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[English Note] [中英对照英文笔记]实用的生活美语~每天多学一点点

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等级: 热心会员
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2010-10-31 0
— 本帖被 睡着的饼干 执行加亮操作(2011-01-16) —

It's a real page-turner. 这真是一本引人入胜的书

爱看武侠小说的人总被峰回路转的剧情吸引,一口气把它看完,像这样非常好看的书,可以说:It´s a real page-turner.(这真是一本引人入胜的书)。如果内容精采得非看不可,可以说:It´s a must-read book,好看得令你爱不释手,则可说:I couldn´t put it down.(我舍不得把它放下来),另外,口气坐下来把它从头看到尾,可以说:I read it cover to cover in one sitting。

Gordon: You´re reading that fast.
戈登: 你看得这么快。
Lisa: Oh yes. It´s a real page-turner. (Turning pages fast)
莉莎: 对,这真是引人入胜的书。(书翻得很快)
Gordon: If it´s that good I must get a copy. I love an interesting book.
戈登: 如果这么好看,我一定也要一本,我爱看有趣的书。
Lisa: Don´t bother, I just read it fast because it´s so bad. Anyway, they just made a movie of it. Want to go and see it?
莉莎: 别麻烦了,我看得这么快是因为它很难看。他们刚把它拍成电影,要去看吗?
Gordon: Yeah.

莉莎拿起一本书来看,觉得乏味,随便翻了翻说:It´s a real page-turner。这当然是反话。

例如:(1) I never expected the book to be such a page-turner. I could not put it down till I reached the end.(我想不到这本书那么好看。我看到最后一页才舍得放下来)。

(2) The page-turning story of the novel is a tribute to the writer´s imagination.(小说情节引人入胜,足见作者想象力多么丰富)。

像莉莎那样随随便便把书由头到尾翻一遍,英文叫做to page / leaf / thumb through a book,

例如:He paged / leafed through the glossy magazine, looking only at the pictures.(他拿起那本彩色杂志随便翻阅一遍,只看图片)。假如是匆匆看一遍,则多说to flip / flick through a book,例如:He flipped through the book, but did not find what he was looking for.(他匆匆翻阅了那本书一遍,但找不到要找的内容)。

A well-thumbed book就是一本经常翻阅、残旧不堪的书。Thumb是「拇指」,作动词,有「用指头翻书」含义。

说到翻书,有一句成语值得谈谈:to turn over a new leaf。所谓「翻过新的一页」,是指日记簿上的一页,一般有「改过自新」的意思,例如:After coming out of prison, he seems to have turned over a new leaf.(他出狱后,似乎洗心革面了)。
[ 此贴被bradshaw在2010-11-09 20:35重新编辑 ]
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等级: 热心会员
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2010-11-01 0

《KUSO英文小辞典》Don’t drag me with you! 别拖我下水!

我们念书、做事时,最怕的不是自己念不好、做不好,而是被别人推下去蹚浑水。遇到这种情形,我们一定要坚决表明:Don’t drag me with you!(别拖我下水!)如果别人还是不识相硬要拖你下水,你就可说:I don’t want to be part of it.(我不想参与其中。)、Don’t include me.(别把我算进去。)

A:The boss just asked me to recommend someone to go with me for the business trip on New Year’s Eve.

B:Hey, don’t drag me with you!


[ 此贴被bradshaw在2010-11-03 09:02重新编辑 ]
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等级: 热心会员
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2010-11-02 0

He's such a bookworm.

古语云:「书中自有黄金屋、书中自有颜如玉」,多看书会增进知识,我们称非常爱看书的人做Bookworm,He´s such a bookworm.(他真是个爱看书的人),或者可以说:He´s bookish.(他是书呆子)、He loves reading.(他爱看书),终日埋头苦读的人,可以形容他为:He always has his head in a book,如果博学多才,则可以称为He´s a walking dictionary.(他是本会走的字典),即是非常有学问。

Candy:Brian´s in the bookstore every day.
Katherine:He never came before you started working here.
Candy:But he told me he loves reading.He´s such a bookworm.
Katherine:No, he´s just a worm. That book he´s “reading” is upside down.


