《杀死一只知更鸟》——To Kill a Mockingbird(中英文的对照)完结_派派后花园

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[Novel] 《杀死一只知更鸟》——To Kill a Mockingbird(中英文的对照)完结

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等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 暖雯雯
210 818 1018 1226
举报 只看该作者 20楼  发表于: 2013-10-26 0

Chapter 20
      “Come on round here, son, I got something that’ll settle your stomach.”
  As Mr. Dolphus Raymond was an evil man I accepted his invitation reluctantly, but Ifollowed Dill. Somehow, I didn’t think Atticus would like it if we became friendly with Mr.
  Raymond, and I knew Aunt Alexandra wouldn’t.
  “Here,” he said, offering Dill his paper sack with straws in it. “Take a good sip, it’llquieten you.”
  Dill sucked on the straws, smiled, and pulled at length.
  “Hee hee,” said Mr. Raymond, evidently taking delight in corrupting a child.
  “Dill, you watch out, now,” I warned.
  Dill released the straws and grinned. “Scout, it’s nothing but Coca-Cola.”
  Mr. Raymond sat up against the tree-trunk. He had been lying on the grass. “You littlefolks won’t tell on me now, will you? It’d ruin my reputation if you did.”
  “You mean all you drink in that sack’s Coca-Cola? Just plain Coca-Cola?”
  “Yes ma’am,” Mr. Raymond nodded. I liked his smell: it was of leather, horses,cottonseed. He wore the only English riding boots I had ever seen. “That’s all I drink,most of the time.”
  “Then you just pretend you’re half—? I beg your pardon, sir,” I caught myself. “I didn’tmean to be—”
  Mr. Raymond chuckled, not at all offended, and I tried to frame a discreet question:
  “Why do you do like you do?”
  “Wh—oh yes, you mean why do I pretend? Well, it’s very simple,” he said. “Some folksdon’t—like the way I live. Now I could say the hell with ‘em, I don’t care if they don’t likeit. I do say I don’t care if they don’t like it, right enough—but I don’t say the hell with ’em,see?”
  Dill and I said, “No sir.”
  “I try to give ‘em a reason, you see. It helps folks if they can latch onto a reason. WhenI come to town, which is seldom, if I weave a little and drink out of this sack, folks cansay Dolphus Raymond’s in the clutches of whiskey—that’s why he won’t change hisways. He can’t help himself, that’s why he lives the way he does.”
  “That ain’t honest, Mr. Raymond, making yourself out badder’n you are already—”
  “It ain’t honest but it’s mighty helpful to folks. Secretly, Miss Finch, I’m not much of adrinker, but you see they could never, never understand that I live like I do becausethat’s the way I want to live.”
  I had a feeling that I shouldn’t be here listening to this sinful man who had mixedchildren and didn’t care who knew it, but he was fascinating. I had never encountered abeing who deliberately perpetrated fraud against himself. But why had he entrusted uswith his deepest secret? I asked him why.
  “Because you’re children and you can understand it,” he said, “and because I heardthat one—”
  He jerked his head at Dill: “Things haven’t caught up with that one’s instinct yet. Lethim get a little older and he won’t get sick and cry. Maybe things’ll strike him as being—not quite right, say, but he won’t cry, not when he gets a few years on him.”
  “Cry about what, Mr. Raymond?” Dill’s maleness was beginning to assert itself.
  “Cry about the simple hell people give other people—without even thinking. Cry aboutthe hell white people give colored folks, without even stopping to think that they’repeople, too.”
  “Atticus says cheatin‘ a colored man is ten times worse than cheatin’ a white man,” Imuttered. “Says it’s the worst thing you can do.”
  Mr. Raymond said, “I don’t reckon it’s—Miss Jean Louise, you don’t know your pa’snot a run-of-the-mill man, it’ll take a few years for that to sink in—you haven’t seenenough of the world yet. You haven’t even seen this town, but all you gotta do is stepback inside the courthouse.”
  Which reminded me that we were missing nearly all of Mr. Gilmer’s cross-examination.
  I looked at the sun, and it was dropping fast behind the store-tops on the west side ofthe square. Between two fires, I could not decide which I wanted to jump into: Mr.
  Raymond or the 5th Judicial Circuit Court. “C’mon, Dill,” I said. “You all right, now?”
  “Yeah. Glad t’ve metcha, Mr. Raymond, and thanks for the drink, it was mightysettlin‘.”
  We raced back to the courthouse, up the steps, up two flights of stairs, and edged ourway along the balcony rail. Reverend Sykes had saved our seats.
  The courtroom was still, and again I wondered where the babies were. Judge Taylor’scigar was a brown speck in the center of his mouth; Mr. Gilmer was writing on one of theyellow pads on his table, trying to outdo the court reporter, whose hand was jerkingrapidly. “Shoot,” I muttered, “we missed it.”
  Atticus was halfway through his speech to the jury. He had evidently pulled somepapers from his briefcase that rested beside his chair, because they were on his table.
  Tom Robinson was toying with them.
  “…absence of any corroborative evidence, this man was indicted on a capital chargeand is now on trial for his life…”
  I punched Jem. “How long’s he been at it?”
  “He’s just gone over the evidence,” Jem whispered, “and we’re gonna win, Scout. Idon’t see how we can’t. He’s been at it ‘bout five minutes. He made it as plain and easyas—well, as I’da explained it to you. You could’ve understood it, even.”
  “Did Mr. Gilmer—?”
  “Sh-h. Nothing new, just the usual. Hush now.”
  We looked down again. Atticus was speaking easily, with the kind of detachment heused when he dictated a letter. He walked slowly up and down in front of the jury, andthe jury seemed to be attentive: their heads were up, and they followed Atticus’s routewith what seemed to be appreciation. I guess it was because Atticus wasn’t a thunderer.
  Atticus paused, then he did something he didn’t ordinarily do. He unhitched his watchand chain and placed them on the table, saying, “With the court’s permission—”
  Judge Taylor nodded, and then Atticus did something I never saw him do before orsince, in public or in private: he unbuttoned his vest, unbuttoned his collar, loosened histie, and took off his coat. He never loosened a scrap of his clothing until he undressed atbedtime, and to Jem and me, this was the equivalent of him standing before us starknaked. We exchanged horrified glances.
  Atticus put his hands in his pockets, and as he returned to the jury, I saw his goldcollar button and the tips of his pen and pencil winking in the light.
  “Gentlemen,” he said. Jem and I again looked at each other: Atticus might have said,“Scout.” His voice had lost its aridity, its detachment, and he was talking to the jury as ifthey were folks on the post office corner.
  “Gentlemen,” he was saying, “I shall be brief, but I would like to use my remaining timewith you to remind you that this case is not a difficult one, it requires no minute sifting ofcomplicated facts, but it does require you to be sure beyond all reasonable doubt as tothe guilt of the defendant. To begin with, this case should never have come to trial. Thiscase is as simple as black and white.
  “The state has not produced one iota of medical evidence to the effect that the crimeTom Robinson is charged with ever took place. It has relied instead upon the testimonyof two witnesses whose evidence has not only been called into serious question oncross-examination, but has been flatly contradicted by the defendant. The defendant isnot guilty, but somebody in this courtroom is.
  “I have nothing but pity in my heart for the chief witness for the state, but my pity doesnot extend so far as to her putting a man’s life at stake, which she has done in an effortto get rid of her own guilt.
  “I say guilt, gentlemen, because it was guilt that motivated her. She has committed nocrime, she has merely broken a rigid and time-honored code of our society, a code sosevere that whoever breaks it is hounded from our midst as unfit to live with. She is thevictim of cruel poverty and ignorance, but I cannot pity her: she is white. She knew fullwell the enormity of her offense, but because her desires were stronger than the codeshe was breaking, she persisted in breaking it. She persisted, and her subsequentreaction is something that all of us have known at one time or another. She didsomething every child has done—she tried to put the evidence of her offense away fromher. But in this case she was no child hiding stolen contraband: she struck out at hervictim—of necessity she must put him away from her—he must be removed from herpresence, from this world. She must destroy the evidence of her offense.
  “What was the evidence of her offense? Tom Robinson, a human being. She must putTom Robinson away from her. Tom Robinson was her daily reminder of what she did.
  What did she do? She tempted a Negro.
  “She was white, and she tempted a Negro. She did something that in our society isunspeakable: she kissed a black man. Not an old Uncle, but a strong young Negro man.
  No code mattered to her before she broke it, but it came crashing down on herafterwards.
  “Her father saw it, and the defendant has testified as to his remarks. What did herfather do? We don’t know, but there is circumstantial evidence to indicate that MayellaEwell was beaten savagely by someone who led almost exclusively with his left. We doknow in part what Mr. Ewell did: he did what any God-fearing, persevering, respectablewhite man would do under the circumstances—he swore out a warrant, no doubt signingit with his left hand, and Tom Robinson now sits before you, having taken the oath withthe only good hand he possesses—his right hand.
  “And so a quiet, respectable, humble Negro who had the unmitigated temerity to ‘feelsorry’ for a white woman has had to put his word against two white people’s. I need notremind you of their appearance and conduct on the stand—you saw them foryourselves. The witnesses for the state, with the exception of the sheriff of MaycombCounty, have presented themselves to you gentlemen, to this court, in the cynicalconfidence that their testimony would not be doubted, confident that you gentlemenwould go along with them on the assumption—the evil assumption—that all Negroes lie,that all Negroes are basically immoral beings, that all Negro men are not to be trustedaround our women, an assumption one associates with minds of their caliber.
  “Which, gentlemen, we know is in itself a lie as black as Tom Robinson’s skin, a lie Ido not have to point out to you. You know the truth, and the truth is this: some Negroeslie, some Negroes are immoral, some Negro men are not to be trusted around women—black or white. But this is a truth that applies to the human race and to no particular raceof men. There is not a person in this courtroom who has never told a lie, who has neverdone an immoral thing, and there is no man living who has never looked upon a womanwithout desire.”
  Atticus paused and took out his handkerchief. Then he took off his glasses and wipedthem, and we saw another “first”: we had never seen him sweat—he was one of thosemen whose faces never perspired, but now it was shining tan.
  “One more thing, gentlemen, before I quit. Thomas Jefferson once said that all menare created equal, a phrase that the Yankees and the distaff side of the Executivebranch in Washington are fond of hurling at us. There is a tendency in this year of grace,1935, for certain people to use this phrase out of context, to satisfy all conditions. Themost ridiculous example I can think of is that the people who run public educationpromote the stupid and idle along with the industrious—because all men are createdequal, educators will gravely tell you, the children left behind suffer terrible feelings ofinferiority. We know all men are not created equal in the sense some people would haveus believe—some people are smarter than others, some people have more opportunitybecause they’re born with it, some men make more money than others, some ladiesmake better cakes than others—some people are born gifted beyond the normal scopeof most men.
  “But there is one way in this country in which all men are created equal—there is onehuman institution that makes a pauper the equal of a Rockefeller, the stupid man theequal of an Einstein, and the ignorant man the equal of any college president. Thatinstitution, gentlemen, is a court. It can be the Supreme Court of the United States or thehumblest J.P. court in the land, or this honorable court which you serve. Our courts havetheir faults, as does any human institution, but in this country our courts are the greatlevelers, and in our courts all men are created equal.
  “I’m no idealist to believe firmly in the integrity of our courts and in the jury system—that is no ideal to me, it is a living, working reality. Gentlemen, a court is no better thaneach man of you sitting before me on this jury. A court is only as sound as its jury, and ajury is only as sound as the men who make it up. I am confident that you gentlemen willreview without passion the evidence you have heard, come to a decision, and restorethis defendant to his family. In the name of God, do your duty.”
  Atticus’s voice had dropped, and as he turned away from the jury he said something Idid not catch. He said it more to himself than to the court. I punched Jem. “What’d hesay?”
  “‘In the name of God, believe him,’ I think that’s what he said.”
  Dill suddenly reached over me and tugged at Jem. “Looka yonder!”
  We followed his finger with sinking hearts. Calpurnia was making her way up themiddle aisle, walking straight toward Atticus.



等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 暖雯雯
210 818 1018 1226
举报 只看该作者 21楼  发表于: 2013-10-27 0

Chapter 21
       She stopped shyly at the railing and waited to get Judge Taylor’s attention. She was ina fresh apron and she carried an envelope in her hand.
  Judge Taylor saw her and said, “It’s Calpurnia, isn’t it?”
  “Yes sir,” she said. “Could I just pass this note to Mr. Finch, please sir? It hasn’t gotanything to do with—with the trial.”
  Judge Taylor nodded and Atticus took the envelope from Calpurnia. He opened it,read its contents and said, “Judge, I—this note is from my sister. She says my childrenare missing, haven’t turned up since noon… I… could you—”
  “I know where they are, Atticus.” Mr. Underwood spoke up. “They’re right up yonder inthe colored balcony—been there since precisely one-eighteen P.M.”
  Our father turned around and looked up. “Jem, come down from there,” he called.
  Then he said something to the Judge we didn’t hear. We climbed across ReverendSykes and made our way to the staircase.
  Atticus and Calpurnia met us downstairs. Calpurnia looked peeved, but Atticus lookedexhausted.
  Jem was jumping in excitement. “We’ve won, haven’t we?”
  “I’ve no idea,” said Atticus shortly. “You’ve been here all afternoon? Go home withCalpurnia and get your supper—and stay home.”
  “Aw, Atticus, let us come back,” pleaded Jem. “Please let us hear the verdict, pleasesir.”
  “The jury might be out and back in a minute, we don’t know—” but we could tell Atticuswas relenting. “Well, you’ve heard it all, so you might as well hear the rest. Tell youwhat, you all can come back when you’ve eaten your supper—eat slowly, now, youwon’t miss anything important—and if the jury’s still out, you can wait with us. But Iexpect it’ll be over before you get back.”
  “You think they’ll acquit him that fast?” asked Jem.
  Atticus opened his mouth to answer, but shut it and left us.
  I prayed that Reverend Sykes would save our seats for us, but stopped praying when Iremembered that people got up and left in droves when the jury was out—tonight, they’doverrun the drugstore, the O.K. Café and the hotel, that is, unless they had brought theirsuppers too.
  Calpurnia marched us home: “—skin every one of you alive, the very idea, youchildren listenin‘ to all that! Mister Jem, don’t you know better’n to take your little sister tothat trial? Miss Alexandra’ll absolutely have a stroke of paralysis when she finds out!
  Ain’t fittin’ for children to hear…”
  The streetlights were on, and we glimpsed Calpurnia’s indignant profile as we passedbeneath them. “Mister Jem, I thought you was gettin‘ some kinda head on yourshoulders—the very idea, she’s your little sister! The very idea, sir! You oughta beperfectly ashamed of yourself—ain’t you got any sense at all?”
  I was exhilarated. So many things had happened so fast I felt it would take years tosort them out, and now here was Calpurnia giving her precious Jem down the country—what new marvels would the evening bring?
  Jem was chuckling. “Don’t you want to hear about it, Cal?”
  “Hush your mouth, sir! When you oughta be hangin‘ your head in shame you go alonglaughin’—” Calpurnia revived a series of rusty threats that moved Jem to little remorse,and she sailed up the front steps with her classic, “If Mr. Finch don’t wear you out, Iwill—get in that house, sir!”
  Jem went in grinning, and Calpurnia nodded tacit consent to having Dill in to supper.
  “You all call Miss Rachel right now and tell her where you are,” she told him. “She’s rundistracted lookin‘ for you—you watch out she don’t ship you back to Meridian first thingin the mornin’.”
  Aunt Alexandra met us and nearly fainted when Calpurnia told her where we were. Iguess it hurt her when we told her Atticus said we could go back, because she didn’tsay a word during supper. She just rearranged food on her plate, looking at it sadlywhile Calpurnia served Jem, Dill and me with a vengeance. Calpurnia poured milk,dished out potato salad and ham, muttering, “‘shamed of yourselves,” in varyingdegrees of intensity. “Now you all eat slow,” was her final command.
  Reverend Sykes had saved our places. We were surprised to find that we had beengone nearly an hour, and were equally surprised to find the courtroom exactly as we hadleft it, with minor changes: the jury box was empty, the defendant was gone; JudgeTaylor had been gone, but he reappeared as we were seating ourselves.
  “Nobody’s moved, hardly,” said Jem.
  “They moved around some when the jury went out,” said Reverend Sykes. “Themenfolk down there got the womenfolk their suppers, and they fed their babies.”
  “How long have they been out?” asked Jem.
  “‘bout thirty minutes. Mr. Finch and Mr. Gilmer did some more talkin’, and JudgeTaylor charged the jury.”
  “How was he?” asked Jem.
  “What say? Oh, he did right well. I ain’t complainin‘ one bit—he was mighty fair-minded. He sorta said if you believe this, then you’ll have to return one verdict, but if youbelieve this, you’ll have to return another one. I thought he was leanin’ a little to ourside—” Reverend Sykes scratched his head.
  Jem smiled. “He’s not supposed to lean, Reverend, but don’t fret, we’ve won it,” hesaid wisely. “Don’t see how any jury could convict on what we heard—”
  “Now don’t you be so confident, Mr. Jem, I ain’t ever seen any jury decide in favor of acolored man over a white man…” But Jem took exception to Reverend Sykes, and wewere subjected to a lengthy review of the evidence with Jem’s ideas on the lawregarding rape: it wasn’t rape if she let you, but she had to be eighteen—in Alabama,that is—and Mayella was nineteen. Apparently you had to kick and holler, you had to beoverpowered and stomped on, preferably knocked stone cold. If you were undereighteen, you didn’t have to go through all this.
  “Mr. Jem,” Reverend Sykes demurred, “this ain’t a polite thing for little ladies tohear…”
  “Aw, she doesn’t know what we’re talkin‘ about,” said Jem. “Scout, this is too old foryou, ain’t it?”
  “It most certainly is not, I know every word you’re saying.” Perhaps I was tooconvincing, because Jem hushed and never discussed the subject again.
  “What time is it, Reverend?” he asked.
  “Gettin‘ on toward eight.”
  I looked down and saw Atticus strolling around with his hands in his pockets: he madea tour of the windows, then walked by the railing over to the jury box. He looked in it,inspected Judge Taylor on his throne, then went back to where he started. I caught hiseye and waved to him. He acknowledged my salute with a nod, and resumed his tour.
  Mr. Gilmer was standing at the windows talking to Mr. Underwood. Bert, the courtreporter, was chain-smoking: he sat back with his feet on the table.
  But the officers of the court, the ones present—Atticus, Mr. Gilmer, Judge Taylorsound asleep, and Bert, were the only ones whose behavior seemed normal. I hadnever seen a packed courtroom so still. Sometimes a baby would cry out fretfully, and achild would scurry out, but the grown people sat as if they were in church. In thebalcony, the Negroes sat and stood around us with biblical patience.
  The old courthouse clock suffered its preliminary strain and struck the hour, eightdeafening bongs that shook our bones.
  When it bonged eleven times I was past feeling: tired from fighting sleep, I allowedmyself a short nap against Reverend Sykes’s comfortable arm and shoulder. I jerkedawake and made an honest effort to remain so, by looking down and concentrating onthe heads below: there were sixteen bald ones, fourteen men that could pass forredheads, forty heads varying between brown and black, and—I rememberedsomething Jem had once explained to me when he went through a brief period ofpsychical research: he said if enough people—a stadium full, maybe—were toconcentrate on one thing, such as setting a tree afire in the woods, that the tree wouldignite of its own accord. I toyed with the idea of asking everyone below to concentrateon setting Tom Robinson free, but thought if they were as tired as I, it wouldn’t work.
  Dill was sound asleep, his head on Jem’s shoulder, and Jem was quiet.
  “Ain’t it a long time?” I asked him.
  “Sure is, Scout,” he said happily.
  “Well, from the way you put it, it’d just take five minutes.”
  Jem raised his eyebrows. “There are things you don’t understand,” he said, and I wastoo weary to argue.
  But I must have been reasonably awake, or I would not have received the impressionthat was creeping into me. It was not unlike one I had last winter, and I shivered, thoughthe night was hot. The feeling grew until the atmosphere in the courtroom was exactlythe same as a cold February morning, when the mockingbirds were still, and thecarpenters had stopped hammering on Miss Maudie’s new house, and every wood doorin the neighborhood was shut as tight as the doors of the Radley Place. A deserted,waiting, empty street, and the courtroom was packed with people. A steaming summernight was no different from a winter morning. Mr. Heck Tate, who had entered thecourtroom and was talking to Atticus, might have been wearing his high boots andlumber jacket. Atticus had stopped his tranquil journey and had put his foot onto thebottom rung of a chair; as he listened to what Mr. Tate was saying, he ran his handslowly up and down his thigh. I expected Mr. Tate to say any minute, “Take him, Mr.
  But Mr. Tate said, “This court will come to order,” in a voice that rang with authority,and the heads below us jerked up. Mr. Tate left the room and returned with TomRobinson. He steered Tom to his place beside Atticus, and stood there. Judge Taylorhad roused himself to sudden alertness and was sitting up straight, looking at the emptyjury box.
  What happened after that had a dreamlike quality: in a dream I saw the jury return,moving like underwater swimmers, and Judge Taylor’s voice came from far away andwas tiny. I saw something only a lawyer’s child could be expected to see, could beexpected to watch for, and it was like watching Atticus walk into the street, raise a rifle tohis shoulder and pull the trigger, but watching all the time knowing that the gun wasempty.
  A jury never looks at a defendant it has convicted, and when this jury came in, not oneof them looked at Tom Robinson. The foreman handed a piece of paper to Mr. Tate whohanded it to the clerk who handed it to the judge…I shut my eyes. Judge Taylor was polling the jury: “Guilty… guilty… guilty… guilty…” Ipeeked at Jem: his hands were white from gripping the balcony rail, and his shouldersjerked as if each “guilty” was a separate stab between them.
  Judge Taylor was saying something. His gavel was in his fist, but he wasn’t using it.
  Dimly, I saw Atticus pushing papers from the table into his briefcase. He snapped itshut, went to the court reporter and said something, nodded to Mr. Gilmer, and thenwent to Tom Robinson and whispered something to him. Atticus put his hand on Tom’sshoulder as he whispered. Atticus took his coat off the back of his chair and pulled itover his shoulder. Then he left the courtroom, but not by his usual exit. He must havewanted to go home the short way, because he walked quickly down the middle aisletoward the south exit. I followed the top of his head as he made his way to the door. Hedid not look up.
  Someone was punching me, but I was reluctant to take my eyes from the peoplebelow us, and from the image of Atticus’s lonely walk down the aisle.
  “Miss Jean Louise?”
  I looked around. They were standing. All around us and in the balcony on the oppositewall, the Negroes were getting to their feet. Reverend Sykes’s voice was as distant asJudge Taylor’s:
  “Miss Jean Louise, stand up. Your father’s passin’.”



