going under——Evanescence 如此强大如此震撼人心的摇滚。。。_派派后花园

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[单曲推荐] going under——Evanescence 如此强大如此震撼人心的摇滚。。。

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等级: 文学俊才
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2010-04-24 0

点击在新窗播放Evanescence这个乐队已经强大到我已经不知道说什么了,going under这首歌很好听~风格是我最爱的哥特式的摇滚,其节奏让人心跳加速不自觉的沉迷到曲子当中~~~~~大家一起来发泄吧~~~~

vanescence - Going Under / 伊凡塞斯乐队 — 慢慢沉没

Now I will tell you what I've done for you / 现在我要告诉你我都为你做过什么
Fifty thousand tears I've cried / 我为你洒过千万次的泪
Screaming, deceiving and bleeding for you / 为你尖叫,为你撒谎。也为你流过血
And you still won't hear me, (going under) / 而你却始终充耳不闻 (慢慢沉没)

Don't want your hand this time, I'll save myself / 这次我不必再去求你,我要自己救自己
Maybe I'll wake up for once / 或许我也会醒来一次
Not tormented daily, defeated by you / 再不受你日日煎熬,次次奚落
Just when I thought, I'd reached the bottom / 只不过到那时,恐怕我早已沉没到底

I'm dying again, I'm going under / 我又要死去了,我在慢慢沉没
Drowning in you, I'm falling forever / 完全被你淹没,就这样永远下沉着
I've got to break through, I'm going under / 我可要突破这道封锁,我在慢慢沉没

Blurring and stirring the truth and the lies / 既模糊又混乱,是实话还是谎言
So I don't know what's real and what's not / 所以我分不清孰真孰假
Always confusing the thoughts in my head / 脑里的思想总搅成一团
So I can't trust myself anymore / 所以我再无法信任自己

I'm dying again, I'm going under / 我又要死去了,我在慢慢沉没
Drowning in you, I'm falling forever / 完全被你淹没,就这样永远下沉着
I've got to break through, I'm / 我可要突破这道封锁,我在...

So go on and scream / 所以请你继续尖叫
Scream at me, I'm so far away / 冲我尖叫啊,我已沉得太深
I won't be broken again / 也就不会再为你心碎
I've got to breathe, I can't keep going under / 我得喘一口气,我已不能继续这样沉没

I'm dying again, I'm going under / 我又要死去了,我在慢慢沉没
Drowning in you, I'm falling forever / 完全被你淹没,就这样永远下沉着
I've got to break through, I'm going under / 我可要突破这道封锁,我在慢慢沉没
Going under, I'm going under / 慢慢沉没,我在慢慢沉没
[ 此贴被若麦香浓。在2010-06-01 14:25重新编辑 ]


等级: 明星作家
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2010-04-24 0
挺不错的 也比较喜欢
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