anonymous [əˋnɑnəməs] adj. 匿名的,不知名的 【反】known, named
So he went on his own fact-finding mission, leaning heavily on a 49-page white paper submitted last month by three anonymous high-tech firms. (TIME, Feb.27, 1995, p.31)
at stake [æt stek] 危急存亡关头的,有可能丧失或受损的 【同】at risk
At a news conference,(U.S. Undersecretary of Defense) Perry declared that the credibility of the international community (NATO) was at stake. (TIME, June 5,1995, p.38)
blunt [blʌnt] adj. 直言不讳的
Clinton’s summation was startlingly blunt: “It is better to have reached no agreement (on Japan’s opening it domestic market) than to have reached an empty agreement.”
(TIME, Feb.21, 1994, p.41)
burgeoning ['bɜdʒәniŋ] adj. 正快速发展的
Genetic information is the raw material of the burgeoning biotechnology industry, which uses human DNA to build specialized proteins that may have some value as disease-fighting drugs.
(TIME, Jan.16, 1995, p.54)
coherent [koˋhɪrənt] adj. 前后连贯的,有条理的 【反】muddled, incoherent
Curry… impressed Clinton with his ability to fashion a coherent policy message that synthesized the often conflicting interests of the party’s traditional and moderate wings.
(TIME, June 5, 1995, p.22)
█ fashion v. 制作 synthesize v. 综合,合成
conciliatory [kənˋsɪlɪəˏtɔrɪ] adj. 有和解之意的
The executive director of the Christian Coalition told a prominent Jewish audience, in a conciliatory speech, that calling the U.S. a “Christian nation” is wrong…
(TIME, Apr.17, 1995, p.13)
conscious [ˋkɑnʃəs] adj. 意识到……的 【同】aware
Times Books recently announced that it will publish a book of socially-conscious poetry by former President Jimmy Carter. (TIME, July 18, 1994, p.9)
conventional [kənˋvɛnʃənl] adj. 传统的,一般的,普通的 【同】traditional 【反】unconventional
The voice-recognition technology will not be on conventional desktop computers only; it will be available in any sort of electronic information processing device. (TIME, July 17, 1995, p.44)
critical [ˋkrɪtɪkl] adj. 重大的,据关键地位的 【同】crucial
“We have only the foggiest idea,” the independent daily Segodnya complained last week, “who is actually at the helm in this country, who is making the critical decisions.”
(TIME, Jan.9, 1995, p.50)
█ foggy adj. 模糊的,朦胧的
crucial [ˋkruʃəl] adj. 关键的,重大的 【同】critical
Understanding social cues, creating works of art and spawning inventions are all crucial mental tasks that bear little relationship to how well a person can fill in a printed test form.
(TIME, Sept. 11, 1995, p.60)
cunning [ˋkʌnɪŋ] adj. 狡猾的,精明的 【同】crafty
Perhaps the most cunning Disney trick is to take fairy tales in the public domain and reinvent them as corporate property. A billion-dollar example is Beauty and the Beast…
(TIME, May 2, 1994, p.72)
dazzling [dæzəlɪŋ] adj. 令人目眩神移的【同】stunning
With computers doubling in speed and power every couple of years and with genetic engineering’s dazzling feats growing more and more routine, the battered American faith in technologic progress has been growing stronger and giddier of late. (TIME, May 27, 1996, p.67)
batter v. 连番猛击,毒打
dedicated [ˈdedɪkeɪtɪd] adj. 专注的
In Singapore, dedicated Net users are planning to maintain unfettered access by junping borders and dialing services in neighboring Malaysia. (TIME, Sept.23, 1996, p.27)
desperate [ˋdɛspərət] adj. 迫切的
Bereft of patrons, desperate to rescue his economy, Fidel Castro turns to an unusual solution:…
(TIME, Feb.20, 1995, p.50)
█ to be bereft of 丧失(希望、喜悦等)
determined [dɪˈtɜːmɪnd] adj. 坚定的
Author Joe Kane came across a determined priest, a Spaniard who had spent years teaching a tribe of hunter gatherers, the Huaorani, how to survive outside their rainforest habitat.
(TIME, Mar.25, 1996, p.70)
disastrous [dɪzˋæstrəs] adj. 灾情惨重的 【同】terrible
The Kobe quake was only slightly bigger than the Northridge tremor but more disastrous.
(TIME, Jan.30, 1995, p.34)
distinct [dɪˋstɪŋkt] adj. 不易混淆的,独特的
Many scientists consider the Khoisan a distinct race of very ancient organ.
(TIME, Jan.16, 1995, p.54)
dominant [ˋdɑmənənt] adj. 主宰的,强势的 【同】pre-eminent
Now as then, the splintering of a Saddam-less Iraq would leave Iran the dominant gulf power, an unpalatable solution. (TIME, Sept.23, 1996, p.35)
█ splinter v. 使分裂; unpalatable adj. 不好吃的,令人不快的
doomed [dumd] adj. ① 注定的,命定的
He started at the top, of course, but the fact that he is staying there has frustrated the popular wisdom that an early front runner is doomed to fall. (TIME, June 5, 195, p.29)
█ wisdom n. 看法; front runner 比赛中最有可能夺标的人
adj. ② 注定要失败或毁灭的,劫数难逃的
At the beginning of May 1945 it was clear to even the most zealous of Hitler’s followers that his “Thousand Year Reich” was doomed. (TIME, May 15, 1995, p.52)
drastic [ˋdræstɪk] adj. 剧烈的 【同】radical
The New Deal welfare safety net installed in the 1930s and augmented in the Great Society programs of the 1960s has been hauled off for the kind of drastic restitching that France, Germany, Italy and Sweden have been laboring over for the past year or more. (TIME, Aug.12, 1996, p.25)
█ augment v. 扩大,加强; to haul off 撤下; restitching n. 重新缝补
eccentric [ɪkˋsɛntrɪk] adj. 特立独行的,行为怪异的 【同】odd
The eccentric, fact-based best seller Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil sparks a rush to see where it all took place. (TIME, Apr.3, 1995, p.79)
elevated [ˋɛləˏvetɪd] adj. 崇高的
It turns out, however, that not every man who reached the pinnacle of American leadership was a gleaming example of self-awareness, empathy, impulse control and other qualities that mark an elevated EQ. (TIME, Oct.9, 1995, p.30)
enduring [ɪnˈdurɪŋ] adj. 持久的
The plain, undecorated object, representing the enduring role art has played throughout China’s history, takes pride of place in the sumptuous Splendors of Imperial China, which opened last week at New York City Metropolitan Museum of Art. (TIME, Apr.1, 1996, p.47)
█ to take pride of place (在一组事物中)被视为最重要的;
sumptuous adj. 豪华的,昂贵的
explicit [ɪkˋsplɪsɪt] adj. 明白表示的,直言的
But they won’t be able to filter the Internet. They’re explicit about that.
(TIME, Feb.17, 1997, p.46)
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