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[专辑推荐] 专辑名称:Dolly_欧美精選(女)(申精)

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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2009-02-08 0
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1. Jordin Sparks -- 《Next To You》【荐】
Jordin Sparks1989年出生。 2007美国偶像的冠军,是“美国偶像”大赛六年历史上最年轻的冠军,年仅17岁。
2007年11月推出首张同名专辑《Jordin Sparks》,整张专辑为Pop流派。专辑共收录了13首歌曲。推荐的这首《Next To You》就是其中一首。获得不俗成绩。

2. Myriam Abel -- 《Comme Une Ombre》【荐】
Myriam Abel,2005年法国选秀节目“La Nouvelle Star”最新选秀冠军,首支单曲“Donne”,邀请法语天后Lara Fabian跨刀执笔,取得法国榜亚军的不俗成绩。单曲呈現出一股無憂無慮的輕鬆感受,是相當少見的French Pop上乘之作。
Myriam在2006年发表的法语专辑《La Vie Devant Toi》(生命旅程)中也嘗試了相當多樣化的曲風,而且表現都可圈可點。
《Comme Une Ombre》收录于Myriam Abel2006年发表的法语专辑《La Vie Devant Toi》(生命旅程)。风格流派:P o p〈Comme Une Ombre〉當中Myriam變身為清純少女,唱著彷彿是Britney Spears剛出道時的純純情歌。

3. Nikki Flores --《I got you》【荐】
Nikki Flores(尼基弗 洛雷斯),有着年轻少女的叛逆 、邻家小妹的可爱、以及成熟性感的完美声线。
《I got you》是她去年9月13号发行的专辑 [ this girl is Nikki Flores ] 里面的主打歌。从出来就一直喜欢。 个人观点 非常赞 !SEXY的声线 舒服的旋律 听着有一种释放感 希望大家喜欢

4. Jo De La Rosa -- 《Letting Go》【荐】
《Letting Go》是Jo De La Rosa2008-8-19发布的专辑[Unscripted]中的一首新歌。Jo De La Rosa演唱的Letting Go 声音优美,轻柔性感。拉丁美女Jo De La Rosa的Letting Go一听钟情,超喜欢这首慢板RNB情歌, 夜色迷离,黑暗中闪烁的灯光显得那么的耀眼,折射出了炫丽的色彩, 映照出每一张迷茫的脸……

5. The Pussycat Dolls Feat R.Kelly -- 《out of this club》【荐】
2005年夏天,A&M唱片公司发行了The Pussycat Dolls/小野猫的第一张专辑,六位团员展现了无与伦比的亮丽风采。
首支热门单曲“Don’t Cha”由制作好手Cee-Lo创作与制作,并邀来饶舌猛将Busta Rhymes 挎刀。Pussycat Dolls小野猫,以超强节奏、夺魂舞步、哈骚歌声,成功劈腿全球排行,300万人共同珍藏的最佳宠物。
《out of this club》是和R.Kelly合作演绎的。虽不及Don’t Cha那么疯狂,但也是绝对值得我们收藏的好歌。耐听型!

6. natasha bedingfield -- 《Pocketful Of Sunshine》【荐】
今年24岁的natasha bedingfield,跟她的哥哥daniel bedingfield一样是dtm创作歌手.被誉为英国新一代极具代表性的创作歌手。她的单曲《these words》连续两星期成为英国单曲榜冠军。
Natasha Bedingfield至今发行了三张专辑,今年1月发行的专辑《Pocketful Of Sunshine》就是她的第三张专辑。推荐的这首同名主打Pocketful Of Sunshine,大气豪爽、欢快而野性。Natasha的嗓音很有特点,有超强吸力,很有侵略性。

7. flipsyde ft Tatu -- 《Happy Birthday》 【荐】
Flipsyde是来自美国加州奥克兰市的嘻哈摇滚乐队,成立于2003年,现有成员4人。 他们分别是 声乐:由伯尔(Piper ) 、声乐 吉他手:史蒂夫奈特(Steve Knight ) 、DJ:夏普(D-Sharp )贝斯 电吉他手:戴维 卢佩茨( Dave Lopez ) 。2005年出版了他们的首张专辑《We The People》。
《Happy Birthday》收录于他们2005年发行的EP专辑《Happy Birthday》。很喜欢开头的钢琴声,与饶舌电子乐融合在一起 感觉很舒服!Flipsyde曾还担任2006年冬季奥运会歌演唱者。

