龟梨和也 1582现场版_派派后花园

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[单曲推荐] 龟梨和也 1582现场版

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等级: 寒窗墨者
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2012-06-18 0
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Analysis: 1582 by Kamenashi Kazuya (BTR Version)
In my opinion, 1582 is a song about Mori Ranmaru and Oda Nobunaga's homosexual
relationship right before their demise in the Honnouji Incident on the 21st of
June 1582 where they took their lives. It is not about Oda's wife or his
concubines or any woman in particular. In order to try and substantiate my
thoughts, I'm here to present what I believe can be considered as 'evidence.'
This is quite long, I'm sorry, feel free to leave if bored, but it was so much
fun researching and analysing^^ After reading this, I suggest you go back and
watch the performance again.

The parts in blue are the most strong, evidence-wise, in my opinion. But it is
there highlighted mostly for people who just want a basic basic argument. I hope
you'll read in full^^ if that's not asking too much >w<





- These are my thought, my analysis, my opinions, despite my belief, I am in no
way saying this is 100% correct. We have no way of knowing.
- Feel free to disagree and argue.
- I actually think the album version is fine if one says it can be sung from a
woman's point of view. It's the BTR concert one I'm focusing on.

DIFFERENCES IN LYRICS (Significance will be mentioned later):
Album Version of 1582

BTR Live Concert Version (Areas of difference in bold):


- Oda Nobunaga is one of the most famous samurais ever because he was the first
man to conquer all of Japan
- Mori Ranmaru was Oda's personal servant and a fiercely talented samurai.
- 1582 is the year of Nobunaga and Ranmaru's death. They died June 21st 1582
- It is believed that Ranmaru and Oda had a sexual relationship. Nanshoku (sex
between men) & Shudou (pederasty) was a common practice in those days.
- Nobunaga had two (perhaps more) concubines (along with the loveless marriage
he had with his wife, Princess Noh) and they bore him around 20 sons and
- There was no love lost between him and his wife who was beautiful and clever.
Their marriage was determined before their birth as a political gesture between
their fathers. She is believed to be barren.
- Ranmaru was 6 when he first met Nobunaga but Nobunaga was much older.
- Ranmaru was literally given to Nobunaga as a personal servant when Nobunaga
became taken in by Ranmaru's beauty and charisma.
- Ranmaru's beauty is known throughout history, in fact his name is commonly
associated with Adonis and Narcissus
- Very few people name their sons Ranmaru anymore because it is associated with
a beautiful man so they are afraid they will appear arrogant.
- Ranmaru is known for his beauty and unwavering loyalty to Nobunaga. He is the
only one who understands Nobunaga and can calm him down when he is angry. He
also has the ability to organise things the way his master wishes.


- Although Nobunaga awarded Ranmaru with several high official ranks, Ranmaru
stayed as Nobunaga's personal servant.
- Ranmaru was allowed to attend all military meetings which was usually
forbidden for a servant.
- In the past when boys come of age (12-13 in those times), they would cut their
hair and assume the hairstyle of an adult but Nobunaga requested that Ranmaru
keep his hair uncut, which he did.
- Ranmaru was the one who was with Nobunaga at his time of death. It is commonly
believed and understood that only a handful of men were with Oda in the last
moments of battle, no women were there at all. And Ranmaru was the one who was
with Oda when he died. He watched his master commit seppuku (disembowelment that
occurs first by sticking a sword into their stomach and pulling across in a
horizontal direction, and then asking another samurai to chop their heads off)
It was regarded as the most honourable way to die because it took great strength
and will power. The one who witnesses your seppuku is often the one you trust
the most in your life. Ranmaru then set fire to the temple they were in
(Honnouji, a temple in Kyoto) after as Nobunaga had instructed so that the enemy
couldn't take his head, and then Ranmaru took his own life by committing seppuku
right after without hesitation. He was believed to be 17.

明智光秀(Akechi Mitsuhide)(信长的最好的朋友)发动了这场军事政变去推翻信长。没有人知道真正的原因是什么,比较流行的理论有两种:1是光秀嫉妒兰丸和信长之间的关系(这种关系是指朋友关系还是感情关系就不知道了)2是信长把光秀想要或者是本来就属于光秀的土地赏赐给兰丸。(根据悠悠的认识,那时光秀是60多岁的高龄了,感情的话,也太夸张了吧!个人比较倾向接受第二种观点)
- Reportedly, Nobunaga's last words were, "Ran, don't let them come in."
- Akechi Mitsuhide (Nobunaga's best friend) staged a coup to overthrow Nobunaga.
No one knows why but popular theories are A. Akechi was jealous of the
relationship between Ranmaru and Nobunaga (whether it was their friendship or
their sexual relationship is unknown) B. Nobunaga was going to give land that
Akechi wanted/owned to Ranmaru.
- It is believed that Nobunaga's body was never found. Because of this, Akechi
Mitsuhide became more paranoid and delayed him from consolidating his power, and
most likely contributed to his eventual downfall.

Added 29th Dec:
The following information is much more detailed than the ones I provided in my
1582 analysis, and is taken from an amalgamation of different Chinese historical
accounts (it seems this story is much more famous in Asian societies):

即使到了今天,依旧几乎没有女性可以参演能剧。能剧里由漂亮的男性扮演女性被认为是非常不道德的(在那种意义上甚至是可以入地狱的)(Noh drama is pretty much exclusively male as women were thought to be too immoral (whatever the hell that means -_-'')这一句悠悠翻得很纠结,求高人指点啊!)KAME在开始部分戴着的面具是传统地只能由男性使用的面具,这在当时以及更早的时期是由武士当他们需要去恐吓别人时佩戴的(兰丸是一名武士)。所以作为一名女性,在1582年时是不会允许一个既不是武士的女性又不是一个男性的人从事戏剧行业的。

Masks. Noh Dance (Mai). Clothing. Decoration. Fans.
- Noh drama characteristics is seen most prominently at the beginning of the BTR
performance (until Kame begins to sing) and during the water dance. These
include musical instruments, chants, traditional music, and props such as fans
and mask.
- Even today, very few women take part in Noh drama. Noh drama is pretty much
exclusively male as women were thought to be too immoral (whatever the hell that
means -_-'') The mask that Kame wore at the beginning are traditionally worn by
men only but even before that, it was samurais who wore masks to appear
intimidating (Ranmaru was a samurai). As a woman, the supposed 'female'
counterpart in 1582 would have no business wearing a mask as she was neither a
samurai nor a male in the theatre industry.


- The purpose of Noh dramas is to revel in the subtlety of beauty. Noh drama is
all about being able to understand what is going on through every single small
detail, from the position the actor is sitting in, to the way he is holding his
- Abiding by the norms of Noh Drama, the main character (shite) would wear
different mask to represent different things, women, devil, gods, etc and all
the supporting characters (waki) will not wear masks. The ones who help the
characters, almost like 'backstage staff' wear black to prevent from being seen.
They bring props on and off stage etc.
- There are many different types of classified and unclassified Noh dramas, 1582
would fit into the category of historical play. These are characterised by
stories that romanticise events that happened before with powerful people (i.e.
not the everyday people) such as warlords, samurais, etc.
- Howeve,r there are cases when the main character will not wear a mask, and in
these cases, all the supporting characters will to balance out. When this
happens, the significance of the mask that the supporting characters wear
- The only normal case in which we see the main character not wearing a mask is
when he a playing an human male. (Young boys, and old men not included.)
- When playing a woman, a mask will always be worn, no matter what.

