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Part 2 Chapter 9 Apart from the momentary thrill and zest of this, the effect was to throw Clyde, as before, speculatively backupon the problem of his proper course here. For here was this girl, and she was approaching him in this directand suggestive way. And so soon after telling himself and his mother that his course was to be so different here-nosuch approaches or relationships as had brought on his downfall in Kansas City. And yet--and yet-He was sorely tempted now, for in his contact with Rita he had the feeling that she was expecting him to suggesta further step--and soon. But just how and where? Not in connection with this large, strange house. There wereother rooms apart from the kitchen to which Dillard and Zella had ostensibly departed. But even so, such arelationship once established! What then? Would he not be expected to continue it, or let himself in for possiblecomplications in case he did not? He danced with and fondled her in a daring and aggressive fashion, yetthinking as he did so, "But this is not what I should be doing either, is it? This is Lycurgus. I am a Griffiths, here. I know how these people feel toward me--their parents even. Do I really care for her? Is there not somethingabout her quick and easy availability which, if not exactly dangerous in so far as my future here is concerned, isnot quite satisfactory--too quickly intimate?" He was experiencing a sensation not unrelated to his mood inconnection with the lupanar in Kansas City--attracted and yet repulsed. He could do no more than kiss and fondleher here in a somewhat restrained way until at last Dillard and Zella returned, whereupon the same degree ofintimacy was no longer possible. A clock somewhere striking two, it suddenly occurred to Rita that she must be going--her parents would object toher staying out so late. And since Diliard gave no evidence of deserting Zella, it followed, of course, that Clydewas to see her home, a pleasure that now had been allayed by a vague suggestion of disappointment or failure onthe part of both. He had not risen to her expectations, he thought. Obviously he lacked the courage yet to followup the proffer of her favors, was the way she explained it to herself. At her own door, not so far distant, and with a conversation which was still tinctured with intimations of somefuture occasions which might prove more favorable, her attitude was decidedly encouraging, even here. Theyparted, but with Clyde still saying to himself that this new relationship was developing much too swiftly. He wasnot sure that he should undertake a relationship such as this here-- so soon, anyhow. Where now were all his finedecisions made before coming here? What was he going to decide? And yet because of the sensual warmth andmagnetism of Rita, he was irritated by his resolution and his inability to proceed as he otherwise might. Two things which eventually decided him in regard to this came quite close together. One related to the attitudeof the Griffiths themselves, which, apart from that of Gilbert, was not one of opposition or complete indifference,so much as it was a failure on the part of Samuel Griffiths in the first instance and the others largely because ofhim to grasp the rather anomalous, if not exactly lonely position in which Clyde would find himself here unlessthe family chose to show him at least some little courtesy or advise him cordially from time to time. Yet SamuelGriffiths, being always very much pressed for time, had scarcely given Clyde a thought during the first month, atleast. He was here, properly placed, as he heard, would be properly looked after in the future,--what more, justnow, at least? And so for all of five weeks before any action of any kind was taken, and with Gilbert Griffiths comfortedthereby, Clyde was allowed to drift along in his basement world wondering what was being intended inconnection with himself. The attitude of others, including Dillard and these girls, finally made his position hereseem strange. However, about a month after Clyde had arrived, and principally because Gilbert seemed so content to saynothing regarding him, the elder Griffiths inquired one day: "Well, what about your cousin? How's he doing by now?" And Gilbert, only a little worried as to what this mightbode, replied, "Oh, he's all right. I started him off in the shrinking room. Is that all right?""Yes, I think so. That's as good a place as any for him to begin, I believe. But what do you think of him by now?""Oh," answered Gilbert very conservatively and