I are going to wantto know why. Is that clear?” He fluttered his eyes toward General Dreedle again to make sure his plug hadregistered. “Now set your watches for nine-eighteen.”
  Colonel Korn synchronized their watches without a single hitch and moved ahead with confidence. He gave themen the colors of the day and reviewed the weather conditions with an agile, flashy versatility, casting sidelong,simpering looks at General Dreedle every few seconds to draw increased encouragement from the excellentimpression he saw he was making. Preening and pruning himself effulgendy and strutting vaingloriously aboutthe platform as he picked up momentum, he gave the men the colors of the day again and shifted nimbly into arousing pep talk on the importance of the bridge at Avignon to the war effort and the obligation of each man onthe mission to place love of country above love of life. When his inspiring dissertation was finished, he gave themen the colors of the day still one more time, stressed the angle of approach and reviewed the weather conditionsagain. Colonel Korn felt himself at the full height of his powers. He belonged in the spotlight.
  Comprehension dawned slowly on Colonel Cathcart; when it came, he was struck dumb. His face grew longerand longer as he enviously watched Colonel Korn’s treachery continue, and he was almost afraid to listen whenGeneral Dreedle moved up beside him and, in a whisper blustery enough to be heard throughout the room,demanded,“Who is that man?”
  Colonel Cathcart answered with wan foreboding, and General Dreedle then cupped his hand over his mouth andwhispered something that made Colonel Cathcart’s face glow with immense joy. Colonel Korn saw and quiveredwith uncontainable rapture. Had he just been promoted in the field by General Dreedle to full colonel? He couldnot endure the suspense. With a masterful flourish, he brought the briefing to a close and turned expectantly toreceive ardent congratulations from General Dreedle—who was already striding out of the building without aglance backward, trailing his nurse and Colonel Moodus behind him. Colonel Korn was stunned by thisdisappointing sight, but only for an instant. His eyes found Colonel Cathcart, who was still standing erect in a grinning trance, and he rushed over jubilantly and began pulling on his arm.
  “What’d he say about me?” he demanded excitedly in a fervor of proud and blissful anticipation. “What didGeneral Dreedle say?”
  “He wanted to know who you were.”
  “I know that. I know that. But what’d he say about me? What’d he say?”
  “You make him sick.”



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Chapter 22 Milo The Mayor
     That was the mission on which Yossarian lost his nerve. Yossarian lost his nerve on the mission to Avignonbecause Snowden lost his guts, and Snowden lost his guts because their pilot that day was Huple, who was onlyfifteen years old, and their co-pilot was Dobbs, who was even worse and who wanted Yossarian to join with himin a plot to murder Colonel Cathcart. Huple was a good pilot, Yossarian knew, but he was only a kid, and Dobbshad no confidence in him, either, and wrested the controls away without warning after they had dropped theirbombs, going berserk in mid-air and tipping the plane over into that heart-stopping, ear-splitting, indescribablypetrifying fatal dive that tore Yossarian’s earphones free from their connection and hung him helplessly to theroof of the nose by the top of his head.
  Oh, God! Yossarian had shrieked soundlessly as he felt them all falling. Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God!
  he had shrieked beseechingly through lips that could not open as the plane fell and he dangled without weight bythe top of his head until Huple managed to seize the controls back and leveled the plane out down inside thecrazy, craggy, patchwork canyon of crashing antiaircraft fire from which they had climbed away and from whichthey would now have to escape again. Almost at once there was a thud and a hole the size of a big fist in theplexiglass. Yossarian’s cheeks were stinging with shimmering splinters. There was no blood.
  “What happened? What happened?” he cried, and trembled violently when he could not hear his own voice in hisears. He was cowed by the empty silence on the intercom and almost too horrified to move as he crouched like atrapped mouse on his hands and knees and waited without daring to breathe until he finally spied the gleamingcylindrical jack plug of his headset swinging back and forth in front of his eyes and jammed it back into itsreceptacle with fingers that rattled. Oh, God! he kept shrieking with no abatement of terror as the flak thumpedand mushroomed all about him. Oh, God!
  Dobbs was weeping when Yossarian jammed his jack plug back into the intercom system and was able to hearagain.
  “Help him, help him,” Dobbs was sobbing. “Help him, help him.”
  “Help who? Help who?” Yossarian called back. “Help who?”
  “The bombardier, the bombardier,” Dobbs cried. “He doesn’t answer. Help the bombardier, help thebombardier.”
  “I’m the bombardier,” Yossarian cried back at him. “I’m the bombardier. I’m all right. I’m all right.”
  “Then help him, help him,” Dobbs wept. “Help him, help him.”
  “Help who? Help who?”
  “The radio-gunner,” Dobbs begged. “Help the radio-gunner.”
  “I’m cold,” Snowden whimpered feebly over the intercom system then in a bleat of plaintive agony. “Please helpme. I’m cold.”
  And Yossarian crept out through the crawlway and climbed up over the bomb bay and down into the rear sectionof the plane where Snowden lay on the floor wounded and freezing to death in a yellow splash of sunlight nearthe new tail-gunner lying stretched out on the floor beside him in a dead faint.
  Dobbs was the worst pilot in the world and knew it, a shattered wreck of a virile young man who was continuallystriving to convince his superiors that he was no longer fit to pilot a plane. None of his superiors would listen,and it was the day the number of missions was raised to sixty that Dobbs stole into Yossarian’s tent while Orrwas out looking for gaskets and disclosed the plot he had formulated to murder Colonel Cathcart. He neededYossarian’s assistance.
  “You want us to kill him in cold blood?” Yossarian objected.
  “That’s right,” Dobbs agreed with an optimistic smile, encouraged by Yossarian’s ready grasp of the situation.
  “We’ll shoot him to death with the Luger I brought back from Sicily that nobody knows I’ve got.”
  “I don’t think I could do it,” Yossarian concluded, after weighing the idea in silence awhile.
  Dobbs was astonished. “Why not?”
  “Look. Nothing would please me more than to have the son of a bitch break his neck or get killed in a crash or tofind out that someone else had shot him to death. But I don’t think I could kill him.”
  “He’d do it to you,” Dobbs argued. “In fact, you’re the one who told me he is doing it to us by keeping us incombat so long.”
  “But I don’t think I could do it to him. He’s got a right to live, too, I guess.”
  “Not as long as he’s trying to rob you and me of our right to live. What’s the matter with you?” Dobbs wasflabbergasted. “I used to listen to you arguing that same thing with Clevinger. And look what happened to him.
  Right inside that cloud.”
  “Stop shouting, will you?” Yossarian shushed him.
  “I’m not shouting!” Dobbs shouted louder, his face red with revolutionary fervor. His eyes and nostrils wererunning, and his palpitating crimson lower lip was splattered with a foamy dew. “There must have been close toa hundred men in the group who had finished their fifty-five missions when he raised the number to sixty. Theremust have been at least another hundred like you with just a couple more to fly. He’s going to kill us all if we lethim go on forever. We’ve got to kill him first.”
  Yossarian nodded expressionlessly, without committing himself. “Do you think we could get away with it?”
  “I’ve got it all worked out. I—““Stop shouting, for Christ’s sake!”
  “I’m not shouting. I’ve got it—““Will you stop shouting!”
  “I’ve got it all worked out,” Dobbs whispered, gripping the side of Orr’s cot with white-knuckled hands toconstrain them from waving. “Thursday morning when he’s due back from that goddam farmhouse of his in thehills, I’ll sneak up through the woods to that hairpin turn in the road and hide in the bushes. He has to slow downthere, and I can watch the road in both directions to make sure there’s no one else around. When I see himcoming, I’ll shove a big log out into the road to make him stop his jeep. Then I’ll step out of the bushes with myLuger and shoot him in the head until he’s dead. I’ll bury the gun, come back down through the woods to thesquadron and go about my business just like everybody else. What could possibly go wrong?”
  Yossarian had followed each step attentively. “Where do I come in?” he asked in puzzlement.
  “I couldn’t do it without you,” Dobbs explained. “I need you to tell me to go ahead.”
  Yossarian found it hard to believe him. “Is that all you want me to do? Just tell you to go ahead?”
  “That’s all I need from you,” Dobbs answered. “Just tell me to go ahead and I’ll blow his brains out all by myselfthe day after tomorrow.” His voice was accelerating with emotion and rising again. “I’d like to shoot ColonelKorn in the head, too, while we’re at it, although I’d like to spare Major Danby, if that’s all right with you. ThenI’d murder Appleby and Havermeyer also, and after we finish murdering Appleby and Havermeyer I’d like tomurder McWatt.”
  “McWatt?” cried Yossarian, almost jumping up in horror. “McWatt’s a friend of mine. What do you want fromMcWatt?”
  “I don’t know,” Dobbs confessed with an air of floundering embarrassment. “I just thought that as long as wewere murdering Appleby and Havermeyer we might as well murder McWatt too. Don’t you want to murderMcWatt?”
  Yossarian took a firm stand. “Look, I might keep interested in this if you stop shouting it all over the island andif you stick to killing Colonel Cathcart. But if you’re going to turn this into a blood bath, you can forget aboutme.”
  “All right, all right,” Dobbs sought to placate him. “Just Colonel Cathcart. Should I do it? Tell me to go ahead.”
  Yossarian shook his head. “I don’t think I could tell you to go ahead.”
  Dobbs was frantic. “I’m willing to compromise,” he pleaded vehemently. “You don’t have to tell me to goahead. Just tell me it’s a good idea. Okay? Is it a good idea?”
  Yossarian still shook his head. “It would have been a great idea if you had gone ahead and done it without evenspeaking to me. Now it’s too late. I don’t think I can tell you anything. Give me some more time. I might changemy mind.”
  “Then it will be too late.”
  Yossarian kept shaking his head. Dobbs was disappointed. He sat for a moment with a hangdog look, thenspurted to his feet suddenly and stamped away to have another impetuous crack at persuading Doc Daneeka toground him, knocking over Yossarian’s washstand with his hip when he lurched around and tripping over thefuel line of the stove Orr was still constructing. Doc Daneeka withstood Dobbs’s blustering and gesticulatingattack with a series of impatient nods and sent him to the medical tent to describe his symptoms to Gus and Wes,who painted his gums purple with gentian-violet solution the moment he started to talk. They painted his toespurple, too, and forced a laxative down his throat when he opened his mouth again to complain, and then theysent him away.
  Dobbs was in even worse shape than Hungry Joe, who could at least fly missions when he was not havingnightmares. Dobbs was almost as bad as Orr, who seemed happy as an undersized, grinning lark with hisderanged and galvanic giggle and shivering warped buck teeth and who was sent along for a rest leave with Miloand Yossarian on the trip to Cairo for eggs when Milo bought cotton instead and took off at dawn for Istanbulwith his plane packed to the gun turrets with exotic spiders and unripened red bananas. Orr was one of thehomeliest freaks Yossarian had ever encountered, and one of the most attractive. He had a raw bulgy face, withhazel eyes squeezing from their sockets like matching brown halves of marbles and thick, wavy particolored hairsloping up to a peak on the top of his head like a pomaded pup tent. Orr was knocked down into the water or hadan engine shot out almost every time he went up, and he began jerking on Yossarian’s arm like a wild man after they had taken off for Naples and come down in Sicily to find the scheming, cigar-smoking, ten-year-old pimpwith the two twelve-year-old virgin sisters waiting for them in town in front of the hotel in which there was roomfor only Milo. Yossarian pulled back from Orr adamantly, gazing with some concern and bewilderment at Mt.
  Etna instead of Mt. Vesuvius and wondering what they were doing in Sicily instead of Naples as Orr keptentreating him in a tittering, stuttering, concupiscent turmoil to go along with him behind the scheming ten-yearoldpimp to his two twelve-year-old virgin sisters who were not really virgins and not really sisters and who werereally only twenty-eight.
  “Go with him,” Milo instructed Yossarian laconically. “Remember your mission.”
  “All right,” Yossarian yielded with a sigh, remembering his mission. “But at least let me try to find a hotel roomfirst so I can get a good night’s sleep afterward.”
  “You’ll get a good night’s sleep with the girls,” Milo replied with the same air of intrigue. Remember yourmission.”
  But they got no sleep at all, for Yossarian and Orr found themselves jammed into the same double bed with thetwo twelve-year-old twenty-eight-year-old prostitutes, who turned out to be oily and obese and who kept wakingthem up all night long to ask them to switch partners. Yossarian’s perceptions were soon so fuzzy that he paid nonotice to the beige turban the fat one crowding into him kept wearing until late the next morning when thescheming ten-year-old pimp with the Cuban panatella snatched it off in public in a bestial caprice that exposed inthe brilliant Sicilian daylight her shocking, misshapen and denudate skull. Vengeful neighbors had shaved herhair to the gleaming bone because she had slept with Germans. The girl screeched in feminine outrage andwaddled comically after the scheming ten-year-old pimp, her grisly, bleak, violated scalp slithering up and downludicrously around the queer darkened wart of her face like something bleached and obscene. Yossarian hadnever laid eyes on anything so bare before. The pimp spun the turban high on his finger like a trophy and kepthimself skipping inches ahead of her finger tips as he led her in a tantalizing circle around the square congestedwith people who were howling with laughter and pointing to Yossarian with derision when Milo strode up with agrim look of haste and puckered his lips reprovingly at the unseemly spectacle of so much vice and frivolity.
  Milo insisted on leaving at once for Malta.
  “We’re sleepy,” Orr whined.
  “That’s your own fault,” Milo censured them both selfrighteously. “If you had spent the night in your hotel roominstead of with these immoral girls, you’d both feel as good as I do today.”
  “You told us to go with them,” Yossarian retorted accusingly. “And we didn’t have a hotel room. You were theonly one who could get a hotel room.”
  “That wasn’t my fault, either,” Milo explained haughtily. “How was I supposed to know all the buyers would bein town for the chick-pea harvest?”
  “You knew it,” Yossarian charged. “That explains why we’re here in Sicily instead of Naples. You’ve probably got the whole damned plane filled with chick-peas already.”
  “Shhhhhh!” Milo cautioned sternly, with a meaningful glance toward Orr. “Remember your mission.”
  The bomb bay, the rear and tail sections of the plane and most of the top turret gunner’s section were all filledwith bushels of chick-peas when they arrived at the airfield to take off for Malta.
  Yossarian’s mission on the trip was to distract Orr from observing where Milo bought his eggs, even though Orrwas a member of Milo’s syndicate and, like every other member of Milo’s syndicate, owned a share. His missionwas silly, Yossarian felt, since it was common knowledge that Milo bought his eggs in Malta for seven centsapiece and sold them to the mess halls in his syndicate for five cents apiece.
  “I just don’t trust him,” Milo brooded in the plane, with a backward nod toward Orr, who was curled up like atangled rope on the low bushels of chick-peas, trying torturedly to sleep. “And I’d just as soon buy my eggswhen he’s not around to learn my business secrets. What else don’t you understand?”
  Yossarian was riding beside him in the co-pilot’s seat. “I don’t understand why you buy eggs for seven centsapiece in Malta and sell them for five cents.”
  “I do it to make a profit.”
  “But how can you make a profit? You lose two cents an egg.”
  “But I make a profit of three and a quarter cents an egg by selling them for four and a quarter cents an egg to thepeople in Malta I buy them from for seven cents an egg. Of course, I don’t make the profit. The syndicate makesthe profit. And everybody has a share.”
  Yossarian felt he was beginning to understand. “And the people you sell the eggs to at four and a quarter centsapiece make a profit of two and three quarter cents apiece when they sell them back to you at seven cents apiece.
  Is that right? Why don’t you sell the eggs directly to you and eliminate the people you buy them from?”
  “Because I’m the people I buy them from,” Milo explained. “I make a profit of three and a quarter cents apiecewhen I sell them to me and a profit of two and three quarter cents apiece when I buy them back from me. That’sa total profit of six cents an egg. I lose only two cents an egg when I sell them to the mess halls at five centsapiece, and that’s how I can make a profit buying eggs for seven cents apiece and selling them for five centsapiece. I pay only one cent apiece at the hen when I buy them in Sicily.”
  “In Malta,” Yossarian corrected. “You buy your eggs in Malta, not Sicily.”
  Milo chortled proudly. “I don’t buy eggs in Malta,” he confessed, with an air of slight and clandestineamusement that was the only departure from industrious sobriety Yossarian had ever seen him make. “I buythem in Sicily for one cent apiece and transfer them to Malta secretly at four and a half cents apiece in order toget the price of eggs up to seven cents apiece when people come to Malta looking for them.”
  “Why do people come to Malta for eggs when they’re so expensive there?”
  “Because they’ve always done it that way.”
  “Why don’t they look for eggs in Sicily?”
  “Because they’ve never done it that way.”
  “Now I really don’t understand. Why don’t you sell your mess halls the eggs for seven cents apiece instead offerfive cents apiece?”
  “Because my mess halls would have no need for me then. Anyone can buy seven-cents-apiece eggs for sevencents apiece.”
  “Why don’t they bypass you and buy the eggs directly from you in Malta at four and a quarter cents apiece?”
  “Because I wouldn’t sell it to them.”
  “Why wouldn’t you sell it to them?”
  “Because then there wouldn’t be as much room for profit. At least this way I can make a bit for myself as amiddleman.”
  “Then you do make a profit for yourself,” Yossarian declared.
  “Of course I do. But it all goes to the syndicate. And everybody has a share. Don’t you understand? It’s exactlywhat happens with those plum tomatoes I sell to Colonel Cathcart.”
  “Buy,” Yossarian corrected him. “You don’t sell plum tomatoes to Colonel Cathcart and Colonel Korn. You buyplum tomatoes from them.”
  “No, sell,” Milo corrected Yossarian. “I distribute my plum tomatoes in markets all over Pianosa under anassumed name so that Colonel Cathcart and Colonel Korn can buy them up from me under their assumed namesat four cents apiece and sell them back to me the next day for the syndicate at five cents apiece. They make aprofit of one cent apiece. I make a profit of three and a half cents apiece, and everybody comes out ahead.”
  “Everybody but the syndicate,” said Yossarian with a snort. “The syndicate is paying five cents apiece for plumtomatoes that cost you only half a cent apiece. How does the syndicate benefit?”
  “The syndicate benefits when I benefit,” Milo explained, “because everybody has a share. And the syndicate getsColonel Cathcart’s and Colonel Korn’s support so that they’ll let me go out on trips like this one. You’ll see howmuch profit that can mean in about fifteen minutes when we land in Palermo.”
  “Malta,” Yossarian corrected him. “We’re flying to Malta now, not Palermo.”
  “No, we’re flying to Palermo,” Milo answered. “There’s an endive exporter in Palermo I have to see for a minuteabout a shipment of mushrooms to Bern that were damaged by mold.”
  “Milo, how do you do it?” Yossarian inquired with laughing amazement and admiration. “You fill out a flightplan for one place and then you go to another. Don’t the people in the control towers ever raise hell?”
  “They all belong to the syndicate,” Milo said. “And they know that what’s good for the syndicate is good for thecountry, because that’s what makes Sammy run. The men in the control towers have a share, too, and that’s whythey always have to do whatever they can to help the syndicate.”
  “Do I have a share?”
  “Everybody has a share.”
  “Does Orr have a share?”
  “Everybody has a share.”
  “And Hungry Joe? He has a share, too?”
  “Everybody has a share.”
  “Well, I’ll be damned,” mused Yossarian, deeply impressed with the idea of a share for the very first time.
  Milo turned toward him with a faint glimmer of mischief. “I have a sure-fire plan for cheating the federalgovernment out of six thousand dollars. We can make three thousand dollars apiece without any risk to either ofus. Are you interested?”
  Milo looked at Yossarian with profound emotion. “That’s what I like about you,” he exclaimed. “You’re honest!
  You’re the only one I know that I can really trust. That’s why I wish you’d try to be of more help to me. I reallywas disappointed when you ran off with those two tramps in Catania yesterday.”
  Yossarian stared at Milo in quizzical disbelief. “Milo, you told me to go with them. Don’t you remember?”
  “That wasn’t my fault,” Milo answered with dignity. “I had to get rid of Orr some way once we reached town. Itwill be a lot different in Palermo. When we land in Palermo, I want you and Orr to leave with the girls right fromthe airport.”
  “With what girls?”
  “I radioed ahead and made arrangements with a four-year-old pimp to supply you and Orr with two eight-yearoldvirgins who are half Spanish. He’ll be waiting at the airport in a limousine. Go right in as soon as you stepout of the plane.”
  “Nothing doing,” said Yossarian, shaking his head. “The only place I’m going is to sleep.”
  Milo turned livid with indignation, his slim long nose flickering spasmodically between his black eyebrows andhis unbalanced orange-brown mustache like the pale, thin flame of a single candle. “Yossarian, remember yourmission,” he reminded reverently.
  “To hell with my mission,” Yossarian responded indifferently. “And to hell with the syndicate too, even though Ido have a share. I don’t want any eight-year-old virgins, even if they are half Spanish.”
  “I don’t blame you. But these eight-year-old virgins are really only thirty-two. And they’re not really halfSpanish but only one-third Estonian.”
  “I don’t care for any virgins.”
  “And they’re not even virgins,” Milo continued persuasively. “The one I picked out for you was married for ashort time to an elderly schoolteacher who slept with her only on Sundays, so she’s really almost as good asnew.”
  But Orr was sleepy, too, and Yossarian and Orr were both at Milo’s side when they rode into the city of Palermofrom the airport and discovered that there was no room for the two of them at the hotel there either, and, moreimportant, that Milo was mayor.
  The weird, implausible reception for Milo began at the airfield, where civilian laborers who recognized himhalted in their duties respectfully to gaze at him with full expressions of controlled exuberance and adulation.
  News of his arrival preceded him into the city, and the outskirts were already crowded with cheering citizens asthey sped by in their small uncovered truck. Yossarian and Orr were mystified and mute and pressed closeagainst Milo for security.
  Inside the city, the welcome for Milo grew louder as the truck slowed and eased deeper toward the middle oftown. Small boys and girls had been released from school and were lining the sidewalks in new clothes, wavingtiny flags. Yossarian and Orr were absolutely speechless now. The streets were jammed with joyous throngs, andstrung overhead were huge banners bearing Milo’s picture. Milo had posed for these pictures in a drab peasant’sblouse with a high collar, and his scrupulous, paternal countenance was tolerant, wise, critical and strong as hestared out at the populace omnisciently with his undisciplined mustache and disunited eyes. Sinking invalidsblew kisses to him from windows. Aproned shopkeepers cheered ecstatically from the narrow doorways of theirshops. Tubas crumped. Here and there a person fell and was trampled to death. Sobbing old women swarmed through each other frantically around the slow-moving truck to touch Milo’s shoulder or press his hand. Milobore the tumultuous celebrations with benevolent grace. He waved back to everyone in elegant reciprocation andshowered generous handfuls of foilcovered Hershey kisses to the rejoicing multitudes. Lines of lusty young boysand girls skipped along behind him with their arms linked, chanting in hoarse and glassy-eyed adoration, “Milo!
  Mi-lo! Mi-lo!”
  Now that his secret was out, Milo relaxed with Yossarian and Orr and inflated opulently with a vast, shy pride.
  His cheeks turned flesh-colored. Milo had been elected mayor of Palermo—and of nearby Carini, Monreale,Bagheria, Termini Imerese, Cefalu, Mistretta and Nicosia as well—because he had brought Scotch to Sicily.
  Yossarian was amazed. “The people here like to drink Scotch that much?”
  “They don’t drink any of the Scotch,” Milo explained. “Scotch is very expensive, and these people here are verypoor.”
  “Then why do you import it to Sicily if nobody drinks any?”
  “To build up a price. I move the Scotch here from Malta to make more room for profit when I sell it back to mefor somebody else. I created a whole new industry here. Today Sicily is the third largest exporter of Scotch in theworld, and that’s why they elected me mayor.”
  “How about getting us a hotel room if you’re such a hotshot?” Orr grumbled impertinently in a voice slurredwith fatigue.
  Milo responded contritely. “That’s just what I’m going to do,” he promised. “I’m really sorry about forgetting toradio ahead for hotel rooms for you two. Come along to my office and I’ll speak to my deputy mayor about itright now.”
  Milo’s office was a barbershop, and his deputy mayor was a pudgy barber from whose obsequious lips cordialgreetings foamed as effusively as the lather he began whipping up in Milo’s shaving cup.
  “Well, Vittorio,” said Milo, settling back lazily in one of Vittorio’s barber chairs, “how were things in myabsence this time?”
  “Very sad, Signor Milo, very sad. But now that you are back, the people are all happy again.”
  “I was wondering about the size of the crowds. How come all the hotels are full?”
  “Because so many people from other cities are here to see you, Signor Milo. And because we have all the buyerswho have come into town for the artichoke auction.”
  Milo’s hand soared up perpendicularly like an eagle and arrested Vittorio’s shaving brush. “What’s artichoke?”
  he inquired.
  “Artichoke, Signor Milo? An artichoke is a very tasty vegetable that is popular everywhere. You must try someartichokes while you are here, Signor Milo. We grow the best in the world.”
  “Really?” said Milo. “How much are artichokes selling for this year?”
  “It looks like a very good year for artichokes. The crops were very bad.”
  “Is that a fact?” mused Milo, and was gone, sliding from his chair so swiftly that his striped barber’s apronretained his shape for a second or two after he had gone before it collapsed. Milo had vanished from sight by thetime Yossarian and Orr rushed after him to the doorway.
  “Next?” barked Milo’s deputy mayor officiously. “Who’s next?”
  Yossarian and Orr walked from the barbershop in dejection. Deserted by Milo, they trudged homelessly throughthe reveling masses in futile search of a place to sleep. Yossarian was exhausted. His head throbbed with a dull,debilitating pain, and he was irritable with Orr, who had found two crab apples somewhere and walked withthem in his cheeks until Yossarian spied them there and made him take them out. Then Orr found two horsechestnuts somewhere and slipped those in until Yossarian detected them and snapped at him again to take thecrab apples out of his mouth. Orr grinned and replied that they were not crab apples but horse chestnuts and thatthey were not in his mouth but in his hands, but Yossarian was not able to understand a single word he saidbecause of the horse chestnuts in his mouth and made him take them out anyway. A sly light twinkled in Orr’seyes. He rubbed his forehead harshly with his knuckles, like a man in an alcoholic stupor, and snickered lewdly.
  “Do you remember that girl—“ He broke off to snicker lewdly again. “Do you remember that girl who washitting me over the head with that shoe in that apartment in Rome, when we were both naked?” he asked with alook of cunning expectation. He waited until Yossarian nodded cautiously. “If you let me put the chestnuts backin my mouth I’ll tell you why she was hitting me. Is that a deal?”
  Yossarian nodded, and Orr told him the whole fantastic story of why the naked girl in Nately’s whore’sapartment was hitting him over the head with her shoe, but Yossarian was not able to understand a single wordbecause the horse chestnuts were back in his mouth. Yossarian roared with exasperated laughter at the trick, butin the end there was nothing for them to do when night fell but eat a damp dinner in a dirty restaurant and hitch aride back to the airfield, where they slept on the chill metal floor of the plane and turned and tossed in groaningtorment until the truck drivers blasted up less than two hours later with their crates of artichokes and chased themout onto the ground while they filled up the plane. A heavy rain began falling. Yossarian and Orr were drippingwet by the time the trucks drove away and had no choice but to squeeze themselves back into the plane and rollthemselves up like shivering anchovies between the jolting corners of the crates of artichokes that Milo flew upto Naples at dawn and exchanged for the cinnamon sticks, cloves, vanilla beans and pepper pods that he rushedright back down south with that same day to Malta, where, it turned out, he was Assistant Governor-General.
  There was no room for Yossarian and Orr in Malta either. Milo was Major Sir Milo Minderbinder in Malta andhad a gigantic office in the governor-general’s building. His mahogany desk was immense. In a panel of the oakwall, between crossed British flags, hung a dramatic arresting photograph of Major Sir Milo Minderbinder in the dress uniform of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers. His mustache in the photograph was clipped and narrow, his chinwas chiseled, and his eyes were sharp as thorns. Milo had been knighted, commissioned a major in the RoyalWelsh Fusiliers and named Assistant Governor-General of Malta because he had brought the egg trade there. Hegave Yossarian and Orr generous permission to spend the night on the thick carpet in his office, but shortly afterhe left a sentry in battle dress appeared and drove them from the building at the tip of his bayonet, and they rodeout exhaustedly to the airport with a surly cab driver, who overcharged them, and went to sleep inside the planeagain, which was filled now with leaking gunny sacks of cocoa and freshly ground coffee and reeking with anodor so rich that they were both outside retching violently against the landing gear when Milo was chauffeuredup the first thing the next morning, looking fit as a fiddle, and took right off for Oran, where there was again noroom at the hotel for Yossarian and Orr, and where Milo was Vice-Shah. Milo had at his disposal sumptuousquarters inside a salmon-pink palace, but Yossarian and Orr were not allowed to accompany him inside becausethey were Christian infidels. They were stopped at the gates by gargantuan Berber guards with scimitars andchased away. Orr was snuffling and sneezing with a crippling head cold. Yossarian’s broad back was bent andaching. He was ready to break Milo’s neck, but Milo was Vice-Shah of Oran and his person was sacred. Milowas not only the Vice-Shah of Oran, as it turned out, but also the Caliph of Baghdad, the Imam of Damascus,and the Sheik of Araby. Milo was the corn god, the rain god and the rice god in backward regions where suchcrude gods were still worshiped by ignorant and superstitious people, and deep inside the jungles of Africa, heintimated with becoming modesty, large graven images of his mustached face could be found overlookingprimitive stone altars red with human blood. Everywhere they touched he was acclaimed with honor, and it wasone triumphal ovation after another for him in city after city until they finally doubled back through the MiddleEast and reached Cairo, where Milo cornered the market on cotton that no one else in the world wanted andbrought himself promptly to the brink of ruin. In Cairo there was at last room at the hotel for Yossarian and Orr.
  There were soft beds for them with fat fluffed-up pillows and clean, crisp sheets. There were closets withhangers for their clothes. There was water to wash with. Yossarian and Orr soaked their rancid, unfriendly bodiespink in a steaming-hot tub and then went from the hotel with Milo to eat shrimp cocktails and filet mignon in avery fine restaurant with a stock ticker in the lobby that happened to be clicking out the latest quotation forEgyptian cotton when Milo inquired of the captain of waiters what kind of machine it was. Milo had neverimagined a machine so beautiful as a stock ticker before.
  “Really?” he exclaimed when the captain of waiters had finished his explanation. “And how much is Egyptiancotton selling for?” The captain of waiters told him, and Milo bought the whole crop.
  But Yossarian was not nearly so frightened by the Egyptian cotton Milo bought as he was by the bunches ofgreen red bananas Milo had spotted in the native market place as they drove into the city, and his fears provedjustified, for Milo shook him awake out of a deep sleep just after twelve and shoved a partly peeled bananatoward him. Yossarian choked back a sob.
  “Taste it,” Milo urged, following Yossarian’s writhing face around with the banana insistently.
  “Milo, you bastard,” moaned Yossarian, “I’ve got to get some sleep.”
  “Eat it and tell me if it’s good,” Milo persevered. “Don’t tell Orr I gave it to you. I charged him two piasters forhis.”
  Yossarian ate the banana submissively and closed his eyes after telling Milo it was good, but Milo shook himawake again and instructed him to get dressed as quickly as he could, because they were leaving at once forPianosa.
  “You and Orr have to load the bananas into the plane right away,” he explained. “The man said to watch out forspiders while you’re handling the bunches.”
  “Milo, can’t we wait until morning?” Yossarian pleaded. “I’ve got to get some sleep.”
  “They’re ripening very quickly,” answered Milo, “and we don’t have a minute to lose. Just think how happy themen back at the squadron will be when they get these bananas.”
  But the men back at the squadron never even saw any of the bananas, for it was a seller’s market for bananas inIstanbul and a buyer’s market in Beirut for the caraway seeds Milo rushed with to Bengasi after selling thebananas, and when they raced back into Pianosa breathlessly six days later at the conclusion of Orr’s rest leave, itwas with a load of best white eggs from Sicily that Milo said were from Egypt and sold to his mess halls for onlyfour cents apiece so that all the commanding officers in his syndicate would implore him to speed right back toCairo for more bunches of green red bananas to sell in Turkey for the caraway seeds in demand in Bengasi. Andeverybody had a share.



等级: 派派版主
配偶: 此微夜
举报 只看该作者 23楼  发表于: 2013-10-27 0

Chapter 23 Nately's Old Man
    The only one back in the squadron who did see any of Milo’s red bananas was Aarfy, who picked up two froman influential fraternity brother of his in the Quartermaster Corps when the bananas ripened and began streaminginto Italy through normal black-market channels and who was in the officer’s apartment with Yossarian theevening Nately finally found his whore again after so many fruitless weeks of mournful searching and lured herback to the apartment with two girl friends by promising them thirty dollars each.
  “Thirty dollars each?” remarked Aarfy slowly, poking and patting each of the three strapping girls skepticallywith the air of a grudging connoisseur. “Thirty dollars is a lot of money for pieces like these. Besides, I neverpaid for it in my life.”
  “I’m not asking you to pay for it,” Nately assured him quickly. “I’ll pay for them all. I just want you guys to takethe other two. Won’t you help me out?”
  Aarfy smirked complacently and shook his soft round head. “Nobody has to pay for it for good old Aarfy. I canget all I want any time I want it. I’m just not in the mood right now.”
  “Why don’t you just pay all three and send the other two away?” Yossarian suggested.
  “Because then mine will be angry with me for making her work for her money,” Nately replied with an anxiouslook at his girl, who was glowering at him restlessly and starting to mutter. “She says that if I really like her I’dsend her away and go to bed with one of the others.”
  “I have a better idea,” boasted Aarfy. “Why don’t we keep the three of them here until after the curfew and thenthreaten to push them out into the street to be arrested unless they give us all their money? We can even threatento push them out the window.”
  “Aarfy!” Nately was aghast.
  “I was only trying to help,” said Aarfy sheepishly. Aarfy was always trying to help Nately because Nately’sfather was rich and prominent and in an excellent position to help Aarfy after the war. “Gee whiz,” he defendedhimself querulously. “Back in school we were always doing things like that. I remember one day we trickedthese two dumb high-school girls from town into the fraternity house and made them put out for all the fellowsthere who wanted them by threatening to call up their parents and say they were putting out for us. We kept themtrapped in bed there for more than ten hours. We even smacked their faces a little when they started to complain.
  Then we took away their nickels and dimes and chewing gum and threw them out. Boy, we used to have fun inthat fraternity house,” he recalled peacefully, his corpulent cheeks aglow with the jovial, rubicund warmth ofnostalgic recollection. “We used to ostracize everyone, even each other.”
  But Aarfy was no help to Nately now as the girl Nately had fallen so deeply in love with began swearing at himsullenly with rising, menacing resentment. Luckily, Hungry Joe burst in just then, and everything was all rightagain, except that Dunbar staggered in drunk a minute later and began embracing one of the other giggling girlsat once. Now there were four men and three girls, and the seven of them left Aarfy in the apartment and climbedinto a horse-drawn cab, which remained at the curb at a dead halt while the girls demanded their money inadvance. Nately gave them ninety dollars with a gallant flourish, after borrowing twenty dollars from Yossarian,thirty-five dollars from Dunbar and seventeen dollars from Hungry Joe. The girls grew friendlier then and calledan address to the driver, who drove them at a clopping pace halfway across the city into a section they had nevervisited before and stopped in front of an old, tall building on a dark street. The girls led them up four steep, verylong flights of creaking wooden stairs and guided them through a doorway into their own wonderful andresplendent tenement apartment, which burgeoned miraculously with an infinite and proliferating flow of suppleyoung naked girls and contained the evil and debauched ugly old man who irritated Nately constantly with hiscaustic laughter and the clucking, proper old woman in the ash-gray woolen sweater who disapproved ofeverything immoral that occurred there and tried her best to tidy up.
  The amazing place was a fertile, seething cornucopia of female nipples and navels. At first, there were just theirown three girls, in the dimly-lit, drab brown sitting room that stood at the juncture of three murky hallwaysleading in separate directions to the distant recesses of the strange and marvelous bordello. The girls disrobed atonce, pausing in different stages to point proudly to their garish underthings and bantering all the while with thegaunt and dissipated old man with the shabby long white hair and slovenly white unbuttoned shirt who satcackling lasciviously in a musty blue armchair almost in the exact center of the room and bade Nately and his companions welcome with a mirthful and sardonic formality. Then the old woman trudged out to get a girl forHungry Joe, dipping her captious head sadly, and returned with two big-bosomed beauties, one alreadyundressed and the other in only a transparent pink half slip that she wiggled out of while sitting down. Threemore naked girls sauntered in from a different direction and remained to chat, then two others. Four more girlspassed through the room in an indolent group, engrossed in conversation; three were barefoot and one wobbledperilously on a pair of unbuckled silver dancing shoes that did not seem to be her own. One more girl appearedwearing only panties and sat down, bringing the total congregating there in just a few minutes to eleven, all butone of them completely unclothed.
  There was bare flesh lounging everywhere, most of it plump, and Hungry Joe began to die. He stood stock still inrigid, cataleptic astonishment while the girls ambled in and made themselves comfortable. Then he let out apiercing shriek suddenly and bolted toward the door in a headlong dash back toward the enlisted men’sapartment for his camera, only to be halted in his tracks with another frantic shriek by the dreadful, freezingpremonition that this whole lovely, lurid, rich and colorful pagan paradise would be snatched away from himirredeemably if he were to let it out of his sight for even an instant. He stopped in the doorway and sputtered, thewiry veins and tendons in his face and neck pulsating violently. The old man watched him with victoriousmerriment, sitting in his musty blue armchair like some satanic and hedonistic deity on a throne, a stolen U.S.
  Army blanket wrapped around his spindly legs to ward off a chill. He laughed quietly, his sunken, shrewd eyessparkling perceptively with a cynical and wanton enjoyment. He had been drinking. Nately reacted on sight withbristling enmity to this wicked, depraved and unpatriotic old man who was old enough to remind him of hisfather and who made disparaging jokes about America.
  “America,” he said, “will lose the war. And Italy will win it.”
  “America is the strongest and most prosperous nation on earth,” Nately informed him with lofty fervor anddignity. “And the American fighting man is second to none.”
  “Exactly,” agreed the old man pleasantly, with a hint of taunting amusement. “Italy, on the other hand, is one ofthe least prosperous nations on earth. And the Italian fighting man is probably second to all. And that’s exactlywhy my country is doing so well in this war while your country is doing so poorly.”
  Nately guffawed with surprise, then blushed apologetically for his impoliteness. “I’m sorry I laughed at you,” hesaid sincerely, and he continued in a tone of respectful condescension. “But Italy was occupied by the Germansand is now being occupied by us. You don’t call that doing very well, do you?”
  “But of course I do,” exclaimed the old man cheerfully. “The Germans are being driven out, and we are stillhere. In a few years you will be gone, too, and we will still be here. You see, Italy is really a very poor and weakcountry, and that’s what makes us so strong. Italian soldiers are not dying any more. But American and Germansoldiers are. I call that doing extremely well. Yes, I am quite certain that Italy will survive this war and still be inexistence long after your own country has been destroyed.”
  Nately could scarcely believe his ears. He had never heard such shocking blasphemies before, and he wonderedwith instinctive logic why G-men did not appear to lock the traitorous old man up. “America is not going to be destroyed!” he shouted passionately.
  “Never?” prodded the old man softly.
  “Well...” Nately faltered.
  The old man laughed indulgently, holding in check a deeper, more explosive delight. His goading remainedgentle. “Rome was destroyed, Greece was destroyed, Persia was destroyed, Spain was destroyed. All greatcountries are destroyed. Why not yours? How much longer do you really think your own country will last?
  Forever? Keep in mind that the earth itself is destined to be destroyed by the sun in twenty-five million years orso.”
  Nately squirmed uncomfortably. “Well, forever is a long time, I guess.”
  “A million years?” persisted the jeering old man with keen, sadistic zest. “A half million? The frog is almost fivehundred million years old. Could you really say with much certainty that America, with all its strength andprosperity, with its fighting man that is second to none, and with its standard of living that is the highest in theworld, will last as long as... the frog?”
  Nately wanted to smash his leering face. He looked about imploringly for help in defending his country’s futureagainst the obnoxious calumnies of this sly and sinful assailant. He was disappointed. Yossarian and Dunbarwere busy in a far corner pawing orgiastically at four or five frolicsome girls and six bottles of red wine, andHungry Joe had long since tramped away down one of the mystic hallways, propelling before him like a raveningdespot as many of the broadest-hipped young prostitutes as he could contain in his frail wind-milling arms andcram into one double bed.
  Nately felt himself at an embarrassing loss. His own girl sat sprawled out gracelessly on an overstuffed sofa withan expression of otiose boredom. Nately was unnerved by her torpid indifference to him, by the same sleepy andinert poise that he remembered so vivdly, so sweetly, and so miserably from the first time she had seen him andignored him at the packed penny-ante blackjack game in the living room of the enlisted men’s apartment. Her laxmouth hung open in a perfect O, and God alone knew at what her glazed and smoky eyes were staring in suchbrute apathy. The old man waited tranquilly, watching him with a discerning smile that was both scornful andsympathetic. A lissome, blond, sinuous girl with lovely legs and honey-colored skin laid herself out contentedlyon the arm of the old man’s chair and began molesting his angular, pale, dissolute face languidly andcoquettishly. Nately stiffened with resentment and hostility at the sight of such lechery in a man so old. Heturned away with a sinking heart and wondered why he simply did not take his own girl and go to bed.
  This sordid, vulturous, diabolical old man reminded Nately of his father because the two were nothing at allalike. Nately’s father was a courtly white-haired gentleman who dressed impeccably; this old man was anuncouth bum. Nately’s father was a sober, philosophical and responsible man; this old man was fickle andlicentious. Nately’s father was discreet and cultured; this old man was a boor. Nately’s father believed in honorand knew the answer to everything; this old man believed in nothing and had only questions. Nately’s father hada distinguished white mustache; this old man had no mustache at all. Nately’s father—and everyone else’s father Nately had ever met—was dignified, wise and venerable; this old man was utterly repellent, and Nately plungedback into debate with him, determined to repudiate his vile logic and insinuations with an ambitious vengeancethat would capture the attention of the bored, phlegmatic girl he had fallen so intensely in love with and win heradmiration forever.
  “Well, frankly, I don’t know how long America is going to last,” he proceeded dauntlessly. “I suppose we can’tlast forever if the world itself is going to be destroyed someday. But I do know that we’re going to survive andtriumph for a long, long time.”
  “For how long?” mocked the profane old man with a gleam of malicious elation. “Not even as long as the frog?”
  “Much longer than you or me,” Nately blurted out lamely.
  “Oh, is that all! That won’t be very much longer then, considering that you’re so gullible and brave and that I amalready such an old, old man.”
  “How old are you?” Nately asked, growing intrigued and charmed with the old man in spite of himself.
  “A hundred and seven.” The old man chuckled heartily at Nately’s look of chagrin. “I see you don’t believe thateither.”
  “I don’t believe anything you tell me,” Nately replied, with a bashful mitigating smile. “The only thing I dobelieve is that America is going to win the war.”
  “You put so much stock in winning wars,” the grubby iniquitous old man scoffed. “The real trick lies in losingwars, in knowing which wars can be lost. Italy has been losing wars for centuries, and just see how splendidlywe’ve done nonetheless. France wins wars and is in a continual state of crisis. Germany loses and prospers. Lookat our own recent history. Italy won a war in Ethiopia and promptly stumbled into serious trouble. Victory gaveus such insane delusions of grandeur that we helped start a world war we hadn’t a chance of winning. But nowthat we are losing again, everything has taken a turn for the better, and we will certainly come out on top again ifwe succeed in being defeated.”
  Nately gaped at him in undisguised befuddlement. “Now I really don’t understand what you’re saying. You talklike a madman.”
  “But I live like a sane one. I was a fascist when Mussolini was on top, and I am an anti-fascist now that he hasbeen deposed. I was fanatically pro-German when the Germans were here to protect us against the Americans,and now that the Americans are here to protect us against the Germans I am fanatically pro-American. I canassure you, my outraged young friend”—the old man’s knowing, disdainful eyes shone even more effervescentlyas Nately’s stuttering dismay increased—“that you and your country will have a no more loyal partisan in Italythan me—but only as long as you remain in Italy.”
  “But,” Nately cried out in disbelief, “you’re a turncoat! A time-server! A shameful, unscrupulous opportunist!”
  “I am a hundred and seven years old,” the old man reminded him suavely.
  “Don’t you have any principles?”
  “Of course not.”
  “No morality?”
  “Oh, I am a very moral man,” the villainous old man assured him with satiric seriousness, stroking the bare hipof a buxom black-haired girl with pretty dimples who had stretched herself out seductively on the other arm ofhis chair. He grinned at Nately sarcastically as he sat between both naked girls in smug and threadbare splendor,with a sovereign hand on each.
  “I can’t believe it,” Nately remarked grudgingly, trying stubbornly not to watch him in relationship to the girls.
  “I simply can’t believe it.”
  “But it’s perfectly true. When the Germans marched into the city, I danced in the streets like a youthful ballerinaand shouted, ‘Heil Hitler!’ until my lungs were hoarse. I even waved a small Nazi flag that I snatched away froma beautiful little girl while her mother was looking the other way. When the Germans left the city, I rushed out towelcome the Americans with a bottle of excellent brandy and a basket of flowers. The brandy was for myself, ofcourse, and the flowers were to sprinkle upon our liberators. There was a very stiff and stuffy old major riding inthe first car, and I hit him squarely in the eye with a red rose. A marvelous shot! You should have seen himwince.”
  Nately gasped and was on his feet with amazement, the blood draining from his cheeks. “Major --- de Coverley!”
  he cried.
  “Do you know him?” inquired the old man with delight. “What a charming coincidence!”
  Nately was too astounded even to hear him. “So you’re the one who wounded Major ---de Coverley!” heexclaimed in horrified indignation. “How could you do such a thing?”
  The fiendish old man was unperturbed. “How could I resist, you mean. You should have seen the arrogant oldbore, sitting there so sternly in that car like the Almighty Himself, with his big, rigid head and his foolish,solemn face. What a tempting target he made! I got him in the eye with an American Beauty rose. I thought thatwas most appropriate. Don’t you?”
  “That was a terrible thing to do!” Nately shouted at him reproachfully. “A vicious and criminal thing! Major --deCoverley is our squadron executive officer!”
  “Is he?” teased the unregenerate old man, pinching his pointy jaw gravely in a parody of repentance. “In that case, you must give me credit for being impartial. When the Germans rode in, I almost stabbed a robust youngOberleutnant to death with a sprig of edelweiss.”
  Nately was appalled and bewildered by the abominable old man’s inability to perceive the enormity of hisoffence. “Don’t you realize what you’ve done?” he scolded vehemently. “Major ---de Coverley is a noble andwonderful person, and everyone admires him.”
  “He’s a silly old fool who really has no right acting like a silly young fool. Where is he today? Dead?”
  Nately answered softly with somber awe. “Nobody knows. He seems to have disappeared.”
  “You see? Imagine a man his age risking what little life he has left for something so absurd as a country.”
  Nately was instantly up in arms again. “There is nothing so absurd about risking your life for your country!” hedeclared.
  “Isn’t there?” asked the old man. “What is a country? A country is a piece of land surrounded on all sides byboundaries, usually unnatural. Englishmen are dying for England, Americans are dying for America, Germansare dying for Germany, Russians are dying for Russia. There are now fifty or sixty countries fighting in this war.
  Surely so many countries can’t all be worth dying for.”
  “Anything worth living for,” said Nately, “is worth dying for.”
  “And anything worth dying for,” answered the sacrilegious old man, “is certainly worth living for. You know,you’re such a pure and naive young man that I almost feel sorry for you. How old are you? Twenty-five?
  “Nineteen,” said Nately. “I’ll be twenty in January.”
  “If you live.” The old man shook his head, wearing, for a moment, the same touchy, meditating frown of thefretful and disapproving old woman. “They are going to kill you if you don’t watch out, and I can see now thatyou are not going to watch out. Why don’t you use some sense and try to be more like me? You might live to bea hundred and seven, too.”
  “Because it’s better to die on one’s feet than live on one’s knees,” Nately retorted with triumphant and loftyconviction. “I guess you’ve heard that saying before.”
  “Yes, I certainly have,” mused the treacherous old man, smiling again. “But I’m afraid you have it backward. Itis better to live on one’s feet than die on one’s knees. That is the way the saying goes.”
  “Are you sure?” Nately asked with sober confusion. “It seems to make more sense my way.”
  “No, it makes more sense my way. Ask your friends.”
  Nately turned to ask his friends and discovered they had gone. Yossarian and Dunbar had both disappeared. Theold man roared with contemptuous merriment at Nately’s look of embarrassed surprise. Nately’s face darkenedwith shame. He vacillated helplessly for a few seconds and then spun himself around and fled inside the nearestof the hallways in search of Yossarian and Dunbar, hoping to catch them in time and bring them back to therescue with news of the remarkable clash between the old man and Major ---de Coverley. All the doors in thehallways were shut. There was light under none. It was already very late. Nately gave up his search forlornly.
  There was nothing left for him to do, he realized finally, but get the girl he was in love with and lie down withher somewhere to make tender, courteous love to her and plan their future together; but she had gone off to bed,too, by the time he returned to the sitting room for her, and there was nothing left for him to do then but resumehis abortive discussion with the loathsome old man, who rose from his armchair with jesting civility and excusedhimself for the night, abandoning Nately there with two bleary-eyed girls who could not tell him into whichroom his own whore had gone and who padded off to bed several seconds later after trying in vain to interest himin themselves, leaving him to sleep alone in the sitting room on the small, lumpy sofa.
  Nately was a sensitive, rich, good-looking boy with dark hair, trusting eyes, and a pain in his neck when heawoke on the sofa early the next morning and wondered dully where he was. His nature was invariably gentleand polite. He had lived for almost twenty years without trauma, tension, hate, or neurosis, which was proof toYossarian of just how crazy he really was. His childhood had been a pleasant, though disciplined, one. He got onwell with his brothers and sisters, and he did not hate his mother and father, even though they had both been verygood to him.
  Nately had been brought up to detest people like Aarfy, whom his mother characterized as climbers, and peoplelike Milo, whom his father characterized as pushers, but he had never learned how, since he had never beenpermitted near them. As far as he could recall, his homes in Philadelphia, New York, Maine, Palm Beach,Southampton, London, Deauville, Paris and the south of France had always been crowded only with ladies andgentlemen who were not climbers or pushers. Nately’s mother, a descendant of the New England Thorntons, wasa Daughter of the American Revolution. His father was a Son of a Bitch.
  “Always remember,” his mother had reminded him frequently, “that you are a Nately. You are not a Vanderbilt,whose fortune was made by a vulgar tugboat captain, or a Rockefeller, whose wealth was amassed throughunscrupulous speculations in crude petroleum; or a Reynolds or Duke, whose income was derived from the saleto the unsuspecting public of products containing cancer-causing resins and tars; and you are certainly not anAstor, whose family, I believe, still lets rooms. You are a Nately, and the Natelys have never done anything fortheir money.”
  “What your mother means, son,” interjected his father affably one time with that flair for graceful andeconomical expression Nately admired so much, “is that old money is better than new money and that the newlyrich are never to be esteemed as highly as the newly poor. Isn’t that correct, my dear?”
  Nately’s father brimmed continually with sage and sophisticated counsel of that kind. He was as ebullient andruddy as mulled claret, and Nately liked him a great deal, although he did not like mulled claret. When war brokeout, Nately’s family decided that he would enlist in the armed forces, since he was too young to be placed in the diplomatic service, and since his father had it on excellent authority that Russia was going to collapse in a matterof weeks or months and that Hitler, Churchill, Roosevelt, Mussolini, Gandhi, Franco, Peron and the Emperor ofJapan would then all sign a peace treaty and live together happily ever after. It was Nately’s father’s idea that hejoin the Air Corps, where he could train safely as a pilot while the Russians capitulated and the details of thearmistice were worked out, and where, as an officer, he would associate only with gentlemen.
  Instead, he found himself with Yossarian, Dunbar and Hungry Joe in a whore house in Rome, poignantly in lovewith an indifferent girl there with whom he finally did lie down the morning after the night he slept alone in thesitting room, only to be interrupted almost immediately by her incorrigible kid sister, who came bursting inwithout warning and hurled herself onto the bed jealously so that Nately could embrace her, too. Nately’s whoresprang up snarling to whack her angrily and jerked her to her feet by her hair. The twelve-year-old girl looked toNately like a plucked chicken or like a twig with the bark peeled off her sapling body embarrassed everyone inher precocious attempts to imitate her elders, and she was always being chased away to put clothes on andordered out into the street to play in the fresh air with the other children. The two sisters swore and spat at eachother now savagely, raising a fluent, deafening commotion that brought a whole crowd of hilarious spectatorsswarming into the room. Nately gave up in exasperation. He asked his girl to get dressed and took her downstairsfor breakfast. The kid sister tagged along, and Nately felt like the proud head of a family as the three of them aterespectably in a nearby open-air café. But Nately’s whore was already bored by the time they started back, andshe decided to go streetwalking with two other girls rather than spend more time with him. Nately and the kidsister followed meekly a block behind, the ambitious youngster to pick up valuable pointers, Nately to eat hisliver in mooning frustration, and both were saddened when the girls were stopped by soldiers in a staff car anddriven away.
  Nately went back to the café and bought the kid sister chocolate ice cream until her spirits improved and thenreturned with her to the apartment, where Yossarian and Dunbar were flopped out in the sitting room with anexhausted Hungry Joe, who was still wearing on his battered face the blissful, numb, triumphant smile withwhich he had limped into view from his massive harem that morning like a person with numerous broken bones.
  The lecherous and depraved old man was delighted with Hungry Joe’s split lips and black-and-blue eyes. Hegreeted Nately warmly, still wearing the same rumpled clothes of the evening before. Nately was profoundlyupset by his seedy and disreputable appearance, and whenever he came to the apartment he wished that thecorrupt, immoral old man would put on a clean Brooks Brothers shirt, shave, comb his hair, wear a tweed jacket,and grow a dapper white mustache so that Nately would not have to suffer such confusing shame each time helooked at him and was reminded of his father.



