Living Fearlessly: 3 Attitudes You Need to Beat_派派后花园

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[Articles Enjoy] Living Fearlessly: 3 Attitudes You Need to Beat

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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2011-01-12 0
Are you living fearlessly?

You were made for something special.  You have a dream that you were meant to live. 
Unfortunately, we often hold on to certain attitudes that keep us from pursuing our dreams.  We may not even be aware of these false beliefs.
You need to assess your attitudes to see if one or more of these is holding you back from fearlessly and boldly going for what you really want.
3 Common Attitudes You Need to Beat
Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves – regret for the past and fear of the future. ~ Fulton Oursler
These three common attitudes produce fear that lead to regret.  Regret that we didn’t live the full and complete life we truly wanted.  This is why it is so crucial to recognize and beat these attitudes.
Here are the attitudes that keep you from living fearlessly:
1.  The Attitude of You are Not Enough
You may lack confidence that you will succeed.  You may think you are good, but not great.  At least not great enough to really make it at your dream.  It is often easier and definitely a lot safer to simply stay where your are than to risk failure.
For example, you may want to be a writer, actor, musician, engineer, parent, or doctor.  Whatever your dream, you want to be more than what you are right now.  As Amanda writes in I Want to Be Wilder, “I feel like I’m a sleeping person.  I feel drugged and lame and as if I’ve been living under water my whole life.  And I don’t want to anymore.”
Feeling like you are not enough is part of what keeps you in this “drugged and lame” state.  It holds you back.  It keeps you stuck in a state of fear.  It holds you under the water where you move in slow motion.
It is time to break free.  You are enough.  You have everything you need inside you to succeed.  You just need to believe in yourself and start taking bold steps in the direction you want to go.  Is it really this easy?  Yes it is.  In fact, it is the only path toward your dream.  If you face your fear head on, you will be amazed at how you rise up to the challenge.  You need to start believing you are enough.
2.  The Attitude of Maybe Later
It is always more convenient to pursue your dreams later.  You might pair “maybe later” together with one or more of the following:
  • When the kids are grown
  • When the economy is better
  • When I have more money
  • When I finish this project
  • When I have more time
These are all simply excuses.  They are delays designed to keep you from having to face your fear.  They protect you and make you feel safe because they keep your dream at arm’s length.  They hold it out there where it can’t make you uncomfortable or afraid.
As Barrie points out in The One Simple But Essential Ingredient for Achieving Your Goals, “Boldness is your willingness to follow through on your priority actions regardless of the circumstances that life throws your way on any given day.”
Later will never come.  You have to act boldly now.  You’ve got to step out and make something happen and stop hiding behind the attitude of “maybe later”.  Time passes faster the older you get and one of these days you are going to wake up with a lot of regret if you don’t get going.
There is no reason to delay any longer.  The time will never be perfect.  Recognize that this attitude is simply one of fear.  Shuck it aside and start working on your dream today. 
3.  The Attitude of Scarcity
Finally, you may get tied up with an attitude of scarcity.  Scarcity is the belief that there isn’t enough to go around.  For example, let’s say you want to start a business, but someone else is already doing the same thing in your community.  As a result, you believe you missed your chance.
This is a false belief.  There is plenty for both of you.  You just need to find your niche.  You may be able to offer a slightly different twist on the same thing.  You may provide better service or more unique offerings or an enhanced atmosphere.  Whatever you do to set yourself apart, there is more than enough to go around between the two of you if you are providing something that people want.
Another way scarcity gets us is by thinking we don’t have enough money to pursue our dream.  You may not be able to go for your dream exactly how you imagine it, but what if you get creative?  As Jonathan points out in Are You Ready To Claim the Life You Really Want?, “Until we are willing to adjust the way we do things, it’s unrealistic to think that we can make meaningful changes in our life.”
Instead of going back to school full-time like a teenage college student, you may have to go part-time at night so you can work to pay for school.  Instead of buying a franchise to start a business, you may have to build your dream from the ground up to avoid the overwhelming start-up costs. 
Don’t let a scarcity mentality rob you of your dream.  There are ways to make modifications or adjustments to make it work.  You just need to open your mind to find the right alternative that works for you.  It may not be perfect at first, but at least it is a step in the right direction and isn’t that better than just staying stuck where you are at?  Do not let scarcity hold you back any longer.
Beat These Attitudes to Live Fearlessly
Did you recognize any of these fear-producing attitudes in yourself?  If so, it is time to take a bold step forward.  It is time to push these attitudes aside and reach out for more.  I want you to know without a doubt:
  • You are enough. 
  • The time is right.
  • There is plenty.
Your dream is waiting on you.  Will you live fearlessly?
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