Simple Tips That Will Help You Stick To Your Goals_派派后花园

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[English Note] Simple Tips That Will Help You Stick To Your Goals

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等级: 文学大师
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2010-12-10 0
Like most people, you have that fervent desire for success in various aspects of life. Be it in a fulfilling career, a business pursuit or finding love and making it last, you would do your best to hold all these.
Many other people do, too. But you’re probably a few steps ahead because you know the value of setting goals and a course of action to reach something.
But even with set goals, some things still hold you back. It’s mostly forceful questions of your strength and will to sustain your action plan toward success.
Will it work? Will it be easy? Will the achievements come soon?
Well, it’s a matter sticking to your goals and keeping yourself inspired to work for its success.
People often have great dreams and even their crudest means to achieve something fantastic are inspiring to a certain point. They did set goals, but somehow they failed to follow through for various reasons. In the end, they sulked at the thought someone might flash the “L” for loser in the next corner.
Now definitely, you wouldn’t want that. You are determined, after all, to make the “L” sign be two fingers flashing a “V” for the victory you will have. Or it could be the V for “peace” that you find, knowing you did stick to your guns – or goals! – and the blissful contentment that comes with the success.
So how do you stick to your goals till you achieve your dreams? Here’s how:
1. Have a Clear-Cut, Specific and Realistic Goal
Be it in time element or the courses of action, your goals need to be very clear. This makes it so much easier to accomplish instead of just generally saying, “I will be rich!” Of course, anybody can dream to have all the bucks, luxurious wheels and homes and a flashy or comfortable lifestyle. But you MUST have the picture of what you want.

Having a specific desire or dream gives you a reality check. It’s easy to say, “Someday, I’ll be a famous rock star!” or that in ten years time you’ll dine with corporate giants. Say all your wild dreams, and then follow it with questions like, “Do I have the talent to be a rock star?” or “Do I need a degree in business or just climb the corporate ladder like mad without a background of the industry?”

The point is, you need to have a dream – BUT first make sure it’s something you can work on and have the potential to achieve. The secret to achieving something is to have measurable or quantifiable answers to the general questions. If you have a clear-cut goal, you have a picture of the outcomes as well as the necessary steps to achieve all of it.
Once you have the clarity of goals and valuation of yourself and your potentials, then you could make realistic goals that COULD be achieved. Clear goals mean clear course of action, working well with positive and negative pressures around you, and not being distracted from your focus.
2. Create Your Atmosphere of Success
Often, even the most determined people end up failing because they are overwhelmed by negative forces surrounding them. But you can stay glued to your goals when you are surrounded with people who inspire you, push you further and even make room for you to work harder. These people can be family and friends, or they can be workmates or peers who share the same mindset about achieving goals.

You can also stick to your goals if you fill the spaces you move in with reminders of your desire. Write motivational words on the fridge door, have similar inspiring lines on your coffee mug at work or a framed picture on your bedroom wall. These reminders will be your constant “silent” cheerleader as you pursue victory. You could even fill your iPod with songs that bring you back to the reasons why you’re working on the goals, and have one theme song as your phone’s ringtone!
Study other modes of how to make your goal a powerful magnet wherever you are, and do make yourself a forceful element moving towards it – all the time!
3. Act Now and Party Later
Many people lose sight of their well-set goals because they opt not to take action right away.  Unknowingly, their goals are slowly moving farther away as they put off until tomorrow the work they could do today!

Seize the day, make the wisest choice and act now. This is the right mindset of someone who wants their goals at hand. On the sad side, the people who wallow in dreams and don’t take immediate action wait for tomorrow. Once a door of opportunity opens, they scramble and act unknowingly, resulting in haphazard attainments, if at all. Now, you wouldn’t want to do that, right? You want consistent movement toward your goals, you desire smooth and educated actions and you definitely want to be prepared for whatever challenges come.
So instead of a laid-back approach to achieving success, map out the routines you will need to undertake. Have a well-scheduled action plan as this will help you determine what you will need for each step along the way. Consistently pursuing your goal will also push you to always be ready, and make each of your endeavors more meaningful. It gets you excited at the challenge of a new task as well as elevates your joys in each completed task of the road toward success.
With this, you need not leave your laid out actions and plans for tomorrow or get distracted by the trivialities that pull you away from your goals; instead, you do the tasks for today and congratulate yourself for the results, and have a quiet celebration that you’re a few steps closer to your dreams.
Ready to do all these? Here’s my “V” for you…it means I wish you peace with the certainty of a good road ahead; and it’s also for the victory you will get every day until that final moment when you reach your set goal!
[ 此贴被cooleunice在2010-12-10 00:51重新编辑 ]
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