7 Productive Things You Can Do While Commuting_派派后花园

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[Articles Enjoy] 7 Productive Things You Can Do While Commuting

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等级: 文学大师
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2010-09-21 0
Commuting doesn’t have to be the hellish experience it has been madeout to be. You can learn a lot while commuting. I used to despisejumping on the train or taking the bus, but not anymore. I haveeverything set-up for my commuting adventures.

I always have abook ready, or my iPod loaded up with material for me to listen to. Ilike to read and fill my brain with knowledge, so finding material iseasy. The biggest problem you’ll face is preparation. You have toprepare yourself for your commutes, otherwise you’ll most likely not bring the best material with you.

I’velearned a lot while sitting on trains, buses and airplanes. It feelsmore cumbersome to bring something with you, but you’ll be thankful youdid when you’re sitting there with nothing to do.

You’ll almost feel forced to do something, which is when it’s a perfect time to fill your brain with precious, tasty knowledge.

Here are a few productive things you can do while commuting:
  1. Read a Book
    Youmay not have time to read books, but if you’re commuting and doingnothing, you’re wasting a good opportunity to get friendly with theinteresting world of books.

    If you aren’t an avid reader, it mayfeel hard to get started, but as you keep reading, you’ll find it moreand more fun, at least I did.

  2. Write
    Ifyou’re aspiring to become a blogger or writer of any kind, you can graba laptop, put on some music and start writing while sitting on thetrain or bus.

    If you don’t have a laptop, there are a lot ofways to find a really cheap one. If you’re only using it for writingand surfing the web, you don’t really need the best of the best.

  3. Listen
    Ifyou’re commuting by car and can’t really read or write, you can alwaysbuy audiobooks and audio courses on many different topics.

    Therereally are no excuses to squander your commuting time. No matter howyou commute, you can always take advantage of the time you have.

  4. Solve Problems
    Haveanything in your life that isn’t clear or that’s bothering you? Grab apen and a piece of paper and start putting down your thoughts on paper.

    Whenever I write down whatever I’m trying to solve, it helps clear my mind, and I’m sure it’ll help you as well.

  5. Start a Business
    Onlinebusinesses are started every day in every way. Even if you only haveone or two hours of free time every day, you can get a lot done byprioritizing your time.

    There are a lot of different onlineincome streams you can build. You can get involved in affiliatemarketing, or in creating your own products.

    It’s easier saidthan done, I know, but it is possible, and there are people doing it.The only thing standing in your way is you.

  6. Visualize
    Thisis for those times when you’ve somehow forgot all of your stuff athome. Whenever I’m on the bus with nothing in my hands or in my ear, Ilike to visualize and play around with my imagination.

    That is,of course, if there’s no beautiful scenery to marvel at. Visualizationcan be anything you want it to be, but I personally like to use it tofeel good.

    What you do is you visualize something you want. Sayyou want to travel. Think about as many details as you can and startliving your dream, inside your head.

    Feel the feelings you wouldhave if you were already traveling right now. You’ll know it worksbecause you will start feeling better and better.

  7. Learn A Language
    Haveyou ever thought about learning a language? I think we all have at somepoint in our lives. I’ve recently started learning Spanish and amhaving a lot of fun doing it.

    Language learning can be fun. Youdon’t need to sit in school and study grammar to learn a language. Youcan immerse yourself in it and absorb it.

    If you can devote 30-60 minutes to a language per day, you will make progress. If you can do more, you will learn more.
Commutingmay at first seem boring, but when you really think about it, it’s anopportunity for you to do awesome things while the world passes you by.
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +15
  • 展雯

    派派币 +15

    Thank you for your hard work!

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