8. genie in a bottle - christina aguilera 【荐】
christina aguilera(克里斯汀娜·阿奎莱拉)是在90年代末期大红大紫的几位年轻美国流行歌手之一。
2001年单曲<Lady marmalade>让她在第二次站上格莱美的领奖台。
《genie in a bottle》收錄于1999年的第一張專輯《Genie in a Bottle》

9. <like a bird> <just another day> - Jade Valerie 【荐】
原人氣組合SWEETBOX成員Jade Valerie (杰德·薇乐莉)單飛后作品.整首歌有種讓人積極向上,永不放棄的感覺.節奏比較歡快一點.讓人忍不住跟著哼起來.
Jade不但是一位独唱歌手,她还尤为擅长作曲、作词、音乐制作,比如令S.H.E走红的《Superstar》的曲子就是由Jade与其音乐制作人GEO共同创作的。2008年,S.H.E的新专辑《我的电台 F.M》中的《天亮了》和《宇宙小姐》就是再次翻唱了Jade的《Like A Bird》和《Crush》。 <just another day>. 不容忽視的歌,或者稱它為勵志歌曲.因為它的確有讓人積極向上,勇往直前的感覺.

10. <I wanted you>--Ina 【荐】
[英文]2008最流行RNB精选集 [泛西欧]...I Wanted You--Ina 純美女聲Ina 在這裡我還要向推薦Ina的另一首歌<fall>

11. Katharine McPhee - <Everywhere I Go> 【荐】
1984年出生的Katharine McPhee是通过第五届美国偶像歌唱比赛而被大家认知的一名美国歌手.2007年1月份发行她首张个人同名专辑《Katharine McPhee》,我推荐的这首<Everywhere I Go>就是出自于这张专辑.

12. Keyshia Cole - <fallin out>
Keyshia Cole是曾获葛莱美提名的美国知名R&B创作歌手、唱片制作人,她以充满灵魂风味的嗓音而闻名。
在2005年,Keyshia Cole发行了她的第一张录音室专辑The Way It Is (就是这样);紧接着又在2007年推出了第二张专辑 Just Like You (和你一样)。这两张专辑都在美国本土获得了白金销量.我推荐的这首<fallin out>是出自于她的第二张专辑

13. Toya - <Moving On>
虽然是很老的歌了,但也正因为这样而到现在我们仍然在听,爱听,所以它便成了经典. 歌曲<Moving On>是Toya同名EP[Toya]中的一首R&B风格歌曲.听听这首被大家认可的经典吧.

14. <yesterday> <a moment like this> --- leona lewis 【荐】
leona lewis,出生於1985年的英國女歌手.<a moment like this>是她的第一支單曲,發表于2006年底,并取得了圣诞单曲排行榜的首位.
<yesterday>收录于专辑<Spirit>.这张<Spirit>在英国发行第一周内的销量达到37万5千张.除了我自己喜歡的<yesterday>這首歌外,裡面還收錄了备受欢迎的冠军单曲<Bleeding Love>,本张专辑中的<Homeless>、<Better In Time>、<Take A Bow>和<Here I Am>也都是很有实力打榜的单曲.

15. Where You Are --jessica simpson 【荐】
美国甜心Jessica Simpson(杰西卡·辛普森)出生于美国的德州,凭着第一张专辑[Sweet Kisses]一炮在流行音乐界打红,专辑获得了双白金销量.我推薦的這首<Where You Are>就收錄在這張專輯里.而且也是我最喜歡的一首.旋律動人,歌聲優美.這首歌還有一個合唱版本.安靜的去聆聽,相信你會和我一樣喜歡上它.

16. <I wanted you> --Ina 【荐】
[英文]2008最流行RNB精选集 [泛西欧]..I Wanted You--Ina. 純 美女聲Ina.她的這首歌相信很多朋友都聽過,更相信聽過後的朋友都深深的喜歡上了它.夜裡聆聽這樣的動人旋律,怎能不讓人心動?或許真會有"帶上耳塞,世界與我無關"的感覺.呵>!