等级: 派派版主
配偶: 此微夜
举报 只看该作者 24楼  发表于: 2013-10-27 0

Chapter 24 Milo
    April had been the best month of all for Milo. Lilacs bloomed in April and fruit ripened on the vine. Heartbeatsquickened and old appetites were renewed. In April a livelier iris gleamed upon the burnished dove. April wasspring, and in the spring Milo Minderbinder’s fancy had lightly turned to thoughts of tangerines.
  “Yes, sir.”
  “My men would love tangerines,” admitted the colonel in Sardinia who commanded four squadrons of B-26s.
  “There’ll be all the tangerines they can eat that you’re able to pay for with money from your mess fund,” Miloassured him.
  “Casaba melons?”
  “Are going for a song in Damascus.”
  “I have a weakness for casaba melons. I’ve always had a weakness for casaba melons.”
  “Just lend me one plane from each squadron, just one plane, and you’ll have all the casabas you can eat thatyou’ve money to pay for.”
  “We buy from the syndicate?”
  “And everybody has a share.”
  “It’s amazing, positively amazing. How can you do it?”
  “Mass purchasing power makes the big difference. For example, breaded veal cutlets.”
  “I’m not so crazy about breaded veal cutlets,” grumbled the skeptical B-25 commander in the north of Corsica.
  “Breaded veal cutlets are very nutritious,” Milo admonished him piously. “They contain egg yolk and breadcrumbs. And so are lamb chops.”
  “Ah, lamb chops,” echoed the B-25 commander. “Good lamb chops?”
  “The best,” said Milo, “that the black market has to offer.”
  “Baby lamb chops?”
  “In the cutest little pink paper panties you ever saw. Are going for a song in Portugal.”
  “I can’t send a plane to Portugal. I haven’t the authority.”
  “I can, once you lend the plane to me. With a pilot to fly it. And don’t forget—you’ll get General Dreedle.”
  “Will General Dreedle eat in my mess hall again?”
  “Like a pig, once you start feeding him my best white fresh eggs fried in my pure creamery butter. There’ll betangerines too, and casaba melons, honeydews, filet of Dover sole, baked Alaska, and cockles and mussels.”
  “And everybody has a share?”
  “That,” said Milo, “is the most beautiful part of it.”
  “I don’t like it,” growled the unco-operative fighter-plane commander, who didn’t like Milo either.
  “There’s an unco-operative fighter-plane commander up north who’s got it in for me,” Milo complained toGeneral Dreedle. “It takes just one person to ruin the whole thing, and then you wouldn’t have your fresh eggsfried in my pure creamery butter any more.”
  General Dreedle had the unco-operative fighter-plane commander transferred to the Solomon Islands to diggraves and replaced him with a senile colonel with bursitis and a craving for litchi nuts who introduced Milo tothe B-17 general on the mainland with a yearning for Polish sausage.
  “Polish sausage is going for peanuts in Cracow,” Milo informed him.
  “Polish sausage,” sighed the general nostalgically. “You know, I’d give just about anything for a good hunk ofPolish sausage. Just about anything.”
  “You don’t have to give anything. Just give me one plane for each mess hall and a pilot who will do what he’stold. And a small down payment on your initial order as a token of good faith.”
  “But Cracow is hundreds of miles behind the enemy lines. How will you get to the sausage?”
  “There’s an international Polish sausage exchange in Geneva. I’ll just fly the peanuts into Switzerland andexchange them for Polish sausage at the open market rate. They’ll fly the peanuts back to Cracow and I’ll fly thePolish sausage back to you. You buy only as much Polish sausage as you want through the syndicate. There’ll betangerines too, with only a little artificial coloring added. And eggs from Malta and Scotch from Sicily. You’ll bepaying the money to yourself when you buy from the syndicate, since you’ll own a share, so you’ll really begetting everything you buy for nothing. Doesn’t that makes sense?”
  “Sheer genius. How in the world did you ever think of it?”
  “My name is Milo Minderbinder. I am twenty-seven years old.”
  Milo Minderbinder’s planes flew in from everywhere, the pursuit planes, bombers, and cargo ships streaminginto Colonel Cathcart’s field with pilots at the controls who would do what they were told. The planes were decorated with flamboyant squadron emblems illustrating such laudable ideals as Courage, Might, Justice, Truth,Liberty, Love, Honor and Patriotism that were painted out at once by Milo’s mechanics with a double coat of flatwhite and replaced in garish purple with the stenciled name M & M ENTERPRISES, FINE FRUITS ANDPRODUCE. The ‘M & M’ In ‘M & M ENTERPRISES’ stood for Milo & Minderbinder, and the & was inserted,Milo revealed candidly, to nullify any impression that the syndicate was a one-man operation. Planes arrived forMilo from airfields in Italy, North Africa and England, and from Air Transport Command stations in Liberia,Ascension Island, Cairo, and Karachi. Pursuit planes were traded for additional cargo ships or retained foremergency invoice duty and small-parcel service; trucks and tanks were procured from the ground forces andused for short-distance road hauling. Everybody had a share, and men got fat and moved about tamely withtoothpicks in their greasy lips. Milo supervised the whole expanding operation by himself. Deep otter-brownlines of preoccupation etched themselves permanently into his careworn face and gave him a harried look ofsobriety and mistrust. Everybody but Yossarian thought Milo was a jerk, first for volunteering for the job ofmess officer and next for taking it so seriously. Yossarian also thought that Milo was a jerk; but he also knewthat Milo was a genius.
  One day Milo flew away to England to pick up a load of Turkish halvah and came flying back from Madagascarleading four German bombers filled with yams, collards, mustard greens and black-eyed Georgia peas. Milo wasdumbfounded when he stepped down to the ground and found a contingent of armed M.P.s waiting to imprisonthe German pilots and confiscate their planes. Confiscate! The mere word was anathema to him, and he stormedback and forth in excoriating condemnation, shaking a piercing finger of rebuke in the guilt-ridden faces ofColonel Cathcart, Colonel Korn and the poor battle-scarred captain with the submachine gun who commandedthe M.P.s.
  “Is this Russia?” Milo assailed them incredulously at the top of his voice. “Confiscate?” he shrieked, as thoughhe could not believe his own ears. “Since when is it the policy of the American government to confiscate theprivate property of its citizens? Shame on you! Shame on all of you for even thinking such a horrible thought.”
  “But Milo,” Major Danby interrupted timidly, “we’re at war with Germany, and those are German planes.”
  “They are no such thing!” Milo retorted furiously. “Those planes belong to the syndicate, and everybody has ashare. Confiscate? How can you possibly confiscate your own private property? Confiscate, indeed! I’ve neverheard anything so depraved in my whole life.”
  And sure enough, Milo was right, for when they looked, his mechanics had painted out the German swastikas onthe wings, tails and fuselages with double coats of flat white and stenciled in the words M & M ENTERPRISES,FINE FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Right before their eyes he had transformed his syndicate into an internationalcartel.
  Milo’s argosies of plenty now filled the air. Planes poured in from Norway, Denmark, France, Germany, Austria,Italy, Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria, Sweden, Finland, Poland—from everywhere in Europe, in fact, butRussia, with whom Milo refused to do business. When everybody who was going to had signed up with M & MEnterprises, Fine Fruits and Produce, Milo created a wholly owned subsidiary, M & M Fancy Pastry, andobtained more airplanes and more money from the mess funds for scones and crumpets from the British Isles, prune and cheese Danish from Copenhagen, éclairs, cream puffs, Napoleons and petits fours from Paris, Reimsand Grenoble, Kugelhopf, pumpernickel and Pfefferkuchen from Berlin, Linzer and Dobos Torten from Vienna,Strudel from Hungary and baklava from Ankara. Each morning Milo sent planes aloft all over Europe and NorthAfrica hauling long red tow signs advertising the day’s specials in large square letters: “EYEROUND, 79¢...
  WHITING, 21¢.” He boosted cash income for the syndicate by leasing tow signs to Pet Milk, Gaines DogFood, and Noxzema. In a spirit of civic enterprise, he regularly allotted a certain amount of free aerial advertisingspace to General Peckem for the propagation of such messages in the public interest as NEATNESS COUNTS,HASTE MAKES WASTE, and THE FAMILY THAT PRAYS TOGETHER STAYS TOGETHER. Milopurchased spot radio announcements on Axis Sally’s and Lord Haw Haw’s daily propaganda broadcasts fromBerlin to keep things moving. Business boomed on every battlefront.
  Milo’s planes were a familiar sight. They had freedom of passage everywhere, and one day Milo contracted withthe American military authorities to bomb the German-held highway bridge at Orvieto and with the Germanmilitary authorities to defend the highway bridge at Orvieto with antiaircraft fire against his own attack. His feefor attacking the bridge for America was the total cost of the operation plus six per cent and his fee fromGermany for defending the bridge was the same cost-plus-six agreement augmented by a merit bonus of athousand dollars for every American plane he shot down. The consummation of these deals represented animportant victory for private enterprise, he pointed out, since the armies of both countries were socializedinstitutions. Once the contracts were signed, there seemed to be no point in using the resources of the syndicateto bomb and defend the bridge, inasmuch as both governments had ample men and material right there to do soand were perfectly happy to contribute them, and in the end Milo realized a fantastic profit from both halves ofhis project for doing nothing more than signing his name twice.
  The arrangements were fair to both sides. Since Milo did have freedom of passage everywhere, his planes wereable to steal over in a sneak attack without alerting the German antiaircraft gunners; and since Milo knew aboutthe attack, he was able to alert the German antiaircraft gunners in sufficient time for them to begin firingaccurately the moment the planes came into range. It was an ideal arrangement for everyone but the dead man inYossarian’s tent, who was killed over the target the day he arrived.
  “I didn’t kill him!” Milo kept replying passionately to Yossarian’s angry protest. “I wasn’t even there that day, Itell you. Do you think I was down there on the ground firing an antiaircraft gun when the planes came over?”
  “But you organized the whole thing, didn’t you?” Yossarian shouted back at him in the velvet darkness cloakingthe path leading past the still vehicles of the motor pool to the open-air movie theater.
  “And I didn’t organize anything,” Milo answered indignantly, drawing great agitated sniffs of air in through hishissing, pale, twitching nose. “The Germans have the bridge, and we were going to bomb it, whether I steppedinto the picture or not. I just saw a wonderful opportunity to make some profit out of the mission, and I took it.
  What’s so terrible about that?”
  “What’s so terrible about it? Milo, a man in my tent was killed on that mission before he could even unpack hisbags.”
  “But I didn’t kill him.”
  “You got a thousand dollars extra for it.”
  “But I didn’t kill him. I wasn’t even there, I tell you. I was in Barcelona buying olive oil and skinless andboneless sardines, and I’ve got the purchase orders to prove it. And I didn’t get the thousand dollars. Thatthousand dollars went to the syndicate, and everybody got a share, even you.” Milo was appealing to Yossarianfrom the bottom of his soul. “Look, I didn’t start this war, Yossarian, no matter what that lousy Wintergreen issaying. I’m just trying to put it on a businesslike basis. Is anything wrong with that? You know, a thousanddollars ain’t such a bad price for a medium bomber and a crew. If I can persuade the Germans to pay me athousand dollars for every plane they shoot down, why shouldn’t I take it?”
  “Because you’re dealing with the enemy, that’s why. Can’t you understand that we’re fighting a war? People aredying. Look around you, for Christ’s sake!”
  Milo shook his head with weary forbearance. “And the Germans are not our enemies,” he declared. “Oh I knowwhat you’re going to say. Sure, we’re at war with them. But the Germans are also members in good standing ofthe syndicate, and it’s my job to protect their rights as shareholders. Maybe they did start the war, and maybethey are killing millions of people, but they pay their bills a lot more promptly than some allies of ours I couldname. Don’t you understand that I have to respect the sanctity of my contract with Germany? Can’t you see itfrom my point of view?”
  “No,” Yossarian rebuffed him harshly.
  Milo was stung and made no effort to disguise his wounded feelings. It was a muggy, moonlit night filled withgnats, moths, and mosquitoes. Milo lifted his arm suddenly and pointed toward the open-air theater, where themilky, dust-filled beam bursting horizontally from the projector slashed a conelike swath in the blackness anddraped in a fluorescent membrane of light the audience tilted on the seats there in hypnotic sags, their facesfocused upward toward the aluminized movie screen. Milo’s eyes were liquid with integrity, and his artless anduncorrupted face was lustrous with a shining mixture of sweat and insect repellent.
  “Look at them,” he exclaimed in a voice choked with emotion. “They’re my friends, my countrymen, mycomrades in arms. A fellow never had a better bunch of buddies. Do you think I’d do a single thing to harm themif I didn’t have to? Haven’t I got enough on my mind? Can’t you see how upset I am already about all that cottonpiling up on those piers in Egypt?” Milo’s voice splintered into fragments, and he clutched at Yossarian’s shirtfront as though drowning. His eyes were throbbing visibly like brown caterpillars. “Yossarian, what am I goingto do with so much cotton? It’s all your fault for letting me buy it.”
  The cotton was piling up on the piers in Egypt, and nobody wanted any. Milo had never dreamed that the NileValley could be so fertile or that there would be no market at all for the crop he had bought. The mess halls in hissyndicate would not help; they rose up in uncompromising rebellion against his proposal to tax them on a percapita basis in order to enable each man to own his own share of the Egyptian cotton crop. Even his reliablefriends the Germans failed him in this crisis: they preferred ersatz. Milo’s mess halls would not even help him store the cotton, and his warehousing costs skyrocketed and contributed to the devastating drain upon his cashreserves. The profits from the Orvieto mission were sucked away. He began writing home for the money he hadsent back in better days; soon that was almost gone. And new bales of cotton kept arriving on the wharves atAlexandria every day. Each time he succeeded in dumping some on the world market for a loss it was snappedup by canny Egyptian brokers in the Levant, who sold it back to him at the original price, so that he was reallyworse off than before.
  M & M Enterprises verged on collapse. Milo cursed himself hourly for his monumental greed and stupidity inpurchasing the entire Egyptian cotton crop, but a contract was a contract and had to be honored, and one night,after a sumptuous evening meal, all Milo’s fighters and bombers took off, joined in formation directly overheadand began dropping bombs on the group. He had landed another contract with the Germans, this time to bombhis own outfit. Milo’s planes separated in a well co-ordinated attack and bombed the fuel stocks and theordnance dump, the repair hangars and the B-25 bombers resting on the lollipop-shaped hardstands at the field.
  His crews spared the landing strip and the mess halls so that they could land safely when their work was doneand enjoy a hot snack before retiring. They bombed with their landing lights on, since no one was shooting back.
  They bombed all four squadrons, the officers’ club and the Group Headquarters building. Men bolted from theirtents in sheer terror and did not know in which direction to turn. Wounded soon lay screaming everywhere. Acluster of fragmentation bombs exploded in the yard of the officers’ club and punched jagged holes in the side ofthe wooden building and in the bellies and backs of a row of lieutenants and captains standing at the bar. Theydoubled over in agony and dropped. The rest of the officers fled toward the two exits in panic and jammed up thedoorways like a dense, howling dam of human flesh as they shrank from going farther.
  Colonel Cathcart clawed and elbowed his way through the unruly, bewildered mass until he stood outside byhimself. He stared up at the sky in stark astonishment and horror. Milo’s planes, ballooning serenely in over theblossoming treetops with their bomb bay doors open and wing flaps down and with their monstrous, bug-eyed,blinding, fiercely flickering, eerie landing lights on, were the most apocalyptic sight he had ever beheld. ColonelCathcart let go a stricken gasp of dismay and hurled himself headlong into his jeep, almost sobbing. He found thegas pedal and the ignition and sped toward the airfield as fast as the rocking car would carry him, his huge flabbyhands clenched and bloodless on the wheel or blaring his horn tormentedly. Once he almost killed himself whenhe swerved with a banshee screech of tires to avoid plowing into a bunch of men running crazily toward the hillsin their underwear with their stunned faces down and their thin arms pressed high around their temples as punyshields. Yellow, orange and red fires were burning on both sides of the road. Tents and trees were in flames, andMilo’s planes kept coming around interminably with their blinking white landing lights on and their bomb baydoors open. Colonel Cathcart almost turned the jeep over when he slammed the brakes on at the control tower.
  He leaped from the car while it was still skidding dangerously and hurtled up the flight of steps inside, wherethree men were busy at the instruments and the controls. He bowled two of them aside in his lunge for the nickel-plated microphone, his eyes glittering wildly and his beefy face contorted with stress. He squeezed themicrophone in a bestial grip and began shouting hysterically at the top of his voice.
  “Milo, you son of a bitch! Are you crazy? What the hell are you doing? Come down! Come down!”
  “Stop hollering so much, will you?” answered Milo, who was standing there right beside him in the controltower with a microphone of his own. “I’m right here.” Milo looked at him with reproof and turned back to his work. “Very good, men, very good,” he chanted into his microphone. “But I see one supply shed still standing.
  That will never do, Purvis—I’ve spoken to you about that kind of shoddy work before. Now, you go right backthere this minute and try it again. And this time come in slowly... slowly. Haste makes waste, Purvis. Hastemakes waste. If I’ve told you that once, I must have told you that a hundred times. Haste makes waste.”
  The loudspeaker overhead began squawking. “Milo, this is Alvin Brown. I’ve finished dropping my bombs.
  What should I do now?”
  “Strafe,” said Milo.
  “Strafe?” Alvin Brown was shocked.
  “We have no choice,” Milo informed him resignedly. “It’s in the contract.”
  “Oh, okay, then,” Alvin Brown acquiesced. “In that case I’ll strafe.”
  This time Milo had gone too far. Bombing his own men and planes was more than even the most phlegmaticobserver could stomach, and it looked like the end for him. High-ranking government officials poured in toinvestigate. Newspapers inveighed against Milo with glaring headlines, and Congressmen denounced the atrocityin stentorian wrath and clamored for punishment. Mothers with children in the service organized into militantgroups and demanded revenge. Not one voice was raised in his defense. Decent people everywhere wereaffronted, and Milo was all washed up until he opened his books to the public and disclosed the tremendousprofit he had made. He could reimburse the government for all the people and property he had destroyed and stillhave enough money left over to continue buying Egyptian cotton. Everybody, of course, owned a share. And thesweetest part of the whole deal was that there really was no need to reimburse the government at all.
  “In a democracy, the government is the people,” Milo explained. “We’re people, aren’t we? So we might just aswell keep the money and eliminate the middleman. Frankly, I’d like to see the government get out of waraltogether and leave the whole field to private industry. If we pay the government everything we owe it, we’llonly be encouraging government control and discouraging other individuals from bombing their own men andplanes. We’ll be taking away their incentive.”
  Milo was correct, of course, as everyone soon agreed but a few embittered misfits like Doc Daneeka, who sulkedcantankerously and muttered offensive insinuations about the morality of the whole venture until Milo mollifiedhim with a donation, in the name of the syndicate, of a lightweight aluminum collapsible garden chair that DocDaneeka could fold up conveniently and carry outside his tent each time Chief White Halfoat came inside histent and carry back inside his tent each time Chief White Halfoat came out. Doc Daneeka had lost his headduring Milo’s bombardment; instead of running for cover, he had remained out in the open and performed hisduty, slithering along the ground through shrapnel, strafing and incendiary bombs like a furtive, wily lizard fromcasualty to casualty, administering tourniquets, morphine, splints and sulfanilamide with a dark and dolefulvisage, never saying one word more than he had to and reading in each man’s bluing wound a dreadful portent ofhis own decay. He worked himself relentlessly into exhaustion before the long night was over and came downwith a snife the next day that sent him hurrying querulously into the medical tent to have his temperature taken by Gus and Wes and to obtain a mustard plaster and vaporizer.
  Doc Daneeka tended each moaning man that night with the same glum and profound and introverted grief heshowed at the airfield the day of the Avignon mission when Yossarian climbed down the few steps of his planenaked, in a state of utter shock, with Snowden smeared abundantly all over his bare heels and toes, knees, armsand fingers, and pointed inside wordlessly toward where the young radio-gunner lay freezing to death on thefloor beside the still younger tail-gunner who kept falling back into a dead faint each time he opened his eyes andsaw Snowden dying.
  Doc Daneeka draped a blanket around Yossarian’s shoulders almost tenderly after Snowden had been removedfrom the plane and carried into an ambulance on a stretcher. He led Yossarian toward his jeep. McWatt helped,and the three drove in silence to the squadron medical tent, where McWatt and Doc Daneeka guided Yossarianinside to a chair and washed Snowden off him with cold wet balls of absorbent cotton. Doc Daneeka gave him apill and a shot that put him to sleep for twelve hours. When Yossarian woke up and went to see him, DocDaneeka gave him another pill and a shot that put him to sleep for another twelve hours. When Yossarian wokeup again and went to see him, Doc Daneeka made ready to give him another pill and a shot.
  “How long are you going to keep giving me those pills and shots?” Yossarian asked him.
  “Until you feel better.”
  “I feel all right now.”
  Doc Daneeka’s frail suntanned forehead furrowed with surprise. “Then why don’t you put some clothes on? Whyare you walking around naked?”
  “I don’t want to wear a uniform any more.”
  Doc Daneeka accepted the explanation and put away his hypodermic syringe. “Are you sure you feel all right?”
  “I feel fine. I’m just a little logy from all those pills and shots you’ve been giving me.”
  Yossarian went about his business with no clothes on all the rest of that day and was still naked late the nextmorning when Milo, after hunting everywhere else, finally found him sitting up a tree a small distance in back ofthe quaint little military cemetery at which Snowden was being buried. Milo was dressed in his customarybusiness attire—olive-drab trousers, a fresh olive-drab shirt and tie, with one silver first lieutenant’s bargleaming on the collar, and a regulation dress cap with a stiff leather bill.
  “I’ve been looking all over for you,” Milo called up to Yossarian from the ground reproachfully.
  “You should have looked for me in this tree,” Yossarian answered. “I’ve been up here all morning.”
  “Come on down and taste this and tell me if it’s good. It’s very important.”
  Yossarian shook his head. He sat nude on the lowest limb of the tree and balanced himself with both handsgrasping the bough directly above. He refused to budge, and Milo had no choice but to stretch both arms aboutthe trunk in a distasteful hug and start climbing. He struggled upward clumsily with loud grunts and wheezes,and his clothes were squashed and crooked by the time he pulled himself up high enough to hook a leg over thelimb and pause for breath. His dress cap was askew and in danger of falling. Milo caught it just in time when itbegan slipping. Globules of perspiration glistened like transparent pearls around his mustache and swelled likeopaque blisters under his eyes. Yossarian watched him impassively. Cautiously Milo worked himself around in ahalf circle so that he could face Yossarian. He unwrapped tissue paper from something soft, round and brownand handed it to Yossarian.
  “Please taste this and let me know what you think. I’d like to serve it to the men.”
  “What is it?” asked Yossarian, and took a big bite.
  “Chocolate-covered cotton.”
  Yossarian gagged convulsively and sprayed his big mouthful of chocolate-covered cotton right into Milo’s face.
  “Here, take it back!” he spouted angrily. “Jesus Christ! Have you gone crazy? You didn’t even take the goddamseeds out.”
  “Give it a chance, will you?” Milo begged. “It can’t be that bad. Is it really that bad?”
  “It’s even worse.”
  “But I’ve got to make the mess halls feed it to the men.”
  “They’ll never be able to swallow it.”
  “They’ve got to swallow it,” Milo ordained with dictatorial grandeur, and almost broke his neck when he let gowith one arm to wave a righteous finger in the air.
  “Come on out here,” Yossarian invited him. “You’ll be much safer, and you can see everything.”
  Gripping the bough above with both hands, Milo began inching his way out on the limb sideways with utmostcare and apprehension. His face was rigid with tension, and he sighed with relief when he found himself seatedsecurely beside Yossarian. He stroked the tree affectionately. “This is a pretty good tree,” he observedadmiringly with proprietary gratitude.
  “It’s the tree of life,” Yossarian answered, waggling his toes, “and of knowledge of good and evil, too.”
  Milo squinted closely at the bark and branches. “No it isn’t,” he replied. “It’s a chestnut tree. I ought to know. Isell chestnuts.”
  “Have it your way.”
  They sat in the tree without talking for several seconds, their legs dangling and their hands almost straight up onthe bough above, the one completely nude but for a pair of crepe-soled sandals, the other completely dressed in acoarse olive-drab woolen uniform with his tie knotted tight. Milo studied Yossarian diffidently through thecorner of his eye, hesitating tactfully.
  “I want to ask you something,” he said at last. “You don’t have any clothes on. I don’t want to butt in oranything, but I just want to know. Why aren’t you wearing your uniform?”
  “I don’t want to.”
  Milo nodded rapidly like a sparrow pecking. “I see, I see,” he stated quickly with a look of vivid confusion. “Iunderstand perfectly. I heard Appleby and Captain Black say you had gone crazy, and I just wanted to find out.”
  He hesitated politely again, weighing his next question. “Aren’t you ever going to put your uniform on again?”
  “I don’t think so.”
  Milo nodded with spurious vim to indicate he still understood and then sat silent, ruminating gravely withtroubled misgiving. A scarlet-crested bird shot by below, brushing sure dark wings against a quivering bush.
  Yossarian and Milo were covered in their bower by tissue-thin tiers of sloping green and largely surrounded byother gray chestnut trees and a silver spruce. The sun was high overhead in a vast sapphire-blue sky beaded withlow, isolated, puffy clouds of dry and immaculate white. There was no breeze, and the leaves about them hungmotionless. The shade was feathery. Everything was at peace but Milo, who straightened suddenly with amuffled cry and began pointing excitedly.
  “Look at that!” he exclaimed in alarm. “Look at that! That’s a funeral going on down there. That looks like thecemetery. Isn’t it?”
  Yossarian answered him slowly in a level voice. “They’re burying that kid who got killed in my plane overAvignon the other day. Snowden.”
  “What happened to him?” Milo asked in a voice deadened with awe.
  “He got killed.”
  “That’s terrible,” Milo grieved, and his large brown eyes filled with tears. “That poor kid. It really is terrible.”
  He bit his trembling lip hard, and his voice rose with emotion when he continued. “And it will get even worse ifthe mess halls don’t agree to buy my cotton. Yossarian, what’s the matter with them? Don’t they realize it’s theirsyndicate? Don’t they know they’ve all got a share?”
  “Did the dead man in my tent have a share?” Yossarian demanded caustically.
  “Of course he did,” Milo assured him lavishly. “Everybody in the squadron has a share.”
  “He was killed before he even got into the squadron.”
  Milo made a deft grimace of tribulation and turned away. “I wish you’d stop picking on me about that dead manin your tent,” he pleaded peevishly. “I told you I didn’t have anything to do with killing him. Is it my fault that Isaw this great opportunity to corner the market on Egyptian cotton and got us into all this trouble? Was Isupposed to know there was going to be a glut? I didn’t even know what a glut was in those days. An opportunityto corner a market doesn’t come along very often, and I was pretty shrewd to grab the chance when I had it.”
  Milo gulped back a moan as he saw six uniformed pallbearers lift the plain pine coffin from the ambulance andset it gently down on the ground beside the yawning gash of the freshly dug grave. “And now I can’t get rid of asingle penny’s worth,” he mourned.
  Yossarian was unmoved by the fustian charade of the burial ceremony, and by Milo’s crushing bereavement. Thechaplain’s voice floated up to him through the distance tenuously in an unintelligible, almost inaudiblemonotone, like a gaseous murmur. Yossarian could make out Major Major by his towering and lanky aloofnessand thought he recognized Major Danby mopping his brow with a handkerchief. Major Danby had not stoppedshaking since his run-in with General Dreedle. There were strands of enlisted men molded in a curve around thethree officers, as inflexible as lumps of wood, and four idle gravediggers in streaked fatigues loungingindifferently on spades near the shocking, incongruous heap of loose copperred earth. As Yossarian stared, thechaplain elevated his gaze toward Yossarian beatifically, pressed his fingers down over his eyeballs in a mannerof affliction, peered upward again toward Yossarian searchingly, and bowed his head, concluding whatYossarian took to be a climactic part of the funeral rite. The four men in fatigues lifted the coffin on slings andlowered it into the grave. Milo shuddered violently.
  “I can’t watch it,” he cried, turning away in anguish. “I just can’t sit here and watch while those mess halls letmy syndicate die.” He gnashed his teeth and shook his head with bitter woe and resentment. “If they had anyloyalty, they would buy my cotton till it hurts so that they can keep right on buying my cotton till it hurts themsome more. They would build fires and burn up their underwear and summer uniforms just to create biggerdemand. But they won’t do a thing. Yossarian, try eating the rest of this chocolate-covered cotton for me. Maybeit will taste delicious now.”
  Yossarian pushed his hand away. “Give up, Milo. People can’t eat cotton.”
  Milo’s face narrowed cunningly. “It isn’t really cotton,” he coaxed. “I was joking. It’s really cotton candy,delicious cotton candy. Try it and see.”
  “Now you’re lying.”
  “I never lie!” Milo rejoindered with proud dignity.
  “You’re lying now.”
  “I only lie when it’s necessary,” Milo explained defensively, averting his eyes for a moment and blinking hislashes winningly. “This stuff is better than cotton candy, really it is. It’s made out of real cotton. Yossarian,you’ve got to help me make the men eat it. Egyptian cotton is the finest cotton in the world.”
  “But it’s indigestible,” Yossarian emphasized. “It will make them sick, don’t you understand? Why don’t you tryliving on it yourself if you don’t believe me?”
  “I did try,” admitted Milo gloomily. “And it made me sick.”
  The graveyard was yellow as hay and green as cooked cabbage. In a little while the chaplain stepped back, andthe beige crescent of human forms began to break up sluggishly, like flotsam. The men drifted without haste orsound to the vehicles parked along the side of the bumpy dirt road. With their heads down disconsolately, thechaplain, Major Major and Major Danby moved toward their jeeps in an ostracized group, each holding himselffriendlessly several feet away from the other two.
  “It’s all over,” observed Yossarian.
  “It’s the end,” Milo agreed despondently. “There’s no hope left. And all because I left them free to make theirown decisions. That should teach me a lesson about discipline the next time I try something like this.”
  “Why don’t you sell your cotton to the government?” Yossarian suggested casually, as he watched the four menin streaked fatigues shoveling heaping bladefuls of the copper-red earth back down inside the grave.
  Milo vetoed the idea brusquely. “It’s a matter of principle,” he explained firmly. “The government has nobusiness in business, and I would be the last person in the world to ever try to involve the government in abusiness of mine. But the business of government is business,” he remembered alertly, and continued withelation. “Calvin Coolidge said that, and Calvin Coolidge was a President, so it must be true. And the governmentdoes have the responsibility of buying all the Egyptian cotton I’ve got that no one else wants so that I can make aprofit, doesn’t it?” Milo’s face clouded almost as abruptly, and his spirits descended into a state of sad anxiety.
  “But how will I get the government to do it?”
  “Bribe it,” Yossarian said.
  “Bribe it!” Milo was outraged and almost lost his balance and broke his neck again. “Shame on you!” he scoldedseverely, breathing virtuous fire down and upward into his rusty mustache through his billowing nostrils andprim lips. “Bribery is against the law, and you know it. But it’s not against the law to make a profit, is it? So itcan’t be against the law for me to bribe someone in order to make a fair profit, can it? No, of course not!” He fellto brooding again, with a meek, almost pitiable distress. “But how will I know who to bribe?”
  “Oh, don’t you worry about that,” Yossarian comforted him with a toneless snicker as the engines of the jeepsand ambulance fractured the drowsy silence and the vehicles in the rear began driving away backward. “Youmake the bribe big enough and they’ll find you. Just make sure you do everything right out in the open. Let everyone know exactly what you want and how much you’re willing to pay for it. The first time you act guilty orashamed, you might get into trouble.”
  “I wish you’d come with me,” Milo remarked. “I won’t feel safe among people who take bribes. They’re nobetter than a bunch of crooks.”
  “You’ll be all right,” Yossarian assured him with confidence. “If you run into trouble, just tell everybody that thesecurity of the country requires a strong domestic Egyptian-cotton speculating industry.”
  “It does,” Milo informed him solemnly. “A strong Egyptian-cotton speculating industry means a much strongerAmerica.”
  “Of course it does. And if that doesn’t work, point out the great number of American families that depend on itfor income.”
  “A great many American families do depend on it for income.”
  “You see?” said Yossarian. “You’re much better at it than I am. You almost make it sound true.”
  “It is true,” Milo exclaimed with a strong trace of old hauteur.
  “That’s what I mean. You do it with just the right amount of conviction.”
  “You’re sure you won’t come with me?”
  Yossarian shook his head.
  Milo was impatient to get started. He stuffed the remainder of the chocolate-covered cotton ball into his shirtpocket and edged his way back gingerly along the branch to the smooth gray trunk. He threw this arms about thetrunk in a generous and awkward embrace and began shinnying down, the sides of his leather-soled shoesslipping constantly so that it seemed many times he would fall and injure himself. Halfway down, he changed hismind and climbed back up. Bits of tree bark stuck to his mustache, and his straining face was flushed withexertion.
  “I wish you’d put your uniform on instead of going around naked that way,” he confided pensively before heclimbed back down again and hurried away. “You might start a trend, and then I’ll never get rid of all thisgoldarned cotton.”



