Good Habits for Super-Charged Living_派派后花园

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[Articles Enjoy] Good Habits for Super-Charged Living

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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2010-10-02 0
Are your habits good enough for Super-Charged Living?
“We first make our habits and then our habits make us.”  This quote from John Dryden, an English poet, is very profound.
Our lives are made up of the hundreds of little habitual things we do every day.  Each habit is like a brick that is stacked together to build our life.
What habits make up your life?  Are you getting the results you want?  What is holding you back?
If you want a Super-Charged Life, then you must examine your habits and keep only the ones that are producing the results you desire.  One habit at a time is the way you build a great life.
Build Your Life with Solid Habits
The hard must become habit.  The habit must become easy.  The easy must become beautiful.  ~Doug Henning
The good habits that build a great life aren’t very complicated, but they can be hard to live day-in and day-out.  That’s the thing.  You have to take the simple behaviors that produce the life you desire and make them into repeatable habits.
You have to transform that hard-to-do thing into a routine that feels easy and natural
This takes work and practice, lots of work and practice.  Think about the Olympic gymnast, they do things that seem almost humanly impossible yet they make it look graceful and effortless.  How do they learn such difficult routines?  One skill at a time.
They take one skill, one movement, and perfect that.  Then they add the next and the next until eventually, after hours and hours of practice, they have an entire performance put together.  They practice each move and the whole performance until they can do it in their sleep.  They carve each skill into their minds until it is perfect, flawless.  But, the whole thing is built one skill at a time.
You need to apply this same technique to building a great life.  Start small with one simple thing and keep adding to it until you develop the habits necessary for the beautiful life you want.
5 Habits to Start With for a Super-Charged Life
Sometimes the hardest part is knowing where to start.  I believe that there are certain foundational habits for a Super-Charged Life.  These apply no matter what kind of life you desire.  If you develop these habits, then you will lay the foundation for a great life that you can then build upon.
Here are the five foundational habits for a Super-Charged Life:
1.  Always Strive for Excellence
One of the most powerful things you can do to create a better life for yourself and your loved ones is to always strive for excellence.  This is a powerful habit that will serve you well no matter how you define success.  I share my reasoning about this in Smart Living Rule 2 – Strive for Excellence But Not Perfection
2.  Be Financially Conservative
I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again, “Life takes money”.  You may not need a lot of money, but you need some to survive in a modern culture.  Whatever kind of lifestyle you want to lead, I believe it is best to be conservative with how you handle money.  What do I mean by being conservative?  Well, I think this is best described in Smart Living Rule 6 – Get The Most Out Of Your Money.
3.  Seek to Help Others
Zig Ziglar says, “You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.”  I believe this is true.  You can’t live a Super-Charged Life all alone.  You need relationships.  You need love.  You need other people.  Giving is the best way to attract people.  Make it a habit to help others when they need it and you’ll never find yourself alone or doing without.
4.  Be a Continual Learner
Learning is growing.  If you aren’t growing, then you are dying.  It is true.  The world moves at an incredible pace and if you are standing still in your comfort zone, then you are going to get left behind.  You have to adopt the attitude that comfort is not an option.  You want to make it a habit to always be learning something new.  This will help you live a great life.
5.  Take Care of Your Health
You’ve got to take care of your health.  You cannot live a Super-Charged Life when you feel like crap or when you are dead.  According to research, Obesity is now the leading cause of preventable death in the United States.  This shows that most of us are not embracing the right habits to protect our health.  Later in life, we are going to pay the price.  I’d recommend figuring out your barriers to mindful health and some simple habits to be healthier.
Create Good Habits for a Super-Charged Life
Could the young but realize how soon they will become mere walking bundles of habits, they would give more heed to their conduct while in the plastic state. ~ William James
As the quote above says, we are all walking bundles of habits.  Are you getting what you want out of life?  If not, then you need to change your habits.  I understand that this is sometimes difficult, but you need to do it for yourself and your loved ones.  You set the example for them.  Do you want them learning bad habits from you?  I didn’t think so.  I hope you’ll take the time to create some good habits and start modeling a Super-Charged Life.  It will benefit you and it will change your family tree!
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +15
  • 展雯

    派派币 +15

    Good job.



等级: 牛刀小试
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2010-10-02 0
i  think  the  NO5 ,that  is  to  say  ,health is  most  important  for  someone
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +2
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