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[面经分享] 职场英语:过节给老板送礼注意事项六则

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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2009-02-20 0
Are you considering adding your boss to your gift-giving list this year?

"Tread carefully," warns Jo Bennett, partner in the New York City executive search firm Battalia Winston. "It's not all that common and I think if you want to give a gift to your boss, you need to think about what's in it for you."

Here are some simple do's and don'ts to keep your holiday giving happy.


来自Battalia Winston高级人才搜寻公司合伙人Jo Bennett说:“给老板送礼要谨慎。送老板礼物并不是一个普遍的现象。如果你希望给老板送礼物的话,你需要考虑自己有什么好处。”


1、Do your homework. 准备

Buying your boss a gift is just like any other workplace project. So research the history of gift-giving in your office:


* Do people give gifts to the boss? 人们(在过节)给老板送礼物吗?

* If so, what kind? 如果送的话,是送哪类礼物?

* Has it ever backfired for any of your coworkers, and if so, how?

* 曾经出现过有同事送礼后适得其反的情况吗?有的话,是如何发生的?

2、Don't make your boss uncomfortable. 不要让老板感觉不自在

Now that you know the tradition, think about why you want to give your boss a gift in the first place.

"If the answer is because you want to curry favor, I wouldn't do it," said Bennett. "The risk is that your boss will see it as trying to twist the relationship and get an advantage. You don't want to make your boss uncomfortable."



3、Do be sincere. 真诚

The best reason to give your boss a gift is to thank him or her for a specific act of kindness during the year that went "above and beyond the call of duty," Bennett said.

"Maybe your boss smoothed over a particular issue you had with a customer," she suggested. "Or maybe your boss gave you some great career advice. In that case, give something small with a nice card of genuine thanks."




等级: 才华横溢
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2009-02-20 0
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