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Chapter 25 The Chaplain
    It was already some time since the chaplain had first begun wondering what everything was all about. Was therea God? How could he be sure? Being an Anabaptist minister in the American Army was difficult enough underthe best of circumstances; without dogma, it was almost intolerable.
  People with loud voices frightened him. Brave, aggressive men of action like Colonel Cathcart left him feelinghelpless and alone. Wherever he went in the Army, he was a stranger. Enlisted men and officers did not conductthemselves with him as they conducted themselves with other enlisted men and officers, and even otherchaplains were not as friendly toward him as they were toward each other. In a world in which success was theonly virtue, he had resigned himself to failure. He was painfully aware that he lacked the ecclesiastical aplomband savoir-faire that enabled so many of his colleagues in other faiths and sects to get ahead. He was just notequipped to excel. He thought of himself as ugly and wanted daily to be home with his wife.
  Actually, the chaplain was almost good-looking, with a pleasant, sensitive face as pale and brittle as sandstone.
  His mind was open on every subject.
  Perhaps he really was Washington Irving, and perhaps he really had been signing Washington Irving’s name tothose letters he knew nothing about. Such lapses of memory were not uncommon in medical annals, he knew.
  There was no way of really knowing anything. He remembered very distinctly—or was under the impression heremembered very distinctly—his feeling that he had met Yossarian somewhere before the first time he had metYossarian lying in bed in the hospital. He remembered experiencing the same disquieting sensation almost twoweeks later when Yossarian appeared at his tent to ask to be taken off combat duty. By that time, of course, thechaplain had met Yossarian somewhere before, in that odd, unorthodox ward in which every patient seemeddelinquent but the unfortunate patient covered from head to toe in white bandages and plaster who was founddead one day with a thermometer in his mouth. But the chaplain’s impression of a prior meeting was of someoccasion far more momentous and occult than that, of a significant encounter with Yossarian in some remote,submerged and perhaps even entirely spiritual epoch in which he had made the identical, foredooming admissionthat there was nothing, absolutely nothing, he could do to help him.
  Doubts of such kind gnawed at the chaplain’s lean, suffering frame insatiably. Was there a single true faith, or alife after death? How many angels could dance on the head of a pin, and with what matters did God occupyhimself in all the infinite aeons before the Creation? Why was it necessary to put a protective seal on the brow ofCain if there were no other people to protect him from? Did Adam and Eve produce daughters? These were thegreat, complex questions of ontology that tormented him. Yet they never seemed nearly as crucial to him as thequestion of kindness and good manners. He was pinched perspinngly in the epistemological dilemma of theskeptic, unable to accept solutions to problems he was unwilling to dismiss as unsolvable. He was never withoutmisery, and never without hope.
  “Have you ever,” he inquired hesitantly of Yossarian that day in his tent as Yossarian sat holding in both handsthe warm bottle of Coca-Cola with which the chaplain had been able to solace him, “been in a situation whichyou felt you had been in before, even though you knew you were experiencing it for the first time?” Yossariannodded perfunctorily, and the chaplain’s breath quickened in anticipation as he made ready to join his will powerwith Yossarian’s in a prodigious effort to rip away at last the voluminous black folds shrouding the eternal mysteries of existence. “Do you have that feeling now?”
  Yossarian shook his head and explained that déjà vu was just a momentary infinitesimal lag in the operation oftwo coactive sensory nerve centers that commonly functioned simultaneously. The chaplain scarcely heard him.
  He was disappointed, but not inclined to believe Yossarian, for he had been given a sign, a secret, enigmaticvision that he still lacked the boldness to divulge. There was no mistaking the awesome implications of thechaplain’s revelation: it was either an insight of divine origin or a hallucination; he was either blessed or losinghis mind. Both prospects filled him with equal fear and depression. It was neither déjà vu, presque vu nor jamaisvu. It was possible that there were other vus of which he had never heard and that one of these other vus wouldexplain succinctly the bafing phenomenon of which he had been both a witness and a part; it was even possiblethat none of what he thought had taken place, really had taken place, that he was dealing with an aberration ofmemory rather than of perception, that he never really had thought he had seen, that his impression now that heonce had thought so was merely the illusion of an illusion, and that he was only now imagining that he had everonce imagined seeing a naked man sitting in a tree at the cemetery.
  It was obvious to the chaplain now that he was not particularly well suited to his work, and he often speculatedwhether he might not be happier serving in some other branch of the service, as a private in the infantry or fieldartillery, perhaps, or even as a paratrooper. He had no real friends. Before meeting Yossarian, there was no onein the group with whom he felt at ease, and he was hardly at ease with Yossarian, whose frequent rash andinsubordinate outbursts kept him almost constantly on edge and in an ambiguous state of enjoyable trepidation.
  The chaplain felt safe when he was at the officers’ club with Yossarian and Dunbar, and even with just Natelyand McWatt. When he sat with them he had no need to sit with anyone else; his problem of where to sit wassolved, and he was protected against the undesired company of all those fellow officers who invariablywelcomed him with excessive cordiality when he approached and waited uncomfortably for him to go away. Hemade so many people uneasy. Everyone was always very friendly toward him, and no one was ever very nice;everyone spoke to him, and no one ever said anything. Yossarian and Dunbar were much more relaxed, and thechaplain was hardly uncomfortable with them at all. They even defended him the night Colonel Cathcart tried tothrow him out of the officers’ club again, Yossarian rising truculently to intervene and Nately shouting out,“Yossarian!” to restrain him. Colonel Cathcart turned white as a sheet at the sound of Yossarian’s name, and, toeveryone’s amazement, retreated in horrified disorder until he bumped into General Dreedle, who elbowed himaway with annoyance and ordered him right back to order the chaplain to start coming into the officers’ clubevery night again.
  The chaplain had almost as much trouble keeping track of his status at the officers’ club as he had rememberingat which of the ten mess halls in the group he was scheduled to eat his next meal. He would just as soon haveremained kicked out of the officers’ club, had it not been for the pleasure he was now finding there with his newcompanions. If the chaplain did not go to the officers’ club at night, there was no place else he could go. Hewould pass the time at Yossarian’s and Dunbar’s table with a shy, reticent smile, seldom speaking unlessaddressed, a glass of thick sweet wine almost untasted before him as he toyed unfamiliarly with the tiny corncobpipe that he affected selfconsciously and occasionally stuffed with tobacco and smoked. He enjoyed listening toNately, whose maudlin, bittersweet lamentations mirrored much of his own romantic desolation and never failedto evoke in him resurgent tides of longing for his wife and children. The chaplain would encourage Nately withnods of comprehension or assent, amused by his candor and immaturity. Nately did not glory too immodestly that his girl was a prostitute, and the chaplain’s awareness stemmed mainly from Captain Black, who neverslouched past their table without a broad wink at the chaplain and some tasteless, wounding gibe about her toNately. The chaplain did not approve of Captain Black and found it difficult not to wish him evil.
  No one, not even Nately, seemed really to appreciate that he, Chaplain Robert Oliver Shipman, was not just achaplain but a human being, that he could have a charming, passionate, pretty wife whom he loved almostinsanely and three small blue-eyed children with strange, forgotten faces who would grow up someday to regardhim as a freak and who might never forgive him for all the social embarrassment his vocation would cause them.
  Why couldn’t anybody understand that he was not really a freak but a normal, lonely adult trying to lead anormal, lonely adult life? If they pricked him, didn’t he bleed? And if he was tickled, didn’t he laugh? It seemednever to have occurred to them that he, just as they, had eyes, hands, organs, dimensions, senses and affections,that he was wounded by the same kind of weapons they were, warmed and cooled by the same breezes and fedby the same kind of food, although, he was forced to concede, in a different mess hall for each successive meal.
  The only person who did seem to realize he had feelings was Corporal Whitcomb, who had just managed tobruise them all by going over his head to Colonel Cathcart with his proposal for sending form letters ofcondolence home to the families of men killed or wounded in combat.
  The chaplain’s wife was the one thing in the world he could be certain of, and it would have been sufficient, ifonly he had been left to live his life out with just her and the children. The chaplain’s wife was a reserved,diminutive, agreeable woman in her early thirties, very dark and very attractive, with a narrow waist, calmintelligent eyes, and small, bright, pointy teeth in a childlike face that was vivacious and petite; he kept forgettingwhat his children looked like, and each time he returned to their snapshots it was like seeing their faces for thefirst time. The chaplain loved his wife and children with such tameless intensity that he often wanted to sink tothe ground helplessly and weep like a castaway cripple. He was tormented inexorably by morbid fantasiesinvolving them, by dire, hideous omens of illness and accident. His meditations were polluted with threats ofdread diseases like Ewing’s tumor and leukemia; he saw his infant son die two or three times every weekbecause he had never taught his wife how to stop arterial bleeding; watched, in tearful, paralyzed silence, hiswhole family electrocuted, one after the other, at a baseboard socket because he had never told her that a humanbody would conduct electricity; all four went up in flames almost every night when the water heater explodedand set the two-story wooden house afire; in ghastly, heartless, revolting detail he saw his poor dear wife’s trimand fragile body crushed to a viscous pulp against the brick wall of a market building by a half-wined drunkenautomobile driver and watched his hysterical five-year-old daughter being led away from the grisly scene by akindly middle-aged gentleman with snow-white hair who raped and murdered her repeatedly as soon as he haddriven her off to a deserted sandpit, while his two younger children starved to death slowly in the house after hiswife’s mother, who had been baby-sitting, dropped dead from a heart attack when news of his wife’s accidentwas given to her over the telephone. The chaplain’s wife was a sweet, soothing, considerate woman, and heyearned to touch the warm flesh of her slender arm again and stroke her smooth black hair, to hear her intimate,comforting voice. She was a much stronger person than he was. He wrote brief, untroubled letters to her once aweek, sometimes twice. He wanted to write urgent love letters to her all day long and crowd the endless pageswith desperate, uninhibited confessions of his humble worship and need and with careful instructions foradministering artificial respiration. He wanted to pour out to her in torrents of self-pity all his unbearableloneliness and despair and warn her never to leave the boric acid or the aspirin in reach of the children or to crossa street against the traffic light. He did not wish to worry her. The chaplain’s wife was intuitive, gentle, compassionate and responsive. Almost inevitably, his reveries of reunion with her ended in explicit acts of lovemaking.
  The chaplain felt most deceitful presiding at funerals, and it would not have astonished him to learn that theapparition in the tree that day was a manifestation of the Almighty’s censure for the blasphemy and prideinherent in his function. To simulate gravity, feign grief and pretend supernatural intelligence of the hereafter inso fearsome and arcane a circumstance as death seemed the most criminal of offenses. He recalled—or wasalmost convinced he recalled—the scene at the cemetery perfectly. He could still see Major Major and MajorDanby standing somber as broken stone pillars on either side of him, see almost the exact number of enlistedmen and almost the exact places in which they had stood, see the four unmoving men with spades, the repulsivecoffin and the large, loose, triumphant mound of reddish-brown earth, and the massive, still, depthless, mufflingsky, so weirdly blank and blue that day it was almost poisonous. He would remember them forever, for theywere all part and parcel of the most extraordinary event that had ever befallen him, an event perhaps marvelous,perhaps pathological—the vision of the naked man in the tree. How could he explain it? It was not already seenor never seen, and certainly not almost seen; neither déjà vu, jamais vu nor presque vu was elastic enough tocover it. Was it a ghost, then? The dead man’s soul? An angel from heaven or a minion from hell? Or was thewhole fantastic episode merely the figment of a diseased imagination, his own, of a deteriorating mind, a rottingbrain? The possibility that there really had been a naked man in the tree—two men, actually, since the first hadbeen joined shortly by a second man clad in a brown mustache and sinister dark garments from head to toe whobent forward ritualistically along the limb of the tree to offer the first man something to drink from a browngoblet—never crossed the chaplain’s mind.
  The chaplain was sincerely a very helpful person who was never able to help anyone, not even Yossarian whenhe finally decided to seize the bull by the horns and visit Major Major secretly to learn if, as Yossarian had said,the men in Colonel Cathcart’s group really were being forced to fly more combat missions than anyone else. Itwas a daring, impulsive move on which the chaplain decided after quarreling with Corporal Whitcomb again andwashing down with tepid canteen water his joyless lunch of Milky Way and Baby Ruth. He went to Major Majoron foot so that Corporal Whitcomb would not see him leaving, stealing into the forest noiselessly until the twotents in his clearing were left behind, then dropping down inside the abandoned railroad ditch, where the footingwas surer. He hurried along the fossilized wooden ties with accumulating mutinous anger. He had beenbrowbeaten and humiliated successively that morning by Colonel Cathcart, Colonel Korn and CorporalWhitcomb. He just had to make himself felt in some respect! His slight chest was soon puffing for breath. Hemoved as swiftly as he could without breaking into a run, fearing his resolution might dissolve if he slowed.
  Soon he saw a uniformed figure coming toward him between the rusted rails. He clambered immediately up theside of the ditch, ducked inside a dense copse of low trees for concealment and sped along in his originaldirection a narrow, overgrown mossy path he found winding deep inside the shaded forest. It was tougher goingthere, but he plunged ahead with the same reckless and consuming determination, slipping and stumbling oftenand stinging his unprotected hands on the stubborn branches blocking his way until the bushes and tall ferns onboth sides spread open and he lurched past an olive-drab military trailer on cinder blocks clearly visible throughthe thinning underbrush. He continued past a tent with a luminous pearl-gray cat sunning itself outside and pastanother trailer on cinder blocks and then burst into the clearing of Yossarian’s squadron. A salty dew had formedon his lips. He did not pause, but strode directly across the clearing into the orderly room, where he waswelcomed by a gaunt, stoop-shouldered staff sergeant with prominent cheekbones and long, very light blond hair, who informed him graciously that he could go right in, since Major Major was out.
  The chaplain thanked him with a curt nod and proceeded alone down the aisle between the desks and typewritersto the canvas partition in the rear. He bobbed through the triangular opening and found himself inside an emptyoffice. The flap fell closed behind him. He was breathing hard and sweating profusely. The office remainedempty. He thought he heard furtive whispering. Ten minutes passed. He looked about in stern displeasure, hisjaws clamped together indomitably, and then turned suddenly to water as he remembered the staff sergeant’sexact words: he could go right in, since Major Major was out. The enlisted men were playing a practical joke!
  The chaplain shrank back from the wall in terror, bitter tears springing to his eyes. A pleading whimper escapedhis trembling lips. Major Major was elsewhere, and the enlisted men in the other room had made him the butt ofan inhuman prank. He could almost see them waiting on the other side of the canvas wall, bunched upexpectantly like a pack of greedy, gloating omnivorous beasts of prey, ready with their barbaric mirth and jeersto pounce on him brutally the moment he reappeared. He cursed himself for his gullibility and wished in panicfor something like a mask or a pair of dark glasses and a false mustache to disguise him, or for a forceful, deepvoice like Colonel Cathcart’s and broad, muscular shoulders and biceps to enable him to step outside fearlesslyand vanquish his malevolent persecutors with an overbearing authority and self-confidence that would makethem all quail and slink away cravenly in repentance. He lacked the courage to face them. The only other wayout was the window. The coast was clear, and the chaplain jumped out of Major Major’s office through thewindow, darted swiftly around the corner of the tent, and leaped down inside the railroad ditch to hide.
  He scooted away with his body doubled over and his face contorted intentionally into a nonchalant, sociablesmile in case anyone chanced to see him. He abandoned the ditch for the forest the moment he saw someonecoming toward him from the opposite direction and ran through the cluttered forest frenziedly like someonepursued, his cheeks burning with disgrace. He heard loud, wild peals of derisive laughter crashing all about himand caught blurred glimpses of wicked, beery faces smirking far back inside the bushes and high overhead in thefoliage of the trees. Spasms of scorching pains stabbed through his lungs and slowed him to a crippled walk. Helunged and staggered onward until he could go no farther and collapsed all at once against a gnarled apple tree,banging his head hard against the trunk as he toppled forward and holding on with both arms to keep fromfalling. His breathing was a rasping, moaning din in his ears. Minutes passed like hours before he finallyrecognized himself as the source of the turbulent roar that was overwhelming him. The pains in his chest abated.
  Soon he felt strong enough to stand. He cocked his ears craftily. The forest was quiet. There was no demoniclaughter, no one was chasing him. He was too tired and sad and dirty to feel relieved. He straightened hisdisheveled clothing with fingers that were numb and shaking and walked the rest of the way to the clearing withrigid self-control. The chaplain brooded often about the danger of heart attack.
  Corporal Whitcomb’s jeep was still parked in the clearing. The chaplain tiptoed stealthily around the back ofCorporal Whitcomb’s tent rather than pass the entrance and risk being seen and insulted by him. Heaving agrateful sigh, he slipped quickly inside his own tent and found Corporal Whitcomb ensconced on his cot, hisknees propped up. Corporal Whitcomb’s mud-caked shoes were on the chaplain’s blanket, and he was eating oneof the chaplain’s candy bars as he thumbed with sneering expression through one of the chaplain’s Bibles.
  “Where’ve you been?” he demanded rudely and disinterestedly, without looking up.
  The chaplain colored and turned away evasively. “I went for a walk through the woods.”
  “All right,” Corporal Whitcomb snapped. “Don’t take me into your confidence. But just wait and see whathappens to my morale.” He bit into the chaplain’s candy bar hungrily and continued with a full mouth. “You hada visitor while you were gone. Major Major.”
  The chaplain spun around with surprise and cried: “Major Major? Major Major was here?”
  “That’s who we’re talking about, isn’t it?”
  “Where did he go?”
  “He jumped down into that railroad ditch and took off like a frightened rabbit.” Corporal Whitcomb snickered.
  “What a jerk!”
  “Did he say what he wanted?”
  “He said he needed your help in a matter of great importance.”
  The chaplain was astounded. “Major Major said that?”
  “He didn’t say that,” Corporal Whitcomb corrected with withering precision. “He wrote it down in a sealedpersonal letter he left on your desk.”
  The chaplain glanced at the bridge table that served as his desk and saw only the abominable orange-red pear-shaped plum tomato he had obtained that same morning from Colonel Cathcart, still lying on its side where hehad forgotten it like an indestructible and incamadine symbol of his own ineptitude. “Where is the letter?”
  “I threw it away as soon as I tore it open and read it.” Corporal Whitcomb slammed the Bible shut and jumpedup. “What’s the matter? Won’t you take my word for it?” He walked out. He walked right back in and almostcollided with the chaplain, who was rushing out behind him on his way back to Major Major. “You don’t knowhow to delegate responsibility,” Corporal Whitcomb informed him sullenly. “That’s another one of the thingsthat’s wrong with you.”
  The chaplain nodded penitently and hurried past, unable to make himself take the time to apologize. He couldfeel the skillful hand of fate motivating him imperatively. Twice that day already, he realized now, Major Majorhad come racing toward him inside the ditch; and twice that day the chaplain had stupidly postponed the destinedmeeting by bolting into the forest. He seethed with self-recrimination as he hastened back as rapidly as he couldstride along the splintered, irregularly spaced railroad ties. Bits of grit and gravel inside his shoes and socks weregrinding the tops of his toes raw. His pale, laboring face was screwed up unconsciously into a grimace of acutediscomfort. The early August afternoon was growing hotter and more humid. It was almost a mile from his tentto Yossarian’s squadron. The chaplain’s summer-tan shirt was soaking with perspiration by the time he arrivedthere and rushed breathlessly back inside the orderly room tent, where he was halted peremptorily by the same treacherous, soft-spoken staff sergeant with round eyeglasses and gaunt cheeks, who requested him to remainoutside because Major Major was inside and told him he would not be allowed inside until Major Major wentout. The chaplain looked at him in an uncomprehending daze. Why did the sergeant hate him? he wondered. Hislips were white and trembling. He was aching with thirst. What was the matter with people? Wasn’t theretragedy enough? The sergeant put his hand out and held the chaplain steady.
  “I’m sorry, sir,” he said regretfully in a low, courteous, melancholy voice. “But those are Major Major’s orders.
  He never wants to see anyone.”
  “He wants to see me,” the chaplain pleaded. “He came to my tent to see me while I was here before.”
  “Major Major did that?” the sergeant asked.
  “Yes, he did. Please go in and ask him.”
  “I’m afraid I can’t go in, sir. He never wants to see me either. Perhaps if you left a note.”
  “I don’t want to leave a note. Doesn’t he ever make an exception?”
  “Only in extreme circumstances. The last time he left his tent was to attend the funeral of one of the enlistedmen. The last time he saw anyone in his office was a time he was forced to. A bombardier named Yossarianforced—““Yossarian?” The chaplain lit up with excitement at this new coincidence. Was this another miracle in themaking? “But that’s exactly whom I want to speak to him about! Did they talk about the number of missionsYossarian has to fly?”
  “Yes, sir, that’s exactly what they did talk about. Captain Yossarian had flown fifty-one missions, and heappealed to Major Major to ground him so that he wouldn’t have to fly four more. Colonel Cathcart wanted onlyfifty-five missions then.”
  “And what did Major Major say?”
  “Major Major told him there was nothing he could do.”
  The chaplain’s face fell. “Major Major said that?”
  “Yes, sir. In fact, he advised Yossarian to go see you for help. Are you certain you wouldn’t like to leave a note,sir? I have a pencil and paper right here.”
  The chaplain shook his head, chewing his clotted dry lower lip forlornly, and walked out. It was still so early inthe day, and so much had already happened. The air was cooler in the forest. His throat was parched and sore. Hewalked slowly and asked himself ruefully what new misfortune could possibly befall him a moment before the mad hermit in the woods leaped out at him without warning from behind a mulberry bush. The chaplainscreamed at the top of his voice.
  The tall, cadaverous stranger fell back in fright at the chaplain’s cry and shrieked, “Don’t hurt me!”
  “Who are you?” the chaplain shouted.
  “Please don’t hurt me!” the man shouted back.
  “I’m the chaplain!”
  “Then why do you want to hurt me?”
  “I don’t want to hurt you!” the chaplain insisted with a rising hint of exasperation, even though he was stillrooted to the spot. “Just tell me who you are and what you want from me.”
  “I just want to find out if Chief White Halfoat died of pneumonia yet,” the man shouted back. “That’s all I want.
  I live here. My name is Flume. I belong to the squadron, but I live here in the woods. You can ask anyone.”
  The chaplain’s composure began trickling back as he studied the queer, cringing figure intently. A pair ofcaptain’s bars ulcerated with rust hung on the man’s ragged shirt collar. He had a hairy, tar-black mole on theunderside of one nostril and a heavy rough mustache the color of poplar bark.
  “Why do you live in the woods if you belong to the squadron?” the chaplain inquired curiously.
  “I have to live in the woods,” the captain replied crabbily, as though the chaplain ought to know. He straightenedslowly, still watching the chaplain guardedly although he towered above him by more than a full head.
  “Don’t you hear everybody talking about me? Chief White Halfoat swore he was going to cut my throat somenight when I was fast asleep, and I don’t dare lie down in the squadron while he’s still alive.”
  The chaplain listened to the implausible explanation distrustfully. “But that’s incredible,” he replied. “Thatwould be premeditated murder. Why didn’t you report the incident to Major Major?”
  “I did report the incident to Major Major,” said the captain sadly, “and Major Major said he would cut my throatif I ever spoke to him again.” The man studied the chaplain fearfully. “Are you going to cut my throat, too?”
  “Oh, no, no, no,” the chaplain assured him. “Of course not. Do you really live in the forest?”
  The captain nodded, and the chaplain gazed at his porous gray pallor of fatigue and malnutrition with a mixtureof pity and esteem. The man’s body was a bony shell inside rumpled clothing that hung on him like a disorderlycollection of sacks. Wisps of dried grass were glued all over him; he needed a haircut badly. There were great,dark circles under his eyes. The chaplain was moved almost to tears by the harassed, bedraggled picture the captain presented, and he filled with deference and compassion at the thought of the many severe rigors the poorman had to endure daily. In a voice hushed with humility, he said,“Who does your laundry?”
  The captain pursed his lips in a businesslike manner. “I have it done by a washerwoman in one of the farmhousesdown the road. I keep my things in my trailer and sneak inside once or twice a day for a clean handkerchief or achange of underwear.”
  “What will you do when winter comes?”
  “Oh, I expect to be back in the squadron by then,” the captain answered with a kind of martyred confidence.
  “Chief White Halfoat kept promising everyone that he was going to die of pneumonia, and I guess I’ll have to bepatient until the weather turns a little colder and damper.” He scrutinized the chaplain perplexedly. “Don’t youknow all this? Don’t you hear all the fellows talking about me?”
  “I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone mention you.”
  “Well, I certainly can’t understand that.” The captain was piqued, but managed to carry on with a pretense ofoptimism. “Well, here it is almost September already, so I guess it won’t be too long now. The next time any ofthe boys ask about me, why, just tell them I’ll be back grinding out those old publicity releases again as soon asChief White Halfoat dies of pneumonia. Will you tell them that? Say I’ll be back in the squadron as soon aswinter comes and Chief Halfoat dies of pneumonia. Okay?”
  The chaplain memorized the prophetic words solemnly, entranced further by their esoteric import. “Do you liveon berries, herbs and roots?” he asked.
  “No, of course not,” the captain replied with surprise. “I sneak into the mess hall through the back and eat in thekitchen. Milo gives me sandwiches and milk.”
  “What do you do when it rains?”
  The captain answered frankly. “I get wet.”
  “Where do you sleep?”
  Swiftly the captain ducked down into a crouch and began backing away. “You too?” he cried frantically.
  “Oh, no,” cried the chaplain. “I swear to you.”
  “You do want to cut my throat!” the captain insisted.
  “I give my word,” the chaplain pleaded, but it was too late, for the homely hirsute specter had already vanished, dissolving so expertly inside the blooming, dappled, fragmented malformations of leaves, light and shadows thatthe chaplain was already doubting that he had even been there. So many monstrous events were occurring that hewas no longer positive which events were monstrous and which were really taking place. He wanted to find outabout the madman in the woods as quickly as possible, to check if there ever really had been a Captain Flume,but his first chore, he recalled with reluctance, was to appease Corporal Whitcomb for neglecting to delegateenough responsibility to him. He plodded along the zigzagging path through the forest listlessly, clogged withthirst and feeling almost too exhausted to go on. He was remorseful when he thought of Corporal Whitcomb. Heprayed that Corporal Whitcomb would be gone when he reached the clearing so that he could undress withoutembarrassment, wash his arms and chest and shoulders thoroughly, drink water, lie down refreshed and perhapseven sleep for a few minutes; but he was in for still another disappointment and still another shock, for CorporalWhitcomb was Sergeant Whitcomb by the time he arrived and was sitting with his shirt off in the chaplain’schair sewing his new sergeant’s stripes on his sleeve with the chaplain’s needle and thread. Corporal Whitcombhad been promoted by Colonel Cathcart, who wanted to see the chaplain at once about the letters.
  “Oh, no,” groaned the chaplain, sinking down dumbfounded on his cot. His warm canteen was empty, and hewas too distraught to remember the lister bag hanging outside in the shade between the two tents. “I can’t believeit. I just can’t believe that anyone would seriously believe that I’ve been forging Washington Irving’s name.”
  “Not those letters,” Corporal Whitcomb corrected, plainly enjoying the chaplain’s chagrin. “He wants to see youabout the letters home to the families of casualties.”
  “Those letters?” asked the chaplain with surprise.
  “That’s right,” Corporal Whitcomb gloated. “He’s really going to chew you out for refusing to let me send them.
  You should have seen him go for the idea once I reminded him the letters could carry his signature. That’s whyhe promoted me. He’s absolutely sure they’ll get him into The Saturday Evening Post.”
  The chaplain’s befuddlement increased. “But how did he know we were even considering the idea?”
  “I went to his office and told him.”
  “You did what?” the chaplain demanded shrilly, and charged to his feet in an unfamiliar rage. “Do you mean tosay that you actually went over my head to the colonel without asking my permission?”
  Corporal Whitcomb grinned brazenly with scornful satisfaction. “That’s right, Chaplain,” he answered. “Andyou better not try to do anything about it if you know what’s good for you.” He laughed quietly in maliciousdefiance. “Colonel Cathcart isn’t going to like it if he finds out you’re getting even with me for bringing him myidea. You know something, Chaplain?” Corporal Whitcomb continued, biting the chaplain’s black thread apartcontemptuously with a loud snap and buttoning on his shirt. “That dumb bastard really thinks it’s one of thegreatest ideas he’s ever heard.”
  “It might even get me into The Saturday Evening Post,” Colonel Cathcart boasted in his office with a smile,swaggering back and forth convivially as he reproached the chaplain. “And you didn’t have brains enough to appreciate it. You’ve got a good man in Corporal Whitcomb, Chaplain. I hope you have brains enough toappreciate that.”
  “Sergeant Whitcomb,” the chaplain corrected, before he could control himself.
  Colonel Cathcart Oared. “I said Sergeant Whitcomb,” he replied. “I wish you’d try listening once in a whileinstead of always finding fault. You don’t want to be a captain all your life, do you?”
  “Well, I certainly don’t see how you’re ever going to amount to anything else if you keep on this way. CorporalWhitcomb feels that you fellows haven’t had a fresh idea in nineteen hundred and forty-four years, and I’minclined to agree with him. A bright boy, that Corporal Whitcomb. Well, it’s all going to change.” ColonelCathcart sat down at his desk with a determined air and cleared a large neat space in his blotter. When he hadfinished, he tapped his finger inside it. “Starting tomorrow,” he said, “I want you and Corporal Whitcomb towrite a letter of condolence for me to the next of kin of every man in the group who’s killed, wounded or takenprisoner. I want those letters to be sincere letters. I want them filled up with lots of personal details so there’ll beno doubt I mean every word you say. Is that clear?”
  The chaplain stepped forward impulsively to remonstrate. “But, sir, that’s impossible!” he blurted out. “We don’teven know all the men that well.”
  “What difference does that make?” Colonel Cathcart demanded, and then smiled amicably. “Corporal Whitcombbrought me this basic form letter that takes care of just about every situation. Listen: ‘Dear Mrs., Mr., Miss, orMr. and Mrs.: Words cannot express the deep personal grief I experienced when your husband, son, father orbrother was killed, wounded or reported missing in action.’ And so on. I think that opening sentence sums up mysentiments exactly. Listen, maybe you’d better let Corporal Whitcomb take charge of the whole thing if youdon’t feel up to it.” Colonel Cathcart whipped out his cigarette holder and flexed it between both hands like anonyx and ivory riding crop. “That’s one of the things that’s wrong with you, Chaplain. Corporal Whitcomb tellsme you don’t know how to delegate responsibility. He says you’ve got no initiative either. You’re not going todisagree with me, are you?”
  “No, sir.” The chaplain shook his head, feeling despicably remiss because he did not know how to delegateresponsibility and had no initiative, and because he really had been tempted to disagree with the colonel. Hismind was a shambles. They were shooting skeet outside, and every time a gun was fired his senses were jarred.
  He could not adjust to the sound of the shots. He was surrounded by bushels of plum tomatoes and was almostconvinced that he had stood in Colonel Cathcart’s office on some similar occasion deep in the past and had beensurrounded by those same bushels of those same plum tomatoes. Déjà vu again. The setting seemed so familiar;yet it also seemed so distant. His clothes felt grimy and old, and he was deathly afraid he smelled.
  “You take things too seriously, Chaplain,” Colonel Cathcart told him bluntly with an air of adult objectivity.
  “That’s another one of the things that’s wrong with you. That long face of yours gets everybody depressed. Letme see you laugh once in a while. Come on, Chaplain. You give me a belly laugh now and I’ll give you a whole bushel of plum tomatoes.” He waited a second or two, watching, and then chortled victoriously. “You see,Chaplain, I’m right. You can’t give me a belly laugh, can you?”
  “No, sir,” admitted the chaplain meekly, swallowing slowly with a visible effort. “Not right now. I’m verythirsty.”
  “Then get yourself a drink. Colonel Korn keeps some bourbon in his desk. You ought to try dropping around theofficers’ club with us some evening just to have yourself a little fun. Try getting lit once in a while. I hope youdon’t feel you’re better than the rest of us just because you’re a professional man.”
  “Oh, no, sir,” the chaplain assured him with embarrassment. “As a matter of fact, I have been going to theofficers’ club the past few evenings.”
  “You’re only a captain, you know,” Colonel Cathcart continued, paying no attention to the chaplain’s remark.
  “You may be a professional man, but you’re still only a captain.”
  “Yes, sir. I know.”
  “That’s fine, then. It’s just as well you didn’t laugh before. I wouldn’t have given you the plum tomatoesanyway. Corporal Whitcomb tells me you took a plum tomato when you were in here this morning.”
  “This morning? But, sir! You gave it to me.”
  Colonel Cathcart cocked his head with suspicion. “I didn’t say I didn’t give it to you, did I? I merely said youtook it. I don’t see why you’ve got such a guilty conscience if you really didn’t steal it. Did I give it to you?”
  “Yes, sir. I swear you did.”
  “Then I’ll just have to take your word for it. Although I can’t imagine why I’d want to give you a plum tomato.”
  Colonel Cathcart transferred a round glass paperweight competently from the right edge of his desk to the leftedge and picked up a sharpened pencil. “Okay. Chaplain, I’ve got a lot of important work to do now if you’rethrough. You let me know when Corporal Whitcomb has sent out about a dozen of those letters and we’ll get intouch with the editors of The Saturday Evening Post.” A sudden inspiration made his face brighten. “Say! I thinkI’ll volunteer the group for Avignon again. That should speed things up!”
  “For Avignon?” The chaplain’s heart missed a beat, and all his flesh began to prickle and creep.
  “That’s right,” the colonel explained exuberantly. “The sooner we get some casualties, the sooner we can makesome progress on this. I’d like to get in the Christmas issue if we can. I imagine the circulation is higher then.”
  And to the chaplain’s horror, the colonel lifted the phone to volunteer the group for Avignon and tried to kickhim out of the officers’ club again that very same night a moment before Yossarian rose up drunkenly, knockingover his chair, to start an avenging punch that made Nately call out his name and made Colonel Cathcart blanch and retreat prudently smack into General Dreedle, who shoved him off his bruised foot disgustedly and orderhim forward to kick the chaplain right back into the officers’ club. It was all very upsetting to Colonel Cathcart,first the dreaded name Yossarian! tolling out again clearly like a warning of doom and then General Dreedle’sbruised foot, and that was another fault Colonel Cathcart found in the chaplain, the fact that it was impossible topredict how General Dreedle would react each time he saw him. Colonel Cathcart would never forget the firstevening General Dreedle took notice of the chaplain in the officers’ club, lifting his ruddy, sweltering,intoxicated face to stare ponderously through the yellow pall of cigarette smoke at the chaplain lurking near thewall by himself.
  “Well, I’ll be damned,” General Dreedle had exclaimed hoarsely, his shaggy gray menacing eyebrows beetling inrecognition. “Is that a chaplain I see over there? That’s really a fine thing when a man of God begins hangingaround a place like this with a bunch of dirty drunks and gamblers.”
  Colonel Cathcart compressed his lips primly and started to rise. “I couldn’t agree with you more, sir,” heassented briskly in a tone of ostentatious disapproval. “I just don’t know what’s happening to the clergy thesedays.”
  “They’re getting better, that’s what’s happening to them,” General Dreedle growled emphatically.
  Colonel Cathcart gulped awkwardly and made a nimble recovery. “Yes, sir. They are getting better. That’sexactly what I had in mind, sir.”
  “This is just the place for a chaplain to be, mingling with the men while they’re out drinking and gambling so hecan get to understand them and win their confidence. How the hell else is he ever going to get them to believe inGod?”
  “That’s exactly what I had in mind, sir, when I ordered him to come here,” Colonel Cathcart said carefully, andthrew his arm familiarly around the chaplain’s shoulders as he walked him off into a corner to order him in acold undertone to start reporting for duty at the officers’ club every evening to mingle with the men while theywere drinking and gambling so that he could get to understand them and win their confidence.
  The chaplain agreed and did report for duty to the officers’ club every night to mingle with men who wanted toavoid him, until the evening the vicious fist fight broke out at the ping-pong table and Chief White Halfoatwhirled without provocation and punched Colonel Moodus squarely in the nose, knocking Colonel Moodusdown on the seat of his pants and making General Dreedle roar with lusty, unexpected laughter until he spied thechaplain standing close by gawking at him grotesquely in tortured wonder. General Dreedle froze at the sight ofhim. He glowered at the chaplain with swollen fury for a moment, his good humor gone, and turned back towardthe bar disgruntedly, rolling from side to side like a sailor on his short bandy legs. Colonel Cathcart canteredfearfully along behind, glancing anxiously about in vain for some sign of help from Colonel Korn.
  “That’s a fine thing,” General Dreedle growled at the bar, gripping his empty shot glass in his burly hand.
  “That’s really a fine thing, when a man of God begins hanging around a place like this with a bunch of dirtydrunks and gamblers.”
  Colonel Cathcart sighed with relief. “Yes, sir,” he exclaimed proudly. “It certainly is a fine thing.”
  “Then why the hell don’t you do something about it?”
  “Sir?” Colonel Cathcart inquired, blinking.
  “Do you think it does you credit to have your chaplain hanging around here every night? He’s in here everygoddam time I come.”
  “You’re right, sir, absolutely right,” Colonel Cathcart responded. “It does me no credit at all. And I am going todo something about it, this very minute.”
  “Aren’t you the one who ordered him to come here?”
  “No, sir, that was Colonel Korn. I intend to punish him severely, too.”
  “If he wasn’t a chaplain,” General Dreedle muttered, “I’d have him taken outside and shot.”
  “He’s not a chaplain, sir.” Colonel Cathcart advised helpfully.
  “Isn’t he? Then why the hell does he wear that cross on his collar if he’s not a chaplain?”
  “He doesn’t wear a cross on his collar, sir. He wears a silver leaf. He’s a lieutenant colonel.”
  “You’ve got a chaplain who’s a lieutenant colonel?” inquired General Dreedle with amazement.
  “Oh, no, sir. My chaplain is only a captain.”
  “Then why the hell does he wear a silver leaf on his collar if he’s only a captain?”
  “He doesn’t wear a silver leaf on his collar, sir. He wears a cross.”
  “Go away from me now, you son of a bitch,” said General Dreedle. “Or I’ll have you taken outside and shot!”
  “Yes, sir.”
  Colonel Cathcart went away from General Dreedle with a gulp and kicked the chaplain out of the officers’ club,and it was exactly the way it almost was two months later after the chaplain had tried to persuade ColonelCathcart to rescind his order increasing the number of missions to sixty and had failed abysmally in thatendeavor too, and the chaplain was ready now to capitulate to despair entirely but was restrained by the memoryof his wife, whom he loved and missed so pathetically with such sensual and exalted ardor, and by the lifelongtrust he had placed in the wisdom and justice of an immortal, omnipotent, omniscient, humane, universal, anthropomorphic, English-speaking, Anglo-Saxon, pro-American God, which had begun to waver. So manythings were testing his faith. There was the Bible, of course, but the Bible was a book, and so were Bleak House,Treasure Island, Ethan Frome and The Last of the Mohicans. Did it then seem probable, as he had onceoverheard Dunbar ask, that the answers to the riddles of creation would be supplied by people too ignorant tounderstand the mechanics of rainfall? Had Almighty God, in all His infinite wisdom, really been afraid that mensix thousand years ago would succeed in building a tower to heaven? Where the devil was heaven? Was it up?
  Down? There was no up or down in a finite but expanding universe in which even the vast, burning, dazzling,majestic sun was in a state of progressive decay that would eventually destroy the earth too. There were nomiracles; prayers went unanswered, and misfortune tramped with equal brutality on the virtuous and the corrupt;and the chaplain, who had conscience and character, would have yielded to reason and relinquished his belief inthe God of his fathers—would truly have resigned both his calling and his commission and taken his chances as aprivate in the infantry or field artillery, or even, perhaps, as a corporal in the paratroopers—had it not been forsuch successive mystic phenomena as the naked man in the tree at that poor sergeant’s funeral weeks before andthe cryptic, haunting, encouraging promise of the prophet Flume in the forest only that afternoon: “Tell them I’llbe back when winter comes.”



等级: 派派版主
配偶: 此微夜
举报 只看该作者 26楼  发表于: 2013-10-27 0

Chapter 26 Aarfy
    In a way it was all Yossarian’s fault, for if he had not moved the bomb line during the Big Siege of Bologna,Major ---de Coverley might still be around to save him, and if he had not stocked the enlisted men’s apartmentwith girls who had no other place to live, Nately might never have fallen in love with his whore as she sat nakedfrom the waist down in the room full of grumpy blackjack players who ignored her. Nately stared at her covertlyfrom his over-stuffed yellow armchair, marveling at the bored, phlegmatic strength with which she accepted themass rejection. She yawned, and he was deeply moved. He had never witnessed such heroic poise before.
  The girl had climbed five steep flights of stairs to sell herself to the group of satiated enlisted men, who had girlsliving there all around them; none wanted her at any price, not even after she had stripped without realenthusiasm to tempt them with a tall body that was firm and full and truly voluptuous. She seemed more fatiguedthan disappointed. Now she sat resting in vacuous indolence, watching the card game with dull curiosity as shegathered her recalcitrant energies for the tedious chore of donning the rest of her clothing and going back towork. In a little while she stirred. A little while later she rose with an unconscious sigh and stepped lethargicallyinto her tight cotton panties and dark skirt, then buckled on her shoes and left. Nately slipped out behind her; andwhen Yossarian and Aarfy entered the officers’ apartment almost two hours later, there she was again, steppinginto her panties and skirt, and it was almost like the chaplain’s recurring sensation of having been through asituation before, except for Nately, who was moping inconsolably with his hands in his pockets.
  “She wants to go now,” he said in a faint, strange voice. “She doesn’t want to stay.”
  “Why don’t you just pay her some money to let you spend the rest of the day with her?” Yossarian advised.
  “She gave me my money back,” Nately admitted. “She’s tired of me now and wants to go looking for someoneelse.”
  The girl paused when her shoes were on to glance in surly invitation at Yossarian and Aarfy. Her breasts werepointy and large in the thin white sleeveless sweater she wore that squeezed each contour and flowed outwardsmoothly with the tops of her enticing hips. Yossarian returned her gaze and was strongly attracted. He shook hishead.
  “Good riddance to bad rubbish,” was Aarfy’s unperturbed response.
  “Don’t say that about her!” Nately protested with passion that was both a plea and a rebuke. “I want her to staywith me.”
  “What’s so special about her?” Aarfy sneered with mock surprise. “She’s only a whore.”
  “And don’t call her a whore!”
  The girl shrugged impassively after a few more seconds and ambled toward the door. Nately bounded forwardwretchedly to hold it open. He wandered back in a heartbroken daze, his sensitive face eloquent with grief.
  “Don’t worry about it,” Yossarian counseled him as kindly as he could. “You’ll probably be able to find heragain. We know where all the whores hang out.”
  “Please don’t call her that,” Nately begged, looking as though he might cry.
  “I’m sorry,” murmured Yossarian.
  Aarfy thundered jovially, “There are hundreds of whores just as good crawling all over the streets. That onewasn’t even pretty.” He chuckled mellifluously with resonant disdain and authority. “Why, you rushed forwardto open that door as though you were in love with her.”
  “I think I am in love with her,” Nately confessed in a shamed, far-off voice.
  Aarfy wrinkled his chubby round rosy forehead in comic disbelief. “Ho, ho, ho, ho!” he laughed, patting theexpansive forest-green sides of his officer’s tunic prosperously. “That’s rich. You in love with her? That’s reallyrich.” Aarfy had a date that same afternoon with a Red Cross girl from Smith whose father owned an importantmilk-of-magnesia plant. “Now, that’s the kind of girl you ought to be associating with, and not with commonsluts like that one. Why, she didn’t even look clean.”
  “I don’t care!” Nately shouted desperately. “And I wish you’d shut up, I don’t even want to talk about it withyou.”
  “Aarfy, shut up,” said Yossarian.
  “Ho, ho, ho, ho!” Aarfy continued. “I just can’t imagine what your father and mother would say if they knew youwere running around with filthy trollops like that one. Your father is a very distinguished man, you know.”
  “I’m not going to tell him,” Nately declared with determination. “I’m not going to say a word about her to him orMother until after we’re married.”
  “Married?” Aarfy’s indulgent merriment swelled tremendously. “Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho! Now you’re really talkingstupid. Why, you’re not even old enough to know what true love is.”
  Aarfy was an authority on the subject of true love because he had already fallen truly in love with Nately’s fatherand with the prospect of working for him after the war in some executive capacity as a reward for befriendingNately. Aarfy was a lead navigator who had never been able to find himself since leaving college. He was agenial, magnanimous lead navigator who could always forgive the other man in the squadron for denouncing himfuriously each time he got lost on a combat mission and led them over concentrations of antiaircraft fire. He gotlost on the streets of Rome that same afternoon and never did find the eligible Red Cross girl from Smith withthe important milk-of-magnesia plant. He got lost on the mission to Ferrara the day Kraft was shot down andkilled, and he got lost again on the weekly milk run to Parma and tried to lead the planes out to sea over the cityof Leghorn after Yossarian had dropped his bombs on the undefended inland target and settled back against histhick wall of armor plate with his eyes closed and a fragrant cigarette in his fingertips. Suddenly there was flak,and all at once McWatt was shrieking over the intercom, “Flak! Flak! Where the hell are we? What the hell’sgoing on?”
  Yossarian flipped his eyes open in alarm and saw the totally unexpected bulging black puffs of flak crashingdown in toward them from high up and Aarfy’s complacent melon-round tiny-eyed face gazing out at theapproaching cannon bursts with affable bemusement. Yossarian was flabbergasted. His leg went abruptly tosleep. McWatt had started to climb and was yelping over the intercom for instructions. Yossarian sprang forwardto see where they were and remained in the same place. He was unable to move. Then he realized he wassopping wet. He looked down at his crotch with a sinking, sick sensation. A wild crimson blot was crawlingupward rapidly along his shirt front like an enormous sea monster rising to devour him. He was hit! Separatetrickles of blood spilled to a puddle on the floor through one saturated trouser leg like countless unstoppableswarms of wriggling red worms. His heart stopped. A second solid jolt struck the plane. Yossarian shudderedwith revulsion at the queer sight of his wound and screamed at Aarfy for help.
  “I lost my balls! Aarfy, I lost my balls!” Aarfy didn’t hear, and Yossarian bent forward and tugged at his arm.
  “Aarfy, help me,” he pleaded, almost weeping, “I’m hit! I’m hit!”
  Aarfy turned slowly with a bland, quizzical grin. “What?”
  “I’m hit, Aarfy! Help me!”
  Aarfy grinned again and shrugged amiably. “I can’t hear you,” he said.
  “Can’t you see me?” Yossarian cried incredulously, and he pointed to the deepening pool of blood he feltsplashing down all around him and spreading out underneath. “I’m wounded! Help me, for God’s sake! Aarfy,help me!”
  “I still can’t hear you,” Aarfy complained tolerantly, cupping his podgy hand behind the blanched corolla of hisear. “What did you say?”
  Yossarian answered in a collapsing voice, weary suddenly of shouting so much, of the whole frustrating,exasperating, ridiculous situation. He was dying, and no one took notice. “Never mind.”
  “What?” Aarfy shouted.
  “I said I lost my balls! Can’t you hear me? I’m wounded in the groin!”
  “I still can’t hear you,” Aarfy chided.
  “I said never mind!” Yossarian screamed with a trapped feeling of terror and began to shiver, feeling very coldsuddenly and very weak.
  Aarfy shook his head regretfully again and lowered his obscene, lactescent ear almost directly into Yossarian’sface. “You’ll just have to speak up, my friend. You’ll just have to speak up.”
  “Leave me alone, you bastard! You dumb, insensitive bastard, leave me alone!” Yossarian sobbed. He wanted topummel Aarfy, but lacked the strength to lift his arms. He decided to sleep instead and keeled over sideways intoa dead faint.
  He was wounded in the thigh, and when he recovered consciousness he found McWatt on both knees taking careof him. He was relieved, even though he still saw Aarfy’s bloated cherub’s face hanging down over McWatt’sshoulder with placid interest. Yossarian smiled feebly at McWatt, feeling ill, and asked, “Who’s minding thestore?” McWatt gave no sign that he heard. With growing horror, Yossarian gathered in breath and repeated thewords as loudly as he could.
  McWatt looked up. “Christ, I’m glad you’re still alive!” he exclaimed, heaving an enormous sigh. The good-humored, friendly crinkles about his eyes were white with tension and oily with grime as he kept unrolling aninterminable bandage around the bulky cotton compress Yossarian felt strapped burdensomely to the inside ofone thigh. “Nately’s at the controls. The poor kid almost started bawling when he heard you were hit. He stillthinks you’re dead. They knocked open an artery for you, but I think I’ve got it stopped. I gave you somemorphine.”
  “Give me some more.”
  “It might be too soon. I’ll give you some more when it starts to hurt.”
  “It hurts now.”
  “Oh, well, what the hell,” said McWatt and injected another syrette of morphine into Yossarian’s arm.
  “When you tell Nately I’m all right...” said Yossarian to McWatt, and lost consciousness again as everythingwent fuzzy behind a film of strawberry-strained gelatin and a great baritone buzz swallowed him in sound. Hecame to in the ambulance and smiled encouragement at Doc Daneeka’s weevil-like, glum and overshadowedcountenance for the dizzy second or two he had before everything went rose-petal pink again and then turnedreally black and unfathomably still.
  Yossarian woke up in the hospital and went to sleep. When he woke up in the hospital again, the smell of etherwas gone and Dunbar was lying in pajamas in the bed across the aisle maintaining that he was not Dunbar but afortiori. Yossarian thought he was cracked. He curled his lip skeptically at Dunbar’s bit of news and slept on itfitfully for a day or two, then woke up while the nurses were elsewhere and eased himself out of bed to see forhimself. The floor swayed like the floating raft at the beach and the stitches on the inside of his thigh bit into hisflesh like fine sets of fish teeth as he limped across the aisle to peruse the name on the temperature card on thefoot of Dunbar’s bed, but sure enough, Dunbar was right: he was not Dunbar any more but Second LieutenantAnthony F. Fortiori.
  “What the hell’s going on?”
  A. Fortiori got out of bed and motioned to Yossarian to follow. Grasping for support at anything he could reach,Yossarian limped along after him into the corridor and down the adjacent ward to a bed containing a harriedyoung man with pimples and a receding chin. The harried young man rose on one elbow with alacrity as theyapproached. A. Fortiori jerked his thumb over his shoulder and said, “Screw.” The harried young man jumpedout of bed and ran away. A. Fortiori climbed into the bed and became Dunbar again.
  “That was A. Fortiori,” Dunbar explained. “They didn’t have an empty bed in your ward, so I pulled my rankand chased him back here into mine. It’s a pretty satisfying experience pulling rank. You ought to try itsometime. You ought to try it right now, in fact, because you look like you’re going to fall down.”
  Yossarian felt like he was going to fall down. He turned to the lantern jawed, leather-faced middle-aged manlying in the bed next to Dunbar’s, jerked his thumb over his shoulder and said “Screw.” The middle-aged manstiffened fiercely and glared.
  “He’s a major,” Dunbar explained. “Why don’t you aim a little lower and try becoming Warrant Officer HomerLumley for a while? Then you can have a father in the state legislature and a sister who’s engaged to a championskier. Just tell him you’re a captain.”
  Yossarian turned to the startled patient Dunbar had indicated. “I’m a captain,” he said, jerking his thumb over hisshoulder. “Screw.”
  The startled patient jumped down to the floor at Yossarian’s command and ran away. Yossarian climbed up intohis bed and became Warrant Officer Homer Lumley, who felt like vomiting and was covered suddenly with aclammy sweat. He slept for an hour and wanted to be Yossarian again. It did not mean so much to have a fatherin the state legislature and a sister who was engaged to a champion skier. Dunbar led the way back toYossarian’s ward, where he thumbed A. Fortiori out of bed to become Dunbar again for a while. There was nosign of Warrant Officer Homer Lumley. Nurse Cramer was there, though, and sizzled with sanctimonious angerlike a damp firecracker. She ordered Yossarian to get right back into his bed and blocked his path so he couldn’tcomply. Her pretty face was more repulsive than ever. Nurse Cramer was a good-hearted, sentimental creaturewho rejoiced unselfishly at news of weddings, engagements, births and anniversaries even though she wasunacquainted with any of the people involved.
  “Are you crazy?” she scolded virtuously, shaking an indignant finger in front of his eyes. “I suppose you justdon’t care if you kill yourself, do you?”
  “It’s my self,” he reminded her.
  “I suppose you just don’t care if you lose your leg, do you?”
  “It’s my leg.”
  “It certainly is not your leg!” Nurse Cramer retorted. “That leg belongs to the U. S. government. It’s no differentthan a gear or a bedpan. The Army has invested a lot of money to make you an airplane pilot, and you’ve noright to disobey the doctor’s orders.”
  Yossarian was not sure he liked being invested in. Nurse Cramer was still standing directly in front of him so thathe could not pass. His head was aching. Nurse Cramer shouted at him some question he could not understand.
  He jerked his thumb over his shoulder and said, “Screw.”
  Nurse Cramer cracked him in the face so hard she almost knocked him down. Yossarian drew back his fist topunch her in the jaw just as his leg buckled and he began to fall. Nurse Duckett strode up in time to catch him.
  She addressed them both firmly.
  “Just what’s going on here?”
  “He won’t get back into his bed,” Nurse Cramer reported zealously in an injured tone. “Sue Ann, he saidsomething absolutely horrible to me. Oh, I can’t even make myself repeat it!”
  “She called me a gear,” Yossarian muttered.
  Nurse Duckett was not sympathetic. “Will you get back into bed,” she said, “or must I take you by your ear andput you there?”
  “Take me by my ear and put me there,” Yossarian dared her.
  Nurse Duckett took him by his ear and put him back in bed.



