《瓦尔登湖 》作者:亨利·戴维·梭罗【完结】_派派后花园

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[Articles Enjoy] 《瓦尔登湖 》作者:亨利·戴维·梭罗【完结】

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《瓦尔登湖 》作者:亨利·戴维·梭罗【完结】
— (翦慕) 傲慢与偏见 已经有人连载过的http://www.paipaitxt.com/read.php?tid=5861624&keyword=%B0%C1%C2%FD%D3%EB%C6%AB%BC%FB (2014-08-14 13:47) —
亨利·戴维·梭罗(Henry David Thoreau,1817年7月12日-1862年5月6日),美国作家、哲学家、废奴主义者、超验主义者,也曾任职土地勘测员。19世纪美国最具有世界影响力的作家、哲学家。他的祖先是法国人,从古恩西岛迁到美国来,他是他的家族里最后一个男性的后嗣。他的个性偶尔也显示由这血统上得到的特性,很卓越地与一种非常强烈的撒克逊天才混合在一起。他最著名的作品有散文集《瓦尔登湖》(又译为《湖滨散记》)和《公民不服从》(又译为《消极抵抗》、《论公民抗命》、《公民不服从论》)。《瓦尔登湖》记载了他在瓦爾登湖的隐逸生活,而《公民不服从》则讨论面对政府和强权的不义,为公民主动拒绝遵守若干法律提出辩护。
梭罗的全部书本、散文、日记和诗集合起来有二十册,其中他阐述了研究环境史和生态学的发现和方法,对自然书写的影响甚远,也奠定了现代环境保护主义。他的文体风格结合了对大自然的关怀、个人体验、象征手法和历史传说,善感敏锐,且富饶诗意。 他非常关注在险恶环境底下如何生存,同时他也提倡停止浪费、破除迷思,这样才能体会生命的本质。
除此之外,梭罗一生都是废奴主义者,他到处演讲倡导废奴,并抨击逃亡奴隶法(Fugitive Slave Law)。他对公民不服从的见解影响了托尔斯泰、圣雄甘地和马丁·路德·金。
梭罗有时也被当作无政府主义者。 虽然《公民不服从》看起来不是要推翻政府,而是要改进政府,但他在开头却说:“最好的政府一无所治;在人们准备好之前,那将是他们愿意拥有的那种政府。”,暗示了他的无政府主义倾向。
梭罗曾经旅行到过科德角(Cape Cod)、阿基奥科楚科(Agiokochuk) 和缅因州的卡塔丁山(Mt. Katahdin)。其中的缅因州之行到过卡塔丁(Ktaadn)、车桑库克(Chesuncook)和培诺伯斯科特河(Penobscot River)的东支。
梭罗患肺病死于他的家乡康科德城,并葬于马萨诸赛州康科德城的斯利培山谷公墓(Sleepy Hollow Cemetery)。
"大部分的奢侈品和所谓的舒适生活,不仅可有可无,甚至可能会阻碍人类升华。"—— 梭罗
1906年,圣雄甘地在印度进行民权运动时,读到《瓦尔登湖》。他为了反种族歧视和平反抗而入狱,在狱中他读到《公民的不服从》,并且受到启发。他为此发表了梭罗的书介,并称梭罗为美国有史以来最伟大的贤人。 他后来说:"梭罗的理念对我影响很深,我采用了很多,而且向每一位争取印度独立的同胞推荐这本书。我甚至以《公民的不服从》来为我们的运动命名。"

[ 此帖被JessieAqua在2014-08-22 13:56重新编辑 ]
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"To the dark immensity of material Nature's indifference we can oppose only the brief light, like a lamp in a cabin of our consciousness; the invigorating benison of Walden is to make us feel that the contest is equal, and fair." - John Updike
TO THE SICK the doctors wisely recommend change of air and scenery. Thank Heaven, here is not all the world. The buckeye does not grow in New England, and the mockingbird is rarely heard here. The wild goose is more of a cosmopolite than we; he breaks his fast in Canada, takes a luncheon in the Ohio, and plumes himself for the night in a southern bayou. Even the bison, to some extent, keeps pace with the seasons cropping the pastures of the Colorado only till a greener and sweeter grass awaits him by the Yellowstone. Yet we think that if rail fences are pulled down, and stone walls piled up on our farms, bounds are henceforth set to our lives and our fates decided. If you are chosen town clerk, forsooth, you cannot go to Tierra del Fuego (1) this summer: but you may go to the land of infernal fire nevertheless. The universe is wider than our views of it.
Yet we should oftener look over the tafferel (2) of our craft, like curious passengers, and not make the voyage like stupid sailors picking oakum.(3) The other side of the globe is but the home of our correspondent. Our voyaging is only great-circle sailing, and the doctors prescribe for diseases of the skin merely. One hastens to southern Africa to chase the giraffe; but surely that is not the game he would be after. How long, pray, would a man hunt giraffes if he could? Snipes and woodcocks also may afford rare sport; but I trust it would be nobler game to shoot one's self. —
"Direct your eye right inward, and you'll find
A thousand regions in your mind
Yet undiscovered. Travel them, and be
Expert in home-cosmography."(4)
What does Africa — what does the West stand for? Is not our own interior white on the chart? Black though it may prove, like the coast, when discovered. Is it the source of the Nile, or the Niger, or the Mississippi, or a Northwest Passage around this continent, that we would find? Are these the problems which most concern mankind? Is Franklin (5) the only man who is lost, that his wife should be so earnest to find him? Does Mr. Grinnell (6) know where he himself is? Be rather the Mungo Park,(7) the Lewis and Clark (8) and Frobisher,(9) of your own streams and oceans; explore your own higher latitudes — with shiploads of preserved meats to support you, if they be necessary; and pile the empty cans sky-high for a sign. Were preserved meats invented to preserve meat merely? Nay, be a Columbus to whole new continents and worlds within you, opening new channels, not of trade, but of thought. Every man is the lord of a realm beside which the earthly empire of the Czar is but a petty state, a hummock left by the ice. Yet some can be patriotic who have no self-respect, and sacrifice the greater to the less. They love the soil which makes their graves, but have no sympathy with the spirit which may still animate their clay. Patriotism is a maggot in their heads.What was the meaning of that South-Sea Exploring Expedition,(10) with all its parade and expense, but an indirect recognition of the fact that there are continents and seas in the moral world to which every man is an isthmus or an inlet, yet unexplored by him, but that it is easier to sail many thousand miles through cold and storm and cannibals, in a government ship, with five hundred men and boys to assist one, than it is to explore the private sea, the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean of one's being alone.
"Erret, et extremos alter scrutetur Iberos.
Plus habet hic vitae, plus habet ille vi?."(11)
Let them wander and scrutinize the outlandish Australians.
I have more of God, they more of the road.(12)
It is not worth the while to go round the world to count the cats in Zanzibar. Yet do this even till you can do better, and you may perhaps find some "Symmes' Hole"(13) by which to get at the inside at last. England and France, Spain and Portugal, Gold Coast and Slave Coast, all front on this private sea; but no bark from them has ventured out of sight of land, though it is without doubt the direct way to India. If you would learn to speak all tongues and conform to the customs of all nations, if you would travel farther than all travellers, be naturalized in all climes, and cause the Sphinx (14) to dash her head against a stone, even obey the precept of the old philosopher, and Explore thyself. Herein are demanded the eye and the nerve. Only the defeated and deserters go to the wars, cowards that run away and enlist. Start now on that farthest western way, which does not pause at the Mississippi or the Pacific, nor conduct toward a wornout China or Japan, but leads on direct, a tangent to this sphere, summer and winter, day and night, sun down, moon down, and at last earth down too.
It is said that Mirabeau (15) took to highway robbery "to ascertain what degree of resolution was necessary in order to place one's self in formal opposition to the most sacred laws of society." He declared that "a soldier who fights in the ranks does not require half so much courage as a footpad" — "that honor and religion have never stood in the way of a well-considered and a firm resolve." This was manly, as the world goes; and yet it was idle, if not desperate. A saner man would have found himself often enough "in formal opposition" to what are deemed "the most sacred laws of society," through obedience to yet more sacred laws, and so have tested his resolution without going out of his way. It is not for a man to put himself in such an attitude to society, but to maintain himself in whatever attitude he find himself through obedience to the laws of his being, which will never be one of opposition to a just government, if he should chance to meet with such.
I left the woods for as good a reason as I went there. Perhaps it seemed to me that I had several more lives to live, and could not spare any more time for that one. It is remarkable how easily and insensibly we fall into a particular route, and make a beaten track for ourselves. I had not lived there a week before my feet wore a path from my door to the pond-side; and though it is five or six years since I trod it, it is still quite distinct. It is true, I fear, that others may have fallen into it, and so helped to keep it open. The surface of the earth is soft and impressible by the feet of men; and so with the paths which the mind travels. How worn and dusty, then, must be the highways of the world, how deep the ruts of tradition and conformity! I did not wish to take a cabin passage, but rather to go before the mast and on the deck of the world, for there I could best see the moonlight amid the mountains. I do not wish to go below now.
I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; new, universal, and more liberal laws will begin to establish themselves around and within him; or the old laws be expanded, and interpreted in his favor in a more liberal sense, and he will live with the license of a higher order of beings. In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness. If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.
It is a ridiculous demand which England and America make, that you shall speak so that they can understand you. Neither men nor toadstools grow so. As if that were important, and there were not enough to understand you without them. As if Nature could support but one order of understandings, could not sustain birds as well as quadrupeds, flying as well as creeping things, and hush and whoa, which Bright (16) can understand, were the best English. As if there were safety in stupidity alone. I fear chiefly lest my expression may not be extra-vagant enough, may not wander far enough beyond the narrow limits of my daily experience, so as to be adequate to the truth of which I have been convinced. Extra vagance! It depends on how you are yarded. The migrating buffalo, which seeks new pastures in another latitude, is not extravagant like the cow which kicks over the pail, leaps the cowyard fence, and runs after her calf, in milking time. I desire to speak somewhere without bounds; like a man in a waking moment, to men in their waking moments; for I am convinced that I cannot exaggerate enough even to lay the foundation of a true expression. Who that has heard a strain of music feared then lest he should speak extravagantly any more forever? In view of the future or possible, we should live quite laxly and undefined in front, our outlines dim and misty on that side; as our shadows reveal an insensible perspiration toward the sun. The volatile truth of our words should continually betray the inadequacy of the residual statement. Their truth is instantly translated; its literal monument alone remains. The words which express our faith and piety are not definite; yet they are significant and fragrant like frankincense to superior natures.
Why level downward to our dullest perception always, and praise that as common sense? The commonest sense is the sense of men asleep, which they express by snoring. Sometimes we are inclined to class those who are once-and-a-half-witted with the half-witted, because we appreciate only a third part of their wit. Some would find fault with the morning red, if they ever got up early enough. "They pretend," as I hear, "that the verses of Kabir have four different senses; illusion, spirit, intellect, and the exoteric doctrine of the Vedas";(17) but in this part of the world it is considered a ground for complaint if a man's writings admit of more than one interpretation. While England endeavors to cure the potato-rot, will not any endeavor to cure the brain-rot, which prevails so much more widely and fatally?
I do not suppose that I have attained to obscurity, but I should be proud if no more fatal fault were found with my pages on this score than was found with the Walden ice. Southern customers objected to its blue color, which is the evidence of its purity, as if it were muddy, and preferred the Cambridge ice, which is white, but tastes of weeds. The purity men love is like the mists which envelop the earth, and not like the azure ether beyond.
Some are dinning in our ears that we Americans, and moderns generally, are intellectual dwarfs compared with the ancients, or even the Elizabethan men. But what is that to the purpose? A living dog is better than a dead lion.(18) Shall a man go and hang himself because he belongs to the race of pygmies, and not be the biggest pygmy that he can? Let every one mind his own business, and endeavor to be what he was made.
