Lara Fabian <not big deal>。好听_派派后花园

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[专辑推荐] Lara Fabian <not big deal>。好听

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等级: 派派贵宾
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2008-11-29 0
比利时裔女歌手Lara Fabian以法文/意大利文/英文三种语言的专辑写下全球超过1000万张的专辑销售纪录,让她跻身国际乐坛的天后殿堂。在她那足以媲美席琳狄翁的优雅音色中,乐迷可以在她的歌声里找到一份歌者以虔诚的心情细腻咀嚼歌曲情意的感动,而这样的唱功也让她的浪漫情歌多了一份圣洁美感。





《A wonderful life》是Lara Fabian继发表个人首张英语专辑《Lara Fabian》后第二张全英文专辑。罗拉菲比 安参与了专辑中大部分歌曲的词曲创作,专辑中收录的歌曲秉承了Lara的作品一贯包含浓浓动人情感的风格,演绎出罗拉对人生的领悟与反省。首支单曲 "The Last Goodbye"里如凄如诉的情感令人动容,一柔一亢的慢板情歌"Review My Kisses"、"Intoxicated" 沉淀着都会里的爱恋情,"I've Cried Enough"、"Betray"重现Fabian以歌声牵动歌曲情绪的精湛唱功,Fabian也试着在 流行美声路线中注入些许摇滚力道,尽情流露真情本色。


                                                                                          ------  带走我

Looking from a distance, seems like I've lost it all
And everyone around me is waiting for this girl to fall
But my heart is missing, I just lost control
If I don't know why, why would I know how?
I've been working with the devils, trying to exorcise
The feelings I've been hiding down on a darker side
But full completed treading I never sold my soul
I'm simply moving on, going, gone
And I'm losing the fight to make sense of it all
Got to build on my lie so I'm saved from the fall
I'm subjected, expected to know what I feel
But I don't feel nothing, it's alright, no big deal
How can I expect anybody to understand?
I've been silent treating all on my own demands
Now all I need is freedom on this ego-land
Wanna do no wrong
I'm simply moving on, I'm going, going, gone
I think I'm losing the fight to make sense of it all
Got to build on my lie so I'm saved from the fall
I'm subjected, expected to know what I feel
But I don't feel nothing, it's alright, no big deal
And after all I know, there's nothing left to say
And I will fall my falls, I'll take it all
I'm moving on, going, gone
And I'm losing the fight to make sense of it all
Got to build on my life so I'm saved from the fall
I'm subjected, expected to know what I feel
But I don't feel nothing, it's alright, no big deal
Till I'm saved from the fall
I'm subjected, expected to know what I feel
But I don't feel nothing, it's alright, no big deal


等级: 略有小成
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2008-11-30 0


等级: 热心会员
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2008-11-29 0
不错啊... 支持``
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