one more cup of coffee(Bob Dylan)————再发一首_派派后花园

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[专辑推荐] one more cup of coffee(Bob Dylan)————再发一首

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等级: 明星作家
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2008-12-30 0
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one more cup of coffee

Your breath is sweet
Your eyes are like two jewels in the sky.
Your back is straight, your hair is smooth
On the pillow where you lie.
But I don't sense affection
No gratitude or love
Your loyalty is not to me
But to the stars above.

One more cup of coffee for the road,
One more cup of coffee 'fore I go
To the valley below.

Your daddy he's an outlaw
He'll teach you how to pick and choose
And how to throw the blade.
He oversees his kingdom
So no stranger does intrude
His voice it trembles as he calls out
For another plate of food.

One more cup of coffee for the road,
One more cup of coffee 'fore I go
To the valley below.

Your sister sees the future
Like your mama and yourself.
You've never learned to read or write
There's no books upon your shelf.
And your pleasure knows no limits
Your voice is like a meadowlark
But your heart is like an ocean
Mysterious and dark.
One more cup of coffee for the road,
One more cup of coffee 'fore I go
To the valley below.


等级: 明星作家
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2008-12-30 0
英文名:Bob Dylan 中文名:鲍勃·迪伦
原名:Robert Allan Zimmerman
配偶:Sara Dylan(1965.11.22结婚;1977.6.29离婚) 4个孩子
    Carolyn Dennis(1986.6.4结婚;1992.10.?离婚)1个孩子
初恋:Suze Rotolo(就是【Freewheelin'】专辑封面上和Bob挽着胳膊的女孩)
最佳合作者:Joan Baez


等级: 明星作家
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2008-12-30 0
  1941年5月24日他生于明尼苏达州德卢斯(又译杜勒斯)城,原名Robert Allan Zimmerman,6 岁时全家移居到一个叫希宾(Hibbing)的靠近矿区的小镇上。他在希宾附近的高中上学时,他在一个摇滚乐队中进行了一段短暂的演出,然后到位于明尼阿波利斯的明尼苏达大学学习了1年。在那里,罗伯特·齐默尔曼名为鲍勃·迪伦,他开始成名是在民歌界的圣地纽约格林尼治村。他决心成为一位“著名的民歌手”,并不顾他少年时期的许多其他音乐的影响,朝着这一方面扬起风帆。
  少年时期的鲍勃·迪伦只不过是一个喜爱音乐的平凡男孩,对乡村乐感兴趣。以Arthur Rimband、Hank Williams, James Dean, Woody Guthrie 和 Robert Johnson为偶像。直到14岁时,他在戏院里看到了《Blackboard Jungle》中的摇滚狂热, 从此他发现了音乐的另一种功能——它的社会学效应。摇流乐的歌词使人振奋,反映着青少年的个性、野心与叛逆。自此以后,希宾小镇再也拴不住他的心了。
  1961年1月,鲍勃·迪伦从明尼苏达州立大学辍学,开始专心致力于歌唱工作,并来到纽约Cate Wha 民谣音乐城(Folk City)和煤气灯(Gaslight)等著名的表演场所演出。
  由于他的民谣歌曲受到知识分子的喜爱与支持,CBS的制作人John Hammond 与他正式签定了合约,不久Albert Closeman担任了迪伦的经纪人。此刻的迪伦是民谣风暴的煽动者,CBS 公司旗下最受重视的新人,也是年轻一代民谣歌手中最具潜力、呼声最高的艺人。

  1961年经验丰富的制作人约翰·哈蒙德(John Hammond)使他与Columbia(哥伦比亚)公司签约,在他录制的最初几张唱片中,几乎没有表现出他对汉克·威廉斯(Hank Williams)或查克·贝里(Chuck Berry)的喜爱——尽管他偶尔也无意中像“埃弗利兄弟”(the Everly Brothers)那样即兴演唱。相反,迪伦的音乐在很大程度上属于民歌复兴的主流之音,而且优美动听,有时是那么光彩照人。