等级: 派派版主
配偶: 此微夜
举报 只看该作者 27楼  发表于: 2013-10-27 0

Chapter 27 Nurse Duckett
    Nurse Sue Ann Duckett was a tall, spare, mature, straight-backed woman with a prominent, well-rounded ass,small breasts and angular ascetic New England features that came equally close to being very lovely and veryplain. Her skin was white and pink, her eyes small, her nose and chin slender and sharp. She was able, prompt,strict and intelligent. She welcomed responsibility and kept her head in every crisis. She was adult and self-reliant, and there was nothing she needed from anyone. Yossarian took pity and decided to help her.
  Next morning while she was standing bent over smoothing the sheets at the foot of his bed, he slipped his handstealthily into the narrow space between her knees and, all at once, brought it up swiftly under her dress as far asit would go. Nurse Duckett shrieked and jumped into the air a mile, but it wasn’t high enough, and she squirmedand vaulted and seesawed back and forth on her divine fulcrum for almost a full fifteen seconds before shewiggled free finally and retreated frantically into the aisle with an ashen, trembling face. She backed away toofar, and Dunbar, who had watched from the beginning, sprang forward on his bed without warning and flungboth arms around her bosom from behind. Nurse Duckett let out another scream and twisted away, fleeing farenough from Dunbar for Yossarian to lunge forward and grab her by the snatch again. Nurse Duckett bouncedout across the aisle once more like a ping-pong ball with legs. Dunbar was waiting vigilantly, ready to pounce.
  She remembered him just in time and leaped aside. Dunbar missed completely and sailed by her over the bed tothe floor, landing on his skull with a soggy, crunching thud that knocked him cold.
  He woke up on the floor with a bleeding nose and exactly the same distressful head symptoms he had beenfeigning all along. The ward was in a chaotic uproar. Nurse Duckett was in tears, and Yossarian was consolingher apologetically as he sat beside her on the edge of a bed. The commanding colonel was wroth and shouting atYossarian that he would not permit his patients to take indecent liberties with his nurses.
  “What do you want from him?” Dunbar asked plaintively from the floor, wincing at the vibrating pains in histemples that his voice set up. “He didn’t do anything.”
  “I’m talking about you!” the thin, dignified colonel bellowed as loudly as he could. “You’re going to bepunished for what you did.”
  “What do you want from him?” Yossarian called out. “All he did was fall on his head.”
  “And I’m talking about you too!” the colonel declared, whirling to rage at Yossarian. “You’re going to be goodand sorry you grabbed Nurse Duckett by the bosom.”
  “I didn’t grab Nurse Duckett by the bosom,” said Yossarian.
  “I grabbed her by the bosom,” said Dunbar.
  “Are you both crazy?” the doctor cried shrilly, backing away in paling confusion.
  “Yes, he really is crazy, Doc,” Dunbar assured him. “Every night he dreams he’s holding a live fish in hishands.”
  The doctor stopped in his tracks with a look of elegant amazement and distaste, and the ward grew still. “He doeswhat?” he demanded.
  “He dreams he’s holding a live fish in his hand.”
  “What kind of fish?” the doctor inquired sternly of Yossarian.
  “I don’t know,” Yossarian answered. “I can’t tell one kind of fish from another.”
  “In which hand do you hold them?”
  “It varies,” answered Yossarian.
  “It varies with the fish,” Dunbar added helpfully.
  The colonel turned and stared down at Dunbar suspiciously with a narrow squint. “Yes? And how come youseem to know so much about it?”
  “I’m in the dream,” Dunbar answered without cracking a smile.
  The colonel’s face flushed with embarrassment. He glared at them both with cold, unforgiving resentment. “Getup off the floor and into your bed,” he directed Dunbar through thin lips. “And I don’t want to hear another wordabout this dream from either one of you. I’ve got a man on my staff to listen to disgusting bilge like this.”
  “Just why do you think,” carefully inquired Major Sanderson, the soft and thickset smiling staff psychiatrist towhom the colonel had ordered Yossarian sent, “that Colonel Ferredge finds your dream disgusting?”
  Yossarian replied respectfully. “I suppose it’s either some quality in the dream or some quality in ColonelFerredge.”
  “That’s very well put,” applauded Major Sanderson, who wore squeaking GI shoes and had charcoal-black hairthat stood up almost straight. “For some reason,” he confided, “Colonel Ferredge has always reminded me of asea gull. He doesn’t put much faith in psychiatry, you know.”
  “You don’t like sea gulls, do you?” inquired Yossarian.
  “No, not very much,” admitted Major Sanderson with a sharp, nervous laugh and pulled at his pendulous secondchin lovingly as though it were a long goatee. “I think your dream is charming, and I hope it recurs frequently sothat we can continue discussing it. Would you like a cigarette?” He smiled when Yossarian declined. “Just whydo you think,” he asked knowingly, “that you have such a strong aversion to accepting a cigarette from me?”
  “I put one out a second ago. It’s still smoldering in your ash tray.”
  Major Sanderson chuckled. “That’s a very ingenious explanation. But I suppose we’ll soon discover the truereason.” He tied a sloppy double bow in his opened shoelace and then transferred a lined yellow pad from hisdesk to his lap. “This fish you dream about. Let’s talk about that. It’s always the same fish, isn’t it?”
  “I don’t know,” Yossarian replied. “I have trouble recognizing fish.”
  “What does the fish remind you of?”
  “Other fish.”
  “And what do other fish remind you of?”
  “Other fish.”
  Major Sanderson sat back disappointedly. “Do you like fish?”
  “Not especially.”
  “Just why do you think you have such a morbid aversion to fish?” asked Major Sanderson triumphantly.
  “They’re too bland,” Yossarian answered. “And too bony.”
  Major Sanderson nodded understandingly, with a smile that was agreeable and insincere. “That’s a veryinteresting explanation. But we’ll soon discover the true reason, I suppose. Do you like this particular fish? Theone you’re holding in your hand?”
  “I have no feelings about it either way.”
  “Do you dislike the fish? Do you have any hostile or aggressive emotions toward it?”
  “No, not at all. In fact, I rather like the fish.”
  “Then you do like the fish.”
  “Oh, no. I have no feelings toward it either way.”
  “But you just said you liked it. And now you say you have no feelings toward it either way. I’ve just caught youin a contradiction. Don’t you see?”
  “Yes, sir. I suppose you have caught me in a contradiction.”
  Major Sanderson proudly lettered “Contradiction” on his pad with his thick black pencil. “Just why do youthink,” he resumed when he had finished, looking up, “that you made those two statements expressingcontradictory emotional responses to the fish?”
  “I suppose I have an ambivalent attitude toward it.”
  Major Sanderson sprang up with joy when he heard the words “ambivalent attitude”. “You do understand!” heexclaimed, wringing his hands together ecstatically. “Oh, you can’t imagine how lonely it’s been for me, talkingday after day to patients who haven’t the slightest knowledge of psychiatry, trying to cure people who have noreal interest in me or my work! It’s given me such a terrible feeling of inadequacy.” A shadow of anxiety crossedhis face. “I can’t seem to shake it.”
  “Really?” asked Yossarian, wondering what else to say. “Why do you blame yourself for gaps in the educationof others?”
  “It’s silly, I know,” Major Sanderson replied uneasily with a giddy, involuntary laugh. “But I’ve alwaysdepended very heavily on the good opinion of others. I reached puberty a bit later than all the other boys my age,you see, and it’s given me sort of—well, all sorts of problems. I just know I’m going to enjoy discussing themwith you. I’m so eager to begin that I’m almost reluctant to digress now to your problem, but I’m afraid I must.
  Colonel Ferredge would be cross if he knew we were spending all our time on me. I’d like to show you some inkblots now to find out what certain shapes and colors remind you of.”
  “You can save yourself the trouble, Doctor. Everything reminds me of sex.”
  “Does it?” cried Major Sanderson with delight, as though unable to believe his ears. “Now we’re really gettingsomewhere! Do you ever have any good sex dreams?”
  “My fish dream is a sex dream.”
  “No, I mean real sex dreams—the kind where you grab some naked bitch by the neck and pinch her and punchher in the face until she’s all bloody and then throw yourself down to ravish her and burst into tears because youlove her and hate her so much you don’t know what else to do. That’s the kind of sex dreams I like to talk about.
  Don’t you ever have sex dreams like that?”
  Yossarian reflected a moment with a wise look. “That’s a fish dream,” he decided.
  Major Sanderson recoiled as though he had been slapped. “Yes, of course,” he conceded frigidly, his mannerchanging to one of edgy and defensive antagonism. “But I’d like you to dream one like that anyway just to seehow you react. That will be all for today. In the meantime, I’d also like you to dream up the answers to some ofthose questions I asked you. These sessions are no more pleasant for me than they are for you, you know.”
  “I’ll mention it to Dunbar,” Yossarian replied.
  “He’s the one who started it all. It’s his dream.”
  “Oh, Dunbar.” Major Sanderson sneered, his confidence returning. “I’ll bet Dunbar is that evil fellow who reallydoes all those nasty things you’re always being blamed for, isn’t he?”
  “He’s not so evil.”
  And yet you’ll defend him to the very death, won’t you?”
  “Not that far.”
  Major Sanderson smiled tauntingly and wrote “Dunbar” on his pad. “Why are you limping?” he asked sharply, asYossarian moved to the door. “And what the devil is that bandage doing on your leg? Are you mad orsomething?”
  “I was wounded in the leg. That’s what I’m in the hospital for.”
  “Oh, no, you’re not,” gloated Major Sanderson maliciously. “You’re in the hospital for a stone in your salivarygland. So you’re not so smart after all, are you? You don’t even know what you’re in the hospital for.”
  “I’m in the hospital for a wounded leg,” Yossarian insisted.
  Major Sanderson ignored his argument with a sarcastic laugh. “Well, give my regards to your friend Dunbar.
  And you will tell him to dream that dream for me, won’t you?”
  But Dunbar had nausea and dizziness with his constant headache and was not inclined to co-operate with MajorSanderson. Hungry Joe had nightmares because he had finished sixty missions and was waiting again to gohome, but he was unwilling to share any when he came to the hospital to visit.
  “Hasn’t anyone got any dreams for Major Sanderson?” Yossarian asked. “I hate to disappoint him. He feels sorejected already.”
  “I’ve been having a very peculiar dream ever since I learned you were wounded,” confessed the chaplain. “I usedto dream every night that my wife was dying or being murdered or that my children were choking to death on morsels of nutritious food. Now I dream that I’m out swimming in water over my head and a shark is eating myleft leg in exactly the same place where you have your bandage.”
  “That’s a wonderful dream,” Dunbar declared. “I bet Major Sanderson will love it.”
  “That’s a horrible dream!” Major Sanderson cried. “It’s filled with pain and mutilation and death. I’m sure youhad it just to spite me. You know, I’m not even sure you belong in the Army, with a disgusting dream like that.”
  Yossarian thought he spied a ray of hope. “Perhaps you’re right, sir,” he suggested slyly. “Perhaps I ought to begrounded and returned to the States.”
  “Hasn’t it ever occurred to you that in your promiscuous pursuit of women you are merely trying to assuage yoursubconscious fears of sexual impotence?”
  “Yes, sir, it has.”
  “Then why do you do it?”
  “To assuage my fears of sexual impotence.”
  “Why don’t you get yourself a good hobby instead?” Major Sanderson inquired with friendly interest. “Likefishing. Do you really find Nurse Duckett so attractive? I should think she was rather bony. Rather bland andbony, you know. Like a fish.”
  “I hardly know Nurse Duckett.”
  “Then why did you grab her by the bosom? Merely because she has one?”
  “Dunbar did that.”
  “Oh, don’t start that again,” Major Sanderson exclaimed with vitriolic scorn, and hurled down his pencildisgustedly. “Do you really think that you can absolve yourself of guilt by pretending to be someone else? Idon’t like you, Fortiori. Do you know that? I don’t like you at all.”
  Yossarian felt a cold, damp wind of apprehension blow over him. “I’m not Fortiori, sir,” he said timidly. “I’mYossarian.”
  “You’re who?”
  “My name is Yossarian, sir. And I’m in the hospital with a wounded leg.”
  “Your name is Fortiori,” Major Sanderson contradicted him belligerently. “And you’re in the hospital for a stonein your salivary gland.”
  “Oh, come on, Major!” Yossarian exploded. “I ought to know who I am.”
  “And I’ve got an official Army record here to prove it,” Major Sanderson retorted. “You’d better get a grip onyourself before it’s too late. First you’re Dunbar. Now you’re Yossarian. The next thing you know you’ll beclaiming you’re Washington Irving. Do you know what’s wrong with you? You’ve got a split personality, that’swhat’s wrong with you.”
  “Perhaps you’re right, sir.” Yossarian agreed diplomatically.
  “I know I’m right. You’ve got a bad persecution complex. You think people are trying to harm you.”
  “People are trying to harm me.”
  “You see? You have no respect for excessive authority or obsolete traditions. You’re dangerous and depraved,and you ought to be taken outside and shot!”
  “Are you serious?”
  “You’re an enemy of the people!”
  “Are you nuts?” Yossarian shouted.
  “No, I’m not nuts,” Dobbs roared furiously back in the ward, in what he imagined was a furtive whisper.
  “Hungry Joe saw them, I tell you. He saw them yesterday when he flew to Naples to pick up some black-marketair conditioners for Colonel Cathcart’s farm. They’ve got a big replacement center there and it’s filled withhundreds of pilots, bombardiers and gunners on the way home. They’ve got forty-five missions, that’s all. A fewwith Purple Hearts have even less. Replacement crews are pouring in from the States into the other bombergroups. They want everyone to serve overseas at least once, even administrative personnel. Don’t you read thepapers? We’ve got to kill him now!”
  “You’ve got only two more missions to fly,” Yossarian reasoned with him in a low voice. “Why take a chance?”
  “I can get killed flying them, too,” Dobbs answered pugnaciously in his rough, quavering, overwrought voice.
  “We can kill him the first thing tomorrow morning when he drives back from his farm. I’ve got the gun righthere.”
  Yossarian goggled with amazement as Dobbs pulled a gun out of his pocket and displayed it high in the air. “Areyou crazy?” he hissed frantically. “Put it away. And keep your idiot voice down.”
  “What are you worried about?” Dobbs asked with offended innocence. “No one can hear us.”
  “Hey, knock it off down there,” a voice rang out from the far end of the ward. “Can’t you see we’re trying to nap?”
  “What the hell are you, a wise guy?” Dobbs yelled back and spun around with clenched fists, ready to fight. Hewhirled back to Yossarian and, before he could speak, sneezed thunderously six times, staggering sideways onrubbery legs in the intervals and raising his elbows ineffectively to fend each seizure off. The lids of his wateryeyes were puffy and inflamed.
  “Who does he think,” he demanded, sniffing spasmodically and wiping his nose with the back of his sturdy wrist,“he is, a cop or something?”
  “He’s a C.I.D. man,” Yossarian notified him tranquilly. “We’ve got three here now and more on the way. Oh,don’t be scared. They’re after a forger named Washington Irving. They’re not interested in murderers.”
  “Murderers?” Dobbs was affronted. “Why do you call us murderers? Just because we’re going to murder ColonelCathcart?”
  “Be quiet, damn you!” directed Yossarian. “Can’t you whisper?”
  “I am whispering. I—““You’re still shouting.”
  “No, I’m not. I—““Hey, shut up down there, will you?” patients all over the ward began hollering at Dobbs.
  “I’ll fight you all!” Dobbs screamed back at them, and stood up on a rickety wooden chair, waving the gunwildly. Yossarian caught his arm and yanked him down. Dobbs began sneezing again. “I have an allergy,” heapologized when he had finished, his nostrils running and his eyes streaming with tears.
  “That’s too bad. You’d make a great leader of men without it.”
  “Colonel Cathcart’s the murderer,” Dobbs complained hoarsely when he had shoved away a soiled, crumpledkhaki handkerchief. “Colonel Cathcart’s the one who’s going to murder us all if we don’t do something to stophim.”
  “Maybe he won’t raise the missions any more. Maybe sixty is as high as he’ll go.”
  “He always raises the missions. You know that better than I do.” Dobbs swallowed and bent his intense face veryclose to Yossarian’s, the muscles in his bronze, rocklike jaw bunching up into quivering knots. “Just say it’sokay and I’ll do the whole thing tomorrow morning. Do you understand what I’m telling you? I’m whisperingnow, ain’t I?”
  Yossarian tore his eyes away from the gaze of burning entreaty Dobbs had fastened on him. “Why the goddamhell don’t you just go out and do it?” he protested. “Why don’t you stop talking to me about it and do it alone?”
  “I’m afraid to do it alone. I’m afraid to do anything alone.”
  “Then leave me out of it. I’d have to be crazy to get mixed up in something like this now. I’ve got a million-dollar leg wound here. They’re going to send me home.”
  “Are you crazy?” Dobbs exclaimed in disbelief. “All you’ve got there is a scratch. He’ll have you back flyingcombat missions the day you come out, Purple Heart and all.”
  “Then I really will kill him,” Yossarian vowed. “I’ll come looking for you and we’ll do it together.”
  “Then let’s do it tomorrow while we’ve still got the chance,” Dobbs pleaded. “The chaplain says he’svolunteered the group for Avignon again. I may be killed before you get out. Look how these hands of mineshake. I can’t fly a plane. I’m not good enough.”
  Yossarian was afraid to say yes. “I want to wait and see what happens first.”
  “The trouble with you is that you just won’t do anything,” Dobbs complained in a thick infuriated voice.
  “I’m doing everything I possibly can,” the chaplain explained softly to Yossarian after Dobbs had departed. “Ieven went to the medical tent to speak to Doc Daneeka about helping you.”
  “Yes, I can see.” Yossarian suppressed a smile. “What happened?”
  “They painted my gums purple,” the chaplain replied sheepishly.
  “They painted his toes purple, too,” Nately added in outrage. “And then they gave him a laxative.”
  “But I went back again this morning to see him.”
  “And they painted his gums purple again,” said Nately.
  “But I did get to speak to him,” the chaplain argued in a plaintive tone of self-justification. “Doctor Daneekaseems like such an unhappy man. He suspects that someone is plotting to transfer him to the Pacific Ocean. Allthis time he’s been thinking of coming to me for help. When I told him I needed his help, he wondered if therewasn’t a chaplain I couldn’t go see.” The chaplain waited in patient dejection when Yossarian and Dunbar bothbroke into laughter. “I used to think it was immoral to be unhappy,” he continued, as though keening aloud insolitude. “Now I don’t know what to think any more. I’d like to make the subject of immorality the basis of mysermon this Sunday, but I’m not sure I ought to give any sermon at all with these purple gums. Colonel Korn wasvery displeased with them.”
  “Chaplain, why don’t you come into the hospital with us for a while and take it easy?” Yossarian invited. “Youcould be very comfortable here.”
  The brash iniquity of the proposal tempted and amused the chaplain for a second or two. “No, I don’t think so,”
  he decided reluctantly. “I want to arrange for a trip to the mainland to see a mail clerk named Wintergreen.
  Doctor Daneeka told me he could help.”
  “Wintergreen is probably the most influential man in the whole theater of operations. He’s not only a mail clerk,but he has access to a mimeograph machine. But he won’t help anybody. That’s one of the reasons he’ll go far.”
  “I’d like to speak to him anyway. There must be somebody who will help you.”
  “Do it for Dunbar, Chaplain,” Yossarian corrected with a superior air. “I’ve got this million-dollar leg woundthat will take me out of combat. If that doesn’t do it, there’s a psychiatrist who thinks I’m not good enough to bein the Army.”
  “I’m the one who isn’t good enough to be in the Army,” Dunbar whined jealously. “It was my dream.”
  “It’s not the dream, Dunbar,” Yossarian explained. “He likes your dream. It’s my personality. He thinks it’ssplit.”
  “It’s split right down the middle,” said Major Sanderson, who had laced his lumpy GI shoes for the occasion andhad slicked his charcoal-dull hair down with some stiffening and redolent tonic. He smiled ostentatiously toshow himself reasonable and nice. “I’m not saying that to be cruel and insulting,” he continued with cruel andinsulting delight. “I’m not saying it because I hate you and want revenge. I’m not saying it because you rejectedme and hurt my feelings terribly. No, I’m a man of medicine and I’m being coldly objective. I have very badnews for you. Are you man enough to take it?”
  “God, no!” screamed Yossarian. “I’ll go right to pieces.”
  Major Sanderson flew instantly into a rage. “Can’t you even do one thing right?” he pleaded, turning beet-redwith vexation and crashing the sides of both fists down upon his desk together. “The trouble with you is that youthink you’re too good for all the conventions of society. You probably think you’re too good for me too, justbecause I arrived at puberty late. Well, do you know what you are? You’re a frustrated, unhappy, disillusioned,undisciplined, maladjusted young man!” Major Sanderson’s disposition seemed to mellow as he reeled off theuncomplimentary adjectives.
  “Yes, sir,” Yossarian agreed carefully. “I guess you’re right.”
  “Of course I’m right. You’re immature. You’ve been unable to adjust to the idea of war.”
  “Yes, sir.”
  “You have a morbid aversion to dying. You probably resent the fact that you’re at war and might get your headblown off any second.”
  “I more than resent it, sir. I’m absolutely incensed.”
  “You have deep-seated survival anxieties. And you don’t like bigots, bullies, snobs or hypocrites.
  Subconsciously there are many people you hate.”
  “Consciously, sir, consciously,” Yossarian corrected in an effort to help. “I hate them consciously.”
  “You’re antagonistic to the idea of being robbed, exploited, degraded, humiliated or deceived. Misery depressesyou. Ignorance depresses you. Persecution depresses you. Violence depresses you. Slums depress you. Greeddepresses you. Crime depresses you. Corruption depresses you. You know, it wouldn’t surprise me if you’re amanic-depressive!”
  “Yes, sir. Perhaps I am.”
  “Don’t try to deny it.”
  “I’m not denying it, sir,” said Yossarian, pleased with the miraculous rapport that finally existed between them.
  “I agree with all you’ve said.”
  “Then you admit you’re crazy, do you?”
  “Crazy?” Yossarian was shocked. “What are you talking about? Why am I crazy? You’re the one who’s crazy!”
  Major Sanderson turned red with indignation again and crashed both fists down upon his thighs. “Calling mecrazy,” he shouted in a sputtering rage, “is a typically sadistic and vindictive paranoiac reaction! You really arecrazy!”
  “Then why don’t you send me home?”
  “And I’m going to send you home!”
  “They’re going to send me home!” Yossarian announced jubilantly, as he hobbled back into the ward.
  “Me too!” A. Fortiori rejoiced. “They just came to my ward and told me.”
  “What about me?” Dunbar demanded petulantly of the doctors.
  “You?” they replied with asperity. “You’re going with Yossarian. Right back into combat!”
  And back into combat they both went. Yossarian was enraged when the ambulance returned him to the squadron, and he went limping for justice to Doc Daneeka, who glared at him glumly with misery and disdain.
  “You!” Doc Daneeka exclaimed mournfully with accusing disgust, the egg-shaped pouches under both eyes firmand censorious. “All you ever think of is yourself. Go take a look at the bomb line if you want to see what’s beenhappening since you went to the hospital.”
  Yossarian was startled. “Are we losing?”
  “Losing?” Doc Daneeka cried. “The whole military situation has been going to hell ever since we captured Paris.
  I knew it would happen.” He paused, his sulking ire turning to melancholy, and frowned irritably as though itwere all Yossarian’s fault. “American troops are pushing into German soil. The Russians have captured back allof Romania. Only yesterday the Greeks in the Eighth Army captured Rimini. The Germans are on the defensiveeverywhere!” Doc Daneeka paused again and fortified himself with a huge breath for a piercing ejaculation ofgrief. “There’s no more Luftwaffe left!” he wailed. He seemed ready to burst into tears. “The whole Gothic lineis in danger of collapsing!”
  “So?” asked Yossarian. “What’s wrong?”
  “What’s wrong?” Doc Daneeka cried. “If something doesn’t happen soon, Germany may surrender. And thenwe’ll all be sent to the Pacific!”
  Yossarian gawked at Doc Daneeka in grotesque dismay. “Are you crazy? Do you know what you’re saying?”
  “Yeah, it’s easy for you to laugh,” Doc Daneeka sneered.
  “Who the hell is laughing?”
  “At least you’ve got a chance. You’re in combat and might get killed. But what about me? I’ve got nothing tohope for.”
  “You’re out of your goddam head!” Yossarian shouted at him emphatically, seizing him by the shirt front. “Doyou know that? Now keep your stupid mouth shut and listen to me.”
  Doc Daneeka wrenched himself away. “Don’t you dare talk to me like that. I’m a licensed physician.”
  “Then keep your stupid licensed physician’s mouth shut and listen to what they told me up at the hospital. I’mcrazy. Did you know that?”
  “Really crazy.”
  “I’m nuts. Cuckoo. Don’t you understand? I’m off my rocker. They sent someone else home in my place bymistake. They’ve got a licensed psychiatrist up at the hospital who examined me, and that was his verdict. I’mreally insane.”
  “So?” Yossarian was puzzled by Doc Daneeka’s inability to comprehend. “Don’t you see what that means? Nowyou can take me off combat duty and send me home. They’re not going to send a crazy man out to be killed, arethey?”
  “Who else will go?”




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配偶: 此微夜
举报 只看该作者 28楼  发表于: 2013-10-27 0

Chapter 28 Dobbs
    McWatt went, and McWatt was not crazy. And so did Yossarian, still walking with a limp, and when Yossarianhad gone two more times and then found himself menaced by the rumor of another mission to Bologna, helimped determinedly into Dobbs’s tent early one warm afternoon, put a finger to his mouth and said, “Shush!”
  “What are you shushing him for?” asked Kid Sampson, peeling a tangerine with his front teeth as he perused thedog-eared pages of a comic book. “He isn’t even saying anything.”
  “Screw,” said Yossarian to Kid Sampson, jerking his thumb back over his shoulder toward the entrance of thetent.
  Kid Sampson cocked his blond eyebrows discerningly and rose to co-operate. He whistled upward four timesinto his drooping yellow mustache and spurted away into the hills on the dented old green motorcycle he hadpurchased secondhand months before. Yossarian waited until the last faint bark of the motor had died away inthe distance. Things inside the tent did not seem quite normal. The place was too neat. Dobbs was watching himcuriously, smoking a fat cigar. Now that Yossarian had made up his mind to be brave, he was deathly afraid.
  “All right,” he said. “Let’s kill Colonel Cathcart. We’ll do it together.”
  Dobbs sprang forward off his cot with a look of wildest terror. “Shush!” he roared. “Kill Colonel Cathcart? Whatare you talking about?”
  “Be quiet, damn it,” Yossarian snarled. “The whole island will hear. Have you still got that gun?”
  “Are you crazy or something?” shouted Dobbs. “Why should I want to kill Colonel Cathcart?”
  “Why?” Yossarian stared at Dobbs with an incredulous scowl. “Why? It was your idea, wasn’t it? Didn’t youcome to the hospital and ask me to do it?”
  Dobbs smiled slowly. “But that was when I had only fifty-eight missions,” he explained, puffing on his cigarluxuriously. “I’m all packed now and I’m waiting to go home. I’ve finished my sixty missions.”
  “So what?” Yossarian replied. “He’s only going to raise them again.”
  “Maybe this time he won’t.”
  “He always raises them. What the hell’s the matter with you, Dobbs? Ask Hungry Joe how many time he’spacked his bags.”
  “I’ve got to wait and see what happens,” Dobbs maintained stubbornly. “I’d have to be crazy to get mixed up insomething like this now that I’m out of combat.” He flicked the ash from his cigar. “No, my advice to you,” heremarked, “is that you fly your sixty missions like the rest of us and then see what happens.”
  Yossarian resisted the impulse to spit squarely in his eye. “I may not live through sixty,” he wheedled in a flat,pessimistic voice. “There’s a rumor around that he volunteered the group for Bologna again.”
  “It’s only a rumor,” Dobbs pointed out with a self-important air. “You mustn’t believe every rumor you hear.”
  “Will you stop giving me advice?”
  “Why don’t you speak to Orr?” Dobbs advised. “Orr got knocked down into the water again last week on thatsecond mission to Avignon. Maybe he’s unhappy enough to kill him.”
  “Orr hasn’t got brains enough to be unhappy.”
  Orr had been knocked down into the water again while Yossarian was still in the hospital and had eased hiscrippled airplane down gently into the glassy blue swells off Marseilles with such flawless skill that not onemember of the six-man crew suffered the slightest bruise. The escape hatches in the front and rear sections flewopen while the sea was still foaming white and green around the plane, and the men scrambled out as speedily asthey could in their flaccid orange Mae West life jackets that failed to inflate and dangled limp and useless aroundtheir necks and waists. The life jackets failed to inflate because Milo had removed the twin carbon-dioxidecylinders from the inflating chambers to make the strawberry and crushed-pineapple ice-cream sodas he servedin the officers’ mess hall and had replaced them with mimeographed notes that read: “What’s good for M & MEnterprises is good for the country.” Orr popped out of the sinking airplane last.
  “You should have seen him!” Sergeant Knight roared with laughter as he related the episode to Yossarian. “Itwas the funniest goddam thing you ever saw. None of the Mae Wests would work because Milo had stolen thecarbon dioxide to make those ice-cream sodas you bastards have been getting in the officers’ mess. But that wasn’t too bad, as it turned out. Only one of us couldn’t swim, and we lifted that guy up into the raft after Orrhad worked it over by its rope right up against the fuselage while we were all still standing on the plane. Thatlittle crackpot sure has a knack for things like that. Then the other raft came loose and drifted away, so that allsix of us wound up sitting in one with our elbows and legs pressed so close against each other you almostcouldn’t move without knocking the guy next to you out of the raft into the water. The plane went down aboutthree seconds after we left it and we were out there all alone, and right after that we began unscrewing the capson our Mae Wests to see what the hell had gone wrong and found those goddam notes from Milo telling us thatwhat was good for him was good enough for the rest of us. That bastard! Jesus, did we curse him, all except thatbuddy of yours, Orr, who just kept grinning as though for all he cared what was good for Milo might be goodenough for the rest of us.
  “I swear, you should have seen him sitting up there on the rim of the raft like the captain of a ship while the restof us just watched him and waited for him to tell us what to do. He kept slapping his hands on his legs every fewseconds as though he had the shakes and saying, ‘All right now, all right,’ and giggling like a crazy little freak,then saying, ‘All right now, all right,’ again, and giggling like a crazy little freak some more. It was likewatching some kind of a moron. Watching him was all that kept us from going to pieces altogether during thefirst few minutes, what with each wave washing over us into the raft or dumping a few of us back into the waterso that we had to climb back in again before the next wave came along and washed us right back out. It was surefunny. We just kept falling out and climbing back in. We had the guy who couldn’t swim stretched out in themiddle of the raft on the floor, but even there he almost drowned, because the water inside the raft was deepenough to keep splashing in his face. Oh, boy!
  “Then Orr began opening up compartments in the raft, and the fun really began. First he found a box ofchocolate bars and he passed those around so we sat there eating salty chocolate bars while the waves keptknocking us out of the raft into the water. Next he found some bouillon cubes and aluminum cups and made ussome soup. Then he found some tea. Sure, he made it! Can’t you see him serving us tea as we sat there soakingwet in water up to our ass? Now I was falling out of the raft because I was laughing so much. We were alllaughing. And he was dead serious, except for that goofy giggle of his and that crazy grin. What a jerk! Whateverhe found he used. He found some shark repellent and he sprinkled it right out into the water. He found somemarker dye and he threw it into the water. The next thing he finds is a fishing line and dried bait, and his facelights up as though the Air-Sea Rescue launch had just sped up to save us before we died of exposure or beforethe Germans sent a boat out from Spezia to take us prisoner or machine-gun us. In no time at all, Orr had thatfishing line out into the water, trolling away as happy as a lark. ‘Lieutenant, what do you expect to catch?’ Iasked him. ‘Cod,’ he told me. And he meant it. And it’s a good thing he didn’t catch any, because he would haveeaten that codfish raw if he had caught any, and would have made us eat it, too, because he had found this littlebook that said it was all right to eat codfish raw.
  “The next thing he found was this little blue oar about the size of a Dixie-cup spoon, and, sure enough, he beganrowing with it, trying to move all nine hundred pounds of us with that little stick. Can you imagine? After that hefound a small magnetic compass and a big waterproof map, and he spread the map open on his knees and set thecompass on top of it. And that’s how he spent the time until the launch picked us up about thirty minutes later,sitting there with that baited fishing line out behind him, with the compass in his lap and the map spread out onhis knees, and paddling away as hard as he could with that dinky blue oar as though he was speeding to Majorca.
  Sergeant Knight knew all about Majorca, and so did Orr, because Yossarian had told them often of suchsanctuaries as Spain, Switzerland and Sweden where American fliers could be interned for the duration of thewar under conditions of utmost ease and luxury merely by flying there. Yossarian was the squadron’s leadingauthority on internment and had already begun plotting an emergency heading into Switzerland on every missionhe flew into northernmost Italy. He would certainly have preferred Sweden, where the level of intelligence washigh and where he could swim nude with beautiful girls with low, demurring voices and sire whole happy,undisciplined tribes of illegitimate Yossarians that the state would assist through parturition and launch into lifewithout stigma; but Sweden was out of reach, too far away, and Yossarian waited for the piece of flak that wouldknock out one engine over the Italian Alps and provide him with the excuse for heading for Switzerland. Hewould not even tell his pilot he was guiding him there. Yossarian often thought of scheming with some pilot hetrusted to fake a crippled engine and then destroy the evidence of deception with a belly landing, but the onlypilot he really trusted was McWatt, who was happiest where he was and still got a big boot out of buzzing hisplane over Yossarian’s tent or roaring in so low over the bathers at the beach that the fierce wind from hispropellers slashed dark furrows in the water and whipped sheets of spray flapping back for seconds afterward.
  Dobbs and Hungry Joe were out of the question, and so was Orr, who was tinkering with the valve of the stoveagain when Yossarian limped despondently back into the tent after Dobbs had turned him down. The stove Orrwas manufacturing out of an inverted metal drum stood in the middle of the smooth cement floor he hadconstructed. He was working sedulously on both knees. Yossarian tried paying no attention to him and limpedwearily to his cot and sat down with a labored, drawn-out grunt. Prickles of perspiration were turning chilly onhis forehead. Dobbs had depressed him. Doc Daneeka depressed him. An ominous vision of doom depressed himwhen he looked at Orr. He began ticking with a variety of internal tremors. Nerves twitched, and the vein in onewrist began palpitating.
  Orr studied Yossarian over his shoulder, his moist lips drawn back around convex rows of large buck teeth.
  Reaching sideways, he dug a bottle of warm beer out of his foot locker, and he handed it to Yossarian afterprying off the cap. Neither said a word. Yossarian sipped the bubbles off the top and tilted his head back. Orrwatched him cunningly with a noiseless grin. Yossarian eyed Orr guardedly. Orr snickered with a slight, mucidsibilance and turned back to his work, squatting. Yossarian grew tense.
  “Don’t start,” he begged in a threatening voice, both hands tightening around his beer bottle. “Don’t startworking on your stove.”
  Orr cackled quietly. “I’m almost finished.”
  “No, you’re not. You’re about to begin.”
  “Here’s the valve. See? It’s almost all together.”
  “And you’re about to take it apart. I know what you’re doing, you bastard. I’ve seen you do it three hundredtimes.”
  Orr shivered with glee. “I want to get the leak in this gasoline line out,” he explained. “I’ve got it down now towhere it’s only an ooze.”
  “I can’t watch you,” Yossarian confessed tonelessly. “If you want to work with something big, that’s okay. Butthat valve is filled with tiny parts, and I just haven’t got the patience right now to watch you working so hardover things that are so goddam small and unimportant.”
  “Just because they’re small doesn’t mean they’re unimportant.”
  “I don’t care.”
  “Once more?”
  “When I’m not around. You’re a happy imbecile and you don’t know what it means to feel the way I do. Thingshappen to me when you work over small things that I can’t even begin to explain. I find out that I can’t standyou. I start to hate you, and I’m soon thinking seriously about busting this bottle down on your head or stabbingyou in the neck with that hunting knife there. Do you understand?”
  Orr nodded very intelligently. “I won’t take the valve apart now,” he said, and began taking it apart, workingwith slow, tireless, interminable precision, his rustic, ungainly face bent very close to the floor, pickingpainstakingly at the minute mechanism in his fingers with such limitless, plodding concentration that he seemedscarcely to be thinking of it at all.
  Yossarian cursed him silently and made up his mind to ignore him. “What the hell’s your hurry with that stove,anyway?” he barked out a moment later in spite of himself. “It’s still hot out. We’re probably going swimminglater. What are you worried about the cold for.”
  “The days are getting shorter,” Orr observed philosophically. “I’d like to get this all finished for you whilethere’s still time. You’ll have the best stove in the squadron when I’m through. It will burn all night with thisfeed control I’m fixing, and these metal plates will radiate the heat all over the tent. If you leave a helmet full ofwater on this thing when you go to sleep, you’ll have warm water to wash with all ready for you when you wakeup. Won’t that be nice? If you want to cook eggs or soup, all you’ll have to do is set the pot down here and turnthe fire up.”
  “What do you mean, me?” Yossarian wanted to know. “Where are you going to be?”
  Orr’s stunted torso shook suddenly with a muffled spasm of amusement. “I don’t know,” he exclaimed, and aweird, wavering giggle gushed out suddenly through his chattering buck teeth like an exploding jet of emotion.
  He was still laughing when he continued, and his voice was clogged with saliva. “If they keep on shooting medown this way, I don’t know where I’m going to be.”
  Yossarian was moved. “Why don’t you try to stop flying, Orr? You’ve got an excuse.”
  “I’ve only got eighteen missions.”
  “But you’ve been shot down on almost every one. You’re either ditching or crash-landing every time you go up.”
  “Oh, I don’t mind flying missions. I guess they’re lots of fun. You ought to try flying a few with me when you’renot flying lead. Just for laughs. Tee-hee.” Orr gazed up at Yossarian through the corners of his eyes with a lookof pointed mirth.
  Yossarian avoided his stare. “They’ve got me flying lead again.”
  “When you’re not flying lead. If you had any brains, do you know what you’d do? You’d go right to Piltchardand Wren and tell them you want to fly with me.”
  “And get shot down with you every time you go up? What’s the fun in that?”
  “That’s just why you ought to do it,” Orr insisted. “I guess I’m just about the best pilot around now when itcomes to ditching or making crash landings. It would be good practice for you.”
  “Good practice for what?”
  “Good practice in case you ever have to ditch or make a crash landing. Tee-hee-hee.”
  “Have you got another bottle of beer for me?” Yossarian asked morosely.
  “Do you want to bust it down on my head?”
  This time Yossarian did laugh. “Like that whore in that apartment in Rome?”
  Orr sniggered lewdly, his bulging crab apple cheeks blowing outward with pleasure. “Do you really want toknow why she was hitting me over the head with her shoe?” he teased.
  “I do know,” Yossarian teased back. “Nately’s whore told me.”
  Orr grinned like a gargoyle. “No she didn’t.”
  Yossarian felt sorry for Orr. Orr was so small and ugly. Who would protect him if he lived? Who would protect awarm-hearted, simple-minded gnome like Orr from rowdies and cliques and from expert athletes like Applebywho had flies in their eyes and would walk right over him with swaggering conceit and self-assurance everychance they got? Yossarian worried frequently about Orr. Who would shield him against animosity and deceit,against people with ambition and the embittered snobbery of the big shot’s wife, against the squalid, corruptingindignities of the profit motive and the friendly neighborhood butcher with inferior meat? Orr was a happy andunsuspecting simpleton with a thick mass of wavy polychromatic hair parted down the center. He would be mere child’s play for them. They would take his money, screw his wife and show no kindness to his children.
  Yossarian felt a flood of compassion sweep over him.
  Orr was an eccentric midget, a freakish, likable dwarf with a smutty mind and a thousand valuable skills thatwould keep him in a low income group all his life. He could use a soldering iron and hammer two boardstogether so that the wood did not split and the nails did not bend. He could drill holes. He had built a good dealmore in the tent while Yossarian was away in the hospital. He had filed or chiseled a perfect channel in thecement so that the slender gasoline line was flush with the floor as it ran to the stove from the tank he had builtoutside on an elevated platform. He had constructed andirons for the fireplace out of excess bomb parts and hadfilled them with stout silver logs, and he had framed with stained wood the photographs of girls with big breastshe had torn out of cheesecake magazines and hung over the mantelpiece. Orr could open a can of paint. He couldmix paint, thin paint, remove paint. He could chop wood and measure things with a ruler. He knew how to buildfires. He could dig holes, and he had a real gift for bringing water for them both in cans and canteens from thetanks near the mess hall. He could engross himself in an inconsequential task for hours without growing restlessor bored, as oblivious to fatigue as the stump of a tree, and almost as taciturn. He had an uncanny knowledge ofwildlife and was not afraid of dogs or cats or beetles or moths, or of foods like scrod or tripe.
  Yossarian sighed drearily and began brooding about the rumored mission to Bologna. The valve Orr wasdismantling was about the size of a thumb and contained thirty-seven separate parts, excluding the casing, manyof them so minute that Orr was required to pinch them tightly between the tips of his fingernails as he placedthem carefully on the floor in orderly, catalogued rows, never quickening his movements or slowing them down,never tiring, never pausing in his relentless, methodical, monotonous procedure unless it was to leer at Yossarianwith maniacal mischief. Yossarian tried not to watch him. He counted the parts and thought he would go clearout of his mind. He turned away, shutting his eyes, but that was even worse, for now he had only the sounds, thetiny maddening, indefatigable, distinct clicks and rustles of hands and weightless parts. Orr was breathingrhythmically with a noise that was stertorous and repulsive. Yossarian clenched his fists and looked at the longbone-handled hunting knife hanging in a holster over the cot of the dead man in the tent. As soon as he thoughtof stabbing Orr, his tension eased. The idea of murdering Orr was so ridiculous that he began to consider itseriously with queer whimsy and fascination. He searched the nape of Orr’s neck for the probable site of themedulla oblongata. Just the daintiest stick there would kill him and solve so many serious, agonizing problemsfor them both.
  “Does it hurt?” Orr asked at precisely that moment, as though by protective instinct.
  Yossarian eyed him closely. “Does what hurt?”
  “Your leg,” said Orr with a strange, mysterious laugh. “You still limp a little.”
  “It’s just a habit, I guess,” said Yossarian, breathing again with relief. “I’ll probably get over it soon.”
  Orr rolled over sideways to the floor and came up on one knee, facing toward Yossarian. “Do you remember,” hedrawled reflectively, with an air of labored recollection, “that girl who was hitting me on the head that day inRome?” He chuckled at Yossarian’s involuntary exclamation of tricked annoyance. “I’ll make a deal with you about that girl. I’ll tell you why that girl was hitting me on the head with her shoe that day if you answer onequestion.”
  “What’s the question?”
  “Did you ever screw Nately’s girl?”
  Yossarian laughed with surprise. “Me? No. Now tell me why that girl hit you with her shoe.”
  “That wasn’t the question,” Orr informed him with victorious delight. “That was just conversation. She acts likeyou screwed her.”
  “Well, I didn’t. How does she act?”
  “She acts like she don’t like you.”
  “She doesn’t like anyone.”
  “She likes Captain Black,” Orr reminded.
  “That’s because he treats her like dirt. Anyone can get a girl that way.”
  “She wears a slave bracelet on her leg with his name on it.”
  “He makes her wear it to needle Nately.”
  “She even gives him some of the money she gets from Nately.”
  “Listen, what do you want from me?”
  “Did you ever screw my girl?”
  “Your girl? Who the hell is your girl?”
  “The one who hit me over the head with her shoe.”
  “I’ve been with her a couple of times,” Yossarian admitted. “Since when is she your girl? What are you gettingat?”
  “She don’t like you, either.”
  “What the hell do I care if she likes me or not? She likes me as much as she likes you.”
  “Did she ever hit you over the head with her shoe?”
  “Orr, I’m tired. Why don’t you leave me alone?”
  “Tee-hee-hee. How about that skinny countess in Rome and her skinny daughter-in-law?” Orr persisted impishlywith increasing zest. “Did you ever screw them?”
  “Oh, how I wish I could,” sighed Yossarian honestly, imagining, at the mere question, the prurient, used,decaying feel in his petting hands of their teeny, pulpy buttocks and breasts.
  “They don’t like you either,” commented Orr. “They like Aarfy, and they like Nately, but they don’t like you.
  Women just don’t seem to like you. I think they think you’re a bad influence.”
  “Women are crazy,” Yossarian answered, and waited grimly for what he knew was coming next.
  “How about that other girl of yours?” Orr asked with a pretense of pensive curiosity. “The fat one? The baldone? You know, that fat bald one in Sicily with the turban who kept sweating all over us all night long? Is shecrazy too?”
  “Didn’t she like me either?”
  “How could you do it to a girl with no hair?”
  “How was I supposed to know she had no hair?”
  “I knew it,” Orr bragged. “I knew it all the time.”
  “You knew she was bald?” Yossarian exclaimed in wonder.
  “No, I knew this valve wouldn’t work if I left a part out,” Orr answered, glowing with cranberry-red elationbecause he had just duped Yossarian again. “Will you please hand me that small composition gasket that rolledover there? It’s right near your foot.”
  “No it isn’t.”
  “Right here,” said Orr, and took hold of something invisible with the tips of his fingernails and held it up forYossarian to see. “Now I’ll have to start all over again.”
  “I’ll kill you if you do. I’ll murder you right on the spot.”
  “Why don’t you ever fly with me?” Orr asked suddenly, and looked straight into Yossarian’s face for the firsttime. “There, that’s the question I want you to answer. Why don’t you ever fly with me?”
  Yossarian turned away with intense shame and embarrassment. “I told you why. They’ve got me flying leadbombardier most of the time.”
  “That’s not why,” Orr said, shaking his head. “You went to Piltchard and Wren after the first Avignon missionand told them you didn’t ever want to fly with me. That’s why, isn’t it?”
  Yossarian felt his skin turn hot. “No I didn’t,” he lied.
  “Yes you did,” Orr insisted equably. “You asked them not to assign you to any plane piloted by me, Dobbs orHuple because you didn’t have confidence in us at the controls. And Piltchard and Wren said they couldn’t makean exception of you because it wouldn’t be fair to the men who did have to fly with us.”
  “So?” said Yossarian. “It didn’t make any difference then, did it?”
  “But they’ve never made you fly with me.” Orr, working on both knees again, was addressing Yossarian withoutbitterness or reproach, but with injured humility, which was infinitely more painful to observe, although he wasstill grinning and snickering, as though the situation were comic. “You really ought to fly with me, you know.
  I’m a pretty good pilot, and I’d take care of you. I may get knocked down a lot, but that’s not my fault, andnobody’s ever been hurt in my plane. Yes, sir—if you had any brains, you know what you’d do? You’d go rightto Piltchard and Wren and tell them you want to fly all your missions with me.”
  Yossarian leaned forward and peered closely into Orr’s inscrutable mask of contradictory emotions. “Are youtrying to tell me something?”
  “Tee-hee-hee-hee,” Orr responded. “I’m trying to tell you why that big girl with the shoe was hitting me on thehead that day. But you just won’t let me.”
  “Tell me.”
  “Will you fly with me?”
  Yossarian laughed and shook his head. “You’ll only get knocked down into the water again.”
  Orr did get knocked down into the water again when the rumored mission to Bologna was flown, and he landedhis single-engine plane with a smashing jar on the choppy, windswept waves tossing and falling below thewarlike black thunderclouds mobilizing overhead. He was late getting out of the plane and ended up alone in araft that began drifting away from the men in the other raft and was out of sight by the time the Air-Sea Rescuelaunch came plowing up through the wind and splattering raindrops to take them aboard. Night was alreadyfalling by the time they were returned to the squadron. There was no word of Orr.
  “Don’t worry,” reassured Kid Sampson, still wrapped in the heavy blankets and raincoat in which he had beenswaddled on the boat by his rescuers. “He’s probably been picked up already if he didn’t drown in that storm. Itdidn’t last long. I bet he’ll show up any minute.”
  Yossarian walked back to his tent to wait for Orr to show up any minute and lit a fire to make things warm forhim. The stove worked perfectly, with a strong, robust blaze that could be raised or lowered by turning the tapOrr had finally finished repairing. A light rain was falling, drumming softly on the tent, the trees, the ground.
  Yossarian cooked a can of hot soup to have ready for Orr and ate it all himself as the time passed. He hard-boiledsome eggs for Orr and ate those too. Then he ate a whole tin of Cheddar cheese from a package of K rations.
  Each time he caught himself worrying he made himself remember that Orr could do everything and broke intosilent laughter at the picture of Orr in the raft as Sergeant Knight had described him, bent forward with a busy,preoccupied smile over the map and compass in his lap, stuffing one soaking-wet chocolate bar after another intohis grinning, tittering mouth as he paddled away dutifully through the lightning, thunder and rain with the bright-blue useless toy oar, the fishing line with dried bait trailing out behind him. Yossarian really had no doubt aboutOrr’s ability to survive. If fish could be caught with that silly fishing line, Orr would catch them, and if it wascodfish he was after, then Orr would catch a codfish, even though no codfish had ever been caught in thosewaters before. Yossarian put another can of soup up to cook and ate that too when it was hot. Every time a cardoor slammed, he broke into a hopeful smile and turned expectantly toward the entrance, listening for footsteps.
  He knew that any moment Orr would come walking into the tent with big, glistening, rain-soaked eyes, cheeksand buck teeth, looking ludicrously like a jolly New England oysterman in a yellow oilskin rain hat and slickernumerous sizes too large for him and holding up proudly for Yossarian’s amusement a great dead codfish he hadcaught. But he didn’t.



