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[专辑推荐] 試試看發起沒有

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等级: 专栏作家
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2009-01-15 0
— (很儍很天眞﹎) 连接无效,请编辑~ (2009-01-16 09:03) —
这首歌曲应该是最符合我帖子标题的一首了,纯洁的温柔,整首歌曲听起来很舒缓,主场的声音懒散 " BLJh)i 随意,但却带给我莫名的感动,特别是高潮部分,有种时光流逝的感慨,这是一首复古式的小情歌, w'7J`n: {] 喜欢歌曲中的吉它,喜欢歌曲的旋律很美,像是一个小青年在诉说情话,有Eles,the Beatles的感 {Z Ld_VGW 觉,Mando Diao来自瑞典的Garage摇滚乐队,带着英伦味道,他们的歌曲和他们成长地区的音乐 QIJ/'72 风格相差很多,音乐很轻柔,他们大部分的歌曲听起来都是美妙的情歌,但又揉进了摇滚,就像他们 S@y?E} 自己说的"我们的出发点就是这样,写出世界上最优美的情歌,然后用我们的乐队把它们糟蹋掉",对 qv4r !x 了乐队来过中国几次,对中国情有独钟。

歌手:mando diao 专辑:ode to ochrasy

She was only 21 But so much older than she's now Now she passed the 24 I guess it's time to say goodbye

ere's the new Here's the real Here's the life you'd like to live Now here's the new boy taking on the world tonight

When we met She smelled like honey When we kissed she tasted tears Then for 14000 seconds We made love behind old fears

Here's the new Here's the real Here's the life you wish to live Now here's the new boy taking on the world tonight

Take the words on your way I don't waste the things I say When in doubt fuck the world Forget all the things you've heard Now here's the new boy taking on the world tonight No

Why so sad? Don't you like my way of life? I don't last forever Neither do the things we love You are wise This is now This is all the things I want Everything around us Is moving except time

She was only 24 But so much younger than the past We've laid all our troubles down

And now it's us against the rest Here's the new here's the real Here's the life you'd like to live Now here's the new boy Taking on the world tonight

Take the words on your way I don't waste the things I say When in doubt fuck the world Forget all the things you've heard Now here's the new boy taking on the world tonight No

[ 此帖被3334085在2009-01-16 09:37重新编辑 ]


等级: 派派贵宾
举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2009-01-16 0
哦  晕咯  又是听不了的


等级: 派派贵宾
配偶: 悠月浅吟
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2009-01-16 0




等级: 专栏作家
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2009-01-15 0
爲什麽  發不起呢