等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 暖雯雯
210 818 1018 1226
举报 只看该作者 22楼  发表于: 2013-10-27 0

Chapter 22
       It was Jem’s turn to cry. His face was streaked with angry tears as we made our waythrough the cheerful crowd. “It ain’t right,” he muttered, all the way to the corner of thesquare where we found Atticus waiting. Atticus was standing under the street lightlooking as though nothing had happened: his vest was buttoned, his collar and tie wereneatly in place, his watch-chain glistened, he was his impassive self again.
  “It ain’t right, Atticus,” said Jem.
  “No son, it’s not right.”
  We walked home.
  Aunt Alexandra was waiting up. She was in her dressing gown, and I could havesworn she had on her corset underneath it. “I’m sorry, brother,” she murmured. Havingnever heard her call Atticus “brother” before, I stole a glance at Jem, but he was notlistening. He would look up at Atticus, then down at the floor, and I wondered if hethought Atticus somehow responsible for Tom Robinson’s conviction.
  “Is he all right?” Aunty asked, indicating Jem.
  “He’ll be so presently,” said Atticus. “It was a little too strong for him.” Our fathersighed. “I’m going to bed,” he said. “If I don’t wake up in the morning, don’t call me.”
  “I didn’t think it wise in the first place to let them—”
  “This is their home, sister,” said Atticus. “We’ve made it this way for them, they mightas well learn to cope with it.”
  “But they don’t have to go to the courthouse and wallow in it—”
  “It’s just as much Maycomb County as missionary teas.”
  “Atticus—” Aunt Alexandra’s eyes were anxious. “You are the last person I thoughtwould turn bitter over this.”
  “I’m not bitter, just tired. I’m going to bed.”
  “Atticus—” said Jem bleakly.
  He turned in the doorway. “What, son?”
  “How could they do it, how could they?”
  “I don’t know, but they did it. They’ve done it before and they did it tonight and they’lldo it again and when they do it—seems that only children weep. Good night.”
  But things are always better in the morning. Atticus rose at his usual ungodly hour andwas in the livingroom behind the Mobile Register when we stumbled in. Jem’s morningface posed the question his sleepy lips struggled to ask.
  “It’s not time to worry yet,” Atticus reassured him, as we went to the diningroom.
  “We’re not through yet. There’ll be an appeal, you can count on that. Gracious alive,Cal, what’s all this?” He was staring at his breakfast plate.
  Calpurnia said, “Tom Robinson’s daddy sent you along this chicken this morning. Ifixed it.”
  “You tell him I’m proud to get it—bet they don’t have chicken for breakfast at the WhiteHouse. What are these?”
  “Rolls,” said Calpurnia. “Estelle down at the hotel sent ‘em.”
  Atticus looked up at her, puzzled, and she said, “You better step out here and seewhat’s in the kitchen, Mr. Finch.”
  We followed him. The kitchen table was loaded with enough food to bury the family:
  hunks of salt pork, tomatoes, beans, even scuppernongs. Atticus grinned when he founda jar of pickled pigs’ knuckles. “Reckon Aunty’ll let me eat these in the diningroom?”
  Calpurnia said, “This was all ‘round the back steps when I got here this morning.
  They—they ’preciate what you did, Mr. Finch. They—they aren’t oversteppin‘themselves, are they?”
  Atticus’s eyes filled with tears. He did not speak for a moment. “Tell them I’m verygrateful,” he said. “Tell them—tell them they must never do this again. Times are toohard…”
  He left the kitchen, went in the diningroom and excused himself to Aunt Alexandra, puton his hat and went to town.
  We heard Dill’s step in the hall, so Calpurnia left Atticus’s uneaten breakfast on thetable. Between rabbit-bites Dill told us of Miss Rachel’s reaction to last night, which was:
  if a man like Atticus Finch wants to butt his head against a stone wall it’s his head.
  “I’da got her told,” growled Dill, gnawing a chicken leg, “but she didn’t look much liketellin‘ this morning. Said she was up half the night wonderin’ where I was, said she’dahad the sheriff after me but he was at the hearing.”
  “Dill, you’ve got to stop goin‘ off without tellin’ her,” said Jem. “It just aggravates her.”
  Dill sighed patiently. “I told her till I was blue in the face where I was goin‘—she’s justseein’ too many snakes in the closet. Bet that woman drinks a pint for breakfast everymorning—know she drinks two glasses full. Seen her.”
  “Don’t talk like that, Dill,” said Aunt Alexandra. “It’s not becoming to a child. It’s—cynical.”
  “I ain’t cynical, Miss Alexandra. Tellin‘ the truth’s not cynical, is it?”
  “The way you tell it, it is.”
  Jem’s eyes flashed at her, but he said to Dill, “Let’s go. You can take that runner withyou.”
  When we went to the front porch, Miss Stephanie Crawford was busy telling it to MissMaudie Atkinson and Mr. Avery. They looked around at us and went on talking. Jemmade a feral noise in his throat. I wished for a weapon.
  “I hate grown folks lookin‘ at you,” said Dill. “Makes you feel like you’ve donesomething.”
  Miss Maudie yelled for Jem Finch to come there.
  Jem groaned and heaved himself up from the swing. “We’ll go with you,” Dill said.
  Miss Stephanie’s nose quivered with curiosity. She wanted to know who all gave uspermission to go to court—she didn’t see us but it was all over town this morning that wewere in the Colored balcony. Did Atticus put us up there as a sort of—? Wasn’t it rightclose up there with all those—? Did Scout understand all the—? Didn’t it make us madto see our daddy beat?
  “Hush, Stephanie.” Miss Maudie’s diction was deadly. “I’ve not got all the morning topass on the porch—Jem Finch, I called to find out if you and your colleagues can eatsome cake. Got up at five to make it, so you better say yes. Excuse us, Stephanie.
  Good morning, Mr. Avery.”
  There was a big cake and two little ones on Miss Maudie’s kitchen table. There shouldhave been three little ones. It was not like Miss Maudie to forget Dill, and we must haveshown it. But we understood when she cut from the big cake and gave the slice to Jem.
  As we ate, we sensed that this was Miss Maudie’s way of saying that as far as shewas concerned, nothing had changed. She sat quietly in a kitchen chair, watching us.
  Suddenly she spoke: “Don’t fret, Jem. Things are never as bad as they seem.”
  Indoors, when Miss Maudie wanted to say something lengthy she spread her fingerson her knees and settled her bridgework. This she did, and we waited.
  “I simply want to tell you that there are some men in this world who were born to doour unpleasant jobs for us. Your father’s one of them.”
  “Oh,” said Jem. “Well.”
  “Don’t you oh well me, sir,” Miss Maudie replied, recognizing Jem’s fatalistic noises,“you are not old enough to appreciate what I said.”
  Jem was staring at his half-eaten cake. “It’s like bein‘ a caterpillar in a cocoon, that’swhat it is,” he said. “Like somethin’ asleep wrapped up in a warm place. I always thoughtMaycomb folks were the best folks in the world, least that’s what they seemed like.”
  “We’re the safest folks in the world,” said Miss Maudie. “We’re so rarely called on tobe Christians, but when we are, we’ve got men like Atticus to go for us.”
  Jem grinned ruefully. “Wish the rest of the county thought that.”
  “You’d be surprised how many of us do.”
  “Who?” Jem’s voice rose. “Who in this town did one thing to help Tom Robinson, justwho?”
  “His colored friends for one thing, and people like us. People like Judge Taylor. Peoplelike Mr. Heck Tate. Stop eating and start thinking, Jem. Did it ever strike you that JudgeTaylor naming Atticus to defend that boy was no accident? That Judge Taylor mighthave had his reasons for naming him?”
  This was a thought. Court-appointed defenses were usually given to Maxwell Green,Maycomb’s latest addition to the bar, who needed the experience. Maxwell Greenshould have had Tom Robinson’s case.
  “You think about that,” Miss Maudie was saying. “It was no accident. I was sittin‘ thereon the porch last night, waiting. I waited and waited to see you all come down thesidewalk, and as I waited I thought, Atticus Finch won’t win, he can’t win, but he’s theonly man in these parts who can keep a jury out so long in a case like that. And Ithought to myself, well, we’re making a step—it’s just a baby-step, but it’s a step.”
  “‘t’s all right to talk like that—can’t any Christian judges an’ lawyers make up forheathen juries,” Jem muttered. “Soon’s I get grown—”
  “That’s something you’ll have to take up with your father,” Miss Maudie said.
  We went down Miss Maudie’s cool new steps into the sunshine and found Mr. Averyand Miss Stephanie Crawford still at it. They had moved down the sidewalk and werestanding in front of Miss Stephanie’s house. Miss Rachel was walking toward them.
  “I think I’ll be a clown when I get grown,” said Dill.
  Jem and I stopped in our tracks.
  “Yes sir, a clown,” he said. “There ain’t one thing in this world I can do about folksexcept laugh, so I’m gonna join the circus and laugh my head off.”
  “You got it backwards, Dill,” said Jem. “Clowns are sad, it’s folks that laugh at them.”
  “Well I’m gonna be a new kind of clown. I’m gonna stand in the middle of the ring andlaugh at the folks. Just looka yonder,” he pointed. “Every one of ‘em oughta be ridin’
  broomsticks. Aunt Rachel already does.”
  Miss Stephanie and Miss Rachel were waving wildly at us, in a way that did not givethe lie to Dill’s observation.
  “Oh gosh,” breathed Jem. “I reckon it’d be ugly not to see ‘em.”
  Something was wrong. Mr. Avery was red in the face from a sneezing spell and nearlyblew us off the sidewalk when we came up. Miss Stephanie was trembling withexcitement, and Miss Rachel caught Dill’s shoulder. “You get on in the back yard andstay there,” she said. “There’s danger a’comin‘.”
  “‘s matter?” I asked.
  “Ain’t you heard yet? It’s all over town—”
  At that moment Aunt Alexandra came to the door and called us, but she was too late.
  It was Miss Stephanie’s pleasure to tell us: this morning Mr. Bob Ewell stopped Atticuson the post office corner, spat in his face, and told him he’d get him if it took the rest ofhis life.



等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 暖雯雯
210 818 1018 1226
举报 只看该作者 23楼  发表于: 2013-10-27 0

