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[Vocabulary] 【转】考研中出现的高频词(连载5/12)

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[忆1012 1113——/6.29] [婚礼8.29][周年11.04]Ugly people and more troubl.
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2017-05-10 0


Tim Wu is the author of “The Attention Merchants” and a professor at Columbia University Law School.

Thirty years ago, we accepted secondhand smoke, sugary sodas for kids and tanning salons as simple facts of life. What will we think is crazy 30 years from now? That we lived without enough sleep? Treated animals so badly?

If psychologist and marketing professor Adam Alter is right, the answer may be our use of addictive technologies. By his account, we have casually let ourselves become hooked in a manner not unlike Victorians taking cocaine and opium, thinking it no big deal. We, like them, are surprised at the consequences.

Alter’s sweep is broad: He includes not just the more obvious addictive technologies such as slot machines and video games, but the whole sweep of social media, dating apps, online shopping and other binge-inducing programs. He takes in everything whose business model depends on being irresistible (which today is most things). If he’s right, most of us are nursing at least a few minor “behavioral addictions” and perhaps a major one as well. By the end of his enjoyable yet alarming book, “Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked,” you may be convinced that Alter is right and want to seriously rethink the behavioral addictions in your life.

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Some people object to the use of the word “addiction” for anything other than a physical dependence on substances such as heroin and alcohol. But Alter, a marketing professor with a PhD in psychology, argues that any distinction is meaningless. Anything, he says, can be addictive — it comes down to its role in your life. If your actions “come to fulfill a deep need, you can’t do without them, and you begin to pursue them while neglecting other aspects of your life, then you’ve developed a behavioral addiction.” He is careful to point out that many behavioral addictions aren’t medical matters requiring treatment. But more likely than not, you have some behavior that you return to, uncontrollably, and that interferes with your goals. Alter posits that “half of the developed world is addicted to something, and for some people that something is a behavior.”

(Penguin Press)
Alter directs his sharpest criticism at those who are intentionally designing addictive technologies — that is, much of the high-tech industry. Sometimes a new technology causes addiction by accident — no one designed email to be addictive — but often the result is willful. There is something dark about the deliberate creation of technologies meant to destroy whatever is left of the public’s self-regulation. Yet as Alter documents in case after case, using tricks and techniques such as unpredictable rewards, a misleading sense of early mastery and pop tunes that stay in your head, many if not most entertainment and technological products are now specifically designed to addict their users.

It is worth stepping back and asking how technological innovation and the deliberate programming of addiction have come to be so closely linked. In earlier days, inventions such as the internal-combustion engine, the zipper or the calculator weren’t solely intended to create some kind of habit in their users. They were about progress, creating a new comfort or efficiency. But today a large number of the products emerging from the world’s mightiest tech firms are geared toward getting people to do things they might not otherwise do. “The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads,” scientist Jeff Hammerbacher once said. “That sucks.”

The deeper reason for this, I suspect, is an enormous shift in the business models of the high-tech industry. Companies are moving away from the creation of rewarding technologies for human enhancement, such as the calculator or the bicycle, and toward technologies meant to lure people to devote large amounts of time and attention to them — think Facebook or BuzzFeed. Something like a bicycle or a calculator didn’t need to be addictive to be valuable. But for a product like Facebook, success and user addiction are the same thing.

Should you try to avoid all behavioral addictions or just some of the more technologically rigged ones? After all, many of life’s greatest passions and satisfactions are rewarding and somewhat addictive — surfing, collecting antiques or hunting for mushrooms, for instance. Satisfying work can be addictive as well. In Alter’s estimation, any of these things could become dangerous addictions if one loses the “ability to choose freely whether to stop or continue the behavior” and experiences “adverse consequences” in life. This suggests that the key to thriving in the 21st century is wise management of our various addictions, which would sound like a science fiction dystopia if it wasn’t true.

Alter thinks there is little chance we can resist temptation. He draws on the words of design ethicist Tristan Harris, who contends that the problem isn’t a lack of willpower. Rather, Harris says, “there are a thousand people on the other side of the screen whose job it is to break down the self-regulation you have.” Outmatched, it is clear we need to draw hard lines — like quitting social media and not using devices in the home — as opposed to trying to fight temptation in the moment. While he is a little vague in his prescriptions, Alter is pushing for long-term cultural change and a reprogramming of our lives to create spaces that are free from addictive technology.

That seems right, but I’d take it slightly further. Within the tech world itself, we need to designate the deliberate engineering of addiction as an unethical practice. More broadly, we need to get back to rewarding firms that build technologies that augment humanity and help us do what we want, as opposed to taking our time for themselves.

As the examples of secondary smoke or opium suggest, we are capable of eventually learning from our mistakes, and my hope is that we’ll look back at this moment as the era when high tech hit rock bottom and we began to take a hard look at how we could do better.

The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked
By Adam Alter

Penguin Press. 354 pp. $27
“insidious”这个超纲词在外刊中高频出现。前缀“in”含义“里面”,词根“sid”(sit,位于),后缀“ous”(状态或属性) —— “处在暗中状态”,其中文含义为“隐伏的,潜在的; 暗中为害的; 阴险的; 狡猾的”。
今天的文章选自于《华盛顿邮报》(2017年3月),文章标题为“Subtle and insidious, technology is designed to addict us”。从这个标题,孩子们能够明了作者对于技术的态度吗?


(1) Alter’s sweep is broad: He includes not just the more obvious addictive technologies such as slot machines and video games, but the whole sweep of social media, dating apps, online shopping and other binge-inducing programs.
(2) He takes in everything whose business model depends on being irresistible (which today is most things).

(3) If he’s right, most of us are nursing at least a few minor “behavioral addictions” and perhaps a major one as well.
(4) By the end of his enjoyable yet alarming book, “Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked,” you may be convinced that Alter is right and want to seriously rethink the behavioral addictions in your life.


sweep n. 范围
addictive a. 使成瘾的;上瘾的
slot machines 老虎机
dating apps 约会应用程序
binge*-inducing 引诱放纵的
irresistible a. 无法抵御的
to nurse v. 培育
to hook v. 引上钩; 牢牢抓住


第(3)句By the end of his enjoyable yet alarming book, “Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked,” you may be convinced that Alter is right and want to seriously rethink the behavioral addictions in your life.
(1)句子的主干为you may be convinced(主谓结构)。其后连词that引导convinced的宾语从句。
(2)在宾语从句 that Alter is right and want to seriously rethink the behavioral addictions in your life中,连词and连接两个并列分句。to seriously rethink是一个分裂不定式的用法。
(3)句首By the end of his enjoyable yet alarming book, “Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked”介词短语作地点状语。


——Alter’s sweep is broad: He includes not just the more obvious addictive technologies such as slot machines and video games, but the whole sweep of social media, dating apps, online shopping and other binge-inducing programs.
—— He takes in everything whose business model depends on being irresistible (which today is most things).