坎蒂见布莱恩天天来书局,以为他非常爱读书:He´s such a bookworm。但凯思莲知道布莱恩意在坎蒂而不在书,对他的评语是:He´s just a worm。

Worm是「虫」,但也可用来说「可悲可鄙的人」,例如:He often beats his mother. What a worm!(他经常打母亲,真可鄙!) 凯思莲的He´s just a worm一语就是取这个意思。

Bookworm也是虫,即「蛀书的蠹鱼」,但现在常用来说「爱读书的人」,例如:(1) Bookworms have bored numerous holes in the books(蠹鱼在书上钻了无数小洞)。(2) The bookworm in our class has won a scholarship to Harvard(我们班的那个蛀书大王,赢得奖学金上哈佛大学就读)。用来说人,bookworm这个字不一定有贬意。

说博览群书的人,中文有个生动的称呼。《曲洧旧闻》载:宋朝赵彦若博学,有一次众翰林学士都说不出一味药的出处,问赵彦若,他随口就说出「在几卷附某药下」,时人因此称他为「着脚书楼」。英文也有类似说法:walking library / dictionary / encyclopedia(着脚图书馆 / 字典 / 百科全书),例如:He should be able to answer your question. He is a walking library(他应可回答你的问题。他是座活的图书馆)。

说人爱读书,英文还有bookish一字。My boy is a bookish child即「我的儿子很爱读书」。但一般而言,bookish带贬意,指「书呆子的」,和中文的「书卷气」很不同,例如:He looks weird - rather bookish, to be exact(他看来很怪 — 说准确点,是有些书呆子味道)。
[ 此贴被bradshaw在2010-11-03 09:06重新编辑 ]
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等级: 热心会员
举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2010-11-03 0

He's cooking the books.

Cooking the books一语字面解作「煮书」,当然不是真的把书拿去煮,而是指「做假帐」,这里的books指Account books(帐簿)或Ledger(总帐)。He´s cooking the books.就是「他在做假帐」,也可说:He´s fiddling the accounts.(他在篡改帐目)/ He´s committing fraud.(他用不正当手段进行诈骗)。

Candice: You know about the owner´s problem don´t you?
坎迪斯: 你知道老板的问题,对吧?
Candy: No, what is it?
坎蒂: 不知道,是甚么?
Candice: He´s cooking the books.
坎迪斯: 他在煮书。
Candy: He´s stealing from his own company? What a lunatic.
坎蒂: 他偷自己公司的钱吗?真是个疯子!
Candice: No, he´s not a thief. He´s gone a bit weird and thinks cookbooks make great meals.
坎迪斯: 不,他不是贼,只是变得有点古怪,以为食谱可以煮成佳肴。
Boss: Mm, needs a pinch of salt. Come on in, want a taste?
老板: 嗯,需要加些盐。进来吧,想尝一口吗?


坎迪斯说:The boss is cooking the books。同事一听,想到的就是:老板要犯法了。
本辑第二课说过复数形式的books可当作「帐簿」。至于cook,除了有「煮」的意思,还可解作「编造(借口、理由等)」,一般和up字连用,例如:She cooked up an excuse(或a story / an explanation) to avoid punishment(她编造借口为自己脱罪)。To cook the books是成语,意思就是「篡改帐目」,例如:To push up their share prices, some American companies do not scruple to cook the books.(为了把他们的股票价格推高,有些美国公司不惜篡改帐目)。

Cook(烹饪)既可引申作「伪造」,然则厨子似乎不大可靠;同样,医生恐怕也有点不大老实,因为doctor在俚语里也有「篡改」的意思,例如:He doctored the evidence by removing the most important documents.(他在证据中做了手脚,把最重要的文件拿走了)。To doctor / falsify / fiddle the accounts都有「篡改帐目」的意思;He must have doctored the accounts.即「他一定是篡改了帐目」。

「篡改帐目」四字很难听,假如你不喜欢,不妨改称为creative accounting(具创意的会计法)。这当然可以指聪明而合法地钻税务条例漏洞,但一般是指伪造帐目,例如:By means of creative accounting, he does not have to pay any profits tax.(凭着创意会计法,他一毛钱所得税都不必缴纳)。
[ 此贴被bradshaw在2010-11-03 08:58重新编辑 ]
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等级: 牙牙学语
举报 只看该作者 4楼  发表于: 2010-11-04 0
— (睡着的饼干) Please use English to talk.
在英语角顶贴请用英语哦~ (2010-11-04 12:40) —


等级: 热心会员
举报 只看该作者 5楼  发表于: 2010-11-04 0

It's badly written.