Chapter 23
       “I wish Bob Ewell wouldn’t chew tobacco,” was all Atticus said about it.
  According to Miss Stephanie Crawford, however, Atticus was leaving the post officewhen Mr. Ewell approached him, cursed him, spat on him, and threatened to kill him.
  Miss Stephanie (who, by the time she had told it twice was there and had seen it all—passing by from the Jitney Jungle, she was)—Miss Stephanie said Atticus didn’t bat aneye, just took out his handkerchief and wiped his face and stood there and let Mr. Ewellcall him names wild horses could not bring her to repeat. Mr. Ewell was a veteran of anobscure war; that plus Atticus’s peaceful reaction probably prompted him to inquire,“Too proud to fight, you nigger-lovin‘ bastard?” Miss Stephanie said Atticus said, “No,too old,” put his hands in his pockets and strolled on. Miss Stephanie said you had tohand it to Atticus Finch, he could be right dry sometimes.
  Jem and I didn’t think it entertaining.
  “After all, though,” I said, “he was the deadest shot in the county one time. He could—”
  “You know he wouldn’t carry a gun, Scout. He ain’t even got one—” said Jem. “Youknow he didn’t even have one down at the jail that night. He told me havin‘ a gunaround’s an invitation to somebody to shoot you.”
  “This is different,” I said. “We can ask him to borrow one.”
  We did, and he said, “Nonsense.”
  Dill was of the opinion that an appeal to Atticus’s better nature might work: after all, wewould starve if Mr. Ewell killed him, besides be raised exclusively by Aunt Alexandra,and we all knew the first thing she’d do before Atticus was under the ground good wouldbe to fire Calpurnia. Jem said it might work if I cried and flung a fit, being young and agirl. That didn’t work either. But when he noticed us dragging around the neighborhood,not eating, taking little interest in our normal pursuits, Atticus discovered how deeplyfrightened we were. He tempted Jem with a new football magazine one night; when hesaw Jem flip the pages and toss it aside, he said, “What’s bothering you, son?”
  Jem came to the point: “Mr. Ewell.”
  “What has happened?”
  “Nothing’s happened. We’re scared for you, and we think you oughta do somethingabout him.”
  Atticus smiled wryly. “Do what? Put him under a peace bond?”
  “When a man says he’s gonna get you, looks like he means it.”
  “He meant it when he said it,” said Atticus. “Jem, see if you can stand in Bob Ewell’sshoes a minute. I destroyed his last shred of credibility at that trial, if he had any to beginwith. The man had to have some kind of comeback, his kind always does. So if spittingin my face and threatening me saved Mayella Ewell one extra beating, that’s somethingI’ll gladly take. He had to take it out on somebody and I’d rather it be me than thathouseful of children out there. You understand?”
  Jem nodded.
  Aunt Alexandra entered the room as Atticus was saying, “We don’t have anything tofear from Bob Ewell, he got it all out of his system that morning.”
  “I wouldn’t be so sure of that, Atticus,” she said. “His kind’d do anything to pay off agrudge. You know how those people are.”
  “What on earth could Ewell do to me, sister?”
  “Something furtive,” Aunt Alexandra said. “You may count on that.”
  “Nobody has much chance to be furtive in Maycomb,” Atticus answered.
  After that, we were not afraid. Summer was melting away, and we made the most of it.
  Atticus assured us that nothing would happen to Tom Robinson until the higher courtreviewed his case, and that Tom had a good chance of going free, or at least of havinga new trial. He was at Enfield Prison Farm, seventy miles away in Chester County. Iasked Atticus if Tom’s wife and children were allowed to visit him, but Atticus said no.
  “If he loses his appeal,” I asked one evening, “what’ll happen to him?”
  “He’ll go to the chair,” said Atticus, “unless the Governor commutes his sentence. Nottime to worry yet, Scout. We’ve got a good chance.”
  Jem was sprawled on the sofa reading Popular Mechanics. He looked up. “It ain’tright. He didn’t kill anybody even if he was guilty. He didn’t take anybody’s life.”
  “You know rape’s a capital offense in Alabama,” said Atticus.
  “Yessir, but the jury didn’t have to give him death—if they wanted to they could’vegave him twenty years.”
  “Given,” said Atticus. “Tom Robinson’s a colored man, Jem. No jury in this part of theworld’s going to say, ‘We think you’re guilty, but not very,’ on a charge like that. It waseither a straight acquittal or nothing.”
  Jem was shaking his head. “I know it’s not right, but I can’t figure out what’s wrong—maybe rape shouldn’t be a capital offense…”
  Atticus dropped his newspaper beside his chair. He said he didn’t have any quarrelwith the rape statute, none what ever, but he did have deep misgivings when the stateasked for and the jury gave a death penalty on purely circumstantial evidence. Heglanced at me, saw I was listening, and made it easier. “—I mean, before a man issentenced to death for murder, say, there should be one or two eye-witnesses. Someone should be able to say, ‘Yes, I was there and saw him pull the trigger.’”
  “But lots of folks have been hung—hanged—on circumstantial evidence,” said Jem.
  “I know, and lots of ‘em probably deserved it, too—but in the absence of eye-witnesses there’s always a doubt, some times only the shadow of a doubt. The law says’reasonable doubt,‘ but I think a defendant’s entitled to the shadow of a doubt. There’salways the possibility, no matter how improbable, that he’s innocent.”
  “Then it all goes back to the jury, then. We oughta do away with juries.” Jem wasadamant.
  Atticus tried hard not to smile but couldn’t help it. “You’re rather hard on us, son. Ithink maybe there might be a better way. Change the law. Change it so that only judgeshave the power of fixing the penalty in capital cases.”
  “Then go up to Montgomery and change the law.”
  “You’d be surprised how hard that’d be. I won’t live to see the law changed, and if youlive to see it you’ll be an old man.”
  This was not good enough for Jem. “No sir, they oughta do away with juries. Hewasn’t guilty in the first place and they said he was.”
  “If you had been on that jury, son, and eleven other boys like you, Tom would be afree man,” said Atticus. “So far nothing in your life has interfered with your reasoningprocess. Those are twelve reasonable men in everyday life, Tom’s jury, but you sawsomething come between them and reason. You saw the same thing that night in frontof the jail. When that crew went away, they didn’t go as reasonable men, they wentbecause we were there. There’s something in our world that makes men lose theirheads—they couldn’t be fair if they tried. In our courts, when it’s a white man’s wordagainst a black man’s, the white man always wins. They’re ugly, but those are the factsof life.”
  “Doesn’t make it right,” said Jem stolidly. He beat his fist softly on his knee. “You justcan’t convict a man on evidence like that—you can’t.”
  “You couldn’t, but they could and did. The older you grow the more of it you’ll see. Theone place where a man ought to get a square deal is in a courtroom, be he any color ofthe rainbow, but people have a way of carrying their resentments right into a jury box.
  As you grow older, you’ll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but letme tell you something and don’t you forget it—whenever a white man does that to ablack man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes from, thatwhite man is trash.”
  Atticus was speaking so quietly his last word crashed on our ears. I looked up, and hisface was vehement. “There’s nothing more sickening to me than a low-grade white manwho’ll take advantage of a Negro’s ignorance. Don’t fool yourselves—it’s all adding upand one of these days we’re going to pay the bill for it. I hope it’s not in you children’stime.”
  Jem was scratching his head. Suddenly his eyes widened. “Atticus,” he said, “whydon’t people like us and Miss Maudie ever sit on juries? You never see anybody fromMaycomb on a jury—they all come from out in the woods.”
  Atticus leaned back in his rocking-chair. For some reason he looked pleased withJem. “I was wondering when that’d occur to you,” he said. “There are lots of reasons.
  For one thing, Miss Maudie can’t serve on a jury because she’s a woman—”
  “You mean women in Alabama can’t—?” I was indignant.
  “I do. I guess it’s to protect our frail ladies from sordid cases like Tom’s. Besides,”
  Atticus grinned, “I doubt if we’d ever get a complete case tried—the ladies’d beinterrupting to ask questions.”
  Jem and I laughed. Miss Maudie on a jury would be impressive. I thought of old Mrs.
  Dubose in her wheelchair—“Stop that rapping, John Taylor, I want to ask this mansomething.” Perhaps our forefathers were wise.
  Atticus was saying, “With people like us—that’s our share of the bill. We generally getthe juries we deserve. Our stout Maycomb citizens aren’t interested, in the first place. Inthe second place, they’re afraid. Then, they’re—”
  “Afraid, why?” asked Jem.
  “Well, what if—say, Mr. Link Deas had to decide the amount of damages to award,say, Miss Maudie, when Miss Rachel ran over her with a car. Link wouldn’t like thethought of losing either lady’s business at his store, would he? So he tells Judge Taylorthat he can’t serve on the jury because he doesn’t have anybody to keep store for himwhile he’s gone. So Judge Taylor excuses him. Sometimes he excuses him wrathfully.”
  “What’d make him think either one of ‘em’d stop trading with him?” I asked.
  Jem said, “Miss Rachel would, Miss Maudie wouldn’t. But a jury’s vote’s secret,Atticus.”
  Our father chuckled. “You’ve many more miles to go, son. A jury’s vote’s supposed tobe secret. Serving on a jury forces a man to make up his mind and declare himselfabout something. Men don’t like to do that. Sometimes it’s unpleasant.”
  “Tom’s jury sho‘ made up its mind in a hurry,” Jem muttered.
  Atticus’s fingers went to his watchpocket. “No it didn’t,” he said, more to himself thanto us. “That was the one thing that made me think, well, this may be the shadow of abeginning. That jury took a few hours. An inevitable verdict, maybe, but usually it takes‘em just a few minutes. This time—” he broke off and looked at us. “You might like toknow that there was one fellow who took considerable wearing down—in the beginninghe was rarin’ for an outright acquittal.”
  “Who?” Jem was astonished.
  Atticus’s eyes twinkled. “It’s not for me to say, but I’ll tell you this much. He was one ofyour Old Sarum friends…”
  “One of the Cunninghams?” Jem yelped. “One of—I didn’t recognize any of ‘em…you’re jokin’.” He looked at Atticus from the corners of his eyes.
  “One of their connections. On a hunch, I didn’t strike him. Just on a hunch. Could’ve,but I didn’t.”
  “Golly Moses,” Jem said reverently. “One minute they’re tryin‘ to kill him and the nextthey’re tryin’ to turn him loose… I’ll never understand those folks as long as I live.”
  Atticus said you just had to know ‘em. He said the Cunninghams hadn’t taken anythingfrom or off of anybody since they migrated to the New World. He said the other thingabout them was, once you earned their respect they were for you tooth and nail. Atticussaid he had a feeling, nothing more than a suspicion, that they left the jail that night withconsiderable respect for the Finches. Then too, he said, it took a thunderbolt plusanother Cunningham to make one of them change his mind. “If we’d had two of thatcrowd, we’d’ve had a hung jury.”
  Jem said slowly, “You mean you actually put on the jury a man who wanted to kill youthe night before? How could you take such a risk, Atticus, how could you?”
  “When you analyze it, there was little risk. There’s no difference between one manwho’s going to convict and another man who’s going to convict, is there? There’s a faintdifference between a man who’s going to convict and a man who’s a little disturbed inhis mind, isn’t there? He was the only uncertainty on the whole list.”
  “What kin was that man to Mr. Walter Cunningham?” I asked.
  Atticus rose, stretched and yawned. It was not even our bedtime, but we knew hewanted a chance to read his newspaper. He picked it up, folded it, and tapped my head.
  “Let’s see now,” he droned to himself. “I’ve got it. Double first cousin.”
  “How can that be?”
  “Two sisters married two brothers. That’s all I’ll tell you—you figure it out.”
  I tortured myself and decided that if I married Jem and Dill had a sister whom hemarried our children would be double first cousins. “Gee minetti, Jem,” I said, whenAtticus had gone, “they’re funny folks. ‘d you hear that, Aunty?”
  Aunt Alexandra was hooking a rug and not watching us, but she was listening. She satin her chair with her workbasket beside it, her rug spread across her lap. Why ladieshooked woolen rugs on boiling nights never became clear to me.
  “I heard it,” she said.
  I remembered the distant disastrous occasion when I rushed to young WalterCunningham’s defense. Now I was glad I’d done it. “Soon’s school starts I’m gonna askWalter home to dinner,” I planned, having forgotten my private resolve to beat him upthe next time I saw him. “He can stay over sometimes after school, too. Atticus coulddrive him back to Old Sarum. Maybe he could spend the night with us sometime, okay,Jem?”
  “We’ll see about that,” Aunt Alexandra said, a declaration that with her was always athreat, never a promise. Surprised, I turned to her. “Why not, Aunty? They’re goodfolks.”
  She looked at me over her sewing glasses. “Jean Louise, there is no doubt in my mindthat they’re good folks. But they’re not our kind of folks.”
  Jem says, “She means they’re yappy, Scout.”
  “What’s a yap?”
  “Aw, tacky. They like fiddlin‘ and things like that.”
  “Well I do too—”
  “Don’t be silly, Jean Louise,” said Aunt Alexandra. “The thing is, you can scrub WalterCunningham till he shines, you can put him in shoes and a new suit, but he’ll never belike Jem. Besides, there’s a drinking streak in that family a mile wide. Finch womenaren’t interested in that sort of people.”
  “Aun-ty,” said Jem, “she ain’t nine yet.”
  “She may as well learn it now.”
  Aunt Alexandra had spoken. I was reminded vividly of the last time she had put herfoot down. I never knew why. It was when I was absorbed with plans to visit Calpurnia’shouse—I was curious, interested; I wanted to be her “company,” to see how she lived,who her friends were. I might as well have wanted to see the other side of the moon.
  This time the tactics were different, but Aunt Alexandra’s aim was the same. Perhapsthis was why she had come to live with us—to help us choose our friends. I would holdher off as long as I could: “If they’re good folks, then why can’t I be nice to Walter?”
  “I didn’t say not to be nice to him. You should be friendly and polite to him, you shouldbe gracious to everybody, dear. But you don’t have to invite him home.”
  “What if he was kin to us, Aunty?”
  “The fact is that he is not kin to us, but if he were, my answer would be the same.”
  “Aunty,” Jem spoke up, “Atticus says you can choose your friends but you sho‘ can’tchoose your family, an’ they’re still kin to you no matter whether you acknowledge ‘emor not, and it makes you look right silly when you don’t.”
  “That’s your father all over again,” said Aunt Alexandra, “and I still say that JeanLouise will not invite Walter Cunningham to this house. If he were her double first cousinonce removed he would still not be received in this house unless he comes to seeAtticus on business. Now that is that.”
  She had said Indeed Not, but this time she would give her reasons: “But I want to playwith Walter, Aunty, why can’t I?”
  She took off her glasses and stared at me. “I’ll tell you why,” she said. “Because—he—is—trash, that’s why you can’t play with him. I’ll not have you around him, pickingup his habits and learning Lord-knows-what. You’re enough of a problem to your fatheras it is.”
  I don’t know what I would have done, but Jem stopped me. He caught me by theshoulders, put his arm around me, and led me sobbing in fury to his bedroom. Atticusheard us and poked his head around the door. “‘s all right, sir,” Jem said gruffly, “’s notanything.” Atticus went away.
  “Have a chew, Scout.” Jem dug into his pocket and extracted a Tootsie Roll. It took afew minutes to work the candy into a comfortable wad inside my jaw.
  Jem was rearranging the objects on his dresser. His hair stuck up behind and down infront, and I wondered if it would ever look like a man’s—maybe if he shaved it off andstarted over, his hair would grow back neatly in place. His eyebrows were becomingheavier, and I noticed a new slimness about his body. He was growing taller. When helooked around, he must have thought I would start crying again, for he said, “Show yousomething if you won’t tell anybody.” I said what. He unbuttoned his shirt, grinning shyly.
  “Well what?”
  “Well can’t you see it?”
  “Well no.”
  “Well it’s hair.”
  “There. Right there.”
  He had been a comfort to me, so I said it looked lovely, but I didn’t see anything. “It’sreal nice, Jem.”
  “Under my arms, too,” he said. “Goin‘ out for football next year. Scout, don’t let Auntyaggravate you.”
  It seemed only yesterday that he was telling me not to aggravate Aunty.
  “You know she’s not used to girls,” said Jem, “leastways, not girls like you. She’strying to make you a lady. Can’t you take up sewin‘ or somethin’?”
  “Hell no. She doesn’t like me, that’s all there is to it, and I don’t care. It was her callin‘Walter Cunningham trash that got me goin’, Jem, not what she said about being aproblem to Atticus. We got that all straight one time, I asked him if I was a problem andhe said not much of one, at most one that he could always figure out, and not to worrymy head a second about botherin‘ him. Naw, it was Walter—that boy’s not trash, Jem.
  He ain’t like the Ewells.”
  Jem kicked off his shoes and swung his feet to the bed. He propped himself against apillow and switched on the reading light. “You know something, Scout? I’ve got it allfigured out, now. I’ve thought about it a lot lately and I’ve got it figured out. There’s fourkinds of folks in the world. There’s the ordinary kind like us and the neighbors, there’sthe kind like the Cunninghams out in the woods, the kind like the Ewells down at thedump, and the Negroes.”
  “What about the Chinese, and the Cajuns down yonder in Baldwin County?”
  “I mean in Maycomb County. The thing about it is, our kind of folks don’t like theCunninghams, the Cunninghams don’t like the Ewells, and the Ewells hate and despisethe colored folks.”
  I told Jem if that was so, then why didn’t Tom’s jury, made up of folks like theCunninghams, acquit Tom to spite the Ewells?“Jem waved my question away as being infantile.
  “You know,” he said, “I’ve seen Atticus pat his foot when there’s fiddlin‘ on the radio,and he loves pot liquor better’n any man I ever saw—”
  “Then that makes us like the Cunninghams,” I said. “I can’t see why Aunty—”
  “No, lemme finish—it does, but we’re still different somehow. Atticus said one time thereason Aunty’s so hipped on the family is because all we’ve got’s background and not adime to our names.”
  “Well Jem, I don’t know—Atticus told me one time that most of this Old Family stuff’sfoolishness because everybody’s family’s just as old as everybody else’s. I said did thatinclude the colored folks and Englishmen and he said yes.”
  “Background doesn’t mean Old Family,” said Jem. “I think it’s how long your family’sbeen readin‘ and writin’. Scout, I’ve studied this real hard and that’s the only reason Ican think of. Somewhere along when the Finches were in Egypt one of ‘em must havelearned a hieroglyphic or two and he taught his boy.” Jem laughed. “Imagine Auntybeing proud her great-grandaddy could read an’ write—ladies pick funny things to beproud of.”
  “Well I’m glad he could, or who’da taught Atticus and them, and if Atticus couldn’tread, you and me’d be in a fix. I don’t think that’s what background is, Jem.”
  “Well then, how do you explain why the Cunninghams are different? Mr. Walter canhardly sign his name, I’ve seen him. We’ve just been readin‘ and writin’ longer’n theyhave.”
  “No, everybody’s gotta learn, nobody’s born knowin‘. That Walter’s as smart as he canbe, he just gets held back sometimes because he has to stay out and help his daddy.
  Nothin’s wrong with him. Naw, Jem, I think there’s just one kind of folks. Folks.”
  Jem turned around and punched his pillow. When he settled back his face was cloudy.
  He was going into one of his declines, and I grew wary. His brows came together; hismouth became a thin line. He was silent for a while.
  “That’s what I thought, too,” he said at last, “when I was your age. If there’s just onekind of folks, why can’t they get along with each other? If they’re all alike, why do theygo out of their way to despise each other? Scout, I think I’m beginning to understandsomething. I think I’m beginning to understand why Boo Radley’s stayed shut up in thehouse all this time… it’s because he wants to stay inside.”



等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 暖雯雯
210 818 1018 1226
举报 只看该作者 24楼  发表于: 2013-10-27 0