- Now, in case you're starting to get skeptical, let me explain why this proves,
along with the 1582 million other things Kame put in, that this song is not, as
he says, a "woman who is drowning in love".
- Kame wears a mask at the beginning (this is where you will see some of my 'Oda
and Ranmaru did not switch perspectives' view seeping in.) And then he takes it
off. It is very clear that this is a secondary character. Firstly, the position
he is sitting in, with his fan held in front of his knee, is the position
reserved for supporting roles. Second, his fan, in comparison to the one he
pulls out later, is much smaller, less decorative and it has a stick of bamboo
on either side (unlike the second fan). This fan is reserved for side characters.

- The second fan is called a chukei and is reserved for the main character. It
is larger, more decorative and only has one side ending in bamboo.
- A fan is a powerful tool in Noh dramas, unlike in Western cultures, where the
fan has a more feminine feel to it, here the fan has been used to represent all
sorts of things from bottles, to canes and most commonly, swords/weapons.
- When a fan opens, that signifies the start of the play because the opening of
the fan was the same as 'unveiling' a character, of 'being' a character. And
when the fan closes, they stop being the character.

现在,我相信最先表演出来的是织田,这也让我联想到了织田一个外号“第六天魔王”,信长总是被描述成一个冷酷、专横跋扈的暴君,这个外号来自于一个佛家思想。第六天的魔王从云端降临,有着人的外貌,并且用他的方式巧妙地控制周围的一切。佛教育我们必须制止自己控制支配他人的欲望。织田信长所戴的面具类似于HANNYA MASK(这里我找不到好的中文来翻译它,不过大家如果打这个英语在GOOGLE上搜索,是可以看见图的,估计是代表一种鬼吧~),这是一个嫉妒的女性,她因为狂怒而变成了恶魔,但这两者有明天的不同。这个面具以白色取代了通常与恶魔想联系的黄色和金色。并且他有眉毛和红色的嘴唇。这些多是人的特征,但是金色的角、牙齿和眼睛则特意按时了他半人半鬼的一面。并且这个面具与一般的HANNYA比起来也柔和了很多。我认为KAME是想以兰丸表现出信长比较柔软的一面(稍后我会解释为什么其实这个面具与女性有渊源,但KAME表现得并不是一个女性)
- Now, I believe the first side character that appears is Oda. jonnys_heir
pointed out to me the other day that Oda Nobunaga's nickname was the "demon king
of the sixth heaven." Nobunaga is often portrayed as a cold, domineering tyrant,
and this nickname lays its roots within Buddhism ideology. The demon king of the
sixth heaven would literally descend from the clouds, take the shape of a human,
and manipulate it's way into controlling those around it. Buddhism teaches us
that we must fight our urge to dominate others. The mask that Oda Nobunaga is
wearing resembles the Hannya Mask the most, which is a jealous woman who because
of this fury turned into a demon, however there are stark contrasts. The mask
has a white face instead of the usual yellow/gold that is associated with
demons. It also has eyebrows and red lips. These are all humanistic attributes,
but the gold horns, teeth and eyes especially do indicate this is half demon as
well. This mask is also much softer looking in expression when compared to the
Hannya. I believe Kame is trying to show the softer side of Oda as Ranmaru
(devoted little boy that he is >3<;) undoubtedly would. (I will explain after
this why it is not possible that Kame was a woman, despite the feminine roots in
the mask)
KAME打开他举着的扇子,那把配合配角的(也就是第一把),表明他正在表演,他现在是织田。扇子上的装饰时另一种与观众交流的方式,在这里KAME使用了一个基本的技巧,它被成为“ogi o kazasu(这个应该是日语里的说法,作者音译了,可是偶不懂,翻不出来)”或者叫做“展示扇子”。在上面,我们可以看见一条蓝绿黄色相见的龙在云团中。以我对能剧的了解,我不记得有看见过有龙背画在日本扇子上,我只在中国的扇子上看见过。但是,如同在中国是被看做是祥瑞之兆(这个与西方的观点很不一样),在日本龙代表着无畏和自由,它同时也有监护、提供保护等与之相关的含义。日本龙,同“第六天魔王”一样有能力从上天降临人世,并转化成人男人的形象,但是龙的力量至于他人不是控制,而是保护。

- Kame opens the fan he is holding, the one for side characters, thus
demonstrating that now he is his character, he is Oda now. The decorations on
fans were another way of communicating interpretations to the audience, and Kame
employs a basic technique called the ogi o kazasu or 'to display fan'. On it, we
see a blue/green/yellowish dragon in the midst of clouds. In my research of Noh
drama, I had not come across anywhere where Japanese fans had dragons drawn on
them, I had only seen it on Chinese fans. But, like in China, dragons are seen
as the best creatures ever (which is a different way of looking at them compared
to the West). The Japanese dragon represents being fearless and has the meaning
of freedom. It also has the meaning of guardianship, providing a protective
force over those it was associated with. The Japanese dragon, like the "demon
king of the sixth heaven" has the ability to descend from heaven and transform
into a male, but the force it exerts over others was not to control, but to

- This idea of protection is reinforced by the fact that in several books written on how to be a good samurai or man of honour, the practice of having sex
between an older male and a younger male was noted as a useful aspect of noble
culture. Supposedly, the younger man would be trained to become a capable man
and warrior, teaching him valuable lessons in beauty, honour and virtue, and the
older Samurai was seen as in a position of strength and power. This practice was
something even monks would partake in, believing it to curb the feminine
corruption of women that could distract from being a good warrior.
- The Japanese Dragon also had the ability to breathe fire and Japanese people
were dependent on them to make water "rain". In fact the dragon that resembles
the one of the fan the most is known as the Rain King, a blue/green dragon.
Dragons in Asia, also have Emperor/Ruler connotations. One of Oda's prized
possessions was his horse, the 'Blue Dragon Horse'.
另一把扇子被拾起,吟唱(作为能剧的一部分)开始了,它非常像一场正在进行的战斗。这把扇子大得多,有更多生动的装饰,并且没有竹子在一边,这些都表示这个才是主角。这把正好张开,再一次运用了“ogi o kazasu”技巧来展示扇子。在上面的是一种非常在日本很流行的花,牡丹。
- When the fan has been shut, Kame gives it to one of the stage helpers,
effectively demonstrating that his portrayal of Oda Nobunaga's character is
finished. And this is done deliberately, we can see this through the extra slow
care Kame takes to demonstrating the opening and closing of the fan.
- This is when he runs his hands all over the mask, caressing it in quite a
sexual manner. However, he is no longer Nobunaga at this point, but clearly
another person who, through the caressing, I believe is demonstrating his
affections for Oda.
- Another fan is picked up, the chants (as part of Noh drama) pick up and it
begins to feel like a battle is occurring. This fan is much larger, with more
vivid decorations and no bamboo on one side, showing that this is the main
character. The fan is spread right out, once again using the technique ogi o
kazasu to display the fan. On it are a type of popular japanese flower, peonies.
Now, there aren't many interpretations handy for fan decorations, however, the
one that I found that seemed to be the most common was that if it was a woman,
it would be covered in masses of red. As in, most of the background should be
red. Peonies however are quite a fascinating symbol, as you see, peonies are
said to only truly bloom after heavy rainfall. Plus, although peonies represent
gentle love (and is often paired with lions and dragons as a means of taming the
more ferocious creature), unlike in the West, peonies have become somewhat of a
masculine motif as well in Japan. As tattoos, they are often seen decorating the
arms of warrior heros in pop culture books along with dragons^^. It represents a
very daring, masculine emotion but is also associated with beauty, love and
affection. (I don't even need to say the whole duality of femininity and
masculinity by now right? I mean, you should all be wanting to throw rocks at me
now haha)

