和他一起 with him--babyface_派派后花园

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和他一起 with him--babyface

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等级: 才华横溢
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2008-04-01 0


So you never meant to hurt nobody. 你从未想过伤害任何人
Well, I think you're full of it, yes, 好吧,我想你就是这么认为的,是的
Cause if you really really didn't wanna hurt nobody,因为如果你是真的真的不想伤害别人
You wouldn't have slept with my best friend, baby. 你不会和我最好的朋友共度春宵,宝贝
And to bring insult to my injury, 在我的耻辱上增加耻辱
You weren't a bit discreet, 你不会这么不小心
And while the world stood witness, 全世界作证
To my embarassment. 为我的尴尬窘迫
You put a knife inside of me. 你在我身上插了一刀
How could you fall in love with him? 你怎能和他坠入爱河?
How could you give your heart to him? 你怎能把心交给他?
Thought we'd grow old, as lovers, 虽然我们作为爱人,在变老
Together til the end. 相伴到永久
How could you fall? 你怎么能够
Fall in love, with him? 爱上他?
I know we've had our ups and downs, 我们经历过起起落落
And that I do admit, yes, 我承认,是的
But sometimes lovers go astray, 有时爱会进入歧途
But you made it permanent. 但是你会让爱永远
Well, I can't be that understanding, no. 好吧,我不能这么谅解
My heart's just not that big, no it ain't. 我的心没有这么宽,不,没有
I can take the pain of infidelity, 我不能承受失真的痛
But I can't take you with him. 但是我不能把你和他放在一起
How could you fall in love with him? 你怎能和他坠入爱河?
How could you give your heart to him? 你怎能把心交给他?
Thought we'd grow old, as lovers, 虽然作为爱人,我们会变老
Together til the end. 相伴直到永远
How could you fall? 你怎么能够
Fall in love, with him? 爱上他?
Thought we'd grow old, as lovers, 虽然作为爱人,我们会变老
Together til the end. 相伴直到永远
How could you fall? 你怎么能够
Fall in love, with him?爱上他?


等级: 热心会员
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2008-04-02 0
呵呵,我mp3里也有这歌,不过我觉得他的the loneliness更好听,经典啊···
````````Veni vidi vici
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