TIn recent years I have seen a lot of wonderfulpeople placing lots of emphasis on the notion of genre in classrooms whereteachers are teaching language. But people haven't paid so much attention tothe notion of ‘text type’. In the following article, Iprove there is a difference between ‘genre’ and ‘text type’.This difference is important. It’s also useful. I showthis by looking into a lot of texts. These texts that I look at are from twogenre-based course books. One of these coursebooks talks about adultsecond-language literacy development. The other is about how you should writein schools and universities. Another thing I do is I put forward ways peoplemust use the differences between text types and genres in a classroom.
Recent years have seen increased emphasis beingplaced on the notion of genre in the language learning classroom. Lessattention, however, has been given to the notion of ‘text type’. This article argues that thedistinction between ‘genre’ and‘text type’ is an important anduseful one. To illustrate this distinction, an analysis is presented of anumber of texts from two genre-based coursebooks, one which focuses on adultsecond language literacy development, and another which focuses on writing inan academic context. The article also suggests ways in which the relationshipbetween genres and text types may be exploited in the language learningclassroom.