把扇子从他身前举起后,KAME开始加入了动作较快的能剧舞蹈(mai)在其中。这段他加入的舞蹈被称为“Otoko Mai”或者是更字面一些的“男性舞蹈”。他通常由男性演员扮演的历史人物跳的,大多数是战士,比如:(Jyuro Kosode and Goro Kosode in Soga Kosode and Sanehira Doi in Ochi Shichik这里罗列一些人名和剧目,我翻不出来)。这个舞蹈通常速度较快(与惯常的慢速不同,通过自身各种方式密集地做出姿势)并且以一种绅士的、优雅的风格来表演。演唱会上的表演用这种舞蹈描绘出了角色的英雄气概,巧妙地暗示了兰丸的激烈情感,因为他是一位男子,所以他不再戴着面具。
- Holding the fan out in front of him, Kame begins to engage in a quick Noh
dance (mai) with it. The dance that he engages in is called Otoko Mai, or more
literally, "male dance." It's danced by male characters playing actual
historical figures, mostly warriors, such as Jyuro Kosode and Goro Kosode in
Soga Kosode and Sanehira Doi in Ochi Shichiki. This dance is often done is quite
a fast tempo (a contrast to the usual slow, solumn gestures that pepper itself
through all forms of Noh dramas) and there is suppose to be a gentlemanly,
elegant style to it. The performance uses this dance to portray the character as
heroic, subtly hinting at Ranmaru's fierceness, and never wears a mask because
he is a male.
- Now as for why it can't be a woman: Aside from what I've just mentioned, the
mask looks like it is a combination of happiness (being with the loved one,
healing wounds, being together), and sadness (death) at the same time. A common
technique used in Noh drama was to tilt the face backwards to show happiness,
and look downwards to show sadness because it would alter the expression on the
mask, and 'Oda Nobunaga's' character swings his head around in a circle, looking
both up and down, tying together the two emotions. If it was about a woman's
fury and jealousy, then it would not fit the soft, bittersweet background music.
It would also not fit the idea of a woman in love. Plus, if it was the woman in
the mask, then when the fan closed for the first time, it would mean, it's no
longer a woman. And therefore that would imply that Kame wasn't a woman in the
next few moments, where is he womanliest! Haha~

(This convinced me 100% - especially when I rewatched the performance)
- For all that people can say about how we are overanalysing, and that Kame is a
woman no matter what, well here is the thing. Taking into consideration of the
mask (that looks so similar to Noh mask), the fans (that even have the special
opened, no bamboo end for the main character), the gestures (sitting at the
beginning, turned to the side, with closed fan in front of knee), the
traditional singing, the drums (taiko), the musicians, the stage hand dressed in
black, so on and so forth, I think it is pretty damn safe to say that Kame
intended there to be a connection to Noh theatre.
He even goes through the pains of demonstrating how the characters wearing masks are side characters. And that he opening and closing of a fan turns a character on and off. When the main
actor plans to be a character for a long time, he opens the main fan (the
chukei) and hands it to a stage hand who helps him prop it up, so the audience
can see, 'This is the character who I am going to play. I wil continue to be
them, until the fan is closed.' And following by traditional Noh drama, Kame
would not have been a woman actor because at that time (and even now) very
rarely are women in the business of Noh drama. And at that time it was illegal.
So he had to have been a man, who was playing a man. Noh drama are characterised
by their masks, it's a form of communicating and they depend greatly on it to
portray extraordinary roles like gods, demons and women. The only time the main
character could go maskless is when he is playing a human male. And it's clear
that Kame was playing a character because the chukei is open.
Kame then proceeds to perform. I don't believe for one second, that Kame would incorporate so many
references to Noh drama, even getting all it's particulars down to a tee like
sitting positions, go to such lengths to show the significance of the fan to us
etc, and just decide to switch characters in the middle without closing the fan,
and opening a new one. If he had wanted to, he could have positioned the


一种观点是不同于专辑里的版本,KAME在BTR演唱会版本里,实际上是角色是由兰丸转换成织田,再重新变回兰丸。理由是在中间那部分非常男性化是代表织田的。这在专辑版本里是非常解释的通的,但是在BTR演唱会上,用“伤痕累累的心因为沐浴鲜血而治愈”,在专辑里唱得则是“伤痕累累的心,看见您就能被治愈(傷だらけの心さえも あなたを見て癒えるわ)”。这个感觉似乎是在说同一件事,但实际上谈的却是不一样的事。还有,在这之后出现的句子是“哦~我哀悼我孤寂的公主”,如果这是从织田口中说出的,那就实在与他的性格不符了。我们都知道他和她的王妃,浓姬,并不幸福,也不可能是他的小妾们,因为他并不特别宠爱其中的一位。
- One theory is that unlike in the album version, Kame in the BTR version,
actually switches from Ranmaru to Oda to Ranmaru. The most 'manly' section in
the middle is Oda. This is actually quite viable as Kame has replaced this
section in the album version. Whilst in BTR, he sings "this body littered with
wounds is healed by bathing in that blood", it is replaced with, "this heart
littered with wounds is healed by watching you". It feels as if the same things
are being talked about, but are talked about differently.

- The only one thing that appears off is the line "Oh I lament the lonely
princess." If Oda is the one saying this, it feels very uncharacteristic of him.
Oda is known to now give a damn about his wife, Princess Koh, and it couldn't be
about his concubines because he didn't care strongly for one in particular.

- Another point is that Kame uses the term 'waga' meaning 'our'. This is very
formal. It is usually used when representing say, your company and you say, "our
company" or "our country". But in this case, it was in line 27, referring to our
dreams. It seems like an uncharacteristically formal thing for Oda to say.