  鲍勃·迪伦的处世作《Bon Dylan》于1962年发表。其中收录了Woody Guthrie 推崇的《Song To Wood》和谈纽约生活感触的《Talking New York》,整张专辑的风格,带有浓厚的Woody Guthrie式民谣气息。 另一方面他也采取客观的立场,来审视当时政治及社会事件,创作了不朽名曲《Blo-wing Changin》,一跃而成为超级巨星。Bob早期的一些作品是以传统旋律为基础的,后来逐渐吸取了乡村音乐的因素和黑人音乐并加以创新。Dylan 的抗议歌曲对当时青年人的心灵起了巨大的震撼作用,因而促使六十 年代美国青年的大觉醒。
  他很快被公认为是青年词作家中像菲尔·帕克斯顿(Tom Paxton)一样最有才华的。
  他的歌曲成为参加民权和反战运动的白人学生的圣歌,有像《在风中飘荡》(Blowin’in the Wind)和《大雨将至》。(A Hard Rain’s Gonna Fall)这样的抗议歌曲,有像传统的《科里纳,科里纳》(Corrina Corrina)和以传统为基础的《来自北部乡村的女孩》(Girl from the Country)这样的爱情歌曲,还有像唱法多种多样的《我将会自由》(I Shall Be Free)这样的滑稽歌曲。
  其曲调相对来说比较简单(通常取自传统民歌题材),而他的演唱技能(无论在演唱方面还是在吉他与打击乐的演奏方面)在民歌音乐界中来说是纯朴自然的,但他的影响却引人注目。迪伦正在创造一种调式,他所描绘的音乐方式不需要很复杂。他的歌喉、吉他演奏和有时不很完美的口琴声帮助确定音调,使其音乐从中得以展开并在国内引起轰动。在古巴导弹危机和核裁军运动的世界中没有什么比听迪伦演唱《战争的主人》(Masters of War)和《大雨将至》更令人振奋。


等级: 明星作家
举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2008-12-30 0
  正是在这一时期(1961-1964),迪伦成为民歌界和激进分子的英雄。但在更为广大的流行音乐界中,他的歌曲却被认为不过是“最适于别人来翻唱”,其中以“彼得,保罗和玛丽”所翻唱的歌曲最为著名。由于两个原因,把这一切都改变了。第一个原因是他反复扮演的激进分子领袖的角色开始使他恼怒,这种恼怒表现在他的歌曲中,以第4张唱片《鲍勃.迪伦的另一面》(Another Side of Bob Dylan,1964)最为明显。在尚不成熟的歌曲《我的不太有价值的新闻》(My Back Pages)中迪伦对“人生是黑白相间的谎言”进行了谴责,并对其早期坚定的誓言评论说“那时我是多么的老,现在我比那时年轻了”。第二个也是更重要的原因是1963年和1964年期间英国流行音乐的革命。据报道,当迪伦第一次听到“动物”(ANIMALS)乐队演唱他的传统歌曲《旭日之家》(House of the Rising Sun)时,他“跳出汽车的座椅,因为这望权是无礼的改编。这件事在他眼前战线了一个崭新的音乐世界,并使他认识到他同时表达对查克.贝里和Woody Guthrie的热爱是可能的。他的下一张唱片名为《席卷而归》(Bringing It Back Home),微妙地论及了英国艺人唤醒了他对美国摇滚乐的兴趣的赞美。该唱片的一面录的却是摇滚乐歌曲,每隔一首歌曲录一段”滚石“(The Rolling Stones)的即兴演唱。在唱片封套上他尖刻地写着:”我已放弃对尽善尽美的追求。“他的音乐欢快而无拘无束地跳跃,他演唱的由查克.贝里的《没完没了的恶作剧》(Too Much Monkey Business)直接派生的歌曲《隐秘的思乡病布鲁斯》(Subterranean Homesick Blues)轻而易举地获得成功。
  1965年8 月,Dylan的专辑《High way 61Revisited》发表,获得好评, 此时他的身价已跃升到了流行音乐的顶点,并正式确立 了摇滚音乐家的地位。七十年代Dylan 的作品吸收了Jazz 和Blues的元素,歌词充满了哲理性,带动了七十年代的美国青年,也不 再是反抗的狂热者,而是逐渐安定下来,出现了哲理性的趋向。
  迪伦在方向上的转变使他失去了一些从前的追随者,但不管怎样,该唱片还有另一面,其上收录了《手鼓手》(Mr.Tambourine Man)和几乎是政治性的歌曲《好极了,妈妈》(It’s All Right,Ma)。但是他在1965-1966年间举办的以他与保罗·巴特菲尔德(Paul Butterfield)布鲁斯乐队为首的在纽波特您民歌音乐节上的演出戏剧性地分裂了他的观众,而实际上迪伦正是由于违约才变成摇滚乐界崇拜的偶像。歌曲《像一块滚石》(Like a Rolling Stone,1965年名列排行榜第2)的成功足以弥补失去的纯粹民歌观众。这一时期的唱片《重访61号公路》(Highway 61 Rivisited)和双唱片《无数金发女郎》(Blonde on Blonde),代表着鲍勃.迪伦的录音生涯的顶峰。与他合作过的乐手阿尔.库珀(KOOPER,AL)、罗比.罗伯逊(Robbie Robertson)和纳什维尔的乐手如查利.麦科伊(Charlie McCoy)和肯尼.巴特里(Kenny Buttrey),是贯彻迪伦把多年吸收的各种风格融合在一起的想法的最佳人选。这些歌曲结构仍很简单,采用陈腐的反复乐句,但它们通常更长一些、更流畅一些。库珀那丰富的风琴乐音使《近似女王简》(Queen Jane Approximately)和《像一块滚石》等歌曲具有权威性效果,迪伦的抒情诗是至关重要的,虽然现在线条的连贯性已崩溃,但却有丰富的、无数的形象蜂拥而至。他们的景象是具有强大而特殊的梦想逻辑性的内心景象。有时[在歌曲《墓碑布鲁斯》(Tombstone Blues)、《荒凉的街道》(Desolation Row)中]它充满着有关联奇怪的历史人物,有时它们机具抒情性[表现在歌曲《约翰娜的景象》(Visions of Johanna)和12分钟《洛兰兹的忧伤眼睛的女人》(Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands)中],使人看到一种把布鲁斯改变成乡村音乐的原型形象。迪伦滑稽而又面无表情的幽默感在《雨天的女人们》(Rainy Day Women)和《豹皮药盒帽》(Leopard Skin Pill Box Hat)中仍明显可见。