decidedly independently--a trait for which his father had alwaysadmired him-- "Not so much. He's all right, I guess. He may work out. But he does not strike me as a fellow whowould ever make much of a stir in this game. He hasn't had much of an education of any kind, you know. Anyone can see that. Besides, he's not so very aggressive or energetic-looking. Too soft, I think. Still I don't want toknock him. He may be all right. You like him and I may be wrong. But I can't help but think that his real idea incoming here is that you'll do more for him than you would for someone else, just because he is related to you.""Oh, you think he does. Well, if he does, he's wrong." But at the same time, he added, and that with a banteringsmile: "He may not be as impractical as you think, though. He hasn't been here long enough for us to really tell,has he? He didn't strike me that way in Chicago. Besides there are a lot of little corners into which he might fit,aren't there, without any great waste, even if he isn't the most talented fellow in the world? If he's content to takea small job in life, that's his business. I can't prevent that. But at any rate, I don't want him sent away yet,anyhow, and I don't want him put on piece work. It wouldn't look right. After all, he is related to us. Just let himdrift along for a little while and see what he does for himself.""All right, governor," replied his son, who was hoping that his father would absent-mindedly let him stay wherehe was--in the lowest of all the positions the factory had to offer. But, now, and to his dissatisfaction, Samuel Griffiths proceeded to add, "We'll have to have him out to the housefor dinner pretty soon, won't we? I have thought of that but I haven't been able to attend to it before. I shouldhave spoken to Mother about it before this. He hasn't been out yet, has he?""No, sir, not that I know of," replied Gilbert dourly. He did not like this at all, but was too tactful to show hisopposition just here. "We've been waiting for you to say something about it, I suppose.""Very well," went on Samuel, "you'd better find out where he's stopping and have him out. Next Sundaywouldn't be a bad time, if we haven't anything else on." Noting a flicker of doubt or disapproval in his son's eyes,he added: "After all, Gil, he's my nephew and your cousin, and we can't afford to ignore him entirely. Thatwouldn't be right, you know, either. You'd better speak to your mother to-night, or I will, and arrange it." Heclosed the drawer of a desk in which he had been looking for certain papers, got up and took down his hat andcoat and left the office. In consequence of this discussion, an invitation was sent to Clyde for the following Sunday at six-thirty to appearand participate in a Griffiths family meal. On Sunday at one-thirty was served the important family dinner towhich usually was invited one or another of the various local or visiting friends of the family. At six-thirtynearly all of these guests had departed, and sometimes one or two of the Griffiths themselves, the cold collationserved being partaken of by Mr. and Mrs. Griffiths and Myra--Bella and Gilbert usually having appointmentselsewhere. On this occasion, however, as Mrs. Griffiths and Myra and Bella decided in conference, they would all bepresent with the exception of Gilbert, who, because of his opposition as well as another appointment, explainedthat he would stop in for only a moment before leaving. Thus Clyde as Gilbert was pleased to note would bereceived and entertained without the likelihood of contacts, introductions and explanations to such of their moreimportant connections who might chance to stop in during the afternoon. They would also have an opportunity tostudy him for themselves and see what they really did think without committing themselves in any way. But in the meantime in connection with Dillard, Rita and Zella there had been a development which, because ofthe problem it had posed, was to be affected by this very decision on the part of the Griffiths. For following theevening at the Shuman home, and because, in spite of Clyde's hesitation at the time, all three including Ritaherself, were still convinced that he must or would be smitten with her charms, there had been various hints, aswell as finally a direct invitation or proposition on the part of Dillard to the effect that because of the camaraderiewhich had been established between himself and Clyde and these two girls, they make a week-end tripsomewhere--preferably to Utica or Albany. The girls would go, of course. He could fix that