Why should we be in such desperate haste to succeed and in such desperate enterprises? If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. It is not important that he should mature as soon as an apple tree or an oak. Shall he turn his spring into summer? If the condition of things which we were made for is not yet, what were any reality which we can substitute? We will not be shipwrecked on a vain reality. Shall we with pains erect a heaven of blue glass over ourselves, though when it is done we shall be sure to gaze still at the true ethereal heaven far above, as if the former were not?
There was an artist in the city of Kouroo who was disposed to strive after perfection. One day it came into his mind to make a staff. Having considered that in an imperfect work time is an ingredient, but into a perfect work time does not enter, he said to himself, It shall be perfect in all respects, though I should do nothing else in my life. He proceeded instantly to the forest for wood, being resolved that it should not be made of unsuitable material; and as he searched for and rejected stick after stick, his friends gradually deserted him, for they grew old in their works and died, but he grew not older by a moment. His singleness of purpose and resolution, and his elevated piety, endowed him, without his knowledge, with perennial youth. As he made no compromise with Time, Time kept out of his way, and only sighed at a distance because he could not overcome him. Before he had found a stock in all respects suitable the city of Kouroo was a hoary ruin, and he sat on one of its mounds to peel the stick. Before he had given it the proper shape the dynasty of the Candahars was at an end, and with the point of the stick he wrote the name of the last of that race in the sand, and then resumed his work. By the time he had smoothed and polished the staff Kalpa was no longer the pole-star; and ere he had put on the ferule and the head adorned with precious stones, Brahma had awoke and slumbered many times. But why do I stay to mention these things? When the finishing stroke was put to his work, it suddenly expanded before the eyes of the astonished artist into the fairest of all the creations of Brahma. He had made a new system in making a staff, a world with full and fair proportions; in which, though the old cities and dynasties had passed away, fairer and more glorious ones had taken their places. And now he saw by the heap of shavings still fresh at his feet, that, for him and his work, the former lapse of time had been an illusion, and that no more time had elapsed than is required for a single scintillation from the brain of Brahma to fall on and inflame the tinder of a mortal brain. The material was pure, and his art was pure; how could the result be other than wonderful?
No face which we can give to a matter will stead us so well at last as the truth. This alone wears well. For the most part, we are not where we are, but in a false position. Through an infirmity of our natures, we suppose a case, and put ourselves into it, and hence are in two cases at the same time, and it is doubly difficult to get out. In sane moments we regard only the facts, the case that is. Say what you have to say, not what you ought. Any truth is better than make-believe. Tom Hyde, the tinker, standing on the gallows, was asked if he had anything to say. "Tell the tailors," said he, "to remember to make a knot in their thread before they take the first stitch." His companion's prayer is forgotten.
However mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names. It is not so bad as you are. It looks poorest when you are richest. The fault-finder will find faults even in paradise. Love your life, poor as it is. You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in a poorhouse. The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the almshouse as brightly as from the rich man's abode; the snow melts before its door as early in the spring. I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and have as cheering thoughts, as in a palace. The town's poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of any. Maybe they are simply great enough to receive without misgiving. Most think that they are above being supported by the town; but it oftener happens that they are not above supporting themselves by dishonest means, which should be more disreputable. Cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like sage. Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends. Turn the old; return to them. Things do not change; we change. Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts. God will see that you do not want society. If I were confined to a corner of a garret all my days, like a spider, the world would be just as large to me while I had my thoughts about me. The philosopher (19) said: "From an army of three divisions one can take away its general, and put it in disorder; from the man the most abject and vulgar one cannot take away his thought." Do not seek so anxiously to be developed, to subject yourself to many influences to be played on; it is all dissipation. Humility like darkness reveals the heavenly lights. The shadows of poverty and meanness gather around us, "and lo! Creation widens to our view."(20) We are often reminded that if there were bestowed on us the wealth of Croesus,(21) our aims must still be the same, and our means essentially the same. Moreover, if you are restricted in your range by poverty, if you cannot buy books and newspapers, for instance, you are but confined to the most significant and vital experiences; you are compelled to deal with the material which yields the most sugar and the most starch. It is life near the bone where it is sweetest. You are defended from being a trifler. No man loses ever on a lower level by magnanimity on a higher. Superfluous wealth can buy superfluities only. Money is not required to buy one necessary of the soul.
I live in the angle of a leaden wall, into whose composition was poured a little alloy of bell-metal. Often, in the repose of my mid-day, there reaches my ears a confused tintinnabulum (22) from without. It is the noise of my contemporaries. My neighbors tell me of their adventures with famous gentlemen and ladies, what notabilities they met at the dinner-table; but I am no more interested in such things than in the contents of the Daily Times. The interest and the conversation are about costume and manners chiefly; but a goose is a goose still, dress it as you will. They tell me of California and Texas, of England and the Indies, of the Hon. Mr. — of Georgia or of Massachusetts, all transient and fleeting phenomena, till I am ready to leap from their court-yard like the Mameluke bey.(23) I delight to come to my bearings — not walk in procession with pomp and parade, in a conspicuous place, but to walk even with the Builder of the universe, if I may — not to live in this restless, nervous, bustling, trivial Nineteenth Century, but stand or sit thoughtfully while it goes by. What are men celebrating? They are all on a committee of arrangements, and hourly expect a speech from somebody. God is only the president of the day, and Webster (24) is his orator. I love to weigh, to settle, to gravitate toward that which most strongly and rightfully attracts me — not hang by the beam of the scale and try to weigh less — not suppose a case, but take the case that is; to travel the only path I can, and that on which no power can resist me. It affords me no satisfaction to commerce to spring an arch before I have got a solid foundation. Let us not play at kittly-benders.(25) There is a solid bottom everywhere. We read that the traveller asked the boy if the swamp before him had a hard bottom. The boy replied that it had. But presently the traveller's horse sank in up to the girths, and he observed to the boy, "I thought you said that this bog had a hard bottom." "So it has," answered the latter, "but you have not got half way to it yet." So it is with the bogs and quicksands of society; but he is an old boy that knows it. Only what is thought, said, or done at a certain rare coincidence is good. I would not be one of those who will foolishly drive a nail into mere lath and plastering; such a deed would keep me awake nights. Give me a hammer, and let me feel for the furring. Do not depend on the putty. Drive a nail home and clinch it so faithfully that you can wake up in the night and think of your work with satisfaction — a work at which you would not be ashamed to invoke the Muse. So will help you God, and so only. Every nail driven should be as another rivet in the machine of the universe, you carrying on the work.
Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth. I sat at a table where were rich food and wine in abundance, and obsequious attendance, but sincerity and truth were not; and I went away hungry from the inhospitable board. The hospitality was as cold as the ices. I thought that there was no need of ice to freeze them. They talked to me of the age of the wine and the fame of the vintage; but I thought of an older, a newer, and purer wine, of a more glorious vintage, which they had not got, and could not buy. The style, the house and grounds and "entertainment" pass for nothing with me. I called on the king, but he made me wait in his hall, and conducted like a man incapacitated for hospitality. There was a man in my neighborhood who lived in a hollow tree. His manners were truly regal. I should have done better had I called on him.
How long shall we sit in our porticoes practising idle and musty virtues, which any work would make impertinent? As if one were to begin the day with long-suffering, and hire a man to hoe his potatoes; and in the afternoon go forth to practise Christian meekness and charity with goodness aforethought! Consider the China pride and stagnant self-complacency of mankind. This generation inclines a little to congratulate itself on being the last of an illustrious line; and in Boston and London and Paris and Rome, thinking of its long descent, it speaks of its progress in art and science and literature with satisfaction. There are the Records of the Philosophical Societies, and the public Eulogies of Great Men! It is the good Adam contemplating his own virtue. "Yes, we have done great deeds, and sung divine songs, which shall never die" — that is, as long as we can remember them. The learned societies and great men of Assyria — where are they? What youthful philosophers and experimentalists we are! There is not one of my readers who has yet lived a whole human life. These may be but the spring months in the life of the race. If we have had the seven-years' itch, we have not seen the seventeen-year locust yet in Concord. We are acquainted with a mere pellicle of the globe on which we live. Most have not delved six feet beneath the surface, nor leaped as many above it. We know not where we are. Beside, we are sound asleep nearly half our time. Yet we esteem ourselves wise, and have an established order on the surface. Truly, we are deep thinkers, we are ambitious spirits! As I stand over the insect crawling amid the pine needles on the forest floor, and endeavoring to conceal itself from my sight, and ask myself why it will cherish those humble thoughts, and bide its head from me who might, perhaps, be its benefactor, and impart to its race some cheering information, I am reminded of the greater Benefactor and Intelligence that stands over me the human insect.
There is an incessant influx of novelty into the world, and yet we tolerate incredible dulness. I need only suggest what kind of sermons are still listened to in the most enlightened countries. There are such words as joy and sorrow, but they are only the burden of a psalm, sung with a nasal twang, while we believe in the ordinary and mean. We think that we can change our clothes only. It is said that the British Empire is very large and respectable, and that the United States are a first-rate power. We do not believe that a tide rises and falls behind every man which can float the British Empire like a chip, if he should ever harbor it in his mind. Who knows what sort of seventeen-year locust will next come out of the ground? The government of the world I live in was not framed, like that of Britain, in after-dinner conversations over the wine.
The life in us is like the water in the river. It may rise this year higher than man has ever known it, and flood the parched uplands; even this may be the eventful year, which will drown out all our muskrats. It was not always dry land where we dwell. I see far inland the banks which the stream anciently washed, before science began to record its freshets. Every one has heard the story which has gone the rounds of New England, of a strong and beautiful bug which came out of the dry leaf of an old table of apple-tree wood, which had stood in a farmer's kitchen for sixty years, first in Connecticut, and afterward in Massachusetts — from an egg deposited in the living tree many years earlier still, as appeared by counting the annual layers beyond it; which was heard gnawing out for several weeks, hatched perchance by the heat of an urn. Who does not feel his faith in a resurrection and immortality strengthened by hearing of this? Who knows what beautiful and winged life, whose egg has been buried for ages under many concentric layers of woodenness in the dead dry life of society, deposited at first in the alburnum of the green and living tree, which has been gradually converted into the semblance of its well-seasoned tomb — heard perchance gnawing out now for years by the astonished family of man, as they sat round the festive board — may unexpectedly come forth from amidst society's most trivial and handselled furniture, to enjoy its perfect summer life at last!
I do not say that John or Jonathan (26) will realize all this; but such is the character of that morrow which mere lapse of time can never make to dawn. The light which puts out our eyes is darkness to us. Only that day dawns to which we are awake. There is more day to dawn. The sun is but a morning star.

1. Spanish for "Land of Fire" - southern tip of South America
2. the upper part of a ship's stern
3. Used for ship caulking, Oakum consists of fibers from old rope mixed with tar, picking okum is tedious & dull work
4. William Habbington (1605-1664), from To My Honoured Friend Sir Ed. P. Knight
5. John Franklin (1786-1847) English explorer, died searching for the American Northwest Passage
6. Henry Grinnell (1799-1874) led American expedition to find Franklin
7. Mungo Park (1771-1806) Scottish explorer of Africa
8. In 1803, Thomas Jefferson sent Merriwether Lewis (1774-1809) and William Clark (1770-1838) to explore the American west
9. Martin Frobisher (1535-1594?) English explorer, looked for the Northwest Passage
10. U.S. Navy expedition, explored the South Pacific and Antarctic Oceans 1838-1842
11. Claudian (370?-405) Roman poet, The Old Man of Verona
12. Thoreau's translation changes "Iberians" to "Australians"
13. John Symmes claimed that "the earth is hollow and habitable within"
14. in Greek mythology, winged monster who killed herself
15. Honore Riqueti, Count de Marabeau (1749-1791) French revolutionary
16. common name for an ox
17. Joseph Héliodore Sagesse Vertu Garcin de Tassy (1794-1878) History of Hindu Literature; Kabir was a 15th century Indian mystic
18. The Bible, Ecclesiastes 9:4
19. Confucius (551?-487? B.C.) Chinese philosopher and teacher, Analects
20. Joseph Blanco White (1775-1841) English poet, Night and Death
21. 6th cent. B.C. king in Asia Minor, known for his wealth
22. the sound of bells
23. Mamelukes were a warrior caste who ruled Egypt and Syria 1250-1517. As part of the Ottoman empire, Egypt had 24 districts, each governed by a Mameluke bey, formerly called an emir.