如果某本书很难看,英文可以说:It´s badly written。
文章糟糕的原因可能是文笔不流畅、风格欠佳(The style is poor),
或者字迹模糊不清难以阅读,英文可说:It´s illegible。
有些人的字迹潦草,则可以用Bad penmanship或Chicken scratch来形容。

Candy: Did you like the book Kate gave you?
坎蒂: 你喜欢凯伊给你的书吗?
David: No it´s awful. I had to stop reading it.
戴维: 不喜欢,它很糟糕,我没有再看了。
Candy: What´s wrong with it? I don´t believe you even opened it.
坎蒂: 它有甚么不好?我猜你根本还未翻阅过。
David: I..I.. I did too. It´s badly written.
戴维: 我……我……我,有呀,那本书写得太差劲了。
Candy: But it´s a book of photographs, there are no words. You liar. I´m telling Kate.
坎蒂: 但那是本相片集,没有文字的,你说谎,我要告诉凯伊。

戴维说凯伊给他的那本书写得不好:It´s badly written。Write字可以有两个意思:一是指「写字」,一是指「写作」,所以He writes well / badly可以指「他字写得好/ 不好」,也可以指「他善于 / 不善于写作」,句子确实是甚么意思,须凭上下文决定。

假如你要讲的是字体,可以说He writes a good / a poor hand(他写字写得好/不好)、He writes a legible / an illegible hand(他字体清楚易读/潦草难读)等。那hand不是指「手」,而是指「书法」。The slogan was written in a beautiful hand即「那标语写得很秀丽」。

说到文章和字体的好坏,英文还有readable和legible、unreadable和illegible等字。Readable、legible都可译做「可读的」,unreadable、illegible则译做「不可读的」。但legible是指字体易读,readable则是指文章明白可读、精采可读等;同样,illegible是指字体,unreadable是指文章。说残碑上的字模糊难读,应说The letters are almost illegible,不宜说almost unreadable;说书本写得不好,可说It´s unreadable,不得说illegible。

大家也许会问:查《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》等,readable不是有「读起来令人愉快的」、「(笔迹等)能辨认的」两个意思吗?这话没错,但多数英语学者,包括著名的Usage and Abusage作者Eric Partridge,都认为以readable、unreadabe来说笔迹是不对的。而严辨readable和legible等的意思,就一定可免「错别字」之讥。
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等级: 博览群书
举报 只看该作者 6楼  发表于: 2010-11-04 0
— (睡着的饼干) Please use English to talk.
在英语角顶贴请用英语哦~ (2010-11-04 22:10) —


等级: 牙牙学语
举报 只看该作者 7楼  发表于: 2010-11-05 0
— (睡着的饼干) Please use English to talk.
在英语角顶贴请用英语哦~ (2010-11-05 12:24) —


等级: 热心会员
举报 只看该作者 8楼  发表于: 2010-11-05 0

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

送礼和收礼同样都是个大学问。有些人收礼后,迫不及待拆开,查看价钱、批评一番,是很不礼貌的行径。遇到这种人,不妨回对方:Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.(对礼物不要挑剔)。这句话源于古人买卖马匹时,会掰开马嘴检查牙齿,以便知道其年龄及健康状况,喻意人家送你马儿当礼物,别看马口和太挑剔计较。 所以最好 Gladly accept it. (欣然接受它)或Accept it graciously. (宽容有礼地收下它) 。 而 Trojan horse (特洛伊木马) 则比喻一些表面上看来很好,但内在很坏的东西。它源自史诗「木马屠城记」,一匹巨型木马表面看来是战利品,但原来内藏敌方士兵,夜里敌军从木马走出来反击。


