《sleeping beauty》喜欢却不能说出口。。。_派派后花园

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[单曲推荐] 《sleeping beauty》喜欢却不能说出口。。。

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等级: 热心会员
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2011-02-14 0
— (优络) 最好加上播放器。 感谢你的支持 (2011-02-15 19:13) —
Dream, the only way that I can see you梦,我能够见到你的唯一方法
Dream, the only place for me to find you梦,是我唯一可以找到你的地方.
At night, the stars are shining bright在晚上,那些星星光辉点点闪动.
I start closing my eyes, you then appear我开始闭上我的眼睛,然后你会出现.
Though you can't imagine how much I want you尽管你不能想象我有多想你
and you won't pay attention on my love to you你也不会注意我给你的爱.
but now, I'm searching deep inside但现在,我在心里面深深地找寻.
And I realise that I only 我逐渐意识到
get you in my mind我只能在心里拥有你.
I am so lonely..My heart is empty我是如此的忧郁,我的心是空的.

But I still try my best to 但我仍然竭尽全力
remember you toughly去回想你告诉我的那些.
Since a girl like me can never 像我这样的女孩
catch your eyes你是不会在意的.
When I wake up from my dream 当我从梦中醒来时.
then you'll say goodbye你说了再见
I'm the Sleeping Beauty 我是那个
and had slept for hundred ye已经沉睡了千年的睡美人
I'm the Sleeping Beauty 我是那个
who are waiting you right here在这里一直等候着你的睡美人
I love you, can't you hear?我爱你,你听得到吗?
I can't explain so clear我不能用言语来表明.
Losing you is all I fear我只怕失去你
Words can never help to tell 言语难以表达
I miss you我想你.
Words can never let you know言语难以让你知道
I'm so blue我是如此哀伤
Yes I can never tell you why是的我永远不能告诉你为什么
I'll just think of you and I.. 我只会想想你和我..
I then simle然后我开始微笑
I am so lonely..My heart is empty我是如此的忧郁,我的心是空的.
But I still try my best to 但我仍然竭尽全力
remember you toughly去回想你告诉我的那些.
Since a girl like me can never 像我这样的女孩
catch your eyes你是不会在意的.
When I wake up from my dream  当我从梦中醒来时.
then you'll say goodbye你说了再见
There's only your love can wash my tears只有你的爱能洗去我的泪痕
And I wish I can always stay by thee我只是希望我可以永远呆在你的身旁.
You're the one I'm longing for..你是我渴望的人
You lie within my core你留在我的心里面.
Can I dream of you once more我还能再梦见你一次吗? 
I just wanna hold you close 我只是想要离你近一些
when you lose your soul当你失去你的灵魂
I gonna tell you now..gonna tell.. 我会告诉你 现在我会告诉你
how my love just seems to grow with time我的爱随着时间与日俱增
I'm the Sleeping Beauty  我是那个
and had slept for hundred years已经沉睡了千年的睡美人
I'm the Sleeping Beauty 我是那个
who are waiting you right here在这里一直等候着你的睡美人
I love you, can't you hear?我爱你,你听得到吗?
I can't explain so clear我不能用言语来表明.
Losing you is all I fear我只怕失去你
There's only your love can wash my tears只有你的爱能洗去我的泪痕
And I wish I can always stay by thee我只是希望我可以永远呆在你的身旁.
You're the one I'm longing for..你是我渴望的人
You lie within my core你留在我的心里面.
Can I dream of you once more我还能再梦见你一次吗? 
[ 此贴被yyyme在2011-02-15 21:07重新编辑 ]


等级: 热心会员
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2011-02-15 0

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