24. Daniel Webster (1782-1842) U.S. Senator from Mass, famous orator
25. Walking or running on flexible ice just strong enough to support a person's weight
26. stage characters used to represent people of England and America
① 产于美国南部的模仿鸟,善于模仿别种鸟的叫声。
“快把你的视线转向内心, 你将发现你心中有一千处 地区未曾发现。那末去旅行, 成为家庭宇宙志的地理专家。”②
② 引自威廉·哈平顿(1605- 1654)的诗《致友人》。
③ 弗兰克林爵士(1786- 1847),英国的北极探险家。失踪后,格林奈尔先生组织了搜寻队。
① 门戈·派克(1771- 1806),苏格兰探险家。
② 刘易士(1774- 1809),美国探险家。
③ 克拉克(1770- 1838),美国探险家。
④ 弗罗比秀(约1535- 1594),英国航海冒险家。
“Erret,et extremos alter scrutetur lberos。 Plus habet hic vitae,plus habet ille viae。”
“让他们去漂泊去考察异邦的澳大利亚人, 我从上帝得到的多,他们得到更多的路。”⑤
⑤ 引自四世纪的拉丁诗人克劳狄恩的《维隆那的老年人》一诗。梭罗的英译文中将西班牙人译作了澳大利亚人。中译文根据英译文译出。
⑥ 约翰·薛美斯曾著文论证地球是空心的。
⑦ 希腊神话,带翼的狮身女怪,传说他常叫过路行人猜谜,猜不出即遭杀害。
① 米拉波(1749- 1791),法国资产阶级革命时期立宪派领袖之一。
② 俗称,说的是牛。
① 卡比尔,印度诗人。
① 见《论语》第九章。
①韦伯斯特(1782- 1852),美国政治家,演说家。
② 古代东方一奴隶制国家。



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举报 只看该作者 21楼  发表于: 2014-08-21 0


"One attraction in coming to the woods to live was that I should
have leisure and opportunity to see the Spring come in."
THE OPENING OF large tracts by the ice-cutters commonly causes a pond to break up earlier; for the water, agitated by the wind, even in cold weather, wears away the surrounding ice. But such was not the effect on Walden that year, for she had soon got a thick new garment to take the place of the old. This pond never breaks up so soon as the others in this neighborhood, on account both of its greater depth and its having no stream passing through it to melt or wear away the ice. I never knew it to open in the course of a winter, not excepting that of '52-3, which gave the ponds so severe a trial. It commonly opens about the first of April, a week or ten days later than Flint's Pond and Fair Haven, beginning to melt on the north side and in the shallower parts where it began to freeze. It indicates better than any water hereabouts the absolute progress of the season, being least affected by transient changes of temperature. A severe cold of a few days duration in March may very much retard the opening of the former ponds, while the temperature of Walden increases almost uninterruptedly. A thermometer thrust into the middle of Walden on the 6th of March, 1847, stood at 32°, or freezing point; near the shore at 33°; in the middle of Flint's Pond, the same day, at 32?° at a dozen rods from the shore, in shallow water, under ice a foot thick, at 36°. This difference of three and a half degrees between the temperature of the deep water and the shallow in the latter pond, and the fact that a great proportion of it is comparatively shallow, show why it should break up so much sooner than Walden. The ice in the shallowest part was at this time several inches thinner than in the middle. In midwinter the middle had been the warmest and the ice thinnest there. So, also, every one who has waded about the shores of the pond in summer must have perceived how much warmer the water is close to the shore, where only three or four inches deep, than a little distance out, and on the surface where it is deep, than near the bottom. In spring the sun not only exerts an influence through the increased temperature of the air and earth, but its heat passes through ice a foot or more thick, and is reflected from the bottom in shallow water, and so also warms the water and melts the under side of the ice, at the same time that it is melting it more directly above, making it uneven, and causing the air bubbles which it contains to extend themselves upward and downward until it is completely honeycombed, and at last disappears suddenly in a single spring rain. Ice has its grain as well as wood, and when a cake begins to rot or "comb," that is, assume the appearance of honeycomb, whatever may be its position, the air cells are at right angles with what was the water surface. Where there is a rock or a log rising near to the surface the ice over it is much thinner, and is frequently quite dissolved by this reflected heat; and I have been told that in the experiment at Cambridge to freeze water in a shallow wooden pond, though the cold air circulated underneath, and so had access to both sides, the reflection of the sun from the bottom more than counterbalanced this advantage. When a warm rain in the middle of the winter melts off the snow-ice from Walden, and leaves a hard dark or transparent ice on the middle, there will be a strip of rotten though thicker white ice, a rod or more wide, about the shores, created by this reflected heat. Also, as I have said, the bubbles themselves within the ice operate as burning-glasses to melt the ice beneath.
The phenomena of the year take place every day in a pond on a small scale. Every morning, generally speaking, the shallow water is being warmed more rapidly than the deep, though it may not be made so warm after all, and every evening it is being cooled more rapidly until the morning. The day is an epitome of the year. The night is the winter, the morning and evening are the spring and fall, and the noon is the summer. The cracking and booming of the ice indicate a change of temperature. One pleasant morning after a cold night, February 24th, 1850, having gone to Flint's Pond to spend the day, I noticed with surprise, that when I struck the ice with the head of my axe, it resounded like a gong for many rods around, or as if I had struck on a tight drum-head. The pond began to boom about an hour after sunrise, when it felt the influence of the sun's rays slanted upon it from over the hills; it stretched itself and yawned like a waking man with a gradually increasing tumult, which was kept up three or four hours. It took a short siesta at noon, and boomed once more toward night, as the sun was withdrawing his influence. In the right stage of the weather a pond fires its evening gun with great regularity. But in the middle of the day, being full of cracks, and the air also being less elastic, it had completely lost its resonance, and probably fishes and muskrats could not then have been stunned by a blow on it. The fishermen say that the "thundering of the pond" scares the fishes and prevents their biting. The pond does not thunder every evening, and I cannot tell surely when to expect its thundering; but though I may perceive no difference in the weather, it does. Who would have suspected so large and cold and thick-skinned a thing to be so sensitive? Yet it has its law to which it thunders obedience when it should as surely as the buds expand in the spring. The earth is all alive and covered with papillae. The largest pond is as sensitive to atmospheric changes as the globule of mercury in its tube.
One attraction in coming to the woods to live was that I should have leisure and opportunity to see the Spring come in. The ice in the pond at length begins to be honeycombed, and I can set my heel in it as I walk. Fogs and rains and warmer suns are gradually melting the snow; the days have grown sensibly longer; and I see how I shall get through the winter without adding to my wood-pile, for large fires are no longer necessary. I am on the alert for the first signs of spring, to hear the chance note of some arriving bird, or the striped squirrel's chirp, for his stores must be now nearly exhausted, or see the woodchuck venture out of his winter quarters. On the 13th of March, after I had heard the bluebird, song sparrow, and red-wing, the ice was still nearly a foot thick. As the weather grew warmer it was not sensibly worn away by the water, nor broken up and floated off as in rivers, but, though it was completely melted for half a rod in width about the shore, the middle was merely honeycombed and saturated with water, so that you could put your foot through it when six inches thick; but by the next day evening, perhaps, after a warm rain followed by fog, it would have wholly disappeared, all gone off with the fog, spirited away. One year I went across the middle only five days before it disappeared entirely. In 1845 Walden was first completely open on the 1st of April; in '46, the 25th of March; in '47, the 8th of April; in '51, the 28th of March; in '52, the 18th of April; in '53, the 23d of March; in '54, about the 7th of April.
Every incident connected with the breaking up of the rivers and ponds and the settling of the weather is particularly interesting to us who live in a climate of so great extremes. When the warmer days come, they who dwell near the river hear the ice crack at night with a startling whoop as loud as artillery, as if its icy fetters were rent from end to end, and within a few days see it rapidly going out. So the alligator comes out of the mud with quakings of the earth. One old man, who has been a close observer of Nature, and seems as thoroughly wise in regard to all her operations as if she had been put upon the stocks when he was a boy, and he had helped to lay her keel — who has come to his growth, and can hardly acquire more of natural lore if he should live to the age of Methuselah (1) — told me — and I was surprised to hear him express wonder at any of Nature's operations, for I thought that there were no secrets between them — that one spring day he took his gun and boat, and thought that he would have a little sport with the ducks. There was ice still on the meadows, but it was all gone out of the river, and he dropped down without obstruction from Sudbury, where he lived, to Fair Haven Pond, which he found, unexpectedly, covered for the most part with a firm field of ice. It was a warm day, and he was surprised to see so great a body of ice remaining. Not seeing any ducks, he hid his boat on the north or back side of an island in the pond, and then concealed himself in the bushes on the south side, to await them. The ice was melted for three or four rods from the shore, and there was a smooth and warm sheet of water, with a muddy bottom, such as the ducks love, within, and he thought it likely that some would be along pretty soon. After he had lain still there about an hour he heard a low and seemingly very distant sound, but singularly grand and impressive, unlike anything he had ever heard, gradually swelling and increasing as if it would have a universal and memorable ending, a sullen rush and roar, which seemed to him all at once like the sound of a vast body of fowl coming in to settle there, and, seizing his gun, he started up in haste and excited; but he found, to his surprise, that the whole body of the ice had started while he lay there, and drifted in to the shore, and the sound he had heard was made by its edge grating on the shore — at first gently nibbled and crumbled off, but at length heaving up and scattering its wrecks along the island to a considerable height before it came to a standstill.
At length the sun's rays have attained the right angle, and warm winds blow up mist and rain and melt the snowbanks, and the sun, dispersing the mist, smiles on a checkered landscape of russet and white smoking with incense, through which the traveller picks his way from islet to islet, cheered by the music of a thousand tinkling rills and rivulets whose veins are filled with the blood of winter which they are bearing off.
Few phenomena gave me more delight than to observe the forms which thawing sand and clay assume in flowing down the sides of a deep cut on the railroad through which I passed on my way to the village, a phenomenon not very common on so large a scale, though the number of freshly exposed banks of the right material must have been greatly multiplied since railroads were invented. The material was sand of every degree of fineness and of various rich colors, commonly mixed with a little clay. When the frost comes out in the spring, and even in a thawing day in the winter, the sand begins to flow down the slopes like lava, sometimes bursting out through the snow and overflowing it where no sand was to be seen before. Innumerable little streams overlap and interlace one with another, exhibiting a sort of hybrid product, which obeys half way the law of currents, and half way that of vegetation. As it flows it takes the forms of sappy leaves or vines, making heaps of pulpy sprays a foot or more in depth, and resembling, as you look down on them, the laciniated, lobed, and imbricated thalluses of some lichens; or you are reminded of coral, of leopard's paws or birds' feet, of brains or lungs or bowels, and excrements of all kinds. It is a truly grotesque vegetation, whose forms and color we see imitated in bronze, a sort of architectural foliage more ancient and typical than acanthus, chiccory, ivy, vine, or any vegetable leaves; destined perhaps, under some circumstances, to become a puzzle to future geologists. The whole cut impressed me as if it were a cave with its stalactites laid open to the light. The various shades of the sand are singularly rich and agreeable, embracing the different iron colors, brown, gray, yellowish, and reddish. When the flowing mass reaches the drain at the foot of the bank it spreads out flatter into strands, the separate streams losing their semi-cylindrical form and gradually becoming more flat and broad, running together as they are more moist, till they form an almost flat sand, still variously and beautifully shaded, but in which you can trace the original forms of vegetation; till at length, in the water itself, they are converted into banks, like those formed off the mouths of rivers, and the forms of vegetation are lost in the ripple marks on the bottom.