Katherine: What’s this?
凯思莲: 这是甚么?
Adrian: Oh, just a little something for you for dinner tonight. Check it out, it was my catch of the day.
阿德里恩 : 噢,小小心意用来做晚餐。看看吧,它可是我今天的鱼获。
Katherine: No thanks. You keep it.
凯思莲: 不用了,谢谢。你留着吧。
Adrian: Come on. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
阿德里恩: 来吧,获人赠马,休看马口,对礼物不要挑剔。
Katherine: A horse I would accept but I’m not looking a dead fish in the mouth or anywhere else. Pooh! Cook it yourself.
凯思莲: 我会接受一匹马,但我不会查看一条死鱼的嘴或任何部位。 呸!你自己煮吧。
Adrian: What about sashimi?
阿德里恩: 那作成生鱼片如何?


凯思莲不接受阿德里恩送上的死鱼。阿德里恩说:Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. It was my catch of the day。

It was my catch of the day即「这是我今天的鱼获」。Catch作名词,可解作捕获的动物,常用来说鱼获,例如:The trawler brought back a good catch (of fish)(那拖网渔船满载而归)。引申其义,catch也可作「值得追求的对象」或「理想的配偶」,例如:He will make a good catch for some lucky woman(女人嫁给他,会有好福气)。留意make这里不解作「制造」,而应解作「可以成为」或「会是」。She will make a good teacher即「她会是一个好老师」。

Don’t/Never look a gift horse in the mouth直译是「获人赠马,休看马口」,那是甚么意思呢?按马的牙齿随年龄添换,所以中文以「马齿徒增」来说蹉跎岁月。「获人赠马,休看马口」,就是「对礼物不要挑剔」的意思,例如:She told us she would like to have cash instead of a wedding gift - so much for never looking a gift horse in the mouth!(她告诉我们说,想要现金,不要礼物-还说甚么「礼宜乐受,不要挑剔」!)

说到马和礼物,不妨谈谈另一句成语:Beware of Greeks bearing gifts。这直译是「提防带着(bearing)礼物的希腊人」。当年希腊人给特洛伊人遗下木马(the Trojan horse),一夜之间反而攻取了特洛伊;所以,这成语是说「提防献殷勤的敌人」。His voluntary offer to help may be a Greek gift即「他自动提议帮忙,可能有诈」。
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等级: 热心会员
举报 只看该作者 9楼  发表于: 2010-11-06 0

Hold your horses.

Hold your horses.一語直譯是 「勒著你的馬」,引申作「等一等」。其他相近的說法還有:Whoa !(站住!),源自古時西方馬夫喝令馬兒停住說的話 , 還有Wait ! (等一下!)和 Stop!(停下來!)。順便多介紹一些跟馬有關的用語,A one-horse town 是個非常小、不太重要的城鎮,小得只有一匹馬,而Stop horsing around. 就是 叫人:「別搗蛋,嚴肅一點」。


Helen:David, David, where are you going ?
海倫:大衛,大衛,你要去哪裡 ?
David:Out with the boys. See you later.
Helen:Hold your horses. I’m coming with you. You never include me in your plans. I don’t mind what it is, a drinking session, girl watching, anything. So where are we off to?
David:Football practice and you’ll need this. (Throws jockstrap to her) Hurry up !
大衛:足球訓練,你還需要這個 (把護具拋給她),快點吧!


英國作家Dane Chandos的小說Abbie有這樣一句:Hold your horses, lest you repent at leisure。這使人想起中文成語「臨崖勒馬」。

Hold your horses「勒馬」,英文口語常用來說「等一等」或「別倉卒行事」,例如:(1) Hold your horses. We can’t leave before he arrives(等一等,他到來之前,我們不可以離去)。(2) “Just hold your horses.” Tom said as Peter reached for his gun(彼得伸手去拿槍,湯姆說:「不要鹵莽!」)Hold your horses三字一般帶命令語氣,不宜用於長輩或上司。

Abbie那一句,後半套用了成語Marry in haste, and repent at leisure(擇偶不審慎,將後悔莫及)。Lest是連接詞(conjunction),有「以免」、「唯恐」的意思,其後動詞應和should連用,但should字可略去,所以lest之後常見原形動詞(infinitive),例如:I took an umbrella lest it (should) rain(我帶了雨傘,以防下雨)。Hold your horses, lest you repent at leisure即「你不要鹵莽,否則恐怕後悔莫及」。