等级: 派派版主
配偶: 此微夜
举报 只看该作者 29楼  发表于: 2013-10-27 0

Chapter 29 Peckem
    There was no word about Orr the next day, and Sergeant Whitcomb, with commendable dispatch andconsiderable hope, dropped a reminder in his tickler file to send a form letter over Colonel Cathcart’s signatureto Orr’s next of kin when nine more days had elapsed. There was word from General Peckem’s headquarters,though, and Yossarian was drawn to the crowd of officers and enlisted men in shorts and bathing trunks buzzingin grumpy confusion around the bulletin board just outside the orderly room.
  “What’s so different about this Sunday, I want to know?” Hungry Joe was demanding vociferously of ChiefWhite Halfoat. “Why won’t we have a parade this Sunday when we don’t have a parade every Sunday? Huh?”
  Yossarian worked his way through to the front and let out a long, agonized groan when he read the terseannouncement there:
  Due to circumstances beyond my control, there will be no big parade this Sunday afternoon.
  Colonel Scheisskopf Dobbs was right. They were indeed sending everyone overseas, even Lieutenant Scheisskopf, who had resistedthe move with all the vigor and wisdom at his command and who reported for duty at General Peckem’s office ina mood of grave discontent.
  General Peckem welcomed Colonel Scheisskopf with effusive charm and said he was delighted to have him. Anadditional colonel on his staff meant that he could now begin agitating for two additional majors, four additionalcaptains, sixteen additional lieutenants and untold quantities of additional enlisted men, typewriters, desks, filingcabinets, automobiles and other substantial equipment and supplies that would contribute to the prestige of hisposition and increase his striking power in the war he had declared against General Dreedle. He now had two fullcolonels; General Dreedle had only five, and four of those were combat commanders. With almost no intriguingat all, General Peckem had executed a maneuver that would eventually double his strength. And General Dreedlewas getting drunk more often. The future looked wonderful, and General Peckem contemplated his bright newcolonel enchantedly with an effulgent smile.
  In all matters of consequence, General P. P. Peckem was, as he always remarked when he was about to criticizethe work of some close associate publicly, a realist. He was a handsome, pink-skinned man of fifty-three. Hismanner was always casual and relaxed, and his uniforms were custom-made. He had silver-gray hair, slightlymyopic eyes and thin, overhanging, sensual lips. He was a perceptive, graceful, sophisticated man who wassensitive to everyone’s weaknesses but his own and found everyone absurd but himself. General Peckem laidgreat, fastidious stress on small matters of taste and style. He was always augmenting things. Approaching eventswere never coming, but always upcoming. It was not true that he wrote memorandums praising himself andrecommending that his authority be enhanced to include all combat operations; he wrote memoranda. And theprose in the memoranda of other officers was always turgid, stilted, or ambiguous. The errors of others wereinevitably deplorable. Regulations were stringent, and his data never was obtained from a reliable source, butalways were obtained. General Peckem was frequently constrained. Things were often incumbent upon him, andhe frequently acted with greatest reluctance. It never escaped his memory that neither black nor white was acolor, and he never used verbal when he meant oral. He could quote glibly from Plato, Nietzsche, Montaigne,Theodore Roosevelt, the Marquis de Sade and Warren G. Harding. A virgin audience like Colonel Scheisskopfwas grist for General Peckem’s mill, a stimulating opportunity to throw open his whole dazzling erudite treasurehouse of puns, wisecracks, slanders, homilies, anecdotes, proverbs, epigrams, apophthegms, bon mots and otherpungent sayings. He beamed urbanely as he began orienting Colonel Scheisskopf to his new surroundings.
  “My only fault,” he observed with practiced good humor, watching for the effect of his words, “is that I have nofaults.”
  Colonel Scheisskopf didn’t laugh, and General Peckem was stunned. A heavy doubt crushed his enthusiasm. Hehad just opened with one of his most trusted paradoxes, and he was positively alarmed that not the slightestflicker of acknowledgment had moved across that impervious face, which began to remind him suddenly, in hueand texture, of an unused soap eraser. Perhaps Colonel Scheisskopf was tired, General Peckem granted tohimself charitably; he had come a long way, and everything was unfamiliar. General Peckem’s attitude towardall the personnel in his command, officers and enlisted men, was marked by the same easy spirit of tolerance andpermissiveness. He mentioned often that if the people who worked for him met him halfway, he would meetthem more than halfway, with the result, as he always added with an astute chuckle, that there was never any meeting of the minds at all. General Peckem thought of himself as aesthetic and intellectual. When peopledisagreed with him, he urged them to be objective.
  And it was indeed an objective Peckem who gazed at Colonel Scheisskopf encouragingly and resumed hisindoctrination with an attitude of magnanimous forgiveness. “You’ve come to us just in time, Scheisskopf. Thesummer offensive has petered out, thanks to the incompetent leadership with which we supply our troops, and Ihave a crying need for a tough, experienced, competent officer like you to help produce the memoranda uponwhich we rely so heavily to let people know how good we are and how much work we’re turning out. I hope youare a prolific writer.”
  “I don’t know anything about writing,” Colonel Scheisskopf retorted sullenly.
  “Well, don’t let that trouble you,” General Peckem continued with a careless flick of his wrist. “Just pass thework I assign you along to somebody else and trust to luck. We call that delegation of responsibility. Somewheredown near the lowest level of this co-ordinated organization I run are people who do get the work done when itreaches them, and everything manages to run along smoothly without too much effort on my part. I supposethat’s because I am a good executive. Nothing we do in this large department of ours is really very important,and there’s never any rush. On the other hand, it is important that we let people know we do a great deal of it. Letme know if you find yourself shorthanded. I’ve already put in a requisition for two majors, four captains andsixteen lieutenants to give you a hand. While none of the work we do is very important, it is important that we doa great deal of it. Don’t you agree?”
  “What about the parades?” Colonel Scheisskopf broke in.
  “What parades?” inquired General Peckem with a feeling that his polish just wasn’t getting across.
  “Won’t I be able to conduct parades every Sunday afternoon?” Colonel Scheisskopf demanded petulantly.
  “No. Of course not. What ever gave you that idea?”
  “But they said I could.”
  “Who said you could?”
  “The officers who sent me overseas. They told me I’d be able to march the men around in parades all I wantedto.”
  “They lied to you.”
  “That wasn’t fair, sir.”
  “I’m sorry, Scheisskopf. I’m willing to do everything I can to make you happy here, but parades are out of thequestion. We don’t have enough men in our own organization to make up much of a parade, and the combat units would rise up in open rebellion if we tried to make them march. I’m afraid you’ll just have to hold backawhile until we get control. Then you can do what you want with the men.”
  “What about my wife?” Colonel Scheisskopf demanded with disgruntled suspicion. “I’ll still be able to send forher, won’t I?”
  “Your wife? Why in the world should you want to?”
  “A husband and wife should be together.”
  “That’s out of the question also.”
  “But they said I could send for her!”
  “They lied to you again.”
  “They had no right to lie to me!” Colonel Scheisskopf protested, his eyes wetting with indignation.
  “Of course they had a right,” General Peckem snapped with cold and calculated severity, resolving right then andthere to test the mettle of his new colonel under fire. “Don’t be such an ass, Scheisskopf. People have a right todo anything that’s not forbidden by law, and there’s no law against lying to you. Now, don’t ever waste my timewith such sentimental platitudes again. Do you hear?”
  “Yes, sir,” murmured Colonel ScheisskopfColonel Scheisskopf wilted pathetically, and General Peckem blessed the fates that had sent him a weakling for asubordinate. A man of spunk would have been unthinkable. Having won, General Peckem relented. He did notenjoy humiliating his men. “If your wife were a Wac, I could probably have her transferred here. But that’s themost I can do.”
  “She has a friend who’s a Wac,” Colonel Scheisskopf offered hopefully.
  “I’m afraid that isn’t good enough. Have Mrs. Scheisskopf join the Wacs if she wants to, and I’ll bring her overhere. But in the meantime, my dear Colonel, let’s get back to our little war, if we may. Here, briefly, is themilitary situation that confronts us.” General Peckem rose and moved toward a rotary rack of enormous coloredmaps.
  Colonel Scheisskopf blanched. “We’re not going into combat, are we?” he blurted out in horror.
  “Oh, no, of course not,” General Peckem assured him indulgently, with a companionable laugh. “Please give mesome credit, won’t you? That’s why we’re still down here in Rome. Certainly, I’d like to be up in Florence, too,where I could keep in closer touch with ex-P.F.C. Wintergreen. But Florence is still a bit too near the actualfighting to suit me.” General Peckem lifted a wooden pointer and swept the rubber tip cheerfully across Italy from one coast to the other. “These, Scheisskopf, are the Germans. They’re dug into these mountains very solidlyin the Gothic Line and won’t be pushed out till late next spring, although that isn’t going to stop those clods wehave in charge from trying. That gives us in Special Services almost nine months to achieve our objective. Andthat objective is to capture every bomber group in the U.S. Air Force. After all,” said General Peckem with hislow, well-modulated chuckle, “if dropping bombs on the enemy isn’t a special service, I wonder what in theworld is. Don’t you agree?” Colonel Scheisskopf gave no indication that he did agree, but General Peckem wasalready too entranced with his own loquacity to notice. “Our position right now is excellent. Reinforcements likeyourself keep arriving, and we have more than enough time to plan our entire strategy carefully. Our immediategoal,” he said, “is right here.” And General Peckem swung his pointer south to the island of Pianosa and tappedit significantly upon a large word that had been lettered on there with black grease pencil. The word wasDREEDLE.
  Colonel Scheisskopf, squinting, moved very close to the map, and for the first time since he entered the room alight of comprehension shed a dim glow over his stolid face. “I think I understand,” he exclaimed. “Yes, I know Iunderstand. Our first job is to capture Dreedle away from the enemy. Right?”
  General Peckem laughed benignly. “No, Scheisskopf. Dreedle’s on our side, and Dreedle is the enemy. GeneralDreedle commands four bomb groups that we simply must capture in order to continue our offensive.
  Conquering General Dreedle will give us the aircraft and vital bases we need to carry our operations into otherareas. And that battle, by the way, is just about won.” General Peckem drifted toward the window, laughingquietly again, and settled back against the sill with his arms folded, greatly satisfied by his own wit and by hisknowledgeable, blase impudence. The skilled choice of words he was exercising was exquisitely titillating.
  General Peckem liked listening to himself talk, like most of all listening to himself talk about himself. “GeneralDreedle simply doesn’t know how to cope with me,” he gloated. “I keep invading his jurisdiction with commentsand criticisms that are really none of my business, and he doesn’t know what to do about it. When he accuses meof seeking to undermine him, I merely answer that my only purpose in calling attention to his errors is tostrengthen our war effort by eliminating inefficiency. Then I ask him innocently if he’s opposed to improvingour war effort. Oh, he grumbles and he bristles and he bellows, but he’s really quite helpless. He’s simply out ofstyle. He’s turning into quite a souse, you know. The poor blockhead shouldn’t even be a general. He has notone, no tone at all. Thank God he isn’t going to last.” General Peckem chuckled with jaunty relish and sailedsmoothly along toward a favorite learned allusion. “I sometimes think of myself as Fortinbras—ha, ha—in theplay Hamlet by William Shakespeare, who just keeps circling and circling around the action until everything elsefalls apart, and then strolls in at the end to pick up all the pieces for himself. Shakespeare is—““I don’t know anything about plays,” Colonel Scheisskopf broke in bluntly.
  General Peckem looked at him with amazement. Never before had a reference of his to Shakespeare’s hallowedHamlet been ignored and trampled upon with such rude indifference. He began to wonder with genuine concernjust what sort of shithead the Pentagon had foisted on him. “What do you know about?” he asked acidly.
  “Parades,” answered Colonel Scheisskopf eagerly. “Will I be able to send out memos about parades?”
  “As long as you don’t schedule any.” General Peckem returned to his chair still wearing a frown. “And as long as they don’t interfere with your main assignment of recommending that the authority of Special Services beexpanded to include combat activities.”
  “Can I schedule parades and then call them off?”
  General Peckem brightened instantly. “Why, that’s a wonderful idea! But just send out weekly announcementspostponing the parades. Don’t even bother to schedule them. That would be infinitely more disconcerting.”
  General Peckem was blossoming spryly with cordiality again. “Yes, Scheisskopf,” he said, “I think you’ve reallyhit on something. After all, what combat commander could possibly quarrel with us for notifying his men thatthere won’t be a parade that coming Sunday? We’d be merely stating a widely known fact. But the implication isbeautiful. Yes, positively beautiful. We’re implying that we could schedule a parade if we chose to. I’m going tolike you, Scheisskopf. Stop in and introduce yourself to Colonel Cargill and tell him what you’re up to. I knowyou two will like each other.”
  Colonel Cargill came storming into General Peckem’s office a minute later in a furor of timid resentment. “I’vebeen here longer than Scheisskopf,” he complained. “Why can’t I be the one to call off the parades?”
  “Because Scheisskopf has experience with parades, and you haven’t. You can call off U.S.O. shows if you wantto. In fact why don’t you? Just think of all the places that won’t be getting a U.S.O. show on any given day.
  Think of all the places each big-name entertainer won’t be visiting. Yes, Cargill, I think you’ve hit on something.
  I think you’ve just thrown open a whole new area of operation for us. Tell Colonel Scheisskopf I want him towork along under your supervision on this. And send him in to see me when you’re through giving himinstructions.”
  “Colonel Cargill says you told him you want me to work along under his supervision on the U.S.O. project,”
  Colonel Scheisskopf complained.
  “I told him no such thing,” answered General Peckem. “Confidentially, Scheisskopf, I’m not too happy withColonel Cargill. He’s bossy and he’s slow. I’d like you to keep a close eye on what he’s doing and see if youcan’t get a little more work out of him.”
  “He keeps butting in,” Colonel Cargill protested. “He won’t let me get any work done.”
  “There’s something very funny about Scheisskopf,” General Peckem agreed reflectively. “Keep a very close eyeon him and see if you can’t find out what he’s up to.”
  “Now he’s butting into my business!” Colonel Scheisskopf cried.
  “Don’t let it worry you, Scheisskopf,” said General Peckem, congratulating himself on how adeptly he had fitColonel Scheisskopf into his standard method of operation. Already his two colonels were barely on speakingterms. “Colonel Cargill envies you because of the splendid job you’re doing on parades. He’s afraid I’m going toput you in charge of bomb patterns.”
  Colonel Scheisskopf was all ears. “What are bomb patterns?”
  “Bomb patterns?” General Peckem repeated, twinkling with self-satisfied good humor. “A bomb pattern is a termI dreamed up just several weeks ago. It means nothing, but you’d be surprised at how rapidly it’s caught on.
  Why, I’ve got all sorts of people convinced I think it’s important for the bombs to explode close together andmake a neat aerial photograph. There’s one colonel in Pianosa who’s hardly concerned any more with whether hehits the target or not. Let’s fly over and have some fun with him today. It will make Colonel Cargill jealous, andI learned from Wintergreen this morning that General Dreedle will be off in Sardinia. It drives General Dreedleinsane to find out I’ve been inspecting one of his installations while he’s been off inspecting another. We mayeven get there in time for the briefing. They’ll be bombing a tiny undefended village, reducing the wholecommunity to rubble. I have it from Wintergreen—Wintergreen’s an ex-sergeant now, by the way—that themission is entirely unnecessary. Its only purpose is to delay German reinforcements at a time when we aren’teven planning an offensive. But that’s the way things go when you elevate mediocre people to positions ofauthority.” He gestured languidly toward his gigantic map of Italy. “Why, this tiny mountain village is soinsignificant that it isn’t even there.”
  They arrived at Colonel Cathcart’s group too late to attend the preliminary briefing and hear Major Danby insist,“But it is there, I tell you. It’s there, it’s there.”
  “It’s where?” Dunbar demanded defiantly, pretending not to see.
  “It’s right there on the map where this road makes this slight turn. Can’t you see this slight turn on your map?”
  “No, I can’t see it.”
  “I can see it,” volunteered Havermeyer, and marked the spot on Dunbar’s map. “And here’s a good picture of thevillage right on these photographs. I understand the whole thing. The purpose of the mission is to knock thewhole village sliding down the side of the mountain and create a roadblock that the Germans will have to clear.
  Is that right?”
  “That’s right,” said Major Danby, mopping his perspiring forehead with his handkerchief. “I’m glad somebodyhere is beginning to understand. These two armored divisions will be coming down from Austria into Italy alongthis road. The village is built on such a steep incline that all the rubble from the houses and other buildings youdestroy will certainly tumble right down and pile upon the road.”
  “What the hell difference will it make?” Dunbar wanted to know, as Yossarian watched him excitedly with amixture of awe and adulation. “It will only take them a couple of days to clear it.”
  Major Danby was trying to avoid an argument. “Well, it apparently makes some difference to Headquarters,” heanswered in a conciliatory tone. “I suppose that’s why they ordered the mission.”
  “Have the people in the village been warned?” asked McWatt.
  Major Danby was dismayed that McWatt too was registering opposition. “No, I don’t think so.”
  “Haven’t we dropped any leaflets telling them that this time we’ll be flying over to hit them?” asked Yossarian.
  “Can’t we even tip them off so they’ll get out of the way?”
  “No, I don’t think so.” Major Danby was swearing some more and still shifting his eyes about uneasily. “TheGermans might find out and choose another road. I’m not sure about any of this. I’m just making assumptions.”
  “They won’t even take shelter,” Dunbar argued bitterly. “They’ll pour out into the streets to wave when they seeour planes coming, all the children and dogs and old people. Jesus Christ! Why can’t we leave them alone?”
  “Why can’t we create the roadblock somewhere else?” asked McWatt. “Why must it be there?”
  “I don’t know,” Major Danby answered unhappily. “I don’t know. Look, fellows, we’ve got to have someconfidence in the people above us who issue our orders. They know what they’re doing.”
  “The hell they do,” said Dunbar.
  “What’s the trouble?” inquired Colonel Korn, moving leisurely across the briefing room with his hands in hispockets and his tan shirt baggy.
  “Oh, no trouble, Colonel,” said Major Danby, trying nervously to cover up. “We’re just discussing the mission.”
  “They don’t want to bomb the village,” Havermeyer snickered, giving Major Danby away.
  “You prick!” Yossarian said to Havermeyer.
  “You leave Havermeyer alone,” Colonel Korn ordered Yossarian curtly. He recognized Yossarian as the drunkwho had accosted him roughly at the officers’ club one night before the first mission to Bologna, and he swunghis displeasure prudently to Dunbar. “Why don’t you want to bomb the village?”
  “It’s cruel, that’s why.”
  “Cruel?” asked Colonel Korn with cold good humor, frightened only momentarily by the uninhibited vehemenceof Dunbar’s hostility. “Would it be any less cruel to let those two German divisions down to fight with ourtroops? American lives are at stake, too, you know. Would you rather see American blood spilled?”
  “American blood is being spilled. But those people are living up there in peace. Why can’t we leave them thehell alone?”
  “Yes, it’s easy for you to talk,” Colonel Korn jeered. “You’re safe here in Pianosa. It won’t make any differenceto you when these German reinforcements arrive, will it?”
  Dunbar turned crimson with embarrassment and replied in a voice that was suddenly defensive. “Why can’t wecreate the roadblock somewhere else? Couldn’t we bomb the slope of a mountain or the road itself?”
  “Would you rather go back to Bologna?” The question, asked quietly, rang out like a shot and created a silencein the room that was awkward and menacing. Yossarian prayed intensely, with shame, that Dunbar would keephis mouth shut. Dunbar dropped his gaze, and Colonel Korn knew he had won. “No, I thought not,” he continuedwith undisguised scorn. “You know, Colonel Cathcart and I have to go to a lot of trouble to get you a milk runlike this. If you’d sooner fly missions to Bologna, Spezia and Ferrara, we can get those targets with no trouble atall.” His eyes gleamed dangerously behind his rimless glasses, and his muddy jowls were square and hard. “Justlet me know.”
  “I would,” responded Havermeyer eagerly with another boastful snicker. “I like to fly into Bologna straight andlevel with my head in the bombsight and listen to all that flak pumping away all around me. I get a big kick outof the way the men come charging over to me after the mission and call me dirty names. Even the enlisted menget sore enough to curse me and want to take socks at me.”
  Colonel Korn chucked Havermeyer under the chin jovially, ignoring him, and then addressed himself to Dunbarand Yossarian in a dry monotone. “You’ve got my sacred word for it. Nobody is more distressed about thoselousy wops up in the hills than Colonel Cathcart and myself. Mais c”est la guerre. Try to remember that wedidn’t start the war and Italy did. That we weren’t the aggressors and Italy was. And that we couldn’t possiblyinflict as much cruelty on the Italians, Germans, Russians and Chinese as they’re already inflicting onthemselves.” Colonel Korn gave Major Danby’s shoulder a friendly squeeze without changing his unfriendlyexpression. “Carry on with the briefing, Danby. And make sure they understand the importance of a tight bombpattern.”
  “Oh, no, Colonel,” Major Danby blurted out, blinking upward. “Not for this target. I’ve told them to space theirbombs sixty feet apart so that we’ll have a roadblock the full length of the village instead of in just one spot. Itwill be a much more effective roadblock with a loose bomb pattern.”
  “We don’t care about the roadblock,” Colonel Korn informed him. “Colonel Cathcart wants to come out of thismission with a good clean aerial photograph he won’t be ashamed to send through channels. Don’t forget thatGeneral Peckem will be here for the full briefing, and you know how he feels about bomb patterns. Incidentally,Major, you’d better hurry up with these details and clear out before he gets here. General Peckem can’t standyou.”
  “Oh, no, Colonel,” Major Danby corrected obligingly. “It’s General Dreedle who can’t stand me.”
  “General Peckem can’t stand you either. In fact, no one can stand you. Finish what you’re doing, Danby, anddisappear. I’ll conduct the briefing.”
  “Where’s Major Danby?” Colonel Cathcart inquired, after he had driven up for the full briefing with GeneralPeckem and Colonel Scheisskopf.
  “He asked permission to leave as soon as he saw you driving up,” answered Colonel Korn. “He’s afraid GeneralPeckem doesn’t like him. I was going to conduct the briefing anyway. I do a much better job.”
  “Splendid!” said Colonel Cathcart. “No!” Colonel Cathcart countermanded himself an instant later when heremembered how good a job Colonel Korn had done before General Dreedle at the first Avignon briefing. “I’lldo it myself.”
  Colonel Cathcart braced himself with the knowledge that he was one of General Peckem’s favorites and tookcharge of the meeting, snapping his words out crisply to the attentive audience of subordinate officers with thebluff and dispassionate toughness he had picked up from General Dreedle. He knew he cut a fine figure there onthe platform with his open shirt collar, his cigarette holder, and his close-cropped, gray-tipped curly black hair.
  He breezed along beautifully, even emulating certain characteristic mispronunciations of General Dreedle’s, andhe was not the least bit intimidated by General Peckem’s new colonel until he suddenly recalled that GeneralPeckem detested General Dreedle. Then his voice cracked, and all confidence left him. He stumbled aheadthrough instinct in burning humiliation. He was suddenly in terror of Colonel Scheisskopf. Another colonel inthe area meant another rival, another enemy, another person who hated him. And this one was tough! Ahorrifying thought occurred to Colonel Cathcart: Suppose Colonel Scheisskopf had already bribed all the men inthe room to begin moaning, as they had done at the first Avignon mission. How could he silence them? What aterrible black eye that would be! Colonel Cathcart was seized with such fright that he almost beckoned toColonel Korn. Somehow he held himself together and synchronized the watches. When he had done that, heknew he had won, for he could end now at any time. He had come through in a crisis. He wanted to laugh inColonel Scheisskopf’s face with triumph and spite. He had proved himself brilliantly under pressure, and heconcluded the briefing with an inspiring peroration that every instinct told him was a masterful exhibition ofeloquent tact and subtlety.
  “Now, men,” he exhorted. “We have with us today a very distinguished guest, General Peckem from SpecialServices, the man who gives us all our softball bats, comic books and U.S.O. shows. I want to dedicate thismission to him. Go on out there and bomb—for me, for your country, for God, and for that great American,General P. P. Peckem. And let’s see you put all those bombs on a dime!”



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举报 只看该作者 30楼  发表于: 2013-10-27 0

Chapter 30 Dunbar
    Yossarian no longer gave a damn where his bombs fell, although he did not go as far as Dunbar, who dropped hisbombs hundreds of yards past the village and would face a court-martial if it could ever be shown he had done itdeliberately. Without a word even to Yossarian, Dunbar had washed his hands of the mission. The fall in thehospital had either shown him the light or scrambled his brains; it was impossible to say which.
  Dunbar seldom laughed any more and seemed to be wasting away. He snarled belligerently at superior officers,even at Major Danby, and was crude and surly and profane even in front of the chaplain, who was afraid of Dunbar now and seemed to be wasting away also. The chaplain’s pilgrimage to Wintergreen had provedabortive; another shrine was empty. Wintergreen was too busy to see the chaplain himself. A brash assistantbrought the chaplain a stolen Zippo cigarette lighter as a gift and informed him condescendingly thatWintergreen was too deeply involved with wartime activities to concern himself with matters so trivial as thenumber of missions men had to fly. The chaplain worried about Dunbar and brooded more over Yossarian nowthat Orr was gone. To the chaplain, who lived by himself in a spacious tent whose pointy top sealed him ingloomy solitude each night like the cap of a tomb, it seemed incredible that Yossarian really preferred livingalone and wanted no roommates.
  As a lead bombardier again, Yossarian had McWatt for a pilot, and that was one consolation, although he wasstill so utterly undefended. There was no way to fight back. He could not even see McWatt and the co-pilot fromhis post in the nose. All he could ever see was Aarfy, with whose fustian, moon-faced ineptitude he had finallylost all patience, and there were minutes of agonizing fury and frustration in the sky when he hungered to bedemoted again to a wing plane with a loaded machine gun in the compartment instead of the precision bombsightthat he really had no need for, a powerful, heavy fifty-caliber machine gun he could seize vengefully in bothhands and turn loose savagely against all the demons tyrannizing him: at the smoky black puffs of the flak itself;at the German antiaircraft gunners below whom he could not even see and could not possibly harm with hismachine gun even if he ever did take the time to open fire, at Havermeyer and Appleby in the lead plane for theirfearless straight and level bomb run on the second mission to Bologna where the flak from two hundred andtwenty-four cannons had knocked out one of Orr’s engines for the very last time and sent him down ditching intothe sea between Genoa and La Spezia just before the brief thunderstorm broke.
  Actually, there was not much he could do with that powerful machine gun except load it and test-fire a fewrounds. It was no more use to him than the bombsight. He could really cut loose with it against attacking Germanfighters, but there were no German fighters any more, and he could not even swing it all the way around into thehelpless faces of pilots like Huple and Dobbs and order them back down carefully to the ground, as he had onceordered Kid Sampson back down, which is exactly what he did want to do to Dobbs and Huple on the hideousfirst mission to Avignon the moment he realized the fantastic pickle he was in, the moment he found himselfaloft in a wing plane with Dobbs and Huple in a flight headed by Havermeyer and Appleby. Dobbs and Huple?
  Huple and Dobbs? Who were they? What preposterous madness to float in thin air two miles high on an inch ortwo of metal, sustained from death by the meager skill and intelligence of two vapid strangers, a beardless kidnamed Huple and a nervous nut like Dobbs, who really did go nuts right there in the plane, running amuck overthe target without leaving his copilot’s seat and grabbing the controls from Huple to plunge them all down intothat chilling dive that tore Yossarian’s headset loose and brought them right back inside the dense flak fromwhich they had almost escaped. The next thing he knew, another stranger, a radio-gunner named Snowden, wasdying in back. It was impossible to be positive that Dobbs had killed him, for when Yossarian plugged hisheadset back in, Dobbs was already on the intercom pleading for someone to go up front and help thebombardier. And almost immediately Snowden broke in, whimpering, “Help me. Please help me. I’m cold. I’mcold.” And Yossarian crawled slowly out of the nose and up on top of the bomb bay and wriggled back into therear section of the plane—passing the first-aid kit on the way that he had to return for—to treat Snowden for thewrong wound, the yawning, raw, melon-shaped hole as big as a football in the outside of his thigh, theunsevered, blood-soaked muscle fibers inside pulsating weirdly like blind things with lives of their own, the oval,naked wound that was almost a foot long and made Yossarian moan in shock and sympathy the instant he spied it and nearly made him vomit. And the small, slight tail-gunner was lying on the floor beside Snowden in a deadfaint, his face as white as a handkerchief, so that Yossarian sprang forward with revulsion to help him first.
  Yes, in the long run, he was much safer flying with McWatt, and he was not even safe with McWatt, who lovedflying too much and went buzzing boldly inches off the ground with Yossarian in the nose on the way back fromthe training flight to break in the new bombardier in the whole replacement crew Colonel Cathcart had obtainedafter Orr was lost. The practice bomb range was on the other side of Pianosa, and, flying back, McWatt edgedthe belly of the lazing, slow-cruising plane just over the crest of mountains in the middle and then, instead ofmaintaining altitude, jolted both engines open all the way, lurched up on one side and, to Yossarian’sastonishment, began following the falling land down as fast as the plane would go, wagging his wings gaily andskimming with a massive, grinding, hammering roar over each rocky rise and dip of the rolling terrain like adizzy gull over wild brown waves. Yossarian was petrified. The new bombardier beside him sat demurely with abewitched grin and kept whistling “Whee!” and Yossarian wanted to reach out and crush his idiotic face withone hand as he flinched and flung himself away from the boulders and hillocks and lashing branches of trees thatloomed up above him out in front and rushed past just underneath in a sinking, streaking blur. No one had a rightto take such frightful risks with his life.
  “Go up, go up, go up!” he shouted frantically at McWatt, hating him venomously, but McWatt was singingbuoyantly over the intercom and probably couldn’t hear. Yossarian, blazing with rage and almost sobbing forrevenge, hurled himself down into the crawlway and fought his way through against the dragging weight ofgravity and inertia until he arrived at the main section and pulled himself up to the flight deck, to stand tremblingbehind McWatt in the pilot’s seat. He looked desperately about for a gun, a gray-black .45 automatic that hecould cock and ram right up against the base of McWatt’s skull. There was no gun. There was no hunting knifeeither, and no other weapon with which he could bludgeon or stab, and Yossarian grasped and jerked the collarof McWatt’s coveralls in tightening fists and shouted to him to go up, go up. The land was still swimming byunderneath and flashing by overhead on both sides. McWatt looked back at Yossarian and laughed joyfully asthough Yossarian were sharing his fun. Yossarian slid both hands around McWatt’s bare throat and squeezed.
  McWatt turned stiff:
  “Go up,” Yossarian ordered unmistakably through his teeth in a low, menacing voice. “Or I’ll kill you.”
  Rigid with caution, McWatt cut the motors back and climbed gradually. Yossarian’s hands weakened onMcWatt’s neck and slid down off his shoulders to dangle inertly. He was not angry any more. He was ashamed.
  When McWatt turned, he was sorry the hands were his and wished there were someplace where he could burythem. They felt dead.
  McWatt gazed at him deeply. There was no friendliness in his stare. “Boy,” he said coldly, “you sure must be inpretty bad shape. You ought to go home.”
  “They won’t let me.” Yossarian answered with averted eyes, and crept away.
  Yossarian stepped down from the flight deck and seated himself on the floor, hanging his head with guilt andremorse. He was covered with sweat.
  McWatt set course directly back toward the field. Yossarian wondered whether McWatt would now go to theoperations tent to see Piltchard and Wren and request that Yossarian never be assigned to his plane again, just asYossarian had gone surreptitiously to speak to them about Dobbs and Huple and Orr and, unsuccessfully, aboutAarfy. He had never seen McWatt look displeased before, had never seen him in any but the most lightheartedmood, and he wondered whether he had just lost another friend.
  But McWatt winked at him reassuringly as he climbed down from the plane and joshed hospitably with thecredulous new pilot and bombardier during the jeep ride back to the squadron, although he did not address aword to Yossarian until all four had returned their parachutes and separated and the two of them were walkingside by side toward their own row of tents. Then McWatt’s sparsely freckled tan Scotch-Irish face brokesuddenly into a smile and he dug his knuckles playfully into Yossarian’s ribs, as though throwing a punch.
  “You louse,” he laughed. “Were you really going to kill me up there?”
  Yossarian grinned penitently and shook his head. “No. I don’t think so.”
  “I didn’t realize you got it so bad. Boy! Why don’t you talk to somebody about it?”
  “I talk to everybody about it. What the hell’s the matter with you? Don’t you ever hear me?”
  “I guess I never really believed you.”
  “Aren’t you ever afraid?”
  “Maybe I ought to be.”
  “Not even on the missions?”
  “I guess I just don’t have brains enough.” McWatt laughed sheepishly.
  “There are so many ways for me to get killed,” Yossarian commented, “and you had to find one more.”
  McWatt smiled again. “Say, I bet it must really scare you when I buzz your tent, huh?”
  “It scares me to death. I’ve told you that.”
  “I thought it was just the noise you were complaining about.” McWatt made a resigned shrug. “Oh, well, whatthe hell,” he sang. “I guess I’ll just have to give it up.”
  But McWatt was incorrigible, and, while he never buzzed Yossarian’s tent again, he never missed an opportunityto buzz the beach and roar like a fierce and low-flying thunderbolt over the raft in the water and the secludedhollow in the sand where Yossarian lay feeling up Nurse Duckett or playing hearts, poker or pinochle with Nately, Dunbar and Hungry Joe. Yossarian met Nurse Duckett almost every afternoon that both were free andcame with her to the beach on the other side of the narrow swell of shoulder-high dunes separating them from thearea in which the other officers and enlisted men went swimming nude. Nately, Dunbar and Hungry Joe wouldcome there, too. McWatt would occasionally join them, and often Aarfy, who always arrived pudgily in fulluniform and never removed any of his clothing but his shoes and his hat; Aarfy never went swimming. The othermen wore swimming trunks in deference to Nurse Duckett, and in deference also to Nurse Cramer, whoaccompanied Nurse Duckett and Yossarian to the beach every time and sat haughtily by herself ten yards away.
  No one but Aarfy ever made reference to the naked men sun-bathing in full view farther down the beach orjumping and diving from the enormous white-washed raft that bobbed on empty oil drums out beyond the siltsand. Nurse Cramer sat by herself because she was angry with Yossarian and disappointed in Nurse Duckett.
  Nurse Sue Ann Duckett despised Aarfy, and that was another one of the numerous fetching traits about NurseDuckett that Yossarian enjoyed. He enjoyed Nurse Sue Ann Duckett’s long white legs and supple, callipygousass; he often neglected to remember that she was quite slim and fragile from the waist up and hurt herunintentionally in moments of passion when he hugged her too roughly. He loved her manner of sleepyacquiescence when they lay on the beach at dusk. He drew solace and sedation from her nearness. He had acraving to touch her always, to remain always in physical communication. He liked to encircle her ankle looselywith his fingers as he played cards with Nately, Dunbar and Hungry Joe, to lightly and lovingly caress the downyskin of her fair, smooth thigh with the backs of his nails or, dreamily, sensuously, almost unconsciously, slide hisproprietary, respectful hand up the shell-like ridge of her spine beneath the elastic strap of the top of the two-piece bathing suit she always wore to contain and cover her tiny, long-nippled breasts. He loved Nurse Duckett’sserene, flattered response, the sense of attachment to him she displayed proudly. Hungry Joe had a craving to feelNurse Duckett up, too, and was restrained more than once by Yossarian’s forbidding glower. Nurse Duckettflirted with Hungry Joe just to keep him in heat, and her round light-brown eyes glimmered with mischief everytime Yossarian rapped her sharply with his elbow or fist to make her stop.
  The men played cards on a towel, undershirt, or blanket, and Nurse Duckett mixed the extra deck of cards, sittingwith her back resting against a sand dune. When she was not shuffling the extra deck of cards, she sat squintinginto a tiny pocket mirror, brushing mascara on her curling reddish eyelashes in a birdbrained effort to make themlonger permanently. Occasionally she was able to stack the cards or spoil the deck in a way they did not discoveruntil they were well into the game, and she laughed and glowed with blissful gratification when they all hurledtheir cards down disgustedly and began punching her sharply on the arms or legs as they called her filthy namesand warned her to stop fooling around. She would prattle nonsensically when they were striving hardest to think,and a pink flush of elation crept into her cheeks when they gave her more sharp raps on the arms and legs withtheir fists and told her to shut up. Nurse Duckett reveled in such attention and ducked her short chestnut bangswith joy when Yossarian and the others focused upon her. It gave her a peculiar feeling of warm and expectantwell-being to know that so many naked boys and men were idling close by on the other side of the sand dunes.
  She had only to stretch her neck or rise on some pretext to see twenty or forty undressed males lounging orplaying ball in the sunlight. Her own body was such a familiar and unremarkable thing to her that she waspuzzled by the convulsive ecstasy men could take from it, by the intense and amusing need they had merely totouch it, to reach out urgently and press it, squeeze it, pinch it, rub it. She did not understand Yossarian’s lust;but she was willing to take his word for it.
  Evenings when Yossarian felt horny he brought Nurse Duckett to the beach with two blankets and enjoyedmaking love to her with most of their clothes on more than he sometimes enjoyed making love to all the vigorousbare amoral girls in Rome. Frequently they went to the beach at night and did not make love, but just layshivering between the blankets against each other to ward off the brisk, damp chill. The ink-black nights wereturning cold, the stars frosty and fewer. The raft swayed in the ghostly trail of moonlight and seemed to besailing away. A marked hint of cold weather penetrated the air. Other men were just starting to build stoves andcame to Yossarian’s tent during the day to marvel at Orr’s workmanship. It thrilled Nurse Duckett rapturouslythat Yossarian could not keep his hands off her when they were together, although she would not let him slipthem inside her bathing shorts during the day when anyone was near enough to see, not even when the onlywitness was Nurse Cramer, who sat on the other side of her sand dune with her reproving nose in the air andpretended not to see anything.
  Nurse Cramer had stopped speaking to Nurse Duckett, her best friend, because of her liaison with Yossarian, butstill went everywhere with Nurse Duckett since Nurse Duckett was her best friend. She did not approve ofYossarian or his friends. When they stood up and went swimming with Nurse Duckett, Nurse Cramer stood upand went swimming, too, maintaining the same ten-yard distance between them, and maintaining her silence,snubbing them even in the water. When they laughed and splashed, she laughed and splashed; when they dived,she dived; when they swam to the sand bar and rested, Nurse Cramer swam to the sand bar and rested. Whenthey came out, she came out, dried her shoulders with her own towel and seated herself aloofly in her own spot,her back rigid and a ring of reflected sunlight burnishing her light-blond hair like a halo. Nurse Cramer wasprepared to begin talking to Nurse Duckett again if she repented and apologized. Nurse Duckett preferred thingsthe way they were. For a long time she had wanted to give Nurse Cramer a rap to make her shut up.
  Nurse Duckett found Yossarian wonderful and was already trying to change him. She loved to watch him takingshort naps with his face down and his arm thrown across her, or staring bleakly at the endless tame, quiet wavesbreaking like pet puppy dogs against the shore, scampering lightly up the sand a foot or two and then trottingaway. She was calm in his silences. She knew she did not bore him, and she buffed or painted her fingernailsstudiously while he dozed or brooded and the desultory warm afternoon breeze vibrated delicately on the surfaceof the beach. She loved to look at his wide, long, sinewy back with its bronzed, unblemished skin. She loved tobring him to flame instantly by taking his whole ear in her mouth suddenly and running her hand down his frontall the way. She loved to make him burn and suffer till dark, then satisfy him. Then kiss him adoringly becauseshe had brought him such bliss.
  Yossarian was never lonely with Nurse Duckett, who really did know how to keep her mouth shut and was justcapricious enough. He was haunted and tormented by the vast, boundless ocean. He wondered mournfully, asNurse Duckett buffed her nails, about all the people who had died under water. There were surely more than amillion already. Where were they? What insects had eaten their flesh? He imagined the awful impotence ofbreathing in helplessly quarts and quarts of water. Yossarian followed the small fishing boats and militarylaunches plying back and forth far out and found them unreal; it did not seem true that there were full-sized menaboard, going somewhere every time. He looked toward stony Elba, and his eyes automatically searchedoverhead for the fluffy, white, turnip-shaped cloud in which Clevinger had vanished. He peered at the vaporousItalian skyline and thought of Orr. Clevinger and Orr. Where had they gone? Yossarian had once stood on a jettyat dawn and watched a tufted round log that was drifting toward him on the tide turn unexpectedly into the bloated face of a drowned man; it was the first dead person he had ever seen. He thirsted for life and reached outravenously to grasp and hold Nurse Duckett’s flesh. He studied every floating object fearfully for somegruesome sign of Clevinger and Orr, prepared for any morbid shock but the shock McWatt gave him one daywith the plane that came blasting suddenly into sight out of the distant stillness and hurtled mercilessly along theshore line with a great growling, clattering roar over the bobbing raft on which blond, pale Kid Sampson, hisnaked sides scrawny even from so far away, leaped clownishly up to touch it at the exact moment some arbitrarygust of wind or minor miscalculation of McWatt’s senses dropped the speeding plane down just low enough for apropeller to slice him half away.
  Even people who were not there remembered vividly exactly what happened next. There was the briefest, softesttsst! filtering audibly through the shattering, overwhelming howl of the plane’s engines, and then there were justKid Sampson’s two pale, skinny legs, still joined by strings somehow at the bloody truncated hips, standingstock-still on the raft for what seemed a full minute or two before they toppled over backward into the waterfinally with a faint, echoing splash and turned completely upside down so that only the grotesque toes and theplaster-white soles of Kid Sampson’s feet remained in view.
  On the beach, all hell broke loose. Nurse Cramer materialized out of thin air suddenly and was weepinghysterically against Yossarian’s chest while Yossarian hugged her shoulders and soothed her. His other armbolstered Nurse Duckett, who was trembling and sobbing against him, too, her long, angular face dead white.
  Everyone at the beach was screaming and running, and the men sounded like women. They scampered for theirthings in panic, stooping hurriedly and looking askance at each gentle, knee-high wave bubbling in as thoughsome ugly, red, grisly organ like a liver or a lung might come washing right up against them. Those in the waterwere struggling to get out, forgetting in their haste to swim, wailing, walking, held back in their flight by theviscous, clinging sea as though by a biting wind.
  Kid Sampson had rained all over. Those who spied drops of him on their limbs or torsos drew back with terrorand revulsion, as though trying to shrink away from their own odious skins. Everybody ran in a sluggishstampede, shooting tortured, horrified glances back, filling the deep, shadowy, rustling woods with their frailgasps and cries. Yossarian drove both stumbling, faltering women before him frantically, shoving them andprodding them to make them hurry, and raced back with a curse to help when Hungry Joe tripped on the blanketor the camera case he was carrying and fell forward on his face in the mud of the stream.
  Back at the squadron everyone already knew. Men in uniform were screaming and running there too, or standingmotionless in one spot, rooted in awe, like Sergeant Knight and Doc Daneeka as they gravely craned their headsupward and watched the guilty, banking, forlorn airplane with McWatt circle and circle slowly and climb.
  “Who is it?” Yossarian shouted anxiously at Doc Daneeka as he ran up, breathless and limp, his somber eyesburning with a misty, hectic anguish. “Who’s in the plane?”
  “McWatt,” said Sergeant Knight. “He’s got the two new pilots with him on a training flight. Doc Daneeka’s upthere, too.”
  “I’m right here,” contended Doc Daneeka, in a strange and troubled voice, darting an anxious look at Sergeant Knight.
  “Why doesn’t he come down?” Yossarian exclaimed in despair. “Why does he keep going up?”
  “He’s probably afraid to come down,” Sergeant Knight answered, without moving his solemn gaze fromMcWatt’s solitary climbing airplane. “He knows what kind of trouble he’s in.”
  And McWatt kept climbing higher and higher, nosing his droning airplane upward evenly in a slow, oval spiralthat carried him far out over the water as he headed south and far in over the russet foothills when he had circledthe landing field again and was flying north. He was soon up over five thousand feet. His engines were soft aswhispers. A white parachute popped open suddenly in a surprising puff. A second parachute popped open a fewminutes later and coasted down, like the first, directly in toward the clearing of the landing strip. There was nomotion on the ground. The plane continued south for thirty seconds more, following the same pattern, familiarand predictable now, and McWatt lifted a wing and banked gracefully around into his turn.
  “Two more to go,” said Sergeant Knight. “McWatt and Doc Daneeka.”
  “I’m right here, Sergeant Knight,” Doc Daneeka told him plaintively. “I’m not in the plane.”
  “Why don’t they jump?” Sergeant Knight asked, pleading aloud to himself. “Why don’t they jump?”
  “It doesn’t make sense,” grieved Doc Daneeka, biting his lip. “It just doesn’t make sense.”
  But Yossarian understood suddenly why McWatt wouldn’t jump, and went running uncontrollably down thewhole length of the squadron after McWatt’s plane, waving his arms and shouting up at him imploringly to comedown, McWatt, come down; but no one seemed to hear, certainly not McWatt, and a great, choking moan torefrom Yossarian’s throat as McWatt turned again, dipped his wings once in salute, decided oh, well, what the hell,and flew into a mountain.
  Colonel Cathcart was so upset by the deaths of Kid Sampson and McWatt that he raised the missions to sixty-five.



等级: 派派版主
配偶: 此微夜
举报 只看该作者 31楼  发表于: 2013-10-28 0

Chapter 31 Mrs. Daneeka
    When Colonel Cathcart learned that Doc Daneeka too had been killed in McWatt’s plane, he increased thenumber of missions to seventy.
  The first person in the squadron to find out that Doc Daneeka was dead was Sergeant Towser, who had beeninformed earlier by the man in the control tower that Doc Daneeka’s name was down as a passenger on the pilot’s manifest McWatt had filed before taking off. Sergeant Towser brushed away a tear and struck DocDaneeka’s name from the roster of squadron personnel. With lips still quivering, he rose and trudged outsidereluctantly to break the bad news to Gus and Wes, discreetly avoiding any conversation with Doc Daneekahimself as he moved by the flight surgeon’s slight sepulchral figure roosting despondently on his stool in thelate-afternoon sunlight between the orderly room and the medical tent. Sergeant Towser’s heart was heavy; nowhe had two dead men on his hands—Mudd, the dead man in Yossarian’s tent who wasn’t even there, and DocDaneeka, the new dead man in the squadron, who most certainly was there and gave every indication of provinga still thornier administrative problem for him.
  Gus and Wes listened to Sergeant Towser with looks of stoic surprise and said not a word about theirbereavement to anyone else until Doc Daneeka himself came in about an hour afterward to have his temperaturetaken for the third time that day and his blood pressure checked. The thermometer registered a half degree lowerthan his usual subnormal temperature of 96.8. Doc Daneeka was alarmed. The fixed, vacant, wooden stares of histwo enlisted men were even more irritating than always.
  “Goddammit,” he expostulated politely in an uncommon excess of exasperation, “what’s the matter with you twomen anyway? It just isn’t right for a person to have a low temperature all the time and walk around with a stuffednose.” Doc Daneeka emitted a glum, self-pitying sniff and strolled disconsolately across the tent to help himselfto some aspirin and sulphur pills and paint his own throat with Argyrol. His downcast face was fragile andforlorn as a swallow’s, and he rubbed the back of his arms rhythmically. “Just look how cold I am right now.
  You’re sure you’re not holding anything back?”
  “You’re dead, sir,” one of his two enlisted men explained.
  Doc Daneeka jerked his head up quickly with resentful distrust. “What’s that?”
  “You’re dead, sir,” repeated the other. “That’s probably the reason you always feel so cold.”
  “That’s right, sir. You’ve probably been dead all this time and we just didn’t detect it.”
  “What the hell are you both talking about?” Doc Daneeka cried shrilly with a surging, petrifying sensation ofsome onrushing unavoidable disaster.
  “It’s true, sir,” said one of the enlisted men. “The records show that you went up in McWatt’s plane to collectsome flight time. You didn’t come down in a parachute, so you must have been killed in the crash.”
  “That’s right, sir,” said the other. “You ought to be glad you’ve got any temperature at all.”
  Doc Daneeka’s mind was reeling in confusion. “Have you both gone crazy?” he demanded. “I’m going to reportthis whole insubordinate incident to Sergeant Towser.”
  “Sergeant Towser’s the one who told us about it,” said either Gus or Wes. “The War Department’s even going tonotify your wife.”
  Doc Daneeka yelped and ran out of the medical tent to remonstrate with Sergeant Towser, who edged away fromhim with repugnance and advised Doc Daneeka to remain out of sight as much as possible until some decisioncould be reached relating to the disposition of his remains.
  “Gee, I guess he really is dead,” grieved one of his enlisted men in a low, respectful voice. “I’m going to misshim. He was a pretty wonderful guy, wasn’t he?”
  “Yeah, he sure was,” mourned the other. “But I’m glad the little fuck is gone. I was getting sick and tired oftaking his blood pressure all the time.”
  Mrs. Daneeka, Doc Daneeka’s wife, was not glad that Doc Daneeka was gone and split the peaceful StatenIsland night with woeful shrieks of lamentation when she learned by War Department telegram that her husbandhad been killed in action. Women came to comfort her, and their husbands paid condolence calls and hopedinwardly that she would soon move to another neighborhood and spare them the obligation of continuoussympathy. The poor woman was totally distraught for almost a full week. Slowly, heroically, she found thestrength to contemplate a future filled with dire problems for herself and her children. Just as she was growingresigned to her loss, the postman rang with a bolt from the blue—a letter from overseas that was signed with herhusband’s signature and urged her frantically to disregard any bad news concerning him. Mrs. Daneeka wasdumbfounded. The date on the letter was illegible. The handwriting throughout was shaky and hurried, but thestyle resembled her husband’s and the melancholy, self-pitying tone was familiar, although more dreary thanusual. Mrs. Daneeka was overjoyed and wept irrepressibly with relief and kissed the crinkled, grubby tissue ofV-mail stationery a thousand times. She dashed a grateful note off to her husband pressing him for details andsent a wire informing the War Department of its error. The War Department replied touchily that there had beenno error and that she was undoubtedly the victim of some sadistic and psychotic forger in her husband’ssquadron. The letter to her husband was returned unopened, stamped KILLED IN ACTION.
  Mrs. Daneeka had been widowed cruelly again, but this time her grief was mitigated somewhat by a notificationfrom Washington that she was sole beneficiary of her husband’s $10,000 GI insurance policy, which amount wasobtainable by her on demand. The realization that she and the children were not faced immediately withstarvation brought a brave smile to her face and marked the turning point in her distress. The VeteransAdministration informed her by mail the very next day that she would be entitled to pension benefits for the restof her natural life because of her husband’s demise, and to a burial allowance for him of $250. A governmentcheck for $250 was enclosed. Gradually, inexorably, her prospects brightened. A letter arrived that same weekfrom the Social Security Administration stating that, under the provisions of the Old Age and SurvivorsInsurance Act Of 1935, she would receive monthly support for herself and her dependent children until theyreached the age of eighteen, and a burial allowance of $250. With these government letters as proof of death, sheapplied for payment on three life insurance policies Doc Daneeka had carried, with a value of $50,000 each; herclaim was honored and processed swiftly. Each day brought new unexpected treasures. A key to a safe-depositbox led to a fourth life insurance policy with a face value of $50,000, and to $18,000 in cash on which incometax had never been paid and need never be paid. A fraternal lodge to which he had belonged gave her a cemeteryplot. A second fraternal organization of which he had been a member sent her a burial allowance of $250. Hiscounty medical association gave her a burial allowance of $250.
  The husbands of her closest friends began to flirt with her. Mrs. Daneeka was simply delighted with the waythings were turning out and had her hair dyed. Her fantastic wealth just kept piling up, and she had to remindherself daily that all the hundreds of thousands of dollars she was acquiring were not worth a single pennywithout her husband to share this good fortune with her. It astonished her that so many separate organizationswere willing to do so much to bury Doc Daneeka, who, back in Pianosa, was having a terrible time trying to keephis head above the ground and wondered with dismal apprehension why his wife did not answer the letter he hadwritten.
  He found himself ostracized in the squadron by men who cursed his memory foully for having supplied ColonelCathcart with provocation to raise the number of combat missions. Records attesting to his death werepullulating like insect eggs and verifying each other beyond all contention. He drew no pay or PX rations anddepended for life on the charity of Sergeant Towser and Milo, who both knew he was dead. Colonel Cathcartrefused to see him, and Colonel Korn sent word through Major Danby that he would have Doc Daneekacremated on the spot if he ever showed up at Group Headquarters. Major Danby confided that Group wasincensed with all flight surgeons because of Dr. Stubbs, the bushy-haired, baggy-chinned, slovenly flight surgeonin Dunbar’s squadron who was deliberately and defiantly brewing insidious dissension there by grounding allmen with sixty missions on proper forms that were rejected by Group indignantly with orders restoring theconfused pilots, navigators, bombardiers and gunners to combat duty. Morale there was ebbing rapidly, andDunbar was under surveillance. Group was glad Doc Daneeka had been killed and did not intend to ask for areplacement.
  Not even the chaplain could bring Doc Daneeka back to life under the circumstances. Alarm changed toresignation, and more and more Doc Daneeka acquired the look of an ailing rodent. The sacks under his eyesturned hollow and black, and he padded through the shadows fruitlessly like a ubiquitous spook. Even CaptainFlume recoiled when Doc Daneeka sought him out in the woods for help. Heartlessly, Gus and Wes turned himaway from their medical tent without even a thermometer for comfort, and then, only then, did he realize that, toall intents and purposes, he really was dead, and that he had better do something damned fast if he ever hoped tosave himself.
  There was nowhere else to turn but to his wife, and he scribbled an impassioned letter begging her to bring hisplight to the attention of the War Department and urging her to communicate at once with his group commander,Colonel Cathcart, for assurances that—no matter what else she might have heard—it was indeed he, her husband,Doc Daneeka, who was pleading with her, and not a corpse or some impostor. Mrs. Daneeka was stunned by thedepth of emotion in the almost illegible appeal. She was torn with compunction and tempted to comply, but thevery next letter she opened that day was from that same Colonel Cathcart, her husband’s group commander, andbegan:
  Dear Mrs., Mr., Miss, or Mr. and Mrs. Daneeka: Words cannot express the deep personal grief I experiencedwhen your husband, son, father or brother was killed, wounded or reported missing in action.
  Mrs. Daneeka moved with her children to Lansing, Michigan, and left no forwarding address.