  迪伦的个人生活方式在他所创作的歌曲的千变万化的无秩序中得到准确的反映。他似乎正驱使自己以惊人的步伐前进(在几个月的时间内发行了《重访61号公路》和《无数金发女郎》等共3张唱片)。“他将成为传奇人物”,皮特·西格(Pete Seeger)说,“如果他最终没有精神失常的话”。即将发生内向爆炸的感觉在他1966年与“鹰” [The Hawks,后来变成“乐队”(The Band)]巡回演出时进行的精神发泄性演唱中特别强烈。
  1966年8月迪伦的事业突然被一次摩托车祸中断,他有两年没有与公众见面,不过他的风采却无处不在,从每个主要商店的广告画到新闻界对他急切返回歌坛的不断传闻,非法销售的音乐会(如1965年在伦敦举国的著名的艾伯特大厅演出)唱片也很流行。他的沉默相反却促使他的艺术绝技有所发展,具有不同程度的轻信和明智的迪伦学家活跃起来。在1967年间迪伦与“乐队”(他1965-1966年与该乐队一起进行巡回演出)在伍德斯托克居住了一段时间,他的音乐在这种隐蔽的环境中继续发展。这一时期录制的唱片(这些唱片不久在非法交易中可以买到)被歪曲为可探查迪伦要成为新的摇滚乐歌王的想法。有些歌曲是令人狂笑的滑稽的酒后胡言,《让亨利夫人狂欢》(Please Mrs Henry)、《百万美元狂欢会》(Million Dollar Bash),但是那些较忧郁的歌曲决定了整体情绪是悔罪的、充满不详的预兆感。在歌曲《狂怒之泪》(Tears of Rage)和《太多微不足道的事》(Too Much of Nothing)中他似乎对他的过去感到罪责难逃,并对他所扮演的——公认的=不知不觉地——那些角色感到懊悔。在歌曲《我将得到解脱》(I Shall Be Released)和《着火的轮子》(Wheel’s on Fire)中似乎模模糊糊地、下意识地意识到一次迫近的、可能是迪伦演唱的所以歌曲中最有个性、最动人的。丝毫没有表现他以往出版的大多数作品中的乏味、毫无信心、也毫无骄傲之感。他以哀怨而又不加雕饰的声调演唱这些歌曲,偶尔还加入理查德.曼纽尔(Richard Manuel)的和声。迪伦与“乐队”在1967年演唱的所有歌曲被冠以《地下室磁带》(The Basement Tapes)之名非法销售,它是迪伦最有美感、最直截了当的唱片。如果说唱片《佩珀军士孤独心灵俱乐部乐队》(Sgt. Pepper)和《无数金发女郎》是对60年代新反主流文化的乐观主义之最好的庆祝,那么唱片《地下室磁带》则是对这种乐观主义的另一面的关键表达。在这一方面,它必定会被列为70年代非乌托邦式的探索流行语言的一系列主要唱片中的先驱。最后,这些唱片在录制完8年之后的1975年,在Columbia公司正式发行。
  迪伦以1968年发行的唱片《约翰.韦斯利.哈丁》(John Wesley Harding)表明他对一般公众的新的态度。与复杂性(音乐的和抒情诗的)流行趋势形成鲜明对照,这些歌曲是直截了当的和简洁的,并且继续探索犯罪和自疑的主题。但是最后的两首歌《顺着小河湾走》(Down Along the Cove)和《今晚我将是你的宝贝》(I’ll Be Your Baby Tonight)趋向后来接着录制的两张乡村音乐唱片的那种柔美的音调,这两张唱片是《纳什维尔天空轮廓》(Mashville Skyline,1969)和《自画像》(Self Portrait,1970)。这些唱片给迪伦招致自1965年转向摇滚乐以来第一次真正的抨击。他被谴责倒退到乡村音乐的平淡和伤感之中,而收入其他民歌的双张唱片《自画像》则被说成不过是放纵自己。事实上,这也是早期音乐对迪伦存在影响的另一个例子:他与约翰尼.卡什(Johnny Cash)的友谊可以追溯到60年代初期,约翰尼.卡什曾与他在唱片《纳什维尔天空轮廓》中合唱了一首《来自北部乡村的女孩》。这些唱片标志着摇滚乐与乡村音乐之间具有重要意义的重新融合的开始,因为许多人,从“飞鸟”(The Byrds)乐队到琼·贝兹(Joan Baez)都跟随他在纳什维尔录制唱片。然而这些唱片是迪伦最后的一些具有先驱作用的唱片。在70年代,他对摇滚乐的发展小有作用,他的一些唱片冗长而且优劣不均。在唱片《新的早晨》(New Morning,1970)和《行星浪潮》(Planet Waves,1973)中他的发音常常是自然的、甚至是陈腐的,通常代表着远远摆脱早年那刺耳尖利的爱情歌曲传统的爱好家庭生活的角色。《帕特.加勒特与比利小子》(Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid,1973)是一张电影插曲唱片,其中包括一首经典歌曲《敲天堂之门》(Knocking on Heaven’s Door)。与70年代以往的唱片形成对照,唱片《路上的血迹》(Blood on the Tracks,1975)中包括令人痛苦的《愚蠢的风》(Idiot Wind),含义模糊的《莉莉,罗斯玛丽和杰克之心》(Lily,Rosemary,and the Jack of Hearts)和矫揉造作的《简单的命运扭曲》(A Simple Twist of Fate)等歌曲,由此可见迪伦正有意进行探索,在有关鲁本.卡特尔(Reuben Garter)被非法监禁的故事的歌曲《飓风》(Hurricane,1975)中也明显有类似的感觉。