- There is no actual indicator of a change if Kame did change from Ran to Oda.
In fact, Kame still, even with the more aggressive stance, portray a soft
sensuality, and his movements were very elegant in a sense, like when he swiped
the water in a circular fashion. In fact, Oda Nobunaga would most certainly not
wear what Kame was wearing haha~ it's not exactly samurai battle OR private
wear. It's more like female clothes that a man wants to wear, so he fashions it
to become more masculine, which would definitely suit Ranmaru's character but
might look faintly O_o on Oda.
- Plus, the samurai hairstyle (the one Ranmaru never got) shows that the
forehead hair and about halfway up the head has been shaved, leaving the rest
tied up. Apparently, Oda said to Ranmaru, "Don’t cut your maegami (forehead
hair) I want you as my servant, no matter how old you are!" Which basically
meant, he wanted Ranmaru to stay by his side forever. If Kame was portraying a
woman, he would have pulled his bangs (forehead hair) all the way back, and if
he was then later portraying Oda, he would have not taken his hair now, and also
would have pulled his forehead hair back.

- More evidence below in the Noh Drama section.
- Common Depiction of Oda Nobunaga (Said to be quite a handsome man)
- No matter how manly Kame is (or tries to be xD;;), doesn't give off the same
air, eh?

Another point is that Kame uses the term 'waga' meaning 'our'. This is very
formal. It is usually used when representing say, your company and you say, "our
company" or "our country". But in this case, it was in line 27, referring to our
dreams. It seems like an uncharacteristically formal thing for Oda to say.

- There is no actual indicator of a change if Kame did change from Ran to Oda.
In fact, Kame still, even with the more aggressive stance, portray a soft
sensuality, and his movements were very elegant in a sense, like when he swiped
the water in a circular fashion. In fact, Oda Nobunaga would most certainly not
wear what Kame was wearing haha~ it's not exactly samurai battle OR private
wear. It's more like female clothes that a man wants to wear, so he fashions it
to become more masculine, which would definitely suit Ranmaru's character but
might look faintly O_o on Oda.
- Plus, the samurai hairstyle (the one Ranmaru never got) shows that the
forehead hair and about halfway up the head has been shaved, leaving the rest
tied up. Apparently, Oda said to Ranmaru, "Don’t cut your maegami (forehead
hair) I want you as my servant, no matter how old you are!" Which basically
meant, he wanted Ranmaru to stay by his side forever. If Kame was portraying a
woman, he would have pulled his bangs (forehead hair) all the way back, and if
he was then later portraying Oda, he would have not taken his hair now, and also
would have pulled his forehead hair back.

- More evidence below in the Noh Drama section.
- Common Depiction of Oda Nobunaga (Said to be quite a handsome man)
- No matter how manly Kame is (or tries to be xD;;), doesn't give off the same
air, eh?

Kame's look:
Depiction of Ranmaru:
At the beginning, Kame really does look like a geisha doesn't he? So obviously
he is a woman right? I mean he had the geisha dance fan, costume and umbrella,
yeah? Heehee, just kidding^^. The average onlooker will think, yup, pretty
pretty geisha Kame~ however, a few points:

- The costume that Kame wears is actually different to what real
geishas wear. Kame is missing the white make up, painted face, huge decorating
ornament in his hair, and the large sash that is suppose to be tied around his
             - Did you know that female geishas did not actually come into
existence until late 17th century? Kame is singing about a time in the 16th
century, 1582. So did he just randomly decide to pull a woman back 100 years?
             - For those who don't know, the first geishas were male. Yup, they
are known as taikomochi and they started out as japanese jesters who served
feudal lords (like Oda) from 1200s, mostly through dancing. These men both
advised and entertained their lords. By the 1500s, they were known as story
tellers (which supports the idea that 1582 is a death poem that narrates a story
almost) and sounding boards for military strategies and they battled at the side
of their lords.
             - Please keep in mind that geishas are not the same as prostitutes.
女性疑问虚词后缀の (no)在BTR演唱会的第12句,KAME唱到“望向无尽的大地的目光,会映照出什么?(見果てぬ地に向かう瞳は 何を映し出してゆくの)”这里是在他穿着者女性衣服是唱的。随后,KAME唱“是爱?(这个我在歌词里没有找到)”,则用了更为男性化的疑问虚词か (ka)。一些人持有这样的观点,认为是一首女孩和男孩对唱的歌,但是,KAME在他男性造型的时候,在第39行有唱了一遍“望向无尽的大地的目光,会映照出什么?(見果てぬ地に向かう瞳は 何を映し出してゆくの)”用的仍然是女性的疑问虚词后缀。从这点看也就暗示了仍然兰丸在唱,KAME试图用这样的表现方式表现兰丸性格中男性化与女性化(就好比他通过男女两种造型)。这里的“是爱?”部分是专辑里面没有的。这一部分包含了死亡与明显是男性的信息。这个遗漏可能是有人希望可以弱化对于这首歌是以男性角度来写的比较明显的联想。

- The feminine question particle suffix の (no) is used at the end when Kame
sings "Eyes reflecting neverending lands. What do they reflect?" in line 12 (BTR
version). This was when he was dressed as a woman. Later (this part is omitted
from the album version), Kame sings, "Is it love?" (line 35) using the more
masculine question particle か (ka). Some people can take this to meaning that it
IS a girl and a guy singing, however, Kame sings this line "Eyes reflecting
neverending lands. What do they reflect?" again with the same feminine question
particle, in line 39, when he is dressed as a male. This seems to imply that it
is still Ranmaru speaking, and Kame is just trying to portray the masculine and
feminine sides of Ranmaru's personality (as he does by dressing as a woman then
a man.) The "Is it love?" section is the section omitted from the album version.
This section is the one that encompasses the most references to death and to
being distinctly male. And is it the one omitted. Perhaps someone is trying to
pull away slightly from the obvious associations that is it a male? xD
- A lot of sentences are ended with suffixes that more commonly belong to
females however, there are just as many sentences that end with male suffixes -
once again I think highlighting the duality of his personality and appearance.

“ 哦~我哀悼我孤寂的主人(偶又一次没有找到)”第31句(中间部分)

- For females:
No の - used when ending questions
"What do they reflect?" in line 12 (Beginning section - when Kame was dressed
like a woman.)
"What do they reflect?" the exact same line in line 39 (Last section - When Kame
is definitely a male)
- For males:
Yo よ - when females use this, they add a 'wa' in front of it
"They're scattered stars" in line 28 (Middle Section BTR version when Kame could
arguably have been portraying Oda)
"Oh I lament the lonely princess" line 31 (Middle Section)
- Based on the suffixes alone, one cannot say he is purely male or purely
female, as you can see, it almost appears quite symmetical i.e. the feminine
particles appear once at the beginning, once at the end etc. This I think once
again compounds the idea of Ranmaru's (and by extention - Kame's) feminine
beauty and masculine personality (although Kame is also quite girly xD). Another
thing that should be noted is that it was/is much more acceptable for a man to
use feminine particles than a woman to use male particles, simply because male
particles are more rude and aggressive by nature but first and foremost,
feminine particles express politeness. In Oda and Ranmaru's time, it was not as
big of a deal for men to refer to themselves using feminine particles. It is
only recently, as we modernise, our language degrades, and young boys are
encouraged to use 'ore' or 'boku' to refer to themselves as it is not as polite
and more manly.