(3)如果他是对的,我们大多数人都在培育至少一些微小的 “行为成瘾”,而且也许也有一个严重上瘾的东西。
—— If he’s right, most of us are nursing at least a few minor “behavioral addictions” and perhaps a major one as well.
——By the end of his enjoyable yet alarming book, “Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked,” you may be convinced that Alter is right and want to seriously rethink the behavioral addictions in your life.

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等级: 派派版主
配偶: 葉修
[忆1012 1113——/6.29] [婚礼8.29][周年11.04]Ugly people and more troubl.
举报 只看该作者 13楼  发表于: 2017-05-13 0


“lobby”(游说)在英语文化中未必含有贬义,其英语解释为:an attempt to persuade a government or council that a particular law should be changed or that a particular thing should be done。今天的文章标题为:The business case for soil. 选自于《自然》2017年3月文章。

【回音壁】dismiss一词考点不在于“解雇”。考点含义为“you decide or say that it is not important enough for you to think about or consider”(不考虑,不理会),与reject意义相近。


(1) Businesses should join researchers in lobbying for better soil policies and practices.

(2) International legislation should be a priority.

(3) Making the case will require compelling narratives that describe the benefits of action over inaction, equivalent to, for example, the 2 °C global-warming goals.

(4) For instance, what would a 2% loss in soil carbon mean in terms of production and water storage, carbon emissions and socio-economic costs?

(5) Or what would a 40% degradation in soil resources mean in those terms?


to lobby for 为了争取...游说

legislation n. 立法

priority n. 优先权

compelling a. 有说服力的

narrative n. 描述,记述

equivalent to 对等,等同

in terms of 就...而言

carbon emission 碳排放

degradation n. 衰败


第(3)句Making the case will require compelling narratives that describe the benefits of action over inaction, equivalent to, for example, the 2 °C global-warming goals.

(1)句子的主干为making the case will require compelling narratives (主谓宾)。


(3)副词短语for example作插入语。

(4)名词短语equivalent to the 2 °C global-warming goals与前文benefits的构成同位语。



——Businesses should join researchers in lobbying for better soil policies and practices.


——International legislation should be a priority.


——Making the case will require compelling narratives that describe the benefits of action over inaction, equivalent to, for example, the 2 °C global-warming goals.


——For instance, what would a 2% loss in soil carbon mean in terms of production and water storage, carbon emissions and socio-economic costs?


——Or what would a 40% degradation in soil resources mean in those terms?



等级: 派派版主
配偶: 葉修
[忆1012 1113——/6.29] [婚礼8.29][周年11.04]Ugly people and more troubl.
举报 只看该作者 12楼  发表于: 2017-05-13 0


如果作为考点,cap在考试文章中肯定不能理解为“帽子”。那么它又会是什么意思呢?今天的文章选自于《基督教科学箴言报》(2017年3月),涉及一个重要的话题,即“平价医疗法案”(the Affordable Care Act)。


(1) The Affordable Care Act has many flaws, to the point where it may be unsustainable in some parts of the US.

(2) Not all states chose to sign up for its expanded Medicaid coverage.

(3) But it introduced many insurance reforms that remain popular, such as requiring coverage of people with preexisting conditions, its prohibition of lifetime payout caps, and allowing adult children to remain on their parents' insurance until age 26.

(4) It extended coverage to some 27 million Americans.


the Affordable Care Act 平价医疗法案

flaw n. 缺陷

to the point ... 达到这样的程度

unsustainable a. 不能维持的

to sign up for 注册,选课;报名参加

to expand v. (1)扩张 (2)详述

Medicaid coverage 医疗保险;保险支付范围

to introduce v. 提出

preexisting a. 先前存在

prohibition n. 禁止

payout n. 支出; 花费

cap n. 上限


第(3)句But it introduced many insurance reforms that remain popular, such as requiring coverage of people with preexisting conditions, its prohibition of lifetime payout caps, and allowing adult children to remain on their parents' insurance until age 26.

(1)句子的主干为 But it introduced many insurance reforms(主谓宾)。

(2)之后连词that引导定语从句that remains popular修饰reforms.

(3)之后such as A, B and C部分修饰reforms.

(4)A = requiring coverage of people with preexisting conditions,介词with preexisting conditions修饰coverage.

(5)B = its prohibition of lifetime payout caps名词短语。

(6)C = allowing adult children to remain on their parents' insurance until age 26。



——The Affordable Care Act has many flaws, to the point where it may be unsustainable in some parts of the US.


——Not all states chose to sign up for its expanded Medicaid coverage.


—— But it introduced many insurance reforms that remain popular, such as requiring coverage of people with preexisting conditions, its prohibition of lifetime payout caps, and allowing adult children to remain on their parents' insurance until age 26.


——It extended coverage to some 27 million Americans.



等级: 派派版主
配偶: 葉修
[忆1012 1113——/6.29] [婚礼8.29][周年11.04]Ugly people and more troubl.
举报 只看该作者 11楼  发表于: 2017-05-13 0


schism理解为“分裂,决裂”。这个词汇在1998年真题中出现过,句子为:The schism between science and the humanities has, if anything, deepened in this century.
今天的文章不是谈论科学和人文的分裂,那么谈论的而是什么呢?本文选自2017年3月12日《基督教科学箴言报》文章。标题为“The value of striving for truth”。
【回音壁】before含义为“之前”,但在某些情况下,在翻译过程中,可以before转化为“之后”。还有一个真题句子:Certain it is that all essential processes of plant must be dissolved in the soil solution before they can be taken into the root.


(1) As a rule, journalism should be outward-facing, recording human problems and achievements, seeking out what is happening inside the halls of power.

(2) But there are times – now is one – when journalism itself is news.

(3) In our cover story, Tom Fiedler, dean of Boston University’s College of Communication, examines the schism between President Trump and the Washington press corps.

(4) Politicians and publications have always had an adversarial relationship.

(5) But, Tom argues, when reporters are branded as “enemies of the American people,” when news that is critical of an administration is summarily dismissed as “fake,” and when objective facts are countered by unspecified “alternative facts,” a line has been crossed.

(6) “Citizens of a democracy need solid information and credible journalism,” he noted in a recent phone conversation.


as a rule 一般情况下

journalism n. 新闻

outward-facing 向外的,对外的

to seek out 寻求

cover story 封面故事

schism* n. 分裂(超刚词)

adversarial a. 对抗的;对手的

to brand ... as 丑化...作为

to dismiss ... as 作为...不考虑

to counter v. 反对;反击

alternative a. 另类的

credible a. 可信的


第(5)句But, Tom argues, when reporters are branded as “enemies of the American people,” when news that is critical of an administration is summarily dismissed as “fake,” and when objective facts are countered by unspecified “alternative facts,” a line has been crossed.