17. Tell me --sandy 【荐】
<tell me>是出自德国美女Pop歌手Sandy2004年9月13號發行的專輯<UNEXPECTED>.這張專輯也讓sandy获得了2005年德国最佳女歌手.
Sandy出生于德国的Lothar Dagmar,曾为女子组合No Angels成员之一,此组合在德国电视节目Popstars精彩演唱并一举成名.2003年,组合解散,Sandy选择了自己独立发展,在04年成功发行了自己的3首单曲和专辑<UNEXPECTED>.這張專輯其他歌也不錯,只是相對來講,我更喜歡這首<tell me>.

18. purest of pain -- son by four 【荐】
<Purest of pain>, 李玟<baby 對不起>英文原版.son by four 的歌夜里弥漫的歌声如水,有一些思念,有一些伤感,有一些无奈淡淡的流过心间.不知道是不是自己偏愛英文歌的原因,相對中文的翻唱版本,我更中意這個英文原版.

20. Fallin Out --Keyshia Cole 【荐】
Keyshia Cole是曾获葛莱美提名的美国知名R&B创作歌手、唱片制作人,她以充满灵魂风味的嗓音而闻名.
推荐的这首<Fallin Out>是她去年推出的个人第二张专辑[Just Like You]里面的一首R&B歌曲.这首歌音域宽广,音色婉转,特别是高潮部分.绝对美妙的声音! 媒体常把Keyshia和一些R&B女歌手像是Brandy、Monica以及Beyonce等人相提并论,但和这些包装精美的流行娇骄女不同的地方在于,Keyshia带有一种如钻石般坚硬的韧性,同时在她的歌曲里也透露出街头风味,这是要亲身经历过这样艰苦街头生活的人才能表现出来的。

21. <I Still Miss You> <California> -- Akia
Akia是2002环球推出的新人.向朋友們推薦的這首<california>,它是Akia的一首單曲,並且這支單曲的點播率在urban和跨界电台的超过450万次.足以證明它的受歡迎程度.而<I Still Miss You>這首歌則是收錄于專輯<atruprncss>中.屬於傳統的流行R&B曲風.相信喜歡這樣曲風風格朋友也一定會認可這首歌.

22. One Two Step - ciara Ft missy elliott
这个来自美国亚特兰大的黑人女孩以一首单曲"Goodies"横扫排行连续7周冠军,其中蜜西艾莉特跨刀的<One Two Step>已经延续了"Goodies"的好成绩.

23. about us - brooke hogan 【荐】
<About Us>是Brooke Hogan(布鲁克 霍根)发布的专辑[Undiscovered]中的一首新歌.一共有3個版本.我都好喜歡.節奏當然不用說了.而且不僅節奏霸道,整首歌旋律也好好聽,特別注意女聲部分.呵呵.

be without you


Mary J. Blige - Be Without You
I wanna be with you, need to be with you
(Oh, oh, oh, oh)
gotta be with you
(Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Oooo (oh, oh, oh, oh) oooo
Chemistry was crazy from the get-go
Neither one of us knew why
We didn't deal nothing overnight
Cuz a love like this takes some time
People start off as a phase
Said we can't see that
Now from top to bottom
They see that we did that (yes)
It's so true that (yes)
We've been through it (yes)
We got real sh** (yes)
See baby we been...
Too strong for too long (and I can't be without you baby)
And I'll be waiting up until you get home
(cuz I can't sleep without you baby)
Anybody who's ever loved, ya know just what I feel
Too hard to fake it, nothing can replace it
Call the radio if you just can't be without your baby
I got a question for ya
See I already know the answer
But still I wanna ask you
Would you lie? (no)
Make me cry? (no)
Do somethin' behind my back and then try to cover it up?
Well, neither would I, baby
My love is only your love (yes)
I'll be faithful (yes)
I'm for real (yes)
And with us you'll always know the deal
We've been...
Too strong for too long (and I can't be without you baby)
And I'll be waiting up until you get home
(cuz I can't sleep without you baby)
Anybody who's ever loved, ya know just what I feel
Too hard to fake it, nothing can replace it
Call the radio if you just can't be without your baby
See this is real talk
I'm always stay (no matter what)
Good or bad (thick and thin)
Right or wrong (all day everyday)
Now if you're down on love or don't believe
This ain't for you (no, this ain't for you)
And if you got it deep in your heart
And deep down you know that it's true
(come on, come on, come on)
Well, let me see you put your hands up (hands up)
Fellas tell your lady she's the one
(fellas tell your lady she's the one, oh)
Put your hands up (hands up)
Ladies let him know he's got you locked
Look him right in his eyes and tell him
We've been...
Too strong for too long (and I can't be without you baby)
And I'll be waiting up until you get home
(cuz I can't sleep without you baby)
Anybody who's ever loved, ya know just what I feel
Too hard to fake it, nothing can replace it
Call the radio if you just can't be without your baby
Heeeeeeeeeeeey Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh
Heeeeeeeeeeeey Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh
I wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with you
I wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with you
I wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with you
I wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with you
I wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with you