“手握胸前祈祷,当我从来不曾醒来时(ずっとずっと覚めぬように 胸に手をあて願う)”第17句(开始部分,当KAME的造型是女生时)
“手握胸前祈祷,当我从来不曾醒来时(ずっとずっと覚めぬように 胸に手をあて願う)”第29句(演唱会的中间部分,当KAME在描述织田的部分)
“手握胸前祈祷,当我从来不曾醒来时(ずっとずっと覚めぬように 胸に手をあて願う)”第49句(最后部分,当KAME完全是男性时)
- The word yo よ, is not only a particle that males use, but it is also an
archaic first person singular pronoun used ONLY by males (this is when it
doesn't appear at the end of a line). When the word 'yo' is not used as a
suffix, it means 'I'. It appears:
- "I touch my hands to my chest and wish// That I will never ever wake up." Line
17 (Beginning section- when Kame was dressed like a woman.)
- "I touch my hands to my chest and wish// That I please, please won't wake up."
Line 29 (Middle Section BTR version when Kame could arguably have been
portraying Oda)
- "I touch my hands to my chest and wish// That I please, please won't wake up."
Line 49 (Last section - Kame was definitely male)
- Doesn't this seem to imply that Kame, from the onset, was always male?

- The Lipstick. Can't forget the lipstick. I saw the lipstick as an indicator
that Kame was essentially the same person throughout. If the lipstick was meant
to be an indication of 'woman' then Kame had ample time to wipe it off swiftly
before his change to man. But that's only a little point. Mainly, I think the
lipstick once again portrayed both 'desire' and 'death'. Kame practically moans
out "those crimson lips" as he paints the bottom of his lip only with red
lipstick and smears it down the side of his mouth. The implications of sex hang
there, but also the implications of death and blood which is seen in the very
next line "stain yourself by drowning in that blood". The smear of lipstick
looks like it represents blood that comes out of the mouth, to once again mark
that contrast and unity between sex and death. I am not sure about other forms
of death, but I know that for example suicide by hanging usually will not result
in blood coming out of the mouth (even though it's portrayed that way in
movies), however blood will always flow out of the mouth in during seppuku.
- The Paper. According to my research on seppuku, it is an act committed usually
when there is no other dignifying way out. This would lead one to assume that it
is quite a desperate act, but it isn't. One must ask (if caught by the enemy for
example) if they can have permission to commit seppuku. And depending on the
situation, the enemy would either accept and give you ample time to fulfill the
seppuku ritual (as all samurais understood the honour in dying this way) or they
would decline and do as they saw fit. Samurais would leave a suicide note
behind, but this suicide note once again - just like how 1582 is - is not our
ordinary run of the mill suicide note, like 'goodbye cruel world' etc. The notes
left behind by samurais are much more... 'beautiful' I guess is a word that can
be used, they are called death poems. Abiding by proper seppuku rituals, the
person is left alone for a while to compose a death poem, which is what the
paper symbolises. Perhaps the entire song of 1582 was a death poem in itself as
the first line/stanza already alludes to a person nearing death and Kame/Ranmaru
in a sense reflecting, expressing his sadness and his joy, and his desire to be
forever with Oda.
我认为这就是为什么他要在他在放开它(纸卷)之前,如此轻柔地捧着它,凝视它,将自己的感情都融入其中,是因为他希望它可以被发现,因此他没有再死的时候带着它。在死亡之诗完成后,KAME走入另一个下一个切腹自杀的场景(可以参看下面对于水的象征含义)。一些人认为KAME在这里用飞翔代表他以化作鬼魂。我不这样理解,因为没有鬼会在下一个场景中再杀自己一次。我认为这个就像三岛由纪夫(Yukio Mishima,这个名字不清楚翻对了没?)所描述的切腹自杀(他也用这种方式自杀过),在死之前,我们的确还可以苟延残喘一段时间。当KAME飞舞和演唱的时候,纸卷没有远离过它,一直缠绕在他身边。这个其实是表现他正徘徊于内心思考之中,当他落地时(悠悠注:也就是下定决心了),他放开了纸卷。最有趣的地方是在他放开纸卷的时候也正好是歌曲结束的时候。我认为这个这就直接证明了1582自身就是一首死亡挽歌,这是由一个人所写的(我从来没有听说过一同在切腹的时候共同写遗书的),这也进一步证实了我的观点,这首歌是以兰丸的视角来写的,而不可能是一个女性,因为此后并没有男性出现的说明。
I think that's why he was holding it and gazing at it so
tenderly, pouring his emotions into it before he 'released' it to hopefully be
found i.e. not take it with him as he dies. After the death poem is completed,
Kame enters into the next stage of the seppuku ritual (see below - significance
of water) Some have taken the 'flying' that Kame does to show that he has become
a ghost. I am not sure about this interpretation because why would a ghost kill
himself in the next stage? I think what is more likely is what Yukio Mishima
writes on seppuku (he eventually killed himself this way as well), that right
before death, we are the most alive. As Kame flies and sings, the paper is never
far from him, it's always entangled around him some way or another. This would
appear to suggest that he is in the midst of "contemplating his inner ways" and
when he lands, he releases it. What is even more interesting is that he releases
the paper at the exact moment the song ends. This I think is definitely a sign
that 1582 is a death poem, that is written by one person (I have never heard of
joint suicide notes being written in seppuku) from the onset further
substantiating the idea that it is just Ranmaru's POV and that it can't be a
woman because then that doesn't account for the masculine presence after wards.

从历史上看,红色和蓝色在旗帜上并没有太多意义。织田的旗帜是亮黄色的,但是其中也混合了蓝色和红色,代表了火和水这两种元素的混合,这些元素我们在之后的表演中也可以看见。有趣的是,火是男性化的元素,而与此同时水,相反的是女性化的元素。我想我由回到了那个点,所以我罗列了这个简单的公式:女性+男性=兰丸=“ghei rabu rabu”(悠悠:不懂啊!应该是日语,希望亲们补充)

- The Flags at the beginning. Historically, the red and the blue of the flags
don't have much significance. Oda Nobunaga's flag was a bright yellow. However,
the mixing of the red and the blue feels like the two elements, fire and water
are clashing together, which we seen later on in the performance as well.
Interestingly, fire is a masculine element, whilst water, it's opposite, is
feminine. I know I keep coming back to this point so I'll shorthand it feminine
+ masculine = Ranmaru = ghei rabu rabu xD;;