(1)句子的主干为a line has been crossed(被动语态)。

(2)从句有三个有连词when引导的时间状语从句,A, B, and C构成。

(3)B = when news that is critical of an administration is summarily dismissed as “fake”,其中连词that引导定语从句修饰news.



——As a rule, journalism should be outward-facing, recording human problems and achievements, seeking out what is happening inside the halls of power.

(2)但有些时候 —— 当下便是 —— 新闻业本身就是新闻。

——But there are times – now is one – when journalism itself is news.

(3)在我们的封面故事中,波士顿大学传播学院院长Tom Fiedler分析了特朗普总统和华盛顿报业公司的不和。

—— In our cover story, Tom Fiedler, dean of Boston University’s College of Communication, examines the schism between President Trump and the Washington press corps.


—— Politicians and publications have always had an adversarial relationship.


—— But, Tom argues, when reporters are branded as “enemies of the American people,” when news that is critical of an administration is summarily dismissed as “fake,” and when objective facts are countered by unspecified “alternative facts,” a line has been crossed.


—— “Citizens of a democracy need solid information and credible journalism,” he noted in a recent phone conversation.



等级: 派派版主
配偶: 葉修
[忆1012 1113——/6.29] [婚礼8.29][周年11.04]Ugly people and more troubl.
举报 只看该作者 10楼  发表于: 2017-05-13 0


Hearing 除了表达“听力;听觉”,还可以表达“说话或申辩的机会;审讯;听证会”,那么我们一起看看今天文章中hearings的含义。
今天的文章选自于《美国新闻》(2017年3月文章),标题为“Hearings End for Giant Telescope in Hawaii”。
【回音壁】几天前的一个复合用词“real-terms”理解为“扣除物价因素”。“real-terms influence”则理解为“不考虑物价因素的影响”。为喜欢钻研的孩子点个赞。


(1) Long-running hearings for whether a giant telescope can be built atop a Hawaii mountain have wrapped up.

(2) But it will be a while before a decision is made on a project that has prompted intense protests by those who believe it will desecrate sacred land.

(3) Oftentimes emotional testimony concluded Thursday evening after 71 people testified over 44 days on the Big Island.

(4) Testifiers included Native Hawaiians who believe the project will harm cultural and religious practices on Mauna Kea and Native Hawaiians who believe it will provide jobs and educational opportunities.


long-running 旷日持久的

hearings n. 听证

atop prep. 在(…)顶上

to wrap up 圆满结束

to prompt intense 引起强烈的抗议

to desecrate* v. 亵渎,玷污

sacred a. 神圣的

oftentimes adv. 常常

testimony n. 证词,证言

to testify v. 证明,证实

cultural and religious practices 文化与宗教习俗


第(2)句But it will be a while before a decision is made on a project that has prompted intense protests by those who believe it will desecrate sacred land.

(1)句子的主干为 it will be a while(主系表)。后接before引导的时间状语从句。

(2)在before的从句中,主干为a decision is made on a project(主谓)。

(3)之后,连词that引导定语从句that has prompted intense protests修饰project.

(4)最后便是介词by短语修饰protests,而by those后有由who引导的定语从句修饰those。在从句中,believe后面省略了连词that.



——Long-running hearings for whether a giant telescope can be built atop a Hawaii mountain have wrapped up.


——But it will be a while before a decision is made on a project that has prompted intense protests by those who believe it will desecrate sacred land.


——Oftentimes emotional testimony concluded Thursday evening after 71 people testified over 44 days on the Big Island.


——Testifiers included Native Hawaiians who believe the project will harm cultural and religious practices on Mauna Kea and Native Hawaiians who believe it will provide jobs and educational opportunities.



等级: 派派版主
配偶: 葉修
[忆1012 1113——/6.29] [婚礼8.29][周年11.04]Ugly people and more troubl.
举报 只看该作者 9楼  发表于: 2017-05-13 0


Ever since the country voted for Brexit, the future for the one political party that was wholly committed to achieving this outcome has looked far from certain. The UK Independence Party had always been guided by one overriding mission – to deliver a referendum on EU membership and then convince the British people to vote to leave. When both of these things happened, Ukip was presented with a fundamental dilemma: what do you ask for when you already have everything you ever wanted?

Nigel Farage: Carswell 'stopping Ukip becoming radical anti-immigration party'
Read more
Many in Ukip had assumed that the result of the referendum would be quite different. In fact, some had pinned their hopes on a narrow victory for remain, which would have left in its wake a large number of defeated but still committed leavers. In interviews before the referendum, many Ukip supporters told me of their plan to use a narrow victory for remain as a springboard to recreating a “SNP-style” revolt in England, similar to the surge of support for the party that followed in the wake of Scotland’s independence referendum in 2014. As that referendum revealed, the defeated never walk away quietly into the night. Similarly, a narrow referendum defeat would have been turned into a much broader rebellion against the political and media elite.

Instead, the narrow win for leave caught even Nigel Farage by surprise, throwing Ukip into an existential crisis and immediately calming the wind behind its sails. That Ukip has struggled to articulate a new and compelling message for the post-referendum era has been reflected in its performance at four parliamentary byelections the party has fought since Brexit. From Witney to Stoke-on-Trent Central, Ukip’s results looked like those that belong to a party that is politically lost rather than one that is leading a powerful grassroots insurgency.

So does this mean that Ukip should be written off? With no unifying and unique message, the party has turned in on itself. Instead of using this time to explore ways of carving out new territory – for instance by turning to issues such as electoral reform, Englishness, inequality, or proposing new ideas for a post-Brexit immigration policy – Ukip has been consumed by factionalism.

A narrow victory for remain would have been a springboard to recreating a 'SNP-style' revolt
Now the party’s sole MP, Douglas Carswell, has reminded everybody that he does not really like Nigel Farage, while Farage has reminded everybody that he wants Carswell thrown out of Ukip. Carswell probably believes that he played an important role in steering Ukip away from the populist anti-immigration message that could have otherwise thrown the referendum to remain; Farage believes that Ukip has been hijacked by Conservative conspirators who want to dilute its radical message and consign him to the wilderness.

Their dispute stretches all the way back to the 2014 parliamentary byelection in Clacton, and has been fuelled by the personalities of both men – with Farage loathing anything to do with mainstream Conservatism and Carswell, well, being Carswell. It has also now impacted on the question of whether Farage should be sent into the House of Lords, with some claiming that the move was delayed or blocked by Carswell. All things considered – and mainly as a nod to the 4 million voters who since 2015 have been represented by just one seat in the House of Commons – my own view is that Farage probably should be in the House of Lords. Isolating such figures for political reasons is unlikely to remedy the discontent that pushed them to the forefront in the first place.