Chapter 24
      Calpurnia wore her stiffest starched apron. She carried a tray of charlotte. She backedup to the swinging door and pressed gently. I admired the ease and grace with whichshe handled heavy loads of dainty things. So did Aunt Alexandra, I guess, because shehad let Calpurnia serve today.
  August was on the brink of September. Dill would be leaving for Meridian tomorrow;today he was off with Jem at Barker’s Eddy. Jem had discovered with angry amazementthat nobody had ever bothered to teach Dill how to swim, a skill Jem considerednecessary as walking. They had spent two afternoons at the creek, they said they weregoing in naked and I couldn’t come, so I divided the lonely hours between Calpurnia andMiss Maudie.
  Today Aunt Alexandra and her missionary circle were fighting the good fight all overthe house. From the kitchen, I heard Mrs. Grace Merriweather giving a report in thelivingroom on the squalid lives of the Mrunas, it sounded like to me. They put the womenout in huts when their time came, whatever that was; they had no sense of family—Iknew that’d distress Aunty—they subjected children to terrible ordeals when they werethirteen; they were crawling with yaws and earworms, they chewed up and spat out thebark of a tree into a communal pot and then got drunk on it.
  Immediately thereafter, the ladies adjourned for refreshments.
  I didn’t know whether to go into the diningroom or stay out. Aunt Alexandra told me tojoin them for refreshments; it was not necessary that I attend the business part of themeeting, she said it’d bore me. I was wearing my pink Sunday dress, shoes, and apetticoat, and reflected that if I spilled anything Calpurnia would have to wash my dressagain for tomorrow. This had been a busy day for her. I decided to stay out.
  “Can I help you, Cal?” I asked, wishing to be of some service.
  Calpurnia paused in the doorway. “You be still as a mouse in that corner,” she said,“an‘ you can help me load up the trays when I come back.”
  The gentle hum of ladies’ voices grew louder as she opened the door: “Why,Alexandra, I never saw such charlotte… just lovely… I never can get my crust like this,never can… who’d‘ve thought of little dewberry tarts… Calpurnia?… who’da thought it…anybody tell you that the preacher’s wife’s… nooo, well she is, and that other one notwalkin’ yet…”
  They became quiet, and I knew they had all been served. Calpurnia returned and putmy mother’s heavy silver pitcher on a tray. “This coffee pitcher’s a curiosity,” shemurmured, “they don’t make ‘em these days.”
  “Can I carry it in?”
  “If you be careful and don’t drop it. Set it down at the end of the table by MissAlexandra. Down there by the cups’n things. She’s gonna pour.”
  I tried pressing my behind against the door as Calpurnia had done, but the door didn’tbudge. Grinning, she held it open for me. “Careful now, it’s heavy. Don’t look at it andyou won’t spill it.”
  My journey was successful: Aunt Alexandra smiled brilliantly. “Stay with us, JeanLouise,” she said. This was a part of her campaign to teach me to be a lady.
  It was customary for every circle hostess to invite her neighbors in for refreshments,be they Baptists or Presbyterians, which accounted for the presence of Miss Rachel(sober as a judge), Miss Maudie and Miss Stephanie Crawford. Rather nervous, I took aseat beside Miss Maudie and wondered why ladies put on their hats to go across thestreet. Ladies in bunches always filled me with vague apprehension and a firm desire tobe elsewhere, but this feeling was what Aunt Alexandra called being “spoiled.”
  The ladies were cool in fragile pastel prints: most of them were heavily powdered butunrouged; the only lipstick in the room was Tangee Natural. Cutex Natural sparkled ontheir fingernails, but some of the younger ladies wore Rose. They smelled heavenly. Isat quietly, having conquered my hands by tightly gripping the arms of the chair, andwaited for someone to speak to me.
  Miss Maudie’s gold bridgework twinkled. “You’re mighty dressed up, Miss JeanLouise,” she said, “Where are your britches today?”
  “Under my dress.”
  I hadn’t meant to be funny, but the ladies laughed. My cheeks grew hot as I realizedmy mistake, but Miss Maudie looked gravely down at me. She never laughed at meunless I meant to be funny.
  In the sudden silence that followed, Miss Stephanie Crawford called from across theroom, “Whatcha going to be when you grow up, Jean Louise? A lawyer?”
  “Nome, I hadn’t thought about it…” I answered, grateful that Miss Stephanie was kindenough to change the subject. Hurriedly I began choosing my vocation. Nurse? Aviator?
  “Why shoot, I thought you wanted to be a lawyer, you’ve already commenced going tocourt.”
  The ladies laughed again. “That Stephanie’s a card,” somebody said. Miss Stephaniewas encouraged to pursue the subject: “Don’t you want to grow up to be a lawyer?”
  Miss Maudie’s hand touched mine and I answered mildly enough, “Nome, just a lady.”
  Miss Stephanie eyed me suspiciously, decided that I meant no impertinence, andcontented herself with, “Well, you won’t get very far until you start wearing dresses moreoften.”
  Miss Maudie’s hand closed tightly on mine, and I said nothing. Its warmth wasenough.
  Mrs. Grace Merriweather sat on my left, and I felt it would be polite to talk to her. Mr.
  Merriweather, a faithful Methodist under duress, apparently saw nothing personal insinging, “Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me…” It wasthe general opinion of Maycomb, however, that Mrs. Merriweather had sobered him upand made a reasonably useful citizen of him. For certainly Mrs. Merriweather was themost devout lady in Maycomb. I searched for a topic of interest to her. “What did you allstudy this afternoon?” I asked.
  “Oh child, those poor Mrunas,” she said, and was off. Few other questions would benecessary.
  Mrs. Merriweather’s large brown eyes always filled with tears when she consideredthe oppressed. “Living in that jungle with nobody but J. Grimes Everett,” she said. “Not awhite person’ll go near ‘em but that saintly J. Grimes Everett.”
  Mrs. Merriweather played her voice like an organ; every word she said received its fullmeasure: “The poverty… the darkness… the immorality—nobody but J. Grimes Everettknows. You know, when the church gave me that trip to the camp grounds J. GrimesEverett said to me—”
  “Was he there, ma’am? I thought—”
  “Home on leave. J. Grimes Everett said to me, he said, ‘Mrs. Merriweather, you haveno conception, no conception of what we are fighting over there.’ That’s what he said tome.”
  “Yes ma’am.”
  “I said to him, ‘Mr. Everett,’ I said, ‘the ladies of the Maycomb Alabama MethodistEpiscopal Church South are behind you one hundred percent.’ That’s what I said to him.
  And you know, right then and there I made a pledge in my heart. I said to myself, when Igo home I’m going to give a course on the Mrunas and bring J. Grimes Everett’smessage to Maycomb and that’s just what I’m doing.”
  “Yes ma’am.”
  When Mrs. Merriweather shook her head, her black curls jiggled. “Jean Louise,” shesaid, “you are a fortunate girl. You live in a Christian home with Christian folks in aChristian town. Out there in J. Grimes Everett’s land there’s nothing but sin andsqualor.”
  “Yes ma’am.”
  “Sin and squalor—what was that, Gertrude?” Mrs. Merriweather turned on her chimesfor the lady sitting beside her. “Oh that. Well, I always say forgive and forget, forgive andforget. Thing that church ought to do is help her lead a Christian life for those childrenfrom here on out. Some of the men ought to go out there and tell that preacher toencourage her.”
  “Excuse me, Mrs. Merriweather,” I interrupted, “are you all talking about MayellaEwell?”
  “May—? No, child. That darky’s wife. Tom’s wife, Tom—”
  “Robinson, ma’am.”
  Mrs. Merriweather turned back to her neighbor. “There’s one thing I truly believe,Gertrude,” she continued, “but some people just don’t see it my way. If we just let themknow we forgive ‘em, that we’ve forgotten it, then this whole thing’ll blow over.”
  “Ah—Mrs. Merriweather,” I interrupted once more, “what’ll blow over?”
  Again, she turned to me. Mrs. Merriweather was one of those childless adults who findit necessary to assume a different tone of voice when speaking to children. “Nothing,Jean Louise,” she said, in stately largo, “the cooks and field hands are just dissatisfied,but they’re settling down now—they grumbled all next day after that trial.”
  Mrs. Merriweather faced Mrs. Farrow: “Gertrude, I tell you there’s nothing moredistracting than a sulky darky. Their mouths go down to here. Just ruins your day tohave one of ‘em in the kitchen. You know what I said to my Sophy, Gertrude? I said,’Sophy,‘ I said, ’you simply are not being a Christian today. Jesus Christ never wentaround grumbling and complaining,‘ and you know, it did her good. She took her eyesoff that floor and said, ’Nome, Miz Merriweather, Jesus never went around grumblin‘.’ Itell you, Gertrude, you never ought to let an opportunity go by to witness for the Lord.”
  I was reminded of the ancient little organ in the chapel at Finch’s Landing. When I wasvery small, and if I had been very good during the day, Atticus would let me pump itsbellows while he picked out a tune with one finger. The last note would linger as long asthere was air to sustain it. Mrs. Merriweather had run out of air, I judged, and wasreplenishing her supply while Mrs. Farrow composed herself to speak.
  Mrs. Farrow was a splendidly built woman with pale eyes and narrow feet. She had afresh permanent wave, and her hair was a mass of tight gray ringlets. She was thesecond most devout lady in Maycomb. She had a curious habit of prefacing everythingshe said with a soft sibilant sound.
  “S-s-s Grace,” she said, “it’s just like I was telling Brother Hutson the other day. ‘S-s-sBrother Hutson,’ I said, ‘looks like we’re fighting a losing battle, a losing battle.’ I said, ‘S-s-s it doesn’t matter to ’em one bit. We can educate ‘em till we’re blue in the face, wecan try till we drop to make Christians out of ’em, but there’s no lady safe in her bedthese nights.‘ He said to me, ’Mrs. Farrow, I don’t know what we’re coming to downhere.‘ S-s-s I told him that was certainly a fact.”
  Mrs. Merriweather nodded wisely. Her voice soared over the clink of coffee cups andthe soft bovine sounds of the ladies munching their dainties. “Gertrude,” she said, “I tellyou there are some good but misguided people in this town. Good, but misguided. Folksin this town who think they’re doing right, I mean. Now far be it from me to say who, butsome of ‘em in this town thought they were doing the right thing a while back, but allthey did was stir ’em up. That’s all they did. Might’ve looked like the right thing to do atthe time, I’m sure I don’t know, I’m not read in that field, but sulky… dissatisfied… I tellyou if my Sophy’d kept it up another day I’d have let her go. It’s never entered that woolof hers that the only reason I keep her is because this depression’s on and she needsher dollar and a quarter every week she can get it.”
  “His food doesn’t stick going down, does it?”
  Miss Maudie said it. Two tight lines had appeared at the corners of her mouth. Shehad been sitting silently beside me, her coffee cup balanced on one knee. I had lost thethread of conversation long ago, when they quit talking about Tom Robinson’s wife, andhad contented myself with thinking of Finch’s Landing and the river. Aunt Alexandra hadgot it backwards: the business part of the meeting was blood-curdling, the social hourwas dreary.
  “Maudie, I’m sure I don’t know what you mean,” said Mrs. Merriweather.
  “I’m sure you do,” Miss Maudie said shortly.
  She said no more. When Miss Maudie was angry her brevity was icy. Something hadmade her deeply angry, and her gray eyes were as cold as her voice. Mrs. Merriweatherreddened, glanced at me, and looked away. I could not see Mrs. Farrow.
  Aunt Alexandra got up from the table and swiftly passed more refreshments, neatlyengaging Mrs. Merriweather and Mrs. Gates in brisk conversation. When she had themwell on the road with Mrs. Perkins, Aunt Alexandra stepped back. She gave MissMaudie a look of pure gratitude, and I wondered at the world of women. Miss Maudieand Aunt Alexandra had never been especially close, and here was Aunty silentlythanking her for something. For what, I knew not. I was content to learn that AuntAlexandra could be pierced sufficiently to feel gratitude for help given. There was nodoubt about it, I must soon enter this world, where on its surface fragrant ladies rockedslowly, fanned gently, and drank cool water.
  But I was more at home in my father’s world. People like Mr. Heck Tate did not trapyou with innocent questions to make fun of you; even Jem was not highly critical unlessyou said something stupid. Ladies seemed to live in faint horror of men, seemedunwilling to approve wholeheartedly of them. But I liked them. There was somethingabout them, no matter how much they cussed and drank and gambled and chewed; nomatter how undelectable they were, there was something about them that I instinctivelyliked… they weren’t—“Hypocrites, Mrs. Perkins, born hypocrites,” Mrs. Merriweather was saying. “At leastwe don’t have that sin on our shoulders down here. People up there set ‘em free, butyou don’t see ’em settin‘ at the table with ’em. At least we don’t have the deceit to say to‘em yes you’re as good as we are but stay away from us. Down here we just say youlive your way and we’ll live ours. I think that woman, that Mrs. Roosevelt’s lost hermind—just plain lost her mind coming down to Birmingham and tryin’ to sit with ‘em. If Iwas the Mayor of Birmingham I’d—”
  Well, neither of us was the Mayor of Birmingham, but I wished I was the Governor ofAlabama for one day: I’d let Tom Robinson go so quick the Missionary Society wouldn’thave time to catch its breath. Calpurnia was telling Miss Rachel’s cook the other dayhow bad Tom was taking things and she didn’t stop talking when I came into the kitchen.
  She said there wasn’t a thing Atticus could do to make being shut up easier for him, thatthe last thing he said to Atticus before they took him down to the prison camp was,“Good-bye, Mr. Finch, there ain’t nothin‘ you can do now, so there ain’t no use tryin’.”
  Calpurnia said Atticus told her that the day they took Tom to prison he just gave uphope. She said Atticus tried to explain things to him, and that he must do his best not tolose hope because Atticus was doing his best to get him free. Miss Rachel’s cook askedCalpurnia why didn’t Atticus just say yes, you’ll go free, and leave it at that—seemed likethat’d be a big comfort to Tom. Calpurnia said, “Because you ain’t familiar with the law.
  First thing you learn when you’re in a lawin‘ family is that there ain’t any definite answersto anything. Mr. Finch couldn’t say somethin’s so when he doesn’t know for sure it’s so.”
  The front door slammed and I heard Atticus’s footsteps in the hall. Automatically Iwondered what time it was. Not nearly time for him to be home, and on MissionarySociety days he usually stayed downtown until black dark.
  He stopped in the doorway. His hat was in his hand, and his face was white.
  “Excuse me, ladies,” he said. “Go right ahead with your meeting, don’t let me disturbyou. Alexandra, could you come to the kitchen a minute? I want to borrow Calpurnia fora while.”
  He didn’t go through the diningroom, but went down the back hallway and entered thekitchen from the rear door. Aunt Alexandra and I met him. The diningroom door openedagain and Miss Maudie joined us. Calpurnia had half risen from her chair.
  “Cal,” Atticus said, “I want you to go with me out to Helen Robinson’s house—”
  “What’s the matter?” Aunt Alexandra asked, alarmed by the look on my father’s face.
  “Tom’s dead.”
  Aunt Alexandra put her hands to her mouth.
  “They shot him,” said Atticus. “He was running. It was during their exercise period.
  They said he just broke into a blind raving charge at the fence and started climbing over.
  Right in front of them—”
  “Didn’t they try to stop him? Didn’t they give him any warning?” Aunt Alexandra’s voiceshook.
  “Oh yes, the guards called to him to stop. They fired a few shots in the air, then to kill.
  They got him just as he went over the fence. They said if he’d had two good arms he’dhave made it, he was moving that fast. Seventeen bullet holes in him. They didn’t haveto shoot him that much. Cal, I want you to come out with me and help me tell Helen.”
  “Yes sir,” she murmured, fumbling at her apron. Miss Maudie went to Calpurnia anduntied it.
  “This is the last straw, Atticus,” Aunt Alexandra said.
  “Depends on how you look at it,” he said. “What was one Negro, more or less, amongtwo hundred of ‘em? He wasn’t Tom to them, he was an escaping prisoner.”
  Atticus leaned against the refrigerator, pushed up his glasses, and rubbed his eyes.
  “We had such a good chance,” he said. “I told him what I thought, but I couldn’t in truthsay that we had more than a good chance. I guess Tom was tired of white men’schances and preferred to take his own. Ready, Cal?”
  “Yessir, Mr. Finch.”
  “Then let’s go.”
  Aunt Alexandra sat down in Calpurnia’s chair and put her hands to her face. She satquite still; she was so quiet I wondered if she would faint. I heard Miss Maudie breathingas if she had just climbed the steps, and in the diningroom the ladies chattered happily.
  I thought Aunt Alexandra was crying, but when she took her hands away from herface, she was not. She looked weary. She spoke, and her voice was flat.
  “I can’t say I approve of everything he does, Maudie, but he’s my brother, and I justwant to know when this will ever end.” Her voice rose: “It tears him to pieces. He doesn’tshow it much, but it tears him to pieces. I’ve seen him when—what else do they wantfrom him, Maudie, what else?”
  “What does who want, Alexandra?” Miss Maudie asked.
  “I mean this town. They’re perfectly willing to let him do what they’re too afraid to dothemselves—it might lose ‘em a nickel. They’re perfectly willing to let him wreck hishealth doing what they’re afraid to do, they’re—”
  “Be quiet, they’ll hear you,” said Miss Maudie. “Have you ever thought of it this way,Alexandra? Whether Maycomb knows it or not, we’re paying the highest tribute we canpay a man. We trust him to do right. It’s that simple.”
  “Who?” Aunt Alexandra never knew she was echoing her twelve-year-old nephew.
  “The handful of people in this town who say that fair play is not marked White Only;the handful of people who say a fair trial is for everybody, not just us; the handful ofpeople with enough humility to think, when they look at a Negro, there but for the Lord’skindness am l.” Miss Maudie’s old crispness was returning: “The handful of people inthis town with background, that’s who they are.”
  Had I been attentive, I would have had another scrap to add to Jem’s definition ofbackground, but I found myself shaking and couldn’t stop. I had seen Enfield PrisonFarm, and Atticus had pointed out the exercise yard to me. It was the size of a footballfield.
  “Stop that shaking,” commanded Miss Maudie, and I stopped. “Get up, Alexandra,we’ve left ‘em long enough.”
  Aunt Alexandra rose and smoothed the various whalebone ridges along her hips. Shetook her handkerchief from her belt and wiped her nose. She patted her hair and said,“Do I show it?”
  “Not a sign,” said Miss Maudie. “Are you together again, Jean Louise?”
  “Yes ma’am.”
  “Then let’s join the ladies,” she said grimly.
  Their voices swelled when Miss Maudie opened the door to the diningroom. AuntAlexandra was ahead of me, and I saw her head go up as she went through the door.
  “Oh, Mrs. Perkins,” she said, “you need some more coffee. Let me get it.”
  “Calpurnia’s on an errand for a few minutes, Grace,” said Miss Maudie. “Let me passyou some more of those dewberry tarts. ‘dyou hear what that cousin of mine did theother day, the one who likes to go fishing?…”
  And so they went, down the row of laughing women, around the diningroom, refillingcoffee cups, dishing out goodies as though their only regret was the temporary domesticdisaster of losing Calpurnia. The gentle hum began again. “Yes sir, Mrs. Perkins, that J.
  Grimes Everett is a martyred saint, he… needed to get married so they ran… to thebeauty parlor every Saturday afternoon… soon as the sun goes down. He goes to bedwith the… chickens, a crate full of sick chickens, Fred says that’s what started it all. Fredsays…”
  Aunt Alexandra looked across the room at me and smiled. She looked at a tray ofcookies on the table and nodded at them. I carefully picked up the tray and watchedmyself walk to Mrs. Merriweather. With my best company manners, I asked her if shewould have some.
  After all, if Aunty could be a lady at a time like this, so could I.



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210 818 1018 1226
举报 只看该作者 25楼  发表于: 2013-10-27 0

Chapter 25
       “Don’t do that, Scout. Set him out on the back steps.”
  “Jem, are you crazy?…”
  “I said set him out on the back steps.”
  Sighing, I scooped up the small creature, placed him on the bottom step and wentback to my cot. September had come, but not a trace of cool weather with it, and wewere still sleeping on the back screen porch. Lightning bugs were still about, the nightcrawlers and flying insects that beat against the screen the summer long had not gonewherever they go when autumn comes.
  A roly-poly had found his way inside the house; I reasoned that the tiny varmint hadcrawled up the steps and under the door. I was putting my book on the floor beside mycot when I saw him. The creatures are no more than an inch long, and when you touchthem they roll themselves into a tight gray ball.
  I lay on my stomach, reached down and poked him. He rolled up. Then, feeling safe, Isuppose, he slowly unrolled. He traveled a few inches on his hundred legs and Itouched him again. He rolled up. Feeling sleepy, I decided to end things. My hand wasgoing down on him when Jem spoke.
  Jem was scowling. It was probably a part of the stage he was going through, and Iwished he would hurry up and get through it. He was certainly never cruel to animals,but I had never known his charity to embrace the insect world.
  “Why couldn’t I mash him?” I asked.
  “Because they don’t bother you,” Jem answered in the darkness. He had turned outhis reading light.
  “Reckon you’re at the stage now where you don’t kill flies and mosquitoes now, Ireckon,” I said. “Lemme know when you change your mind. Tell you one thing, though, Iain’t gonna sit around and not scratch a redbug.”
  “Aw dry up,” he answered drowsily.
  Jem was the one who was getting more like a girl every day, not I. Comfortable, I layon my back and waited for sleep, and while waiting I thought of Dill. He had left us thefirst of the month with firm assurances that he would return the minute school was out—he guessed his folks had got the general idea that he liked to spend his summers inMaycomb. Miss Rachel took us with them in the taxi to Maycomb Junction, and Dillwaved to us from the train window until he was out of sight. He was not out of mind: Imissed him. The last two days of his time with us, Jem had taught him to swim—Taught him to swim. I was wide awake, remembering what Dill had told me.
  Barker’s Eddy is at the end of a dirt road off the Meridian highway about a mile fromtown. It is easy to catch a ride down the highway on a cotton wagon or from a passingmotorist, and the short walk to the creek is easy, but the prospect of walking all the wayback home at dusk, when the traffic is light, is tiresome, and swimmers are careful not tostay too late.
  According to Dill, he and Jem had just come to the highway when they saw Atticusdriving toward them. He looked like he had not seen them, so they both waved. Atticusfinally slowed down; when they caught up with him he said, “You’d better catch a rideback. I won’t be going home for a while.” Calpurnia was in the back seat. Jem protested,then pleaded, and Atticus said, “All right, you can come with us if you stay in the car.”
  On the way to Tom Robinson’s, Atticus told them what had happened.
  They turned off the highway, rode slowly by the dump and past the Ewell residence,down the narrow lane to the Negro cabins. Dill said a crowd of black children wereplaying marbles in Tom’s front yard. Atticus parked the car and got out. Calpurniafollowed him through the front gate.
  Dill heard him ask one of the children, “Where’s your mother, Sam?” and heard Samsay, “She down at Sis Stevens’s, Mr. Finch. Want me run fetch her?”
  Dill said Atticus looked uncertain, then he said yes, and Sam scampered off. “Go onwith your game, boys,” Atticus said to the children.
  A little girl came to the cabin door and stood looking at Atticus. Dill said her hair was awad of tiny stiff pigtails, each ending in a bright bow. She grinned from ear to ear andwalked toward our father, but she was too small to navigate the steps. Dill said Atticuswent to her, took off his hat, and offered her his finger. She grabbed it and he eased herdown the steps. Then he gave her to Calpurnia.
  Sam was trotting behind his mother when they came up. Dill said Helen said, “‘evenin’,Mr. Finch, won’t you have a seat?” But she didn’t say any more. Neither did Atticus.
  “Scout,” said Dill, “she just fell down in the dirt. Just fell down in the dirt, like a giantwith a big foot just came along and stepped on her. Just ump—” Dill’s fat foot hit theground. “Like you’d step on an ant.”
  Dill said Calpurnia and Atticus lifted Helen to her feet and half carried, half walked herto the cabin. They stayed inside a long time, and Atticus came out alone. When theydrove back by the dump, some of the Ewells hollered at them, but Dill didn’t catch whatthey said.
  Maycomb was interested by the news of Tom’s death for perhaps two days; two dayswas enough for the information to spread through the county. “Did you hear about?…No? Well, they say he was runnin‘ fit to beat lightnin’…” To Maycomb, Tom’s death wastypical. Typical of a nigger to cut and run. Typical of a nigger’s mentality to have no plan,no thought for the future, just run blind first chance he saw. Funny thing, Atticus Finchmight’ve got him off scot free, but wait—? Hell no. You know how they are. Easy come,easy go. Just shows you, that Robinson boy was legally married, they say he kepthimself clean, went to church and all that, but when it comes down to the line theveneer’s mighty thin. Nigger always comes out in ‘em.
  A few more details, enabling the listener to repeat his version in turn, then nothing totalk about until The Maycomb Tribune appeared the following Thursday. There was abrief obituary in the Colored News, but there was also an editorial.
  Mr. B. B. Underwood was at his most bitter, and he couldn’t have cared less whocanceled advertising and subscriptions. (But Maycomb didn’t play that way: Mr.
  Underwood could holler till he sweated and write whatever he wanted to, he’d still gethis advertising and subscriptions. If he wanted to make a fool of himself in his paper thatwas his business.) Mr. Underwood didn’t talk about miscarriages of justice, he waswriting so children could understand. Mr. Underwood simply figured it was a sin to killcripples, be they standing, sitting, or escaping. He likened Tom’s death to the senselessslaughter of songbirds by hunters and children, and Maycomb thought he was trying towrite an editorial poetical enough to be reprinted in The Montgomery Advertiser.
  How could this be so, I wondered, as I read Mr. Underwood’s editorial. Senselesskilling—Tom had been given due process of law to the day of his death; he had beentried openly and convicted by twelve good men and true; my father had fought for him allthe way. Then Mr. Underwood’s meaning became clear: Atticus had used every toolavailable to free men to save Tom Robinson, but in the secret courts of men’s heartsAtticus had no case. Tom was a dead man the minute Mayella Ewell opened her mouthand screamed.
  The name Ewell gave me a queasy feeling. Maycomb had lost no time in getting Mr.
  Ewell’s views on Tom’s demise and passing them along through that English Channel ofgossip, Miss Stephanie Crawford. Miss Stephanie told Aunt Alexandra in Jem’spresence (“Oh foot, he’s old enough to listen.”) that Mr. Ewell said it made one downand about two more to go. Jem told me not to be afraid, Mr. Ewell was more hot gasthan anything. Jem also told me that if I breathed a word to Atticus, if in any way I letAtticus know I knew, Jem would personally never speak to me again.



