12 WAYS TO BE HAPPY 獲取幸福的12種快樂心態C:
1. Don’t act like other people.
Everyone is unique and beautiful. That should make us incredibly happy. Yet, I run into a lot of people who mimic the supposedly “cool kids.” You don't need to emulate others to find happiness. We are all cool kids with our own interests.1、不用和其他人一樣。每一個人都是獨特和美麗的。這一點就應當令我們感到難以置信的幸福。然而,我遇到過很多模仿那些所謂“酷孩子”的人。你並不需要通過模仿他人而獲得幸福。我們都是擁有自己興趣的酷孩子。
2. Don’t buy your identity.
How many times have you run out to the store and purchased the latest “in-style” shirt? It's easy to get sucked into consumer culture and what we think is “stylish.” To some extent we can't avoid being influenced by culture , but we don't have to buy into the messaging. Constantly questioning your choices will help you figure out your principles and preferences.2、不要購買自己的個性。你有多少次會跑到商店購買最新款的時尚襯衣?我們很容易就會被吸入消費文化以及那些我們認為的“時尚”之中。在某種程度上,我們無法避免不受文化的影響,但是我們並不需要購買這些信息。不斷地懷疑自己的選擇將幫助你弄清楚自己的原則和喜好。
3. Cut people some slack.
Cut people some slack. You have no idea what kind of trauma people walk around with on a daily basis. If your co-worker is being a punk, then cut that person some slack. There is probably a deeper reason why that individual is in a bad mood or not treating you kindly.
The only person you can change is yourself. Be mindful and don't snap, bicker or be mean to others. That type of behavior won't bring you happiness or make the world a better place.3、寬以待人。放人一馬。你並不知道每日打照面的人曾受過何種創傷。如果你的同事是一個朋克,那就不要太追究。那個人心情不好或對你不夠友善很可能是有更深的原因。
4. Learn how to give.
Giving might look different for everyone. But give all the time you've got. Pour yourself into projects and give back to your friends, family and community.
For instance, if you blog, help out your fellow bloggers. Highlight their work, give encouragement and help your blogging buddies improve. If you're into volunteer work, take it up an extra notch and increase the number of hours you give to an organization every week.
Learning how to give and be grateful for everyday gifts is an essential component to finding yourself and happiness.
5. Spend time in nature.
I've seen a few credit card advertisements with people frolicking in green fields. Credit card companies seem to know what brings us happiness and that is spending time outside in nature. However, running up credit card bills won't give you the time to enjoy green fields or hikes in nature. More than likely, you'll be stuck in a cubicle, working to pay off your debt.5、親近自然。我看到過一些信用卡廣告裡面人們在綠色田野中嬉鬧。信用卡公司看起來知道什麼會給我們帶來幸福,那就是花些時間享受戶外的自然。然而,累積信用卡賬單並不會給你享受綠色田野或在野外遠足的時間。更可能的是,你會不得不待在小方格子裡拼命工作以還清欠款。
6. Find meaning and purpose in your life.
Last weekend, I spent some time in Orange County and talked with a few family members about dreams and lifestyle changes. One of my family members has no idea what to do next with her life. This made me incredibly sad. I encouraged her to do some mind-mapping and write down everything she wants to do.
Don't become a zombie. Finding meaning, purpose and happiness isn't easy. It's a journey we all have to figure out, but it is possible if we prioritize happiness in our lives.
Determine the biggest and most important problem you can solve with your skills. And use that gift to find meaning, purpose and happiness in your life. We all have unique skills and gifts. Once you figure out what those gifts are apply them to a problem you care deeply about.6、找到生活的意義和目的。
7. Learn to be satisfied with enough.
What is your enough point? How much do you really need to be happy. A number of researchers studying positive psychology have determined that people don't need much to be happy after their basic needs are met. Happiness is found by expressing our values and connecting with others. Happiness is not for sale at the shopping mall.7、知足常樂。什麼是你的滿足點?你需要多少才能幸福?一些研究積極心理的學者指出,在人們基本需要得到滿足後,並不需要太多的東西才能感動幸福。幸福是通過表現我們的價值和與其他人聯絡體現的。幸福更不是在商場中可以買到的。
8. Meditate and let go.
A RowdyReader left a beautiful comment on my last post about happiness and emphasized the importance of mediation and letting go.What is interesting about this exploration of “Finding Happiness” (not just on your blog) is that many if not all aspects of the solutions point towards letting go of / removing things rather than adding anything. If this is considered deeply (eg through meditation ) then it is possible to discover that happiness is actually already here in all of us. And, as your post points out, many aspects of “modern living” obscure happiness from our day-to-day experiences. We are so heavily conditioned to believe that we aren't happy and need to look for it somewhere outside of our very self. And so heavily conditioned that happiness is something special – like intense pleasure or stimulation of various kinds – but when happiness is present and we experience it, in some ways it is actually very ordinary, and so kind of hard to describe!8、沉思,然後鬆手。一名吵鬧的讀者在我上次貼出文章後留下了一條關於幸福的美麗的評價,並強調了沉思後放手的重要性。
9. It’s okay to ask for help.
If you're feeling lost or confused, ask for help. Have some tea with a friend or family member you admire ask them “what makes you happy”. Its amazing what we can learn from others in our lives. The internet is full of amazing blogs and people. Connect with those folks and start asking questions about happiness, personal growth and living a simpler lifestyle.9、尋求幫助。如果你感到迷失或困惑,那就尋求幫助。與你敬佩的家庭成員或朋友喝喝茶,並問他們“什麼令你幸福”。在生活中,我們可以從其他人身上學到的東西是驚人的。網絡上充滿著令人驚奇的博客和人物。與那些人聯繫並開始提出關於幸福、個人成長和簡單生活方式的問題。
10. Be a lifelong learner.
Rethinking your perspective is a huge part of finding happiness. If we continually latch onto the same worldview, how can we grow and improve our lives? Rethinking requires discussions, reading and communicating with others and allows us to answer new questions that arise. Life is constantly changing. Having the skills to adapt will foster resilience and happiness.10、終身學習。反省自己的觀點是找到幸福的重要部分。如果我們只能理解同樣的世界觀,那我們如何成長,又如何改進我們的生活?反省需要討論,讀書,和其他人交流,並允許我們回答產生的新問題。生活是不停變化的。擁有適應的技能將培育韌性與幸福。
11. Take care of your mental and physical health.
Figuring out who you are and what makes you happy can't happen if you're not taking care of your physical and mental health. You only have one body and mind. Consider the consequences of choices that may jeopardize your health.
12. Who are you?
Derrick Jensen has written extensively about “the subsumption of the individual” and the “conversion of vibrant human beings into automata.” Jensen's words and ideas are powerful. I agree with many of his points. Especially, when it comes to following our hearts to manifest who we really are.12、你是誰?德里克·詹森(Derrick Jensen)曾寫作了大量關於“個人的包含”和“活躍的人類向自動機的轉變”的文章。詹森的話語和想法鏗鏘有力。我贊同他的許多觀點,特別是提到要從心而動以彰顯真正的自己。