Either way, this seemingly endless cycle will go on and on, until either Ukip’s national executive decides to expel Carswell or Farage and his entourage break away to start an entirely new movement, or at the least endorse one. Farage’s ally and donor, Arron Banks, has now said that he could stand against Carswell in Clacton at the next general election, an outcome that would most likely split the Ukip vote and allow the Tories in through the back door. But this attitude reflects how Ukip is now obsessed with small time-posturing rather than developing a broader and radical offer to the electorate.

Stoke shows how to destroy Ukip – split the alienated voters and hardcore racists
Paul Mason
Paul Mason  Read more
Ukip’s infighting should not distract us from some of the deeper currents in British, or more specifically, English politics. In the aftermath of Paul Nuttall’s failure to capture Stoke-on-Trent, few commentators have pointed to the fact that Ukip continues to average between 10% and 13% in the polls. This suggests that despite Theresa May’s strength, there are a significant number of voters who may refuse to fall back into the mainstream fold.

Meanwhile, public concern over immigration remains at historically high levels. The issue is still a top-three concern for most voters, while across a range of surveys it is clear that large majorities of the electorate want to see overall reductions in immigration.

Will such anxieties be calmed simply through the changes to visa policy and welfare benefits that were proposed this week? Or are these voters expecting wholesale reductions in the numbers of immigrants arriving in Britain? If the latter, will these voters not be disappointed and angry when such changes fail to materialise, not to mention when they discover that other changes to Brexit Britain will probably not be seen in a meaningful sense until at least 2020? Might these voters not be instinctively receptive to a movement that offers even more radical change, especially those who will be simultaneously hit by squeezed incomes and rising inflation?

Ukip may be struggling at the moment, but the answers to these questions point towards its future. Irrespective of whether the party remains active in domestic politics, as in most other western states, there is likely to remain a pool of disillusioned and immigration-minded voters who may yet provide the votes for a similar revolt in the future.
在真题中曾出现的“Ukip”意为“英国独立党”。今天的文章摘自于《卫报》(2017年),标题为“Ukip may be reduced to infighting. But an appetite for its policies persists”.
(1)make a business to do这个短语侧重于“把做...当成正事;煞有介绍”。
(2)H.G. Wells是一位美国作家,“与他共进晚餐(have dinner with)”只是一个修辞用法。

(1) Ever since the country voted for Brexit, the future for the one political party that was wholly committed to achieving this outcome has looked far from certain.

(2) The UK Independence Party had always been guided by one overriding mission – to deliver a referendum on EU membership and then convince the British people to vote to leave.

(3) When both of these things happened, Ukip was presented with a fundamental dilemma: what do you ask for when you already have everything you ever wanted?


to vote for 投票支持

Brexit 脱离欧盟

to be committed to doing 致力于

overriding a. 压倒一切的;首要的

mission n. 使命

referendum* n. 公投(超纲词)

to be presented with 面临

dilemma n. 进退两难


第(1)句Ever since the country voted for Brexit, the future for the one political party that was wholly committed to achieving this outcome has looked far from certain.

(1)句子的主干为 the future ... has looked far from certain (主系表)。

(2)在主干中,介词短语for the one political party that was wholly committed to achieving this outcome作定语修饰future. 其中,连词that引导定语从句that was wholly committed to achieving this outcome修饰party.

(3)句首Ever since the country voted for Brexit作时间状语从句。ever since引导从句,主句使用现在完成时。



——Ever since the country voted for Brexit, the future for the one political party that was wholly committed to achieving this outcome has looked far from certain.

(2)指导英国独立党的一直是一个首要的使命 —— 举行一场欧盟成员国身份的公投而后说服英国人民离开欧盟。

——The UK Independence Party had always been guided by one overriding mission – to deliver a referendum on EU membership and then convince the British people to vote to leave.


—— When both of these things happened, Ukip was presented with a fundamental dilemma: what do you ask for when you already have everything you ever wanted?



等级: 派派版主
配偶: 葉修
[忆1012 1113——/6.29] [婚礼8.29][周年11.04]Ugly people and more troubl.
举报 只看该作者 8楼  发表于: 2017-05-12 0


Iceberg(冰山)构成的“the tip of an iceberg”(冰山一角)。这一表达在文章中时常可见,即人们所看到的只是一小部分,而大部分都是“insidious”(隐藏的)。
今天的文章选自《华盛顿邮报》(2017年3月),原文标题为“There is no such thing as absolute privacy in America”。

(1) FBI director’s assessment deepens privacy concerns raised by the details of CIA tools to hack consumer electronics for espionage, published by WikiLeaks.

(2)“There is no such thing as absolute privacy in America,” the FBI director, James Comey, has declared after the disclosure of a range of hacking tools used by the CIA.

(3) Comey was delivering prepared remarks at a cybersecurity conference in Boston, but his assessment has deepened privacy concerns already raised by the details of CIA tools to hack consumer electronics for espionage published by WikiLeaks on Tuesday.

(4) Should you be worried about agency snooping?

(5) Is this WikiLeaks release just the tip of the iceberg?


assessment n. 评估

to deepen privacy concerns 使隐私问题更加严重

to hack v. 窃取

espionage* n. 间谍,谍报(超纲词)

disclosure n. 揭露

a range of 一系列的

cybersecurity n. 网络安全

snoop* 窥探;打听(超纲词)

release n. 公布


第(3)句Comey was delivering prepared remarks at a cybersecurity conference in Boston, but his assessment has deepened privacy concerns already raised by the details of CIA tools to hack consumer electronics for espionage published by WikiLeaks on Tuesday.

(1)第一个分句主干为Comey was delivering prepared remarks (主谓宾,prepared作remarks的定语)at a cybersecurity conference in Boston city (地点状语)。

(2)第二个分句主干为his assessment has deepened privacy concerns(主谓宾)。

(3)过去分词短语already raised by the details of CIA tools作后置定语修饰“concerns”。

(4)不定式短语to hack consumer electronics for espionage published by WikiLeaks on Tuesday作后置定语修饰tools. 其中published by WikiLeaks修饰espionage.



—— FBI director’s assessment deepens privacy concerns raised by the details of CIA tools to hack consumer electronics for espionage, published by WikiLeaks.


——“There is no such thing as absolute privacy in America,” the FBI director, James Comey, has declared after the disclosure of a range of hacking tools used by the CIA.


——Comey was delivering prepared remarks at a cybersecurity conference in Boston, but his assessment has deepened privacy concerns already raised by the details of CIA tools to hack consumer electronics for espionage published by WikiLeaks on Tuesday.