等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 暖雯雯
210 818 1018 1226
举报 只看该作者 26楼  发表于: 2013-10-27 0

Chapter 26
       School started, and so did our daily trips past the Radley Place. Jem was in theseventh grade and went to high school, beyond the grammar-school building; I was nowin the third grade, and our routines were so different I only walked to school with Jem inthe mornings and saw him at mealtimes. He went out for football, but was too slenderand too young yet to do anything but carry the team water buckets. This he did withenthusiasm; most afternoons he was seldom home before dark.
  The Radley Place had ceased to terrify me, but it was no less gloomy, no less chillyunder its great oaks, and no less uninviting. Mr. Nathan Radley could still be seen on aclear day, walking to and from town; we knew Boo was there, for the same old reason—nobody’d seen him carried out yet. I sometimes felt a twinge of remorse, when passingby the old place, at ever having taken part in what must have been sheer torment toArthur Radley—what reasonable recluse wants children peeping through his shutters,delivering greetings on the end of a fishing-pole, wandering in his collards at night? Andyet I remembered. Two Indian-head pennies, chewing gum, soap dolls, a rusty medal, abroken watch and chain. Jem must have put them away somewhere. I stopped andlooked at the tree one afternoon: the trunk was swelling around its cement patch. Thepatch itself was turning yellow.
  We had almost seen him a couple of times, a good enough score for anybody.
  But I still looked for him each time I went by. Maybe someday we would see him. Iimagined how it would be: when it happened, he’d just be sitting in the swing when Icame along. “Hidy do, Mr. Arthur,” I would say, as if I had said it every afternoon of mylife. “Evening, Jean Louise,” he would say, as if he had said it every afternoon of my life,“right pretty spell we’re having, isn’t it?” “Yes sir, right pretty,” I would say, and go on.
  It was only a fantasy. We would never see him. He probably did go out when themoon was down and gaze upon Miss Stephanie Crawford. I’d have picked somebodyelse to look at, but that was his business. He would never gaze at us.
  “You aren’t starting that again, are you?” said Atticus one night, when I expressed astray desire just to have one good look at Boo Radley before I died. “If you are, I’ll tellyou right now: stop it. I’m too old to go chasing you off the Radley property. Besides, it’sdangerous. You might get shot. You know Mr. Nathan shoots at every shadow he sees,even shadows that leave size-four bare footprints. You were lucky not to be killed.”
  I hushed then and there. At the same time I marveled at Atticus. This was the first hehad let us know he knew a lot more about something than we thought he knew. And ithad happened years ago. No, only last summer—no, summer before last, when… timewas playing tricks on me. I must remember to ask Jem.
  So many things had happened to us, Boo Radley was the least of our fears. Atticussaid he didn’t see how anything else could happen, that things had a way of settlingdown, and after enough time passed people would forget that Tom Robinson’sexistence was ever brought to their attention.
  Perhaps Atticus was right, but the events of the summer hung over us like smoke in aclosed room. The adults in Maycomb never discussed the case with Jem and me; itseemed that they discussed it with their children, and their attitude must have been thatneither of us could help having Atticus for a parent, so their children must be nice to usin spite of him. The children would never have thought that up for themselves: had ourclassmates been left to their own devices, Jem and I would have had several swift,satisfying fist-fights apiece and ended the matter for good. As it was, we were compelledto hold our heads high and be, respectively, a gentleman and a lady. In a way, it waslike the era of Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose, without all her yelling. There was one oddthing, though, that I never understood: in spite of Atticus’s shortcomings as a parent,people were content to re-elect him to the state legislature that year, as usual, withoutopposition. I came to the conclusion that people were just peculiar, I withdrew fromthem, and never thought about them until I was forced to.
  I was forced to one day in school. Once a week, we had a Current Events period.
  Each child was supposed to clip an item from a newspaper, absorb its contents, andreveal them to the class. This practice allegedly overcame a variety of evils: standing infront of his fellows encouraged good posture and gave a child poise; delivering a shorttalk made him word-conscious; learning his current event strengthened his memory;being singled out made him more than ever anxious to return to the Group.
  The idea was profound, but as usual, in Maycomb it didn’t work very well. In the firstplace, few rural children had access to newspapers, so the burden of Current Eventswas borne by the town children, convincing the bus children more deeply that the townchildren got all the attention anyway. The rural children who could, usually broughtclippings from what they called The Grit Paper, a publication spurious in the eyes ofMiss Gates, our teacher. Why she frowned when a child recited from The Grit Paper Inever knew, but in some way it was associated with liking fiddling, eating syrupy biscuitsfor lunch, being a holy-roller, singing Sweetly Sings the Donkey and pronouncing itdunkey, all of which the state paid teachers to discourage.
  Even so, not many of the children knew what a Current Event was. Little Chuck Little,a hundred years old in his knowledge of cows and their habits, was halfway through anUncle Natchell story when Miss Gates stopped him: “Charles, that is not a current event.
  That is an advertisement.”
  Cecil Jacobs knew what one was, though. When his turn came, he went to the front ofthe room and began, “Old Hitler—”
  “Adolf Hitler, Cecil,” said Miss Gates. “One never begins with Old anybody.”
  “Yes ma’am,” he said. “Old Adolf Hitler has been prosecutin‘ the—”
  “Persecuting Cecil…”
  “Nome, Miss Gates, it says here—well anyway, old Adolf Hitler has been after theJews and he’s puttin‘ ’em in prisons and he’s taking away all their property and he won’tlet any of ‘em out of the country and he’s washin’ all the feeble-minded and—”
  “Washing the feeble-minded?”
  “Yes ma’am, Miss Gates, I reckon they don’t have sense enough to wash themselves,I don’t reckon an idiot could keep hisself clean. Well anyway, Hitler’s started a programto round up all the half-Jews too and he wants to register ‘em in case they might wantacause him any trouble and I think this is a bad thing and that’s my current event.”
  “Very good, Cecil,” said Miss Gates. Puffing, Cecil returned to his seat.
  A hand went up in the back of the room. “How can he do that?”
  “Who do what?” asked Miss Gates patiently.
  “I mean how can Hitler just put a lot of folks in a pen like that, looks like the govamint’dstop him,” said the owner of the hand.
  “Hitler is the government,” said Miss Gates, and seizing an opportunity to makeeducation dynamic, she went to the blackboard. She printed DEMOCRACY in largeletters. “Democracy,” she said. “Does anybody have a definition?”
  “Us,” somebody said.
  I raised my hand, remembering an old campaign slogan Atticus had once told meabout.
  “What do you think it means, Jean Louise?”
  “‘Equal rights for all, special privileges for none,’” I quoted.
  “Very good, Jean Louise, very good,” Miss Gates smiled. In front of DEMOCRACY,she printed WE ARE A. “Now class, say it all together, ‘We are a democracy.’”
  We said it. Then Miss Gates said, “That’s the difference between America andGermany. We are a democracy and Germany is a dictatorship. Dictator-ship,” she said.
  “Over here we don’t believe in persecuting anybody. Persecution comes from peoplewho are prejudiced. Prejudice,” she enunciated carefully. “There are no better people inthe world than the Jews, and why Hitler doesn’t think so is a mystery to me.”
  An inquiring soul in the middle of the room said, “Why don’t they like the Jews, youreckon, Miss Gates?”
  “I don’t know, Henry. They contribute to every society they live in, and most of all, theyare a deeply religious people. Hitler’s trying to do away with religion, so maybe hedoesn’t like them for that reason.”
  Cecil spoke up. “Well I don’t know for certain,” he said, “they’re supposed to changemoney or somethin‘, but that ain’t no cause to persecute ’em. They’re white, ain’t they?”
  Miss Gates said, “When you get to high school, Cecil, you’ll learn that the Jews havebeen persecuted since the beginning of history, even driven out of their own country. It’sone of the most terrible stories in history. Time for arithmetic, children.”
  As I had never liked arithmetic, I spent the period looking out the window. The onlytime I ever saw Atticus scowl was when Elmer Davis would give us the latest on Hitler.
  Atticus would snap off the radio and say, “Hmp!” I asked him once why he was impatientwith Hitler and Atticus said, “Because he’s a maniac.”
  This would not do, I mused, as the class proceeded with its sums. One maniac andmillions of German folks. Looked to me like they’d shut Hitler in a pen instead of lettinghim shut them up. There was something else wrong—I would ask my father about it.
  I did, and he said he could not possibly answer my question because he didn’t knowthe answer.
  “But it’s okay to hate Hitler?”
  “It is not,” he said. “It’s not okay to hate anybody.”
  “Atticus,” I said, “there’s somethin‘ I don’t understand. Miss Gates said it was awful,Hitler doin’ like he does, she got real red in the face about it—”
  “I should think she would.”
  “Nothing, sir.” I went away, not sure that I could explain to Atticus what was on mymind, not sure that I could clarify what was only a feeling. Perhaps Jem could providethe answer. Jem understood school things better than Atticus.
  Jem was worn out from a day’s water-carrying. There were at least twelve bananapeels on the floor by his bed, surrounding an empty milk bottle. “Whatcha stuffin‘ for?” Iasked.
  “Coach says if I can gain twenty-five pounds by year after next I can play,” he said.
  “This is the quickest way.”
  “If you don’t throw it all up. Jem,” I said, “I wanta ask you somethin‘.”
  “Shoot.” He put down his book and stretched his legs.
  “Miss Gates is a nice lady, ain’t she?”
  “Why sure,” said Jem. “I liked her when I was in her room.”
  “She hates Hitler a lot…”
  “What’s wrong with that?”
  “Well, she went on today about how bad it was him treatin‘ the Jews like that. Jem, it’snot right to persecute anybody, is it? I mean have mean thoughts about anybody, even,is it?”
  “Gracious no, Scout. What’s eatin‘ you?”
  “Well, coming out of the courthouse that night Miss Gates was—she was goin‘ downthe steps in front of us, you musta not seen her—she was talking with Miss StephanieCrawford. I heard her say it’s time somebody taught ’em a lesson, they were gettin‘ wayabove themselves, an’ the next thing they think they can do is marry us. Jem, how canyou hate Hitler so bad an‘ then turn around and be ugly about folks right at home—”
  Jem was suddenly furious. He leaped off the bed, grabbed me by the collar and shookme. “I never wanta hear about that courthouse again, ever, ever, you hear me? Youhear me? Don’t you ever say one word to me about it again, you hear? Now go on!”
  I was too surprised to cry. I crept from Jem’s room and shut the door softly, lest unduenoise set him off again. Suddenly tired, I wanted Atticus. He was in the livingroom, and Iwent to him and tried to get in his lap.
  Atticus smiled. “You’re getting so big now, I’ll just have to hold a part of you.” He heldme close. “Scout,” he said softly, “don’t let Jem get you down. He’s having a rough timethese days. I heard you back there.”
  Atticus said that Jem was trying hard to forget something, but what he was reallydoing was storing it away for a while, until enough time passed. Then he would be ableto think about it and sort things out. When he was able to think about it, Jem would behimself again.



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配偶: 暖雯雯
210 818 1018 1226
举报 只看该作者 27楼  发表于: 2013-10-27 0