The whole bank, which is from twenty to forty feet high, is sometimes overlaid with a mass of this kind of foliage, or sandy rupture, for a quarter of a mile on one or both sides, the produce of one spring day. What makes this sand foliage remarkable is its springing into existence thus suddenly. When I see on the one side the inert bank — for the sun acts on one side first — and on the other this luxuriant foliage, the creation of an hour, I am affected as if in a peculiar sense I stood in the laboratory of the Artist who made the world and me — had come to where he was still at work, sporting on this bank, and with excess of energy strewing his fresh designs about. I feel as if I were nearer to the vitals of the globe, for this sandy overflow is something such a foliaceous mass as the vitals of the animal body. You find thus in the very sands an anticipation of the vegetable leaf. No wonder that the earth expresses itself outwardly in leaves, it so labors with the idea inwardly. The atoms have already learned this law, and are pregnant by it. The overhanging leaf sees here its prototype. Internally, whether in the globe or animal body, it is a moist thick lobe, a word especially applicable to the liver and lungs and the leaves of fat ([letters of the Greek alphabet], labor, lapsus, to flow or slip downward, a lapsing; [letters of the Greek alphabet], globus, lobe, globe; also lap, flap, and many other words); externally a dry thin leaf, even as the f and v are a pressed and dried b. The radicals of lobe are lb, the soft mass of the b (single lobed, or B, double lobed), with the liquid l behind it pressing it forward. In globe, glb, the guttural gadds to the meaning the capacity of the throat. The feathers and wings of birds are still drier and thinner leaves. Thus, also, you pass from the lumpish grub in the earth to the airy and fluttering butterfly. The very globe continually transcends and translates itself, and becomes winged in its orbit. Even ice begins with delicate crystal leaves, as if it had flowed into moulds which the fronds of waterplants have impressed on the watery mirror. The whole tree itself is but one leaf, and rivers are still vaster leaves whose pulp is intervening earth, and towns and cities are the ova of insects in their axils.
When the sun withdraws the sand ceases to flow, but in the morning the streams will start once more and branch and branch again into a myriad of others. You here see perchance how blood-vessels are formed. If you look closely you observe that first there pushes forward from the thawing mass a stream of softened sand with a drop-like point, like the ball of the finger, feeling its way slowly and blindly downward, until at last with more heat and moisture, as the sun gets higher, the most fluid portion, in its effort to obey the law to which the most inert also yields, separates from the latter and forms for itself a meandering channel or artery within that, in which is seen a little silvery stream glancing like lightning from one stage of pulpy leaves or branches to another, and ever and anon swallowed up in the sand. It is wonderful how rapidly yet perfectly the sand organizes itself as it flows, using the best material its mass affords to form the sharp edges of its channel. Such are the sources of rivers. In the silicious matter which the water deposits is perhaps the bony system, and in the still finer soil and organic matter the fleshy fibre or cellular tissue. What is man but a mass of thawing clay? The ball of the human finger is but a drop congealed. The fingers and toes flow to their extent from the thawing mass of the body. Who knows what the human body would expand and flow out to under a more genial heaven? Is not the hand a spreading palm leaf with its lobes and veins? The ear may be regarded, fancifully, as a lichen, umbilicaria, on the side of the head, with its lobe or drop. The lip — labium, from labor (?) — laps or lapses from the sides of the cavernous mouth. The nose is a manifest congealed drop or stalactite. The chin is a still larger drop, the confluent dripping of the face. The cheeks are a slide from the brows into the valley of the face, opposed and diffused by the cheek bones. Each rounded lobe of the vegetable leaf, too, is a thick and now loitering drop, larger or smaller; the lobes are the fingers of the leaf; and as many lobes as it has, in so many directions it tends to flow, and more heat or other genial influences would have caused it to flow yet farther.
Thus it seemed that this one hillside illustrated the principle of all the operations of Nature. The Maker of this earth but patented a leaf. What Champollion (2) will decipher this hieroglyphic for us, that we may turn over a new leaf at last? This phenomenon is more exhilarating to me than the luxuriance and fertility of vineyards. True, it is somewhat excrementitious in its character, and there is no end to the heaps of liver, lights, and bowels, as if the globe were turned wrong side outward; but this suggests at least that Nature has some bowels, and there again is mother of humanity. This is the frost coming out of the ground; this is Spring. It precedes the green and flowery spring, as mythology precedes regular poetry. I know of nothing more purgative of winter fumes and indigestions. It convinces me that Earth is still in her swaddling-clothes, and stretches forth baby fingers on every side. Fresh curls spring from the baldest brow. There is nothing inorganic. These foliaceous heaps lie along the bank like the slag of a furnace, showing that Nature is "in full blast" within. The earth is not a mere fragment of dead history, stratum upon stratum like the leaves of a book, to be studied by geologists and antiquaries chiefly, but living poetry like the leaves of a tree, which precede flowers and fruit — not a fossil earth, but a living earth; compared with whose great central life all animal and vegetable life is merely parasitic. Its throes will heave our exuviae from their graves. You may melt your metals and cast them into the most beautiful moulds you can; they will never excite me like the forms which this molten earth flows out into. And not only it, but the institutions upon it are plastic like clay in the hands of the potter.
Ere long, not only on these banks, but on every hill and plain and in every hollow, the frost comes out of the ground like a dormant quadruped from its burrow, and seeks the sea with music, or migrates to other climes in clouds. Thaw with his gentle persuasion is more powerful than Thor (3) with his hammer. The one melts, the other but breaks in pieces.
When the ground was partially bare of snow, and a few warm days had dried its surface somewhat, it was pleasant to compare the first tender signs of the infant year just peeping forth with the stately beauty of the withered vegetation which had withstood the winter — life-everlasting, goldenrods, pinweeds, and graceful wild grasses, more obvious and interesting frequently than in summer even, as if their beauty was not ripe till then; even cotton-grass, cat-tails, mulleins, johnswort, hard-hack, meadow-sweet, and other strong-stemmed plants, those unexhausted granaries which entertain the earliest birds — decent weeds, at least, which widowed Nature wears. I am particularly attracted by the arching and sheaf-like top of the wool-grass; it brings back the summer to our winter memories, and is among the forms which art loves to copy, and which, in the vegetable kingdom, have the same relation to types already in the mind of man that astronomy has. It is an antique style, older than Greek or Egyptian. Many of the phenomena of Winter are suggestive of an inexpressible tenderness and fragile delicacy. We are accustomed to hear this king described as a rude and boisterous tyrant; but with the gentleness of a lover he adorns the tresses of Summer.
At the approach of spring the red squirrels got under my house, two at a time, directly under my feet as I sat reading or writing, and kept up the queerest chuckling and chirruping and vocal pirouetting and gurgling sounds that ever were heard; and when I stamped they only chirruped the louder, as if past all fear and respect in their mad pranks, defying humanity to stop them. No, you don't — chickaree — chickaree. They were wholly deaf to my arguments, or failed to perceive their force, and fell into a strain of invective that was irresistible.
The first sparrow of spring! The year beginning with younger hope than ever! The faint silvery warblings heard over the partially bare and moist fields from the bluebird, the song sparrow, and the red-wing, as if the last flakes of winter tinkled as they fell! What at such a time are histories, chronologies, traditions, and all written revelations? The brooks sing carols and glees to the spring. The marsh hawk, sailing low over the meadow, is already seeking the first slimy life that awakes. The sinking sound of melting snow is heard in all dells, and the ice dissolves apace in the ponds. The grass flames up on the hillsides like a spring fire — "et primitus oritur herba imbribus primoribus evocata"(4)— as if the earth sent forth an inward heat to greet the returning sun; not yellow but green is the color of its flame; — the symbol of perpetual youth, the grass-blade, like a long green ribbon, streams from the sod into the summer, checked indeed by the frost, but anon pushing on again, lifting its spear of last year's hay with the fresh life below. It grows as steadily as the rill oozes out of the ground. It is almost identical with that, for in the growing days of June, when the rills are dry, the grass-blades are their channels, and from year to year the herds drink at this perennial green stream, and the mower draws from it betimes their winter supply. So our human life but dies down to its root, and still puts forth its green blade to eternity.
Walden is melting apace. There is a canal two rods wide along the northerly and westerly sides, and wider still at the east end. A great field of ice has cracked off from the main body. I hear a song sparrow singing from the bushes on the shore — olit, olit, olit-chip, chip, chip, che char-che wiss, wiss, wiss. He too is helping to crack it. How handsome the great sweeping curves in the edge of the ice, answering somewhat to those of the shore, but more regular! It is unusually hard, owing to the recent severe but transient cold, and all watered or waved like a palace floor. But the wind slides eastward over its opaque surface in vain, till it reaches the living surface beyond. It is glorious to behold this ribbon of water sparkling in the sun, the bare face of the pond full of glee and youth, as if it spoke the joy of the fishes within it, and of the sands on its shore — a silvery sheen as from the scales of a leuciscus,(5) as it were all one active fish. Such is the contrast between winter and spring. Walden was dead and is alive again. But this spring it broke up more steadily, as I have said.
The change from storm and winter to serene and mild weather, from dark and sluggish hours to bright and elastic ones, is a memorable crisis which all things proclaim. It is seemingly instantaneous at last. Suddenly an influx of light filled my house, though the evening was at hand, and the clouds of winter still overhung it, and the eaves were dripping with sleety rain. I looked out the window, and lo! Where yesterday was cold gray ice there lay the transparent pond already calm and full of hope as in a summer evening, reflecting a summer evening sky in its bosom, though none was visible overhead, as if it had intelligence with some remote horizon. I heard a robin in the distance, the first I had heard for many a thousand years, methought, whose note I shall not forget for many a thousand more — the same sweet and powerful song as of yore. O the evening robin, at the end of a New England summer day! If I could ever find the twig he sits upon! I mean he; I mean the twig. This at least is not the Turdus migratorius. The pitch pines and shrub oaks about my house, which had so long drooped, suddenly resumed their several characters, looked brighter, greener, and more erect and alive, as if effectually cleansed and restored by the rain. I knew that it would not rain any more. You may tell by looking at any twig of the forest, ay, at your very wood-pile, whether its winter is past or not. As it grew darker, I was startled by the honking of geese flying low over the woods, like weary travellers getting in late from Southern lakes, and indulging at last in unrestrained complaint and mutual consolation. Standing at my door, I could bear the rush of their wings; when, driving toward my house, they suddenly spied my light, and with hushed clamor wheeled and settled in the pond. So I came in, and shut the door, and passed my first spring night in the woods.
In the morning I watched the geese from the door through the mist, sailing in the middle of the pond, fifty rods off, so large and tumultuous that Walden appeared like an artificial pond for their amusement. But when I stood on the shore they at once rose up with a great flapping of wings at the signal of their commander, and when they had got into rank circled about over my head, twenty-nine of them, and then steered straight to Canada, with a regular honk from the leader at intervals, trusting to break their fast in muddier pools. A "plump" of ducks rose at the same time and took the route to the north in the wake of their noisier cousins.
For a week I heard the circling, groping clangor of some solitary goose in the foggy mornings, seeking its companion, and still peopling the woods with the sound of a larger life than they could sustain. In April the pigeons were seen again flying express in small flocks, and in due time I heard the martins twittering over my clearing, though it had not seemed that the township contained so many that it could afford me any, and I fancied that they were peculiarly of the ancient race that dwelt in hollow trees ere white men came. In almost all climes the tortoise and the frog are among the precursors and heralds of this season, and birds fly with song and glancing plumage, and plants spring and bloom, and winds blow, to correct this slight oscillation of the poles and preserve the equilibrium of nature.
As every season seems best to us in its turn, so the coming in of spring is like the creation of Cosmos out of Chaos and the realization of the Golden Age.(6) —
"Eurus ad Auroram Nabathaeaque regna recessit,
Persidaque, et radiis juga subdita matutinis."
"The East-Wind withdrew to Aurora and the Nabathean kingdom,
And the Persian, and the ridges placed under the morning rays.
. . . . . . .