Everywhere I Go

点击在新窗播放And I want it to be over
Cause everywhere I go
No matter what I do boy
I just can’t get you out of my head
Katharine McPhee - Everywhere I Go
It’s funny how you think you really know yourself

I Wanted You




get up feat chamillionare


Ciara - Get Up (featuring Chamillionaire)
He said
'Hi, my name is so and so
Baby can you tell me yours?
You look like you came to do
One thing (Set it off)'
I started on the left
And I had to take him to the right
He was out of breath
But he kept on dancin' all night
You tryin, admit it
But you just can fight the feelin inside
You know it
And I can see it in your eyes
You want me
You smooth as ya mother
You're so undercover
By the way that you was watchin' me
Ooh! uh
The way you look at me
I'm feelin' you, uh
I just can't help it
Tryin' to keep it cool, uh
I can feel it in the beat, uh
When you do those things to me, uh
Don't let nothin' stop you
M-ooo-ve, ring the alarm
The club is jumpin' now
So get up!
I said 'Ciara's on your radio,
Everybody turn it up'
Spicy just like hot sauce
Careful, you might burn it up
You can do the pop lock
Ragtime, don't stop
That's the way you gotta get
Get it, make ya body rock
You tryin, admit it
But you just can fight the feelin inside
You know it
Cuz I can see it in your eyes
You want me
You smooth as a mother
You're so undercover
By the way that you was watchin' me
Ooh! uh
The way you look at me
I'm feelin' you, uh
I just can't help it
Tryin' to keep it cool, uh
I can feel it in the beat, uh
When you do those things to me, uh
Don't let nothin' stop you
M-ooo-ve, ring the alarm
The club is jumpin' now
So get up!
Ooh, I love the way you vibe with me
Dance with me forever
We can have a good time, follow me
To the beat together
You and me, one on one
Breakin' it down
You can't walk away now
We bout to turn this place out
It's the kid stay ridin' big
The one the police tried to catch ridin' dirty
In the club before eleven o'clock
Like I'm tryin to catch it down kinda early
Look, ya thick her hair brown and curly
She love the way my ride shinin pearly
City boys say she fine a pretty
In the country boys say she fine and 'purrty'
My pockets thick as green, it's curvy
And the ladies know soon as they see my jewelry
If bein' fresh to death is a crime
I think it's time for me to see the jury
You know Chamillionaire stay on the grind
A hustla like me is hard to find
I ain't really impressed, yes
Unless it's about some dollar signs
Ain't really dont need to call you fine
I know you be hearin' that all the time
I'm watchin' you do ya step, do ya step
Yep it's goin down
Ooh! uh
The way you look at me
I'm feelin' you, uh
I just can help it
Tryin' to keep it cool, uh
I can feel it in the beat, uh
When you do those things to me, uh
Don't let nothin' stop you
M-ooo-ve, ring the alarm
The club is jumpin' now
So get up!
Ooh! uh
The way you look at me
I'm feelin' you, uh
I just can't help it
Tryin' to keep it cool, uh
I can feel it in the beat, uh
When you do those things to me, uh
Don't let nothin' stop you
M-ooo-ve, ring the alarm
The club is jumpin' now
So get up!
I got to have you baby
Uh, I feel it
I got to have you baby
I got to have you baby
Uh, I feel it
I got to have you baby

