"If you had two sticks, what would you do make a fire?"
"Rub them together,I suppose."
"It's musch easier if one of them is a match."
"Who is at the door ?"
"The invisible man."
"Tell him I can't see him."
"Who was at the door?"
"A woman with a pram."
"Tell her to push off."
Son: Mother, what would you do if someone broke the glass in the dining-room?
Mother: I would whip him.
Son: Then you'd better get ready.Father's broken it.
A visitor to Ireland asked a farmer labourer the time.
"Sure,it's twelve o'clock,your honour,"answered the Irishman.
"Only twelve?"asked the traveller."I thought it was much later than that."
"Oh, no,sir,it never gets later than that in these parts."
"How's that?"
"Well,sir,after twelve o'clock it goes back to one."