through Zella withRita for Clyde if he had any doubts or fears as to whether it could be negotiated or not. "You know she likes you. Zell was telling me the other day that she said she thought you were the candy. Some ladies' man, eh?" And henudged Clyde genially and intimately,--a proceeding in this newer and grander world in which he now foundhimself,--and considering who he was here, was not as appealing to Clyde as it otherwise might have been. These fellows who were so pushing where they thought a fellow amounted to something more than they did! Hecould tell. At the same time, the proposition he was now offering--as thrilling and intriguing as it might be from one pointof view--was likely to cause him endless trouble--was it not? In the first place he had no money--only fifteendollars a week here so far--and if he was going to be expected to indulge in such expensive outings as these,why, of course, he could not manage. Carfare, meals, a hotel bill, maybe an automobile ride or two. And afterthat he would be in close contact with this Rita whom he scarcely knew. And might she not take it on herself tobecome intimate here in Lycurgus, maybe--expect him to call on her regularly--and go places--and then--well,gee--supposing the Griffiths--his cousin Gilbert, heard of or saw this. Hadn't Zella said that she saw him often onthe street here and there in Lycurgus? And wouldn't they be likely to encounter him somewhere--sometime-whenthey were all together? And wouldn't that fix him as being intimate with just another store clerk likeDillard who didn't amount to so much after all? It might even mean the end of his career here! Who could tellwhat it might lead to? He coughed and made various excuses. Just now he had a lot of work to do. Besides--a venture like that--hewould have to see first. His relatives, you know. Besides next Sunday and the Sunday after, some extra work inconnection with the factory was going to hold him in Lycurgus. After that time he would see. Actually, in hiswavering way--and various disturbing thoughts as to Rita's charm returning to him at moments, he waswondering if it was not desirable--his other decision to the contrary notwithstanding, to skimp himself as muchas possible over two or three weeks and so go anyhow. He had been saving something toward a new dress suitand collapsible silk hat. Might he not use some of that--even though he knew the plan to be all wrong? The fair, plump, sensuous Rita! But then, not at that very moment--but in the interim following, the invitation from the Griffiths. Returning from his work one evening very tired and still cogitating this gay adventure proposed by Dillard, he found lying on thetable in his room a note written on very heavy and handsome paper which had been delivered by one of theservants of the Griffiths in his absence. It was all the more arresting to him because on the flap of the envelopewas embossed in high relief the initials "E. G." He at once tore it open and eagerly read: "MY DEAR NEPHEW: "Since your arrival my husband has been away most of the time, and although we have wished to have you withus before, we have thought it best to await his leisure. He is freer now and we will be very glad if you can find itconvenient to come to supper with us at six o'clock next Sunday. We dine very informally--just ourselves--so incase you can or cannot come, you need not bother to write or telephone. And you need not dress for this occasioneither. But come if you can. We will be happy to see you. "Sincerely, your aunt,"ELIZABETH GRIFFITHS"On reading this Clyde, who, during all this silence and the prosecution of a task in the shrinking room which wasso eminently distasteful to him, was being more and more weighed upon by the thought that possibly, after all,this quest of his was going to prove a vain one and that he was going to be excluded from any real contact withhis great relatives, was most romantically and hence impractically heartened. For only see--here was thisgrandiose letter with its "very happy to see you," which seemed to indicate that perhaps, after all, they did notthink so badly of him. Mr. Samuel Griffiths had been away all the time. That was it. Now he would get to see hisaunt and cousins and the inside of that great house. It must be very wonderful. They might even take him up afterthis--who could tell? But how remarkable that he should be taken up now, just when he had about decided thatthey would not. And forthwith his interest in, as well as his weakness for, Rita, if not Zella and Dillard began to evaporate. What! Mix with people so far below him--a Griffiths--in the social scale here and at the cost of endangering hisconnection with that important family. Never! It was a great mistake. Didn't this letter coming just at this timeprove it? And fortunately--(how fortunately!)