叫人「等一等」,說hold on也可以,例如丈夫約了朋友外出,妻子可以說:Hold on ( a moment), I’m coming with you(等一等,我和你一起去);接到找某人的電話,你也可以說:Hold on please, I’ll find him for you(請等一等,我去找他)。Wait a mo或Half a mo也是「等一等」的意思:mo是moment的縮寫,例如:Half a mo - I’m getting dressed(等一等,我在穿衣服)。
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等级: 博览群书
举报 只看该作者 10楼  发表于: 2010-11-06 0
— (睡着的饼干) Please use English to talk.
在英语角顶贴请用英语哦~ (2010-11-07 19:13) —


等级: 读书识字
曾经已经远去 陌生却在等待
举报 只看该作者 11楼  发表于: 2010-11-06 0
  One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listeningto strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone.
  Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one"s hand. It’s about having each tiny wish come true, or havingsomething to eat when you are hungry or having someone"s love when youneed love.
  Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere. Friend is who can give youstrength at last.


等级: 热心会员
举报 只看该作者 12楼  发表于: 2010-11-07 0

He won by the skin of his teeth.

在竞争激烈的社会,选举、各式竞赛的胜负往往只是一线之差。要形容一个人险胜,可以说:He won by the skin of his teeth. (他以牙皮之差胜出),牙皮是比喻很薄的珐琅质。其它说法还有:He won by a nose. (他赢个鼻头而已) / He won by a narrow margin. (他赢的幅度很少) 。另外,A photo finish(看录像定名次)在赛跑或赛马很常见, The winner was decided by a photo finish. 就是因为冲过终点时,几个参赛者的成绩太接近,胜利者要由现场录像片决定。


Lisa:Hey congratulations. I hear you won the tug- of- war.

Candy:That’s right. I was there. He won by the skin of his teeth.

Lisa:The competition was stronger this year then?

Brian:No, it was a walkover. I got so bored. I used my teeth instead of my arms. Piece of cake.
布莱恩:不是,今年轻易获胜。 我觉得太乏味,所以用牙齿代替手臂去拔河,轻而易举。

Lisa:Oh really stud ? Why don’t you give this a try?

Brian:No problem. (Tries to open a bottle of drink with teeth but fails) Does anyone know a good dentist ?

布莱恩 : 没问题。(尝试用牙齿打开一瓶饮料但失败了) 谁认识好牙医啊?


坎蒂说布莱恩拔河只是险胜:He won by the skin of his teeth。布莱恩却夸言自己轻易取胜:It was a walkover。莉萨说:Oh really stud ?

Stud是种马,俗语引申作「健硕的男人」,有强烈的「性能力特强」含义,例如:The women say that Tom is a bit of a stud(那些女人说汤姆是个做爱高手)。莉萨那一句是讥讽布莱恩:「你真那么强壮?」

By the skin of one’s teeth一语出自《圣经-乔布记》第十九章。被魔鬼考验饱受折磨的乔布(Job)说:My bones cleave to my skin and to my flesh, and I have escaped by the skin of my teeth(我的骨头紧贴皮肉;我以牙皮之差逃脱了)。牙齿没有皮;假如有,其薄不难想象。所以,by the skin of one’s teeth有「间不容发」、「勉强」的意思,往往和escape连用,但也可用于其它情况,例如:(1) He passed the examination by the skin of his teeth(他考试只勉强及格)。(2) I escaped bankruptcy by the skin of my teeth(我差一点就破产了)。

勉强逃脱,英文还可叫a close shave,以刮脸(shave)比喻危险之接近,例如:It was a close shave: the truck just missed me(真险,卡车差点把我撞倒)。

最后说walkover。不必竞争,慢条斯理的走过,叫做walk over,也就是「轻易取胜」,名词是walkover,
(1) The match is likely to be a walkover for our team(这场比赛我队当可轻易获胜)。
(2) The presidential candidate walked over his opponents(那总统候选人轻易击败了对手)。
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等级: 牙牙学语
举报 只看该作者 13楼  发表于: 2010-11-07 0
— (睡着的饼干) Please use English to talk.
在英语角顶贴请用英语哦~ (2010-11-07 19:13) —


等级: 热心会员
举报 只看该作者 14楼  发表于: 2010-11-07 0
i think it's very useful
and you are so nice


等级: 文学之神
举报 只看该作者 15楼  发表于: 2010-11-07 0
Very useful!
Thank you for your  hard collecting~


等级: 热心会员
举报 只看该作者 16楼  发表于: 2010-11-08 0

Spit it out !