—— Should you be worried about agency snooping?


—— Is this WikiLeaks release just the tip of the iceberg?



等级: 派派版主
配偶: 葉修
[忆1012 1113——/6.29] [婚礼8.29][周年11.04]Ugly people and more troubl.
举报 只看该作者 7楼  发表于: 2017-05-12 0


我们现生活在D(DNA)时代,所以有关gene ... 等表达常常出现。今天的文章选自于《科学美国人》(2017年3月),原文标题为“House Republicans Would Let Employers Demand Workers’ Genetic Test Results”。


(1) A little-noticed bill moving through Congress would allow companies to require employees to undergo genetic testing or risk paying a penalty of thousands of dollars, and would let employers see that genetic and other health information.

(2) Giving employers such power is now prohibited by legislation including the 2008 genetic privacy and nondiscrimination law known as GINA.

(3) The new bill gets around that landmark law by stating explicitly that GINA and other protections do not apply when genetic tests are part of a “workplace wellness” program.

(4) “What this bill would do is completely take away the protections of existing laws,” said Jennifer Mathis, director of policy and legal advocacy at the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law, a civil rights group.


bill n. 议案

to undergo v. 经历;经受

penalty n. 处罚;惩罚

to prohibit v. 禁止;妨碍

legislation n. 立法

nondiscrimination n. 不歧视

to get around 绕过

landmark n. 陆标; 界标

explicitly adv. 明白地,明确地

legal advocacy 法制宣传


第(3)句The new bill gets around that landmark law by stating explicitly that GINA and other protections do not apply when genetic tests are part of a “workplace wellness” program.

(1)句子的主干为The new bill gets around that landmark law(主谓宾)。

(2)之后介词by短语作方式状语,即by stating explicitly that GINA and other protections do not apply when genetic tests are part of a “workplace wellness” program.




——A little-noticed bill moving through Congress would allow companies to require employees to undergo genetic testing or risk paying a penalty of thousands of dollars, and would let employers see that genetic and other health information.


—— Giving employers such power is now prohibited by legislation including the 2008 genetic privacy and nondiscrimination law known as GINA.


—— The new bill gets around that landmark law by stating explicitly that GINA and other protections do not apply when genetic tests are part of a “workplace wellness” program.

(4)一个名为“心理健康Bazelon中心”(一个民权组织)的政策和法制宣传主任Jennifer Mathis说,“这项法案可能的影响是完全拿走现有法律的保护。”

——“What this bill would do is completely take away the protections of existing laws,” said Jennifer Mathis, director of policy and legal advocacy at the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law, a civil rights group.



等级: 派派版主
配偶: 葉修
[忆1012 1113——/6.29] [婚礼8.29][周年11.04]Ugly people and more troubl.
举报 只看该作者 6楼  发表于: 2017-05-12 0

Surprising stories about Winston Churchill just keep on coming. He has long been praised for his courage, wisdom, eloquence and many other qualities, but people have been amazed to learn this week that he was also a scientific visionary.

The revelation comes from the US National Churchill Museum in Missouri, where the astrophysicist Mario Livio uncovered Churchill’s “lost” 1939 essay about the possible existence of alien life, titled Are We Alone in the Universe? It demonstrates a remarkably high level of scientific literacy and far-sightedness, Livio points out. Yet this is only part of a much bigger story, too long neglected. Churchill had a long career as a topical science writer and he appreciated the importance of new breakthroughs to the development of civilisation better than any other leading western political leader of the past century.

In the age of robots, our schools are teaching children to be redundant | George Monbiot
Read more
Although Churchill had no great aptitude for science, from his days as a solider he believed he needed to have a basic appreciation and knowledge of the subject if he were to achieve his ambition of becoming prime minister. As a subaltern in India, he read Charles Darwin as well as the author who probably most shaped his appreciation of science and its role in military and civilian life: HG Wells. Soon after Churchill became an MP, he made it his business to have a quiet dinner with Wells, whose every book Churchill claimed to have read twice.

In 1914, Wells published his scientific romance The World Set Free, in which he introduced the term “atomic bombs”. Churchill first alluded to these weapons – each “no bigger than an orange” but “able to blast a township at a stroke” – in his 1925 essay Shall We All Commit Suicide? The essay is shot through with a Wellsian fear of dreadful new weapons, especially chemical ones, which threatened to change the entire nature of warfare, as battlefield conflicts between soldiers became less important than scientists working in the back rooms.

By the time Churchill published this essay, his relations with Wells had cooled, and he began to take scientific advice from Frederick Lindemann, a professor of physics at Oxford University. Though widely disliked as a prig, Lindemann was undoubtedly smart and had an enviable gift for setting out complicated scientific ideas in an accessible way. No less important for Churchill, Lindemann was as loyal as a lapdog and always eager to offer his advice, not only on science but every other subject under the sun.

Churchill built his reputation as a politician exceptionally well-versed in technical matters
Through Lindemann’s lucid briefings, Churchill built his reputation as a politician exceptionally well-versed in technical matters and able to knock out entertaining essays on science. The literacy that so impressed Livio in the article on alien life is most appropriately attributed to Lindemann, although Churchill will also have benefited from his reading of Olaf Stapledon’s science-fiction masterpiece, Last and First Men, which was published in 1930.

A year later, Churchill published his famous essay Fifty Years Hence, a 4,000-word meditation on the effects that science might have in the future. It looked ahead to a wide variety of new developments, including wireless telephones, the potential of robots, the artificial cultivation of animals in laboratories and, above all, the release of nuclear energy to power societies and build weapons of unprecedented destructiveness. Churchill wrote that scientists were looking for “the match to set the bonfire alight”. Eight weeks after the essay’s publication, a Cambridge experimenter discovered the match, the sub-atomic particle he called the neutron.

Even more widely read than Fifty Years Hence was Churchill’s foray into science journalism for the News of the World. In the 1930s, when he was in the political wilderness, he wrote several articles about possible future applications of new science. One of his themes, briefed by Lindemann, of course, was the possible impact of nuclear technology at a time when another war was looming. Most leading physicists at the time were extremely sceptical that this type of energy was likely to be important in the foreseeable future. But Churchill had other ideas. In late 1937, he explained to millions of readers that nuclear energy may soon be captured, with potentially frightening consequences. Less than 12 months later, nuclear fission was discovered by two scientists working in Berlin, capital of Hitler’s Germany. From a scientific point of view, he was supremely well-equipped to deal with the impending nuclear age.

But Churchill’s interest in science is not news to scholars. His writings – in almost every draft – have been publicly available among his papers which are stored the magnificent Archives Centre in Churchill College, Cambridge. A few years ago, his archive was made available online. His essay on aliens was not in fact lost, but hidden in plain sight.