等级: 派派版主
配偶: 此微夜
举报 只看该作者 32楼  发表于: 2013-10-28 0

Chapter 32 Yo-Yo's Roomies
    Yossarian was warm when the cold weather came and whale-shaped clouds blew low through a dingy, slate-graysky, almost without end, like the droning, dark, iron flocks of B-17 and B-24 bombers from the long-range airbases in Italy the day of the invasion of southern France two months earlier. Everyone in the squadron knew thatKid Sampson’s skinny legs had washed up on the wet sand to lie there and rot like a purple twisted wishbone. Noone would go to retrieve them, not Gus or Wes or even the men in the mortuary at the hospital; everyone madebelieve that Kid Sampson’s legs were not there, that they had bobbed away south forever on the tide like all ofClevinger and Orr. Now that bad weather had come, almost no one ever sneaked away alone any more to peekthrough bushes like a pervert at the moldering stumps.
  There were no more beautiful days. There were no more easy missions. There was stinging rain and dull, chillingfog, and the men flew at week-long intervals, whenever the weather cleared. At night the wind moaned. Thegnarled and stunted tree trunks creaked and groaned and forced Yossarian’s thoughts each morning, even beforehe was fully awake, back on Kid Sampson’s skinny legs bloating and decaying, as systematically as a tickingclock, in the icy rain and wet sand all through the blind, cold, gusty October nights. After Kid Sampson’s legs, hewould think of pitiful, whimpering Snowden freezing to death in the rear section of the plane, holding his eternal,immutable secret concealed inside his quilted, armor-plate flak suit until Yossarian had finished sterilizing andbandaging the wrong wound on his leg, and then spilling it out suddenly all over the floor. At night when he wastrying to sleep, Yossarian would call the roll of all the men, women and children he had ever known who werenow dead. He tried to remember all the soldiers, and he resurrected images of all the elderly people he hadknown when a child—all the aunts, uncles, neighbors, parents and grandparents, his own and everyone else’s,and all the pathetic, deluded shopkeepers who opened their small, dusty stores at dawn and worked in themfoolishly until midnight. They were all dead, too. The number of dead people just seemed to increase. And theGermans were still fighting. Death was irreversible, he suspected, and he began to think he was going to lose.
  Yossarian was warm when the cold weather came because of Orr’s marvelous stove, and he might have existedin his warm tent quite comfortably if not for the memory of Orr, and if not for the gang of animated roommatesthat came swarming inside rapaciously one day from the two full combat crews Colonel Cathcart hadrequisitioned—and obtained in less than forty-eight hours—as replacements for Kid Sampson and McWatt.
  Yossarian emitted a long, loud, croaking gasp of protest when he trudged in tiredly after a mission and foundthem already there.
  There were four of them, and they were having a whale of a good time as they helped each other set up their cots.
  They were horsing around. The moment he saw them, Yossarian knew they were impossible. They were frisky,eager and exuberant, and they had all been friends in the States. They were plainly unthinkable.
  They were noisy, overconfident, empty-headed kids of twenty-one. They had gone to college and were engagedto pretty, clean girls whose pictures were already standing on the rough cement mantelpiece of Orr’s fireplace.
  They had ridden in speedboats and played tennis. They had been horseback riding. One had once been to bedwith an older woman. They knew the same people in different parts of the country and had gone to school witheach other’s cousins. They had listened to the World Series and really cared who won football games. They wereobtuse; their morale was good. They were glad that the war had lasted long enough for them to find out whatcombat was really like. They were halfway through unpacking when Yossarian threw them out.
  They were plainly out of the question, Yossarian explained adamantly to Sergeant Towser, whose sallow equineface was despondent as he informed Yossarian that the new officers would have to be admitted. Sergeant Towserwas not permitted to requisition another six-man tent from Group while Yossarian was living in one alone.
  “I’m not living in this one alone,” Yossarian said with a sulk. “I’ve got a dead man in here with me. His name isMudd.”
  “Please, sir,” begged Sergeant Towser, sighing wearily, with a sidelong glance at the four baffled new officerslistening in mystified silence just outside the entrance. “Mudd was killed on the mission to Orvieto. You knowthat. He was flying right beside you.”
  “Then why don’t you move his things out?”
  “Because he never even got here. Captain, please don’t bring that up again. You can move in with LieutenantNately if you like. I’ll even send some men from the orderly room to transfer your belongings.”
  But to abandon Orr’s tent would be to abandon Orr, who would have been spurned and humiliated clannishly bythese four simple-minded officers waiting to move in. It did not seem just that these boisterous, immature youngmen should show up after all the work was done and be allowed to take possession of the most desirable tent onthe island. But that was the law, Sergeant Towser explained, and all Yossarian could do was glare at them inbaleful apology as he made room for them and volunteer helpful penitent hints as they moved inside his privacyand made themselves at home.
  They were the most depressing group of people Yossarian had ever been with. They were always in high spirits.
  They laughed at everything. They called him “Yo-Yo” jocularly and came in tipsy late at night and woke him upwith their clumsy, bumping, giggling efforts to be quiet, then bombarded him with asinine shouts of hilariousgood-fellowship when he sat up cursing to complain. He wanted to massacre them each time they did. Theyreminded him of Donald Duck’s nephews. They were afraid of Yossarian and persecuted him incessantly withnagging generosity and with their exasperating insistence on doing small favors for him. They were reckless,puerile, congenial, naive, presumptuous, deferential and rambunctious. They were dumb; they had nocomplaints. They admired Colonel Cathcart and they found Colonel Korn witty. They were afraid of Yossarian,but they were not the least bit afraid of Colonel Cathcart’s seventy missions. They were four clean-cut kids whowere having lots of fun, and they were driving Yossarian nuts. He could not make them understand that he was acrotchety old fogey of twenty-eight, that he belonged to another generation, another era, another world, thathaving a good time bored him and was not worth the effort, and that they bored him, too. He could not makethem shut up; they were worse than women. They had not brains enough to be introverted and repressed.
  Cronies of theirs in other squadrons began dropping in unashamedly and using the tent as a hangout. There wasoften not room enough for him. Worst of all, he could no longer bring Nurse Duckett there to lie down with her.
  And now that foul weather had come, he had no place else! This was a calamity he had not foreseen, and hewanted to bust his roommates’ heads open with his fists or pick them up, each in turn, by the seats of their pantsand the scruffs of their necks and pitch them out once and for all into the dank, rubbery perennial weeds growingbetween his rusty soupcan urinal with nail holes in the bottom and the knotty-pine squadron latrine that stoodlike a beach locker not far away.
  Instead of busting their heads open, he tramped in his galoshes and black raincoat through the drizzling darknessto invite Chief White Halfoat to move in with him, too, and drive the fastidious, clean-living bastards out withhis threats and swinish habits. But Chief White Halfoat felt cold and was already making plans to move up intothe hospital to die of pneumonia. Instinct told Chief White Halfoat it was almost time. His chest ached and hecoughed chronically. Whiskey no longer warmed him. Most damning of all, Captain Flume had moved back intohis trailer. Here was an omen of unmistakable meaning.
  “He had to move back,” Yossarian argued in a vain effort to cheer up the glum, barrel-chested Indian, whosewell-knit sorrel-red face had degenerated rapidly into a dilapidated, calcareous gray. “He’d die of exposure if hetried to live in the woods in this weather.”
  “No, that wouldn’t drive the yellowbelly back,” Chief White Halfoat disagreed obstinately. He tapped hisforehead with cryptic insight. “No, sirree. He knows something. He knows it’s time for me to die of pneumonia,that’s what he knows. And that’s how I know it’s time.”
  “What does Doc Daneeka say?”
  “I’m not allowed to say anything,” Doc Daneeka said sorrowfully from his seat on his stool in the shadows of acorner, his smooth, tapered, diminutive face turtle-green in the flickering candlelight. Everything smelled ofmildew. The bulb in the tent had blown out several days before, and neither of the two men had been able tomuster the initiative to replace it. “I’m not allowed to practice medicine any more,” Doc Daneeka added.
  “He’s dead,” Chief White Halfoat gloated, with a horse laugh entangled in phlegm. “That’s really funny.”
  “I don’t even draw my pay any more.”
  “That’s really funny,” Chief White Halfoat repeated. “All this time he’s been insulting my liver, and look whathappened to him. He’s dead. Killed by his own greed.”
  “That’s not what killed me,” Doc Daneeka observed in a voice that was calm and flat. “There’s nothing wrongwith greed. It’s all that lousy Dr. Stubbs’ fault, getting Colonel Cathcart and Colonel Korn stirred up againstflight surgeons. He’s going to give the medical profession a bad name by standing up for principle. If he’s notcareful, he’ll be black-balled by his state medical association and kept out of the hospitals.”
  Yossarian watched Chief White Halfoat pour whiskey carefully into three empty shampoo bottles and store them away in the musette bag he was packing.
  “Can’t you stop by my tent on your way up to the hospital and punch one of them in the nose for me?” hespeculated aloud. “I’ve got four of them, and they’re going to crowd me out of my tent altogether.”
  “You know, something like that once happened to my whole tribe,” Chief White Halfoat remarked in jollyappreciation, sitting back on his cot to chuckle. “Why don’t you get Captain Black to kick those kids out?
  Captain Black likes to kick people out.”
  Yossarian grimaced sourly at the mere mention of Captain Black, who was already bullying the new fliers eachtime they stepped into his intelligence tent for maps or information. Yossarian’s attitude toward his roommatesturned merciful and protective at the mere recollection of Captain Black. It was not their fault that they wereyoung and cheerful, he reminded himself as he carried the swinging beam of his flashlight back through thedarkness. He wished that he could be young and cheerful, too. And it wasn’t their fault that they werecourageous, confident and carefree. He would just have to be patient with them until one or two were killed andthe rest wounded, and then they would all turn out okay. He vowed to be more tolerant and benevolent, but whenhe ducked inside his tent with his friendlier attitude a great blaze was roaring in the fireplace, and he gasped inhorrified amazement. Orr’s beautiful birch logs were going up in smoke! His roommates had set fire to them! Hegaped at the four insensitive overheated faces and wanted to shout curses at them. He wanted to bang their headstogether as they greeted him with loud convivial cries and invited him generously to pull up a chair and eat theirchestnuts and roasted potatoes. What could he do with them?
  And the very next morning they got rid of the dead man in his tent! Just like that, they whisked him away! Theycarried his cot and all his belongings right out into the bushes and simply dumped them there, and then theystrode back slapping their hands briskly at a job well done. Yossarian was stunned by their overbearing vigor andzeal, by their practical, direct efficiency. In a matter of moments they had disposed energetically of a problemwith which Yossarian and Sergeant Towser had been grappling unsuccessfully for months. Yossarian wasalarmed—they might get rid of him just as quickly, he feared—and ran to Hungry Joe and fled with him to Romethe day before Nately’s whore finally got a good night’s sleep and woke up in love.



等级: 派派版主
配偶: 此微夜
举报 只看该作者 33楼  发表于: 2013-10-28 0

Chapter 33 Nately's Whore
    He missed Nurse Duckett in Rome. There was not much else to do after Hungry Joe left on his mail run.
  Yossarian missed Nurse Duckett so much that he went searching hungrily through the streets for Luciana, whoselaugh and invisible scar he had never forgotten, or the boozy, blowzy, bleary-eyed floozy in the overloaded whitebrassière and unbuttoned orange satin blouse whose naughty salmon-colored cameo ring Aarfy had thrown awayso callously through the window of her car. How he yearned for both girls! He looked for them in vain. He wasso deeply in love with them, and he knew he would never see either again. Despair gnawed at him. Visions besethim. He wanted Nurse Duckett with her dress up and her slim thighs bare to the hips. He banged a thin streetwalker with a wet cough who picked him up from an alley between hotels, but that was no fun at all and hehastened to the enlisted men’s apartment for the fat, friendly maid in the lime-colored panties, who wasoverjoyed to see him but couldn’t arouse him. He went to bed there early and slept alone. He woke updisappointed and banged a sassy, short, chubby girl he found in the apartment after breakfast, but that was only alittle better, and he chased her away when he’d finished and went back to sleep. He napped till lunch and thenwent shopping for presents for Nurse Duckett and a scarf for the maid in the lime-coloured panties, who huggedhim with such gargantuan gratitude that he was soon hot for Nurse Duckett and ran looking lecherously forLuciana again. Instead he found Aarfy, who had landed in Rome when Hungry Joe returned with Dunbar, Natelyand Dobbs, and who would not go along on the drunken foray that night to rescue Nately’s whore from themiddle-aged military big shots holding her captive in a hotel because she would not say uncle.
  “Why should I risk getting into trouble just to help her out?” Aarfy demanded haughtily. “But don’t tell Nately Isaid that. Tell him I had to keep an appointment with some very important fraternity brothers.”
  The middle-aged big shots would not let Nately’s whore leave until they made her say uncle.
  “Say uncle,” they said to her.
  “Uncle,” she said.
  “No, no. Say uncle.”
  “Uncle,” she said.
  “She still doesn’t understand.”
  “You still don’t understand, do you? We can’t really make you say uncle unless you don’t want to say uncle.
  Don’t you see? Don’t say uncle when I tell you to say uncle. Okay? Say uncle.”
  “Uncle,” she said.
  “No, don’t say uncle. Say uncle.”
  She didn’t say uncle.
  “That’s good!”
  “That’s very good.”
  “It’s a start. Now say uncle.”
  “Uncle,” she said.
  “It’s no good.”
  “No, it’s no good that way either. She just isn’t impressed with us. There’s just no fun making her say unclewhen she doesn’t care whether we make her say uncle or not.”
  “No, she really doesn’t care, does she? Say ‘foot.’”
  “You see? She doesn’t care about anything we do. She doesn’t care about us. We don’t mean a thing to you, dowe?”
  “Uncle,” she said.
  She didn’t care about them a bit, and it upset them terribly. They shook her roughly each time she yawned. Shedid not seem to care about anything, not even when they threatened to throw her out the window. They wereutterly demoralized men of distinction. She was bored and indifferent and wanted very much to sleep. She hadbeen on the job for twenty-two hours, and she was sorry that these men had not permitted her to leave with theother two girls with whom the orgy had begun. She wondered vaguely why they wanted her to laugh when theylaughed, and why they wanted her to enjoy it when they made love to her. It was all very mysterious to her, andvery uninteresting.
  She was not sure what they wanted from her. Each time she slumped over with her eyes closed they shook herawake and made her say “uncle” again. Each time she said “uncle,” they were disappointed. She wondered what“uncle” meant. She sat on the sofa in a passive, phlegmatic stupor, her mouth open and all her clothing crumpledin a corner on the floor, and wondered how much longer they would sit around naked with her and make her sayuncle in the elegant hotel suite to which Orr’s old girl friend, giggling uncontrollably at Yossarian’s andDunbar’s drunken antics, guided Nately and the other members of the motley rescue party.
  Dunbar squeezed Orr’s old girl friend’s fanny gratefully and passed her back to Yossarian, who propped heragainst the door jamb with both hands on her hips and wormed himself against her lasciviously until Natelyseized him by the arm and pulled him away from her into the blue sitting room, where Dunbar was alreadyhurling everything in sight out the window into the court. Dobbs was smashing furniture with an ash stand. Anude, ridiculous man with a blushing appendectomy scar appeared in the doorway suddenly and bellowed.
  “What’s going on here?”
  “Your toes are dirty,” Dunbar said.
  The man covered his groin with both hands and shrank from view. Dunbar, Dobbs and Hungry Joe just keptdumping everything they could lift out the window with great, howling whoops of happy abandon. They soonfinished with the clothing on the couches and the luggage on the floor, and they were ransacking a cedar closetwhen the door to the inner room opened again and a man who was very distinguished-looking from the neck up padded into view imperiously on bare feet.
  “Here, you, stop that,” he barked. “Just what do you men think you’re doing?”
  “Your toes are dirty,” Dunbar said to him.
  The man covered his groin as the first one had done and disappeared. Nately charged after him, but was blockedby the first officer, who plodded back in holding a pillow in front of him, like a bubble dancer.
  “Hey, you men!” he roared angrily. “Stop it!”
  “Stop it,” Dunbar replied.
  “That’s what I said.”
  “That’s what I said,” Dunbar said.
  The officer stamped his foot petulantly, turning weak with frustration. “Are you deliberately repeatingeverything I say?”
  “Are you deliberately repeating everything I say?”
  “I’ll thrash you.” The man raised a fist.
  “I’ll thrash you,” Dunbar warned him coldly. “You’re a German spy, and I’m going to have you shot.”
  “German spy? I’m an American colonel.”
  “You don’t look like an American colonel. You look like a fat man with a pillow in front of him. Where’s youruniform, if you’re an American colonel?”
  “You just threw it out the window.”
  “All right, men,” Dunbar said. “Lock the silly bastard up. Take the silly bastard down to the station house andthrow away the key.”
  The colonel blanched with alarm. “Are you all crazy? Where’s your badge? Hey, you! Come back in here!”
  But he whirled too late to stop Nately, who had glimpsed his girl sitting on the sofa in the other room and haddarted through the doorway behind his back. The others poured through after him right into the midst of the othernaked big shots. Hungry Joe laughed hysterically when he saw them, pointing in disbelief at one after the otherand clasping his head and sides. Two with fleshy physiques advanced truculently until they spied the look ofmean dislike and hostility on Dobbs and Dunbar and noticed that Dobbs was still swinging like a two-handed club the wrought-iron ash stand he had used to smash things in the sitting room. Nately was already at his girl’sside. She stared at him without recognition for a few seconds. Then she smiled faintly and let her head sink to hisshoulder with her eyes closed. Nately was in ecstasy; she had never smiled at him before.
  “Filpo,” said a calm, slender, jaded-looking man who had not even stirred from his armchair. “You don’t obeyorders. I told you to get them out, and you’ve gone and brought them in. Can’t you see the difference?”
  “They’ve thrown our things out the window, General.”
  “Good for them. Our uniforms too? That was clever. We’ll never be able to convince anyone we’re superiorwithout our uniforms.”
  “Let’s get their names, Lou, and—““Oh, Ned, relax,” said the slender man with practiced weariness. “You may be pretty good at moving armoreddivisions into action, but you’re almost useless in a social situation. Sooner or later we’ll get our uniforms back,and then we’ll be their superiors again. Did they really throw our uniforms out? That was a splendid tactic.”
  “They threw everything out.”
  “The ones in the closet, too?”
  “They threw the closet out, General. That was that crash we heard when we thought they were coming in to killus.”
  “And I’ll throw you out next,” Dunbar threatened.
  The general paled slightly. “What the devil is he so mad about?” he asked Yossarian.
  “He means it, too,” Yossarian said. “You’d better let the girl leave.”
  “Lord, take her,” exclaimed the general with relief. “All she’s done is make us feel insecure. At least she mighthave disliked or resented us for the hundred dollars we paid her. But she wouldn’t even do that. Your handsomeyoung friend there seems quite attached to her. Notice the way he lets his fingers linger on the inside of herthighs as he pretends to roll up her stockings.”
  Nately, caught in the act, blushed guiltily and moved more quickly through the steps of dressing her. She wassound asleep and breathed so regularly that she seemed to be snoring softly.
  “Let’s charge her now, Lou!” urged another officer. “We’ve got more personnel, and we can encircle—““Oh, no, Bill,” answered the general with a sigh. “You may be a wizard at directing a pincer movement in goodweather on level terrain against an enemy that has already committed his reserves, but you don’t always think so clearly anywhere else. Why should we want to keep her?”
  “General, we’re in a very bad strategic position. We haven’t got a stitch of clothing, and it’s going to be verydegrading and embarrassing for the person who has to go downstairs through the lobby to get some.”
  “Yes, Filpo, you’re quite right,” said the general. “And that’s exactly why you’re the one to do it. Get going.”
  “Naked, sir?”
  “Take your pillow with you if you want to. And get some cigarettes, too, while you’re downstairs picking up myunderwear and pants, will you?”
  “I’ll send everything up for you,” Yossarian offered.
  “There, General,” said Filpo with relief. “Now I won’t have to go.”
  “Filpo, you nitwit. Can’t you see he’s lying?”
  “Are you lying?”
  Yossarian nodded, and Filpo’s faith was shattered. Yossarian laughed and helped Nately walk his girl out intothe corridor and into the elevator. Her face was smiling as though with a lovely dream as she slept with her headstill resting on Nately’s shoulder. Dobbs and Dunbar ran out into the street to stop a cab.
  Nately’s whore looked up when they left the car. She swallowed dryly several times during the arduous trek upthe stairs to her apartment, but she was sleeping soundly again by the time Nately undressed her and put her tobed. She slept for eighteen hours, while Nately dashed about the apartment all the next morning shushingeverybody in sight, and when she woke up she was deeply in love with him. In the last analysis, that was all ittook to win her heart—a good night’s sleep.
  The girl smiled with contentment when she opened her eyes and saw him, and then, stretching her long legslanguorously beneath the rustling sheets, beckoned him into bed beside her with that look of simpering idiocy ofa woman in heat. Nately moved to her in a happy daze, so overcome with rapture that he hardly minded when herkid sister interrupted him again by flying into the room and flinging herself down onto the bed between them.
  Nately’s whore slapped and cursed her, but this time with laughter and generous affection, and Nately settledback smugly with an arm about each, feeling strong and protective. They made a wonderful family group, hedecided. The little girl would go to college when she was old enough, to Smith or Radcliffe or Bryn Mawr—hewould see to that. Nately bounded out of bed after a few minutes to announce his good fortune to his friends atthe top of his voice. He called to them jubilantly to come to the room and slammed the door in their startled facesas soon as they arrived. He had remembered just in time that his girl had no clothes on.
  “Get dressed,” he ordered her, congratulating himself on his alertness.
  “Perchè?” she asked curiously.
  “Perchè?” he repeated with an indulgent chuckle. “Because I don’t want them to see you without any clotheson.”
  “Perchè no?” she inquired.
  “Perchè no?” He looked at her with astonishment. “Because it isn’t right for other men to see you naked, that’swhy.”
  “Perchè no?”
  “Because I say no!” Nately exploded in frustration. “Now don’t argue with me. I’m the man and you have to dowhatever I say. From now on, I forbid you ever to go out of this room unless you have all your clothes on. Is thatclear?”
  Nately’s whore looked at him as though he were insane. “Are you crazy? Che succede?”
  “I mean every word I say.”
  “Tu sei pazzo!” she shouted at him with incredulous indignation, and sprang out of bed. Snarling unintelligibly,she snapped on panties and strode toward the door.
  Nately drew himself up with full manly authority. “I forbid you to leave this room that way,” he informed her.
  “Tu sei pazzo!” she shot back at him, after he had left, shaking her head in disbelief. “Idiota! Tu sei un pazzoimbecille!”
  “Tu sei pazzo,” said her thin kid sister, starting out after her in the same haughty walk.
  “You come back here,” Nately ordered her. “I forbid you to go out that way, too!”
  “Idiota!” the kid sister called back at him with dignity after she had flounced past. “Tu sei un pazzo imbecille.”
  Nately fumed in circles of distracted helplessness for several seconds and then sprinted out into the sitting roomto forbid his friends to look at his girl friend while she complained about him in only her panties.
  “Why not?” asked Dunbar.
  “Why not?” exclaimed Nately. “Because she’s my girl now, and it isn’t right for you to see her unless she’s fullydressed.”
  “Why not?” asked Dunbar.
  “You see?” said his girl with a shrug. “Lui è pazzo!”
  “Si, è molto pazzo,” echoed her kid sister.
  “Then make her keep her clothes on if you don’t want us to see her,” argued Hungry Joe. “What the hell do youwant from us?”
  “She won’t listen to me,” Nately confessed sheepishly. “So from now on you’ll all have to shut your eyes or lookin the other direction when she comes in that way. Okay?”
  “Madonn’!” cried his girl in exasperation, and stamped out of the room.
  “Madonn’!” cried her kid sister, and stamped out behind her.
  “Lui è pazzo,” Yossarian observed good-naturedly. “I certainly have to admit it.”
  “Hey, you crazy or something?” Hungry Joe demanded of Nately. “The next thing you know you’ll be trying tomake her give up hustling.”
  “From now on,” Nately said to his girl, “I forbid you to go out hustling.”
  “Perchè?” she inquired curiously.
  “Perchè?” he screamed with amazement. “Because it’s not nice, that’s why!”
  “Perchè no?”
  “Because it just isn’t!” Nately insisted. “It just isn’t right for a nice girl like you to go looking for other men tosleep with. I’ll give you all the money you need, so you won’t have to do it any more.”
  “And what will I do all day instead?”
  “Do?” said Nately. “You’ll do what all your friends do.”
  “My friends go looking for men to sleep with.”
  “Then get new friends! I don’t even want you to associate with girls like that, anyway. Prostitution is bad!
  Everybody knows that, even him.” He turned with confidence to the experienced old man. “Am I right?”
  “You’re wrong,” answered the old man. “Prostitution gives her an opportunity to meet people. It provides freshair and wholesome exercise, and it keeps her out of trouble.”
  “From now on,” Nately declared sternly to his girl friend, “I forbid you to have anything to do with that wickedold man.”
  “Va fongul!” his girl replied, rolling her harassed eyes up toward the ceiling. “What does he want from me?” sheimplored, shaking her fists. “Lasciami!” she told him in menacing entreaty. “Stupido! If you think my friends areso bad, go tell your friends not to ficky-fick all the time with my friends!”
  “From now on,” Nately told his friends, “I think you fellows ought to stop running around with her friends andsettle down.”
  “Madonn’!” cried his friends, rolling their harassed eyes up toward the ceiling.
  Nately had gone clear out of his mind. He wanted them all to fall in love right away and get married. Dunbarcould marry Orr’s whore, and Yossarian could fall in love with Nurse Duckett or anyone else he liked. After thewar they could all work for Nately’s father and bring up their children in the same suburb. Nately saw it all veryclearly. Love had transmogrified him into a romantic idiot, and they drove him away back into the bedroom towrangle with his girl over Captain Black. She agreed not to go to bed with Captain Black again or give him anymore of Nately’s money, but she would not budge an inch on her friendship with the ugly, ill-kempt, dissipated,filthy-minded old man, who witnessed Nately’s flowering love affair with insulting derision and would not admitthat Congress was the greatest deliberative body in the whole world.
  “From now on,” Nately ordered his girl firmly, “I absolutely forbid you even to speak to that disgusting oldman.”
  “Again the old man?” cried the girl in wailing confusion. “Perchè no?”
  “He doesn’t like the House of Representatives.”
  “Mamma mia! What’s the matter with you?”
  “è pazzo,” observed her kid sister philosophically. “That’s what’s the matter with him.”
  “Si,” the older girl agreed readily, tearing at her long brown hair with both hands. “Lui è pazzo.”
  But she missed Nately when he was away and was furious with Yossarian when he punched Nately in the facewith all his might and knocked him into the hospital with a broken nose.



等级: 派派版主
配偶: 此微夜
举报 只看该作者 34楼  发表于: 2013-10-28 0

Chapter 34 Thanksgiving
    It was actually all Sergeant Knight’s fault that Yossarian busted Nately in the nose on Thanksgiving Day, aftereveryone in the squadron had given humble thanks to Milo for providing the fantastically opulent meal on whichthe officers and enlisted men had gorged themselves insatiably all afternoon and for dispensing like inexhaustiblelargess the unopened bottles of cheap whiskey he handed out unsparingly to every man who asked. Even beforedark, young soldiers with pasty white faces were throwing up everywhere and passing out drunkenly on theground. The air turned foul. Other men picked up steam as the hours passed, and the aimless, riotous celebrationcontinued. It was a raw, violent, guzzling saturnalia that spilled obstreperously through the woods to the officers’
  club and spread up into the hills toward the hospital and the antiaircraft-gun emplacements. There were fist fightsin the squadron and one stabbing. Corporal Kolodny shot himself through the leg in the intelligence tent whileplaying with a loaded gun and had his gums and toes painted purple in the speeding ambulance as he lay on hisback with the blood spurting from his wound. Men with cut fingers, bleeding heads, stomach cramps and brokenankles came limping penitently up to the medical tent to have their gums and toes painted purple by Gus andWes and be given a laxative to throw into the bushes. The joyous celebration lasted long into the night, and thestillness was fractured often by wild, exultant shouts and by the cries of people who were merry or sick. Therewas the recurring sound of retching and moaning, of laughter, greetings, threats and swearing, and of bottlesshattering against rock. There were dirty songs in the distance. It was worse than New Year’s Eve.
  Yossarian went to bed early for safety and soon dreamed that he was fleeing almost headlong down an endlesswooden staircase, making a loud, staccato clatter with his heels. Then he woke up a little and realized someonewas shooting at him with a machine gun. A tortured, terrified sob rose in his throat. His first thought was thatMilo was attacking the squadron again, and he rolled of his cot to the floor and lay underneath in a trembling,praying ball, his heart thumping like a drop forge, his body bathed in a cold sweat. There was no noise of planes.
  A drunken, happy laugh sounded from afar. “Happy New Year, Happy New Year!” a triumphant familiar voiceshouted hilariously from high above between the short, sharp bursts of machine gun fire, and Yossarianunderstood that some men had gone as a prank to one of the sandbagged machine-gun emplacements Milo hadinstalled in the hills after his raid on the squadron and staffed with his own men.
  Yossarian blazed with hatred and wrath when he saw he was the victim of an irresponsible joke that haddestroyed his sleep and reduced him to a whimpering hulk. He wanted to kill, he wanted to murder. He wasangrier than he had ever been before, angrier even than when he had slid his hands around McWatt’s neck tostrangle him. The gun opened fire again. Voices cried “Happy New Year!” and gloating laughter rolled downfrom the hills through the darkness like a witch’s glee. In moccasins and coveralls, Yossarian charged out of histent for revenge with his .45, ramming a clip of cartridges up into the grip and slamming the bolt of the gun backto load it. He snapped off the safety catch and was ready to shoot. He heard Nately running after him to restrainhim, calling his name. The machine gun opened fire once more from a black rise above the motor pool, andorange tracer bullets skimmed like low-gliding dashes over the tops of the shadowy tents, almost clipping thepeaks. Roars of rough laughter rang out again between the short bursts. Yossarian felt resentment boil like acidinside him; they were endangering his life, the bastards! With blind, ferocious rage and determination, he racedacross the squadron past the motor pool, running as fast as he could, and was already pounding up into the hillsalong the narrow, winding path when Nately finally caught up, still calling “Yo-Yo! Yo-Yo!” with pleadingconcern and imploring him to stop. He grasped Yossarian’s shoulders and tried to hold him back. Yossariantwisted free, turning. Nately reached for him again, and Yossarian drove his fist squarely into Nately’s delicateyoung face as hard as he could, cursing him, then drew his arm back to hit him again, but Nately had dropped out of sight with a groan and lay curled up on the ground with his head buried in both hands and blood streamingbetween his fingers. Yossarian whirled and plunged ahead up the path without looking back.
  Soon he saw the machine gun. Two figures leaped up in silhouette when they heard him and fled into the nightwith taunting laughter before he could get there. He was too late. Their footsteps receded, leaving the circle ofsandbags empty and silent in the crisp and windless moonlight. He looked about dejectedly. Jeering laughtercame to him again, from a distance. A twig snapped nearby. Yossarian dropped to his knees with a cold thrill ofelation and aimed. He heard a stealthy rustle of leaves on the other side of the sandbags and fired two quickrounds. Someone fired back at him once, and he recognized the shot.
  “Dunbar? he called.
  The two men left their hiding places and walked forward to meet in the clearing with weary disappointment, theirguns down. They were both shivering slightly from the frosty air and wheezing from the labor of their uphillrush.
  “The bastards,” said Yossarian. “They got away.”
  “They took ten years off my life,” Dunbar exclaimed. “I thought that son of a bitch Milo was bombing us again.
  I’ve never been so scared. I wish I knew who the bastards were.
  “One was Sergeant Knight.”
  “Let’s go kill him.” Dunbar’s teeth were chattering. “He had no right to scare us that way.”
  Yossarian no longer wanted to kill anyone. “Let’s help Nately first. I think I hurt him at the bottom of the hill.”
  But there was no sign of Nately along the path, even though Yossarian located the right spot by the blood on thestones. Nately was not in his tent either, and they did not catch up with him until the next morning when theychecked into the hospital as patients after learning he had checked in with a broken nose the night before. Natelybeamed in frightened surprise as they padded into the ward in their slippers and robes behind Nurse Cramer andwere assigned to their beds. Nately’s nose was in a bulky cast, and he had two black eyes. He kept blushinggiddily in shy embarrassment and saying he was sorry when Yossarian came over to apologize for hitting him.
  Yossarian felt terrible; he could hardly bear to look at Nately’s battered countenance, even though the sight wasso comical he was tempted to guffaw. Dunbar was disgusted by their sentimentality, and all three were relievedwhen Hungry Joe came barging in unexpectedly with his intricate black camera and trumped-up symptoms ofappendicitis to be near enough to Yossarian to take pictures of him feeling up Nurse Duckett. Like Yossarian, hewas soon disappointed. Nurse Duckett had decided to marry a doctor—any doctor, because they all did so well inbusiness—and would not take chances in the vicinity of the man who might someday be her husband. HungryJoe was irate and inconsolable until—of all people—the chaplain was led in wearing a maroon corduroybathrobe, shining like a skinny lighthouse with a radiant grin of self-satisfaction too tremendous to be concealed.
  The chaplain had entered the hospital with a pain in his heart that the doctors thought was gas in his stomach andwith an advanced case of Wisconsin shingles.
  “What in the world are Wisconsin shingles?” asked Yossarian.
  “That’s just what the doctors wanted to know!” blurted out the chaplain proudly, and burst into laughter. No onehad ever seen him so waggish, or so happy. “There’s no such thing as Wisconsin shingles. Don’t youunderstand? I lied. I made a deal with the doctors. I promised that I would let them know when my Wisconsinshingles went away if they would promise not to do anything to cure them. I never told a lie before. Isn’t itwonderful?”
  The chaplain had sinned, and it was good. Common sense told him that telling lies and defecting from duty weresins. On the other hand, everyone knew that sin was evil, and that no good could come from evil. But he did feelgood; he felt positively marvelous. Consequently, it followed logically that telling lies and defecting from dutycould not be sins. The chaplain had mastered, in a moment of divine intuition, the handy technique of protectiverationalization, and he was exhilarated by his discovery. It was miraculous. It was almost no trick at all, he saw,to turn vice into virtue and slander into truth, impotence into abstinence, arrogance into humility, plunder intophilanthropy, thievery into honor, blasphemy into wisdom, brutality into patriotism, and sadism into justice.
  Anybody could do it; it required no brains at all. It merely required no character. With effervescent agility thechaplain ran through the whole gamut of orthodox immoralities, while Nately sat up in bed with flushed elation,astounded by the mad gang of companions of which he found himself the nucleus. He was flattered andapprehensive, certain that some severe official would soon appear and throw the whole lot of them out like apack of bums. No one bothered them. In the evening they all trooped exuberantly out to see a lousy Hollywoodextravaganza in Technicolor, and when they trooped exuberantly back in after the lousy Hollywoodextravaganza, the soldier in white was there, and Dunbar screamed and went to pieces.
  “He’s back!” Dunbar screamed. “He’s back! He’s back!”
  Yossarian froze in his tracks, paralyzed as much by the eerie shrillness in Dunbar’s voice as by the familiar,white, morbid sight of the soldier in white covered from head to toe in plaster and gauze. A strange, quavering,involuntary noise came bubbling from Yossarian’s throat.
  “He’s back!” Dunbar screamed again.
  “He’s back!” a patient delirious with fever echoed in automatic terror.
  All at once the ward erupted into bedlam. Mobs of sick and injured men began ranting incoherently and runningand jumping in the aisle as though the building were on fire. A patient with one foot and one crutch was hoppingback and forth swiftly in panic crying, “What is it? What is it? Are we burning? Are we burning?”
  “He’s back!” someone shouted at him. “Didn’t you hear him? He’s back! He’s back!”
  “Who’s back?” shouted someone else. “Who is it?”
  “What does it mean? What should we do?”
  “Are we on fire?”
  “Get up and run, damn it! Everybody get up and run!”
  Everybody got out of bed and began running from one end of the ward to the other. One C.I.D. man was lookingfor a gun to shoot one of the other C.I.D. men who had jabbed his elbow into his eye. The ward had turned intochaos. The patient delirious with the high fever leaped into the aisle and almost knocked over the patient withone foot, who accidentally brought the black rubber tip of his crutch down on the other’s bare foot, crushingsome toes. The delirious man with the fever and the crushed toes sank to the floor and wept in pain while othermen tripped over him and hurt him more in their blind, milling, agonized stampede. “He’s back!” all the menkept mumbling and chanting and calling out hysterically as they rushed back and forth. “He’s back, he’s back!”
  Nurse Cramer was there in the middle suddenly like a spinning policeman, trying desperately to restore order,dissolving helplessly into tears when she failed. “Be still, please be still,” she urged uselessly through hermassive sobs. The chaplain, pale as a ghost, had no idea what was going on. Neither did Nately, who kept closeto Yossarian’s side, clinging to his elbow, or Hungry Joe, who followed dubiously with his scrawny fistsclenched and glanced from side to side with a face that was scared.
  “Hey, what’s going on?” Hungry Joe pleaded. “What the hell is going on?”
  “It’s the same one!” Dunbar shouted at him emphatically in a voice rising clearly above the raucous commotion.
  “Don’t you understand? It’s the same one.”
  “The same one!” Yossarian heard himself echo, quivering with a deep and ominous excitement that he could notcontrol, and shoved his way after Dunbar toward the bed of the soldier in white.
  “Take it easy, fellas,” the short patriotic Texan counseled affably, with an uncertain grin. “There’s no cause to beupset. Why don’t we all just take it easy?”
  “The same one!” others began murmuring, chanting and shouting.
  Suddenly Nurse Duckett was there, too. “What’s going on?” she demanded.
  “He’s back!” Nurse Cramer screamed, sinking into her arms. “He’s back, he’s back!”
  It was, indeed, the same man. He had lost a few inches and added some weight, but Yossarian remembered himinstantly by the two stiff anus and the two stiff, thick, useless legs all drawn upward into the air almostperpendicularly by the taut ropes and the long lead weights suspended from pulleys over him and by the frayedblack hole in the bandages over his mouth. He had, in fact, hardly changed at all. There was the same zinc piperising from the hard stone mass over his groin and leading to the clear glass jar on the floor. There was the sameclear glass jar on a pole dripping fluid into him through the crook of his elbow. Yossarian would recognize him anywhere. He wondered who he was.
  “There’s no one inside!” Dunbar yelled out at him unexpectedly.
  Yossarian felt his heart skip a beat and his legs grow weak. “What are you talking about?” he shouted withdread, stunned by the haggard, sparking anguish in Dunbar’s eyes and by his crazed look of wild shock andhorror. “Are you nuts or something? What the hell do you mean, there’s no one inside?”
  “They’ve stolen him away!” Dunbar shouted back. “He’s hollow inside, like a chocolate soldier. They just tookhim away and left those bandages there.”
  “Why should they do that?”
  “Why do they do anything?”
  “They’ve stolen him away!” screamed someone else, and people all over the ward began screaming, “They’vestolen him away. They’ve stolen him away!”
  “Go back to your beds,” Nurse Duckett pleaded with Dunbar and Yossarian, pushing feebly against Yossarian’schest. “Please go back to your beds.”
  “You’re crazy!” Yossarian shouted angrily at Dunbar. “What the hell makes you say that?”
  “Did anyone see him?” Dunbar demanded with sneering fervor.
  “You saw him, didn’t you?” Yossarian said to Nurse Duckett. “Tell Dunbar there’s someone inside.”
  “Lieutenant Schmulker is inside,” Nurse Duckett said. “He’s burned all over.”
  “Did she see him?”
  “You saw him, didn’t you?”
  “The doctor who bandaged him saw him.”
  “Go get him, will you? Which doctor was it?”
  Nurse Duckett reacted to the question with a startled gasp. “The doctor isn’t even here!” she exclaimed. “Thepatient was brought to us that way from a field hospital.”
  “You see?” cried Nurse Cramer. “There’s no one inside!”
  “There’s no one inside!” yelled Hungry Joe, and began stamping on the floor.
  Dunbar broke through and leaped up furiously on the soldier in white’s bed to see for himself, pressing hisgleaming eye down hungrily against the tattered black hole in the shell of white bandages. He was still bent overstaring with one eye into the lightless, unstirring void of the soldier in white’s mouth when the doctors and theM.P.s came running to help Yossarian pull him away. The doctors wore guns at the waist. The guards carriedcarbines and rifles with which they shoved and jolted the crowd of muttering patients back. A stretcher onwheels was there, and the solder in white was lifted out of bed skillfully and rolled out of sight in a matter ofseconds. The doctors and M.P.s moved through the ward assuring everyone that everything was all right.
  Nurse Duckett plucked Yossarian’s arm and whispered to him furtively to meet her in the broom closet outsidein the corridor. Yossarian rejoiced when he heard her. He thought Nurse Duckett finally wanted to get laid andpulled her skirt up the second they were alone in the broom closet, but she pushed him away. She had urgentnews about Dunbar.
  “They’re going to disappear him,” she said.
  Yossarian squinted at her uncomprehendingly. “They’re what?” he asked in surprise, and laughed uneasily.
  “What does that mean?”
  “I don’t know. I heard them talking behind a door.”
  “I don’t know. I couldn’t see them. I just heard them say they were going to disappear Dunbar.”
  “Why are they going to disappear him?”
  “I don’t know.”
  “It doesn’t make sense. It isn’t even good grammar. What the hell does it mean when they disappear somebody?”
  “I don’t know.”
  “Jesus, you’re a great help!”
  “Why are you picking on me?” Nurse Duckett protested with hurt feelings, and began sniffing back tears. “I’monly trying to help. It isn’t my fault they’re going to disappear him, is it? I shouldn’t even be telling you.”
  Yossarian took her in his arms and hugged her with gentle, contrite affection. “I’m sorry,” he apologized, kissingher cheek respectfully, and hurried away to warn Dunbar, who was nowhere to be found.



