BBC英语 Countable Nouns 可数名词单复数问题解答_派派后花园

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[Experience] BBC英语 Countable Nouns 可数名词单复数问题解答

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等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 竹伊哝哝
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2012-09-14 0
Our question this week revisits the subject of countable nouns. These are people, places or things that can be individually counted. If there's more than one they are plural countable nouns.

Plural and singular nouns are preceded with different words so it's important to know which ones to use.

Singular countable nouns usually need a or an before the word, such as a dog.

Woof! We used to be producers on Q&A!

The plural version can occur with the definite article, possessive pronouns, and demonstrative pronouns.

Join Rob and Feifei to hear lots of examples and meet Rover, the dog, too!

Feifei: 大家好,欢迎收听 《你问我答》。我是冯菲菲。
Rob: And hello, I'm Rob.
Feifei: Hmmm, is there a dog in the studio or was that you?
Rob: No it's not me. I've brought my dog Rover into the studio. Say hello Rover.
He's going to help us explain today's question.
Feifei: Rob 把他的狗Rover 带来了演播室,Rob觉得Rover 可以来帮我们解答今天的问
题。那Rover 岂不是一只巨聪明的狗?OK, well let's read out today's question
Hello. I have a question about plural nouns. Here are two sentences:
My favourite animal is dog. And, my favourite animals are dogs.
Are they both right and why can we say both dog and dogs when dog is a countable
noun? Thank you for your help. I am looking forward to your answer.
From Loong Wang.
Feifei: 听友 Loong Wang 提的这个问题是和名词复数形式有关的。比如说,单词dog 是可
数名词,那单词dogs 呢?It sounds like we need a lesson on countable
nouns, can Rover help?
Rob: I'm sure he can. We get lots of questions about this so I think it's a good
idea to explain more about countable nouns. Are you ready?
Feifei: So first we need to explain what a noun is. A noun is a part of speech that
explains a person, place or thing. 名词常指人,地方或事儿。For example, a
dog 一只狗。
Rob: Yes, a dog is a noun.
Feifei: And so is a cat.
Rob: Calm down Rover. Now, a countable noun is something you can count,
they are separate things that can be counted. Uncountable nouns are
things that are impossible to count like air or sand.
Feifei: 可数名词顾名思义就是可以数得东西。So for example, one dog, two cats.
Rob: Rover, sit down! The important thing to remember is when you are talking
about one singular thing or one person you have to add a or an before the
word. Such as:

To get to the island I had to catch a ferry.
Is there a shop near here where I can buy some cigarettes?
I've got an old car for sale; do you want to buy it?
I bought an apple.
Feifei: 不定冠词a 和an 通常用在单数可数名词前,表示一个什么东西。比如说a ferry, a
shop, an old car and an apple. And that's why we have to say "my
favourite animal is a dog".
Rob: Yes, it's not "my favourite animal is dog". You can sometimes use the
word 'the' too if the listener already knows the subject you are talking
about. For example:
I watched a film yesterday, but it wasn't as good as the film we watched last week.
If you visit Italy, you should try the ice cream.
Feifei: 如果某人或物在谈话过程中第二次出现,或谈话双方都知道特指的某人或某物,那么
这时我们在人或物前用定冠词the. Isn't that right Rover?
Rob: Yes, I think he deserves a bone. There you go boy, chew on that…
Feifei: Oh no, now there's not a dog, there are many dogs.
Rob: Many dogs – that's a plural countable noun. We can use the plural of dog,
which is 'dogs' on its own without 'a' or 'an' if we're making a general
statement, such as 'there are many dogs'.
Feifei: 'There are many dogs' 这句话是一个普通的陈述,泛指有很多狗。
Rob: OK let's just shut these dogs outside. There are other ways of describing
plural nouns depending on what you're saying. The example in today's
question is one of them. That is: my favourite animals are dogs.
Feifei: So one dog is a dog but many dogs are dogs.
Rob: Yes. But describing plural countable nouns can be done in other ways.
They can occur with the definite article, possessive pronouns, and
demonstrative pronouns like these:
The exams were very hard.
My friends came with me on holiday.
These eggs taste so fresh.
Feifei: 以上我们用了定冠词the, 名词性物主代词my 还有指示代词these 和可数名词复数
连用。 And what other ways can they be used?
Rob: In describing an amount of something, like this:
Have you any cigarettes?
I've got some apples.
I'd like two tickets to London please.
Rob: You can also use the words many or a few to describe plural countable
There are a few tickets left for tonight's show.
There are many ferries you can take you to the island.
Feifei: A few 几个,many 许多。这两个词可以用来描述某物的大致数量。It's all a bit
complicated Rob.
Rob: I'm afraid it is so the best way to learn is by reading, listening and
practicing. But hopefully we've explained to Loong Wang that countable
nouns can be singular or plural.

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