Spit it out ! 有两个不同的解释:第一个意思是把口里如食物、痰之类的东西吐出来;第二个意思叫人家不要吞吞吐吐,赶快把话说出来。要表达第二个意思还有其它说法:Get it out of your mouth. (把你的话从口里说出来) / Just say it. (尽管说吧) / Tell me now. (现在跟我说吧) 。


Brian: I… I…
布莱恩: 我……我……
Candice : What is it? Tell me. What? Spit it out!
坎迪斯: 甚么事?告诉我。甚么?有话快说出来吧!
Brian: I…I can’t, I’m choking.
布莱恩: 我……我不能,我窒息了。
(Candice thumps Brian on back, Brain spits ping pong balls out)


坎迪斯见布莱恩说话吞吞吐吐,叫他Spit it out。

Spit本来是「吐(口水、痰)」,过去式和完成式都是spit,也可写作spat,但不可说spitted。Don’t spit on the ground即「别把痰吐在地上」。Spit out一般解作「把东西吐出来」或「以愤恨的声音说话」,例如:(1) If the food tastes queer, spit it out(假如食物味道古怪,就吐出来吧)。(2) He struggled and spit out curses at me as he was handcuffed(他被戴上手铐时,一边挣扎,一边骂我)。

Spit it out是俚语,意思是「快说吧」或「大胆说吧」,例如:Spit it out, man. I’ve to know the truth(快说吧,老兄,我得了解真相)。

叫人把话说出来,英文还有两个常用语:out with it和give,例如:(1) Out with it. I haven’t got all day(说吧,我没有很多时间)。(2) Come on, give. You’re taxing my patience(快说吧,你令我不耐烦了)。

Out with it、give、spit it out等,常用于祈使句(imperative),句子不用主词(subject)。一般和主词连用的,有speak one’s mind,即「坦白把所想的说出来」,例如:Now that you have come to me, I may as well speak my mind(现在你既然来找我,我不妨直言)。

和「直言」相反的,是to hem(或hum)and haw,即吞吞吐吐,欲言又止。那hem、haw都是象声字,例如:When I asked him what had happened, he just hemmed and hawed(我问他发生了甚么事,他只是支吾以对)。
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等级: 脱颖而出
举报 只看该作者 17楼  发表于: 2010-11-08 0
— (睡着的饼干) Please use English to talk.
在英语角顶贴请用英语哦~ (2010-11-08 20:50) —


等级: 热心会员
举报 只看该作者 18楼  发表于: 2010-11-09 0

It costs an arm and a leg.

It costs an arm and a leg.一句直译是「它要用我一只手、一条腿来换」,真正寓意是「这件东西花掉了很多钱 」,要留意这里的动词cost 是过去式。形容一件东西非常昂贵还有很多表达方式,例如:It cost a bomb. (它有一颗炸弹的价值),至于It was very expensive .和 It was very pricey. 都有「它很昂贵」的含意。


Candy: Is this yours ?
坎蒂: 是你的吗?
Helen: Yes, beautiful isn’t it.
海伦: 对,它很漂亮,不是吗?
Candy: How could you afford it ? It looks like it cost an arm and a leg.
坎蒂: 你怎么负担得起?它看来要用一只手、一条腿来换,很昂贵啊。
Helen: Oh yes I had to mortgage the house to pay for it and then some.
海伦: 噢,是的,我要把房子抵押了才买得起它。
Candy: Wow, so how much did it cost then ? (Breaks the antique plate) I’m sorry.
坎蒂: 哇,那么它到底值多少钱? (摔破古董盘) 我很抱歉。
Helen: You owe me an arm and a leg.
海伦: 你欠我一只手臂和一条腿。
Candy: I’m sorry.
坎蒂: 我很抱歉。