--he had had the good sense not to let himself in for anything asyet. And so now, without much trouble, and because, most likely from now on it would prove necessary for himso to do he could gradually eliminate himself from this contact with Dillard--move away from Mrs. Cuppy's--ifnecessary, or say that his uncle had cautioned him--anything, but not go with this crowd any more, just the same. It wouldn't do. It would endanger his prospects in connection with this new development. And instead oftroubling over Rita and Utica now, he began to formulate for himself once more the essential nature of theprivate life of the Griffiths, the fascinating places they must go, the interesting people with whom they must be incontact. And at once he began to think of the need of a dress suit, or at least a tuxedo and trousers. Accordinglythe next morning, he gained permission from Mr. Kemerer to leave at eleven and not return before one, and inthat time he managed to find coat, trousers and a pair of patent leather shoes, as well as a white silk muffler forthe money he had already saved. And so arrayed he felt himself safe. He must make a good impression. And for the entire time between then and Sunday evening, instead of thinking of Rita or Dillard or Zella anymore, he was thinking of this opportunity. Plainly it was an event to be admitted to the presence of such magnificence. The only drawback to all this, as he well sensed now, was this same Gilbert Griffiths, who surveyed him alwayswhenever he met him anywhere with such hard, cold eyes. He might be there, and then he would probablyassume that superior attitude, to make him feel his inferior position, if he could--and Clyde had the weakness attimes of admitting to himself that he could. And no doubt, if he (Clyde) sought to carry himself with too much ofan air in the presence of this family, Gilbert most likely would seek to take it out of him in some way later inconnection with the work in the factory. He might see to it, for instance, that his father heard only unfavorablethings about him. And, of course, if he were retained in this wretched shrinking room, and given no show of anykind, how could he expect to get anywhere or be anybody? It was just his luck that on arriving here he shouldfind this same Gilbert looking almost like him and being so opposed to him for obviously no reason at all. However, despite all his doubts, he decided to make the best of this opportunity, and accordingly on Sundayevening at six set out for the Griffiths' residence, his nerves decidedly taut because of the ordeal before him. Andwhen he reached the main gate, a large, arched wrought iron affair which gave in on a wide, winding brick walkwhich led to the front entrance, he lifted the heavy latch which held the large iron gates in place, with almost aquaking sense of adventure. And as he approached along the walk, he felt as though he might well be the objectof observant and critical eyes. Perhaps Mr. Samuel or Mr. Gilbert Griffiths or one or the other of the two sisterswas looking at him now from one of those heavily curtained windows. On the lower floor several lights glowedwith a soft and inviting radiance. This mood, however, was brief. For soon the door was opened by a servant who took his coat and invited himinto the very large living room, which was very impressive. To Clyde, even after the Green-Davidson and theUnion League, it seemed a very beautiful room. It contained so many handsome pieces of furniture and such richrugs and hangings. A fire burned in the large, high fireplace before which was circled a number of divans andchairs. There were lamps, a tall clock, a great table. No one was in the room at the moment, but presently asClyde fidgeted and looked about he heard a rustling of silk to the rear, where a great staircase descended fromthe rooms above. And from there he saw Mrs. Griffiths approaching him, a bland and angular and faded-lookingwoman. But her walk was brisk, her manner courteous, if non-committal, as was her custom always, and after afew moments of conversation he found himself peaceful and fairly comfortable in her presence. "My nephew, I believe," she smiled. "Yes," replied Clyde simply, and because of his nervousness, with unusual dignity. "I am Clyde Griffiths.""I'm very glad to see you and to welcome you to our