Man was born. Whether that Artificer of things,
The origin of a better world, made him from the divine seed;
Or the earth, being recent and lately sundered from the high
Ether, retained some seeds of cognate heaven."(7)
A single gentle rain makes the grass many shades greener. So our prospects brighten on the influx of better thoughts. We should be blessed if we lived in the present always, and took advantage of every accident that befell us, like the grass which confesses the influence of the slightest dew that falls on it; and did not spend our time in atoning for the neglect of past opportunities, which we call doing our duty. We loiter in winter while it is already spring. In a pleasant spring morning all men's sins are forgiven. Such a day is a truce to vice. While such a sun holds out to burn, the vilest sinner may return. Through our own recovered innocence we discern the innocence of our neighbors. You may have known your neighbor yesterday for a thief, a drunkard, or a sensualist, and merely pitied or despised him, and despaired of the world; but the sun shines bright and warm this first spring morning, recreating the world, and you meet him at some serene work, and see how it is exhausted and debauched veins expand with still joy and bless the new day, feel the spring influence with the innocence of infancy, and all his faults are forgotten. There is not only an atmosphere of good will about him, but even a savor of holiness groping for expression, blindly and ineffectually perhaps, like a new-born instinct, and for a short hour the south hill-side echoes to no vulgar jest. You see some innocent fair shoots preparing to burst from his gnarled rind and try another year's life, tender and fresh as the youngest plant. Even he has entered into the joy of his Lord. Why the jailer does not leave open his prison doors — why the judge does not dismis his case — why the preacher does not dismiss his congregation! It is because they do not obey the hint which God gives them, nor accept the pardon which he freely offers to all.
"A return to goodness produced each day in the tranquil and beneficent breath of the morning, causes that in respect to the love of virtue and the hatred of vice, one approaches a little the primitive nature of man, as the sprouts of the forest which has been felled. In like manner the evil which one does in the interval of a day prevents the germs of virtues which began to spring up again from developing themselves and destroys them.
"After the germs of virtue have thus been prevented many times from developing themselves, then the beneficent breath of evening does not suffice to preserve them. As soon as the breath of evening does not suffice longer to preserve them, then the nature of man does not differ much from that of the brute. Men seeing the nature of this man like that of the brute, think that he has never possessed the innate faculty of reason. Are those the true and natural sentiments of man?"(8)
"The Golden Age was first created, which without any avenger
Spontaneously without law cherished fidelity and rectitude.
Punishment and fear were not; nor were threatening words read
On suspended brass; nor did the suppliant crowd fear
The words of their judge; but were safe without an avenger.
Not yet the pine felled on its mountains had descended
To the liquid waves that it might see a foreign world,
And mortals knew no shores but their own.
. . . . . . .
There was eternal spring, and placid zephyrs with warm
Blasts soothed the flowers born without seed."(9)
On the 29th of April, as I was fishing from the bank of the river near the Nine-Acre-Corner bridge, standing on the quaking grass and willow roots, where the muskrats lurk, I heard a singular rattling sound, somewhat like that of the sticks which boys play with their fingers, when, looking up, I observed a very slight and graceful hawk, like a nighthawk, alternately soaring like a ripple and tumbling a rod or two over and over, showing the under side of its wings, which gleamed like a satin ribbon in the sun, or like the pearly inside of a shell. This sight reminded me of falconry and what nobleness and poetry are associated with that sport. The Merlin it seemed to me it might be called: but I care not for its name. It was the most ethereal flight I had ever witnessed. It did not simply flutter like a butterfly, nor soar like the larger hawks, but it sported with proud reliance in the fields of air; mounting again and again with its strange chuckle, it repeated its free and beautiful fall, turning over and over like a kite, and then recovering from its lofty tumbling, as if it had never set its foot on terra firma. It appeared to have no companion in the universe — sporting there alone — and to need none but the morning and the ether with which it played. It was not lonely, but made all the earth lonely beneath it. Where was the parent which hatched it, its kindred, and its father in the heavens? The tenant of the air, it seemed related to the earth but by an egg hatched some time in the crevice of a crag; — or was its native nest made in the angle of a cloud, woven of the rainbow's trimmings and the sunset sky, and lined with some soft midsummer haze caught up from earth? Its eyry now some cliffy cloud.
Beside this I got a rare mess of golden and silver and bright cupreous fishes, which looked like a string of jewels. Ah! I have penetrated to those meadows on the morning of many a first spring day, jumping from hummock to hummock, from willow root to willow root, when the wild river valley and the woods were bathed in so pure and bright a light as would have waked the dead, if they had been slumbering in their graves, as some suppose. There needs no stronger proof of immortality. All things must live in such a light. O Death, where was thy sting? O Grave, where was thy victory, then?(10)
Our village life would stagnate if it were not for the unexplored forests and meadows which surround it. We need the tonic of wildness — to wade sometimes in marshes where the bittern and the meadow-hen lurk, and hear the booming of the snipe; to smell the whispering sedge where only some wilder and more solitary fowl builds her nest, and the mink crawls with its belly close to the ground. At the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be infinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us because unfathomable. We can never have enough of nature. We must be refreshed by the sight of inexhaustible vigor, vast and titanic features, the sea-coast with its wrecks, the wilderness with its living and its decaying trees, the thunder-cloud, and the rain which lasts three weeks and produces freshets. We need to witness our own limits transgressed, and some life pasturing freely where we never wander. We are cheered when we observe the vulture feeding on the carrion which disgusts and disheartens us, and deriving health and strength from the repast. There was a dead horse in the hollow by the path to my house, which compelled me sometimes to go out of my way, especially in the night when the air was heavy, but the assurance it gave me of the strong appetite and inviolable health of Nature was my compensation for this. I love to see that Nature is so rife with life that myriads can be afforded to be sacrificed and suffered to prey on one another; that tender organizations can be so serenely squashed out of existence like pulp — tadpoles which herons gobble up, and tortoises and toads run over in the road; and that sometimes it has rained flesh and blood! With the liability to accident, we must see how little account is to be made of it. The impression made on a wise man is that of universal innocence. Poison is not poisonous after all, nor are any wounds fatal. Compassion is a very untenable ground. It must be expeditious. Its pleadings will not bear to be stereotyped.
Early in May, the oaks, hickories, maples, and other trees, just putting out amidst the pine woods around the pond, imparted a brightness like sunshine to the landscape, especially in cloudy days, as if the sun were breaking through mists and shining faintly on the hillsides here and there. On the third or fourth of May I saw a loon in the pond, and during the first week of the month I heard the whip-poor-will, the brown thrasher, the veery, the wood pewee, the chewink, and other birds. I had heard the wood thrush long before. The phoebe had already come once more and looked in at my door and window, to see if my house was cavern-like enough for her, sustaining herself on humming wings with clinched talons, as if she held by the air, while she surveyed the premises. The sulphur-like pollen of the pitch pine soon covered the pond and the stones and rotten wood along the shore, so that you could have collected a barrelful. This is the "sulphur showers" we hear of. Even in Calidas'(11) drama of Sacontala,(12) we read of "rills dyed yellow with the golden dust of the lotus." And so the seasons went rolling on into summer, as one rambles into higher and higher grass.
Thus was my first year's life in the woods completed; and the second year was similar to it. I finally left Walden September 6th, 1847.

1. "Methuselah lived 969 years, and then he died.", Genesis 5:27
2. Jean Francois Champollion (1790-1832) French Egyptologist & linguist, first deciphered Egyption hieroglyphics in 1798-1822
3. in Norse mythology, god of war & thunder
4. "And for the first time the grass rises, called forth by the first rains" - Marcus Terrentius Varro (116-27? B.C.) Roman author
5. a minnow
6. in Greek mythology, the creation of the universe
7. Ovid (43 B.C.-7 A.D.) Roman poet, from Metamorphoses
8. Meng-tse (372?-287? B.C.) Chinese philosopher, follower of Confucius
9. Ovid (43 B.C.-7 A.D.) Roman poet, from Metamorphoses
10. 1 Corinthians 15:55
11. Calidas or Kalidasa - 5th century Hindu dramatist and poet
12. Sacontala; or the Fatal Ring, translated from the sanscrit by Sir William Jones, 1789
① 《圣经》中最长寿的人。据《创世纪》第5章第27节,玛士撒拉共活了969岁。
①香波利盎(1778- 1867),法国考古学家。
春天的第一只麻雀!这一年又在从来没有这样年轻的希望之中开始了!最初听到很微弱的银色的啁啾之声传过了一部分还光秃秃的,润湿的田野,那是发自青鸟、篱雀和红翼鸫的,仿佛冬天的最后的雪花在叮当地飘落!在这样的一个时候,历史、编年纪、传说,一切启示的文字又算得了什么!小溪向春天唱赞美诗和四部曲。沼泽上的鹰隼低低地飞翔地草地上,已经在寻觅那初醒的脆弱的生物了。在所有的谷中,听得到溶雪的滴答之声,而湖上的冰在迅速地溶化。小草像春火在山腰燃烧起来了,——“et primitus oritur herba imbribus primoribus evocata,”①——好像大地送上了一个内在的热力来迎候太阳的归来;而火焰的颜色,不是黄的,是绿的,——永远的青春的象征,那草叶,像一根长长的绿色缎带,从草地上流出来流向夏季。是的,它给霜雪阻拦过,可是它不久又在向前推进,举起了去年的干草的长茎,让新的生命从下面升起来。它像小泉源的水从地下淙淙的冒出来一样。它与小溪几乎是一体的,因为在六月那些长日之中,小溪已经干涸了,这些草叶成了它的小道,多少个年代来,牛羊从这永恒的青色的溪流上饮水,到了时候,刈草的人把它们割去供给冬天的需要。我们人类的生命即使绝灭,只是绝灭不了根,那根上仍能茁生绿色的草叶,至于永恒。
从暴风雪和冬天转换到晴朗而柔和的天气,从黑暗而迟缓的时辰转换到光亮和富于弹性的时刻,这种转化是一切事物都在宣告着的很值得纪念的重大转变。最后它似乎是突如其来的。突然,注入的光明充满了我的屋子,虽然那时已将近黄昏了,而且冬天的灰云还布满天空,雨雪之后的水珠还从檐上落下来。我从窗口望出去,瞧!昨天还是灰色的寒冰的地方,横陈着湖的透明的皓体,已经像一个夏日的傍晚似的平静,充满了希望,在它的胸怀上反映了一个夏季的夕阳天,虽然上空还看不到这样的云彩,但是它仿佛已经和一个远远的天空心心相印了。我听到有一只知更鸟在远处叫,我想,我好像有几千年没有听到它了。虽然它的乐音是再过几千年我也决不会忘记的,——它还是那样甜蜜而有力量,像过去的歌声一样。啊,黄昏的知更乌,在新英格兰的夏日的天空下!但愿我能找到他栖立的树枝!我指的是他;我说的是那树枝。至少这不是Turdus migratorius①。我的屋子周围的苍松和矮橡树,垂头丧气已久,突然又恢复了它们的好些个性,看上去更光亮,更苍翠,更挺拔,更生气蓬勃了,好像它们给雨水有效地洗过,复苏了一样。我知道再不会下雨。看看森林中任何一个枝桠,是的,看看你那一堆燃料,你可以知道冬天过去没有。天色渐渐黑下来,我给飞鹅的映声惊起,它们低飞过森林,像疲倦的旅行家,从南方的湖上飞来,到得已经迟了,终于大诉其苦,而且互相安慰着。站在门口,我能听到它们拍翅膀的声音;而向我的屋子方向近来时,突然发现了我的灯火,喋喋的声浪忽然静下来,它们盘旋而去,停在湖上。于是我回进屋子里,关上门,在森林中度过我的第一个春宵。
① 候鸟。
“Eurus ad Auroram Nabathaeaque regna recessit, Persldaque,et radiis juga subdita matutinis。”
② 阿拉伯古国,在巴勒斯坦之东及东南方,约建于公元前312年,公元106年成为罗马的一个省。
波斯,和臵于黎明光芒下的山冈。 ………… 人诞生了。究竟是万物的创造主, 为创始更好世界,以神的种子创造人; 还是为了大地,新近才从高高的太空 坠落,保持了一些天上的同类种族。”①
① 这首诗引自罗马诗人奥维德(公元前43- 约公元17)的《变形记》第1卷,后面还有一段诗也引自它的第1卷。
② 《孟子·告子章句》(上)。梭罗是引用鲍蒂尔的译文的,不太准确,尚能达意。
黄金时代初创时,世无复仇者, 没有法律而自动信守忠诚和正直, 没有刑名没有恐惧,从来也没有。 恐吓文字没铸在黄铜上高高挂起,乞援者也不焦虑审判者口头的话, 一切都平安,世无复仇者。 高山上还没有松树被砍伐下来, 水波可以流向一个异国的世界, 人类除了自己的海岸不知有其他。 ………… 春光永不消逝,徐风温馨吹拂, 抚育那不须播种自然生长的花朵。
① 印度古代剧作家。约生于4到5世纪。《沙恭达罗》是他的代表作。



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举报 只看该作者 20楼  发表于: 2014-08-21 0

The Pond in Winter


AFTER A STILL winter night I awoke with the impression that some question had been put to me, which I had been endeavoring in vain to answer in my sleep, as what — how — when — where? But there was dawning Nature, in whom all creatures live, looking in at my broad windows with serene and satisfied face, and no question on her lips. I awoke to an answered question, to Nature and daylight. The snow lying deep on the earth dotted with young pines, and the very slope of the hill on which my house is placed, seemed to say, Forward! Nature puts no question and answers none which we mortals ask. She has long ago taken her resolution. "O Prince, our eyes contemplate with admiration and transmit to the soul the wonderful and varied spectacle of this universe. The night veils without doubt a part of this glorious creation; but day comes to reveal to us this great work, which extends from earth even into the plains of the ether.(1)"
Then to my morning work. First I take an axe and pail and go in search of water, if that be not a dream. After a cold and snowy night it needed a divining-rod to find it. Every winter the liquid and trembling surface of the pond, which was so sensitive to every breath, and reflected every light and shadow, becomes solid to the depth of a foot or a foot and a half, so that it will support the heaviest teams, and perchance the snow covers it to an equal depth, and it is not to be distinguished from any level field. Like the marmots in the surrounding hills, it closes its eyelids and becomes dormant for three months or more. Standing on the snow-covered plain, as if in a pasture amid the hills, I cut my way first through a foot of snow, and then a foot of ice, and open a window under my feet, where, kneeling to drink, I look down into the quiet parlor of the fishes, pervaded by a softened light as through a window of ground glass, with its bright sanded floor the same as in summer; there a perennial waveless serenity reigns as in the amber twilight sky, corresponding to the cool and even temperament of the inhabitants. Heaven is under our feet is well as over our heads.
