I am a big big girl in this world, living alone but not lonely. The wind with me perhaps sometimes can be tough and tortuous, but I will hold them still,cause they are the colours of a beautiful rainbow. Without hands and legs, we may
find it hard to survive; without the cold wind and heavy rain, a man can hardly understand what is growth. A very romatic poet told me though his lines," Life
is empheral , enjoy it and seize the favour....", which flows quietly into every
cell of my body. I am not a wiser but I long for widom, not a flower but thirst for
beauty, not a bird but expecting to touch the wamth of the first sun in the
dawn. Just let go the fire of gowth, beauty ,and hope... Let go everything
that is temporary ,delicate,hopeful but can inspire the youth, encouage the
hiking-walkers at night, lighten the blinedness in each dream-maker...