Should a person make important decision alone?_派派后花园

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[Writing] Should a person make important decision alone?

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等级: 自由撰稿
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2017-06-02 0
Should a person make important decision alone?
Should a person make important decision alone?

In the daily life, a person may be able to decide what to eat at lunch time, to decide what to do on the weekend, and to determine to make friends with the ones you like as well. All of the decisions above can be made by oneself without asking advice. However, as far as I am concerned, a person should never make an important decision alone,there are some reasons as follows.
First and foremost, a human may recognize his shortcomings in his blueprint of future, from the advice which he gains from the people around him. Take the US president Obama as an example, he has a large number of competent people to give out their own proposes when he needs to decide a state plan. This is one of the most significant reasons that the United States can be the world No.1 military magnate. This can be also reflecting in one person’s life.
What’s more, people can always get some precious experience form the elderly
people or some else around them. The experience may play a crucial role in the future career and the life. And it’s undeniable that we are much more likely to take the whole situation into account when we need to make a decision. For example, Britain has a well-known story: Caledonian King Robert • Bruce, he was invading enemy defeated six times, losing confidence. In a rainy day, he lay in the hut and saw a spider webs. Spider wanted a silk wrapped around to the opposite wall to six times without success, but after the seventh effort, finally achieve their goals. Robert excitedly jumped up and shouted: "I have to be the seventh!" He organized troops counterattack the invaders, and finally put the enemy out of Scotland.
To sum up, there may be some weak points when humans listen to other people’s advice, but it is undeniable that the merits are much more evident. People should always refer to others’ opinions when they are come to a decision. This will be of great importance to their career.
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +3
  • 潇萧筱雪

    派派币 +3 2017-06-03

    Thanks for sharing O(∩_∩)O



等级: 热心会员
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2018-04-12 0
I think it's not that one should make decision alone,one should listen to what other people say and take the good opinions into consideration,and then finally make a better decision.
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