From those papers, we can see that Churchill still has much to teach his successors. One Sunday in April 1926, when Churchill was chancellor of the exchequer and preparing his budget, he set aside his papers for the morning and dictated a summary of quantum theory. Can anyone seriously imagine any political leader today using their downtime to brush up on their understanding of string theory?



等级: 派派版主
配偶: 葉修
[忆1012 1113——/6.29] [婚礼8.29][周年11.04]Ugly people and more troubl.
举报 只看该作者 5楼  发表于: 2017-05-12 0


英语语言大师除了莎士比亚外,还有丘吉尔(Churchill)。考研翻译中时常出现人物评论,涉及各领域的牛人,比如:Darwin, Newton, Whorf, Beethoven等等。
今天的文章标题为“Churchill’s scientific papers reveal an even greater politician than we thought”。我们一起分享原文吧。

(1) Although Churchill had no great aptitude for science, from his days as a solider he believed he needed to have a basic appreciation and knowledge of the subject if he were to achieve his ambition of becoming prime minister.

(2) As a subaltern in India, he read Charles Darwin as well as the author who probably most shaped his appreciation of science and its role in military and civilian life: HG Wells.

(3) Soon after Churchill became an MP, he made it his business to have a quiet dinner with Wells, whose every book Churchill claimed to have read twice.


aptitude n. 天资,能力

to achieve his ambition 实现抱负

prime minister 首相

subaltern* 陆军中尉

to shape v. 塑造,影响

to claim v. 声称


第(2)句As a subaltern in India, he read Charles Darwin as well as the author who probably most shaped his appreciation of science and its role in military and civilian life: HG Wells.

(1)句子的主干为he read Charles Darwin(主谓宾)。句首as a subaltern in India介词短语作状语。

(2)连词as well as连接Darwin和the authr。连词who引导定语从句who probably most shaped his appreciation of science and its role in military and civilian life: HG Wells修饰the author.

(3)句末HG Wells与the author为同位语。



——Although Churchill had no great aptitude for science, from his days as a solider he believed he needed to have a basic appreciation and knowledge of the subject if he were to achieve his ambition of becoming prime minister.

(2)在印度当陆军中尉时,他认真阅读了Charles Darwin的作品,还有HG Wells作品,后者可能影响了他对科学的重视以及对科学在军事和民用中作用的重视。

——As a subaltern in India, he read Charles Darwin as well as the author who probably most shaped his appreciation of science and its role in military and civilian life: HG Wells.


—— Soon after Churchill became an MP, he made it his business to have a quiet dinner with Wells, whose every book Churchill claimed to have read twice.



等级: 派派版主
配偶: 葉修
[忆1012 1113——/6.29] [婚礼8.29][周年11.04]Ugly people and more troubl.
举报 只看该作者 4楼  发表于: 2017-05-12 0


“threat”一词在外刊标题中经常出现,意为“the possibility of trouble, danger or disaster”。今天的文章选自《科学美国人》(2017年3月),原文标题为“We Are Never Just Scientists”。



(1) Science is under threat, and people around the world are mobilizing in defense.

(2) But if we want to support science, we must also stand up for what makes it great — diversity.

(3) Some of our biggest discoveries, like the Higgs boson and the human genome sequence, were possible because of the collective work of many scientists from different backgrounds.

(4) A diversity of ideas is essential for science and for addressing the world’s most pressing problems.

(5) However, to promote diversity, we must confront the structural inequalities and discrimination that are prevalent in science and society.  


under threat 受到威胁

to mobilize in defense 积极防卫

to stand up for 支持

diversity n. 多样性

the Higgs boson* 希格斯玻色粒子(超刚词,已经考查过)

the human genome* sequence 人类基因组序列

to address the world’s most pressing problems 解决世界上最急迫的问题

to promote diversity 提升多样性

to confront v. 面丢

discrimination n. 歧视

prevalent a.  普遍存在的,普遍发生的


第(5)句However, to promote diversity, we must confront the structural inequalities and discrimination that are prevalent in science and society

(1)句子的主干为 we must confront the structural inequalities and discrimination(主谓宾)。

(2)连词that引导定语从句that are prevalent in science and society修饰inequalities and discrimination.

(3)句首的to promote diversity不定式短语作目的状语。



—— Science is under threat, and people around the world are mobilizing in defense.

(2)但是,如果我们想支持科学,我们也必须支持使科学变得强大的东西 —— 多样性。

——But if we want to support science, we must also stand up for what makes it great — diversity.


—— Some of our biggest discoveries, like the Higgs boson and the human genome sequence, were possible because of the collective work of many scientists from different backgrounds.


——A diversity of ideas is essential for science and for addressing the world’s most pressing problems.


—— However, to promote diversity, we must confront the structural inequalities and discrimination that are prevalent in science and society.  



等级: 派派版主
配偶: 葉修
[忆1012 1113——/6.29] [婚礼8.29][周年11.04]Ugly people and more troubl.
举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2017-05-11 0


stranger这个词孩子们认识吗?你们读完这篇文章后,便知道你们可能想错了。而且认识到了语境的重要性。本文选自于《科学美国人》(2017年3月),原文标题为“What Is the Probability That Alien Life Exists”。

(1) A decade later, an even stranger signal fell upon a different radio telescope.

(2) This signal was unusual in many ways: it was very strong, it didn’t look like any known naturally occurring radio signal, and it seemed to be coming from “out there” (and not here on Earth).

(3) The signal was so striking that its discoverer famously wrote the word “Wow!” on the margin of a printout of the data.

(4) After ruling out obvious Earthly origins, most astronomers are convinced that the signal came from somewhere beyond Earth.

(5) The question — which still remains unanswered — is where?

(6) And from what or whom?

(7) Was the signal produced by a natural phenomena?

(8) Or might it have been broadcast by some alien intelligence?


stranger a. 更为奇怪的

striking a. 显著的; 引人注目的

margin n. 边缘

printout (电脑)打印出来的资料

to rule out  宣布…不可能,排除…的可能性

alien intelligence 外星智能


第(4)句After ruling out obvious Earthly origins, most astronomers are convinced that the signal came from somewhere beyond Earth.

(1)句子的主干为  most astronomers are convinced(主谓)。

(2)之后连词that引导形容词化的convinced的宾语从句,即that the signal came from somewhere beyond Earth.

(3)句首after ruling out obvious Earthly origins介词短语作状语。



——A decade later, an even stranger signal fell upon a different radio telescope.


——This signal was unusual in many ways: it was very strong, it didn’t look like any known naturally occurring radio signal, and it seemed to be coming from “out there” (and not here on Earth).


——The signal was so striking that its discoverer famously wrote the word “Wow!” on the margin of a printout of the data.