- The water is seen four times, and mostly at the end. First when Kame slashes
his sword through it, then when Kame stands on the umbrella and is pushed
upwards, then after the fireworks, they shoot up from around him and lastly the
dance Kame does whilst getting doused with water.
- The water provides a contrast against the fire that consumes the temple
Ranmaru and Oda were in at the time. After Kame lands (having performed the
fireworks stunt) the water shoots up from all around him. Also seen though the
contrast of blue and red flags
- Water is one of the five elements in Japanese philosophy. It represents the
fluid, formless things in the world and is often associated with blood and other
bodily fluids. Perhaps the water was meant to symbolise blood which would
explain the vehement splashing, as a way of 'drowning' 'bathing' in the blood as
mentioned in the lyrics - both drowning and bathing have strong associations
with water.
- Water also is seen as a purifier of the soul.
- Seppuku is viewed in much of the same way. Being able to die such an
honourable death was seen as a purification and purging of a person's life sins.
To be able to successfully carry out seppuku meant all honour can be restored to
the family.
- In fact, abiding by proper seppuku rituals, one must bathe and then put one a
white kimino (such as the one Kame wore during the water dance). You'll notice
that the kimono or robe that Kame was wearing at the beginning isn't actually
white at first. However, the more water is poured onto him, the whiter it
becomes, as if he is being purified by his 'bath'. Near the end of the water
dance, he is caressing his stomach and at the very end he flings his robe wide
open, exposing his abdomen - which is what samurais were to do right before they
plunged the sword into their stomach and dying (Kame falls and the lights dim).
- To answer why the colour of the robes kept changing, I believe this had to do
with wanting to actually show the audience that it was the water that was
causing the robe to turn white, to purify. I'll sure you'll notice that when his
robes turn red, it's cold water. And when it turns white, smoke rises off his
back because of the hot water. This can be possibly attributed to the fact that
in Buddhism the element of fire and the element of water is the symbolic link
of Buddhism. “The greater the challenge, the greater the fire, the greater the
purification,” says Venerable Dhamananda. This seems like a merging of the
elements, fire and water which the red and blue colours on his robe seem to
portray, similar to the merging of femininity and masculinity, sex and death etc
Bathing is traditionally done by pouring buckets of hot water over yourself,
which is what happens in the BTR concert. In the end, with a snow white robe,
completely 'pure', he commits seppuku.

在这一段:更多详细的幕后故事中作者讨论了一下1582词作者的问题,有提到n、n-Akira / n.Akira / n/Akira这两位,谈了KATTUN的歌和KAME的SOLO,但作者其实也没有得出什么结论。但是无论是不是KAME写的,他都应该了解兰丸的故事,也都应该理解这首歌的隐含意义。甚至即使不是他写的,他也一定请教过一些人来帮助他诠释歌曲。
一个FAN曾经写信给KAME说她认为1582是一首有关草莓内裤(悠悠注:好囧啊!我不确定翻对了没有,可是pants 不可能pant(这个词只有动词)的第三人称动词形式,所以只能是这个解释了,因为好像在极道宣番里看见过有关这个搞笑段子!orz~~~)的歌,因为这个在日语中的发音很类似1582。KAME这是一个秘密不能回答。一个礼拜之后他说这首歌是从身处战火的女性视角出发写成的。
Interesting Points:
- The lyricist is credited as 'n' Which just screams 'I'm not telling!' (thank
you black_rose45000) Another one was Kame's solos' lyricist is credited as
n-Akira or n.Akira or n/Akira. I'm not going to make any assumptions about what
this means, it's the only other time 'n' has appeared in a Kat-tun song. But
seriously, the lyrics of the other solo, 'W/O Notice' is so different haha,
cause "Chuchuchuchuchuchu" just doesn't give off the same vibe as "Spill this
blood and bathe in it" ne? xD;; Also, regardless of whether Kame wrote it or
not, it is not possible that he doesn't know the Ranmaru story or didn't
understand the implications of the song. Even if he didn't write it, I'm sure he
asked someone else to help him whilst dictating the whole way through~>w<;;
- (thank you annneonet for this) A fan wrote to Kame saying that she thought
1582 was about strawberry pants because that's what it sounds like when '1582'
is read in Japanese. Amused, Kame ran with it. When asked to comment about the
song 1582, Kame said that it was a secret. A week later, he said it was from the
POV(point of view?) of a lady during the Warring states. (Hohoho, suddenly changing I see~>w<;)
(thank you nono96) In Myojo 2009.06 Kame said, 1582 is a "profound and serious
love song of a woman who drowns in love". Kame was talking about the Album
version obviously because he doesn't mention the male persona. I think the
woman's POV does work for the album version, especially with the big change in
- Kame also said it was very strongly Japanese flavoured.
- It would have been funny if Kame was asked to play the part of Morii Ranmaru
in his newest drama Yamato Nadeshike Shichi Henge, since the pretty boy/ladies
man's name is derived exactly from Ranmaru's xDD;;
- Ranmaru is a popular character especially in video games (Oda as well), and
most often than not, Ranmaru's character is voiced by a female.
- Kame has a dog named 'Ran-chan'
- Jin had a dog named 'Maru' (although this is quite a common name)
- Oda Nobunaga is both Kame and Jin's favourite samurai- (thank you
forbiden_past) Jin once said before their debut in 2006 that he was Nobunaga
- Fun fact: according to most historical accounts, if Ran was 6 when he first
met Oda and died when he was 17, that means they spent 11 years together...
Guess who just celebrated their 11th anniversary? >w<;;
Aoisynchro说在下列这些时段里“01:08 - 01:12//02:26 - 02:30//03:26 - 03:36”JIN的声音还是比较明显的。
Theory - Jin's Voice?
- I cannot hear Jin's voice, but some people have said they can and some have
said they couldn't, so I left this in here for you guys to go listen for
yourselves and decide^^
- sweetpaopuwind pointed out that sometimes another voice can be heard singing
in the background with Kame, a natural voice, not the distorted, altered one.
And she pointed out that it sounded like Jin.
- aoisynchro says that Jin voice is especially prominent at these moments "From
01:08 - 01:12//02:26 - 02:30//03:26 - 03:36"
This is just for fun. We'll never know the answer.
用汉字"hitomi" (瞳)被用来代替"me"(眼睛)
动词以"nu" (ぬ)结尾,是古语中非正式的否定(例如:他“hath”,他祢(didst)等)
“izuko” (何処)是一个比较过时的说法(常见:“doko”)
用过时的汉字“朱”来表示"aka" (赤)

Archaic language utilised (looking just in the album version):
- The kanji for "hitomi" (瞳) was used for the reading of "me" (eye).
- Verbs terminated by "nu" (ぬ) which is an Archaic informal negative ("he hath",
"he didst", etc)
- "izuko" (何処) is an out-dated reading (normal: "doko")
- An out-dated kanji (朱) was used for the reading of "aka" (red)
- Very importantly: "Watakushi" is used three times, in both the Album Version
and the BTR Version. Watakushi is the most polite form of referring to ones'
self, reserved for speaking to highly respected people. It is used by both men
and women but preferred by men.
- The word 'SI' appears twice in the Kanji version of the song. It is most
likely suppose to represent the kanji '死' meaning death.

