中英对照读新闻/Rags to riches for ’China’s sexiest tramp’ 潮丐犀利哥_派派后花园

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[News] 中英对照读新闻/Rags to riches for ’China’s sexiest tramp’ 潮丐犀利哥

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等级: 热心会员
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2010-10-17 0



Chinese homeless man Cheng Guorong became an unlikely sex symbol after he was forced on to the streets when he was fired from his job and robbed of his savings.


The 34-year-old man was snapped by an amateur photographer as he wandered the streets of Ningbo, begging for food and rummaging in bins for cigarette butts last year. With his long unkempt hair, scraggly beard and prominent cheekbones, Mr Cheng was dubbed ‘China’s sexiest tramp’ and ‘Brother Sharp’ when the images of him were posted online in January.


Cheng moved there in 1996 to find work to support his family – but was too ashamed to contact his family after he lost his job and his savings. His relatives thought he was dead until they saw the images on the internet.


Since his virtual fame, Mr Cheng, who has been left shy and withdrawn after his experiences, has received offers to appear in advertisements and he has also worked as a catwalk model. His caring fans have also donated 100,000 yuan to help him get his life on track.


Now, his incredible rags-to-riches story is to be told on the big screen, with filming for a movie due to start in September.



rags to riches:词组,从一贫如洗到富有。例句:

After winning the lottery jackpot, he went from rags to riches overnight. (赢了乐透头彩后,他一夕之间从一贫如洗变成富翁。)

tramp:除了践踏之意,还有名词俚语「流浪汉」、「放荡的女人」之意。例句:That drunk tramp is wandering the streets begging for whisky. (那个喝醉的流浪汉在街上游荡讨酒喝。)

unkempt:形容词,不修边幅的、蓬头垢面的。例句:Please don’t show up to the party with that unkempt appearance.(拜托别以那副不修边幅的模样出席派对。)

[ 此贴被bradshaw在2010-10-17 00:42重新编辑 ]
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +15


等级: 文学之神
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2010-10-17 0
His life.....e ......a miracle??~~~~


等级: 派派贵宾
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2010-10-18 0
He will not poor any more~~~



等级: 文学大师
举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2010-10-19 0
Have  foreingers known this?

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