Letting Go

点击在新窗播放Jo De La Rosa
Letting Go
Gotta get myself together
Try to make it through tonight
Tell myself the way we were never broken
There are times thought I might be
Finding ways to make it right
That you walked away and opened up my eyes
Now I see that I have been wasting time
I had a picture of us painted in my mind
Now it's fading and there was nothing left to do
Letting go, cuz I know, we were only half way there
Eventhough we were close
I was holding on just long enough to know
I should be letting go
I should be letting go
Thinking back on when you used to
Fill my head with fancy words
Wishing now that I refuse to listen
How did I ever let it happen
Never thought I would never say
Gotta leave this life and all the foolish pain
Now I see that I have been wasting time
I had a picture of us painted in my mind
Now it's fading and there was nothing left to do
Letting go, cuz I know,
we were only half way there
Eventhough we were close
I was holding on just long enough to know
I should be letting go
I should be letting go
Now I see that I have been wasting time
I had a picture of us painted in my mind
Now it's fading and there was nothing left to do
Letting go, cuz I know
we were only half way there
Eventhough we were close
I was holding on just long enough to know
I should be Letting go
I should be Letting go

Comme Une Ombre


Next To You

点击在新窗播放Two o'clock and I wish that I was sleeping
You're in my head like a song on the radio
All I know is I gotta get next to you
Yeah I gotta get next to you
Sitting here turning minutes in the hours
To find the nerve just to call you on the telephone
Cuz you don't know that I gotta get next to you
Maybe we're friends, maybe we're more
Maybe it's just my imagination
But I see you stare just a little too long
And it makes me start to wonder
So baby, call me crazy
But I think you feel it too
Maybe I, Maybe I, just gotta get next to you
Oh, oh
Asked around and I heard that you were talking
Told my girl that you thought I was out of your league
What a fool, I gotta get next to you
Oh, yeah
It's five in the morning and I can't go to sleep
Cuz I wish, yeah I wish you knew what you mean to me
Baby, let's get together and end this mystery
Maybe we're friends, maybe we're more
Maybe it's just my imagination
But I see you stare just a little too long
And it makes me start to wonder
So baby, call me crazy
But I think you feel it too
Maybe I, Maybe I, just gotta get next to you
Whatcha gotta say
Watcha gotta do
How you get the one you want
To wanna get next to you
Watcha gotta say
Watcha gotta do
How you get the one you want
To wanna get next to you
Watcha gotta say
Watcha gotta do
How you get the one you want
To wanna get next to you
Watcha gotta say
Watcha gotta do
How you get the one you want
To wanna get next to you, yeah yeah
To wanna get next to you
Maybe we're friends, maybe we're more
Maybe it's just my imagination
But I see you stare just a little too long
And it makes me start to wonder
So baby, call me crazy
But I think you feel it too
So baby, call me crazy
But I think you feel it too
Maybe I, Maybe I, just gotta get next to you
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Next to you
Oh, oh
I gotta get next to you