等级: 派派版主
配偶: 此微夜
举报 只看该作者 35楼  发表于: 2013-10-28 0

Chapter 35 Milo The Militant
    For the first time in his life, Yossarian prayed. He got down on his knees and prayed to Nately not to volunteer tofly more than seventy missions after Chief White Halfoat did die of pneumonia in the hospital and Nately hadapplied for his job. But Nately just wouldn’t listen.
  “I’ve got to fly more missions,” Nately insisted lamely with a crooked smile. “Otherwise they’ll send me home.”
  “I don’t want to go home until I can take her back with me.”
  “She means that much to you?”
  Nately nodded dejectedly. “I might never see her again.”
  “Then get yourself grounded,” Yossarian urged. “You’ve finished your missions and you don’t need the flightpay. Why don’t you ask for Chief White Halfoat’s job, if you can stand working for Captain Black?”
  Nately shook his head, his cheeks darkening with shy and regretful mortification. “They won’t give it to me. Ispoke to Colonel Korn, and he told me I’d have to fly more missions or be sent home.”
  Yossarian cursed savagely. “That’s just plain meanness.”
  “I don’t mind, I guess. I’ve flown seventy missions without getting hurt. I guess I can fly a few more.”
  “Don’t do anything at all about it until I talk to someone,” Yossarian decided, and went looking for help fromMilo, who went immediately afterward to Colonel Cathcart for help in having himself assigned to more combatmissions.
  Milo had been earning many distinctions for himself. He had flown fearlessly into danger and criticism byselling petroleum and ball bearings to Germany at good prices in order to make a good profit and help maintain abalance of power between the contending forces. His nerve under fire was graceful and infinite. With a devotionto purpose above and beyond the line of duty, he had then raised the price of food in his mess halls so high thatall officers and enlisted men had to turn over all their pay to him in order to eat. Their alternative—there was analternative, of course, since Milo detested coercion and was a vocal champion of freedom of choice—was tostarve. When he encountered a wave of enemy resistance to this attack, he stuck to his position without regardfor his safety or reputation and gallantly invoked the law of supply and demand. And when someone somewheresaid no, Milo gave ground grudgingly, valiantly defending, even in retreat, the historic right of free men to pay asmuch as they had to for the things they needed in order to survive.
  Milo had been caught red-handed in the act of plundering his countrymen, and, as a result, his stock had neverbeen higher. He proved good as his word when a rawboned major from Minnesota curled his lip in rebelliousdisavowal and demanded his share of the syndicate Milo kept saying everybody owned. Milo met the challengeby writing the words “A Share” on the nearest scrap of paper and handing it away with a virtuous disdain thatwon the envy and admiration of almost everyone who knew him. His glory was at a peak, and Colonel Cathcart,who knew and admired his war record, was astonished by the deferential humility with which Milo presentedhimself at Group Headquarters and made his fantastic appeal for more hazardous assignments.
  “You want to fly more combat missions?” Colonel Cathcart gasped. “What in the world for?”
  Milo answered in a demure voice with his face lowered meekly. “I want to do my duty, sir. The country is atwar, and I want to fight to defend it like the rest of the fellows.”
  “But, Milo, you are doing your duty,” Colonel Cathcart exclaimed with a laugh that thundered jovially. “I can’tthink of a single person who’s done more for the men than you have. Who gave them chocolate-covered cotton?”
  Milo shook his head slowly and sadly. “But being a good mess officer in wartime just isn’t enough, ColonelCathcart.”
  “Certainly it is, Milo. I don’t know what’s come over you.”
  “Certainly it isn’t, Colonel,” Milo disagreed in a somewhat firm tone, raising his subservient eyes significantlyjust far enough to arrest Colonel Cathcart’s. “Some of the men are beginning to talk.”
  “Oh, is that it? Give me their names, Milo. Give me their names and I’ll see to it that they go on every dangerousmission the group flies.”
  “No, Colonel, I’m afraid they’re right,” Milo said, with his head drooping again. “I was sent overseas as a pilot,and I should be flying more combat missions and spending less time on my duties as a mess officer.”
  Colonel Cathcart was surprised but co-operative. “Well, Milo, if you really feel that way, I’m sure we can makewhatever arrangements you want. How long have you been overseas now?”
  “Eleven months, sir.”
  “And how many missions have you flown?”
  “Five?” asked Colonel Cathcart.
  “Five, sir.”
  “Five, eh?” Colonel Cathcart rubbed his cheek pensively. “That isn’t very good, is it?”
  “Isn’t it?” asked Milo in a sharply edged voice, glancing up again.
  Colonel Cathcart quailed. “On the contrary, that’s very good, Milo,” he corrected himself hastily. “It isn’t bad atall.”
  “No, Colonel,” Milo said, with a long, languishing, wistful sigh, “it isn’t very good. Although it’s very generousof you to say so.”
  “But it’s really not bad, Milo. Not bad at all, when you consider all your other valuable contributions. Fivemissions, you say? Just five?”
  “Just five, sir.”
  “Just five.” Colonel Cathcart grew awfully depressed for a moment as he wondered what Milo was reallythinking, and whether he had already got a black eye with him. “Five is very good, Milo,” he observed withenthusiasm, spying a ray of hope. “That averages out to almost one combat mission every two months. And I’llbet your total doesn’t include the time you bombed us.”
  “Yes, sir. It does.”
  “It does?” inquired Colonel Cathcart with mild wonder. “You didn’t actually fly along on that mission, did you?
  If I remember correctly, you were in the control tower with me, weren’t you?”
  “But it was my mission,” Milo contended. “I organized it, and we used my planes and supplies. I planned andsupervised the whole thing.”
  “Oh, certainly, Milo, certainly. I’m not disputing you. I’m only checking the figures to make sure you’reclaiming all you’re entitled to. Did you also include the time we contracted with you to bomb the bridge atOrvieto?”
  “Oh, no, sir. I didn’t think I should, since I was in Orvieto at the time directing the antiaircraft fire.”
  “I don’t see what difference that makes, Milo. It was still your mission. And a damned good one, too, I must say.
  We didn’t get the bridge, but we did have a beautiful bomb pattern. I remember General Peckem commenting onit. No, Milo, I insist you count Orvieto as a mission, too.”
  “If you insist, sir.”
  “I do insist, Milo. Now, let’s see—you now have a grand total of six missions, which is damned good, Milo,damned good, really. Six missions is an increase of twenty per cent in just a couple of minutes, which is not badat all, Milo, not bad at all.”
  “Many of the other men have seventy missions,” Milo pointed out.
  “But they never produced any chocolate-covered cotton, did they? Milo, you’re doing more than your share.”
  “But they’re getting all the fame and opportunity,” Milo persisted with a petulance that bordered on sniveling.
  “Sir, I want to get in there and fight like the rest of the fellows. That’s what I’m here for. I want to win medals,too.”
  “Yes, Milo, of course. We all want to spend more time in combat. But people like you and me serve in differentways. Look at my own record,” Colonel Cathcart uttered a deprecatory laugh. “I’ll bet it’s not generally known,Milo, that I myself have flown only four missions, is it?”
  “No, sir,” Milo replied. “It’s generally known that you’ve flown only two missions. And that one of thoseoccurred when Aarfy accidentally flew you over enemy territory while navigating you to Naples for a black-market water cooler.”
  Colonel Cathcart, flushing with embarrassment, abandoned all further argument. “All right, Milo. I can’t praiseyou enough for what you want to do. If it really means so much to you, I’ll have Major Major assign you to thenext sixty-four missions so that you can have seventy, too.”
  “Thank you, Colonel, thank you, sir. You don’t know what this means.”
  “Don’t mention it, Milo. I know exactly what it means.”
  “No, Colonel, I don’t think you do know what it means,” Milo disagreed pointedly. “Someone will have to beginrunning the syndicate for me right away. It’s very complicated, and I might get shot down at any time.”
  Colonel Cathcart brightened instantly at the thought and began rubbing his hands with avaricious zest. “Youknow, Milo, I think Colonel Korn and I might be willing to take the syndicate off your hands,” he suggested inan offhand manner, almost licking his lips in savory anticipation. “Our experience in black-market plumtomatoes should come in very useful. Where do we begin?”
  Milo watched Colonel Cathcart steadily with a bland and guileless expression. “Thank you, sir, that’s very goodof you. Begin with a salt-free diet for General Peckem and a fat-free diet for General Dreedle.”
  “Let me get a pencil. What’s next?”
  “The cedars.”
  “From Lebanon.”
  “We’ve got cedars from Lebanon due at the sawmill in Oslo to be turned into shingles for the builder in CapeCod. C.O.D. And then there’s the peas.”
  “That are on the high seas. We’ve got boatloads of peas that are on the high seas from Atlanta to Holland to payfor the tulips that were shipped to Geneva to pay for the cheeses that must go to Vienna M.I.F.”
  “Money in Front. The Hapsburgs are shaky.”
  “And don’t forget the galvanized zinc in the warehouse at Flint. Four carloads of galvanized zinc from Flint mustbe flown to the smelters in Damascus by noon of the eighteenth, terms F.O.B. Calcutta two per cent ten daysE.O.M. One Messerschmitt full of hemp is due in Belgrade for a C-47 and a half full of those semi-pitted dateswe stuck them with from Khartoum. Use the money from the Portuguese anchovies we’re selling back to Lisbonto pay for the Egyptian cotton we’ve got coming back to us from Mamaroneck and to pick up as many oranges asyou can in Spain. Always pay cash for naranjas.”
  “That’s what they call oranges in Spain, and these are Spanish oranges. And—oh, yes. Don’t forget PiltdownMan.”
  “Piltdown Man?”
  “Yes, Piltdown Man. The Smithsonian Institution is not in a position at this time to meet our price for a secondPiltdown Man, but they are looking forward to the death of a wealthy and beloved donor and—““Milo.”
  “France wants all the parsley we can send them, and I think we might as well, because we’ll need the francs forthe lire for the pfennigs for the dates when they get back. I’ve also ordered a tremendous shipment of Peruvianbalsa wood for distribution to each of the mess halls in the syndicate on a pro rata basis.”
  “Balsa wood? What are the mess halls going to do with balsa wood?”
  “Good balsa wood isn’t so easy to come by these days, Colonel. I just didn’t think it was a good idea to pass up the chance to buy it.”
  “No, I suppose not,” Colonel Cathcart surmised vaguely with the look of somebody seasick. “And I assume theprice was right.”
  “The price,” said Milo, “was outrageous—positively exorbitant! But since we bought it from one of our ownsubsidiaries, we were happy to pay it. Look after the hides.”
  “The hives?”
  “The hides.”
  “The hides?”
  “The hides. In Buenos Aires. They have to be tanned.”
  “In Newfoundland. And shipped to Helsinki N.M.I.F. before the spring thaw begins. Everything to Finland goesN.M.I.F. before the spring thaw begins.”
  “No Money in Front?” guessed Colonel Cathcart.
  “Good, Colonel. You have a gift, sir. And then there’s the cork.”
  “The cork?”
  “That must go to New York, the shoes for Toulouse, the ham for Siam, the nails from Wales, and the tangerinesfor New Orleans.”
  “We have coals in Newcastle, sir.”
  Colonel Cathcart threw up his hands. “Milo, stop!” he cried, almost in tears. “It’s no use. You’re just like I am—indispensable!” He pushed his pencil aside and rose to his feet in frantic exasperation. “Milo, you can’t fly sixty-four more missions. You can’t even fly one more mission. The whole system would fall apart if anythinghappened to you.”
  Milo nodded serenely with complacent gratification. “Sir, are you forbidding me to fly any more combatmissions?”
  “Milo, I forbid you to fly any more combat missions,” Colonel Cathcart declared in a tone of stern and inflexible authority.
  “But that’s not fair, sir,” said Milo. “What about my record? The other men are getting all the fame and medalsand publicity. Why should I be penalized just because I’m doing such a good job as mess officer?”
  “No, Milo, it isn’t fair. But I don’t see anything we can do about it.”
  “Maybe we can get someone else to fly my missions for me.”
  “But maybe we can get someone else to fly your missions for you,” Colonel Cathcart suggested. “How about thestriking coal miners in Pennsylvania and West Virginia?”
  Milo shook his head. “It would take too long to train them. But why not the men in the squadron, sir? After all,I’m doing this for them. They ought to be willing to do something for me in return.”
  “But why not the men in the squadron, Milo?” Colonel Cathcart exclaimed. “After all, you’re doing all this forthem. They ought to be willing to do something for you in return.”
  “What’s fair is fair.”
  “What’s fair is fair.”
  “They could take turns, sir.”
  “They might even take turns flying your missions for you, Milo.”
  “Who gets the credit?”
  “You get the credit, Milo. And if a man wins a medal flying one of your missions, you get the medal.”
  “Who dies if he gets killed?”
  “Why, he dies, of course. After all, Milo, what’s fair is fair. There’s just one thing.”
  “You’ll have to raise the number of missions.”
  “I might have to raise the number of missions again, and I’m not sure the men will fly them. They’re still prettysore because I jumped them to seventy. If I can get just one of the regular officers to fly more, the rest willprobably follow.”
  “Nately will fly more missions, sir,” Milo said. “I was told in strictest confidence just a little while ago that he’lldo anything he has to in order to remain overseas with a girl he’s fallen in love with.”
  “But Nately will fly more!” Colonel Cathcart declared, and he brought his hands together in a resounding clap ofvictory. “Yes, Nately will fly more. And this time I’m really going to jump the missions, right up to eighty, andreally knock General Dreedle’s eye out. And this is a good way to get that lousy rat Yossarian back into combatwhere he might get killed.”
  “Yossarian?” A tremor of deep concern passed over Milo’s simple, homespun features, and he scratched thecorner of his reddish-brown mustache thoughtfully.
  “Yeah, Yossarian. I hear he’s going around saying that he’s finished his missions and the war’s over for him.
  Well, maybe he has finished his missions. But he hasn’t finished your missions, has he? Ha! Ha! Has he got asurprise coming to him!”
  “Sir, Yossarian is a friend of mine,” Milo objected. “I’d hate to be responsible for doing anything that would puthim back in combat. I owe a lot to Yossarian. Isn’t there any way we could make an exception of him?”
  “Oh, no, Milo.” Colonel Cathcart clucked sententiously, shocked by the suggestion. “We must never playfavorites. We must always treat every man alike.”
  “I’d give everything I own to Yossarian,” Milo persevered gamely on Yossarian’s behalf. “But since I don’t ownanything, I can’t give everything to him, can I? So he’ll just have to take his chances with the rest of the men,won’t he?”
  “What’s fair is fair, Milo.”
  “Yes, sir, what’s fair is fair,” Milo agreed. “Yossarian is no better than the other men, and he has no right toexpect any special privileges, has he?”
  “No, Milo. What’s fair is fair.”
  And there was no time for Yossarian to save himself from combat once Colonel Cathcart issued hisannouncement raising the missions to eighty late that same afternoon, no time to dissuade Nately from flyingthem or even to conspire again with Dobbs to murder Colonel Cathcart, for the alert sounded suddenly at dawnthe next day and the men were rushed into the trucks before a decent breakfast could be prepared, and they weredriven at top speed to the briefing room and then out to the airfield, where the clitterclattering fuel trucks werestill pumping gasoline into the tanks of the planes and the scampering crews of armorers were toiling as swiftlyas they could at hoisting the thousand-pound demolition bombs into the bomb bays. Everybody was running, andengines were turned on and warmed up as soon as the fuel trucks had finished.
  Intelligence had reported that a disabled Italian cruiser in drydock at La Spezia would be towed by the Germansthat same morning to a channel at the entrance of the harbor and scuttled there to deprive the Allied armies ofdeep-water port facilities when they captured the city. For once, a military intelligence report proved accurate.
  The long vessel was halfway across the harbor when they flew in from the west, and broke it apart with directhits from every flight that filled them all with waves of enormously satisfying group pride until they found themselves engulfed in great barrages of flak that rose from guns in every bend of the huge horseshoe ofmountainous land below. Even Havermeyer resorted to the wildest evasive action he could command when hesaw what a vast distance he had still to travel to escape, and Dobbs, at the pilot’s controls in his formation,zigged when he should have zagged, skidding his plane into the plane alongside, and chewed off its tail. Hiswing broke off at the base, and his plane dropped like a rock and was almost out of sight in an instant. There wasno fire, no smoke, not the slightest untoward noise. The remaining wing revolved as ponderously as a grindingcement mixer as the plane plummeted nose downward in a straight line at accelerating speed until it struck thewater, which foamed open at the impact like a white water lily on the dark-blue sea, and washed back in a geyserof apple-green bubbles when the plane sank. It was over in a matter of seconds. There were no parachutes. AndNately, in the other plane, was killed too.



等级: 派派版主
配偶: 此微夜
举报 只看该作者 36楼  发表于: 2013-10-28 0

Chapter 36 The Cellar
    Nately’s death almost killed the chaplain. Chaplain Shipman was seated in his tent, laboring over his paperworkin his reading spectacles, when his phone rang and news of the mid-air collision was given to him from the field.
  His insides turned at once to dry clay. His hand was trembling as he put the phone down. His other hand begantrembling. The disaster was too immense to contemplate. Twelve men killed—how ghastly, how very, veryawful! His feeling of terror grew. He prayed instinctively that Yossarian, Nately, Hungry Joe and his otherfriends would not be listed among the victims, then berated himself repentantly, for to pray for their safety was topray for the death of other young men he did not even know. It was too late to pray; yet that was all he knew howto do. His heart was pounding with a noise that seemed to be coming from somewhere outside, and he knew hewould never sit in a dentist’s chair again, never glance at a surgical tool, never witness an automobile accident orhear a voice shout at night, without experiencing the same violent thumping in his chest and dreading that he wasgoing to die. He would never watch another fist fight without fearing he was going to faint and crack his skullopen on the pavement or suffer a fatal heart attack or cerebral hemorrhage. He wondered if he would ever see hiswife again or his three small children. He wondered if he ever should see his wife again, now that Captain Blackhad planted in his mind such strong doubts about the fidelity and character of all women. There were so manyother men, he felt, who could prove more satisfying to her sexually. When he thought of death now, he alwaysthought of his wife, and when he thought of his wife he always thought of losing her.
  In another minute the chaplain felt strong enough to rise and walk with glum reluctance to the tent next door forSergeant Whitcomb. They drove in Sergeant Whitcomb’s jeep. The chaplain made fists of his hands to keepthem from shaking as they lay in his lap. He ground his teeth together and tried not to hear as SergeantWhitcomb chirruped exultantly over the tragic event. Twelve men killed meant twelve more form letters ofcondolence that could be mailed in one bunch to the next of kin over Colonel Cathcart’s signature, givingSergeant Whitcomb hope of getting an article on Colonel Cathcart into The Saturday Evening Post in time forEaster.
  At the field a heavy silence prevailed, overpowering motion like a ruthless, insensate spell holding in thrall the only beings who might break it. The chaplain was in awe. He had never beheld such a great, appalling stillnessbefore. Almost two hundred tired, gaunt, downcast men stood holding their parachute packs in a somber andunstirring crowd outside the briefing room, their faces staring blankly in different angles of stunned dejection.
  They seemed unwilling to go, unable to move. The chaplain was acutely conscious of the faint noise hisfootsteps made as he approached. His eyes searched hurriedly, frantically, through the immobile maze of limpfigures. He spied Yossarian finally with a feeling of immense joy, and then his mouth gaped open slowly inunbearable horror as he noted Yossarian’s vivid, beaten, grimy look of deep, drugged despair. He understood atonce, recoiling in pain from the realization and shaking his head with a protesting and imploring grimace, thatNately was dead. The knowledge struck him with a numbing shock. A sob broke from him. The blood drainedfrom his legs, and he thought he was going to drop. Nately was dead. All hope that he was mistaken was washedaway by the sound of Nately’s name emerging with recurring clarity now from the almost inaudible babble ofmurmuring voices that he was suddenly aware of for the first time. Nately was dead: the boy had been killed. Awhimpering sound rose in the chaplain’s throat, and his jaw began to quiver. His eyes filled with tears, and hewas crying. He started toward Yossarian on tiptoe to mourn beside him and share his wordless grief. At thatmoment a hand grabbed him roughly around the arm and a brusque voice demanded,“Chaplain Shipman?”
  He turned with surprise to face a stout, pugnacious colonel with a large head and mustache and a smooth, floridskin. He had never seen the man before. “Yes. What is it?” The fingers grasping the chaplain’s arm were hurtinghim, and he tried in vain to squirm loose.
  “Come along.”
  The chaplain pulled back in frightened confusion. “Where? Why? Who are you, anyway?”
  “You’d better come along with us, Father,” a lean, hawk-faced major on the chaplain’s other side intoned withreverential sorrow. “We’re from the government. We want to ask you some questions.”
  “What kind of questions? What’s the matter?”
  “Aren’t you Chaplain Shipman?” demanded the obese colonel.
  “He’s the one,” Sergeant Whitcomb answered.
  “Go on along with them,” Captain Black called out to the chaplain with a hostile and contemptuous sneer. “Goon into the car if you know what’s good for you.”
  Hands were drawing the chaplain away irresistibly. He wanted to shout for help to Yossarian, who seemed toofar away to hear. Some of the men nearby were beginning to look at him with awakening curiosity. The chaplainbent his face away with burning shame and allowed himself to be led into the rear of a staff car and seatedbetween the fat colonel with the large, pink face and the skinny, unctuous, despondent major. He automaticallyheld a wrist out to each, wondering for a moment if they wanted to handcuff him. Another officer was already in the front seat. A tall M.P. with a whistle and a white helmet got in behind the wheel. The chaplain did not dareraise his eyes until the closed car had lurched from the area and the speeding wheels were whining on the bumpyblacktop road.
  “Where are you taking me?” he asked in a voice soft with timidity and guilt, his gaze still averted. The notioncame to him that they were holding him to blame for the mid-air crash and the death of Nately. “What have Idone?”
  “Why don’t you keep your trap shut and let us ask the questions?” said the colonel.
  “Don’t talk to him that way,” said the major. “It isn’t necessary to be so disrespectful.”
  “Then tell him to keep his trap shut and let us ask the questions.”
  “Father, please keep your trap shut and let us ask the questions,” urged the major sympathetically. “It will bebetter for you.”
  “It isn’t necessary to call me Father,” said the chaplain. “I’m not a Catholic.”
  “Neither am I, Father,” said the major. “It’s just that I’m a very devout person, and I like to call all men of GodFather.”
  “He doesn’t even believe there are atheists in foxholes,” the colonel mocked, and nudged the chaplain in the ribsfamiliarly. “Go on, Chaplain, tell him. Are there atheists in foxholes?”
  “I don’t know, sir,” the chaplain replied. “I’ve never been in a foxhole.”
  The officer in front swung his head around swiftly with a quarrelsome expression. “You’ve never been in heaveneither, have you? But you know there’s a heaven, don’t you?”
  “Or do you?” said the colonel.
  “That’s a very serious crime you’ve committed, Father,” said the major.
  “What crime?”
  “We don’t know yet,” said the colonel. “But we’re going to find out. And we sure know it’s very serious.”
  The car swung off the road at Group Headquarters with a squeal of tires, slackening speed only slightly, andcontinued around past the parking lot to the back of the building. The three officers and the chaplain got out. Insingle file, they ushered him down a wobbly flight of wooden stairs leading to the basement and led him into adamp, gloomy room with a low cement ceiling and unfinished stone walls. There were cobwebs in all thecorners. A huge centipede blew across the floor to the shelter of a water pipe. They sat the chaplain in a hard, straight-backed chair that stood behind a small, bare table.
  “Please make yourself comfortable, Chaplain,” invited the colonel cordially, switching on a blinding spotlightand shooting it squarely into the chaplain’s face. He placed a set of brass knuckles and box of wooden matcheson the table. “We want you to relax.”
  The chaplain’s eyes bulged out incredulously. His teeth chattered and his limbs felt utterly without strength. Hewas powerless. They might do whatever they wished to him, he realized; these brutal men might beat him todeath right there in the basement, and no one would intervene to save him, no one, perhaps, but the devout andsympathetic major with the sharp face, who set a water tap dripping loudly into a sink and returned to the table tolay a length of heavy rubber hose down beside the brass knuckles.
  “Everything’s going to be all right, Chaplain,” the major said encouragingly. “You’ve got nothing to be afraid ofif you’re not guilty. What are you so afraid of? You’re not guilty, are you?”
  “Sure he’s guilty,” said the colonel. “Guilty as hell.”
  “Guilty of what?” implored the chaplain, feeling more and more bewildered and not knowing which of the mento appeal to for mercy. The third officer wore no insignia and lurked in silence off to the side. “What did I do?”
  “That’s just what we’re going to find out,” answered the colonel, and he shoved a pad and pencil across the tableto the chaplain. “Write your name for us, will you? In your own handwriting.”
  “My own handwriting?”
  “That’s right. Anywhere on the page.” When the chaplain had finished, the colonel took the pad back and held itup alongside a sheet of paper he removed from a folder. “See?” he said to the major, who had come to his sideand was peering solemnly over his shoulder.
  “They’re not the same, are they?” the major admitted.
  “I told you he did it.”
  “Did what?” asked the chaplain.
  “Chaplain, this comes as a great shock to me,” the major accused in a tone of heavy lamentation.
  “What does?”
  “I can’t tell you how disappointed I am in you.”
  “For what?” persisted the chaplain more fiantically. “What have I done?”
  “For this,” replied the major, and, with an air of disillusioned disgust, tossed down on the table the pad on whichthe chaplain had signed his name. “This isn’t your handwriting.”
  The chaplain blinked rapidly with amazement. “But of course it’s my handwriting.”
  “No it isn’t, Chaplain. You’re lying again.”
  “But I just wrote it!” the chaplain cried in exasperation. “You saw me write it.”
  “That’s just it,” the major answered bitterly. “I saw you write it. You can’t deny that you did write it. A personwho’ll lie about his own handwriting will lie about anything.”
  “But who lied about my own handwriting?” demanded the chaplain, forgetting his fear in the wave of anger andindignation that welled up inside him suddenly. “Are you crazy or something? What are you both talking about?”
  “We asked you to write your name in your own handwriting. And you didn’t do it.”
  “But of course I did. In whose handwriting did I write it if not my own?”
  “In somebody else’s.”
  “That’s just what we’re going to find out,” threatened the colonel.
  “Talk, Chaplain.”
  The chaplain looked from one to the other of the two men with rising doubt and hysteria. “That handwriting ismine,” he maintained passionately. “Where else is my handwriting, if that isn’t it?”
  “Right here,” answered the colonel. And looking very superior, he tossed down on the table a photostatic copy ofa piece of V mail in which everything but the salutation “Dear Mary” had been blocked out and on which thecensoring officer had written, “I long for you tragically. R. O. Shipman, Chaplain, U.S. Army.” The colonelsmiled scornfully as he watched the chaplain’s face turn crimson. “Well, Chaplain? Do you know who wrotethat?”
  The chaplain took a long moment to reply; he had recognized Yossarian’s handwriting. “No.”
  “You can read, though, can’t you?” the colonel persevered sarcastically. “The author signed his name.”
  “That’s my name there.”
  “Then you wrote it. Q.E.D.”
  “But I didn’t write it. That isn’t my handwriting, either.”
  “Then you signed your name in somebody else’s handwriting again,” the colonel retorted with a shrug. “That’sall that means.”
  “Oh, this is ridiculous!” the chaplain shouted, suddenly losing all patience. He jumped to his feet in a blazingfury, both fists clenched. “I’m not going to stand for this any longer! Do you hear? Twelve men were just killed,and I have no time for these silly questions. You’ve no right to keep me here, and I’m just not going to stand forit.”
  Without saying a word, the colonel pushed the chaplain’s chest hard and knocked him back down into the chair,and the chaplain was suddenly weak and very much afraid again. The major picked up the length of rubber hoseand began tapping it menacingly against his open palm. The colonel lifted the box of matches, took one out andheld it poised against the striking surface, watching with glowering eyes for the chaplain’s next sign of defiance.
  The chaplain was pale and almost too petrified to move. The bright glare of the spotlight made him turn awayfinally; the dripping water was louder and almost unbearably irritating. He wished they would tell him what theywanted so that he would know what to confess. He waited tensely as the third officer, at a signal from thecolonel, ambled over from the wall and seated himself on the table just a few inches away from the chaplain. Hisface was expressionless, his eyes penetrating and cold.
  “Turn off the light,” he said over his shoulder in a low, calm voice. “It’s very annoying.”
  The chaplain gave him a small smile of gratitude. “Thank you, sir. And the drip too, please.”
  “Leave the drip,” said the officer. “That doesn’t bother me.” He tugged up the legs of his trousers a bit, as thoughto preserve their natty crease. “Chaplain,” he asked casually, “of what religious persuasion are you?”
  “I’m an Anabaptist, sir.”
  “That’s a pretty suspicious religion, isn’t it?”
  “Suspicious?” inquired the chaplain in a kind of innocent daze. “Why, sir?”
  “Well, I don’t know a thing about it. You’ll have to admit that, won’t you? Doesn’t that make it prettysuspicious?”
  “I don’t know, sir,” the chaplain answered diplomatically, with an uneasy stammer. He found the man’s lack ofinsignia disconcerting and was not even sure he had to say “sir”. Who was he? And what authority had he tointerrogate him?
  “Chaplain, I once studied Latin. I think it’s only fair to warn you of that before I ask my next question. Doesn’tthe word Anabaptist simply mean that you’re not a Baptist?”
  “Oh, no, sir. There’s much more.”
  “Are you a Baptist?”
  “No, sir.”
  “Then you are not a Baptist, aren’t you?”
  “I don’t see why you’re bickering with me on that point. You’ve already admitted it. Now, Chaplain, to sayyou’re not a Baptist doesn’t really tell us anything about what you are, does it? You could be anything oranyone.” He leaned forward slightly and his manner took on a shrewd and significant air. “You could even be,”
  he added, “Washington Irving, couldn’t you?”
  “Washington Irving?” the chaplain repeated with surprise.
  “Come on, Washington,” the corpulent colonel broke in irascibly. “Why don’t you make a clean breast of it? Weknow you stole that plum tomato.”
  After a moment’s shock, the chaplain giggled with nervous relief. “Oh, is that it!” he exclaimed. “Now I’mbeginning to understand. I didn’t steal that plum tomato, sir. Colonel Cathcart gave it to me. You can even askhim if you don’t believe me.”
  A door opened at the other end of the room and Colonel Cathcart stepped into the basement as though from acloset.
  “Hello, Colonel. Colonel, he claims you gave him that plum tomato. Did you?”
  “Why should I give him a plum tomato?” answered Colonel Cathcart.
  “Thank you, Colonel. That will be all.”
  “It’s a pleasure, Colonel,” Colonel Cathcart replied, and he stepped back out of the basement, closing the doorafter him.
  “Well, Chaplain? What have you got to say now?”
  “He did give it to me!” the chaplain hissed in a whisper that was both fierce and fearful. “He did give it to me!”
  “You’re not calling a superior officer a liar are you, Chaplain?”
  “Why should a superior officer give you a plum tomato, Chaplain?”
  “Is that why you tried to give it to Sergeant Whitcomb, Chaplain? Because it was a hot tomato?”
  “No, no, no,” the chaplain protested, wondering miserably why they were not able to understand. “I offered it toSergeant Whitcomb because I didn’t want it.”
  “Why’d you steal it from Colonel Cathcart if you didn’t want it?”
  “I didn’t steal it from Colonel Cathcard”
  “Then why are you so guilty, if you didn’t steal it?”
  “I’m not guilty!”
  “Then why would we be questioning you if you weren’t guilty?”
  “Oh, I don’t know,” the chaplain groaned, kneading his fingers in his lap and shaking his bowed and anguishedhead. “I don’t know.”
  “He thinks we have time to waste,” snorted the major.
  “Chaplain,” resumed the officer without insignia at a more leisurely pace, lifting a typewritten sheet of yellowpaper from the open folder, “I have a signed statement here from Colonel Cathcart asserting you stole that plumtomato from him.” He lay the sheet face down on one side of the folder and picked up a second page from theother side. “And I have a notarized affidavit from Sergeant Whitcomb in which he states that he knew the tomatowas hot just from the way you tried to unload it on him.”
  “I swear to God I didn’t steal it, sir,” the chaplain pleaded with distress, almost in tears. “I give you my sacredword it was not a hot tomato.”
  “Chaplain, do you believe in God?”
  “Yes, sir. Of course I do.”
  “That’s odd, Chaplain,” said the officer, taking from the folder another typewritten yellow page, “because I havehere in my hands now another statement from Colonel Cathcart in which he swears that you refused to cooperatewith him in conducting prayer meetings in the briefing room before each mission.”
  After looking blank a moment, the chaplain nodded quickly with recollection. “Oh, that’s not quite true, sir,” heexplained eagerly. “Colonel Cathcart gave up the idea himself once he realized enlisted men pray to the sameGod as officers.”
  “He did what?” exclaimed the officer in disbelief.
  “What nonsense!” declared the red-faced colonel, and swung away from the chaplain with dignity andannoyance.
  “Does he expect us to believe that?” cried the major incredulously.
  The officer without insignia chuckled acidly. “Chaplain, aren’t you stretching things a bit far now?” he inquiredwith a smile that was indulgent and unfriendly.
  “But, sir, it’s the truth, sir! I swear it’s the truth.”
  “I don’t see how that matters one way or the other,” the officer answered nonchalantly, and reached sidewaysagain toward the open folder filled with papers. “Chaplain, did you say you did believe in God in answer to myquestion? I don’t remember.”
  “Yes, sir. I did say so, sir. I do believe in God.”
  “Then that really is very odd, Chaplain, because I have here another affidavit from Colonel Cathcart that statesyou once told him atheism was not against the law. Do you recall ever making a statement like that to anyone?”
  The chaplain nodded without any hesitation, feeling himself on very solid ground now. “Yes, sir, I did make astatement like that. I made it because it’s true. Atheism is not against the law.”
  “But that’s still no reason to say so, Chaplain, is it?” the officer chided tartly, frowning, and picked up still onemore typewritten, notarized page from the folder. “And here I have another sworn statement from SergeantWhitcomb that says you opposed his plan of sending letters of condolence over Colonel Cathcart’s signature tothe next of kin of men killed or wounded in combat. Is that true?”
  “Yes, sir, I did oppose it,” answered the chaplain. “And I’m proud that I did. Those letters are insincere anddishonest. Their only purpose is to bring glory to Colonel Cathcart.”
  “But what difference does that make?” replied the officer. “They still bring solace and comfort to the familiesthat receive them, don’t they? Chaplain, I simply can’t understand your thinking process.”
  The chaplain was stumped and at a complete loss for a reply. He hung his head, feeling tongue-tied and naive.
  The ruddy stout colonel stepped forward vigorously with a sudden idea. “Why don’t we knock his goddambrains out?” he suggested with robust enthusiasm to the others.
  “Yes, we could knock his goddam brains out, couldn’t we?” the hawk-faced major agreed. “He’s only anAnabaptist.”
  “No, we’ve got to find him guilty first,” the officer without insignia cautioned with a languid restraining wave.
  He slid lightly to the floor and moved around to the other side of the table, facing the chaplain with both handspressed flat on the surface. His expression was dark and very stern, square and forbidding. “Chaplain,” heannounced with magisterial rigidity, “we charge you formally with being Washington Irving and takingcapricious and unlicensed liberties in censoring the letters of officers and enlisted men. Are you guilty orinnocent?”
  “Innocent, sir.” The chaplain licked dry lips with a dry tongue and leaned forward in suspense on the edge of hischair.
  “Guilty,” said the colonel.
  “Guilty,” said the major.
  “Guilty it is, then,” remarked the officer without insignia, and wrote a word on a page in the folder. “Chaplain,”
  he continued, looking up, “we accuse you also of the commission of crimes and infractions we don’t even knowabout yet. Guilty or innocent?”
  “I don’t know, sir. How can I say if you don’t tell me what they are?”
  “How can we tell you if we don’t know?”
  “Guilty,” decided the colonel.
  “Sure he’s guilty,” agreed the major. “If they’re his crimes and infractions, he must have committed them.”
  “Guilty it is, then,” chanted the officer without insignia, and moved off to the side of the room. “He’s all yours,Colonel.”
  “Thank you,” commended the colonel. “You did a very good job.” He turned to the chaplain. “Okay, Chaplain,the jig’s up. Take a walk.”
  The chaplain did not understand. “What do you wish me to do?”
  “Go on, beat it, I told you!” the colonel roared, jerking a thumb over his shoulder angrily. “Get the hell out ofhere.”
  The chaplain was shocked by his bellicose words and tone and, to his own amazement and mystification, deeplychagrined that they were turning him loose. “Aren’t you even going to punish me?” he inquired with queruloussurprise.
  “You’re damned right we’re going to punish you. But we’re certainly not going to let you hang around while we decide how and when to do it. So get going. Hit the road.”
  The chaplain rose tentatively and took a few steps away. “I’m free to go?”
  “For the time being. But don’t try to leave the island. We’ve got your number, Chaplain. Just remember thatwe’ve got you under surveillance twenty-four hours a day.”
  It was not conceivable that they would allow him to leave. The chaplain walked toward the exit gingerly,expecting at any instant to be ordered back by a peremptory voice or halted in his tracks by a heavy blow on theshoulder or the head. They did nothing to stop him. He found his way through the stale, dark, dank corridors tothe flight of stairs. He was staggering and panting when he climbed out into the fresh air. As soon as he hadescaped, a feeling of overwhelming moral outrage filled him. He was furious, more furious at the atrocities of theday than he had ever felt before in his whole life. He swept through the spacious, echoing lobby of the buildingin a temper of scalding and vindictive resentment. He was not going to stand for it any more, he told himself, hewas simply not going to stand for it. When he reached the entrance, he spied, with a feeling of good fortune,Colonel Korn trotting up the wide steps alone. Bracing himself with a deep breath, the chaplain movedcourageously forward to intercept him.
  “Colonel, I’m not going to stand for it any more,” he declared with vehement determination, and watched indismay as Colonel Korn went trotting by up the steps without even noticing him. “Colonel Korn!”
  The tubby, loose figure of his superior officer stopped, turned and came trotting back down slowly. “What is it,Chaplain?”
  “Colonel Korn, I want to talk to you about the crash this morning. It was a terrible thing to happen, terrible!”
  Colonel Korn was silent a moment, regarding the chaplain with a glint of cynical amusement. “Yes, Chaplain, itcertainly was terrible,” he said finally. “I don’t know how we’re going to write this one up without makingourselves look bad.”
  “That isn’t what I meant,” the chaplain scolded firmly without any fear at all. “Some of those twelve men hadalready finished their seventy missions.”
  Colonel Korn laughed. “Would it be any less terrible if they had all been new men?” he inquired caustically.
  Once again the chaplain was stumped. Immoral logic seemed to be confounding him at every turn. He was lesssure of himself than before when he continued, and his voice wavered. “Sir, it just isn’t right to make the men inthis group fly eighty missions when the men in other groups are being sent home with fifty and fifty-five.”
  “We’ll take the matter under consideration,” Colonel Korn said with bored disinterest, and started away. “Adios,Padre.”
  “What does that mean, sir?” the chaplain persisted in a voice turning shrill.
  Colonel Korn stopped with an unpleasant expression and took a step back down. “It means we’ll think about it,Padre,” he answered with sarcasm and contempt. “You wouldn’t want us to do anything without thinking aboutit, would you?”
  “No, sir, I suppose not. But you have been thinking about it, haven’t you?”
  “Yes, Padre, we have been thinking about it. But to make you happy, we’ll think about it some more, and you’llbe the first person we’ll tell if we reach a new decision. And now, adios.” Colonel Korn whirled away again andhurried up the stairs.
  “Colonel Korn!” The chaplain’s cry made Colonel Korn stop once more. His head swung slowly around towardthe chaplain with a look of morose impatience. Words gushed from the chaplain in a nervous torrent. “Sir, Iwould like your permission to take the matter to General Dreedle. I want to bring my protests to WingHeadquarters.”
  Colonel Korn’s thick, dark jowls inflated unexpectedly with a suppressed guffaw, and it took him a moment toreply. “That’s all right, Padre,” he answered with mischievous merriment, trying hard to keep a straight face.
  “You have my permission to speak to General Dreedle.”
  “Thank you, sir. I believe it only fair to warn you that I think I have some influence with General Dreedle.”
  “It’s good of you to warn me, Padre. And I believe it only fair to warn you that you won’t find General Dreedleat Wing.” Colonel Korn grinned wickedly and then broke into triumphant laughter. “General Dreedle is out,Padre. And General Peckem is in. We have a new wing commander.”
  The chaplain was stunned. “General Peckem!”
  “That’s right, Chaplain. Have you got any influence with him?”
  “Why, I don’t even know General Peckem,” the chaplain protested wretchedly.
  Colonel Korn laughed again. “That’s too bad, Chaplain, because Colonel Cathcart knows him very well.”
  Colonel Korn chuckled steadily with gloating relish for another second or two and then stopped abruptly. “Andby the way, Padre,” he warned coldly, poking his finger once into the chaplain’s chest. “The jig is up betweenyou and Dr. Stubbs. We know very well he sent you up here to complain today.”
  “Dr. Stubbs?” The chaplain shook his head in baffled protest. “I haven’t seen Dr. Stubbs, Colonel. I was broughthere by three strange officers who took me down into the cellar without authority and questioned and insultedme.”
  Colonel Korn poked the chaplain in the chest once more. “You know damned well Dr. Stubbs has been tellingthe men in his squadron they didn’t have to fly more than seventy missions.” He laughed harshly. “Well, Padre, they do have to fly more than seventy missions, because we’re transferring Dr. Stubbs to the Pacific. So adios,Padre. Adios.”



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Chapter 37 General Scheisskopf
    Dreedle was out, and General Peckem was in, and General Peckem had hardly moved inside General Dreedle’soffice to replace him when his splendid military victory began falling to pieces around him.
  “General Scheisskopf?” he inquired unsuspectingly of the sergeant in his new office who brought him word ofthe order that had come in that morning. “You mean Colonel Scheisskopf, don’t you?”
  “No, sir, General Scheisskopf He was promoted to general this morning, sir.”
  “Well, that’s certainly curious! Scheisskopf? A general? What grade?”
  “Lieutenant general, sir, and—““Lieutenant general!”
  “Yes, sir, and he wants you to issue no orders to anyone in your command without first clearing them throughhim.”
  “Well, I’ll be damned,” mused General Peckem with astonishment, swearing aloud for perhaps the first time inhis life. “Cargill, did you hear that? Scheisskopf was promoted way up to lieutenant general. I’ll bet thatpromotion was intended for me and they gave it to him by mistake.”
  Colonel Cargill had been rubbing his sturdy chin reflectively. “Why is he giving orders to us?”
  General Peckem’s sleek, scrubbed, distinguished face tightened. “Yes, Sergeant,” he said slowly with anuncomprehending frown. “Why is he issuing orders to us if he’s still in Special Services and we’re in combatoperations?”
  “That’s another change that was made this morning, sir. All combat operations are now under the jurisdiction ofSpecial Services. General Scheisskopf is our new commanding officer.”
  General Peckem let out a sharp cry. “Oh, my God!” he wailed, and all his practical composure went up inhysteria. “Scheisskopf in charge? Scheisskopf?” He pressed his fists down on his eyes with horror. “Cargill, getme Wintergreen! Scheisskopf? Not Scheisskopf!”
  All phones began ringing at once. A corporal ran in and saluted.
  “Sir, there’s a chaplain outside to see you with news of an injustice in Colonel Cathcart’s squadron.”
  “Send him away, send him away! We’ve got enough injustices of our own. Where’s Wintergreen?”
  “Sir, General Scheisskopf is on the phone. He wants to speak to you at once.”
  “Tell him I haven’t arrived yet. Good Lord!” General Peckem screamed, as though struck by the enormity of thedisaster for the first time. “Scheisskopf? The man’s a moron! I walked all over that blockhead, and now he’s mysuperior officer. Oh, my Lord! Cargill! Cargill, don’t desert me! Where’s Wintergreen?”
  “Sir, I have an ex-Sergeant Wintergreen on your other telephone. He’s been trying to reach you all morning.”
  “General, I can’t get Wintergreen,” Colonel Cargill shouted, “His line is busy.”
  General Peckem was perspiring freely as he lunged for the other telephone.
  “Peckem, you son of a bitch—““Wintergreen, have you heard what they’ve done?”
  “—what have you done, you stupid bastard?”
  “They put Scheisskopf in charge of everything!”
  Wintergreen was shrieking with rage and panic. “You and your goddam memorandums! They’ve gone andtransferred combat operations to Special Services!”
  “Oh, no,” moaned General Peckem. “Is that what did it? My memoranda? Is that what made them putScheisskopf in charge? Why didn’t they put me in charge?”
  “Because you weren’t in Special Services any more. You transferred out and left him in charge. And do youknow what he wants? Do you know what the bastard wants us all to do?”
  “Sir, I think you’d better talk to General Scheisskopf,” pleaded the sergeant nervously. “He insists on speaking tosomeone.”
  “Cargill, talk to Scheisskopf for me. I can’t do it. Find out what he wants.”
  Colonel Cargill listened to General Scheisskopf for a moment and went white as a sheet. “Oh, my God!” he cried, as the phone fell from his fingers. “Do you know what he wants? He wants us to march. He wantseverybody to march!”