Early in the morning, while all things are crisp with frost, men come with fishing-reels and slender lunch, and let down their fine lines through the snowy field to take pickerel and perch; wild men, who instinctively follow other fashions and trust other authorities than their townsmen, and by their goings and comings stitch towns together in parts where else they would be ripped. They sit and eat their luncheon in stout fear-naughts (2) on the dry oak leaves on the shore, as wise in natural lore as the citizen is in artificial. They never consulted with books, and know and can tell much less than they have done. The things which they practice are said not yet to be known. Here is one fishing for pickerel with grown perch for bait. You look into his pail with wonder as into a summer pond, as if he kept summer locked up at home, or knew where she had retreated. How, pray, did he get these in midwinter? Oh, he got worms out of rotten logs since the ground froze, and so he caught them. His life itself passes deeper in nature than the studies of the naturalist penetrate; himself a subject for the naturalist. The latter raises the moss and bark gently with his knife in search of insects; the former lays open logs to their core with his axe, and moss and bark fly far and wide. He gets his living by barking trees. Such a man has some right to fish, and I love to see nature carried out in him. The perch swallows the grub-worm, the pickerel swallows the perch, and the fisher-man swallows the pickerel; and so all the chinks in the scale of being are filled.
When I strolled around the pond in misty weather I was sometimes amused by the primitive mode which some ruder fisherman had adopted. He would perhaps have placed alder branches over the narrow holes in the ice, which were four or five rods apart and an equal distance from the shore, and having fastened the end of the line to a stick to prevent its being pulled through, have passed the slack line over a twig of the alder, a foot or more above the ice, and tied a dry oak leaf to it, which, being pulled down, would show when he had a bite. These alders loomed through the mist at regular intervals as you walked half way round the pond.
Ah, the pickerel of Walden! When I see them lying on the ice, or in the well which the fisherman cuts in the ice, making a little hole to admit the water, I am always surprised by their rare beauty, as if they were fabulous fishes, they are so foreign to the streets, even to the woods, foreign as Arabia to our Concord life. They possess a quite dazzling and transcendent beauty which separates them by a wide interval from the cadaverous cod and haddock whose fame is trumpeted in our streets. They are not green like the pines, nor gray like the stones, nor blue like the sky; but they have, to my eyes, if possible, yet rarer colors, like flowers and precious stones, as if they were the pearls, the animalized nuclei or crystals of the Walden water. They, of course, are Walden all over and all through; are themselves small Waldens in the animal kingdom, Waldenses.(3) It is surprising that they are caught here — that in this deep and capacious spring, far beneath the rattling teams and chaises and tinkling sleighs that travel the Walden road, this great gold and emerald fish swims. I never chanced to see its kind in any market; it would be the cynosure of all eyes there. Easily, with a few convulsive quirks, they give up their watery ghosts, like a mortal translated before his time to the thin air of heaven.
As I was desirous to recover the long lost bottom of Walden Pond, I surveyed it carefully, before the ice broke up, early in '46, with compass and chain and sounding line. There have been many stories told about the bottom, or rather no bottom, of this pond, which certainly had no foundation for themselves. It is remarkable how long men will believe in the bottomlessness of a pond without taking the trouble to sound it. I have visited two such Bottomless Ponds in one walk in this neighborhood. Many have believed that Walden reached quite through to the other side of the globe. Some who have lain flat on the ice for a long time, looking down through the illusive medium, perchance with watery eyes into the bargain, and driven to hasty conclusions by the fear of catching cold in their breasts, have seen vast holes "into which a load of hay might be driven," if there were anybody to drive it, the undoubted source of the Styx and entrance to the Infernal Regions from these parts. Others have gone down from the village with a "fifty-six" and a wagon load of inch rope, but yet have failed to find any bottom; for while the "fifty-six" was resting by the way, they were paying out the rope in the vain attempt to fathom their truly immeasurable capacity for marvellousness. But I can assure my readers that Walden has a reasonably tight bottom at a not unreasonable, though at an unusual, depth. I fathomed it easily with a cod-line and a stone weighing about a pound and a half, and could tell accurately when the stone left the bottom, by having to pull so much harder before the water got underneath to help me. The greatest depth was exactly one hundred and two feet; to which may be added the five feet which it has risen since, making one hundred and seven. This is a remarkable depth for so small an area; yet not an inch of it can be spared by the imagination. What if all ponds were shallow? Would it not react on the minds of men? I am thankful that this pond was made deep and pure for a symbol. While men believe in the infinite some ponds will be thought to be bottomless.
A factory-owner, hearing what depth I had found, thought that it could not be true, for, judging from his acquaintance with dams, sand would not lie at so steep an angle. But the deepest ponds are not so deep in proportion to their area as most suppose, and, if drained, would not leave very remarkable valleys. They are not like cups between the hills; for this one, which is so unusually deep for its area, appears in a vertical section through its centre not deeper than a shallow plate. Most ponds, emptied, would leave a meadow no more hollow than we frequently see. William Gilpin,(4) who is so admirable in all that relates to landscapes, and usually so correct, standing at the head of Loch Fyne, in Scotland, which he describes as "a bay of salt water, sixty or seventy fathoms deep, four miles in breadth," and about fifty miles long, surrounded by mountains, observes, "If we could have seen it immediately after the diluvian crash, or whatever convulsion of nature occasioned it, before the waters gushed in, what a horrid chasm must it have appeared!
"So high as heaved the tumid hills, so low
Down sunk a hollow bottom broad and deep,
Capacious bed of waters."(5)
But if, using the shortest diameter of Loch Fyne, we apply these proportions to Walden, which, as we have seen, appears already in a vertical section only like a shallow plate, it will appear four times as shallow. So much for the increased horrors of the chasm of Loch Fyne when emptied. No doubt many a smiling valley with its stretching cornfields occupies exactly such a "horrid chasm," from which the waters have receded, though it requires the insight and the far sight of the geologist to convince the unsuspecting inhabitants of this fact. Often an inquisitive eye may detect the shores of a primitive lake in the low horizon hills, and no subsequent elevation of the plain has been necessary to conceal their history. But it is easiest, as they who work on the highways know, to find the hollows by the puddles after a shower. The amount of it is, the imagination give it the least license, dives deeper and soars higher than Nature goes. So, probably, the depth of the ocean will be found to be very inconsiderable compared with its breadth.
As I sounded through the ice I could determine the shape of the bottom with greater accuracy than is possible in surveying harbors which do not freeze over, and I was surprised at its general regularity. In the deepest part there are several acres more level than almost any field which is exposed to the sun, wind, and plow. In one instance, on a line arbitrarily chosen, the depth did not vary more than one foot in thirty rods; and generally, near the middle, I could calculate the variation for each one hundred feet in any direction beforehand within three or four inches. Some are accustomed to speak of deep and dangerous holes even in quiet sandy ponds like this, but the effect of water under these circumstances is to level all inequalities. The regularity of the bottom and its conformity to the shores and the range of the neighboring hills were so perfect that a distant promontory betrayed itself in the soundings quite across the pond, and its direction could be determined by observing the opposite shore. Cape becomes bar, and plain shoal, and valley and gorge deep water and channel.
When I had mapped the pond by the scale of ten rods to an inch, and put down the soundings, more than a hundred in all, I observed this remarkable coincidence. Having noticed that the number indicating the greatest depth was apparently in the centre of the map, I laid a rule on the map lengthwise, and then breadthwise, and found, to my surprise, that the line of greatest length intersected the line of greatest breadth exactly at the point of greatest depth, notwithstanding that the middle is so nearly level, the outline of the pond far from regular, and the extreme length and breadth were got by measuring into the coves; and I said to myself, Who knows but this hint would conduct to the deepest part of the ocean as well as of a pond or puddle? Is not this the rule also for the height of mountains, regarded as the opposite of valleys? We know that a hill is not highest at its narrowest part.
Of five coves, three, or all which had been sounded, were observed to have a bar quite across their mouths and deeper water within, so that the bay tended to be an expansion of water within the land not only horizontally but vertically, and to form a basin or independent pond, the direction of the two capes showing the course of the bar. Every harbor on the sea-coast, also, has its bar at its entrance. In proportion as the mouth of the cove was wider compared with its length, the water over the bar was deeper compared with that in the basin. Given, then, the length and breadth of the cove, and the character of the surrounding shore, and you have almost elements enough to make out a formula for all cases.
In order to see how nearly I could guess, with this experience, at the deepest point in a pond, by observing the outlines of a surface and the character of its shores alone, I made a plan of White Pond, which contains about forty-one acres, and, like this, has no island in it, nor any visible inlet or outlet; and as the line of greatest breadth fell very near the line of least breadth, where two opposite capes approached each other and two opposite bays receded, I ventured to mark a point a short distance from the latter line, but still on the line of greatest length, as the deepest. The deepest part was found to be within one hundred feet of this, still farther in the direction to which I had inclined, and was only one foot deeper, namely, sixty feet. Of course, a stream running through, or an island in the pond, would make the problem much more complicated.
If we knew all the laws of Nature, we should need only one fact, or the description of one actual phenomenon, to infer all the particular results at that point. Now we know only a few laws, and our result is vitiated, not, of course, by any confusion or irregularity in Nature, but by our ignorance of essential elements in the calculation. Our notions of law and harmony are commonly confined to those instances which we detect; but the harmony which results from a far greater number of seemingly conflicting, but really concurring, laws, which we have not detected, is still more wonderful. The particular laws are as our points of view, as, to the traveller, a mountain outline varies with every step, and it has an infinite number of profiles, though absolutely but one form. Even when cleft or bored through it is not comprehended in its entireness.
