CelineDion全名Celine Marie ClaudetteDion,出生于1968年3月27日,家乡加拿大的魁北克省。她是一位获得过葛莱美奖、朱诺奖、奥斯卡奖的流行歌手,并偶尔参与作品的创作。在她的经纪人以及后来的丈夫ReneAngelil抵押了自己的房产来为Celine的职业生涯努力后,Celine成为了加拿大法语地区的一名少女明星。她赢得了在1982年日本举行的Yamaha世界歌曲节的比赛以及1988年的欧洲歌曲大赛,这使得她在部分亚洲地区和欧洲地区赢得了相当的知名度。她随后在1990年由Sony公司发行的第一张英文专辑《Unison》也使得她在使用英语的国度的音乐市场里获得了一席之地。
十二年前李安导演了一部电影《理智与情感》(1995)其中的主题曲有席琳迪翁主唱,据说这首曲是席琳1996年告别歌坛巴黎演唱会的开场曲,现场相当震撼人心!后来查了很多资料了说原唱是玛丽亚凯莉(MariahCarey),很难找到凯莉的版本,不管如何说这首歌确实不错,也许是李大的作品有魅力吧,获奖情况:美国全国影评协会和纽约电影评论家协会最佳导演;金球剧情类最佳影片奖;柏林电影节金熊奖;奥斯卡最佳影片等七项提名,想想成了名片了,主题曲也幸免不了.大概中国导演李安更能理解英国文化的精髓,他将悠远宁静祥和的乡村氛围做了最好的诠释,如行云流水般的流畅。而他选择的铺垫则是漫绿色,尤其是雨中和雨后蒙蒙的绿意,那是一种缓缓流过的寂静诗意,很有感染人的从容。影片是以埃丽诺的情绪为叙事底调的,所以沉稳而又凝重。加上主题曲的渲染气氛异常感人,有空去搜片看看. 片名:Sense andSensibility ~S;
Everywhere i go ,all the places that i'v
e been
Every smile is a new horizen ,on a land
i never see
There're people around the world ,
diferent faces diferent names
But there's true emotion
that reminds me we're the same
Let's talk about love
From the laughter of a child ,
to the tears of a grown man
There's a thread that runs right through
all help us understand
As subltle as breeze
that fans a filcker to a flame
From the very frist sweet melody ,
to the very last refain
Let's talk about love
let's talk about us
let's talk about life
let's talk about trust
let's talk about love
It's the king of all who live
and the queen of good hearts
It'sthe ace youmay keep up your sleeve,
till the name is all but lost
As deep as any sea with the rage of stor
but as gentle as a falling leaf on an au
tumn moon
let's talk about love
let's talk about us
let's talk about trust
let's talk about love
It's all we're needin
(let's talk about us)
It's the air we're breathing
(let's talk about life)
I wanna know you
(let's talk about trust)
And i wanna show you
(let's talk about love)
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