等级: 明星作家
举报 只看该作者 4楼  发表于: 2008-12-30 0
Bob Dylan歌曲大全
  Went to See the Gypsy
  Father of Night
  Day of the Locusts
  The Man in Me
  Three Angels
  If Dogs Run Free
  Time Passes Slowly
  One More Weekend
  Sign on the Window
  It hurts me too
  If Not for You
  In search of little Sadie
  Copper kettle (The pale moonlight)
  I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine
  The Wicked Messenger
  Belle isle
  New Morning
  Gotta travel on
  Little Sadie
  The mighty Quinn (Quinn, the eskimo)
  Down Along The Cove
  Living the blues
  Woogie boogie
  Days of
  All Along The Watchtower
  Drifter's Escape
  I Pity The Poor Immigrant
  As I Went Out One Morning
  I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
  Alberta #
  Early mornin' rain
  Blue moon
  Like a rolling stone
  Tough Mama
  Something There Is About You
  Whatcha Gonna Do
  Take me as I am (or let me go)
  I Am A Lonesome Hobo
  Dear Landlord
  The Ballad Of Frankie Lee And Judas Priest
  She belongs to me
  The boxer
  I Shall Be Released
  It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
  Mixed Up Confusion
  Solid Road
  froggie went a courtin'
  little maggie
  jim jones
  On a Night Like This
  Mixed Up Confusion
  Going to New Orleans
  Alberta #
  Minstrel boy
  Take a message to Mary
  You Ain't Goin' Nowhere
  That's Alright Mama
  You Angel You
  tomorrow night
  Rainy Day Women #
  Oh, Sister
  Milkcow's Calf Blues
  Milkcow's Calf Blues
  I forgot more than you'll ever know
  When I Paint My Masterpiece
  The Mighty Quinn (Quinn, The Eskimo)
  Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
  Mr. Bojangles
  Absolutely Sweet Marie
  Sad Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands
  Whatcha Gonna Do
  Mixed Up Confusion
  The Ballad of Hollis Brown
  diamond joe
  Sally Gal
  Temporary Like Achilles
  Stage Fright
  The Shape I'm In
  The Ballad Of Ira Hayes
  A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall
  Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues
  sittin' on top of the world
  Simple Twist Of Fate
  All Along The Watchtower
  Maggie's Farm
  Visions Of Johanna
  It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
  Spanish Is The Loving Tongue
  When You Awake
  The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down
  you're gonna quit me
  Dear Landlord
  Every Grain Of Sand
  Wedding Song
  Going, Going, Gone
  Tiny Montgomery
  Orange Juice Blues (Blues For Breakfast)
  Bessie Smith
  Down In The Flood
  It Ain't Me Babe
