推荐“花滑天才妖孽美男”Johnny Weir的单曲——Dirty Love ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿ 【喜欢囧尼的童鞋戳进来!!!】_派派后花园

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[单曲推荐] 推荐“花滑天才妖孽美男”Johnny Weir的单曲——Dirty Love ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿ 【喜欢囧尼的童鞋戳进来!!!】

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等级: 热心会员
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2012-05-03 0



Falling in love was so hard for me.
Now that I’ve found you
Life is such a dream.
Let’s keep up this masquerade we both adore
Let’s get dirty, (Let’s get dirty, dirty)
On the floor.

I’m not scared of your dirty love,
You think you know me, but I call your bluff
Better raise your game
Come on let’s make some dirty love.

(They say) Keep on doing good
Yeah, Johnny be good
This is my love song, my dirty love song.
(They tell me) Keep on doing good
Yeah, Johnny be good
This is my love song, my dirty love song.

I know it’s tough to play this filthy game
Maybe it’s just the price you pay for fame
I’ve been up and I’ve been down so make your move
You play dirty, (You’re so dirty, dirty)
So I’ve got nothing to lose

But agnyom!
Fight, don’t stop, get your war paint on
March to the beat of my dirty love song. (Arigato)
Fight, don’t stop, get your war paint on
March to the beat of my dirty love song.


这首Dirty Love呢是他在11年1月11日(噗哈哈忽然发现这日子好可爱~)发行的一支单曲,歌词是囧尼童鞋自己写的!(←V←花痴状~)这个视频是囧娃10年12月11日在美国商演Holiday Dream On Ice上的首次冰上献唱。囧娃作为非专业歌手的第一次献唱虽然比较拘谨和略微羞射,但还是着实让人惊艳了一把。这首歌属于pop music,曲风欢快、节奏感强,歌词在我看来还是蛮有深意的,曾经单曲循环了好久居然有种洗脑的功效在,而且很提神!哈哈o(*≧▽≦)ツ
(p.s: 单曲试听地址请戳这里!)

其实呢,一听就能听出来很有囧尼自己的风格,曾经无论是服装、动作编排等等囧尼童鞋都很坚持自己的风格,坚持将自己的理解融入到音乐当中,成为音乐的一部分。(颇有种男版关颖珊的赶脚嘻嘻 这也是我爱上的囧尼童鞋的原因之一~)

他让很多人惊艳(当初的poker face你们还记得咩!!)

囧娃写了这首歌来描述他和那些讨厌他、他的坚持以及他的这种风格的那些评委和评论员们直接的关系。(2010年温哥华冬奥会中,囧娃曾遭受过他们的不公平对待)所以我觉得歌词还是蛮有深意的,有种“囧娃借这首歌向那些强迫他低头的人宣战”的冷艳赶脚在。所以后来越听这歌有种越热血的赶脚,坚持自我什么的最骄傲了!︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿

对了,囧娃的歌可以在iTunes上买到 ←请不要大意的戳吧!


Johnny Weir, the the three-time U.S. National Men’s figure skating Champion, teamed up with RuPaul‘s producer, Lucian Piane to record a single called ‘Dirty Love.’ It was recorded in April 2010, and released as a single worldwide on January 11, 2011.

“I wrote the lyrics,” says Johnny. “This is something I always wanted to do, and Lucian had a beat already made so I was like I’ll write some words and we’ll sing it! And it’s actually really good.”

But why is it called ‘Dirty Love?’

“When you think dirty love you think automatically dirty sweaty sex and that’s not what the song is about,” he says. “It’s based on my relationship with the judges, and reporters how you kind of have to pretend to love somebody … It’s like my relationship with a bunch of people.” 

最后的最后(咳咳)附上囧娃这张单曲高贵妖孽冷艳的封面嘛~<( ̄︶ ̄)>

[ 此帖被missshadow在2012-05-03 13:53重新编辑 ]



等级: 派派新人
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2012-05-03 0
Re:推荐“花滑天才妖孽美男”Johnny Weir的单曲——Dirty Love ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿ 【喜欢囧尼的童鞋戳进来! ..


mua! (*╯3╰) 好鸡冻有童鞋留言了嘻嘻!
囧尼童鞋太多才了~ 爱他

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