There is a saying: you can tell about a man by study his friends. I do believe that is true.
A person with integrity and responsible seldom has friends who is not trustworthy.
For girls, friends sometimes are more complicated. They jealous of each others' happiness or achievement, and even criticize the other in front of a mutual friends, but they also share their secrets, protect each other and support, help each other in really down period.
So for most of time, men feel it's unbelievable that their ladies complained about their girlfriend at home, but also very happy to go out with the same friend they were complaining, and if that friend is wrongly treated, she would be furious as if it is she who were being wronged.
Never try to understand their friendship, the only thing a man should do is be friendly to her friend, but do not gete too close to them, be a good listener but do not judge or ask why his girl do not simply get rid of the troublesome friend, as this will cause more argue and he never win.
[ 此帖被qhcaroline在2011-09-26 08:25重新编辑 ]