home," began Mrs. Griffiths with a certain amount ofaplomb which years of contact with the local high world had given her at last. "And my children will be, too, ofcourse. Bella is not here just now or Gilbert, either, but then they will be soon, I believe. My husband is resting,but I heard him stirring just now, and he'll be down in a moment. Won't you sit here?" She motioned to a largedivan between them. "We dine nearly always alone here together on Sunday evening, so I thought it would benice if you came just to be alone with us. How do you like Lycurgus now?"She arranged herself on one of the large divans before the fire and Clyde rather awkwardly seated himself at arespectful distance from her. "Oh, I like it very much," he observed, exerting himself to be congenial and to smile. "Of course I haven't seen sovery much of it yet, but what I have I like. This street is one of the nicest I have ever seen anywhere," he addedenthusiastically. "The houses are so large and the grounds so beautiful.""Yes, we here in Lycurgus pride ourselves on Wykeagy Avenue," smiled Mrs. Griffiths, who took no end ofsatisfaction in the grace and rank of her own home in this street. She and her husband had been so long climbingup to it. "Every one who sees it seems to feel the same way about it. It was laid out many years ago whenLycurgus was just a village. It is only within the last fifteen years that it has come to be as handsome as it is now. "But you must tell me something about your mother and father. I never met either of them, you know, though, ofcourse, I have heard my husband speak of them often--that is, of his brother, anyhow," she corrected. "I don'tbelieve he ever met your mother. How is your father?""Oh, he's quite well," replied Clyde, simply. "And Mother, too. They're living in Denver now. We did live for awhile in Kansas City, but for the last three years they've been out there. I had a letter from Mother only the otherday. She says everything is all right.""Then you keep up a correspondence with her, do you? That's nice." She smiled, for by now she had becomeinterested by and, on the whole, rather taken with Clyde's appearance. He looked so neat and generallypresentable, so much like her own son that she was a little startled at first and intrigued on that score. If anything,Clyde was taller, better built and hence better looking, only she would never have been willing to admit that. Forto her Gilbert, although he was intolerant and contemptuous even to her at times, simulating an affection whichwas as much a custom as a reality, was still a dynamic and aggressive person putting himself and his conclusionsbefore everyone else. Whereas Clyde was more soft and vague and fumbling. Her son's force must be due to theinnate ability of her husband as well as the strain of some relatives in her own line who had not been unlikeGilbert, while Clyde probably drew his lesser force from the personal unimportance of his parents. But having settled this problem in her son's favor, Mrs. Griffiths was about to ask after his sisters and brothers,when they were interrupted by Samuel Griffiths who now approached. Measuring Clyde, who had risen, verysharply once more, and finding him very satisfactory in appearance at least, he observed: "Well, so here you are,eh? They've placed you, I believe, without my ever seeing you.""Yes, sir," replied Clyde, very deferentially and half bowing in the presence of so great a man. "Well, that's all right. Sit down! Sit down! I'm very glad they did. I hear you're working down in the shrinkingroom at present. Not exactly a pleasant place, but not such a bad place to begin, either--at the bottom. The bestpeople start there sometimes." He smiled and added: "I was out of the city when you came on or I would haveseen you.""Yes, sir," replied Clyde, who had not ventured to seat himself again until Mr. Griffiths had sunk into a verylarge stuffed chair near the divan. And the latter, now that he saw Clyde in an ordinary tuxedo with a smartpleated shirt and black tie, as opposed to the club uniform in which he had last seen him in Chicago, was inclinedto think him even more attractive than before--not quite as negligible and unimportant as his son Gilbert had made out. Still, not being dead to the need of force and energy in business and sensing that Clyde wasundoubtedly lacking in these qualities, he did now wish that Clyde had more vigor and vim in him. It wouldreflect more handsomely on the Griffiths end of the family and please his son more, maybe. "Like it where you are now?" he observed