等级: 派派版主
配偶: 此微夜
举报 只看该作者 38楼  发表于: 2013-10-28 0

Chapter 38 Kid Sister
    Yossarian marched backward with his gun on his hip and refused to fly any more missions. He marchedbackward because he was continously spinning around as he walked to make certain no one was sneaking up onhim from behind. Every sound to his rear was a warning, every person he passed a potential assassin. He kept hishand on his gun butt constantly and smiled at no one but Hungry Joe. He told Captain Piltchard and CaptainWren that he was through flying. Captain Piltchard and Captain Wren left his name off the flight schedule for thenext mission and reported the matter to Group Headquarters.
  Colonel Korn laughed cahnly. “What the devil do you mean, he won’t fly more missions?” he asked with asmile, as Colonel Cathcart crept away into a corner to brood about the sinister import of the name Yossarianpopping up to plague him once again. “Why won’t he?”
  “His friend Nately was killed in the crash over Spezia. Maybe that’s why.”
  “Who does he think he is—Achilles?” Colonel Korn was pleased with the simile and filed a mental reminder torepeat it the next time he found himself in General Peckem’s presence. “He has to fly more missions. He has nochoice. Go back and tell him you’ll report the matter to us if he doesn’t change his mind.”
  “We already did tell him that, sir. It made no difference.”
  “What does Major Major say?”
  “We never see Major Major. He seems to have disappeared.”
  “I wish we could disappear him!” Colonel Cathcart blurted out from the corner peevishly. “The way they did thatfellow Dunbar.”
  “Oh, there are plenty of other ways we can handle this one,” Colonel Korn assured him confidently, andcontinued to Piltchard and Wren, “Let’s begin with the kindest. Send him to Rome for a rest for a few days.
  Maybe this fellow’s death really did hurt him a bit.”
  Nately’s death, in fact, almost killed Yossarian too, for when he broke the news to Nately’s whore in Rome sheuttered a piercing, heartbroken shriek and tried to stab him to death with a potato peeler.
  “Bruto!” she howled at him in hysterical fury as he bent her arm up around behind her back and twisted gradually until the potato peeler dropped from her grasp. “Bruto! Bruto!” She lashed at him swiftly with thelong-nailed fingers of her free hand and raked open his cheek. She spat in his face viciously.
  “What’s the matter?” he screamed in stinging pain and bewilderment, flinging her away from him all the wayacross the room to the wall. “What do you want from me?”
  She flew back at him with both fists flailing and bloodied his mouth with a solid punch before he was able tograb her wrists and hold her still. Her hair tossed wildly. Tears were streaming in single torrents from herflashing, hate-filled eyes as she struggled against him fiercely in an irrational frenzy of maddened might, snarlingand cursing savagely and screaming “Bruto! Bruto!” each time he tried to explain. Her great strength caught himoff guard, and he lost his footing. She was nearly as tall as Yossarian, and for a few fantastic, terror-filledmoments he was certain she would overpower him in her crazed determination, crush him to the ground and riphim apart mercilessly limb from limb for some heinous crime he had never committed. He wanted to yell forhelp as they strove against each other frantically in a grunting, panting stalemate, arm against arm. At last sheweakened, and he was able to force her back and plead with her to let him talk, swearing to her that Nately’sdeath had not been his fault. She spat in his face again, and he pushed her away hard in disgusted anger andfrustration. She hurled herself down toward the potato peeler the instant he released her. He flung himself downafter her, and they rolled over each other on the floor several times before he could tear the potato peeler away.
  She tried to trip him with her hand as he scrambled to his feet and scratched an excruciating chunk out of hisankle. He hopped across the room in pain and threw the potato peeler out the window. He heaved a huge sigh ofrelief once he saw he was safe.
  “Now, please let me explain something to you,” he cajoled in a mature, reasoning, earnest voice.
  She kicked him in the groin. Whoosh! went the air out of him, and he sank down on his side with a shrill andululating cry, doubled up over his knees in chaotic agony and retching for breath. Nately’s whore ran from theroom. Yossarian staggered up to his feet not a moment too soon, for she came charging back in from the kitchencarrying a long bread knife. A moan of incredulous dismay wafted from his lips as, still clutching his throbbing,tender, burning bowels in both hands, he dropped his full weight down against her shins and knocked her legsout from under her. She flipped completely over his head and landed on the floor on her elbows with a jarringthud. The knife skittered free, and he slapped it out of sight under the bed. She tried to lunge after it, and heseized her by the arm and yanked her up. She tried to kick him in the groin again, and he slung her away with aviolent oath of his own. She slammed into the wall off balance and smashed a chair over into a vanity tablecovered with combs, hairbrushes and cosmetic jars that all went crashing off. A framed picture fell to the floor atthe other end of the room, the glass front shattering.
  “What do you want from me?” he yelled at her in whining and exasperated confusion. “I didn’t kill him.”
  She hurled a heavy glass ash tray at his head. He made a fist and wanted to punch her in the stomach when shecame charging at him again, but he was afraid he might harm her. He wanted to clip her very neatly on the pointof the jaw and run from the room, but there was no clear target, and he merely skipped aside neatly at the lastsecond and helped her along past him with a strong shove. She banged hard against the other wall. Now she wasblocking the door. She threw a large vase at him. Then she came at him with a full wine bottle and struck him squarely on the temple, knocking him down half-stunned on one knee. His ears were buzzing, his whole face wasnumb. More than anything else, he was embarrassed. He felt awkward because she was going to murder him. Hesimply did not understand what was going on. He had no idea what to do. But he did know he had to savehimself, and he catapulted forward off the floor when he saw her raise the wine bottle to clout him again andbarreled into her midriff before she could strike him. He had momentum, and he propelled her before himbackward in his driving rush until her knees buckled against the side of the bed and she fell over onto themattress with Yossarian sprawled on top of her between her legs. She plunged her nails into the side of his neckand gouged as he worked his way up the supple, full hills and ledges of her rounded body until he covered hercompletely and pressed her into submission, his fingers pursuing her thrashing arm persistently until they arrivedat the wine bottle finally and wrenched it free. She was still kicking and cursing and scratching ferociously. Shetried to bite him cruelly, her coarse, sensual lips stretched back over her teeth like an enraged omnivorousbeast’s. Now that she lay captive beneath him, he wondered how he would ever escape her without leavinghimself vulnerable. He could feel the tensed, straddling inside of her buffeting thighs and knees squeezing andchurning around one of his legs. He was stirred by thoughts of sex that made him ashamed. He was conscious ofthe voluptuous flesh of her firm, young-woman’s body straining and beating against him like a humid, fluid,delectable, unyielding tide, her belly and warm, live, plastic breasts thrusting upward against him vigorously insweet and menacing temptation. Her breath was scalding. All at once he realized—though the writhingturbulence beneath him had not diminished one whit—that she was no longer grappling with him, recognizedwith a quiver that she was not fighting him but heaving her pelvis up against him remorselessly in the primal,powerful, rhapsodic instinctual rhythm of erotic ardor and abandonment. He gasped in delighted surprise. Herface—as beautiful as a blooming flower to him now—was distorted with a new kind of torture, the tissuesserenely swollen, her half-closed eyes misty and unseeing with the stultifying languor of desire.
  “Caro,” she murmured hoarsely as though from the depths of a tranquil and luxurious trance. “Ooooh, caro mio.”
  He stroked her hair. She drove her mouth against his face with savage passion. He licked her neck. She wrappedher arms around him and hugged. He felt himself falling, falling ecstatically in love with her as she kissed himagain and again with lips that were steaming and wet and soft and hard, mumbling deep sounds to him adoringlyin an incoherent oblivion of rapture, one caressing hand on his back slipping deftly down inside his trouser beltwhile the other groped secretly and treacherously about on the floor for the bread knife and found it. He savedhimself just in time. She still wanted to kill him! He was shocked and astounded by her depraved subteruge as hetore the knife from her grasp and hurled it away. He bounded out of the bed to his feet. His face was agog withbefuddlement and disillusion. He did not know whether to dart through the door to freedom or collapse on thebed to fall in love with her and place himself abjectly at her mercy again. She spared him from doing either bybursting unpredictably into tears. He was stunned again.
  This time she wept with no other emotion than grief, profound, debilitating, humble grief, forgetting all abouthim. Her desolation was pathetic as she sat with her tempestuous, proud, lovely head bowed, her shoulderssagging, her spirit melting. This time there was no mistaking her anguish. Great racking sobs choked and shookher. She was no longer aware of him, no longer cared. He could have walked from the room safely then. But hechose to remain and console and help her.
  “Please,” he urged her inarticulately with his arm about her shoulders, recollecting with pained sadness how inarticulate and enfeebled he had felt in the plane coming back from Avignon when Snowden kept whimperingto him that he was cold, he was cold, and all Yossarian could offer him in return was “There, there. There,there.” “Please,” he repeated to her sympathetically. “Please, please.”
  She rested against him and cried until she seemed too weak to cry any longer, and did not look at him once untilhe extended his handkerchief when she had finished. She wiped her cheeks with a tiny, polite smile and gave thehandkerchief back, murmuring “Grazie, grazie” with meek, maidenly propriety, and then, without any warningwhatsoever of a change in mood, clawed suddenly at his eyes with both hands. She landed with each and let out avictorious shriek.
  “Ha! Assassino!” she hooted, and raced joyously across the room for the bread knife to finish him off.
  Half blinded, he rose and stumbled after her. A noise behind him made him turn. His senses reeled in horror atwhat he saw. Nately’s whore’s kid sister, of all people, was coming after him with another long bread knife!
  “Oh, no,” he wailed with a shudder, and he knocked the knife out of her hand with a sharp downward blow onher wrist. He lost patience entirely with the whole grotesque and incomprehensible melee. There was no tellingwho might lunge at him next through the doorway with another long bread knife, and he lifted Nately’s whore’skid sister off the floor, threw her at Nately’s whore and ran out of the room, out of the apartment and down thestairs. The two girls chased out into the hall after him. He heard their footsteps lag farther and farther behind ashe fled and then cease altogether. He heard sobbing directly overhead. Glancing backward up the stair well, hespied Nately’s whore sitting in a heap on one of the steps, weeping with her face in both hands, while her pagan,irrepressible kid sister hung dangerously over the banister shouting “Bruto! Bruto!” down at him happily andbrandished her bread knife at him as though it were an exciting new toy she was eager to use.
  Yossarian escaped, but kept looking back over his shoulder anxiously as he retreated through the street. Peoplestared at him strangely, making him more apprehensive. He walked in nervous haste, wondering what there wasin his appearance that caught everyone’s attention. When he touched his hand to a sore spot on his forehead, hisfingers turned gooey with blood, and he understood. He dabbed his face and neck with a handkerchief. Whereverit pressed, he picked up new red smudges. He was bleeding everywhere. He hurried into the Red Cross buildingand down the two steep flights of white marble stairs to the men’s washroom, where he cleansed and nursed hisinnumerable visible wounds with cold water and soap and straightened his shirt collar and combed his hair. Hehad never seen a face so badly bruised and scratched as the one still blinking back at him in the mirror with adazed and startled uneasiness. What on earth had she wanted from him?
  When he left the men’s room, Nately’s whore was waiting outside in ambush. She was crouched against the wallnear the bottom of the staircase and came pouncing down upon him like a hawk with a glittering silver steakknife in her fist. He broke the brunt of her assault with his upraised elbow and punched her neatly on the jaw.
  Her eyes rolled. He caught her before she dropped and sat her down gently. Then he ran up the steps and out ofthe building and spent the next three hours hunting through the city for Hungry Joe so that he could get awayfrom Rome before she could find him again. He did not feel really safe until the plane had taken off. When theylanded in Pianosa, Nately’s whore, disguised in a mechanic’s green overalls, was waiting with her steak knifeexactly where the plane stopped, and all that saved him as she stabbed at his chest in her leather-soled high heeled shoes was the gravel underfoot that made her feet roll out from under her. Yossarian, astounded, hauledher up into the plane and held her motionless on the floor in a double armlock while Hungry Joe radioed thecontrol tower for permission to return to Rome. At the airport in Rome, Yossarian dumped her out of the planeon the taxi strip, and Hungry Joe took right off for Pianosa again without even cutting his engines. Scarcelybreathing, Yossarian scrutinized every figure warily as he and Hungry Joe walked back through the squadrontoward their tents. Hungry Joe eyed him steadily with a funny expression.
  “Are you sure you didn’t imagine the whole thing?” Hungry Joe inquired hesitantly after a while.
  “Imagine it? You were right there with me, weren’t you? You just flew her back to Rome.”
  “Maybe I imagined the whole thing, too. Why does she want to kill you for?”
  “She never did like me. Maybe it’s because I broke his nose, or maybe it’s because I was the only one in sightshe could hate when she got the news. Do you think she’ll come back?”
  Yossarian went to the officers’ club that night and stayed very late. He kept a leery eye out for Nately’s whore ashe approached his tent. He stopped when he saw her hiding in the bushes around the side, gripping a hugecarving knife and all dressed up to look like a Pianosan farmer. Yossarian tiptoed around the back noiselesslyand seized her from behind.
  “Caramba!” she exclaimed in a rage, and resisted like a wildcat as he dragged her inside the tent and hurled herdown on the floor.
  “Hey, what’s going on?” queried one of his roommates drowsily.
  “Hold her till I get back,” Yossarian ordered, yanking him out of bed on top of her and running out. “Hold her!”
  “Let me kill him and I’ll ficky-fick you all,” she offered.
  The other roommates leaped out of their cots when they saw it was a girl and tried to make her ficky-fick themall first as Yossarian ran to get Hungry Joe, who was sleeping like a baby. Yossarian lifted Huple’s cat offHungry Joe’s face and shook him awake. Hungry Joe dressed rapidly. This time they flew the plane north andturned in over Italy far behind the enemy lines. When they were over level land, they strapped a parachute onNately’s whore and shoved her out the escape hatch. Yossarian was positive that he was at last rid of her and wasrelieved. As he approached his tent back in Pianosa, a figure reared up in the darkness right beside the path, andhe fainted. He came to sitting on the ground and waited for the knife to strike him, almost welcoming the mortalblow for the peace it would bring. A friendly hand helped him up instead. It belonged to a pilot in Dunbar’ssquadron.
  “How are you doing?” asked the pilot, whispering.
  “Pretty good,” Yossarian answered.
  “I saw you fall down just now. I thought something happened to you.”
  “I think I fainted.”
  “There’s a rumor in my squadron that you told them you weren’t going to fly any more combat missions.”
  “That’s the truth.”
  “Then they came around from Group and told us that the rumor wasn’t true, that you were just kidding around.”
  “That was a lie.”
  “Do you think they’ll let you get away with it?”
  “I don’t know.”
  “What will they do to you?”
  “I don’t know.”
  “Do you think they’ll court-martial you for desertion in the face of the enemy?”
  “I don’t know.”
  “I hope you get away with it,” said the pilot in Dunbar’s squadron, stealing out of sight into the shadows. “Letme know how you’re doing.”
  Yossarian stared after him a few seconds and continued toward his tent.
  “Pssst!” said a voice a few paces onward. It was Appleby, hiding in back of a tree. “How are you doing?”
  “Pretty good,” said Yossarian.
  “I heard them say they were going to threaten to court-martial you for deserting in the face of the enemy. Butthat they wouldn’t try to go through with it because they’re not even sure they’ve got a case against you on that.
  And because it might make them look bad with the new commanders. Besides, you’re still a pretty big hero forgoing around twice over the bridge at Ferrara. I guess you’re just about the biggest hero we’ve got now in thegroup. I just thought you’d like to know that they’ll only be bluffing.”
  “Thanks, Appleby.”
  “That’s the only reason I started talking to you, to warn you.”
  “I appreciate it.”
  Appleby scuffed the toes of his shoes into the ground sheepishly. “I’m sorry we had that fist fight in the officers’
  club, Yossarian.”
  “That’s all right.”
  “But I didn’t start it. I guess that was Orr’s fault for hitting me in the face with his ping-pong paddle. What’d hewant to do that for?”
  “You were beating him.”
  “Wasn’t I supposed to beat him? Isn’t that the point? Now that he’s dead, I guess it doesn’t matter any morewhether I’m a better ping-pong player or not, does it?”
  “I guess not.”
  “And I’m sorry about making such a fuss about those Atabrine tablets on the way over. If you want to catchmalaria, I guess it’s your business, isn’t it?”
  “That’s all right, Appleby.”
  “But I was only trying to do my duty. I was obeying orders. I was always taught that I had to obey orders.”
  “That’s all right.”
  “You know, I said to Colonel Korn and Colonel Cathcart that I didn’t think they ought to make you fly any moremissions if you didn’t want to, and they said they were very disappointed in me.”
  Yossarian smiled with rueful amusement. “I’ll bet they are.”
  “Well, I don’t care. Hell, you’ve flown seventy-one. That ought to be enough. Do you think they’ll let you getaway with it?”
  “Say, if they do let you get away with it, they’ll have to let the rest of us get away with it, won’t they?”
  “That’s why they can’t let me get away with it.”
  “What do you think they’ll do?”
  “I don’t know.”
  “Do you think they will try to court-martial you?”
  “I don’t know.”
  “Are you afraid?”
  “Are you going to fly more missions?”
  “I hope you do get away with it,” Appleby whispered with conviction. “I really do.”
  “Thanks, Appleby.”
  “I don’t feel too happy about flying so many missions either now that it looks as though we’ve got the war won.
  I’ll let you know if I hear anything else.”
  “Thanks, Appleby.”
  “Hey!” called a muted, peremptory voice from the leafless shrubs growing beside his tent in a waist-high clumpafter Appleby had gone. Havermeyer was hiding there in a squat. He was eating peanut brittle, and his pimplesand large, oily pores looked like dark scales. “How you doing?” he asked when Yossarian had walked to him.
  “Pretty good.”
  “Are you going to fly more missions?”
  “Suppose they try to make you?”
  “I won’t let them.”
  “Are you yellow?”
  “Will they court-martial you?”
  “They’ll probably try.”
  “What did Major Major say?”
  “Major Major’s gone.”
  “Did they disappear him?”
  “I don’t know.”
  “What will you do if they decide to disappear you?”
  “I’ll try to stop them.”
  “Didn’t they offer you any deals or anything if you did fly?”
  “Piltchard and Wren said they’d arrange things so I’d only go on milk runs.”
  Havermeyer perked up. “Say, that sounds like a pretty good deal. I wouldn’t mind a deal like that myself. I betyou snapped it up.”
  “I turned it down.”
  “That was dumb.” Havermeyer’s stolid, dull face furrowed with consternation. “Say, a deal like that wasn’t sofair to the rest of us, was it? If you only flew on milk runs, then some of us would have to fly your share of thedangerous missions, wouldn’t we?”
  “That’s right.”
  “Say, I don’t like that,” Havermeyer exclaimed, rising resentfully with his hands clenched on his hips. “I don’tlike that a bit. That’s a real royal screwing they’re getting ready to give me just because you’re too goddamyellow to fly any more missions, isn’t it?”
  “Take it up with them,” said Yossarian and moved his hand to his gun vigilantly.
  “No, I’m not blaming you,” said Havermeyer, “even though I don’t like you. You know, I’m not too happy aboutflying so many missions any more either. Isn’t there some way I can get out of it, too?”
  Yossarian snickered ironically and joked, “Put a gun on and start marching with me.”
  Havermeyer shook his head thoughtfully. “Nah, I couldn’t do that. I might bring some disgrace on my wife andkid if I acted like a coward. Nobody likes a coward. Besides, I want to stay in the reserves when the war is over.
  You get five hundred dollars a year if you stay in the reserves.”
  “Then fly more missions.”
  “Yeah, I guess I have to. Say, do you think there’s any chance they might take you off combat duty and send youhome?”
  “But if they do and let you take one person with you, will you pick me? Don’t pick anyone like Appleby. Pickme.”
  “Why in the world should they do something like that?”
  “I don’t know. But if they do, just remember that I asked you first, will you? And let me know how you’re doing.
  I’ll wait for you here in these bushes every night. Maybe if they don’t do anything bad to you, I won’t fly anymore missions either. Okay?”
  All the next evening, people kept popping up at him out of the darkness to ask him how he was doing, appealingto him for confidential information with weary, troubled faces on the basis of some morbid and clandestinekinship he had not guessed existed. People in the squadron he barely knew popped into sight out of nowhere ashe passed and asked him how he was doing. Even men from other squadrons came one by one to concealthemselves in the darkness and pop out. Everywhere he stepped after sundown someone was lying in wait to popout and ask him how he was doing. People popped out at him from trees and bushes, from ditches and tall weeds,from around the corners of tents and from behind the fenders of parked cars. Even one of his roommates poppedout to ask him how he was doing and pleaded with him not to tell any of his other roommates he had popped out.
  Yossarian drew near each beckoning, overly cautious silhouette with his hand on his gun, never knowing whichhissing shadow would finally turn dishonestly into Nately’s whore or, worse, into some duly constitutedgovernmental authority sent to club him ruthlessly into insensibility. It began to look as if they would have to dosomething like that. They did not want to court-martial him for desertion in the face of the enemy because ahundred and thirty-five miles away from the enemy could hardly be called the face of the enemy, and becauseYossarian was the one who had finally knocked down the bridge at Ferrara by going around twice over the targetand killing Kraft—he was always almost forgetting Kraft when he counted the dead men he knew. But they hadto do something to him, and everyone waited grimly to see what horrible thing it would be.
  During the day, they avoided him, even Aarfy, and Yossarian understood that they were different people togetherin daylight than they were alone in the dark. He did not care about them at all as he walked about backward withhis hand on his gun and awaited the latest blandishments, threats and inducements from Group each timeCaptains Piltchard and Wren drove back from another urgent conference with Colonel Cathcart and ColonelKorn. Hungry Joe was hardly around, and the only other person who ever spoke to him was Captain Black, whocalled him “Old Blood and Guts” in a merry, taunting voice each time he hailed him and who came back fromRome toward the end of the week to tell him Nately’s whore was gone. Yossarian turned sorry with a stab ofyearning and remorse. He missed her.
  “Gone?” he echoed in a hollow tone.
  “Yeah, gone.” Captain Black laughed, his bleary eyes narrow with fatigue and his peaked, sharp face sproutingas usual with a sparse reddish-blond stubble. He rubbed the bags under his eyes with both fists. “I thought Imight as well give the stupid broad another boff just for old times’ sake as long as I was in Rome anyway. Youknow, just to keep that kid Nately’s body spinning in his grave, ha, ha! Remember the way I used to needle him?
  But the place was empty.”
  “Was there any word from her?” prodded Yossarian, who had been brooding incessantly about the girl,wondering how much she was suffering, and feeling almost lonely and deserted without her ferocious andunappeasable attacks.
  “There’s no one there,” Captain Black exclaimed cheerfully, trying to make Yossarian understand. “Don’t youunderstand? They’re all gone. The whole place is busted.”
  “Yeah, gone. Flushed right out into the street.” Captain Black chuckled heartily again, and his pointed Adam’sapple jumped up and down with glee inside his scraggly neck. “The joint’s empty. The M.P.s busted the wholeapartment up and drove the whores right out. Ain’t that a laugh?”
  Yossarian was scared and began to tremble. “Why’d they do that?”
  “What difference does it make? responded Captain Black with an exuberant gesture. “They flushed them rightout into the street. How do you like that? The whole batch.”
  “What about the kid sister?”
  “Flushed away,” laughed Captain Black. “Flushed away with the rest of the broads. Right out into the street.”
  “But she’s only a kid!” Yossarian objected passionately. “She doesn’t know anybody else in the whole city.
  What’s going to happen to her?”
  “What the hell do I care?” responded Captain Black with an indifferent shrug, and then gawked suddenly atYossarian with surprise and with a crafty gleam of prying elation. “Say, what’s the matter? If I knew this wasgoing to make you so unhappy, I would have come right over and told you, just to make you eat your liver. Hey,where are you going? Come on back! Come on back here and eat your liver!”



等级: 派派版主
配偶: 此微夜
举报 只看该作者 39楼  发表于: 2013-10-28 0

Chapter 39 The Eternal City
    Yossarian was going absent without official leave with Milo, who, as the plane cruised toward Rome, shook hishead reproachfully and, with pious lips pulsed, informed Yossarian in ecclesiastical tones that he was ashamed ofhim. Yossarian nodded. Yossarian was making an uncouth spectacle of himself by walking around backwardwith his gun on his hip and refusing to fly more combat missions, Milo said. Yossarian nodded. It was disloyal tohis squadron and embarrassing to his superiors. He was placing Milo in a very uncomfortable position, too.
  Yossarian nodded again. The men were starting to grumble. It was not fair for Yossarian to think only of his ownsafety while men like Milo, Colonel Cathcart, Colonel Korn and ex-P.F.C. Wintergreen were willing to doeverything they could to win the war. The men with seventy missions were starring to grumble because they hadto fly eighty, and there was a danger some of them might put on guns and begin walking around backward, too.
  Morale was deteriorating and it was all Yossarian’s fault. The country was in peril; he was jeopardizing histraditional rights of freedom and independence by daring to exercise them.
  Yossarian kept nodding in the co-pilot’s seat and tried not to listen as Milo prattled on. Nately’s whore was onhis mind, as were Kraft and Orr and Nately and Dunbar, and Kid Sampson and McWatt, and all the poor andstupid and diseased people he had seen in Italy, Egypt and North Africa and knew about in other areas of theworld, and Snowden and Nately’s whore’s kid sister were on his conscience, too. Yossarian thought he knewwhy Nately’s whore held him responsible for Nately’s death and wanted to kill him. Why the hell shouldn’t she?
  It was a man’s world, and she and everyone younger had every right to blame him and everyone older for everyunnatural tragedy that befell them; just as she, even in her grief, was to blame for every man-made misery thatlanded on her kid sister and on all other children behind her. Someone had to do something sometime. Everyvictim was a culprit, every culprit a victim, and somebody had to stand up sometime to try to break the lousychain of inherited habit that was imperiling them all. In parts of Africa little boys were still stolen away by adultslave traders and sold for money to men who disemboweled them and ate them. Yossarian marveled that childrencould suffer such barbaric sacrifice without evincing the slightest hint of fear or pain. He took it for granted thatthey did submit so stoically. If not, he reasoned, the custom would certainly have died, for no craving for wealthor immortality could be so great, he felt, as to subsist on the sorrow of children.
  He was rocking the boat, Milo said, and Yossarian nodded once more. He was not a good member of the team,Milo said. Yossarian nodded and listened to Milo tell him that the decent thing to do if he did not like the wayColonel Cathcart and Colonel Korn were running the group was go to Russia, instead of stirring up trouble.
  Colonel Cathcart and Colonel Korn had both been very good to Yossarian, Milo said; hadn’t they given him amedal after the last mission to Ferrara and promoted him to captain? Yossarian nodded. Didn’t they feed him andgive him his pay every month? Yossarian nodded again. Milo was sure they would be charitable if he went tothem to apologize and recant and promise to fly eighty missions. Yossarian said he would think it over, and heldhis breath and prayed for a safe landing as Milo dropped his wheels and glided in toward the runway. It wasfunny how he had really come to detest flying.
  Rome was in ruins, he saw, when the plane was down. The airdrome had been bombed eight months before, andknobby slabs of white stone rubble had been bulldozed into flat-topped heaps on both sides of the entrancethrough the wire fence surrounding the field. The Colosseum was a dilapidated shell, and the Arch ofConstantine had fallen. Nately’s whore’s apartment was a shambles. The girls were gone, and the only one therewas the old woman. The windows in the apartment had been smashed. She was bundled up in sweaters and skirtsand wore a dark shawl about her head. She sat on a wooden chair near an electric hot plate, her arms folded,boiling water in a battered aluminum pot. She was talking aloud to herself when Yossarian entered and beganmoaning as soon as she saw him.
  “Gone,” she moaned before he could even inquire. Holding her elbows, she rocked back and forth mournfully onher creaking chair. “Gone.”
  “All. All the poor young girls.”
  “Away. Chased away into the street. All of them gone. All the poor young girls.”
  “Chased away by who? Who did it?”
  “The mean tall soldiers with the hard white hats and clubs. And by our carabinieri. They came with their clubsand chased them away. They would not even let them take their coats. The poor things. They just chased themaway into the cold.”
  “Did they arrest them?”
  “They chased them away. They just chased them away.”
  “Then why did they do it if they didn’t arrest them?”
  “I don’t know,” sobbed the old woman. “I don’t know. Who will take care of me? Who will take care of me nowthat all the poor young girls are gone? Who will take care of me?”
  “There must have been a reason,” Yossarian persisted, pounding his fist into his hand. “They couldn’t just bargein here and chase everyone out.”
  “No reason,” wailed the old woman. “No reason.”
  “What right did they have?”
  “What?” Yossarian froze in his tracks with fear and alarm and felt his whole body begin to tingle. “What did yousay?”
  “Catch-22” the old woman repeated, rocking her head up and down. “Catch-22. Catch-22 says they have a right to do anything we can’t stop them from doing.”
  “What the hell are you talking about?” Yossarian shouted at her in bewildered, furious protest. “How did youknow it was Catch-22? Who the hell told you it was Catch-22?”
  “The soldiers with the hard white hats and clubs. The girls were crying. ‘Did we do anything wrong?’ they said.
  The men said no and pushed them away out the door with the ends of their clubs. ‘Then why are you chasing usout?’ the girls said. ‘Catch-22,’ the men said. ‘What right do you have?’ the girls said. ‘Catch-22,’ the men said.
  All they kept saying was ‘Catch-22, Catch-22.’ What does it mean, Catch-22? What is Catch-22?”
  “Didn’t they show it to you?” Yossarian demanded, stamping about in anger and distress. “Didn’t you even makethem read it?”
  “They don’t have to show us Catch-22,” the old woman answered. “The law says they don’t have to.”
  “What law says they don’t have to?”
  “Oh, God damn!” Yossarian exclaimed bitterly. “I bet it wasn’t even really there.” He stopped walking andglanced about the room disconsolately. “Where’s the old man?”
  “Gone,” mourned the old woman.
  “Dead,” the old woman told him, nodding in emphatic lament, pointing to her head with the flat of her hand.
  “Something broke in here. One minute he was living, one minute he was dead.”
  “But he can’t be dead!” Yossarian cried, ready to argue insistently. But of course he knew it was true, knew itwas logical and true; once again the old man had marched along with the majority.
  Yossarian turned away and trudged through the apartment with a gloomy scowl, peering with pessimisticcuriosity into all the rooms. Everything made of glass had been smashed by the men with the clubs. Torn drapesand bedding lay dumped on the floor. Chairs, tables and dressers had been overturned. Everything breakable hadbeen broken. The destruction was total. No wild vandals could have been more thorough. Every window wassmashed, and darkness poured like inky clouds into each room through the shattered panes. Yossarian couldimagine the heavy, crashing footfalls of the tall M.P.s in the hard white hats. He could picture the fiery andmalicious exhilaration with which they had made their wreckage, and their sanctimonious, ruthless sense of rightand dedication. All the poor young girls were gone. Everyone was gone but the weeping old woman in the bulkybrown and gray sweaters and black head shawl, and soon she too would be gone.
  “Gone,” she grieved, when he walked back in, before he could even speak. “Who will take care of me now?”
  Yossarian ignored the question. “Nately’s girl friend—did anyone hear from her?” he asked.
  “I know she’s gone. But did anyone hear from her? Does anyone know where she is?”
  “The little sister. What happened to her?”
  “Gone.” The old woman’s tone had not changed.
  “Do you know what I’m talking about?” Yossarian asked sharply, staring into her eyes to see if she were notspeaking to him from a coma. He raised his voice. “What happened to the kid sister, to the little girl?”
  “Gone, gone,” the old woman replied with a crabby shrug, irritated by his persistence, her low wail growinglouder. “Chased away with the rest, chased away into the street. They would not even let her take her coat.”
  “Where did she go?”
  “I don’t know. I don’t know.”
  “Who will take care of her?”
  “Who will take care of me?”
  “She doesn’t know anybody else, does she?”
  “Who will take care of me?”
  Yossarian left money in the old woman’s lap—it was odd how many wrongs leaving money seemed to right—and strode out of the apartment, cursing Catch-22 vehemently as he descended the stairs, even though he knewthere was no such thing. Catch-22 did not exist, he was positive of that, but it made no difference. What didmatter was that everyone thought it existed, and that was much worse, for there was no object or text to ridiculeor refute, to accuse, criticize, attack, amend, hate, revile, spit at, rip to shreds, trample upon or burn up.
  It was cold outside, and dark, and a leaky, insipid mist lay swollen in the air and trickled down the large,unpolished stone blocks of the houses and the pedestals of monuments. Yossarian hurried back to Milo andrecanted. He said he was sorry and, knowing he was lying, promised to fly as many more missions as ColonelCathcart wanted if Milo would only use all his influence in Rome to help him locate Nately’s whore’s kid sister.
  “She’s just a twelve-year-old virgin, Milo,” he explained anxiously, “and I want to find her before it’s too late.”
  Milo responded to his request with a benign smile. “I’ve got just the twelve-year-old virgin you’re looking for,”
  he announced jubilantly. “This twelve-year-old virgin is really only thirty-four, but she was brought up on a low-protein diet by very strict parents and didn’t start sleeping with men until—““Milo, I’m talking about a little girl!” Yossarian interrupted him with desperate impatience. “Don’t youunderstand? I don’t want to sleep with her. I want to help her. You’ve got daughters. She’s just a little kid, andshe’s all alone in this city with no one to take care of her. I want to protect her from harm. Don’t you know whatI’m talking about?”
  Milo did understand and was deeply touched. “Yossarian, I’m proud of you,” he exclaimed with profoundemotion. “I really am. You don’t know how glad I am to see that everything isn’t always just sex with you.
  You’ve got principles. Certainly I’ve got daughters, and I know exactly what you’re talking about. We’ll findthat girl if we have to turn this whole city upside down. Come along.”
  Yossarian went along in Milo Minderbinder’s speeding M & M staff car to police headquarters to meet aswarthy, untidy police commissioner with a narrow black mustache and unbuttoned tunic who was fiddling witha stout woman with warts and two chins when they entered his office and who greeted Milo with warm surpriseand bowed and scraped in obscene servility as though Milo were some elegant marquis.
  “Ah, Marchese Milo,” he declared with effusive pleasure, pushing the fat, disgruntled woman out the doorwithout even looking toward her. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? I would have a big party for you.
  Come in, come in, Marchese. You almost never visit us any more.”
  Milo knew that there was not one moment to waste. “Hello, Luigi,” he said, nodding so briskly that he almostseemed rude. “Luigi, I need your help. My friend here wants to find a girl.”
  “A girl, Marchese?” said Luigi, scratching his face pensively. “There are lots of girls in Rome. For an Americanofficer, a girl should not be too difficult.”
  “No, Luigi, you don’t understand. This is a twelve-year-old virgin that he has to find right away.”
  “Ah, yes, now I understand,” Luigi said sagaciously. “A virgin might take a little time. But if he waits at the busterminal where the young farm girls looking for work arrive, I—““Luigi, you still don’t understand,” Milo snapped with such brusque impatience that the police commissioner’sface flushed and he jumped to attention and began buttoning his uniform in confusion. “This girl is a friend, anold friend of the family, and we want to help her. She’s only a child. She’s all alone in this city somewhere, andwe have to find her before somebody harms her. Now do you understand? Luigi, this is very important to me. Ihave a daughter the same age as that little girl, and nothing in the world means more to me right now than savingthat poor child before it’s too late. Will you help?”
  “Si, Marchese, now I understand,” said Luigi. “And I will do everything in my power to find her. But tonight I have almost no men. Tonight all my men are busy trying to break up the traffic in illegal tobacco.”
  “Illegal tobacco?” asked Milo.
  “Milo,” Yossarian bleated faintly with a sinking heart, sensing at once that all was lost.
  “Si, Marchese,” said Luigi. “The profit in illegal tobacco is so high that the smuggling is almost impossible tocontrol.”
  “Is there really that much profit in illegal tobacco?” Milo inquired with keen interest, his rust-colored eyebrowsarching avidly and his nostrils sniffing.
  “Milo,” Yossarian called to him. “Pay attention to me, will you?”
  “Si, Marchese,” Luigi answered. “The profit in illegal tobacco is very high. The smuggling is a national scandal,Marchese, truly a national disgrace.”
  “Is that a fact?” Milo observed with a preoccupied smile and started toward the door as though in a spell.
  “Milo!” Yossarian yelled, and bounded forward impulsively to intercept him. “Milo, you’ve got to help me.”
  “Illegal tobacco,” Milo explained to him with a look of epileptic lust, struggling doggedly to get by. “Let me go.
  I’ve got to smuggle illegal tobacco.”
  “Stay here and help me find her,” pleaded Yossarian. “You can smuggle illegal tobacco tomorrow.”
  But Milo was deaf and kept pushing forward, nonviolently but irresistibly, sweating, his eyes, as though he werein the grip of a blind fixation, burning feverishly, and his twitching mouth slavering. He moaned calmly asthough in remote, instinctive distress and kept repeating, “Illegal tobacco, illegal tobacco.” Yossarian stepped outof the way with resignation finally when he saw it was hopeless to try to reason with him. Milo was gone like ashot. The commissioner of police unbuttoned his tunic again and looked at Yossarian with contempt.
  “What do you want here?” he asked coldly. “Do you want me to arrest you?”
  Yossarian walked out of the office and down the stairs into the dark, tomblike street, passing in the hall the stoutwoman with warts and two chins, who was already on her way back in. There was no sign of Milo outside. Therewere no lights in any of the windows. The deserted sidewalk rose steeply and continuously for several blocks. Hecould see the glare of a broad avenue at the top of the long cobblestone incline. The police station was almost atthe bottom; the yellow bulbs at the entrance sizzled in the dampness like wet torches. A frigid, fine rain wasfalling. He began walking slowly, pushing uphill. Soon he came to a quiet, cozy, inviting restaurant with redvelvet drapes in the windows and a blue neon sign near the door that said: TONY’s RESTAURANT FINEFOOD AND DRINK. KEEP OUT. The words on the blue neon sign surprised him mildly for only an instant.
  Nothing warped seemed bizarre any more in his strange, distorted surroundings. The tops of the sheer buildings slanted in weird, surrealistic perspective, and the street seemed tilted. He raised the collar of his warm woolencoat and hugged it around him. The night was raw. A boy in a thin shirt and thin tattered trousers walked out ofthe darkness on bare feet. The boy had black hair and needed a haircut and shoes and socks. His sickly face waspale and sad. His feet made grisly, soft, sucking sounds in the rain puddles on the wet pavement as he passed,and Yossarian was moved by such intense pity for his poverty that he wanted to smash his pale, sad, sickly facewith his fist and knock him out of existence because he brought to mind all the pale, sad, sickly children in Italythat same night who needed haircuts and needed shoes and socks. He made Yossarian think of cripples and ofcold and hungry men and women, and of all the dumb, passive, devout mothers with catatonic eyes nursinginfants outdoors that same night with chilled animal udders bared insensibly to that same raw rain. Cows. Almoston cue, a nursing mother padded past holding an infant in black rags, and Yossarian wanted to smash her too,because she reminded him of the barefoot boy in the thin shirt and thin, tattered trousers and of all the shivering,stupefying misery in a world that never yet had provided enough heat and food and justice for all but aningenious and unscrupulous handful. What a lousy earth! He wondered how many people were destitute thatsame night even in his own prosperous country, how many homes were shanties, how many husbands weredrunk and wives socked, and how many children were bullied, abused or abandoned. How many familieshungered for food they could not afford to buy? How many hearts were broken? How many suicides would takeplace that same night, how many people would go insane? How many cockroaches and landlords wouldtriumph? How many winners were losers, successes failures, rich men poor men? How many wise guys werestupid? How many happy endings were unhappy endings? How many honest men were liars, brave mencowards, loyal men traitors, how many sainted men were corrupt, how many people in positions of trust had soldtheir souls to blackguards for petty cash, how many had never had souls? How many straight-and-narrow pathswere crooked paths? How many best families were worst families and how many good people were bad people?
  When you added them all up and then subtracted, you might be left with only the children, and perhaps withAlbert Einstein and an old violinist or sculptor somewhere. Yossarian walked in lonely torture, feeling estranged,and could not wipe from his mind the excruciating image of the barefoot boy with sickly cheeks until he turnedthe corner into the avenue finally and came upon an Allied soldier having convulsions on the ground, a younglieutenant with a small, pale, boyish face. Six other soldiers from different countries wrestled with different partsof him, striving to help him and hold him still. He yelped and groaned unintelligibly through clenched teeth, hiseyes rolled up into his head. “Don’t let him bite his tongue off,” a short sergeant near Yossarian advisedshrewdly, and a seventh man threw himself into the fray to wrestle with the ill lieutenant’s face. All at once thewrestlers won and turned to each other undecidedly, for now that they held the young lieutenant rigid they didnot know what to do with him. A quiver of moronic panic spread from one straining brute face to another. “Whydon’t you lift him up and put him on the hood of that car?” a corporal standing in back of Yossarian drawled.
  That seemed to make sense, so the seven men lifted the young lieutenant up and stretched him out carefully onthe hood of a parked car, still pinning each struggling part of him down. Once they had him stretched out on thehood of the parked car, they stared at each other uneasily again, for they had no idea what to do with him next.
  “Why don’t you lift him up off the hood of that car and lay him down on the ground?” drawled the same corporalbehind Yossarian. That seemed like a good idea, too, and they began to move him back to the sidewalk, butbefore they could finish, a jeep raced up with a flashing red spotlight at the side and two military policemen inthe front seat.
  “What’s going on?” the driver yelled.
  “He’s having convulsions,” one of the men grappling with one of the young lieutenant’s limbs answered. “We’reholding him still.”
  “That’s good. He’s under arrest.”
  “What should we do with him?”
  “Keep him under arrest!” the M.P. shouted, doubling over with raucous laughter at his jest, and sped away in hisjeep.
  Yossarian recalled that he had no leave papers and moved prudently past the strange group toward the sound ofmuffled voices emanating from a distance inside the murky darkness ahead. The broad, rain-blotched boulevardwas illuminated every half-block by short, curling lampposts with eerie, shimmering glares surrounded by smokybrown mist. From a window overhead he heard an unhappy female voice pleading, “Please don’t. Please don’t.”
  A despondent young woman in a black raincoat with much black hair on her face passed with her eyes lowered.
  At the Ministry of Public Affairs on the next block, a drunken lady was backed up against one of the flutedCorinthian columns by a drunken young soldier, while three drunken comrades in arms sat watching nearby onthe steps with wine bottles standing between their legs. “Pleeshe don’t,” begged the drunken lady. “I want to gohome now. Pleeshe don’t.” One of the sitting men cursed pugnaciously and hurled a wine bottle at Yossarianwhen he turned to look up. The bottle shattered harmlessly far away with a brief and muted noise. Yossariancontinued walking away at the same listless, unhurried pace, hands buried in his pockets. “Come on, baby,” heheard the drunken soldier urge determinedly. “It’s my turn now.” “Pleeshe don’t,” begged the drunken lady.
  “Pleeshe don’t.” At the very next corner, deep inside the dense, impenetrable shadows of a narrow, winding sidestreet, he heard the mysterious, unmistakable sound of someone shoveling snow. The measured, labored,evocative scrape of iron shovel against concrete made his flesh crawl with terror as he stepped from the curb tocross the ominous alley and hurried onward until the haunting, incongruous noise had been left behind. Now heknew where he was: soon, if he continued without turning, he would come to the dry fountain in the middle ofthe boulevard, then to the officers’ apartment seven blocks beyond. He heard snarling, inhuman voices cuttingthrough the ghostly blackness in front suddenly. The bulb on the corner lamp post had died, spilling gloom overhalf the street, throwing everything visible off balance. On the other side of the intersection, a man was beating adog with a stick like the man who was beating the horse with a whip in Raskolnikov’s dream. Yossarian strainedhelplessly not to see or hear. The dog whimpered and squealed in brute, dumbfounded hysteria at the end of anold Manila rope and groveled and crawled on its belly without resisting, but the man beat it and beat it anywaywith his heavy, flat stick. A small crowd watched. A squat woman stepped out and asked him please to stop.
  “Mind your own business,” the man barked gruffly, lifting his stick as though he might beat her too, and thewoman retreated sheepishly with an abject and humiliated air. Yossarian quickened his pace to get away, almostran. The night was filled with horrors, and he thought he knew how Christ must have felt as he walked throughthe world, like a psychiatrist through a ward full of nuts, like a victim through a prison full of thieves. What awelcome sight a leper must have been! At the next corner a man was beating a small boy brutally in the midst ofan immobile crowd of adult spectators who made no effort to intervene. Yossarian recoiled with sickeningrecognition. He was certain he had witnessed that same horrible scene sometime before. Déjà vu? The sinistercoincidence shook him and filled him with doubt and dread. It was the same scene he had witnessed a blockbefore, although everything in it seemed quite different. What in the world was happening? Would a squat woman step out and ask the man to please stop? Would he raise his hand to strike her and would she retreat?
  Nobody moved. The child cried steadily as though in drugged misery. The man kept knocking him down withhard, resounding open-palm blows to the head, then jerking him up to his feet in order to knock him down again.
  No one in the sullen, cowering crowd seemed to care enough about the stunned and beaten boy to interfere. Thechild was no more than nine. One drab woman was weeping silently into a dirty dish towel. The boy wasemaciated and needed a haircut. Bright-red blood was streaming from both ears. Yossarian crossed quickly to theother side of the immense avenue to escape the nauseating sight and found himself walking on human teeth lyingon the drenched, glistening pavement near splotches of blood kept sticky by the pelting raindrops poking eachone like sharp fingernails. Molars and broken incisors lay scattered everywhere. He circled on tiptoe thegrotesque debris and came near a doorway containing a crying soldier holding a saturated handkerchief to hismouth, supported as he sagged by two other soldiers waiting in grave impatience for the military ambulance thatfinally came clanging up with amber fog lights on and passed them by for an altercation on the next blockbetween a civilian Italian with books and a slew of civilian policemen with armlocks and clubs. The screaming,struggling civilian was a dark man with a face white as flour from fear. His eyes were pulsating in hecticdesperation, flapping like bat’s wings, as the many tall policemen seized him by the arms and legs and lifted himup. His books were spilled on the ground. “Help!” he shrieked shrilly in a voice strangling in its own emotion, asthe policemen carried him to the open doors in the rear of the ambulance and threw him inside. “Police! Help!
  Police!” The doors were shut and bolted, and the ambulance raced away. There was a humorless irony in theludicrous panic of the man screaming for help to the police while policemen were all around him. Yossariansmiled wryly at the futile and ridiculous cry for aid, then saw with a start that the words were ambiguous,realized with alarm that they were not, perhaps, intended as a call for police but as a heroic warning from thegrave by a doomed friend to everyone who was not a policeman with a club and a gun and a mob of otherpolicemen with clubs and guns to back him up. “Help! Police!” the man had cried, and he could have beenshouting of danger. Yossarian responded to the thought by slipping away stealthily from the police and almosttripped over the feet of a burly woman of forty hastening across the intersection guiltily, darting furtive,vindictive glances behind her toward a woman of eighty with thick, bandaged ankles doddering after her in alosing pursuit. The old woman was gasping for breath as she minced along and muttering to herself in distractedagitation. There was no mistaking the nature of the scene; it was a chase. The triumphant first woman washalfway across the wide avenue before the second woman reached the curb. The nasty, small, gloating smile withwhich she glanced back at the laboring old woman was both wicked and apprehensive. Yossarian knew he couldhelp the troubled old woman if she would only cry out, knew he could spring forward and capture the sturdy firstwoman and hold her for the mob of policemen nearby if the second woman would only give him license with ashriek of distress. But the old woman passed by without even seeing him, mumbling in terrible, tragic vexation,and soon the first woman had vanished into the deepening layers of darkness and the old woman was leftstanding helplessly in the center of the thoroughfare, dazed, uncertain which way to proceed, alone. Yossariantore his eyes from her and hurried away in shame because he had done nothing to assist her. He darted furtive,guilty glances back as he fled in defeat, afraid the old woman might now start following him, and he welcomedthe concealing shelter of the drizzling, drifting, lightless, nearly opaque gloom. Mobs... mobs of policemen—everything but England was in the hands of mobs, mobs, mobs. Mobs with clubs were in control everywhere.
  The surface of the collar and shoulders of Yossarian’s coat was soaked. His socks were wet and cold. The lighton the next lamppost was out, too, the glass globe broken. Buildings and featureless shapes flowed by himnoiselessly as though borne past immutably on the surface of some rank and timeless tide. A tall monk passed, his face buried entirely inside a coarse gray cowl, even the eyes hidden. Footsteps sloshed toward him steadilythrough a puddle, and he feared it would be another barefoot child. He brushed by a gaunt, cadaverous, tristfulman in a black raincoat with a star-shaped scar in his cheek and a glossy mutilated depression the size of an eggin one temple. On squishing straw sandals, a young woman materialized with her whole face disfigured by aGod-awful pink and piebald burn that started on her neck and stretched in a raw, corrugated mass up both cheekspast her eyes! Yossarian could not bear to look, and shuddered. No one would ever love her. His spirit was sick;he longed to lie down with some girl he could love who would soothe and excite him and put him to sleep. Amob with a club was waiting for him in Pianosa. The girls were all gone. The countess and her daughter-in-lawwere no longer good enough; he had grown too old for fun, he no longer had the time. Luciana was gone, dead,probably; if not yet, then soon enough. Aarfy’s buxom trollop had vanished with her smutty cameo ring, andNurse Duckett was ashamed of him because he had refused to fly more combat missions and would cause ascandal. The only girl he knew nearby was the plain maid in the officers’ apartment, whom none of the men hadever slept with. Her name was Michaela, but the men called her filthy things in dulcet, ingratiating voices, andshe giggled with childish joy because she understood no English and thought they were flattering her and makingharmless jokes. Everything wild she watched them do filled her with enchanted delight. She was a happy,simple-minded, hard-working girl who could not read and was barely able to write her name. Her straight hairwas the color of rotting straw. She had sallow skin and myopic eyes, and none of the men had ever slept with herbecause none of the men had ever wanted to, none but Aarfy, who had raped her once that same evening and hadthen held her prisoner in a clothes closet for almost two hours with his hand over her mouth until the civiliancurfew sirens sounded and it was unlawful for her to be outside.
  Then he threw her out the window. Her dead body was still lying on the pavement when Yossarian arrived andpushed his way politely through the circle of solemn neighbors with dim lanterns, who glared with venom asthey shrank away from him and pointed up bitterly toward the second-floor windows in their private, grim,accusing conversations. Yossarian’s heart pounded with fright and horror at the pitiful, ominous, gory spectacleof the broken corpse. He ducked into the hallway and bolted up the stairs into the apartment, where he foundAarfy pacing about uneasily with a pompous, slightly uncomfortable smile. Aarfy seemed a bit unsettled as hefidgeted with his pipe and assured Yossarian that everything was going to be all right. There was nothing toworry about.
  “I only raped her once,” he explained.
  Yossarian was aghast. “But you killed her, Aarfy! You killed her!”
  “Oh, I had to do that after I raped her,” Aarfy replied in his most condescending manner. “I couldn’t very well lether go around saying bad things about us, could I?”
  “But why did you have to touch her at all, you dumb bastard?” Yossarian shouted. “Why couldn’t you getyourself a girl off the street if you wanted one? The city is full of prostitutes.”
  “Oh, no, not me,” Aarfy bragged. “I never paid for it in my life.”
  “Aarfy, are you insane?” Yossarian was almost speechless. “You killed a girl. They’re going to put you in jail!”
  “Oh, no,” Aarfy answered with a forced smile. “Not me. They aren’t going to put good old Aarfy in jail. Not forkilling her.”
  “But you threw her out the window. She’s lying dead in the street.”
  “She has no right to be there,” Aarfy answered. “It’s after curfew.”
  “Stupid! Don’t you realize what you’ve done?” Yossarian wanted to grab Aarfy by his well-fed, caterpillar-softshoulders and shake some sense into him. “You’ve murdered a human being. They are going to put you in jail.
  They might even hang you!”
  “Oh, I hardly think they’ll do that,” Aarfy replied with a jovial chuckle, although his symptoms of nervousnessincreased. He spilled tobacco crumbs unconsciously as his short fingers fumbled with the bowl of his pipe. “No,sirree. Not to good old Aarfy.” He chortled again. “She was only a servant girl. I hardly think they’re going tomake too much of a fuss over one poor Italian servant girl when so many thousands of lives are being lost everyday. Do you?”
  “Listen!” Yossarian cried, almost in joy. He pricked up his ears and watched the blood drain from Aarfy’s faceas sirens mourned far away, police sirens, and then ascended almost instantaneously to a howling, strident,onrushing cacophony of overwhelming sound that seemed to crash into the room around them from every side.
  “Aarfy, they’re coming for you,” he said in a flood of compassion, shouting to be heard above the noise.
  “They’re coming to arrest you. Aarfy, don’t you understand? You can’t take the life of another human being andget away with it, even if she is just a poor servant girl. Don’t you see? Can’t you understand?”
  “Oh, no,” Aarfy insisted with a lame laugh and a weak smile. “They’re not coming to arrest me. Not good oldAarfy.”
  All at once he looked sick. He sank down on a chair in a trembling stupor, his stumpy, lax hands quaking in hislap. Cars skidded to a stop outside. Spotlights hit the windows immediately. Car doors slammed and policewhistles screeched. Voices rose harshly. Aarfy was green. He kept shaking his head mechanically with a queer,numb smile and repeating in a weak, hollow monotone that they were not coming for him, not for good oldAarfy, no sirree, striving to convince himself that this was so even as heavy footsteps raced up the stairs andpounded across the landing, even as fists beat on the door four times with a deafening, inexorable force. Then thedoor to the apartment flew open, and two large, tough, brawny M.P.s with icy eyes and firm, sinewy, unsmilingjaws entered quickly, strode across the room, and arrested Yossarian.
  They arrested Yossarian for being in Rome without a pass.
  They apologized to Aarfy for intruding and led Yossarian away between them, gripping him under each arm withfingers as hard as steel manacles. They said nothing at all to him on the way down. Two more tall M.P.s withclubs and hard white helmets were waiting outside at a closed car. They marched Yossarian into the back seat,and the car roared away and weaved through the rain and muddy fog to a police station. The M.P.s locked him up for the night in a cell with four stone walls. At dawn they gave him a pail for a latrine and drove him to theairport, where two more giant M.P.s with clubs and white helmets were waiting at a transport plane whoseengines were already warming up when they arrived, the cylindrical green cowlings oozing quivering beads ofcondensation. None of the M.P.s said anything to each other either. They did not even nod. Yossarian had neverseen such granite faces. The plane flew to Pianosa. Two more silent M.P.s were waiting at the landing strip.
  There were now eight, and they filed with precise, wordless discipline into two cars and sped on humming tirespast the four squadron areas to the Group Headquarters building, where still two more M.P.s were waiting at theparking area. All ten tall, strong, purposeful, silent men towered around him as they turned toward the entrance.
  Their footsteps crunched in loud unison on the cindered ground. He had an impression of accelerating haste. Hewas terrified. Every one of the ten M.P.s seemed powerful enough to bash him to death with a single blow. Theyhad only to press their massive, toughened, boulderous shoulders against him to crush all life from his body.
  There was nothing he could do to save himself. He could not even see which two were gripping him under thearms as they marched him rapidly between the two tight single-file columns they had formed. Their pacequickened, and he felt as though he were flying along with his feet off the ground as they trotted in resolutecadence up the wide marble staircase to the upper landing, where still two more inscrutable military policemenwith hard faces were waiting to lead them all at an even faster pace down the long, cantilevered balconyoverhanging the immense lobby. Their marching footsteps on the dull tile floor thundered like an awesome,quickening drum roll through the vacant center of the building as they moved with even greater speed andprecision toward Colonel Cathcart’s office, and violent winds of panic began blowing in Yossarian’s ears whenthey turned him toward his doom inside the office, where Colonel Korn, his rump spreading comfortably on acorner of Colonel Cathcart’s desk, sat waiting to greet him with a genial smile and said,“We’re sending you home.”

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