Chapter 27
      Things did settle down, after a fashion, as Atticus said they would. By the middle ofOctober, only two small things out of the ordinary happened to two Maycomb citizens.
  No, there were three things, and they did not directly concern us—the Finches—but in away they did.
  The first thing was that Mr. Bob Ewell acquired and lost a job in a matter of days andprobably made himself unique in the annals of the nineteen-thirties: he was the onlyman I ever heard of who was fired from the WPA for laziness. I suppose his brief burstof fame brought on a briefer burst of industry, but his job lasted only as long as hisnotoriety: Mr. Ewell found himself as forgotten as Tom Robinson. Thereafter, heresumed his regular weekly appearances at the welfare office for his check, andreceived it with no grace amid obscure mutterings that the bastards who thought theyran this town wouldn’t permit an honest man to make a living. Ruth Jones, the welfarelady, said Mr. Ewell openly accused Atticus of getting his job. She was upset enough towalk down to Atticus’s office and tell him about it. Atticus told Miss Ruth not to fret, that ifBob Ewell wanted to discuss Atticus’s “getting” his job, he knew the way to the office.
  The second thing happened to Judge Taylor. Judge Taylor was not a Sunday-nightchurchgoer: Mrs. Taylor was. Judge Taylor savored his Sunday night hour alone in hisbig house, and churchtime found him holed up in his study reading the writings of BobTaylor (no kin, but the judge would have been proud to claim it). One Sunday night, lostin fruity metaphors and florid diction, Judge Taylor’s attention was wrenched from thepage by an irritating scratching noise. “Hush,” he said to Ann Taylor, his fat nondescriptdog. Then he realized he was speaking to an empty room; the scratching noise wascoming from the rear of the house. Judge Taylor clumped to the back porch to let Annout and found the screen door swinging open. A shadow on the corner of the housecaught his eye, and that was all he saw of his visitor. Mrs. Taylor came home fromchurch to find her husband in his chair, lost in the writings of Bob Taylor, with a shotgunacross his lap.
  The third thing happened to Helen Robinson, Tom’s widow. If Mr. Ewell was asforgotten as Tom Robinson, Tom Robinson was as forgotten as Boo Radley. But Tomwas not forgotten by his employer, Mr. Link Deas. Mr. Link Deas made a job for Helen.
  He didn’t really need her, but he said he felt right bad about the way things turned out. Inever knew who took care of her children while Helen was away. Calpurnia said it washard on Helen, because she had to walk nearly a mile out of her way to avoid theEwells, who, according to Helen, “chunked at her” the first time she tried to use thepublic road. Mr. Link Deas eventually received the impression that Helen was coming towork each morning from the wrong direction, and dragged the reason out of her. “Justlet it be, Mr. Link, please suh,” Helen begged. “The hell I will,” said Mr. Link. He told herto come by his store that afternoon before she left. She did, and Mr. Link closed hisstore, put his hat firmly on his head, and walked Helen home. He walked her the shortway, by the Ewells‘. On his way back, Mr. Link stopped at the crazy gate.
  “Ewell?” he called. “I say Ewell!”
  The windows, normally packed with children, were empty.
  “I know every last one of you’s in there a-layin‘ on the floor! Now hear me, Bob Ewell:
  if I hear one more peep outa my girl Helen about not bein’ able to walk this road I’ll haveyou in jail before sundown!” Mr. Link spat in the dust and walked home.
  Helen went to work next morning and used the public road. Nobody chunked at her,but when she was a few yards beyond the Ewell house, she looked around and saw Mr.
  Ewell walking behind her. She turned and walked on, and Mr. Ewell kept the samedistance behind her until she reached Mr. Link Deas’s house. All the way to the house,Helen said, she heard a soft voice behind her, crooning foul words. Thoroughlyfrightened, she telephoned Mr. Link at his store, which was not too far from his house.
  As Mr. Link came out of his store he saw Mr. Ewell leaning on the fence. Mr. Ewell said,“Don’t you look at me, Link Deas, like I was dirt. I ain’t jumped your—”
  “First thing you can do, Ewell, is get your stinkin‘ carcass off my property. You’releanin’ on it an‘ I can’t afford fresh paint for it. Second thing you can do is stay awayfrom my cook or I’ll have you up for assault—”
  “I ain’t touched her, Link Deas, and ain’t about to go with no nigger!”
  “You don’t have to touch her, all you have to do is make her afraid, an‘ if assault ain’tenough to keep you locked up awhile, I’ll get you in on the Ladies’ Law, so get outa mysight! If you don’t think I mean it, just bother that girl again!”
  Mr. Ewell evidently thought he meant it, for Helen reported no further trouble.
  “I don’t like it, Atticus, I don’t like it at all,” was Aunt Alexandra’s assessment of theseevents. “That man seems to have a permanent running grudge against everybodyconnected with that case. I know how that kind are about paying off grudges, but I don’tunderstand why he should harbor one—he had his way in court, didn’t he?”
  “I think I understand,” said Atticus. “It might be because he knows in his heart that veryfew people in Maycomb really believed his and Mayella’s yarns. He thought he’d be ahero, but all he got for his pain was… was, okay, we’ll convict this Negro but get back toyour dump. He’s had his fling with about everybody now, so he ought to be satisfied.
  He’ll settle down when the weather changes.”
  “But why should he try to burgle John Taylor’s house? He obviously didn’t know Johnwas home or he wouldn’t‘ve tried. Only lights John shows on Sunday nights are on thefront porch and back in his den…”
  “You don’t know if Bob Ewell cut that screen, you don’t know who did it,” said Atticus.
  “But I can guess. I proved him a liar but John made him look like a fool. All the timeEwell was on the stand I couldn’t dare look at John and keep a straight face. Johnlooked at him as if he were a three-legged chicken or a square egg. Don’t tell me judgesdon’t try to prejudice juries,” Atticus chuckled.
  By the end of October, our lives had become the familiar routine of school, play, study.
  Jem seemed to have put out of his mind whatever it was he wanted to forget, and ourclassmates mercifully let us forget our father’s eccentricities. Cecil Jacobs asked meone time if Atticus was a Radical. When I asked Atticus, Atticus was so amused I wasrather annoyed, but he said he wasn’t laughing at me. He said, “You tell Cecil I’m aboutas radical as Cotton Tom Heflin.”
  Aunt Alexandra was thriving. Miss Maudie must have silenced the whole missionarysociety at one blow, for Aunty again ruled that roost. Her refreshments grew even moredelicious. I learned more about the poor Mrunas’ social life from listening to Mrs.
  Merriweather: they had so little sense of family that the whole tribe was one big family. Achild had as many fathers as there were men in the community, as many mothers asthere were women. J. Grimes Everett was doing his utmost to change this state ofaffairs, and desperately needed our prayers.
  Maycomb was itself again. Precisely the same as last year and the year before that,with only two minor changes. Firstly, people had removed from their store windows andautomobiles the stickers that said NRA—WE DO OUR PART. I asked Atticus why, andhe said it was because the National Recovery Act was dead. I asked who killed it: hesaid nine old men.
  The second change in Maycomb since last year was not one of national significance.
  Until then, Halloween in Maycomb was a completely unorganized affair. Each child didwhat he wanted to do, with assistance from other children if there was anything to bemoved, such as placing a light buggy on top of the livery stable. But parents thoughtthings went too far last year, when the peace of Miss Tutti and Miss Frutti wasshattered.
  Misses Tutti and Frutti Barber were maiden ladies, sisters, who lived together in theonly Maycomb residence boasting a cellar. The Barber ladies were rumored to beRepublicans, having migrated from Clanton, Alabama, in 1911. Their ways were strangeto us, and why they wanted a cellar nobody knew, but they wanted one and they dugone, and they spent the rest of their lives chasing generations of children out of it.
  Misses Tutti and Frutti (their names were Sarah and Frances), aside from theirYankee ways, were both deaf. Miss Tutti denied it and lived in a world of silence, butMiss Frutti, not about to miss anything, employed an ear trumpet so enormous that Jemdeclared it was a loudspeaker from one of those dog Victrolas.
  With these facts in mind and Halloween at hand, some wicked children had waiteduntil the Misses Barber were thoroughly asleep, slipped into their livingroom (nobody butthe Radleys locked up at night), stealthily made away with every stick of furnituretherein, and hid it in the cellar. I deny having taken part in such a thing.
  “I heard ‘em!” was the cry that awoke the Misses Barber’s neighbors at dawn nextmorning. “Heard ’em drive a truck up to the door! Stomped around like horses. They’rein New Orleans by now!”
  Miss Tutti was sure those traveling fur sellers who came through town two days agohad purloined their furniture. “Da-rk they were,” she said. “Syrians.”
  Mr. Heck Tate was summoned. He surveyed the area and said he thought it was alocal job. Miss Frutti said she’d know a Maycomb voice anywhere, and there were noMaycomb voices in that parlor last night—rolling their r’s all over her premises, theywere. Nothing less than the bloodhounds must be used to locate their furniture, MissTutti insisted, so Mr. Tate was obliged to go ten miles out the road, round up the countyhounds, and put them on the trail.
  Mr. Tate started them off at the Misses Barber’s front steps, but all they did was runaround to the back of the house and howl at the cellar door. When Mr. Tate set them inmotion three times, he finally guessed the truth. By noontime that day, there was not abarefooted child to be seen in Maycomb and nobody took off his shoes until the houndswere returned.
  So the Maycomb ladies said things would be different this year. The high-schoolauditorium would be open, there would be a pageant for the grown-ups; apple-bobbing,taffy-pulling, pinning the tail on the donkey for the children. There would also be a prizeof twenty-five cents for the best Halloween costume, created by the wearer.
  Jem and I both groaned. Not that we’d ever done anything, it was the principle of thething. Jem considered himself too old for Halloween anyway; he said he wouldn’t becaught anywhere near the high school at something like that. Oh well, I thought, Atticuswould take me.
  I soon learned, however, that my services would be required on stage that evening.
  Mrs. Grace Merriweather had composed an original pageant entitled Maycomb County:
  Ad Astra Per Aspera, and I was to be a ham. She thought it would be adorable if someof the children were costumed to represent the county’s agricultural products: CecilJacobs would be dressed up to look like a cow; Agnes Boone would make a lovelybutterbean, another child would be a peanut, and on down the line until Mrs.
  Merriweather’s imagination and the supply of children were exhausted.
  Our only duties, as far as I could gather from our two rehearsals, were to enter fromstage left as Mrs. Merriweather (not only the author, but the narrator) identified us.
  When she called out, “Pork,” that was my cue. Then the assembled company wouldsing, “Maycomb County, Maycomb County, we will aye be true to thee,” as the grandfinale, and Mrs. Merriweather would mount the stage with the state flag.
  My costume was not much of a problem. Mrs. Crenshaw, the local seamstress, had asmuch imagination as Mrs. Merriweather. Mrs. Crenshaw took some chicken wire andbent it into the shape of a cured ham. This she covered with brown cloth, and painted itto resemble the original. I could duck under and someone would pull the contraptiondown over my head. It came almost to my knees. Mrs. Crenshaw thoughtfully left twopeepholes for me. She did a fine job. Jem said I looked exactly like a ham with legs.
  There were several discomforts, though: it was hot, it was a close fit; if my nose itched Icouldn’t scratch, and once inside I could not get out of it alone.
  When Halloween came, I assumed that the whole family would be present to watchme perform, but I was disappointed. Atticus said as tactfully as he could that he justdidn’t think he could stand a pageant tonight, he was all in. He had been in Montgomeryfor a week and had come home late that afternoon. He thought Jem might escort me if Iasked him.
  Aunt Alexandra said she just had to get to bed early, she’d been decorating the stageall afternoon and was worn out—she stopped short in the middle of her sentence. Sheclosed her mouth, then opened it to say something, but no words came.
  “‘s matter, Aunty?” I asked.
  “Oh nothing, nothing,” she said, “somebody just walked over my grave.” She put awayfrom her whatever it was that gave her a pinprick of apprehension, and suggested that Igive the family a preview in the livingroom. So Jem squeezed me into my costume,stood at the livingroom door, called out “Po-ork,” exactly as Mrs. Merriweather wouldhave done, and I marched in. Atticus and Aunt Alexandra were delighted.
  I repeated my part for Calpurnia in the kitchen and she said I was wonderful. I wantedto go across the street to show Miss Maudie, but Jem said she’d probably be at thepageant anyway.
  After that, it didn’t matter whether they went or not. Jem said he would take me. Thusbegan our longest journey together.



等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 暖雯雯
210 818 1018 1226
举报 只看该作者 28楼  发表于: 2013-10-27 0

[/td][/trChapter 28
       The weather was unusually warm for the last day of October. We didn’t even needjackets. The wind was growing stronger, and Jem said it might be raining before we gothome. There was no moon. The street light on the corner cast sharp shadows on theRadley house. I heard Jem laugh softly. “Bet nobody bothers them tonight,” he said.
  Jem was carrying my ham costume, rather awkwardly, as it was hard to hold. I thought itgallant of him to do so.
  “It is a scary place though, ain’t it?” I said. “Boo doesn’t mean anybody any harm, butI’m right glad you’re along.” “You know Atticus wouldn’t let you go to the schoolhouse byyourself,” Jem said.
  “Don’t see why, it’s just around the corner and across the yard.”
  “That yard’s a mighty long place for little girls to cross at night,” Jem teased. “Ain’t youscared of haints?”
  We laughed. Haints, Hot Steams, incantations, secret signs, had vanished with ouryears as mist with sunrise. “What was that old thing,” Jem said, “Angel bright, life-in-death; get off the road, don’t suck my breath.”
  “Cut it out, now,” I said. We were in front of the Radley Place.
  Jem said, “Boo must not be at home. Listen.”
  High above us in the darkness a solitary mocker poured out his repertoire in blissfulunawareness of whose tree he sat in, plunging from the shrill kee, kee of the sunflowerbird to the irascible qua-ack of a bluejay, to the sad lament of Poor Will, Poor Will, PoorWill.
  We turned the corner and I tripped on a root growing in the road. Jem tried to help me,but all he did was drop my costume in the dust. I didn’t fall, though, and soon we wereon our way again.
  We turned off the road and entered the schoolyard. It was pitch black.
  “How do you know where we’re at, Jem?” I asked, when we had gone a few steps.
  “I can tell we’re under the big oak because we’re passin‘ through a cool spot. Carefulnow, and don’t fall again.”
  We had slowed to a cautious gait, and were feeling our way forward so as not to bumpinto the tree. The tree was a single and ancient oak; two children could not reach aroundits trunk and touch hands. It was far away from teachers, their spies, and curiousneighbors: it was near the Radley lot, but the Radleys were not curious. A small patch ofearth beneath its branches was packed hard from many fights and furtive crap games.
  The lights in the high school auditorium were blazing in the distance, but they blindedus, if anything. “Don’t look ahead, Scout,” Jem said. “Look at the ground and you won’tfall.”
  “You should have brought the flashlight, Jem.”
  “Didn’t know it was this dark. Didn’t look like it’d be this dark earlier in the evening. Socloudy, that’s why. It’ll hold off a while, though.”
  Someone leaped at us.
  “God almighty!” Jem yelled.
  A circle of light burst in our faces, and Cecil Jacobs jumped in glee behind it. “Ha-a-a,gotcha!” he shrieked. “Thought you’d be comin‘ along this way!”
  “What are you doin‘ way out here by yourself, boy? Ain’t you scared of Boo Radley?”
  Cecil had ridden safely to the auditorium with his parents, hadn’t seen us, then hadventured down this far because he knew good and well we’d be coming along. Hethought Mr. Finch’d be with us, though.
  “Shucks, ain’t much but around the corner,” said Jem. “Who’s scared to go around thecorner?” We had to admit that Cecil was pretty good, though. He had given us a fright,and he could tell it all over the schoolhouse, that was his privilege.
  “Say,” I said, “ain’t you a cow tonight? Where’s your costume?”
  “It’s up behind the stage,” he said. “Mrs. Merriweather says the pageant ain’t comin‘on for a while. You can put yours back of the stage by mine, Scout, and we can go withthe rest of ’em.”
  This was an excellent idea, Jem thought. He also thought it a good thing that Ceciland I would be together. This way, Jem would be left to go with people his own age.
  When we reached the auditorium, the whole town was there except Atticus and theladies worn out from decorating, and the usual outcasts and shut-ins. Most of thecounty, it seemed, was there: the hall was teeming with slicked-up country people. Thehigh school building had a wide downstairs hallway; people milled around booths thathad been installed along each side.
  “Oh Jem. I forgot my money,” I sighed, when I saw them.
  “Atticus didn’t,” Jem said. “Here’s thirty cents, you can do six things. See you later on.”
  “Okay,” I said, quite content with thirty cents and Cecil. I went with Cecil down to thefront of the auditorium, through a door on one side, and backstage. I got rid of my hamcostume and departed in a hurry, for Mrs. Merriweather was standing at a lectern infront of the first row of seats making last-minute, frenzied changes in the script.
  “How much money you got?” I asked Cecil. Cecil had thirty cents, too, which made useven. We squandered our first nickels on the House of Horrors, which scared us not atall; we entered the black seventh-grade room and were led around by the temporaryghoul in residence and were made to touch several objects alleged to be componentparts of a human being. “Here’s his eyes,” we were told when we touched two peeledgrapes on a saucer. “Here’s his heart,” which felt like raw liver. “These are his innards,”
  and our hands were thrust into a plate of cold spaghetti.
  Cecil and I visited several booths. We each bought a sack of Mrs. Judge Taylor’shomemade divinity. I wanted to bob for apples, but Cecil said it wasn’t sanitary. Hismother said he might catch something from everybody’s heads having been in the sametub. “Ain’t anything around town now to catch,” I protested. But Cecil said his mothersaid it was unsanitary to eat after folks. I later asked Aunt Alexandra about this, and shesaid people who held such views were usually climbers.
  We were about to purchase a blob of taffy when Mrs. Merriweather’s runnersappeared and told us to go backstage, it was time to get ready. The auditorium wasfilling with people; the Maycomb County High School band had assembled in front belowthe stage; the stage footlights were on and the red velvet curtain rippled and billowedfrom the scurrying going on behind it.
  Backstage, Cecil and I found the narrow hallway teeming with people: adults inhomemade three-corner hats, Confederate caps, Spanish-American War hats, andWorld War helmets. Children dressed as various agricultural enterprises crowdedaround the one small window.
  “Somebody’s mashed my costume,” I wailed in dismay. Mrs. Merriweather galloped tome, reshaped the chicken wire, and thrust me inside.
  “You all right in there, Scout?” asked Cecil. “You sound so far off, like you was on theother side of a hill.”
  “You don’t sound any nearer,” I said.
  The band played the national anthem, and we heard the audience rise. Then the bassdrum sounded. Mrs. Merriweather, stationed behind her lectern beside the band, said:
  “Maycomb County Ad Astra Per Aspera.” The bass drum boomed again. “That means,”
  said Mrs. Merriweather, translating for the rustic elements, “from the mud to the stars.”
  She added, unnecessarily, it seemed to me, “A pageant.”
  “Reckon they wouldn’t know what it was if she didn’t tell ‘em,” whispered Cecil, whowas immediately shushed.
  “The whole town knows it,” I breathed.
  “But the country folks’ve come in,” Cecil said.
  “Be quiet back there,” a man’s voice ordered, and we were silent.
  The bass drum went boom with every sentence Mrs. Merriweather uttered. Shechanted mournfully about Maycomb County being older than the state, that it was a partof the Mississippi and Alabama Territories, that the first white man to set foot in thevirgin forests was the Probate Judge’s great-grandfather five times removed, who wasnever heard of again. Then came the fearless Colonel Maycomb, for whom the countywas named.
  Andrew Jackson appointed him to a position of authority, and Colonel Maycomb’smisplaced self-confidence and slender sense of direction brought disaster to all whorode with him in the Creek Indian Wars. Colonel Maycomb persevered in his efforts tomake the region safe for democracy, but his first campaign was his last. His orders,relayed to him by a friendly Indian runner, were to move south. After consulting a tree toascertain from its lichen which way was south, and taking no lip from the subordinateswho ventured to correct him, Colonel Maycomb set out on a purposeful journey to routthe enemy and entangled his troops so far northwest in the forest primeval that theywere eventually rescued by settlers moving inland.
  Mrs. Merriweather gave a thirty-minute description of Colonel Maycomb’s exploits. Idiscovered that if I bent my knees I could tuck them under my costume and more or lesssit. I sat down, listened to Mrs. Merriweather’s drone and the bass drum’s boom andwas soon fast asleep.
  They said later that Mrs. Merriweather was putting her all into the grand finale, thatshe had crooned, “Po-ork,” with a confidence born of pine trees and butterbeansentering on cue. She waited a few seconds, then called, “Po-ork?” When nothingmaterialized, she yelled, “Pork!”
  I must have heard her in my sleep, or the band playing Dixie woke me, but it waswhen Mrs. Merriweather triumphantly mounted the stage with the state flag that I choseto make my entrance. Chose is incorrect: I thought I’d better catch up with the rest ofthem.
  They told me later that Judge Taylor went out behind the auditorium and stood thereslapping his knees so hard Mrs. Taylor brought him a glass of water and one of his pills.
  Mrs. Merriweather seemed to have a hit, everybody was cheering so, but she caughtme backstage and told me I had ruined her pageant. She made me feel awful, but whenJem came to fetch me he was sympathetic. He said he couldn’t see my costume muchfrom where he was sitting. How he could tell I was feeling bad under my costume I don’tknow, but he said I did all right, I just came in a little late, that was all. Jem wasbecoming almost as good as Atticus at making you feel right when things went wrong.
  Almost—not even Jem could make me go through that crowd, and he consented to waitbackstage with me until the audience left.
  “You wanta take it off, Scout?” he asked.
  “Naw, I’ll just keep it on,” I said. I could hide my mortification under it.
  “You all want a ride home?” someone asked.
  “No sir, thank you,” I heard Jem say. “It’s just a little walk.”
  “Be careful of haints,” the voice said. “Better still, tell the haints to be careful of Scout.”
  “There aren’t many folks left now,” Jem told me. “Let’s go.”
  We went through the auditorium to the hallway, then down the steps. It was still blackdark. The remaining cars were parked on the other side of the building, and theirheadlights were little help. “If some of ‘em were goin’ in our direction we could seebetter,” said Jem. “Here Scout, let me hold onto your—hock. You might lose yourbalance.”
  “I can see all right.”
  “Yeah, but you might lose your balance.” I felt a slight pressure on my head, andassumed that Jem had grabbed that end of the ham. “You got me?”
  “Uh huh.”
  We began crossing the black schoolyard, straining to see our feet. “Jem,” I said, “Iforgot my shoes, they’re back behind the stage.”
  “Well let’s go get ‘em.” But as we turned around the auditorium lights went off. “Youcan get ’em tomorrow,” he said.
  “But tomorrow’s Sunday,” I protested, as Jem turned me homeward.
  “You can get the Janitor to let you in… Scout?”
  Jem hadn’t started that in a long time. I wondered what he was thinking. He’d tell mewhen he wanted to, probably when we got home. I felt his fingers press the top of mycostume, too hard, it seemed. I shook my head. “Jem, you don’t hafta—”
  “Hush a minute, Scout,” he said, pinching me.
  We walked along silently. “Minute’s up,” I said. “Whatcha thinkin‘ about?” I turned tolook at him, but his outline was barely visible.
  “Thought I heard something,” he said. “Stop a minute.”
  We stopped.
  “Hear anything?” he asked.
  We had not gone five paces before he made me stop again.
  “Jem, are you tryin‘ to scare me? You know I’m too old—”
  “Be quiet,” he said, and I knew he was not joking.
  The night was still. I could hear his breath coming easily beside me. Occasionallythere was a sudden breeze that hit my bare legs, but it was all that remained of apromised windy night. This was the stillness before a thunderstorm. We listened.
  “Heard an old dog just then,” I said.
  “It’s not that,” Jem answered. “I hear it when we’re walkin‘ along, but when we stop Idon’t hear it.”
  “You hear my costume rustlin‘. Aw, it’s just Halloween got you…”
  I said it more to convince myself than Jem, for sure enough, as we began walking, Iheard what he was talking about. It was not my costume.
  “It’s just old Cecil,” said Jem presently. “He won’t get us again. Let’s don’t let him thinkwe’re hurrying.”
  We slowed to a crawl. I asked Jem how Cecil could follow us in this dark, looked to melike he’d bump into us from behind.
  “I can see you, Scout,” Jem said.
  “How? I can’t see you.”
  “Your fat streaks are showin‘. Mrs. Crenshaw painted ’em with some of that shiny stuffso they’d show up under the footlights. I can see you pretty well, an‘ I expect Cecil cansee you well enough to keep his distance.”
  I would show Cecil that we knew he was behind us and we were ready for him. “CecilJacobs is a big wet he-en!” I yelled suddenly, turning around.
  We stopped. There was no acknowledgement save he-en bouncing off the distantschoolhouse wall.
  “I’ll get him,” said Jem. “He-y!”
  Hay-e-hay-e-hay-ey, answered the schoolhouse wall. It was unlike Cecil to hold out forso long; once he pulled a joke he’d repeat it time and again. We should have been leaptat already. Jem signaled for me to stop again.
  He said softly, “Scout, can you take that thing off?”
  “I think so, but I ain’t got anything on under it much.”
  “I’ve got your dress here.”
  “I can’t get it on in the dark.”
  “Okay,” he said, “never mind.”
  “Jem, are you afraid?”
  “No. Think we’re almost to the tree now. Few yards from that, an‘ we’ll be to the road.
  We can see the street light then.” Jem was talking in an unhurried, flat toneless voice. Iwondered how long he would try to keep the Cecil myth going.
  “You reckon we oughta sing, Jem?”
  “No. Be real quiet again, Scout.”
  We had not increased our pace. Jem knew as well as I that it was difficult to walk fastwithout stumping a toe, tripping on stones, and other inconveniences, and I wasbarefooted. Maybe it was the wind rustling the trees. But there wasn’t any wind andthere weren’t any trees except the big oak.
  Our company shuffled and dragged his feet, as if wearing heavy shoes. Whoever itwas wore thick cotton pants; what I thought were trees rustling was the soft swish ofcotton on cotton, wheek, wheek, with every step.
  I felt the sand go cold under my feet and I knew we were near the big oak. Jempressed my head. We stopped and listened.
  Shuffle-foot had not stopped with us this time. His trousers swished softly and steadily.
  Then they stopped. He was running, running toward us with no child’s steps.
  “Run, Scout! Run! Run!” Jem screamed.
  I took one giant step and found myself reeling: my arms useless, in the dark, I couldnot keep my balance.
  “Jem, Jem, help me, Jem!”
  Something crushed the chicken wire around me. Metal ripped on metal and I fell to theground and rolled as far as I could, floundering to escape my wire prison. Fromsomewhere near by came scuffling, kicking sounds, sounds of shoes and flesh scrapingdirt and roots. Someone rolled against me and I felt Jem. He was up like lightning andpulling me with him but, though my head and shoulders were free, I was so entangledwe didn’t get very far.
  We were nearly to the road when I felt Jem’s hand leave me, felt him jerk backwardsto the ground. More scuffling, and there came a dull crunching sound and Jemscreamed.
  I ran in the direction of Jem’s scream and sank into a flabby male stomach. Its ownersaid, “Uff!” and tried to catch my arms, but they were tightly pinioned. His stomach wassoft but his arms were like steel. He slowly squeezed the breath out of me. I could notmove. Suddenly he was jerked backwards and flung on the ground, almost carrying mewith him. I thought, Jem’s up.
  One’s mind works very slowly at times. Stunned, I stood there dumbly. The scufflingnoises were dying; someone wheezed and the night was still again.
  Still but for a man breathing heavily, breathing heavily and staggering. I thought hewent to the tree and leaned against it. He coughed violently, a sobbing, bone-shakingcough.
  There was no answer but the man’s heavy breathing.
  Jem didn’t answer.
  The man began moving around, as if searching for something. I heard him groan andpull something heavy along the ground. It was slowly coming to me that there were nowfour people under the tree.
  The man was walking heavily and unsteadily toward the road.
  I went to where I thought he had been and felt frantically along the ground, reachingout with my toes. Presently I touched someone.
  My toes touched trousers, a belt buckle, buttons, something I could not identify, acollar, and a face. A prickly stubble on the face told me it was not Jem’s. I smelled stalewhiskey.
  I made my way along in what I thought was the direction of the road. I was not sure,because I had been turned around so many times. But I found it and looked down to thestreet light. A man was passing under it. The man was walking with the staccato stepsof someone carrying a load too heavy for him. He was going around the corner. He wascarrying Jem. Jem’s arm was dangling crazily in front of him.
  By the time I reached the corner the man was crossing our front yard. Light from ourfront door framed Atticus for an instant; he ran down the steps, and together, he and theman took Jem inside.
  I was at the front door when they were going down the hall. Aunt Alexandra wasrunning to meet me. “Call Dr. Reynolds!” Atticus’s voice came sharply from Jem’s room.
  “Where’s Scout?”
  “Here she is,” Aunt Alexandra called, pulling me along with her to the telephone. Shetugged at me anxiously. “I’m all right, Aunty,” I said, “you better call.”
  She pulled the receiver from the hook and said, “Eula May, get Dr. Reynolds, quick!”
  “Agnes, is your father home? Oh God, where is he? Please tell him to come over hereas soon as he comes in. Please, it’s urgent!”
  There was no need for Aunt Alexandra to identify herself, people in Maycomb kneweach other’s voices.
  Atticus came out of Jem’s room. The moment Aunt Alexandra broke the connection,Atticus took the receiver from her. He rattled the hook, then said, “Eula May, get me thesheriff, please.”
  “Heck? Atticus Finch. Someone’s been after my children. Jem’s hurt. Between hereand the schoolhouse. I can’t leave my boy. Run out there for me, please, and see if he’sstill around. Doubt if you’ll find him now, but I’d like to see him if you do. Got to go now.
  Thanks, Heck.”
  “Atticus, is Jem dead?”
  “No, Scout. Look after her, sister,” he called, as he went down the hall.
  Aunt Alexandra’s fingers trembled as she unwound the crushed fabric and wire fromaround me. “Are you all right, darling?” she asked over and over as she worked me free.
  It was a relief to be out. My arms were beginning to tingle, and they were red withsmall hexagonal marks. I rubbed them, and they felt better.
  “Aunty, is Jem dead?”
  “No—no, darling, he’s unconscious. We won’t know how badly he’s hurt until Dr.
  Reynolds gets here. Jean Louise, what happened?”
  “I don’t know.”
  She left it at that. She brought me something to put on, and had I thought about itthen, I would have never let her forget it: in her distraction, Aunty brought me myoveralls. “Put these on, darling,” she said, handing me the garments she most despised.
  She rushed back to Jem’s room, then came to me in the hall. She patted me vaguely,and went back to Jem’s room.
  A car stopped in front of the house. I knew Dr. Reynolds’s step almost as well as myfather’s. He had brought Jem and me into the world, had led us through every childhooddisease known to man including the time Jem fell out of the treehouse, and he hadnever lost our friendship. Dr. Reynolds said if we had been boil-prone things would havebeen different, but we doubted it.
  He came in the door and said, “Good Lord.” He walked toward me, said, “You’re stillstanding,” and changed his course. He knew every room in the house. He also knewthat if I was in bad shape, so was Jem.
  After ten forevers Dr. Reynolds returned. “Is Jem dead?” I asked.
  “Far from it,” he said, squatting down to me. “He’s got a bump on the head just likeyours, and a broken arm. Scout, look that way—no, don’t turn your head, roll your eyes.
  Now look over yonder. He’s got a bad break, so far as I can tell now it’s in the elbow.
  Like somebody tried to wring his arm off… Now look at me.”
  “Then he’s not dead?”
  “No-o!” Dr. Reynolds got to his feet. “We can’t do much tonight,” he said, “except try tomake him as comfortable as we can. We’ll have to X-ray his arm—looks like he’ll bewearing his arm ‘way out by his side for a while. Don’t worry, though, he’ll be as good asnew. Boys his age bounce.”
  While he was talking, Dr. Reynolds had been looking keenly at me, lightly fingering thebump that was coming on my forehead. “You don’t feel broke anywhere, do you?”
  Dr. Reynolds’s small joke made me smile. “Then you don’t think he’s dead, then?”
  He put on his hat. “Now I may be wrong, of course, but I think he’s very alive. Showsall the symptoms of it. Go have a look at him, and when I come back we’ll get togetherand decide.”
  Dr. Reynolds’s step was young and brisk. Mr. Heck Tate’s was not. His heavy bootspunished the porch and he opened the door awkwardly, but he said the same thing Dr.
  Reynolds said when he came in. “You all right, Scout?” he added.
  “Yes sir, I’m goin‘ in to see Jem. Atticus’n’them’s in there.”
  “I’ll go with you,” said Mr. Tate.
  Aunt Alexandra had shaded Jem’s reading light with a towel, and his room was dim.
  Jem was lying on his back. There was an ugly mark along one side of his face. His leftarm lay out from his body; his elbow was bent slightly, but in the wrong direction. Jemwas frowning.
  Atticus spoke. “He can’t hear you, Scout, he’s out like a light. He was coming around,but Dr. Reynolds put him out again.”
  “Yes sir.” I retreated. Jem’s room was large and square. Aunt Alexandra was sitting ina rocking-chair by the fireplace. The man who brought Jem in was standing in a corner,leaning against the wall. He was some countryman I did not know. He had probablybeen at the pageant, and was in the vicinity when it happened. He must have heard ourscreams and come running.
  Atticus was standing by Jem’s bed.
  Mr. Heck Tate stood in the doorway. His hat was in his hand, and a flashlight bulgedfrom his pants pocket. He was in his working clothes.
  “Come in, Heck,” said Atticus. “Did you find anything? I can’t conceive of anyone low-down enough to do a thing like this, but I hope you found him.”
  Mr. Tate sniffed. He glanced sharply at the man in the corner, nodded to him, thenlooked around the room—at Jem, at Aunt Alexandra, then at Atticus.
  “Sit down, Mr. Finch,” he said pleasantly.
  Atticus said, “Let’s all sit down. Have that chair, Heck. I’ll get another one from thelivingroom.”
  Mr. Tate sat in Jem’s desk chair. He waited until Atticus returned and settled himself. Iwondered why Atticus had not brought a chair for the man in the corner, but Atticusknew the ways of country people far better than I. Some of his rural clients would parktheir long-eared steeds under the chinaberry trees in the back yard, and Atticus wouldoften keep appointments on the back steps. This one was probably more comfortablewhere he was.
  “Mr. Finch,” said Mr. Tate, “tell you what I found. I found a little girl’s dress—it’s outthere in my car. That your dress, Scout?”
  “Yes sir, if it’s a pink one with smockin‘,” I said. Mr. Tate was behaving as if he wereon the witness stand. He liked to tell things his own way, untrammeled by state ordefense, and sometimes it took him a while.
  “I found some funny-looking pieces of muddy-colored cloth—”
  “That’s m’costume, Mr. Tate.”
  Mr. Tate ran his hands down his thighs. He rubbed his left arm and investigated Jem’smantelpiece, then he seemed to be interested in the fireplace. His fingers sought hislong nose.
  “What is it, Heck?” said Atticus.
  Mr. Tate found his neck and rubbed it. “Bob Ewell’s lyin‘ on the ground under that treedown yonder with a kitchen knife stuck up under his ribs. He’s dead, Mr. Finch.”



