9 Clutter Clearing Tips for Good Feng Shui_派派后花园

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[Articles Enjoy] 9 Clutter Clearing Tips for Good Feng Shui

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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2010-09-19 0
Clutter clearing in the bedroom can have health benefits.
Weall know that clutter clearing ALWAYS improves the feel of a space.But, many people ask me, “Where should I start?” Following are 9 tipsto help you prioritize your clutter clearing efforts. The first threetips are focused on the best locations to begin clearing. The finalseven tips identify the types of items to clear for immediate feng shuibenefits.
1. Clear clutter from spaces that greet you when you first enter your home.
Thecondition of the space that greets you when you first enter your homehas an immediate effect on your energy. If it’s neat, organized, cleanand lovely, you will feel comforted and your energy is likely to go up.If, however, you are greeted by a chaotic environment with lots ofclutter, dust and grime, your energy will plummet because you are beingassaulted by the negative energy of the space. Create a clutter freegreeting and everything that happens after you enter your home islikely to be more peaceful and positive.
2. Clear clutter from spaces where you spend the most time.
Afteryou create a positive greeting you can move on to clear clutter fromthe kitchen, family room and bathroom areas, places where you spendsignificant amounts of time. The energy of places where you spend themost time have the most impact on your energy. Clutter clearing shiftsthe energies of those spaces from negative to positive. Positive energyresults in positive interactions with others, positive experiences, andoptimal productivity.
3. Clear clutter from your bedroom.
Youspend more time sleeping than doing any other activity in your home.The quality of your sleep is directly affected by the condition of yourbedroom. A cluttered bedroom is full of negative energy. Negativeenergy is noisy energy, alerting you to the fact that all is not well,that there are things that need to be done. It’s hard to sleep wellwhen distracted by the shouting chorus of bedroom clutter. And,persistent clutter in the bedroom can have a profound impact on healthbecause you are being exposed to that negative energy for prolongedperiods of time.
4. Clear out anything you hate.
Whywould you keep something you hate? Hated items are negative energy pureand simple. Their energy will make it easy for you to keep a negativefocus. A negative focus will attract more negative circumstances intoyour life. If the hated item belongs to a family member, make sure itis located in an out of the way area where your aren’t greeted by it ona regular basis.
5. Clear out anything that is broken that can’t be quickly fixed or that    is not worth fixing.
Brokenthings attract being broke or having a broken body (health issues).They are strong sources of negative energy requiring some type of workon your part. If you accumulate numerous broken items you are likely tostart to feel broken. Decide quickly whether a broken item is worth theeffort and/or cost necessary to fix it. If fixing it is not worthdoing, pitch it quickly. If it is worth fixing, take immediate steps tofix it.
6. Clear out irritants that can’t be made less irritating.
Wiresare a common source of irritation. If they can be bundled or hidden,they are usually less irritating or not irritating at all. A trash canthat is too small for the needs of a space is an irritant when it isconstantly full and overflowing. Removing it is the only option forreducing that irritant.
7. Clear out items that immediately remind you of a painful relationship, event or time in your life.
Itemswith painful negative associations hold the energy of the particularpain in place. It’s hard to move on to a more positive future when youare regularly exposed to the energies of old painful memories.
8. Clear out items that remind you of past failures.
Ifevery time you look at an item you are reminded of a failure, you arebeing exposed to negative energy that says, “You are a failure!” It’simpossible to feel good about yourself and your successes whensurrounded by failure energy. And, failure energy attracts more failure.
9. Clear out items that are used less than once a year.
Usingan item is one way to keep its energy alive and positive. Items thatare used less than once a year tend to have energies that have gonedead. Dead is negative. You wouldn’t keep dead animals or bugs in yourspace, why keep dead things. Either activate the item by using it morefrequently or pitch it.
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