5 Sure-Fire Ways To Enjoy Every Day Of Your Life_派派后花园

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[Articles Enjoy] 5 Sure-Fire Ways To Enjoy Every Day Of Your Life

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等级: 文学大师
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2010-12-21 0
There was a time in my life where I wasn't enjoying it very much. I was so stressed in the pursuit of success that I had in fact lost the joy of living.  I spent so much time on the road endeavoring to build a future for my family that I didn't have time for them. In fact, I was so wrapped up in the pursuit of my future that I was in fact missing out on the present.

So as the years went by, and my children and I weren't getting any younger, I paused, just for a split second, and did a review. What I saw wasn't pretty. In fact it utterly disgusted me.

So that is when I gave myself a stern talking to. You need to do that on occasions - and it works really well when you’re looking straight back at yourself in a mirror.

I said, 'Peter, you’re so caught up in the pursuit of success that you’re actually living as a failure. You’re failing yourself. You’re failing your family, and you're setting yourself up for failure in some of the most important areas of your life because of your obsession for success in business. So what's the point of doing the journey, if you don’t take time out to smell the roses? Begin to enjoy every day of your life starting today - and don't forget the ones you love.'

From that day forward I have been on a mission to enjoy the journey- because yes you do have to constantly work at it. I suppose that's one reason I ended up in business with my kids as they have grown up into adults - because I just love spending time with them.

So let me share with you five ways that have helped me to enjoy every day of my life - and I know that if you apply them to your life that you will find yourself in the enviable position(yes I have to pinch myself sometimes) that I find myself in today.
  1. Learn to laugh
    Laughter is the healer of all ills. Smiling is the balm that soothes and settles. Both are the medicine that sustains a life of joy. Laugh in the face of problems. Laugh in the path of insurmountable odds. Guffaw in the depths of the valleys, and celebrate with wide beams of sunshine streaming from your mouth when standing on the mountaintops.

    Learn to laugh at yourself. Laugh when you triumph, and laugh when you trip. But don't laugh at the expense of others. Share jokes that lift. Watch clean comedies that lighten the load. See the funny side, and search for it if you have to, to discover another reason to always laugh.

  2. Stop taking yourself too seriously
    Why so serious? Stop it today. Lighten up. So many people are so tightly wound that they will either crack up or blow up. Loosen the bonds of seriousness and be free.

    There was an actor that appeared on the film scape a number of years back and he called himself ‘Yahoo Serious’. Now the very name, let alone the way he presented himself - well can I simply say this - it was hard to get serious when he was around.

    So loosen the screw. Let down your hair. Find a reason to celebrate - for whatever reason - and be free at last from serious seriousdom - the land of the deadly serious - seriously!

  3. Surround yourself with winners
    I don't keep the company of losers. I'm at a loss why anyone would. The fact is that if you want to win in life, then you need to build around you a company of winners - in your field of endeavor and then others who are winners in their respective fields.

    Winners commit winning acts. Winners speak winning words. Winners have winning ways. Winners sometimes lose, but don't stay down. They get up, dust themselves off and go again.

    Fill your world with winning books. Watch winning movies. Listen to winning speakers, but most of all associate with winners.

    True winners won't compete with you - but will join your cheer squad - cheering you on in your winning pursuit.

  4. Make it your daily habit to express gratitude
    Gratitude is of vital importance if you wish to remain fresh and vibrant in all your ways. Never take anything for granted. Always say thank you, and in everything you do, enter with an attitude of gratitude.

    Show gratitude for another day to breathe, to dream and to fulfill the vision for your life. Hug and kiss your family. Embrace your friends. Cherish your clients. Adore your associates. Write cards. Send positive email communications. Distribute social media comments that lift.

    With every moment that you live - make your life an overwhelming expression of thankfulness for being given the most awesome privilege to become the ‘best you’ possible throughout your lifetime here on planet earth. For you were born for a time such as this. It is no mistake. You have a divine appointment with destiny.

  5. Pursue your passion with 111% enthusiasm
    We're all passionate about something. Trouble is that most of us are so focused on earning a living that our passions are often brushed aside.

    But to truly enjoy your life's journey it is imperative that you take time out to identify your strengths and invest time in the pursuit of your passions - the projects, the desires, and the sparks that lights you up on the inside. Then go pursue them with 111% effort and focus.

    Don't allow the distractions of life to detract you from your life mission.

    P is for progress, power, productivity, profitability, purposefulness, and it's all wrapped up into living a life filled with the pursuit of your passion.
Motivational Memo: Untighten the screws, let down your hair and find a reason to celebrate your life today!
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