  Mary Ann
  Lily Of The West
  Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat
  The Death of Emmett Til
  Baby I'm in the Mood for You
  Lo And Behold
  Nothing Was Delivered
  All I Really Want To Do
  Jet Pilot
  Quinn The Eskimo
  arthur mcbride
  blackjack davey
  frankie and albert
  hard times
  Visions Of Johanna
  You Angel You
  Yea Heavy And A Bottle Of Bread
  Most Likely You Go Your Way And I'll Go Mine
  One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later)
  Can't Help Falling In Love
  Ballad of a Thin Man
  Endless Highway
  Final Theme
  h Time Around
  All the tired horses
  Lonesome Whistle Blues
  Corrina Corrina
  Long Distance Operator
  Tears Of Rage
  Yazoo Street Scandal
  I Want You
  Million Dollar Bash
  step it up and go
  Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Ag
  It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
  Goin' To Acapulco
  Clothes Line Saga
  Please, Mrs. Henry
  Outlaw Blues
  River Theme
  Up on Cripple Creek
  Turkey Chase
  A Fool Such As I
  John Wesley Harding
  That's Alright Mamma
  Solid Road
  Too Much Of Nothing
  Katies's Been Gone
  Lay Lady Lay
  The Times They Are A-Changin'
  I shall be released
  Forever Young
  Open The Door, Homer
  You Ain't Goin' Nowhere
  Don't Ya Tell Henry
  Ruben Remus
  Apple Suckling Tree
  Absolutely Sweet Marie
  Gates of Eden
  Just Like a Woman
  Bunkhouse Theme
  I Want You
  Ain't No More Cane
  Most Likely You Go Your Way and I'll Go...
  Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat
  Rainy Day Women
  Visions Of Johanna
  It Aint Me,Babe
  Just Like A Woman
  Big Yellow Taxi
  Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
  All Along the Watchtower
  On the Road Again
  Sally Gal
  Shelter From the Storm
  Just Like A Woman
  Don't think twice
  Going, going, gone
  Is your love in vain
  This Wheel's On Fire
  Million Dollar Bash
  Odds And Ends
  Can You Please Crawl Out Window
  only a hobo
  cuban missle crisis
  All Along The Watchtower
  Youre A Big Girl Now
  Pledging My Time
  Shelter From The Storm
  Ballad of a thin man
  only a pawn in their game #
  Bob Dylan's
  h Dream
  Maggie's Farm
  Mr. Tambourine Man
  Let Me Die in my Footsteps
  i shall be free
  masters of war
  The Weight
  Just Like A Woman
  Lay, Lady, Lay
  Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again
  john brown
  train a travelin'
  Chimes Of Freedom
  Rainy Day Women
  Crash On The Levee (Down In The Flood)
  Forever Young [Cont.]
