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[News] 七七事变75周年祭:全国举行纪念活动

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等级: 内阁元老
配偶: Little.C
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2012-07-14 0



Today is the 75th anniversary of the incident on offering, all parts of held in commemoration in memory of the event. 7 and said the lugouqiao incident incident, is on July 7, 1937 occurred in China beiping the lugouqiao (also called reed groove bridge) of the military conflict, Japan on the general offensive China.


Students hold flowers and listen to an old man Zheng Fulai during a memorial event at Lugouqiao Bridge, also known as Marco Polo Bridge, in Beijing on July 6, 2012 to mark the 75th anniversary of the July 7 Incident, or Marco Polo Bridge Incident. The incident, happened on July 7, 1937, marked the beginning of the eight-year War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. Zheng, who born in 1931 was the local resident at that time and witnessed the incident, told students what he saw when the incidents happened.


A Chinese soldier with a machinegun is in position at an end of the Lugouqiao Bridge in the undated old file photo.

Yang Huiming, an old man, whose father was a Chinese soldier during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, sitting in a wheelchair take part in an commemorating event at the Marco Polo Bridge on July 6, 2012, to mark the 75th anniversary of the Marco Polo Bridge Incident happened on July 7, 1937, that marked the beginning of the eight-year the war.

Students holding flowers pay a silent tribute to the martyrs died in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, during a commemorating event at the site of Lugouqiao Bridge in Beijing on July 6, 2012, to mark the 75th anniversary of the Marco Polo Bridge Incident happened on July 7, 1937.


[ 此帖被雪谦在2012-07-14 23:19重新编辑 ]
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等级: 派派贵宾
配偶: 青梅暖酒
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2012-07-14 0
Exactly on 7th July 2012, the Japanese leader indicated  the intention to "purchase" the Diaoyu Islands.

It was definitely a spirit of defiance. How ridiculous!


I can't agree more, honey

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