Go Girl


This is nappy boy radio, live back with ya boy T-Pain
You already know what it is man
I got something special for the ladies out here
All those Go-Girls out there, I got some brand new, CiCi
Featuring...ME (Haha)
You already know this man, hit us up on the hotline
I'm a play this 14 times,
Just hit us up when you wanna hear it again
Nappy boy!
I, I, I, I I'm the incredible, super-sexual
Call me 'Cici', let's go and I know that you see me
Can't be just like, can't make that happen
'Cause I am the original and you ain't got that swagga
I'm the sha-sha-sha-sha-sha and yo' lady wanna be me
That's a fact, know that, yes indeedy (Get 'em CiCi!)
Sit back, relax, enjoy the show
Yeah I can hang and I think that's why they call me...
'Cause I be going on 'em,
Ooh they couldn't stop if they wanted to
That's why they call me
I'm the Energizer, PlayBoy bunny, I keep going and going
And you know it, that's why they call me
Please let me know, if you really want mo'
I can take it to the flo'
Sit back, relax, enjoy the show,
Call me baby I can be your Go-Girl
I'll be the metaphor for the high dro, make ya sleepy
Nasty girl, keep it on the low, its a secret
I'm moving up, down, round and round, do a little trick,
Then I swirled around, you be like
Yeah man and That one is so bad, and I really want to meet her!
Sit back, relax, enjoy the show
Yeah I can hang and I think that's why they call me...
Ooh they couldn't stop if they wanted to
'Cause I be going on 'em,
That's why they call me
I'm the Energizer, PlayBoy bunny, I keep going and going
And you know it, that's why they call me
Please let me know, if you really want mo'
I can take it to the flo'
Sit back, relax, enjoy the show,
Call me baby I can be your Go-Girl
Even with a IQ of 42, they say I'm a motha, motha genuis
Teddy Pain on that thing, there is no need for a remix
It's CiCi, T.P. we be T-H-E B-E-S-T
I, R-I-P every M.C. on late thats OMG,
I stop that beat so I can speak one more word of unique lines
If he say he can beat me then obviously he lied
Keep tryin', this one for the Go-Girls that won't stop
Them other hoes just ain't that hot,
I got yo' back like a tanky-top
Now go, go girl
'Cause I be going on 'em,
Ooh they couldn't stop if they wanted to
That's why they call me
I'm the Energizer, PlayBoy bunny, I keep going and going
And you know it, that's why they call me
Please let me know, if you really want mo'
I can take it to the flo'
Sit back, relax, enjoy the show,
Call me baby I can be your Go-Girl
If you make the traffic stop when you pop, yous a Go-Girl
Uh huh huh, then yous a Go-Girl
If you a work hard for your money yous a Go-Girl
Uh huh huh, you betta go girl
Yeah, I'm talkin' bout a Go-Girl
Blow his mind, and you keep it hood,
Like a real live woman should
Shawty yous a Go-Girl
'Cause I be going on 'em,
Ooh they couldn't stop if they wanted to
That's why they call me
I'm the Energizer, PlayBoy bunny, I keep going and going
And you know it, that's why they call me
Please let me know, if you really want mo'
I can take it to the flo'
Sit back, relax, enjoy the show,
Call me baby I can be your Go-Girl

Tell Me

点击在新窗播放Sandy - Tell Me
There're so many things I wanna say
There're so many thoughts inside of me
But my words can seem to find a way
I can see you changing more and more
Acting like you didn't do before
I see you slipping away
But I don't wanna lose you
I would do anything for us to remain
'Cause I know that we can make it last
To be true
I don't wanna lose you
Tell me that you love me from the heart
And nothing in the world can tear us apart
Tell me that we'll be together
The rest of our lives, baby now and forever
Tell me that you still believe in everlasting love
And we'll always be together
Baby take a look inside yourself
Am I the one you see or someone else
Baby please be true you've gotta let me know
Tell me what to do to make you show
'Cause I don't wanna feel this insecure
You've gotta give me a sign
Cause I don't wanna lose you
I would do anything for us to remain
'Cause I know that we can make it last
To be true
I don't wanna lose you
Tell me that you love me from the heart
And nothing in the world can tear us apart
Tell me that we'll be together
The rest of our lives, baby now and forever
Tell me that you still believe in everlasting love
And we'll always be together
Remember all the promises we made
Remember all the words we used to say
That an open heart will always find a way
What would it take for me to make you realize
And I know that we can make it last
To be true
I don't wanna lose you
Tell me that you love me from the heart
And nothing in the world can tear us apart
Tell me that we'll be together
The rest of our lives, baby now and forever
Tell me that you still believe in everlasting love
And we'll always be together
[ 此帖被伴随、在2009-02-08 15:30重新编辑 ]
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +15
 ∝ 涼綺


等级: 内阁元老
漫 长 声 息 ,
举报 只看该作者 10楼  发表于: 2009-02-08 0


等级: 派派贵宾
举报 只看该作者 9楼  发表于: 2009-02-08 0
不鸟他 被骗来的 以为是美女呢



等级: 内阁元老
举报 只看该作者 8楼  发表于: 2009-02-08 0


等级: 禁止发言
举报 只看该作者 7楼  发表于: 2009-02-08 0



等级: 派派贵宾
配偶: 玫瑰藤
Scorpio men, lonely life doome
举报 只看该作者 6楼  发表于: 2009-02-08 0
鄙视你  我看不懂英文


等级: 派派贵宾
配偶: supershe
举报 只看该作者 5楼  发表于: 2009-02-08 0
Oh , my god




等级: 派派贵宾
丨爺".硪卜是RMB! 做不到人人都喜欢!
举报 只看该作者 4楼  发表于: 2009-02-08 0


等级: 内阁元老
举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2009-02-08 0
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