Is Your Life Too Small for You?_派派后花园

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[Articles Enjoy] Is Your Life Too Small for You?

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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2010-09-15 0
Are you bored and frustrated with your life?If so, then chances are you are living too small of a life.  Yourpotential is great, but you are stuck in a place where you can’t use it.
You are making choices that are too limited and small for yourself.  You need to think bigger.
You might be doing this out of fear or just because you don’trealize your full potential.  Whatever the reason, you need to breakfree and live a big, fulfilling life.
Ways to Recognize Your Life Is Too Small for You
Boredom is the root of all evil – the despairing refusal to be oneself.     
~ Soren Kierkegaard

How do you know that your life is too small for you?  What are thesigns?  These are very good questions.  Life is not “one size fitsall”.  A big enough life for some will make others feelclaustrophobic. 
How you live and what makes you happy differs greatly from oneindividual to the next.  This makes recognizing too small of a life alittle difficult.  However, I think there are certain symptoms of smallliving that can be recognized for proper diagnosis.
Here are five symptoms that you can use to recognize your life is too small:
1.  Anger
If you are angry a lot, then you may be living too small. Obviously, we all get angry sometimes, but if you tend to regularly flyoff the handle at things that aren’t that big of a deal, then thismight be a sign of internal frustration caused by living too small.
2.  Boredom
Are you bored most of the time?  This is a common telltale sign ofliving too small.  You need a challenge to be happy.  It is not goodfor you to live small.  You are full of awesome potential just waitingto be applied to meaningful activities.
3.  Disengagement
Becoming disinterested and detached from your work, yourrelationships and your life in general is a common sign that you areliving too small.  If your life isn’t big enough, then you will likelydisengage from it because it fails to hold your attention.
4.  Lack of Motivation
Is it hard for you to get out of bed in the morning?  If so, thenyou are likely living too small.  A big life excites you and beckonsyou to whip back the covers and engage in another day.  If your brainfeels like a ton of lead, then you need to look for something bigger tomotivate you.
5.  Wasted Time
When you are living too small, you often have a sense you are justwasting your time.  You are too valuable of a person to waste yourtime.  You have big things to do.  If you feel like your time is beingwasted, then you are living too small.
How to Break Free from a Small Life
Anything or anyone that does not bring you alive is too small for you.     
~ David Whyte

A small life is the enemy to Super-Charged Living. When you are bored and frustrated, you are dying inside.  You areshriveling up internally.  A big life, whatever that is for you, makesyou come alive.
We need to eliminate those things that are too small for us and thatfail to make us come alive.  We also need to seek out those things thatinspire us and give us a sense of mission.
Here are a few questions to help you break free from a small life:
1.  What makes you come alive?
What are you passionate about?  We often go through life withoutreally paying attention to what really makes us come alive.  Whatactivity, cause or mission would you be willing to put it all on theline for?  What inspires you to sacrifice your own comfort toparticipate?  If you can identify this, then you are on to something.  Find the thing you are willing to walk across broken glass for.  When you do, you are well on your way in the search for how to break free from a small life.
2.  What is too small for you?
You certainly need to answer the first question because it defineswhere you are going, but you also need to identify the anchors that areholding you back.  What things in your life are keeping you from livinga bigger life?  WARNING: It is easy to project thisonto our loved ones.  They are likely not the problem.  It is morelikely your own fears, attitudes and beliefs that you conveniently castupon them.  This is dangerous and can really mess you up.  I’d suggestspending a little time exploring the ways to untie from whatever is holding you back to help break free from your anchors.
3.  When is enough, enough?
Are you sick and tired enough to do something about this?  When willthe pain from the boredom and frustration be enough to give you thecourage to stand up to your lizard brain? You will stay stuck until you decide you have had enough.  Change takeseffort.  It is not easy, but it is worth it.  No one can change foryou.  The path is hard and narrow and most find it too difficult.  Whatwill you do?
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