What I have observed of the pond is no less true in ethics. It is the law of average. Such a rule of the two diameters not only guides us toward the sun in the system and the heart in man, but draws lines through the length and breadth of the aggregate of a man's particular daily behaviors and waves of life into his coves and inlets, and where they intersect will be the height or depth of his character. Perhaps we need only to know how his shores trend and his adjacent country or circumstances, to infer his depth and concealed bottom. If he is surrounded by mountainous circumstances, an Achillean shore,(6) whose peaks overshadow and are reflected in his bosom, they suggest a corresponding depth in him. But a low and smooth shore proves him shallow on that side. In our bodies, a bold projecting brow falls off to and indicates a corresponding depth of thought. Also there is a bar across the entrance of our every cove, or particular inclination; each is our harbor for a season, in which we are detained and partially land-locked. These inclinations are not whimsical usually, but their form, size, and direction are determined by the promontories of the shore, the ancient axes of elevation. When this bar is gradually increased by storms, tides, or currents, or there is a subsidence of the waters, so that it reaches to the surface, that which was at first but an inclination in the shore in which a thought was harbored becomes an individual lake, cut off from the ocean, wherein the thought secures its own conditions — changes, perhaps, from salt to fresh, becomes a sweet sea, dead sea, or a marsh. At the advent of each individual into this life, may we not suppose that such a bar has risen to the surface somewhere? It is true, we are such poor navigators that our thoughts, for the most part, stand off and on upon a harborless coast, are conversant only with the bights of the bays of poesy, or steer for the public ports of entry, and go into the dry docks of science, where they merely refit for this world, and no natural currents concur to individualize them.
As for the inlet or outlet of Walden, I have not discovered any but rain and snow and evaporation, though perhaps, with a thermometer and a line, such places may be found, for where the water flows into the pond it will probably be coldest in summer and warmest in winter.(7) When the ice-men were at work here in '46-7, the cakes sent to the shore were one day rejected by those who were stacking them up there, not being thick enough to lie side by side with the rest; and the cutters thus discovered that the ice over a small space was two or three inches thinner than elsewhere, which made them think that there was an inlet there. They also showed me in another place what they thought was a "leach-hole," through which the pond leaked out under a hill into a neighboring meadow, pushing me out on a cake of ice to see it. It was a small cavity under ten feet of water; but I think that I can warrant the pond not to need soldering till they find a worse leak than that. One has suggested, that if such a "leach-hole" should be found, its connection with the meadow, if any existed, might be proved by conveying some, colored powder or sawdust to the mouth of the hole, and then putting a strainer over the spring in the meadow, which would catch some of the particles carried through by the current.
While I was surveying, the ice, which was sixteen inches thick, undulated under a slight wind like water. It is well known that a level cannot be used on ice. At one rod from the shore its greatest fluctuation, when observed by means of a level on land directed toward a graduated staff on the ice, was three quarters of an inch, though the ice appeared firmly attached to the shore. It was probably greater in the middle. Who knows but if our instruments were delicate enough we might detect an undulation in the crust of the earth? When two legs of my level were on the shore and the third on the ice, and the sights were directed over the latter, a rise or fall of the ice of an almost infinitesimal amount made a difference of several feet on a tree across the pond. When I began to cut holes for sounding there were three or four inches of water on the ice under a deep snow which had sunk it thus far; but the water began immediately to run into these holes, and continued to run for two days in deep streams, which wore away the ice on every side, and contributed essentially, if not mainly, to dry the surface of the pond; for, as the water ran in, it raised and floated the ice. This was somewhat like cutting a hole in the bottom of a ship to let the water out. When such holes freeze, and a rain succeeds, and finally a new freezing forms a fresh smooth ice over all, it is beautifully mottled internally by dark figures, shaped somewhat like a spider's web, what you may call ice rosettes, produced by the channels worn by the water flowing from all sides to a centre. Sometimes, also, when the ice was covered with shallow puddles, I saw a double shadow of myself, one standing on the head of the other, one on the ice, the other on the trees or hillside.
While yet it is cold January, and snow and ice are thick and solid, the prudent landlord comes from the village to get ice to cool his summer drink; impressively, even pathetically, wise, to foresee the heat and thirst of July now in January — wearing a thick coat and mittens! When so many things are not provided for. It may be that he lays up no treasures in this world which will cool his summer drink in the next.(8) He cuts and saws the solid pond, unroofs the house of fishes, and carts off their very element and air, held fast by chains and stakes like corded wood, through the favoring winter air, to wintry cellars, to underlie the summer there. It looks like solidified azure, as, far off, it is drawn through the streets. These ice-cutters are a merry race, full of jest and sport, and when I went among them they were wont to invite me to saw pit-fashion with them, I standing underneath.
In the winter of '46-7 there came a hundred men of Hyperborean (9) extraction swoop down on to our pond one morning, with many carloads of ungainly-looking farming tools — sleds, plows, drill-barrows, turf-knives, spades, saws, rakes, and each man was armed with a double-pointed pike-staff, such as is not described in the New-England Farmer or the Cultivator.(10) I did not know whether they had come to sow a crop of winter rye, or some other kind of grain recently introduced from Iceland. As I saw no manure, I judged that they meant to skim the land, as I had done, thinking the soil was deep and had lain fallow long enough. They said that a gentleman farmer, who was behind the scenes, wanted to double his money, which, as I understood, amounted to half a million already; but in order to cover each one of his dollars with another, he took off the only coat, ay, the skin itself, of Walden Pond in the midst of a hard winter. They went to work at once, plowing, barrowing, rolling, furrowing, in admirable order, as if they were bent on making this a model farm; but when I was looking sharp to see what kind of seed they dropped into the furrow, a gang of fellows by my side suddenly began to hook up the virgin mould itself, with a peculiar jerk, clean down to the sand, or rather the water — for it was a very springy soil — indeed all the terra firma there was — and haul it away on sleds, and then I guessed that they must be cutting peat in a bog. So they came and went every day, with a peculiar shriek from the locomotive, from and to some point of the polar regions, as it seemed to me, like a flock of arctic snow-birds. But sometimes Squaw Walden had her revenge, and a hired man, walking behind his team, slipped through a crack in the ground down toward Tartarus, and he who was so brave before suddenly became but the ninth part of a man, almost gave up his animal heat, and was glad to take refuge in my house, and acknowledged that there was some virtue in a stove; or sometimes the frozen soil took a piece of steel out of a plowshare, or a plow got set in the furrow and had to be cut out.
To speak literally, a hundred Irishmen, with Yankee overseers, came from Cambridge every day to get out the ice. They divided it into cakes by methods too well known to require description, and these, being sledded to the shore, were rapidly hauled off on to an ice platform, and raised by grappling irons and block and tackle, worked by horses, on to a stack, as surely as so many barrels of flour, and there placed evenly side by side, and row upon row, as if they formed the solid base of an obelisk designed to pierce the clouds. They told me that in a good day they could get out a thousand tons, which was the yield of about one acre. Deep ruts and "cradle-holes" were worn in the ice, as on terra firma, by the passage of the sleds over the same track, and the horses invariably ate their oats out of cakes of ice hollowed out like buckets. They stacked up the cakes thus in the open air in a pile thirty-five feet high on one side and six or seven rods square, putting hay between the outside layers to exclude the air; for when the wind, though never so cold, finds a passage through, it will wear large cavities, leaving slight supports or studs only here and there, and finally topple it down. At first it looked like a vast blue fort or Valhalla;(11) but when they began to tuck the coarse meadow hay into the crevices, and this became covered with rime and icicles, it looked like a venerable moss-grown and hoary ruin, built of azure-tinted marble, the abode of Winter, that old man we see in the almanac — his shanty, as if he had a design to estivate with us. They calculated that not twenty-five per cent of this would reach its destination, and that two or three per cent would be wasted in the cars. However, a still greater part of this heap had a different destiny from what was intended; for, either because the ice was found not to keep so well as was expected, containing more air than usual, or for some other reason, it never got to market. This heap, made in the winter of '46-7 and estimated to contain ten thousand tons, was finally covered with hay and boards; and though it was unroofed the following July, and a part of it carried off, the rest remaining exposed to the sun, it stood over that summer and the next winter, and was not quite melted till September, 1848. Thus the pond recovered the greater part.
Like the water, the Walden ice, seen near at hand, has a green tint, but at a distance is beautifully blue, and you can easily tell it from the white ice of the river, or the merely greenish ice of some ponds, a quarter of a mile off. Sometimes one of those great cakes slips from the ice-man's sled into the village street, and lies there for a week like a great emerald, an object of interest to all passers. I have noticed that a portion of Walden which in the state of water was green will often, when frozen, appear from the same point of view blue. So the hollows about this pond will, sometimes, in the winter, be filled with a greenish water somewhat like its own, but the next day will have frozen blue. Perhaps the blue color of water and ice is due to the light and air they contain, and the most transparent is the bluest. Ice is an interesting subject for contemplation. They told me that they had some in the ice-houses at Fresh Pond five years old which was as good as ever. Why is it that a bucket of water soon becomes putrid, but frozen remains sweet forever? It is commonly said that this is the difference between the affections and the intellect.
Thus for sixteen days I saw from my window a hundred men at work like busy husbandmen, with teams and horses and apparently all the implements of farming, such a picture as we see on the first page of the almanac; and as often as I looked out I was reminded of the fable of the lark and the reapers, or the parable of the sower, and the like; and now they are all gone, and in thirty days more, probably, I shall look from the same window on the pure sea-green Walden water there, reflecting the clouds and the trees, and sending up its evaporations in solitude, and no traces will appear that a man has ever stood there. Perhaps I shall hear a solitary loon laugh as he dives and plumes himself, or shall see a lonely fisher in his boat, like a floating leaf, beholding his form reflected in the waves, where lately a hundred men securely labored.
Thus it appears that the sweltering inhabitants of Charleston and New Orleans, of Madras and Bombay and Calcutta,(12) drink at my well. In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous and cosmogonal philosophy of the Bhagvat-Geeta,(13) since whose composition years of the gods have elapsed, and in comparison with which our modern world and its literature seem puny and trivial; and I doubt if that philosophy is not to be referred to a previous state of existence, so remote is its sublimity from our conceptions. I lay down the book and go to my well for water, and lo! There I meet the servant of the Bramin, priest of Brahma and Vishnu and Indra,(14) who still sits in his temple on the Ganges (15) reading the Vedas, or dwells at the root of a tree with his crust and water jug. I meet his servant come to draw water for his master, and our buckets as it were grate together in the same well. The pure Walden water is mingled with the sacred water of the Ganges. With favoring winds it is wafted past the site of the fabulous islands of Atlantis and the Hesperides,(16) makes the periplus of Hanno,(17) and, floating by Ternate and Tidore (18) and the mouth of the Persian Gulf, melts in the tropic gales of the Indian seas, and is landed in ports of which Alexander (19) only heard the names.

1. from the Harivansa, 5th century Hindu epic poem
2. heavy woolen coat
3. Waldenses/Waldensians, late 12th century religious Protestant group, Peter Waldo of Lyons gave away his property, preached poverty as the way to perfection.
4. William Gilpin (1724-1804) English naturalist
5. John Milton (1608-1674) English poet, excerpt from Paradise Lost
6. Achilles, hero of Greek legends, came from a mountainous region
7. reference to Matthew, 6:19-20
8. in Greek mythology, a tribe from the far north
9. Ice from Walden and other New England ponds was harvested by Boston's "Ice King", Frederic Tudor (1783-1864), who made a lot of money selling ice, locally in the summer, and also in places like the Caribbean and Europe. He also used the ice shipped south to ship tropical fruits north.