condescendingly. "Well, yes, sir, that is, I wouldn't say that I like it exactly," replied Clyde quite honestly. "But I don't mind it. It'sas good as any other way to begin, I suppose." The thought in his mind at the moment was that he would like toimpress on his uncle that he was cut out for something better. And the fact that his cousin Gilbert was not presentat the moment gave him the courage to say it. "Well, that's the proper spirit," commented Samuel Griffiths, pleased. "It isn't the most pleasant part of theprocess, I will admit, but it's one of the most essential things to know, to begin with. And it takes a little time, ofcourse, to get anywhere in any business these days."From this Clyde wondered how long he was to be left in that dim world below stairs. But while he was thinking this Myra came forward, curious about him and what he would be like, and verypleased to see that he was not as uninteresting as Gilbert had painted him. There was something, as she now saw,about Clyde's eyes--nervous and somewhat furtive and appealing or seeking--that at once interested her, andreminded her, perhaps, since she was not much of a success socially either, of something in herself. "Your cousin, Clyde Griffiths, Myra," observed Samuel rather casually, as Clyde arose. "My daughter Myra," headded, to Clyde. "This is the young man I've been telling you about."Clyde bowed and then took the cool and not very vital hand that Myra extended to him, but feeling it just thesame to be more friendly and considerate than the welcome of the others. "Well, I hope you'll like it, now that you're here," she began, genially. "We all like Lycurgus, only after ChicagoI suppose it will not mean so very much to you." She smiled and Clyde, feeling very formal and stiff in thepresence of all these very superior relatives, now returned a stiff "thank you," and was just about to seat himselfwhen the outer door opened and Gilbert Griffiths strode in. The whirring of a motor had preceded this--a motorthat had stopped outside the large east side entrance. "Just a minute, Dolge," he called to some one outside. "Iwon't be long." Then turning to the family, he added: "Excuse me, folks, I'll be back in a minute." He dashed upthe rear stairs, only to return after a time and confront Clyde, if not the others, with that same rather icy andinconsiderate air that had so far troubled him at the factory. He was wearing a light, belted motoring coat of avery pronounced stripe, and a dark leather cap and gauntlets which gave him almost a military air. After noddingto Clyde rather stiffly, and adding, "How do you do," he laid a patronizing hand on his father's shoulder andobserved: "Hi, Dad. Hello, Mother. Sorry I can't be with you to-night. But I just came over from Amsterdam withDolge and Eustis to get Constance and Jacqueline. There's some doings over at the Bridgemans'. But I'll be backagain before morning. Or at the office, anyhow. Everything all right with you, Mr. Griffiths?" he observed to hisfather. "Yes, I have nothing to complain of," returned his father. "But it seems to me you're making a pretty long night of it, aren't you?""Oh, I don't mean that," returned his son, ignoring Clyde entirely. "I just mean that if I can't get back by two, I'llstay over, that's all, see." He tapped his father genially on the shoulder again. "I hope you're not driving that car as fast as usual," complained his mother. "It's not safe at all.""Fifteen miles an hour, Mother. Fifteen miles an hour. I know the rules." He smiled loftily. Clyde did not fail to notice the tone of condescension and authority that went with all this. Plainly here, as at thefactory, he was a person who had to be reckoned with. Apart from his father, perhaps, there was no one here towhom he offered any reverence. What a superior attitude, thought Clyde! How wonderful it must be to be a son who, without having had toearn all this, could still be so much, take oneself so seriously, exercise so much command and authority. It mightbe, as it plainly was, that this youth was very superior and indifferent in tone toward him. But think of being sucha youth, having so much power at one's command! 第九章 这次除了给克莱德一阵子激动和兴奋劲儿以外,到头来还使他重新考虑自己在这里该怎样走正路这个问题.眼前这个姑娘,正以如此坦率、乃至于挑逗性的方式亲近他.可在不久以前,他明明向自己和妈妈保证,说他在这里循规蹈矩,与过去迥然不同——决不跟导致他在堪萨斯城栽跟头的那一号人接近,或是发生什么关系.可是啊——可是啊—— 现在他所受到的诱惑,是不可抗拒的.跟丽达一接触,他就感觉到,她正期待他作出进一步表示——而且刻不容缓.可是,如何表示呢?又在哪儿表示呢?反正不是在这个陌生的大房间.除了迪拉特和泽拉假装要去的厨房以外,这里自然还有别的房间.不过,要是他们之间一旦确立这样一种关系,那以后又该怎么办呢?对方会希望他继续保持这种关系.要是他把它一刀两断,岂不是让自己陷入难以解决的纠葛中去吗?他一边跟她跳舞,大胆放肆地抚摸她,一边却在心中思忖:"我不应该这么干,可不是吗?这里是莱柯格斯.在这里,我是格里菲思家族的一员啊.我知道,这些年轻姑娘——乃至于她们的父母对我要求什么.