61 Ways To Find Inspiration When You're Stuck and Feeling Down_派派后花园

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[Articles Enjoy] 61 Ways To Find Inspiration When You're Stuck and Feeling Down

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等级: 文学大师
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2010-09-16 0
61 Ways To Find Inspiration When You're Stuck and Feeling Down
Life isn't always hunky dory. No matter how good we are at what we do,and how well we plan things out, we do get stuck. That's when we needinspiration - inspiration to move on, to do what we are supposed to do,to start something new, to build what we were trying tobuild...inspiration to carry on with life.

This article has anumber of tips to help you find inspiration. They are written keepingin mind everyone who's stuck at something, doesn't matter what it is,is looking to get inspired. Hope you find some of them useful.

1. Talk to someone you love.

2. Watch a kid play. Watch how he lives in the present, enjoying every moment.

3. Watch a movie.

4. Read a book.

5. Read an inspirational story.

6. Watch a TED video that inspires.

7. Watch a Youtube video that inspires.

8. Recall great moments from past.

9. Think about the things you are good at.

10. Strike up a conversation on Twitter.

11. Connect with someone on Facebook.

12. Join a LinkedIn Group.

13. Browse through Flickr photos that inspire.

14. Check out Boston.com's Big Picture.

15. Listen to music.

16. Attend a music concert.

17. Get back to that sport you stopped playing.

18. Read an autobiography.

19. Read about the life of your favorite sportstar.

20. Read about successes and failures.

21. Read about underdogs who overcame.

22. Find a date.

23. Get married and start a family.

24. Draw something.

25. Read about something you've never read.

26. Visit a place you've never visited.

27. Learn a language you thought you could never learn.

28. Get some inspirational wallpapers for your computer.

29. Read some inspirational quotes.

30. Take a walk.

31. Go on a long hike with a group of people.

32. Call up your old friends and relatives.

33. Sing out loudly.

34. Join a dance club.

35. Use StumbleUpon.

36. Go out with your camera and click some pictures.

37. Scour through the archives of your favorite websites.

38. Write anything. Don't think, just write as the thoughts come.

39. Meditate in solitude.

40. Spend some time with nature.

41. Break your routine. Do something unexpected.

42. Read poetry.

43. Watch a play.

44. Explore religion.

45. Exercise. Do yoga.

46. Scour through Delicious.

47. Watch the sunrise and sunset.

48. Volunteer for a noble cause.

49. Help someone with a task.

50. Teach and share knowledge.

51. Create a blog on Blogger or Wordpress.

52. Get started with Tumblr or Posterous.

53. Play with your pet.

54. Cook something amazing.

55. Celebrate a festival you've never celebrated.

56. Camp in the woods for a few days.

57. Form a new habit.

58. Quit something you've always been trying to quit.

59. Take part in a marathon.

60. Listen to what people around you have to say.

61. Remember, only Google has the answer to life, the universe and everything. ;)
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +15
  • 展雯

    派派币 +15

    Thank you for your hard work!



等级: 文学之神
配偶: 偶颜單色
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2010-09-17 0
Thank you for your kind sharing.

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