1990 年5月31日出生的Ryan今年只有17岁,他的父亲是英国人,母亲是德国和埃及混血儿。从2007年春夏开始,在米兰、巴黎和纽约迅速走红,成为包括 Alexander McQueen、Fendi、JilSader Miu Miu、Prada、YSL、DKNY等品牌的红人。Ryan Taylor是IMG旗下最有潜力的男模之一,来自加拿大的Ontario,身高1米88。Ryan的模特生涯是来自父亲的鼓励,在父亲的建议下,他主动面试了经纪公司。对于模特生涯来讲,Ryan最着迷的部分和大多数模特一样——可以到处旅游。平常喜欢打游戏、和朋友除去玩、音乐,最喜欢的音乐包括Our Lady Peace、The All-American Rejects、Three Days Grace、The Used和Panic At The Disco等.
Ryan Taylor - Stats & Informaton
Height : 6’2" / 188cm
Chest : 36" / 93cm
Waist : 28" / 72cm
Shoes : 10.5 / 45
Hair : Brown
Eyes : Blue
Place of Origin : Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Birthdate: May 31, 1990
Agencies :
IMG (mother agency)
Why Not (Milan)
Success (Paris)
Name : Ryan J.B Taylor
Agency : IMG
Age : 16
Height : 6’2"
Place of Origin : Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Ethnic Origin : English, Scottish, Irish, German, Egyptian
Birthsign : Gemini
How discovered : Father suggested going to see an agency
Favorite things : Working out, video games, hanging with friends, music
Favorite music : Our Lady Peace, The All-American Rejects, Three Days Grace, The Used, Panic At The Disco
Hobbies : Gaming- Halo 2, Warcraft, Prince of Persia, speed biking,
marathons, rock climbing, extreme sports
Movies you want to see next : Miami Vice, The Grudge 2, The Descent
Something the average person doesn’t know about you : Eating soggy cereal!
Person you’d love to meet and why: Keira Knightley, I’d love to meet her, because she’s really hot!