  Sad Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands
  Tangled Up In Blue
  Abandoned Love
  I Want You
  I Want You
  Corrina Corrina
  i'd hate to be you on that dreadful day
  It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
  Just Like A Woman
  The Times They Are A-chaingin
  Its All Over Now,Babe Blue
  Mr. Tambourine Man
  Oh, Sister
  I Threw It All Away
  Mr.Tambourine Man
  You're A Big Girl Now
  Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again
  keep your eyes on the prize (hold on)
  only a pawn in their game
  Love Minus ZeroNo Limit
  Maggie's Farm
  Motorpsycho Nightmare
  Idiot Wind
  Ballad In Plain D
  Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues
  Peggy Day
  Lay Lady Lay
  Cantina Theme (Workin' for the Law)
  Black Crow Blues
  It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
  One Too Many Mornings
  h Time Around
  paths of victory
  Main Title Theme (Billy)
  It Ain't Me Babe
  U.D. Blues
  Only A Hobo
  Love minus Zero No limit
  Gonna Change My Way Of Thinking
  Rainy Day Women
  Nashville Skyline Rag
  Like a Rolling Stone
  let me die in my footsteps
  I Shall Be Free No.
  You're A Big Girl Now
  h Street
  Lily, Rosemary And The Jack Of Hearts
  In The Garden
  playboys & playgirls
  the death of emmett till
  I Shall Be Released
  Blowin' in the Wind
  I Threw It All Away
  Tell Me That It Isn't True
  It Ain't Me Babe
  Like a rolling stone
  One more cup of coffee
  She Belongs to Me
  All I Really Want To Do
  Let it be me
  Let Me Follow you Down
  Pressing On
  oxford town
  Baby Please Don't Go
  She Belongs To Me
  To Be Alone with You
  Man of Constant Sorrow
  Wade In the Water
  Solid Rock
  Sugar Baby
  Sugar Baby
  talkin' devil
  walkin' down the line
  Sarah Jane
  Tonight I'll Be Staying Here with You
  Idiot Wind
  Saving Grace
  Buckets Of Rain
  Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You
  Hard Time is New York Town
  Subterranean Homesick Blues
  Do Right To Me Baby (Do Unto Others)
  When He Returns
  I Believe In You
  Shelter from the Storm
  Buckets of Rain
  Floater (Too Much To Ask)
  I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
  Po' Boy
  Shelter From The Storm
  Tangled Up In Blue
  Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts
  Girl From The North Country
  High-Water (For Charley Patton)
  Country Pie
  Girl from the North Country
  Like A Rolling Stone
  Pledging My Time
  Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum
  You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go
  If You See Her, Say Hello
  Heart of Mine
  Property of Jesus
  Dead Man, Dead Man
  When You Gonna Wake Up
  To Ramona
  Honest With Me
  Every Grain of Sand
  Lay Lady Lay
  Candy Man
  If You See Her, Say Hello
  You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go
  Simple Twist of Fate
  What Can I Do For You
  Are You Ready
  Man Gave Names To All The Animals
  Never Say Goodbye
  Maggie's Farm
  Who you Really Are
  Watered-Down Love
  It Ain't Me, Babe
  One More Night
  Something's Burning, Baby
  Precious Angel
  My Back Pages
  Forever Young
  Union Sundown
  Lenny Bruce
  Idiot Wind
  Maggie's Farm
  My Back Pages
  All I Really Want To Do
  Cry A While
  Lonesome Day Blues
  Spanish Harlem Incident
  I And I
  Dark Eyes
  Don't Fall Apart On Me Tonight
  A Satisfied Mind
  ballad of donald white
  Watching The River Flow
  Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
  Slow Train
  We Better Talk This Over
  You're a Big Girl Now
  I And I
  Where Are You Tonight (Journey Through Dark Heat)
  Is Your Love In Vain
  Neighborood Bully
  I'll Remember You
  Clean Cut Kid
  Never Gonna Be The Same Again
  Gotta Serve Somebody
  In the Summertime
  Cocaine Blues
  h Street
  Tombstone Blues
  No Time To Think
  Baby Stop Crying
  Tangled Up in Blue
  Man Of Peace
  Ballad Of A Thin Man
  high water (for charley patton)
  blind willie mctell
  Gospel Plow
  Subterranean Homesick
  Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll
  Covenant Woman
  meet me in the morning
  gotta serve somebody