——After ruling out obvious Earthly origins, most astronomers are convinced that the signal came from somewhere beyond Earth.

(5)这个问题 —— 仍然悬而未决 —— 是哪里呢?

——The question — which still remains unanswered — is where? (6) And from what or whom? (7) Was the signal produced by a natural phenomena? (8) Or might it have been broadcast by some alien intelligence?


——And from what or whom?


—— Was the signal produced by a natural phenomena?


——Or might it have been broadcast by some alien intelligence?

[ 此帖被曲径戎在2017-05-12 08:34重新编辑 ]


等级: 派派版主
配偶: 葉修
[忆1012 1113——/6.29] [婚礼8.29][周年11.04]Ugly people and more troubl.
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2017-05-11 0


今天的文章摘自于《每日科学》(2017年3月),原文标题为“Hawaiian biodiversity has been declining for millions of years”。

(1) “Biologists don’t often think about the evolutionary trajectory of their group because without a fossil record they have no data that bear on whether diversity is increasing or decreasing,” Marshall said.

(2) “This study adds weight to the argument that there might be a lot of groups living today that are actually in long-term evolutionary decline.

(3) So this paper also serves as a consciousness-raising exercise - how might we identify living groups that are in decline in the absence of a fossil record?"

(4) He is currently developing ways to extend the new approach developed to analyze Hawaii to other parts of the globe.


trajectory* n. [物]弹道,轨道(超刚词)

a fossil record 化石记录

to bear on  对…产生影响; 与…有关

diversity n. 多样性

to add weight to the argument that 使这一(...的)论调更具说服力

a consciousness-raising exercise 增进意识的行动(活动)

to identify v. 识别

in the absence of 在没有...情况下

to extend v. 延伸


第(1)句Biologists don’t often think about the evolutionary trajectory of their group because without a fossil record they have no data that bear on whether diversity is increasing or decreasing,” Marshall said.

(1)句子的主干为 Biologists don’t often think about the evolutionary trajectory of their group (主谓宾)。

(2)连词because引导原因状语从句,即because without a fossil record they have no data that bear on whether diversity is increasing or decreasing。其中without a fossil record作状语,插入语。

(3)连词whether引导从句whether diversity is increasing or decreasing作bear on的宾语从句。



——“Biologists don’t often think about the evolutionary trajectory of their group because without a fossil record they have no data that bear on whether diversity is increasing or decreasing,” Marshall said.


——“This study adds weight to the argument that there might be a lot of groups living today that are actually in long-term evolutionary decline.

(3)因此,这篇论文也起到了提高意识的作用 —— 我们也许如何在没有化石记录的情况下识别存活的组群呢?”

——So this paper also serves as a consciousness-raising exercise - how might we identify living groups that are in decline in the absence of a fossil record?"


——He is currently developing ways to extend the new approach developed to analyze Hawaii to other parts of the globe.


-air- (空气);真题统计

airport (机场);

airs (架子);

airliners (客机,班机);

aircraft  (航空器<单复数同形>);

airborne (空运的,飞机载的);

aerial (空气的; 航空的);


今天的文章摘自于《每日科学》(2017年3月),原文标题为“Hawaiian biodiversity has been declining for millions of years”。


(1) “Biologists don’t often think about the evolutionary trajectory of their group because without a fossil record they have no data that bear on whether diversity is increasing or decreasing,” Marshall said.

(2) “This study adds weight to the argument that there might be a lot of groups living today that are actually in long-term evolutionary decline.

(3) So this paper also serves as a consciousness-raising exercise - how might we identify living groups that are in decline in the absence of a fossil record?"

(4) He is currently developing ways to extend the new approach developed to analyze Hawaii to other parts of the globe.


trajectory* n. [物]弹道,轨道(超刚词)

a fossil record 化石记录

to bear on  对…产生影响; 与…有关

diversity n. 多样性

to add weight to the argument that 使这一(...的)论调更具说服力

a consciousness-raising exercise 增进意识的行动(活动)

to identify v. 识别

in the absence of 在没有...情况下

to extend v. 延伸


第(1)句Biologists don’t often think about the evolutionary trajectory of their group because without a fossil record they have no data that bear on whether diversity is increasing or decreasing,” Marshall said.

(1)句子的主干为 Biologists don’t often think about the evolutionary trajectory of their group (主谓宾)。

(2)连词because引导原因状语从句,即because without a fossil record they have no data that bear on whether diversity is increasing or decreasing。其中without a fossil record作状语,插入语。

(3)连词whether引导从句whether diversity is increasing or decreasing作bear on的宾语从句。



——“Biologists don’t often think about the evolutionary trajectory of their group because without a fossil record they have no data that bear on whether diversity is increasing or decreasing,” Marshall said.


——“This study adds weight to the argument that there might be a lot of groups living today that are actually in long-term evolutionary decline.

(3)因此,这篇论文也起到了提高意识的作用 —— 我们也许如何在没有化石记录的情况下识别存活的组群呢?”

——So this paper also serves as a consciousness-raising exercise - how might we identify living groups that are in decline in the absence of a fossil record?"


——He is currently developing ways to extend the new approach developed to analyze Hawaii to other parts of the globe.


-air- (空气);真题统计

airport (机场);

airs (架子);

airliners (客机,班机);

aircraft  (航空器<单复数同形>);

airborne (空运的,飞机载的);

aerial (空气的; 航空的);


[ 此帖被曲径戎在2017-05-12 08:33重新编辑 ]


等级: 派派版主
配偶: 葉修
[忆1012 1113——/6.29] [婚礼8.29][周年11.04]Ugly people and more troubl.
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2017-05-10 0


The wage freeze we are living through is the longest since Victorian times. The public sector pay cap means that many employees entered 2017 facing cuts to real pay. Nurses, police officers, ambulance drivers and firefighters are all earning less than they did five years ago. And though the gender pay gap for men and women in their 20s has narrowed to 5%, overall women still earn an average of 18% less.

Treated like dirt, these teaching assistants have become the lions of Durham | Aditya Chakrabortty
Read more
So how can the powerless get their voices heard? Once trade unions were the obvious answer, but 55% of today’s workforce in Britain has never been in a union. Break this down by age, and the picture is even starker. Of those aged 16 to 24, fewer than 10% are unionised; and for 25- to 35-year-olds, the robust and energetic drivers of the economy, it’s only one in five. Although films such as Made in Dagenham, about the 1968 strike by female workers at Ford’s Dagenham car plant, reminded us of women’s role in union history, media coverage more often harks back to the 1970s stereotype of blokes, beer and sandwiches. And the continuing dispute between Southern rail and the unions, which flared up with another strike on Wednesday, does little to dispel this myth.

