Rachel Lampa - If You Believe_派派后花园

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[专辑推荐] Rachel Lampa - If You Believe

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配偶: luogai
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2009-02-24 0
If You Believe
Racheal Lampa
I close my eyes,
And even when I'm sleeping
I'm alright,
'Cause You are in my life.
Once upon a time,
I only imagined this
And now You're mine.
Oh, I tried so hard...
Prayed that You'd find me;
Maybe You're here today,
Here to remind me:
If you believe that dreams come true,
There's One that's waiting there for you.
'Cause I believed when I saw You
That when you want something enough,
That it can't escape Your love.
There is nothing in the world that cannot be...
If you believe, oh oh...
Everybody said
That I was a fool to think
That we could bear; (Everybody said that...)
But I couldn't get my heart out of my head,
And they just didn't see;
No, they just could not.
Feeling that You care,
The places that You can...
If you believe that dreams come true,
There's One that's waiting there for you.
'Cause I believed when I saw You
That when you want something enough,
That it can't escape Your love.
There is nothing in the world that cannot be...
If you believe.
Never wished for material things;
Never needed wind in my wings.
I never wished for anything but You...oh!
I can't explain it,
Someone just told me,
“Go where your heart is,
You'll never be lonely.”
If you believe that dreams come true,
There's One that's waiting there for you.
'Cause I believed when I saw You
That (when you believe) when You want Someone enough,
Then they can't escape Your love.
There is nothing in the world that cannot be,
If you believe.
Believe, believe, believe, ooh..


"If you believe"选自 Rachael Lampa 为电影A Walk To Remember所唱的插曲。 影片改编自尼古拉斯-斯帕克斯(Nicholas Sparks)最畅销的小说,讲述了北卡罗莱纳州一个海港小镇首富的独生子兰顿.卡特是个问题少年,因被判罚做义工而认识了与周围的年轻人格格不入的小镇浸洗会牧师的女儿杰米.苏利文,杰米的真诚、善良、纯洁和她对生活的热爱每天都在感染、改变着兰顿,他慢慢地厌倦了自己以前的那种生活,开始追求自己的理想和信仰,杰米也用自己的生命为兰顿留下了刻骨铭心的清涩回忆.... 影片讲述一段现在看来显得有点老套的故事,但2002年上映至今受到了颇高的评价;女主角Mandy Moore 清新自然的容貌和男主角 Shane West 出色的演绎感动了很多人。

Rachael Lampa 用超越她实际年龄的成熟嗓音深情演唱的“ If you believe” 更为影片增色不少。

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春香曰 : ﹎情人無處吥洅⺌.梦龙無法取鮘.﹎﹖
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