  the grooms still waiting at the alter
  seeing the real you at last
  everything is broken
  dirt road blues
  leopard-skin pill-box hat
  it takes a lot to laugh it takes a train to cry
  Talking World War III Blues
  Senor (Tales Of Yankee Power)
  Mixed-up Confusion
  Honey, Just Allow Me One More Chance
  down in the flood
  Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
  she belongs to me
  I Shall Be Free
  Oxford Town
  Most Likely You Go Your Way
  Tight Connection To My Heart
  Pretty Peggy
  Man Of Constant Sorrow
  Freight Train Blues
  Shot of Love
  The Times They Are A-changin
  Grooms Still Waiting At The Altar
  See That My Grave Is Kept Clean
  House Of The Risin' Sun
  Bob Dylan's Dream
  Down The Highway
  Solid Rock
  Senor(Tales Of Yankee Power)
  License To Kill
  Subterranean Homesick Blues
  I Dont Believe You(She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
  Bye And Bye
  Romance In Durango
  Fixin' To Die Blues
  Time Passes Slowly
  I Wanna Be Your Lover
  Corrina, Corrina
  Gotta Serve Somebody
  Masters Of War
  Bob Dylan's Blues
  Tomorrow Is A Long Time
  Masters Of War
  I Want You
  Up To Me
  Baby, Im In The Mood For You
  True Love Tends To Forget
  If Not For You
  I Don't Believe You
  Just Like A Woman
  Lay Down Your Weary Tune
  On A Night Like This
  New Pony
  Knockin' on Heaven's Door
  With God On Our Side
  A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall
  I Believe In You
  I Shall Be Released
  Trust Yourself
  Ill Be Your Baby Tonight
  Caribbean Wind
  Under Your Spell
  Only A Pawn In Their Game
  Restless Farewell
  Boots Of Spanish Leather
  Meet Me in the Morning
  Black Diamond Bay
  Lay Lady Lay
  One Too Many Mornings
  Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
  She's No Good
  Girl From The North Country
  Dear Lanlord
  Talkin' New York
  The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll
  Got My Mind Made Up
  Romance In Durango
  Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
  Down Along The Cove
  In My Time Of Dyin'
  Drifter's Escape
  Tombstone Blues
  When The Ship Comes In
  As I Went Out One Morning
  The Groom's Still Waiting at the Altar
  The Wicked Messenger
  Emotionally Yours
  Maybe Someday
  Precious Memories
  Percys Song
  All Along The Watchtower
  Blowin' In The Wind
  Mr. Tambourine Man
  I Am A Lonesome Hobo
  Driftin' Too Far From Shore
  I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine
  The Ballad Of Frankie Lee And Judas Priest
  They Killed Him
  John Wesley Harding
  When The Night Comes Falling From The Sky
  blowin' in the wind
  Seeing The Real You At Last
  The Times They Are A-Changin
  To Ramona
  I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
  Oh, Sister
  Brownsville Girl
  Queen Jane Approximately
  Song To Woody
  All Along The Watchtower
  Changing Of The Guards
  Meet Me In The Morning
  Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
  Masters Of War
  Forever Young
  Desolation Row
  Tombstone Blues
  Heart For Mine
  You Wanna Ramble
  Blowin' In The Wind
  License To Kill
  It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry
  Knockin' On Heaven's Door
  If Not For You
  Ballad Of A Thin Man
  Ninety Miles An Hour (Down A Dead End Street)
  Ugliest Girl In The World
  Death Is Not The End
  Had A Dream About You, BabyHad A Dream About You, Baby
  From A Buick
  Sally Sue Brown
  One More Cup of Coffee
  Ill Keep It With Mine
  Like A Rolling Stone
  I Pity The Poor Immigrant
  Rank Strangers To Me
  Let's Stick Together
  Knockin' on Heaven's Door
  When Did You Leave Heaven
  Like A Rolling Stone
  sweetheart like you
  rollin and tumblin
  when the deal goes down
  someday baby
  spirit on the water
  beyond the horizon
  nettie moore
  the levees gonna break
  aint talkin
  working mans blues
  thunder on the mountain
  Blowin' In The Wind
  Ballad Of Hollis Brown
  Blowin In The Wind
  North Country Blues
  Queen Jane Approximately
  Gotta Serve Somebody
  I Want You
  Slow Train
  Knockin On Heavens Door
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