From looking at the BTR live performance of 1582, several theories were born:
- A. Kame was singing from 1 person's perspective (Ranmaru's) about the
homosexual relationship between Oda and him.
- B. Kame was singing about a heterosexual couple right before their demise, and
he played both parts.
- C. Kame was singing as 2 different people, Ranmaru and Oda

- Ranmaru was known for his feminine beauty. It is said a foreign consul once
fell speechless in awe upon gazing at Ranmaru
- Ranmaru never cut his hair as boys do when they reach of age (12-13 in those
- Ranmaru was often mistake for a woman and hit on by many men.
- Historical records all show that no woman was anywhere near Oda when he died
(Ranmaru is known in legends as the only one who was there with Oda, so why
would Kame be singing about a female mourning for their parting in death?) also
Oda had a very loveless marriage with his wife, and the song is about the
sadness and happiness a couple experiences before they die - sadness at the
prospect of death but happiness at the idea of being together forever.
- Before the music starts, men waving flags round across the stage, boys wield
swords. It is very evident that a battle is taking place - highlighting that it
is about the Incident at Honnouji.
- A temple is shown at the top of the different screens for 2 minutes max -
Honnouji was a temple in Kyoto that Oda and Ramanru supposedly died in.

- Ranmaru was the one who set fire to the temple, surrounding them in flames - a
possible explanation for Kame's stunning display of fireworks engulfing him as
he spins round and round.
- At the beginning of the song, there are sounds of crackling, like fire
- As I mentioned before, Ranmaru did not cut his hair, and did not assume the
hairstyle of the adult. In the BTR performance, he pulls his hairclip out,
shaking his hair free, emphasising its length. In true samurai fashion, he would
have kept it tied up and pulled off his face.

- Even when he was dressed as a woman, it was very clear that Kame was wearing
samurai garments underneath that Ranmaru is commonly depicted in now.
- Even his 'woman' appearance is very similar to Ranmaru's actual supposed
- If the general consensus was to be taken into account, that Kame was two
distinctly different people in his BTR performance - first a woman, then he shed
his robe and sang as a man for the rest of the song - then that does not explain
the appearance of the three 'watakushi'. The first one is fine, it appears in
line 13, before Kame had divested himself of the robe and becomes a 'man'.
Watakushi is used to refer to people of higher statues and although is neutral
is preferred by men - sometimes used by wives to address husbands. What is not
explainable is why a second 'watakushi' appears in line 40 (album/BTR version)
and a third 'watakushi' appears in line 52 (album/BTR version). If you watch the
live concert, this is after Kame has taken off the robe and becomes more manly.
Ranmaru would definitely use 'watakushi' to refer to Oda, Ranmaru was after all
a male servant of a lower rank. However, never in a million years would Oda use
'watakushi' when speaking to his wife or concubines, as a man in those days, all
males were more important than females. Oda would not have used 'watakushi' to
Ranmaru either as he was of a higher position. At the time of his death, there
would be very few people who deserved higher respect than Oda as he was the
first to conquer Japan. Thus showing that the male, at least in the later half
of the song, cannot be Oda, but is still a male.

Presumably Ranmaru. Who would
not be singing a love song with Oda's woman. Or any woman. Ranmaru devoted his
entire life to Oda, Oda was his sole purpose in life, and Ranmaru was fiercely
loyal. Never have I seen any mention of Ranmaru and a special woman.
- Kame sings "Dreams and shattered stars which I saw with you day after day"
(line 46) The person Oda spent the most time with was Ranmaru. Ranmaru was known
to the person who never left Oda's side. He knew everything about his master and
had the uncanny ability to guess his master's wishes before hand. He was the
only one who could calm his master down in a fit of rage and was able to
organise things in a way that pleased Oda.

在演唱会上,KAME唱的是歌曲中人声的那部分,被电音化过的声音是作为背景音乐的。这个明显的声音的变化方式让人觉得这是两个人在同时演唱。想要永远抓住对方永远在一起的愿望通过他们重复对方的话语得到了加深,例如:当他们唱道:“诱人的话语,治愈伤口(誘い文句 傷を癒す)”在第7、8句。
- There are noises of panting, slurping, moaning, kissing, and sometimes these
noises would overlap as if it were two men together.
- When singing live, Kame sings the normal parts of the song, but the altered,
slightly electronic sounding counterpart is left to the background music. This
distinct change of voice types serve almost to imply that it's two people
singing together. And the idea of 'togetherness' of holding each other forever,
is compounded through their echoing of each other's words. E.g. when they sings
"tempting complaints//heal the wound" line 7-8

当你在听BTR演唱会版本时还有一点需要强调,在非常靠后的一句与专辑版不一样,在专辑里唱的是“这些是温柔吗?瞬间改变的神色,请一直住处我,用您充满爱的(優しいのやら何なのか 一秒ほどに色を変える ずっとずっと私を その手で掴んでいて 愛で )”(第50-54句)。但是在BTR演唱会中,你可以发现KAME没有唱这几句歌词,这些歌词是通过背景音乐唱出来的。如果你听过,你就可以听出来这个很像两个不同的人在一时间唱(也有可能都是KAME的声音)。在同一个时间,当听见“这些是温柔吗?瞬间改变的神色,请一直住处我,用您充满爱的”时,在它的后面,你还可以听见“哦~我哀悼我孤寂的王妃,瞬间改变的神色,眼神久久地传达着情感,久久地”在同一时间被演唱。
- This is further emphasised by, if you listen to the live BTR version, the very
last stanza is different compared to the album version. In the album version, 1
voice is singing, "What is this tenderness?//It changes colour every
second//Forever and ever hold me in those hands with love." (line 50-54)
However, in the BTR concert version, you can hear that Kame doesn't sing this
stanza live, the voices are altered and it is coming from the background music.
And if you listen, you'll hear that it's almost as if two different people (even
though it's all Kame's voice) are simultaneously singing. At the same time "What
is this tenderness?//It changes colour every second//Forever and ever hold me in
those hands with love." is heard, under it, you can pick up "Oh I lament the
lonely princess//It changes colour every second.//For these eyes will express
these feelings for a long, long time.//Is it love?" being sung at exactly the
same time.

有一句KAME在BTR版本中有唱,但在专辑里没有这句歌词。他唱道“哦~我哀悼我估计的王妃(Kodoku wo kanashimu hime yo)”(第32句)。一些人认为这个是一个男子为它孤寂的王妃而感到哀伤,但我有不同的观点。首先,织田的妻子,浓X(nohime)(悠悠注:没能翻出来!),一般被称作浓姬(noh)或者是美浓(mino)公主。如果这是提及织田的妻子,为什么是一个男子(因为在这个时候,KAME已经完全是一个男子了)说他哀悼他估计的王妃呢?整首歌都反映了他们希望永远都能用充满爱意的双手抓住彼此并且即使死也要一起能够化成永恒的心愿。如果比较审慎得看待的话如果这是兰丸因为要留下她孤独一人,而在诉说他的歉意的话,与此同时却将他的余生给予了他的主人。
- This idea of 'togetherness' then contrasts with a line Kame sings in the BTR
version but is left out in the album one. He sings "Kodoku wo kanashimu hime yo"
meaning "Oh I lament the lonely princess." (line 32) Some people have taken this
to meaning the male is sad for his lonely princess, however, I have a different
interpretation. Now first of all, Oda's wife, Nohime, was often known as
Princess Noh or Princess of Mino. If this is referring to Oda's wife, why would
the male (because at this stage, Kame had become distinctly 'male') say he
laments the lonely princess? The entire song perpetuates the idea of forever and
ever holding each other in their hands with love and being together permanently
in death. It seems much more prudent if it was Ranmaru who was saying that he
felt sorry for the woman because she is left all alone, whilst he will spend the
rest of the afterlife with his master. It can be argued of course, that perhaps
this is Oda's concubine, saying she feels bad for Oda's wife, however, Kame was
clearly and obviously male at this point. It doesn't seem as if he would be
singing about a man from his mistress' POV with half of his bare chest showing.
Now is that the proper way for a 16th century Japanese lady to behave? xD