But something significant has changed: contrary to stereotypes, union membership among women is now higher than it is for men. The average member today is a woman in her 40s in the public sector. Meanwhile, last May’s survey of trade union membership by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills showed growth in both public and private sector membership. The survey also found that the union wage premium – the gap between the hourly earnings of union members and non-members – was 16% in the public sector and 7% in the private sector.

Many unions are working hard to adapt to changes in the economy and the structure of employment. But they are crucial in our age of zero-hours and sessional contracts, tribunal fees and no effective civil legal aid for male and female workers in employment disputes. An age in which the worst workplaces resemble totalitarian regimes where employees are told how to dress, who they are allowed to talk to, and when to use the toilet – and are monitored by robots or wearable tracker devices such as sociometric badges.

Despite the rise of the “gig economy” and job insecurity, and the ideological onslaught against workers’ rights in the government’s Trade Union Act 2016, there have been a number of recent practical victories by unions over the taxi app Uber, the food delivery empire Deliveroo and the delivery firm CitySprint. Similar cases against the courier companies Addison Lee, eCourier and Excel will follow this year.

Democracy is not just about voting in a general election every four or five years. As one senior national union organiser described it, we have lurched into a situation where clocking into work involves clocking out of liberal western democracy. A healthy employment relationship should not involve giving up our rights as citizens within working hours. Being closely timed, micro-monitored and controlled are invasions of human dignity.

The GMB organiser Nadine Houghton, a rising star among women trade unionists, wrote recently that working-class women were the unsung heroes of 2016. Teaching assistants in Derby and Durham, 95% of whom are female, took action against pay cuts of up to 25%. Female hospital workers, cleaners, hostesses and catering staff took on the multinational private contractor Aramark in the South London and Maudsley NHS Trust. Two Ecuadorian cleaners, members of the United Women of the World Union, launched the campaign against Philip Green’s Topshop for a living wage.

首先想想“unions”的含义是什么?“union”可表达“永结同心”,但是如果文章标题是“With women at the forefront, the unions are relevant again”,那么......。本文选自于《卫报》(2017年6月)。
【回音壁】上次有一个词汇题consider,可以按照for example的理解和用法理解。

(1) So how can the powerless get their voices heard?

(2) Once trade unions were the obvious answer, but 55% of today’s workforce in Britain has never been in a union.

(3) Break this down by age, and the picture is even starker.

(4) Of those aged 16 to 24, fewer than 10% are unionised; and for 25- to 35-year-olds, the robust and energetic drivers of the economy, it’s only one in five.

(5) Although films such as Made in Dagenham, about the 1968 strike by female workers at Ford’s Dagenham car plant, reminded us of women’s role in union history, media coverage more often harks back to the 1970s stereotype of beer and sandwiches.

(6) And the continuing dispute between Southern rail and the unions, which flared up with another strike on Wednesday, does little to dismiss  this myth.


to get their voices heard 让他人听到自己的观点

trade unions 行业工会

stark* a. 完全的(超刚词)

robust and energetic drivers of the economy 经济的强劲推动力量

Made in Dagenham 这部影片讲述的是1968年,850名英国福特汽车公司位于戴根纳姆(Dagenham)的工厂女工走上街头罢工抗议工作待遇的性别歧视。这场罢工很快席卷全英国,最终帮助实现了英国女性和男性员工的同工同酬。

to remind ... of 提醒

media coverage 媒体报道

to hark* back to 重提; 回忆起(过去的事)(超纲)

stereotype* n. 固定形象,陈词滥调

to flare up v. 闪现


第(6)句Although films such as Made in Dagenham, about the 1968 strike by female workers at Ford’s Dagenham car plant, reminded us of women’s role in union history, media coverage more often harks back to the 1970s stereotype of beer and sandwiches.

(1)句子的主干为media coverage more often harks back to the 1970s stereotype of beer and sandwiches(主谓宾结构)。

(2)句首although引导让步状语从句,主语为films,谓语为reminded us of women’s role in union history.

(3)其中,about the 1968 strike by female workers at Ford’s Dagenham car plant介词短语修饰film.



—— So how can the powerless get their voices heard?


——Once trade unions were the obvious answer, but 55% of today’s workforce in Britain has never been in a union.


—— Break this down by age, and the picture is even starker.


—— Of those aged 16 to 24, fewer than 10% are unionised; and for 25- to 35-year-olds, the robust and energetic drivers of the economy, it’s only one in five.


——Although films such as Made in Dagenham, about the 1968 strike by female workers at Ford’s Dagenham car plant, reminded us of women’s role in union history, media coverage more often harks back to the 1970s stereotype of beer and sandwiches.



——And the continuing dispute between Southern rail and the unions, which flared up with another strike on Wednesday, does little to dismiss  this myth.
2). Besides, to minimize students' possibility to substitute others' works for their own, several simple strategies can be followed in designing writing assignments.

3). Maybe you are perplexed about how to get rid of it and enjoy a more pleasant and rich college life?Here are my opinions about how to cope with financial, academic and emotional problems.

4). Therefore, in my opinion, the golden rule for classroom behavior at college is to honor our class, honor our instructors, and honor our classmates.

5). Our first and most important line of defense against academic dishonesty is simply good teaching.

6). The second remedy is to encourage the development of integrity in students.

7). In daily life, they should learn to do chores such as washing and shopping either by calling home or by consulting experienced roommates.

8). Considering the above factors,universities cannot afford to cut down current tuition though it exerts great financial pressure on students from low-income families. In my opinion, a more practical way to resolve the conflict lies in establishing a new social institution favorable to the disadvantaged students.

9). Of course, it is also worth mentioning that plastic surgery is not the best cure for all our problems which seem to be connected with appearances… And for those who have a distorted view of what they should look like, dealing with the emotional problem with the help of a trained therapist will be a better bet.


1). Of course there is some truth in those complaints. Nevertheless, with regard to the future development for both employers and employees, advantages will far outweigh disadvantages during a job interview.

2). It is true that interview benefits both the employer and employee in many cases, but, in my opinion, it does not always work because of its time limit, the subjectivity in decision-making and high additional expenditure it brings to job applicants.

3). Admittedly, looking good does have real advantages in some occasions like finding a job or spouse, but plastic surgery alone cannot change our life.

4). He gives due weight to the role of ambition in our life, but he ignores the fact that ambition alone cannot formor change a person's destiny.

5). Though its final result may be alluring,people need to consider the hazards before plunging in.

6). Despite its high costs, possible risks,and short-term side effects, plastic surgery is a great thing in many cases and its benefits can be both physical and emotional, both external and internal.

7). No matter how well or how badly a candidate performs, it might not be safe to equalize the outcome with his capabilities and potentials, especially when interviewers do not attach due importance to the candidate‘s record.

[ 此帖被曲径戎在2017-05-12 08:32重新编辑 ]
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