海伦买了个古董盘,坎蒂说:It looks like it costs an arm and a leg。这直译就是「它看来要用一只手、一条腿来换呢」。
以一只手、一条腿换取某些东西,代价当然沉重,所以俚语常用an arm and a leg来说「奇高的价钱」,例如:”That’s a beautiful skirt.” “It should be. I paid an arm and a leg for it.”(或It costs me an arm and a leg)(「裙子很好看呢。」「应该要好看,它可是贵得很呢。」)

留意cost这个字的用法。Cost是及物动词(transitive verb),其后须用受词(object),例如:It costs (me) a fortune to furnish the house(买家具布置房子,花了(我)很多钱)。Cost可以有两个受词,但和一般及物动词不同的,是不可用被动语态(passive voice),例如不可说A fortune was cost me之类。

和to pay an arm and a leg同义而且同样带点血腥味道的,是to pay through the nose。「经由鼻子付款」和「奇高的价钱」有甚么关系?这有几个解释,其一是:rhino希腊文解作「鼻子」,在英文俚语中则当作「钱」。被人敲竹杠,有如鼻孔大出血,例如:I got a ticket, but had to pay through the nose for it(票我是买到了,但价钱奇高)。

此外还有a pretty penny这说法。Penny是「便士」,价值甚低,但加上pretty一字,就是「高价」了,例如:A tour round the world is going to cost you a pretty penny(环游世界,得花不少钱)。
[ 此贴被bradshaw在2010-11-09 10:41重新编辑 ]
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等级: 热心会员
举报 只看该作者 19楼  发表于: 2010-11-10 0
— (睡着的饼干) 亲爱的,去下面的链接跟帖拿奖励吧~
哇哈哈~~(╯3╰) (2010-11-10 15:33) —

You eat like a sparrow.

老外喜歡用麻雀形容食量很少的人 (You eat like a sparrow.) ,麻雀體積嬌小,吃的份量自然不多。一個人食量小有很多不同原因,例如: I’m on a diet. (我正在減肥) / I have a small appetite . (我的胃口很小) / I’m a picky eater. (我對食物很挑剔) / Too much food is bad for my digestion.(我腸胃不好,吃得太多會消化不良)。


Helen: These pants don’t fit, I must have put on weight.
海倫: 這些褲子已經不合身,我一定胖了。
Candy: Maybe you have, but that seems impossible.
Helen: I need to go on a diet.
海倫: 我需要節食減肥。
Candy: You don’t need to diet. You eat like a sparrow as it is.
坎蒂: 你不需要節食減肥。看你現在這樣,吃得已經夠少了。
Helen: Yeah the trouble is, I eat like a sparrow ten times a day.
海倫: 問題是,我每天吃的是麻雀的十倍。
Candy: That’s one big bird.
坎蒂: 那依舊只是一隻大鳥的食量。


海倫說要減肥,坎蒂認為沒有必要:You eat like a sparrow as it is 。
Sparrow是麻雀。說「吃得少」英文有to eat like a bird(吃得像鳥兒一樣少)一語;把bird改為sparrow,意思沒有分別,例如:I’m worried about my daughter. She eats like a bird and is getting very skinny(我為小女擔心。她吃得很少,日漸消瘦)。

You eat like a sparrow不難明白,as it is 卻是甚麼意思?

As it is/was是「照目前/當時情況來說」或「像目前/當時那樣」。坎蒂是說:「看你現在這樣,吃得已經夠少了。」此外,英文還有as things are/were的說法,意思也差不多,例如:(1) I was dying for a rest, but as it was(或as things were) I had to go on working(我很想休息,但限於當時情況,只有繼續工作)。(2) As it is (或As things are), I advise you to help(看目前情況,我認為你應請人幫忙)。

留意as it were和as it is / was意思完全不同,可解作「不妨這樣說」,it之後用were,表示所言未必絕對符合事實,但也和事實差不多。

As it were可用來說過去或現在的事,例如:(1) Macao is, as it were, the Las Vegas of the East(澳門可說是東方的拉斯維加斯)。(2) He became his country’s spiritual leader, as it were(他可以說成了國家的精神領袖)。
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