- It appears as if Kame is trying to disassociate the album version with the
events at Honnouji as much as possible. If you refer to the above, the areas in
bold are changed. Whilst in the BTR performance, line 19-35 encompass more
references to death, and suicide by seppuku (as mentioned above, where the sword
is stabbed into the abdomen, and pulled to the right then to the left for a
number of times, and then usually another samurai would cut your head off - this
was seen as the greatest and most honourable way to die - before in Japan, they
believed, the greatest revenge lay in dying a good death.) Line 19-35 refer to
spilling the blood, bathing it in, a body littered with wounds, plunging in etc.
The references to this ritual suicide is much more evident

(Yukio Mishima's Patriotism describes how seppuku is committed in great detail - also how
sex/lust/love is entwined with death which we see in 1582 and was a popular
thought in Japan. A line from "Patriotism" sums this up nicely, "Was it death he
was now waiting for? Or a wild ecstasy of the senses? The two seem to overlap.")
blood indeed is spilled in great quantities, until it does feel as if one is
bathing in it. However, the album version conveys a much more vague and
ambiguous message. The body littered with wounds is replaced with a very
figurative and very metaphorical phrase of "heart littered with wounds". Instead
of being healed by "bathing in that blood" the wounds are "healed by watching
you." Whilst the BTR version mentions, the light being doused and never
returning again (much stronger connotations of death), it is replaced in the
album version with the softer, more neutral, "we're not going anywhere
tomorrow//Do you hate that?". This idea that someone is trying to - not hide,
per say - but slightly distract (because it's still obvious it's about death)
the audience from the direct implication of death is highlighted in the lyrics.
Instead of utilising the kanji 死 meaning 'death' pronounced 'si', it is replaced
with the capital letters of SI and Kame sings it as "shhh" placing his fingers
to his lips as if keeping a secret.

这个就是我感到和迷糊的地方,“我现在在哪里,为什么在这里呢?(第4句Watashi wa ima naze doko?)”。在歌的后面部分有更古老的这些次的形式经常被用来代替“watashi(watakushi)”和“doko(izuko)”。但是在开始的时候则用了比较现代人的说法,这个对理解这个人到底是谁造成了困扰。这个是KAME?还是作为鬼魂出现的兰丸?这个是我的问题因为在我的印象里“watashi”和“doko”都是比起他们来说比较现代化的用语。“watashi”是本场规范和正式的“我”的发音,用得范围很广,也很中性。这个也不是一个证明KAME扮演的是女性的暗示。同样我也认为“doko”是一个非常现代化的词,尤其是在我找不到其他可以比较好的证据证明其实不是其实我已经查了一个小时了(T-T)。根据我的认识,doko是一个比izuko更现代化的词,从古代的类似的词,如同izuko变成idoko,再变成doko,但是这两个词似乎同样都可以用在有关封建时代的歌中。我找到了无数这样的歌(也包括电子游戏等)都有izuko与doko同时使用的情况。所以我推测即使doko比较现代化,它也依旧可以在之前的时代中使用。
- This is a line that got me really confused for a while "Watashi wa ima naze
doko?" (Line 4 - Where am I now and why?). There are more archaic forms of words
used to replace 'watashi' (watakushi) and 'doko' (izuko) that are seen later in
the song. The beginning seems to be a more 'present' person speaking which led
to a whole boatload of confusion as to who this person was. Was it Kame? Was it
Ranmaru as a ghost reflecting on the death? This is my fault as I was under the
impression that watashi and doko were much more modern then they actually were.
"Watashi" is the most standard and formal form of the pronoun "I", used almost
universally, and is neutral. i.e. can be used by both genders except people give
funny looks to young boys who use 'watashi' but that's about it. It's not an
indication that Kame was playing a woman. Also I thought 'doko' was a very
modern word, especially since I couldn't find anything that really proved
otherwise and I searched for an hour (T-T). To the best of my knowledge, doko is
more modern than 'izuko', it's archaic counterpart, as izuko became idoko which
became doko however, it seems as if both words can be readily used together in
songs about the Feudal Era. I found a myriad of such songs (mostly used for
animes, video games etc) where both izuko and doko were used. So I assume this
meant that although 'doko' is more modern, it can still refer the time period
just fine.

This makes interpreting the song a whole lot more easier, because the
entire first stanza had the feeling of 'nearing death' to it. The light
disappearing, the permanently sleeping, the confusion, the numbness that is
controlling him etc etc. To me, this stanza is Ranmaru on the brick of death,
and in the last few moments, he or they sing about being together forever - like
a death poem written before seppuku is committed.


1) 从整个表演看KAME的1582在表现手法是运用了能剧的方式,这个是大前提,如果这个不成立,之后的分析就是空中花园了。
2) 能剧中几乎没有女性出演,所以可以PASS掉认为这里KAME是女性的观点。
3) 开始时的面具,类似HANNYA MASK(一种由嫉妒的女性化成的鬼),但是因为几处明显的不同,以及联系织田信长“第六天魔王”的外号,还有戴面具时举起扇子上的龙的图案,推定一开始戴面具的角色是织田信长。
4) 折扇,折扇的意义很多:a)它的开启闭合表示角色的出现和离去,所以当第一把折扇合上时,织田的角色就离场了。b)两把折扇有大小,所以较大的第二把扇子才是代表主演的扇子。C)折扇上的图案,第一把已经说明了,第二把上是牡丹,在日本文化中也是兼具男性与女性双重性的图案。
5) 移开面具,a)角色从主角降为配角,b)在能剧中扮演女性必须戴面具,其他需要面具的还有重要的历史人物,鬼神等。只有表演普通男子可以不戴面具,所以和也不可能是扮演女性。排除了浓姬。
6) 舞蹈动作:是男子的舞蹈,一般都是由表演武士的人跳的。
7) 歌词:这一部分我很弱,但是通过这个可以排除之后和也再转换成了织田,因为很多歌词与织田的性格特点不相符合。(佐证:之后用来表示角色出现离开的折扇没有再改变过)
8) 衣着服饰:这个比较直观,就是演出的衣服有一些女性化,不似织田的衣着,而发型,和也的发型既不是女性的发型,也不是武士的发型,比较契合的就是兰丸了,因为他一直保持着孩童的发


等级: 读书识字
举报 只看该作者 4楼  发表于: 2012-06-24 0


等级: 博览群书
举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2012-06-23 0


等级: 派派新人
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2012-06-18 0


等级: 热心会员
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2012-06-18 0
小龟 很喜欢啊 这版很是妖娆吖 。。。

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