难道说我真的爱这个丽达吗?也许说不定是她太迅速、太轻易地就向我不战而降吧?即使说对我在这里的前途不会真的构成危险,那也是令人心中感到不快——这种亲密关系不是来得太快了吗?"这时他的心境,竟跟堪萨斯城冶游时不无相似之处——一方面他被丽达迷住了,另一方面又引起了反感.如今,他至多只能稍加克制地吻她,抚摸她,直到迪拉特和泽拉又回来了,也就不可能再那样亲亲密密了. 不知哪儿的时钟敲了两下,丽达突然想到自己非走不可了——她回家这么晚,她父母会感到不满.既然迪拉特丝毫没有离开泽拉的迹象,自然该由克莱德护送丽达回家.这本是一大乐事,只因他们两人都有一种朦朦胧胧的失望,乃至于失败的感觉,此刻双方不免有些败兴了.他暗自寻思:他刚才辜负了她的期待.可她暗自思忖:显然,他还没有胆量在她乐意奉献以后再越雷池一步. 一路上,他们谈话时提到后会有期,那时也许会玩得更好,等等.甚至到了她家门口(她家住得不算太远),此时她的态度,显然还是意味深长的.他们分了手,可是克莱德还在心里告诫自己:这样一种新的关系发展得太快了.他心中没有把握,该不该在这里发展这样一种关系,而且如此之快.他上这里来以前所下的那些美好的决心,现在都上哪儿去了?他应该怎么办呢?可是,由于丽达富于肉感和魅力,他对当初自己的决心,与现在自己又不敢越雷池一步(其实他大可不必如此),都觉得很恼火. 后来接连有两件事,终于使克莱德把这个问题给解决了.一是与格里菲思一家人的态度有关.除了吉尔伯特以外,他们全家人并不反对他,也不是完全不关心他,但是,不论塞缪尔·格里菲思也好,还是家里其他成员也好,他们都没有认识到:他们一家人应该对他表示哪怕是一丁点儿关注,就是不时真心诚意地对他进行劝告,要不然的话,即便克莱德在这里不是真的感到寂寞,也会觉得挺别扭的;所以,不妨说他们全家对克莱德的态度是一个失败.塞缪尔·格里菲思一向非常忙,没得空闲,至少在头一个月里几乎一点儿都没想到过克莱德.他听说克莱德一到,住处早已安顿好了,以后也有人会好好照料他的——那么,至少暂时没有什么事需要为他做了吧? 因此,整整五个星期里,对于克莱德什么事都没有做,吉尔伯特·格里菲思对此感到很满意.克莱德只是在地下室里过糊涂日子,心里纳闷,真不知道关于他的将来人家已经做了怎样的安排.周围一些人(包括迪拉特和那些年轻姑娘在内) 的态度,终于使他在这里的地位看起来有点儿莫名其妙. 但是,克莱德来这里已有一个多月(主要因为吉尔伯特好象不乐意提到他),有一天老格里菲思才这么问道:"哦,你的堂兄弟怎么啦?现在,他干得怎么样?"吉尔伯特不免有点担心,不知道父亲这一问会预示着什么,便回答说,"哦,他一切都好.我让他到防缩车间先干起来.这样安排好吗?" "是啊,我想可以.依我看,让他从头学起,这个工作可比别的合适得多了.不过,现在你对他评价怎么样?" "哦,"吉尔伯特回答时态度很稳健,而又很有独立见解——这一特点,历来为他父亲所赞赏,"评价不太高.我看,他还不错.工作也许他还对付得了.不过,依我看,他在这里不象会有很大出息似的.你也知道,他没有受过什么教育.这一点,谁都看得出来.再说,他好象不肯卖力似的.我看他这个人太软弱.不过,我还是不想净找他岔儿.也许他还不错.你喜欢他,可我也许把人看错了.不过,我总觉得,他上这儿来的真正意图,是认为你照顾他会比别人多得多,因为他跟你是近亲." "哦,你以为他有这样想法.嘿,他要是有这样想法,那就错了."可是,老格里菲思还有点儿戏谑地笑着继续说,"不过,也许他不象你所想象的那么不能干吧.他在这里时间还不长,我们对他也还难说,可不是吗?他在芝加哥给我的印象可不是这样.再说,我们这里还有不少小小的职位可以安插他,不算多大浪费,反正他也不是世界上最有天才的家伙,是不是?他要是安于一辈子就干这样的小差使,那是他的事啦.我也阻拦不住.不过,不管怎么说,反正现在我还不想把他打发走,而且,我也不指望他打零工去.这也不行.说到底,他毕竟跟我们是亲戚.暂时让他到防缩车间干一阵,看看他在哪儿有能耐呗." "好的,爸爸,"他儿子回答说.他心里真是巴不得父亲会心不在焉地让克莱德待在目前这个地方——待在厂里所有工作中最低贱的职位上. 然而,塞缪尔·格里菲思又找补着说,使他儿子深为不满:"最近得请他上我们家吃饭,好不好?这件事我早就想过,可就是一直没得空.事前我早就该跟你妈说一声.他一直没有来过这里,是不是?" "没有,先生,我可没听说过,"他态度冷峻地说.这事他压根儿不喜欢,但他为人八面玲珑,不便立时表示反对."我想,我们个个都在等你的意见呢." "那敢情好,"塞缪尔接下去说,"你们最好了解清楚他住在哪儿,就去请他来吧.定在这个星期日得了,反正我们没有什么别的事."他发觉儿子的目光里有一丝儿迟疑乃至于不赞成的神色,就找补着说,"不管怎么说,吉尔,他总是我的侄子,你的堂弟,我们可不能压根儿不睬他.你知道,那是要不得的.今儿晚上,你最好跟你妈说一声,要不然我来说,这事就由我来安排了."他在桌子抽屉里找了一会儿文件,这时关上抽屉,站了起来,取下帽子和大衣,走出了办公室. 这次谈话后给克莱德送去了一份请帖,邀他星期日下午六点半上格里菲思家便饭.通常星期日中午一点半,他们照例设宴,邀请本地或是别处来访的一两位至亲好友.到六点半,这些客人差不离都走了,格里菲思一家人里头有时也有一两位走了,那时,格里菲思夫妇和麦拉就在一起共进便餐——而贝拉和吉尔伯特往往上别处赴约去了. 可是这一回,格里菲思太太、麦拉和贝拉一起商量后决定,到时她们都准备参加,只有吉尔伯特一人例外,因为一是他反对这件事,二是他另有约会.他说,到时他在家最多只能待一会儿.这么一来,吉尔伯特很高兴地看到招待克莱德仅仅限于本家族小圈子内,就不会跟午后或许突然来访的重要亲友碰头,因而也用不着把克莱德向客人们进行介绍和说明了.此外,还可以有机会让他们完全不受任何约束地亲自观察一下他,看看究竟该如何看待他. 这时,克莱德觉得自己跟迪拉特、丽达和泽拉的关系已成为棘手的问题,突然间又受到格里菲思家这次决定的影响.那天晚上在舒曼家里聚会以后,尽管当时克莱德心中犹豫不决,可他们三个人(包括丽达本人在内)还是认为他一定被她的魅力所倾倒了,因此,向克莱德作出了各种各样的暗示.最后,由迪拉特出面直接向他提出了邀请,也可以说是一种提议,大意说:既然他本人和克莱德跟那两位姑娘已建立了同志般友情,他们不妨去哪儿作一次周末旅行——最好去尤蒂卡或是奥尔巴尼.姑娘们,当然罗,一定会去的.他可以通过泽拉跟丽达事前说定,如果克莱德心里对这事能不能谈成还有疑虑或是担忧的话."您知道,她是喜欢您的.前天泽拉跟我说,她认为您很帅.是姑娘们的宠儿.怎么样?"他怪亲热地轻轻推了一推克莱德的胳膊肘——这种亲热的关照,要是在过去,克莱德恐怕决不会放过的,可现在并不喜欢,因为他认为自己隶属于一个新的、更高贵的圈子,而且还深知自己在莱柯格斯是何许人也.是的,真可以说,这些家伙只要觉得你比他们高出一头,就这么起劲儿! 再说,迪拉特这个建议,虽然从某个观点来看很带劲,很迷人——但也可能给他招来无穷的麻烦——可不是吗?首先,他没有钱——到现在为止,一星期才只有十五块美元——要是指望他这样大手大脚花钱出去旅行,那他当然是办不到的.车费、饭费,以至旅馆住宿费,也许两个人还要坐坐小汽车.这么一来,他就得跟他几乎还不了解的丽达变得关系很密切.以后,说不定她就觉得在莱柯格斯这里也可以继续这么亲亲热热的——还指望他经常去看她——带她到处玩儿去——然后——唉,老天哪,万一让格里菲思一家人,他堂兄吉尔伯特听说了,或是看见了呢.泽拉不是说过,她老是在莱柯格斯街上碰见吉尔伯特吗?说不定在什么地方,说不定什么时候,正当他们俩在一块时——恰巧给吉尔伯特撞见了?这样,吉尔伯特不就会认定克莱德跟迪拉特这样一个微不足道的商店小伙计过往很密切吗?说不定他在这里的终身事业也就此完蛋了!谁知道这样下去还会招致什么样的后果啊? 克莱德咳了一声,说的净是各种各样的托词.现在他工作多,没有空.此外——象那样担风险的事——他可得先考虑一下.他的那些亲戚,你也清楚嘛.再说,星期日与下星期日,他厂里还有不少紧急工作,使他没法离开莱柯格斯.看来还得过了这一阵再说.其实,有时他也回想到丽达的魅力,使他心中困惑不安.这时,由于他摇摆不定的性格,直接违背自己先前作出的决定,心里又在盘算另一种计划——是不是在两三个星期内应该尽量节省自己开支,然后照样出去玩儿.他早已在积攒一些钱,打算买一套新晚礼服和一顶折叠式大礼帽.这笔钱能不能动用一部分呢——虽然他也知道这么一个计划完全是错误的了. 那个俏丽、丰腴、肉感的丽达啊! 可是以后,正好在这个时刻,格里菲思家的请帖来了.有一天,傍晚时分,下班后回来,已很困累,可心里还在盘算迪拉特这个诱人的提议,他发现自己房里桌子上有一封信.是重磅纸,很漂亮,是他不在家时,由格里菲思家一个佣人送来的.信封封口处浮凸出"E.G."的缩写字样,特别引起了他的注意. 他马上把信拆开,急忙读来: 我亲爱的侄儿: 自从您来这儿以后,我丈夫经常去外地出差.我们虽然一直希望您来,可是总觉得最好还是等他有空时再说. 最近他比较空些,要是您觉得方便,能在星期日下午六点钟跟我们共进晚餐,那我们将感到非常高兴.我们的晚餐是非常随便——只有家里人——因此,不论您能来,或是不能来,您用不着再写信,或是打电话.而且您也用不着特别穿上什么晚礼服.不过,还是请您尽可能来.见到您,我们一定很高兴. 您诚挚的伯母 伊丽莎白·格里菲思 克莱德读了这封信,心中又充满了罗曼蒂克的梦想,因而还不切实际地用它来激励自己.最近他一直默默无声,在防缩车间干他最腻味的活儿,这时,有一个念头使克莱德心中越发困惑不安:也许他的探求到头来只不过是一场空,他那显贵亲戚也不会真的跟他建立什么关系.可现在,看吧——这儿就有这么一封堂堂正正的信,上面还写着"见到您,我们一定很高兴".这封信好象说明,他们对他的看法也许并不是那么坏.塞缪尔·格里菲思经常去外地出差.问题就在这里.现在,他就可以见到他的伯母、他的堂兄妹,还可以到那座大公馆里去.一定非常了不起.往后,也许他们会关心他的命运——有谁知道呢?正当他几乎认定他们不会关心他的时候,他们忽然惦念起他来了,该有多走运啊. 他对丽达的迷恋,一下子就烟消云散了,至于他对泽拉和迪拉特的兴趣,就更不用提了.乖乖!跟社会地位远远地低于他——一个格里菲思家族成员——的那些人厮混在一起,甘冒危及他跟这一名门世家关系的风险,那可要不得!这是天大的错误.眼前及时送来的这封信,不就证明了这一点吗?幸亏(多么运气啊!)他一直很明智,始终没有同意这次旅行.因此,从现在起他必须不声不响地逐渐中断同迪拉特的这种亲密关系——而且,要是必要的话,甚至还要从柯比太太家搬出来——要不然,就干脆说,他伯父已提醒过他——说到底,只有一句话,断断乎不可再跟这拨人厮混在一起了.象那样再厮混在一起,是万万不行的.它将危及由于新近来了伯母邀请信而维系着的个人前途.现在,他已不再想到丽达和尤蒂卡之行等事了.