等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 暖雯雯
210 818 1018 1226
举报 只看该作者 29楼  发表于: 2013-10-27 0

Chapter 29
       Aunt Alexandra got up and reached for the mantelpiece. Mr. Tate rose, but shedeclined assistance. For once in his life, Atticus’s instinctive courtesy failed him: he satwhere he was.
  Somehow, I could think of nothing but Mr. Bob Ewell saying he’d get Atticus if it tookhim the rest of his life. Mr. Ewell almost got him, and it was the last thing he did.
  “Are you sure?” Atticus said bleakly.
  “He’s dead all right,” said Mr. Tate. “He’s good and dead. He won’t hurt these childrenagain.”
  “I didn’t mean that.” Atticus seemed to be talking in his sleep. His age was beginningto show, his one sign of inner turmoil, the strong line of his jaw melted a little, onebecame aware of telltale creases forming under his ears, one noticed not his jet-blackhair but the gray patches growing at his temples.
  “Hadn’t we better go to the livingroom?” Aunt Alexandra said at last.
  “If you don’t mind,” said Mr. Tate, “I’d rather us stay in here if it won’t hurt Jem any. Iwant to have a look at his injuries while Scout… tells us about it.”
  “Is it all right if I leave?” she asked. “I’m just one person too many in here. I’ll be in myroom if you want me, Atticus.” Aunt Alexandra went to the door, but she stopped andturned. “Atticus, I had a feeling about this tonight—I—this is my fault,” she began. “Ishould have—”
  Mr. Tate held up his hand. “You go ahead, Miss Alexandra, I know it’s been a shock toyou. And don’t you fret yourself about anything—why, if we followed our feelings all thetime we’d be like cats chasin‘ their tails. Miss Scout, see if you can tell us whathappened, while it’s still fresh in your mind. You think you can? Did you see himfollowing you?”
  I went to Atticus and felt his arms go around me. I buried my head in his lap. “Westarted home. I said Jem, I’ve forgot m’shoes. Soon’s we started back for ‘em the lightswent out. Jem said I could get ’em tomorrow…”
  “Scout, raise up so Mr. Tate can hear you,” Atticus said. I crawled into his lap.
  “Then Jem said hush a minute. I thought he was thinkin‘—he always wants you tohush so he can think—then he said he heard somethin’. We thought it was Cecil.”
  “Cecil Jacobs. He scared us once tonight, an‘ we thought it was him again. He had ona sheet. They gave a quarter for the best costume, I don’t know who won it—”
  “Where were you when you thought it was Cecil?”
  “Just a little piece from the schoolhouse. I yelled somethin‘ at him—”
  “You yelled, what?”
  “Cecil Jacobs is a big fat hen, I think. We didn’t hear nothin‘—then Jem yelled hello orsomethin’ loud enough to wake the dead—”
  “Just a minute, Scout,” said Mr. Tate. “Mr. Finch, did you hear them?”
  Atticus said he didn’t. He had the radio on. Aunt Alexandra had hers going in herbedroom. He remembered because she told him to turn his down a bit so she couldhear hers. Atticus smiled. “I always play a radio too loud.”
  “I wonder if the neighbors heard anything…” said Mr. Tate.
  “I doubt it, Heck. Most of them listen to their radios or go to bed with the chickens.
  Maudie Atkinson may have been up, but I doubt it.”
  “Go ahead, Scout,” Mr. Tate said.
  “Well, after Jem yelled we walked on. Mr. Tate, I was shut up in my costume but Icould hear it myself, then. Footsteps, I mean. They walked when we walked andstopped when we stopped. Jem said he could see me because Mrs. Crenshaw putsome kind of shiny paint on my costume. I was a ham.”
  “How’s that?” asked Mr. Tate, startled.
  Atticus described my role to Mr. Tate, plus the construction of my garment. “Youshould have seen her when she came in,” he said, “it was crushed to a pulp.”
  Mr. Tate rubbed his chin. “I wondered why he had those marks on him, His sleeveswere perforated with little holes. There were one or two little puncture marks on his armsto match the holes. Let me see that thing if you will, sir.”
  Atticus fetched the remains of my costume. Mr. Tate turned it over and bent it aroundto get an idea of its former shape. “This thing probably saved her life,” he said. “Look.”
  He pointed with a long forefinger. A shiny clean line stood out on the dull wire. “BobEwell meant business,” Mr. Tate muttered.
  “He was out of his mind,” said Atticus.
  “Don’t like to contradict you, Mr. Finch—wasn’t crazy, mean as hell. Low-down skunkwith enough liquor in him to make him brave enough to kill children. He’d never havemet you face to face.”
  Atticus shook his head. “I can’t conceive of a man who’d—”
  “Mr. Finch, there’s just some kind of men you have to shoot before you can say hidy to‘em. Even then, they ain’t worth the bullet it takes to shoot ’em. Ewell ‘as one of ’em.”
  Atticus said, “I thought he got it all out of him the day he threatened me. Even if hehadn’t, I thought he’d come after me.”
  “He had guts enough to pester a poor colored woman, he had guts enough to pesterJudge Taylor when he thought the house was empty, so do you think he’da met you toyour face in daylight?” Mr. Tate sighed. “We’d better get on. Scout, you heard himbehind you—”
  “Yes sir. When we got under the tree—”
  “How’d you know you were under the tree, you couldn’t see thunder out there.”
  “I was barefooted, and Jem says the ground’s always cooler under a tree.”
  “We’ll have to make him a deputy, go ahead.”
  “Then all of a sudden somethin‘ grabbed me an’ mashed my costume… think I duckedon the ground… heard a tusslin‘ under the tree sort of… they were bammin’ against thetrunk, sounded like. Jem found me and started pullin‘ me toward the road. Some—Mr.
  Ewell yanked him down, I reckon. They tussled some more and then there was thisfunny noise—Jem hollered…” I stopped. That was Jem’s arm.
  “Anyway, Jem hollered and I didn’t hear him any more an‘ the next thing—Mr. Ewellwas tryin’ to squeeze me to death, I reckon… then somebody yanked Mr. Ewell down.
  Jem must have got up, I guess. That’s all I know…”
  “And then?” Mr. Tate was looking at me sharply.
  “Somebody was staggerin‘ around and pantin’ and—coughing fit to die. I thought itwas Jem at first, but it didn’t sound like him, so I went lookin‘ for Jem on the ground. Ithought Atticus had come to help us and had got wore out—”
  “Who was it?”
  “Why there he is, Mr. Tate, he can tell you his name.”
  As I said it, I half pointed to the man in the corner, but brought my arm down quicklylest Atticus reprimand me for pointing. It was impolite to point.
  He was still leaning against the wall. He had been leaning against the wall when Icame into the room, his arms folded across his chest. As I pointed he brought his armsdown and pressed the palms of his hands against the wall. They were white hands,sickly white hands that had never seen the sun, so white they stood out garishly againstthe dull cream wall in the dim light of Jem’s room.
  I looked from his hands to his sand-stained khaki pants; my eyes traveled up his thinframe to his torn denim shirt. His face was as white as his hands, but for a shadow onhis jutting chin. His cheeks were thin to hollowness; his mouth was wide; there wereshallow, almost delicate indentations at his temples, and his gray eyes were so colorlessI thought he was blind. His hair was dead and thin, almost feathery on top of his head.
  When I pointed to him his palms slipped slightly, leaving greasy sweat streaks on thewall, and he hooked his thumbs in his belt. A strange small spasm shook him, as if heheard fingernails scrape slate, but as I gazed at him in wonder the tension slowlydrained from his face. His lips parted into a timid smile, and our neighbor’s imageblurred with my sudden tears.
  “Hey, Boo,” I said.



