都会灵魂的美声之最 Macy Gray-The Sellout【已修改_派派后花园

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[单曲推荐] 都会灵魂的美声之最 Macy Gray-The Sellout【已修改

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等级: 寒窗墨者
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2010-09-11 0


There I am and where I go,
what I do and who I know,
yeah, take a picture
'cause it's always changing

But I wanna hold on to you
Yes, I wanna hold on to you
But you're slippery like the gasoline
and you feel like fire
And I'm out on a limb
I'm giving in
I'm selling out to the pay, to the show
This is my gimmick and I wanna win it
I'm selling out
I won't fight you no more

Honey babe and honey boo,
I always pictured you by my side forever
And I can't believe that you're gone now
'cause I got a love to give
Yes, I got a love to give
I got something you should see
Baby, just come back to me 'cause I,

I'm out on a limb and I'm giving in
I'm selling out to the pay, to the show
This is my gimmick and I wanna win it
I'm selling out
I won't fight you no more

Oh, don't go away
I want you to stay
I'm-a sing you a song
Listen to my song and I hope that you like it
Oh, don't go away
I want you to stay
I'm will sing you a song
Listen to my song and I hope that you like it

Hey, everybody gather 'round for me
I know I ain't the same as I used to be (Used to be)
But there are things that I really need (Really need)
There's some people that I wanna meet
So, one (One), two (Two),
three, let's go (Three, let's go),
four (Four), five (Five), to the show
Nursery rhymes and lullabies gonna make you
dance but I cry 'cause I,

I'm out on a limb and I'm giving in
I'm selling out to the pay, to the show
This is my gimmick and I wanna win it
I'm selling out
I won't fight you no more
I'm out on a limb and I'm giving in
I'm selling out for (To the) pay,
for (To the) show
This is my gimmick and I wanna win it
I'm selling out
I won't fight you no more
(Oh, don't go away)
Won't fight you no more
(I'm-a sing you a song
Listen to my song and I hope that you like it)
Won't fight you no more
(Oh, don't go away
I want you to stay)
I wanna win it
(I'm-a sing you a song
Listen to my song and I hope that you like it)
[ 此贴被杨二九在2010-09-12 12:05重新编辑 ]


等级: 派派新人
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2011-02-08 0


等级: 寒窗墨者
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2010-09-11 0
都会灵魂的美声之最梅西葛雷(Macy Gray)1999年以畅销曲"I Try"征服了世界各地的排行榜,专辑在全球创造了1500万张的销售,她的歌艺赢得了葛莱美奖,MTV音乐奖与全英音乐奖的肯定,走过璀璨的10年,她树立自己21世纪比莉哈乐黛的美声名伶形象,成为近10年西洋流行乐坛最具感性办识力的声音,一种让人自行与之沈淀的情感共呜标记。

聆听Macy Gray的声音真是一种十分美妙的经验。她的歌声可以让你觉得像和她偎在一起亲昵共渡几个小时,也可以让你感觉身处一个磨肩擦踵的拥挤酒吧里;时而让你毫无防备地深深浸透在她甜蜜的歌声中,时而又以强而有力的嗓音活跳跳于鲜活旋律里。
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