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[Spoken English] “得人者兴,失人者崩”英语怎么说?

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等级: 派派贵宾
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2019-06-21 0
He Who Obtains the Support of the People Will Rise; He Who Loses theSupport of the People Will Come

得到人心或人才就会兴旺,失去人心或人才就会衰亡。“人”指民心、人心,也指人才。语出《史记·商君列传》。其含义有二:其一,民心、人 心决定一个国家或政权的盛衰兴替。只有得到民心、顺应民意,才能保持国 家或政权的兴盛不衰。这与“民心惟本”“民惟邦本”的思想是一致的。其二,人才对国家、政权的兴盛与否起着至关重要的作用。只有识人、得人, 任人唯贤,知人善任,才能成就大业,保持国家和政权的长治久安。得到人心与得到人才又相互关联:得人心,必能招致人才;得人才,必然赢得人心。 大至国家、政权,小至机构、团队,在上位者都须遵从这一理念。
The term means that those who win the hearts of the people or get the service of the talented will rise while those who lose the hearts of the people or fail to get the talented people will perish. Ren (人) stands for people’s hearts as well as people’s talents. This saying, which comes from Records of the Historian, has two connotations. First, the rise and fall of a country or government depend on winning people’s hearts. Only by winning people’s hearts and responding to their wishes can a country or government continue to thrive. This is in accord with the philosophy of “anchoring on people’s hearts” and “people are the foundation of a state.” Second, talents are critical to the rise and fall of a country or government. Only by identifying and recruiting the most capable and most upright people, and by suitably employing them can a great cause be completed and a country and its government remain stable and secure. Winning people’s hearts is closely related to attracting the talented. Winning people’s hearts will eventually draw in the talented, and recruiting the talented will eventually help win people’s hearts. All leaders, be they heads of states, groups or teams, should follow this notion of ruling.


政之所兴,在顺民心;政之所废,在逆民心。 (《管子·牧民》) (国家政权的兴盛在于顺应民心,国家政权的衰落在于违逆民心。)
A country will prosper when it goes along with people’s wishes. It will fall if it goes against people’s will.  (Guanzi)
天下者无常乱,无常治,不善人在则乱,善人在则治。 (《管子·小称》) (天下没有长久的动乱,也没有长久的太平,如果品行不端的人当政,国家 就会发生动乱;如果品行端正的人当政,国家就会太平。)
There is no lasting turmoil or peace in a country. Turmoil will ensue if a person of bad character is in power. On the other hand, peace will prevail if an upright person reigns.  (Guanzi)
夫政理,得人则兴,失人则毁。 (赵蕤《长短经·政体》) (就治国理政而言,得到贤才事业就会兴盛,反之就会失败。
With regard to governance, a nation that gets the service of the talented will thrive. Otherwise, it will go to ruin.  (Zhao Rui: On the Thoughts of Strategists)
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