等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 暖雯雯
210 818 1018 1226
举报 只看该作者 30楼  发表于: 2013-10-27 0

Chapter 30
       “Mr. Arthur, honey,” said Atticus, gently correcting me. “Jean Louise, this is Mr. ArthurRadley. I believe he already knows you.”
  If Atticus could blandly introduce me to Boo Radley at a time like this, well—that wasAtticus.
  Boo saw me run instinctively to the bed where Jem was sleeping, for the same shysmile crept across his face. Hot with embarrassment, I tried to cover up by covering Jemup.
  “Ah-ah, don’t touch him,” Atticus said.
  Mr. Heck Tate sat looking intently at Boo through his horn-rimmed glasses. He wasabout to speak when Dr. Reynolds came down the hall.
  “Everybody out,” he said, as he came in the door. “Evenin‘, Arthur, didn’t notice youthe first time I was here.”
  Dr. Reynolds’s voice was as breezy as his step, as though he had said it everyevening of his life, an announcement that astounded me even more than being in thesame room with Boo Radley. Of course… even Boo Radley got sick sometimes, Ithought. But on the other hand I wasn’t sure.
  Dr. Reynolds was carrying a big package wrapped in newspaper. He put it down onJem’s desk and took off his coat. “You’re quite satisfied he’s alive, now? Tell you how Iknew. When I tried to examine him he kicked me. Had to put him out good and proper totouch him. So scat,” he said to me.
  “Er—” said Atticus, glancing at Boo. “Heck, let’s go out on the front porch. There areplenty of chairs out there, and it’s still warm enough.”
  I wondered why Atticus was inviting us to the front porch instead of the livingroom,then I understood. The livingroom lights were awfully strong.
  We filed out, first Mr. Tate—Atticus was waiting at the door for him to go ahead of him.
  Then he changed his mind and followed Mr. Tate.
  People have a habit of doing everyday things even under the oddest conditions. I wasno exception: “Come along, Mr. Arthur,” I heard myself saying, “you don’t know thehouse real well. I’ll just take you to the porch, sir.”
  He looked down at me and nodded.
  I led him through the hall and past the livingroom.
  “Won’t you have a seat, Mr. Arthur? This rocking-chair’s nice and comfortable.”
  My small fantasy about him was alive again: he would be sitting on the porch… rightpretty spell we’re having, isn’t it, Mr. Arthur?
  Yes, a right pretty spell. Feeling slightly unreal, I led him to the chair farthest fromAtticus and Mr. Tate. It was in deep shadow. Boo would feel more comfortable in thedark.
  Atticus was sitting in the swing, and Mr. Tate was in a chair next to him. The light fromthe livingroom windows was strong on them. I sat beside Boo.
  “Well, Heck,” Atticus was saying, “I guess the thing to do—good Lord, I’m losing mymemory…” Atticus pushed up his glasses and pressed his fingers to his eyes. “Jem’snot quite thirteen… no, he’s already thirteen—I can’t remember. Anyway, it’ll comebefore county court—”
  “What will, Mr. Finch?” Mr. Tate uncrossed his legs and leaned forward.
  “Of course it was clear-cut self defense, but I’ll have to go to the office and hunt up—”
  “Mr. Finch, do you think Jem killed Bob Ewell? Do you think that?”
  “You heard what Scout said, there’s no doubt about it. She said Jem got up andyanked him off her—he probably got hold of Ewell’s knife somehow in the dark… we’llfind out tomorrow.”
  “Mis-ter Finch, hold on,” said Mr. Tate. “Jem never stabbed Bob Ewell.”
  Atticus was silent for a moment. He looked at Mr. Tate as if he appreciated what hesaid. But Atticus shook his head.
  “Heck, it’s mighty kind of you and I know you’re doing it from that good heart of yours,but don’t start anything like that.”
  Mr. Tate got up and went to the edge of the porch. He spat into the shrubbery, thenthrust his hands into his hip pockets and faced Atticus. “Like what?” he said.
  “I’m sorry if I spoke sharply, Heck,” Atticus said simply, “but nobody’s hushing this up.
  I don’t live that way.”
  “Nobody’s gonna hush anything up, Mr. Finch.”
  Mr. Tate’s voice was quiet, but his boots were planted so solidly on the porchfloorboards it seemed that they grew there. A curious contest, the nature of whicheluded me, was developing between my father and the sheriff.
  It was Atticus’s turn to get up and go to the edge of the porch. He said, “H’rm,” andspat dryly into the yard. He put his hands in his pockets and faced Mr. Tate.
  “Heck, you haven’t said it, but I know what you’re thinking. Thank you for it. JeanLouise—” he turned to me. “You said Jem yanked Mr. Ewell off you?”
  “Yes sir, that’s what I thought… I—”
  “See there, Heck? Thank you from the bottom of my heart, but I don’t want my boystarting out with something like this over his head. Best way to clear the air is to have itall out in the open. Let the county come and bring sandwiches. I don’t want him growingup with a whisper about him, I don’t want anybody saying, ‘Jem Finch… his daddy paida mint to get him out of that.’ Sooner we get this over with the better.”
  “Mr. Finch,” Mr. Tate said stolidly, “Bob Ewell fell on his knife. He killed himself.”
  Atticus walked to the corner of the porch. He looked at the wisteria vine. In his ownway, I thought, each was as stubborn as the other. I wondered who would give in first.
  Atticus’s stubbornness was quiet and rarely evident, but in some ways he was as set asthe Cunninghams. Mr. Tate’s was unschooled and blunt, but it was equal to my father’s.
  “Heck,” Atticus’s back was turned. “If this thing’s hushed up it’ll be a simple denial toJem of the way I’ve tried to raise him. Sometimes I think I’m a total failure as a parent,but I’m all they’ve got. Before Jem looks at anyone else he looks at me, and I’ve tried tolive so I can look squarely back at him… if I connived at something like this, frankly Icouldn’t meet his eye, and the day I can’t do that I’ll know I’ve lost him. I don’t want tolose him and Scout, because they’re all I’ve got.”
  “Mr. Finch.” Mr. Tate was still planted to the floorboards. “Bob Ewell fell on his knife. Ican prove it.”
  Atticus wheeled around. His hands dug into his pockets. “Heck, can’t you even try tosee it my way? You’ve got children of your own, but I’m older than you. When mine aregrown I’ll be an old man if I’m still around, but right now I’m—if they don’t trust me theywon’t trust anybody. Jem and Scout know what happened. If they hear of me sayingdowntown something different happened—Heck, I won’t have them any more. I can’tlive one way in town and another way in my home.”
  Mr. Tate rocked on his heels and said patiently, “He’d flung Jem down, he stumbledover a root under that tree and—look, I can show you.”
  Mr. Tate reached in his side pocket and withdrew a long switchblade knife. As he didso, Dr. Reynolds came to the door. “The son—deceased’s under that tree, doctor, justinside the schoolyard. Got a flashlight? Better have this one.”
  “I can ease around and turn my car lights on,” said Dr. Reynolds, but he took Mr.
  Tate’s flashlight. “Jem’s all right. He won’t wake up tonight, I hope, so don’t worry. Thatthe knife that killed him, Heck?”
  “No sir, still in him. Looked like a kitchen knife from the handle. Ken oughta be therewith the hearse by now, doctor, ‘night.”
  Mr. Tate flicked open the knife. “It was like this,” he said. He held the knife andpretended to stumble; as he leaned forward his left arm went down in front of him. “Seethere? Stabbed himself through that soft stuff between his ribs. His whole weight drove itin.”
  Mr. Tate closed the knife and jammed it back in his pocket. “Scout is eight years old,”
  he said. “She was too scared to know exactly what went on.”
  “You’d be surprised,” Atticus said grimly.
  “I’m not sayin‘ she made it up, I’m sayin’ she was too scared to know exactly whathappened. It was mighty dark out there, black as ink. ‘d take somebody mighty used tothe dark to make a competent witness…”
  “I won’t have it,” Atticus said softly.
  “God damn it, I’m not thinking of Jem!”
  Mr. Tate’s boot hit the floorboards so hard the lights in Miss Maudie’s bedroom wenton. Miss Stephanie Crawford’s lights went on. Atticus and Mr. Tate looked across thestreet, then at each other. They waited.
  When Mr. Tate spoke again his voice was barely audible. “Mr. Finch, I hate to fightyou when you’re like this. You’ve been under a strain tonight no man should ever haveto go through. Why you ain’t in the bed from it I don’t know, but I do know that for onceyou haven’t been able to put two and two together, and we’ve got to settle this tonightbecause tomorrow’ll be too late. Bob Ewell’s got a kitchen knife in his craw.”
  Mr. Tate added that Atticus wasn’t going to stand there and maintain that any boyJem’s size with a busted arm had fight enough left in him to tackle and kill a grown manin the pitch dark.
  “Heck,” said Atticus abruptly, “that was a switchblade you were waving. Where’d youget it?”
  “Took it off a drunk man,” Mr. Tate answered coolly.
  I was trying to remember. Mr. Ewell was on me… then he went down… Jem musthave gotten up. At least I thought…“Heck?”
  “I said I took it off a drunk man downtown tonight. Ewell probably found that kitchenknife in the dump somewhere. Honed it down and bided his time… just bided his time.”
  Atticus made his way to the swing and sat down. His hands dangled limply betweenhis knees. He was looking at the floor. He had moved with the same slowness that nightin front of the jail, when I thought it took him forever to fold his newspaper and toss it inhis chair.
  Mr. Tate clumped softly around the porch. “It ain’t your decision, Mr. Finch, it’s allmine. It’s my decision and my responsibility. For once, if you don’t see it my way, there’snot much you can do about it. If you wanta try, I’ll call you a liar to your face. Your boynever stabbed Bob Ewell,” he said slowly, “didn’t come near a mile of it and now youknow it. All he wanted to do was get him and his sister safely home.”
  Mr. Tate stopped pacing. He stopped in front of Atticus, and his back was to us. “I’mnot a very good man, sir, but I am sheriff of Maycomb County. Lived in this town all mylife an‘ I’m goin’ on forty-three years old. Know everything that’s happened here sincebefore I was born. There’s a black boy dead for no reason, and the man responsible forit’s dead. Let the dead bury the dead this time, Mr. Finch. Let the dead bury the dead.”
  Mr. Tate went to the swing and picked up his hat. It was lying beside Atticus. Mr. Tatepushed back his hair and put his hat on.
  “I never heard tell that it’s against the law for a citizen to do his utmost to prevent acrime from being committed, which is exactly what he did, but maybe you’ll say it’s myduty to tell the town all about it and not hush it up. Know what’d happen then? All theladies in Maycomb includin‘ my wife’d be knocking on his door bringing angel foodcakes. To my way of thinkin’, Mr. Finch, taking the one man who’s done you and thistown a great service an‘ draggin’ him with his shy ways into the limelight—to me, that’s asin. It’s a sin and I’m not about to have it on my head. If it was any other man, it’d bedifferent. But not this man, Mr. Finch.”
  Mr. Tate was trying to dig a hole in the floor with the toe of his boot. He pulled hisnose, then he massaged his left arm. “I may not be much, Mr. Finch, but I’m still sheriffof Maycomb County and Bob Ewell fell on his knife. Good night, sir.”
  Mr. Tate stamped off the porch and strode across the front yard. His car doorslammed and he drove away.
  Atticus sat looking at the floor for a long time. Finally he raised his head. “Scout,” hesaid, “Mr. Ewell fell on his knife. Can you possibly understand?”
  Atticus looked like he needed cheering up. I ran to him and hugged him and kissedhim with all my might. “Yes sir, I understand,” I reassured him. “Mr. Tate was right.”
  Atticus disengaged himself and looked at me. “What do you mean?”
  “Well, it’d be sort of like shootin‘ a mockingbird, wouldn’t it?”
  Atticus put his face in my hair and rubbed it. When he got up and walked across theporch into the shadows, his youthful step had returned. Before he went inside thehouse, he stopped in front of Boo Radley. “Thank you for my children, Arthur,” he said.



等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 暖雯雯
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举报 只看该作者 31楼  发表于: 2013-10-28 0

Chapter 31
      When Boo Radley shuffled to his feet, light from the livingroom windows glistened onhis forehead. Every move he made was uncertain, as if he were not sure his hands andfeet could make proper contact with the things he touched. He coughed his dreadfulraling cough, and was so shaken he had to sit down again. His hand searched for hiship pocket, and he pulled out a handkerchief. He coughed into it, then he wiped hisforehead.
  Having been so accustomed to his absence, I found it incredible that he had beensitting beside me all this time, present. He had not made a sound.
  Once more, he got to his feet. He turned to me and nodded toward the front door.
  “You’d like to say good night to Jem, wouldn’t you, Mr. Arthur? Come right in.”
  I led him down the hall. Aunt Alexandra was sitting by Jem’s bed. “Come in, Arthur,”
  she said. “He’s still asleep. Dr. Reynolds gave him a heavy sedative. Jean Louise, isyour father in the livingroom?”
  “Yes ma’am, I think so.”
  “I’ll just go speak to him a minute. Dr. Reynolds left some…” her voice trailed away.
  Boo had drifted to a corner of the room, where he stood with his chin up, peering froma distance at Jem. I took him by the hand, a hand surprisingly warm for its whiteness. Itugged him a little, and he allowed me to lead him to Jem’s bed.
  Dr. Reynolds had made a tent-like arrangement over Jem’s arm, to keep the cover off,I guess, and Boo leaned forward and looked over it. An expression of timid curiosity wason his face, as though he had never seen a boy before. His mouth was slightly open,and he looked at Jem from head to foot. Boo’s hand came up, but he let it drop to hisside.
  “You can pet him, Mr. Arthur, he’s asleep. You couldn’t if he was awake, though, hewouldn’t let you…” I found myself explaining. “Go ahead.”
  Boo’s hand hovered over Jem’s head.
  “Go on, sir, he’s asleep.”
  His hand came down lightly on Jem’s hair.
  I was beginning to learn his body English. His hand tightened on mine and heindicated that he wanted to leave.
  I led him to the front porch, where his uneasy steps halted. He was still holding myhand and he gave no sign of letting me go.
  “Will you take me home?”
  He almost whispered it, in the voice of a child afraid of the dark.
  I put my foot on the top step and stopped. I would lead him through our house, but Iwould never lead him home.
  “Mr. Arthur, bend your arm down here, like that. That’s right, sir.”
  I slipped my hand into the crook of his arm.
  He had to stoop a little to accommodate me, but if Miss Stephanie Crawford waswatching from her upstairs window, she would see Arthur Radley escorting me down thesidewalk, as any gentleman would do.
  We came to the street light on the corner, and I wondered how many times Dill hadstood there hugging the fat pole, watching, waiting, hoping. I wondered how many timesJem and I had made this journey, but I entered the Radley front gate for the second timein my life. Boo and I walked up the steps to the porch. His fingers found the frontdoorknob. He gently released my hand, opened the door, went inside, and shut the doorbehind him. I never saw him again.
  Neighbors bring food with death and flowers with sickness and little things in between.
  Boo was our neighbor. He gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a pair ofgood-luck pennies, and our lives. But neighbors give in return. We never put back intothe tree what we took out of it: we had given him nothing, and it made me sad.
  I turned to go home. Street lights winked down the street all the way to town. I hadnever seen our neighborhood from this angle. There were Miss Maudie’s, MissStephanie’s—there was our house, I could see the porch swing—Miss Rachel’s housewas beyond us, plainly visible. I could even see Mrs. Dubose’s.
  I looked behind me. To the left of the brown door was a long shuttered window. Iwalked to it, stood in front of it, and turned around. In daylight, I thought, you could seeto the postoffice corner.
  Daylight… in my mind, the night faded. It was daytime and the neighborhood wasbusy. Miss Stephanie Crawford crossed the street to tell the latest to Miss Rachel. MissMaudie bent over her azaleas. It was summertime, and two children scampered downthe sidewalk toward a man approaching in the distance. The man waved, and thechildren raced each other to him.
  It was still summertime, and the children came closer. A boy trudged down thesidewalk dragging a fishingpole behind him. A man stood waiting with his hands on hiships. Summertime, and his children played in the front yard with their friend, enacting astrange little drama of their own invention.
  It was fall, and his children fought on the sidewalk in front of Mrs. Dubose’s. The boyhelped his sister to her feet, and they made their way home. Fall, and his children trottedto and fro around the corner, the day’s woes and triumphs on their faces. They stoppedat an oak tree, delighted, puzzled, apprehensive.
  Winter, and his children shivered at the front gate, silhouetted against a blazing house.
  Winter, and a man walked into the street, dropped his glasses, and shot a dog.
  Summer, and he watched his children’s heart break. Autumn again, and Boo’schildren needed him.
  Atticus was right. One time he said you never really know a man until you stand in hisshoes and walk around in them. Just standing on the Radley porch was enough.
  The street lights were fuzzy from the fine rain that was falling. As I made my wayhome, I felt very old, but when I looked at the tip of my nose I could see fine mistybeads, but looking cross-eyed made me dizzy so I quit. As I made my way home, Ithought what a thing to tell Jem tomorrow. He’d be so mad he missed it he wouldn’tspeak to me for days. As I made my way home, I thought Jem and I would get grownbut there wasn’t much else left for us to learn, except possibly algebra.
  I ran up the steps and into the house. Aunt Alexandra had gone to bed, and Atticus’sroom was dark. I would see if Jem might be reviving. Atticus was in Jem’s room, sittingby his bed. He was reading a book.
  “Is Jem awake yet?”
  “Sleeping peacefully. He won’t be awake until morning.”
  “Oh. Are you sittin‘ up with him?”
  “Just for an hour or so. Go to bed, Scout. You’ve had a long day.”
  “Well, I think I’ll stay with you for a while.”
  “Suit yourself,” said Atticus. It must have been after midnight, and I was puzzled by hisamiable acquiescence. He was shrewder than I, however: the moment I sat down Ibegan to feel sleepy.
  “Whatcha readin‘?” I asked.
  Atticus turned the book over. “Something of Jem’s. Called The Gray Ghost.”
  I was suddenly awake. “Why’d you get that one?”
  “Honey, I don’t know. Just picked it up. One of the few things I haven’t read,” he saidpointedly.
  “Read it out loud, please, Atticus. It’s real scary.”
  “No,” he said. “You’ve had enough scaring for a while. This is too—”
  “Atticus, I wasn’t scared.”
  He raised his eyebrows, and I protested: “Leastways not till I started telling Mr. Tateabout it. Jem wasn’t scared. Asked him and he said he wasn’t. Besides, nothin’s realscary except in books.”
  Atticus opened his mouth to say something, but shut it again. He took his thumb fromthe middle of the book and turned back to the first page. I moved over and leaned myhead against his knee. “H’rm,” he said. “The Gray Ghost, by Seckatary Hawkins.
  Chapter One…”
  I willed myself to stay awake, but the rain was so soft and the room was so warm andhis voice was so deep and his knee was so snug that I slept.
  Seconds later, it seemed, his shoe was gently nudging my ribs. He lifted me to my feetand walked me to my room. “Heard every word you said,” I muttered. “…wasn’t sleep atall, ‘s about a ship an’ Three-Fingered Fred ‘n’ Stoner’s Boy…”
  He unhooked my overalls, leaned me against him, and pulled them off. He held me upwith one hand and reached for my pajamas with the other.
  “Yeah, an‘ they all thought it was Stoner’s Boy messin’ up their clubhouse an‘ throwin’
  ink all over it an‘…”
  He guided me to the bed and sat me down. He lifted my legs and put me under thecover.
  “An‘ they chased him ’n‘ never could catch him ’cause they didn’t know what he lookedlike, an‘ Atticus, when they finally saw him, why he hadn’t done any of those things…Atticus, he was real nice…”
  His hands were under my chin, pulling up the cover, tucking it around me.
  “Most people are, Scout, when you finally see them.”
  He turned out the light and went into Jem’s room. He would be there all night, and hewould be there when Jem waked up in the morning.



等级: 派派新人
举报 只看该作者 32楼  发表于: 2016-06-21 0


等级: 读书识字
举报 只看该作者 33楼  发表于: 2016-11-15 0


等级: 明星作家
举报 只看该作者 34楼  发表于: 2016-12-17 0


等级: 读书识字
举报 只看该作者 35楼  发表于: 2016-12-21 0


等级: 读书识字
举报 只看该作者 36楼  发表于: 2016-12-22 0


等级: 小有名气
举报 只看该作者 37楼  发表于: 2017-08-03 0


等级: 才华横溢
举报 只看该作者 38楼  发表于: 2018-01-28 0
哇塞 有点棒


等级: 文学大师
举报 只看该作者 39楼  发表于: 2018-03-09 0
Just read chinese version of this book a few days ago. Very touched by the figures in the book, especially the lawyer father. Kindness & Couragement & No discrimination, we should always keep the merits inside our mind.
One of my Target of the next half year on reading is completing the English version.
补充内容(2018-03-09 15:19)And many thanks to Louzhu for sharing this great book.
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