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[Articles Enjoy] 求职第一步:职业规划你会吗?

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等级: 牙牙学语
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2011-10-24 0
What is Career Planning?

Career planning is a lifelong process, which includes choosing an occupation, getting a job, growing in our job, possibly changing careers, and eventually retiring. This may happen once in our lifetimes, but it is more likely to happen several times as we first define and then redefine ourselves and our goals.

Career Planning: A Four Step Process

Self       自我

    * Interests                                 * 兴趣
    * Values                                    * 价值观
    * Roles                                      * 角色
    * Skills/Aptitudes                       * 技能/禀赋
    * Preferred Environments            * 喜欢的环境
    * Developmental Needs               * 发展需求


Options     可能性

    * Explore the occupations in which you are interested               * 探索你感兴趣的的职业
    * Research the industries in which you would like to work          * 研究你想投身的行业
    * Research the Labor Market                                                    * 研究劳动力市场

Match       匹配

    * Identify possible occupations                                          * 确定可选的职业
    * Evaluate these occupations                                             * 评估这些职业
    * Explore alternatives                                                        * 探索其他可能性
    * Choose both a short term and a long term option             * 确定短期选择和长期选择

Action      行动

    * Investigating sources of additional training and education                * 调查相关培训、教育资源
    * Developing a job search strategy                                                   * 制定找工作计划
    * Writing your resume                                                                      * 写简历
    * Gathering company information                                                      * 搜集公司信息  
    * Composing cover letters                                                                 * 写求职信
    * Preparing for job interviews                                                             * 准备面试

[ 此帖被怪味豆u在2011-10-24 21:08重新编辑 ]


等级: 派派贵宾
配偶: 青梅暖酒
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2011-10-24 0
How to make a career choice when you have no idea what you want to do?


等级: 牙牙学语
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2011-10-25 0
it's very useful for me ,thanks
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