相反,他心里又开始琢磨起格里菲思一家人的生活情景,他们常去玩儿的那些迷人的地方,以及在他们周围那些有趣的人物,等等.他马上想到,他要上伯父家作客,就非得有一套晚礼服,至少也得有一套无尾常礼服.于是,转天上午,他得到凯默勒许可,十一点就下班,到一点钟再上班.在这段时间里,他就用自己的积蓄,买了一套无尾常礼服、一双漆皮鞋,还有一条白色丝围巾.他这才放心了,觉得自己经过这么一打扮,谅必给人留下一个好印象. 从那时起,一直到星期日傍晚,在这整段时间里,他早已不再去想丽达、迪拉特,或是泽拉,净在想这次大好机会.有幸亲临如此高门鼎贵的府邸,显然是一件了不起的大事. 现在他看得很清楚,这件事中唯一的障碍,还是这个吉尔伯特·格里菲思,此人不论在何时何地,始终用那么严肃、冷峻的目光打量他.到时,也许他就在那里,恐怕他又要摆出一副唯我独尊的派头,逼使克莱德感到自己地位低下——克莱德有时不能不承认吉尔伯特果然是常常得逞的.毫无疑问,要是他(克莱德)在格里菲思一家人面前表现得太神气,事后吉尔伯特准在厂里工作上找岔儿,来报复他.比方说,他可以在他父亲面前说些净是对克莱德不利的话.当然,如果老是把克莱德放在这个糟透了的防缩车间,也不给他表现机会,那他还有什么出人头地的指望呢?克莱德一到这里,就同这个长相简直跟他一模一样,但不知怎的总是容不了他的吉尔伯特给撞见了——这真可以说是他倒霉透顶. 不过,尽管心中有这么多疑虑,克莱德还是决定要充分利用这次大好机会.于是,星期日傍晚六点钟,他就动身去格里菲思府邸,因为即将面临一次考验,心里也就非常忐忑不安.他一走到大门口,经过一座拱形的大铁门,走上一条迂回曲折、路面宽敞的砖砌过道,径直来到了主楼正门入口处.他几乎感到有如探险时的心惊胆颤,举起了大铁门上沉甸甸的门闩.当他沿着过道径直往前走去的时候,心里想他很可能成为一双双犀利而又严厉的眼睛注视的对象.说不定塞缪尔先生,或是吉尔伯特·格里菲思先生,或是格里菲思两姐妹里头的一个,正从挂着厚厚的窗帘后面仔细看着他.从楼下窗子里,有好几盏灯正迸射出一种柔和、诱人的亮光. 不过,克莱德这种惴惴不安的心境,毕竟是瞬息即逝.因为,不一会儿一个仆人打开了门,接过他的外套,诸他走进那个给他印象很深的大客厅.即便克莱德见识过格林-戴维逊大酒店和芝加哥联谊俱乐部,照样觉得这个大客厅非常华丽,厅内陈设精致漂亮,还有富丽堂皇的地毯、挂幔,等等.一座又高又大、火苗儿正旺的壁炉前,围着一些沙发和椅子.此外还有几盏灯、一台高高的座钟和一张大桌子.这时客厅里一个人也没有.不过,就在克莱德坐立不安、东张西望之际,只听到从客厅后面大楼梯上传来绸衣窸窣的响声.但见格里菲思太太,一个秉性温和、瘦骨嶙峋、脸色苍白的妇人,正下楼朝他走来.可是她步履轻盈,态度可亲,虽说跟她往日一样,不免有些拘谨.寒暄之后,他觉得在她面前心情相当轻松自在. "我的侄儿,可不是吗?"她微笑着说. "是的,"克莱德回答得很简短,但由于心里紧张,就显得异乎寻常地一本正经."我——就是克莱德·格里菲思.""见到您,我很高兴,欢迎您上我们家里来,"格里菲思太太一开头就这样说,语气显得相当泰然自若,这是多年来她跟本地上流社会人士交际应酬的结果."当然罗,我的孩子们也很高兴.贝拉和吉尔伯特正好都不在家,不过,我想他们马上就会回来的.我丈夫此刻正在休息,但我刚才听到他走动的脚步声,大概一会儿就下楼了.请您在这里坐坐,好吗?"她指着他们中间的一张大沙发."星期日晚上,我们通常仅仅家里人在一块吃饭,所以,我想,要是您能来,跟我们一家人叙叙,那可敢情好呀.您觉得莱柯格斯怎么样?" 她在壁炉前一张大沙发上坐下,克莱德为了表示尊敬她,怪别扭地坐在离她有相当距离的座位上. "哦,这个城市——我可非常喜欢它,"他尽量模仿她的口吻,笑眯眯地回答说."当然罗,我去过的地方还不太多,不过,就我所见到的来说,我是喜欢这个城市的.我一辈子所见过的大街,就数你们这条街最漂亮的了,"他兴冲冲找补着说."房子都这么大,院子又这么美啊." "是啊,我们莱柯格斯人常常把威克帝大街引以自豪,"格里菲思太太微笑着说.这条大街上她自己府邸那种显赫荣光,她历来是赞不绝口的.她和他丈夫一直不断往上爬了这么长时间,才到达了这条大街."不拘是谁,见了这条大街,好象都有同感.这条大街是很多年以前才修建而成的,那时节,莱柯格斯还只不过是一个村子罢了.不过,只是在最近十五年内,才变得象现在那样漂亮." "哦,现在,您一定得给我谈谈您妈妈、爸爸的情况.您也知道,我跟他们从没有见过面.当然罗,我时常听我丈夫谈到他们——那就是说,谈到他的弟弟,"她给自己纠正说."我想,他也从来没有见过您妈妈吧.您爸爸近来好吗?" "哦,他身体很好,"侄子回答得很简短."妈妈也很好.目前他们住在丹佛.从前,我们在堪萨斯城住过,但三年前全家都搬到那边去了.最近,我还接到妈妈一封信.她说一切都很好." "这么说,您和她一直通信,是吗?那很好,"她微笑着说,因为克莱德的模样儿使她很感兴趣,而且,就总体来说,她还相当喜欢克莱德的模样儿.他长得那么雅致,举止仪态,又是那么落落大方.最主要的是,他长得活象她自己的儿子,开头她大吃一惊,继而却被他所吸引住了.要说还有哪儿不象的话,那就是,克莱德长得比她儿子高大些、结实些,因此也就更潇洒些,这一点只怕她决不肯坦白承认罢了.因为她觉得,吉尔伯特虽然脾气倔犟,有时甚至对妈也要怠慢无礼,这种情况确实存在,然而却也是一种习惯性的矫揉造作.在她心目中,吉尔伯特依然是个精明强悍,干劲十足的青年人,善于卫护自己和自己所作的结论.而克莱德就比较软弱,模棱两可,畏缩不前.她儿子的才能,想必是由她丈夫的天赋和她的家系中跟吉尔伯特十分相象的某些亲戚的血统造成的.至于克莱德,他的性格之所以软弱,也许由于他父母乃是市井细民的缘故吧. 格里菲思太太解决这个问题时,完全袒护自己的儿子.随后,正当她要打听一下克莱德的兄弟姐妹的情况时,突然塞缪尔·格里菲思走了进来,把她的话给打断了.这时,克莱德早已站了起来.老格里菲思再一次用犀利无比的目光把他打量了一遍,发现他至少在外表上还令人十分满意,开口说:"哦,是您在这儿,嗯?后来我就再没有见您,他们已把您安置好了,是吧?" "是的,先生,"克莱德回答说,并在这位大人物面前必恭必敬地鞠了一躬. "啊,那敢情好.请坐!请坐!他们把您安置好了,我很高兴.我听说现在您在底下防缩车间工作.说不上是一个令人愉快的地方,不过,要从头学起嘛,也不算是一个坏地方——都得从基层做起.顶呱呱的人,有时候就是这样开始的,"他微微一笑,找补着说,"您来的时候,我正好去外地,要不然,我早就跟您会面啦." "是的,先生,"克莱德回答说.直到格里菲思先生已坐在长沙发旁边一张宽大的椅子里,克莱德才敢再坐下来.格里菲思先生见克莱德身穿一套普通的常礼服、一件打褶的漂亮衬衫,系上一条黑领带,跟前次在芝加哥看到他所穿的俱乐部制服相比,就觉得他甚至比过去还漂亮些——根本不象他儿子吉尔伯特所说的那样不显眼和微不足道.不过话又说回来,他也何尝不知道做生意需要魄力和才干,而且发觉克莱德无疑缺乏这些素质,因此,他倒是很希望能从克莱德身上看到更多活力和干劲.这就更加富有格里菲思家族的特色,也许会让他的儿子更加高兴哩. "喜欢您现在的工作吗?"他屈尊俯就地问. "哦,是的,先生,说得更确切些,我并不特别喜欢,"克莱德如实相告说."不过,我并不介意.依我看,要从头学起,不论干啥工作都好."这时,他心里很想给伯父留下好印象,好让他觉得自己完全可以干更好一些的工作.再说,他的堂兄吉尔伯特并不在场,也给了他敢于陈述个人意见的胆量. "哦,应该有这种精神,"塞缪尔·格里菲思相当满意地说."可我得承认,在整个工艺过程中,这一部分并不是最让人喜欢的,不过,要从头学起的话,这倒是顶基本的,不能不了解.现在,不论是哪一行,谁都不能一下子出人头地,当然罗,都得需要经过一段时间." 克莱德听了这句话,扪心自问,真不知道他在楼底下那个阴沉沉的地下室里还得待多久呢. 正当他在暗自寻思,麦拉走进来了.她好奇地瞅了他一眼,发现他并不象吉尔伯特所描述的那样索然无味,心里很高兴.她发觉,克莱德的目光里——仿佛有些紧张不安,而且多少有些鬼鬼祟祟、苦苦哀求,或是有所寻求似的——这一下子引起了她的兴趣,也许还让她联想到自己性格里也有某些相似之处.因为,她自己在上流社会交际应酬方面也不见得十分得意. "麦拉,这是你的堂兄,克莱德·格里菲思,"克莱德站起身来时,塞缪尔漫不经心地说."她是我的女儿,麦拉,"他又对克莱德找补着说."他就是我常常跟你们谈到的那个年轻人." 克莱德鞠了一躬,随后,握了一下麦拉伸给他的冷冷的、没有活气的手,但还是觉得她对他的态度要比别人更为友好、更为周到. "哦,既然现在您已经来了,我希望您会喜欢这个地方,"她和颜悦色地开始说话了."我们大家都喜欢莱柯格斯.只是您到过芝加哥,我想,您会觉得这里太寒伧了."她微微一笑.而克莱德在所有高门鼎贵的亲戚面前却感到很拘束、很生硬,所以只好回了她一句客套话"谢谢您".他正要坐下来,这时门敞开了,吉尔伯特迈开大步,走了进来.(在这以前,只听见外面一辆汽车呜呜响,停在东头大门口.)"就这么一会儿,道奇,"他向外面一个什么人打招呼说."我可待不了多久的."随后,他对自己家里人说:"请各位原谅,我马上就回来."他冲上后面的楼梯,不一会儿又回来了.他那种冷若冰霜、无动于衷的目光,曾经使克莱德在厂里感到惴惴不安,这时又向克莱德扫了一遍.他身上穿的是驾车兜风时穿的亮条纹、中间索腰带的行装,还戴上一顶黑色皮帽子和宽口大手套,看起来倒是颇有军人气概.他生硬地向克莱德点了一下头,又添了一句"您好",接着把一只手神气十足地搭在父亲肩头上,说:"您好,爸.您好,妈.非常抱歉,今儿晚上我不能跟你们在一块,不过,我跟道奇和尤斯蒂斯刚从阿姆斯特丹回来,要去找康斯坦斯和杰奎琳.布里奇曼家里还有点事.不过,天亮前我会回来的.反正不管怎么说,明儿早上我会上办事处去的.爸爸,您一切都很好吧?"他对父亲说. "是啊,我可没有什么好嘀咕的,"他父亲回答说."不过,我觉得你好象打算玩个通宵,是吗?" "哦,我可没有这个意思,"他儿子回答说,压根儿把克莱德撇在一边."我的意思是说,如果两点钟不回来,那我就在那里过夜啦.就是这么回事,明白吧."他怪亲热地又轻轻拍拍父亲的肩膀. "但愿你开车可千万不要象平时那么快,"他母亲咕哝着说."那样太不安全啦." "一小时十五英里,妈.一小时十五英里.行车规定我知道,"他自命不凡地微微一笑. 克莱德不能不注意到吉尔伯特同父母说话时那副降尊纡贵的权威语调.显然,在这里,如同在厂里一样,他是一个数得着的重要人物.这里,除了他的父亲,也许没有人可以得到他的尊敬了.他的态度多么傲慢——克莱德心里这么想. 做—个富翁的儿子,用不着自己辛辛苦苦去发家立业,可照样是那么傲气,自以为了不起,又掌握了那么大的权势——这该有多好啊.是的,这个年轻人对克莱德说话时的语气,当然,也很傲慢,很冷淡.不过,只要想一想:这样一个年轻人,他手里就掌握了那么大的权力啊! |