10. The New England Farmer and Horticultural Journal, 1822-1846, first agricultural journal in New England, or the Boston Cultivator or the New England Cultivator
11. in Norse mythology, the hall of Odin, home to warriors killed in battle
12. Madras, Bombay, and Calcutta purchased ice from New England
13. Bhagavad Gita - ancient Sanskrit scriptures of India (with 18 chapters)
14. three Hindu gods
15. major river flowing east through the plains of northern India into Bangladesh
16. in Greek mythology, islands west of the Mediterranian Sea
17. follows route of Carthaginin statesman & explorer Hanno, 3rd cent. B.C.
18. islands south of the Philippines
19. Alexander the Great (356-323 BC), Greek king, conquered most of the world known to the ancient Greeks
① 引自印度史诗《摩呵婆罗多》。
“高耸的山峰升得这高, 低洼的湖底沉得这低, 阔而广,好河床——。”①
① 引自米尔顿《失乐园》第7卷288- 290行。
① 北欧神话中沃丁神接待战死者英灵的殿堂。
① 传说中西方的一个岛屿,后因地震沉入海洋。
② 希腊罗马神话中西方一个产金苹果的花园。
③ 特尔纳特,蒂达尔是当时荷属东印度群岛中的两个岛屿的名字。现属印度尼西亚。



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举报 只看该作者 19楼  发表于: 2014-08-21 0

Winter Animals

WHEN THE PONDS were firmly frozen, they afforded not only new and shorter routes to many points, but new views from their surfaces of the familiar landscape around them. When I crossed Flint's Pond, after it was covered with snow, though I had often paddled about and skated over it, it was so unexpectedly wide and so strange that I could think of nothing but Baffin's Bay.(1) The Lincoln hills rose up around me at the extremity of a snowy plain, in which I did not remember to have stood before; and the fishermen, at an indeterminable distance over the ice, moving slowly about with their wolfish dogs, passed for sealers, or Esquimaux,(2) or in misty weather loomed like fabulous creatures, and I did not know whether they were giants or pygmies. I took this course when I went to lecture in Lincoln in the evening,(3) travelling in no road and passing no house between my own hut and the lecture room. In Goose Pond, which lay in my way, a colony of muskrats dwelt, and raised their cabins high above the ice, (Left: muskrat lodge in winter) though none could be seen abroad when I crossed it. Walden, being like the rest usually bare of snow, or with only shallow and interrupted drifts on it, was my yard where I could walk freely when the snow was nearly two feet deep on a level elsewhere and the villagers were confined to their streets. There, far from the village street, and except at very long intervals, from the jingle of sleigh-bells, I slid and skated, as in a vast moose-yard well trodden, overhung by oak woods and solemn pines bent down with snow or bristling with icicles.
For sounds in winter nights, and often in winter days, I heard the forlorn but melodious note of a hooting owl indefinitely far; such a sound as the frozen earth would yield if struck with a suitable plectrum, the very lingua vernacula (4) of Walden Wood, and quite familiar to me at last, though I never saw the bird while it was making it. I seldom opened my door in a winter evening without hearing it; Hoo hoo hoo, hoorer, hoo, sounded sonorously, and the first three syllables accented somewhat like how der do; or sometimes hoo, hoo only. One night in the beginning of winter, before the pond froze over, about nine o'clock, I was startled by the loud honking of a goose, and, stepping to the door, heard the sound of their wings like a tempest in the woods as they flew low over my house. They passed over the pond toward Fair Haven, seemingly deterred from settling by my light, their commodore honking all the while with a regular beat. Suddenly an unmistakable cat-owl from very near me, with the most harsh and tremendous voice I ever heard from any inhabitant of the woods, responded at regular intervals to the goose, as if determined to expose and disgrace this intruder from Hudson's Bay (5) by exhibiting a greater compass and volume of voice in a native, and boo-hoo him out of Concord horizon. What do you mean by alarming the citadel at this time of night consecrated to me? Do you think I am ever caught napping at such an hour, and that I have not got lungs and a larynx as well as yourself? Boo-hoo, boo-hoo, boo-hoo! It was one of the most thrilling discords I ever heard. And yet, if you had a discriminating ear, there were in it the elements of a concord such as these plains never saw nor heard.
I also heard the whooping of the ice in the pond, my great bed-fellow in that part of Concord, as if it were restless in its bed and would fain turn over, were troubled with flatulency and had dreams; or I was waked by the cracking of the ground by the frost, as if some one had driven a team against my door, and in the morning would find a crack in the earth a quarter of a mile long and a third of an inch wide.
Sometimes I heard the foxes as they ranged over the snow-crust, in moonlight nights, in search of a partridge or other game, barking raggedly and demoniacally like forest dogs, as if laboring with some anxiety, or seeking expression, struggling for light and to be dogs outright and run freely in the streets; for if we take the ages into our account, may there not be a civilization going on among brutes as well as men? They seemed to me to be rudimental, burrowing men, still standing on their defence, awaiting their transformation. Sometimes one came near to my window, attracted by my light, barked a vulpine curse at me, and then retreated.
Usually the red squirrel (Sciurus Hudsonius) waked me in the dawn, coursing over the roof and up and down the sides of the house, as if sent out of the woods for this purpose. In the course of the winter I threw out half a bushel of ears of sweet corn, which had not got ripe, on to the snow-crust by my door, and was amused by watching the motions of the various animals which were baited by it. In the twilight and the night the rabbits came regularly and made a hearty meal. All day long the red squirrels came and went, and afforded me much entertainment by their manoeuvres. One would approach at first warily through the shrub oaks, running over the snow-crust by fits and starts like a leaf blown by the wind, now a few paces this way, with wonderful speed and waste of energy, making inconceivable haste with his "trotters," as if it were for a wager, and now as many paces that way, but never getting on more than half a rod at a time; and then suddenly pausing with a ludicrous expression and a gratuitous somerset, as if all the eyes in the universe were eyed on him — for all the motions of a squirrel, even in the most solitary recesses of the forest, imply spectators as much as those of a dancing girl — wasting more time in delay and circumspection than would have sufficed to walk the whole distance — I never saw one walk — and then suddenly, before you could say Jack Robinson,(6) he would be in the top of a young pitch pine, winding up his clock and chiding all imaginary spectators, soliloquizing and talking to all the universe at the same time — for no reason that I could ever detect, or he himself was aware of, I suspect. At length he would reach the corn, and selecting a suitable ear, frisk about in the same uncertain trigonometrical way to the topmost stick of my wood-pile, before my window, where he looked me in the face, and there sit for hours, supplying himself with a new ear from time to time, nibbling at first voraciously and throwing the half-naked cobs about; till at length he grew more dainty still and played with his food, tasting only the inside of the kernel, and the ear, which was held balanced over the stick by one paw, slipped from his careless grasp and fell to the ground, when he would look over at it with a ludicrous expression of uncertainty, as if suspecting that it had life, with a mind not made up whether to get it again, or a new one, or be off; now thinking of corn, then listening to hear what was in the wind. So the little impudent fellow would waste many an ear in a forenoon; till at last, seizing some longer and plumper one, considerably bigger than himself, and skilfully balancing it, he would set out with it to the woods, like a tiger with a buffalo, by the same zig-zag course and frequent pauses, scratching along with it as if it were too heavy for him and falling all the while, making its fall a diagonal between a perpendicular and horizontal, being determined to put it through at any rate; — a singularly frivolous and whimsical fellow; — and so he would get off with it to where he lived, perhaps carry it to the top of a pine tree forty or fifty rods distant, and I would afterwards find the cobs strewn about the woods in various directions.
At length the jays arrive, whose discordant screams were heard long before, as they were warily making their approach an eighth of a mile off, and in a stealthy and sneaking manner they flit from tree to tree, nearer and nearer, and pick up the kernels which the squirrels have dropped. Then, sitting on a pitch pine bough, they attempt to swallow in their haste a kernel which is too big for their throats and chokes them; and after great labor they disgorge it, and spend an hour in the endeavor to crack it by repeated blows with their bills. They were manifestly thieves, and I had not much respect for them; but the squirrels, though at first shy, went to work as if they were taking what was their own.
Meanwhile also came the chickadees in flocks, which, picking up the crumbs the squirrels had dropped, flew to the nearest twig and, placing them under their claws, hammered away at them with their little bills, as if it were an insect in the bark, till they were sufficiently reduced for their slender throats. A little flock of these titmice came daily to pick a dinner out of my woodpile, or the crumbs at my door, with faint flitting lisping notes, like the tinkling of icicles in the grass, or else with sprightly day day day, or more rarely, in spring-like days, a wiry summery phe-be from the woodside. They were so familiar that at length one alighted on an armful of wood which I was carrying in, and pecked at the sticks without fear. I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulet I could have worn. The squirrels also grew at last to be quite familiar, and occasionally stepped upon my shoe, when that was the nearest way.
When the ground was not yet quite covered, and again near the end of winter, when the snow was melted on my south hillside and about my wood-pile, the partridges came out of the woods morning and evening to feed there. Whichever side you walk in the woods the partridge bursts away on whirring wings, jarring the snow from the dry leaves and twigs on high, which comes sifting down in the sunbeams like golden dust, for this brave bird is not to be scared by winter. It is frequently covered up by drifts, and, it is said, "sometimes plunges from on wing into the soft snow, where it remains concealed for a day or two." I used to start them in the open land also, where they had come out of the woods at sunset to "bud" the wild apple trees. They will come regularly every evening to particular trees, where the cunning sportsman lies in wait for them, and the distant orchards next the woods suffer thus not a little. I am glad that the partridge gets fed, at any rate. It is Nature's own bird which lives on buds and diet drink.
In dark winter mornings, or in short winter afternoons, I sometimes heard a pack of hounds threading all the woods with hounding cry and yelp, unable to resist the instinct of the chase, and the note of the hunting-horn at intervals, proving that man was in the rear. The woods ring again, and yet no fox bursts forth on to the open level of the pond, nor following pack pursuing their Act?on.(7) And perhaps at evening I see the hunters returning with a single brush trailing from their sleigh for a trophy, seeking their inn. They tell me that if the fox would remain in the bosom of the frozen earth he would be safe, or if be would run in a straight line away no foxhound could overtake him; but, having left his pursuers far behind, he stops to rest and listen till they come up, and when he runs he circles round to his old haunts, where the hunters await him. Sometimes, however, he will run upon a wall many rods, and then leap off far to one side, and he appears to know that water will not retain his scent. A hunter told me that he once saw a fox pursued by hounds burst out on to Walden when the ice was covered with shallow puddles, run part way across, and then return to the same shore. Ere long the hounds arrived, but here they lost the scent. Sometimes a pack hunting by themselves would pass my door, and circle round my house, and yelp and hound without regarding me, as if afflicted by a species of madness, so that nothing could divert them from the pursuit. Thus they circle until they fall upon the recent trail of a fox, for a wise hound will forsake everything else for this. One day a man came to my hut from Lexington to inquire after his hound that made a large track, and had been hunting for a week by himself. But I fear that he was not the wiser for all I told him, for every time I attempted to answer his questions he interrupted me by asking, "What do you do here?" He had lost a dog, but found a man.
One old hunter who has a dry tongue, who used to come to bathe in Walden once every year when the water was warmest, and at such times looked in upon me, told me that many years ago he took his gun one afternoon and went out for a cruise in Walden Wood; and as he walked the Wayland road he heard the cry of hounds approaching, and ere long a fox leaped the wall into the road, and as quick as thought leaped the other wall out of the road, and his swift bullet had not touched him. Some way behind came an old hound and her three pups in full pursuit, hunting on their own account, and disappeared again in the woods. Late in the afternoon, as he was resting in the thick woods south of Walden, he heard the voice of the hounds far over toward Fair Haven still pursuing the fox; and on they came, their hounding cry which made all the woods ring sounding nearer and nearer, now from Well Meadow, now from the Baker Farm. For a long time he stood still and listened to their music, so sweet to a hunter's ear, when suddenly the fox appeared, threading the solemn aisles with an easy coursing pace, whose sound was concealed by a sympathetic rustle of the leaves, swift and still, keeping the round, leaving his pursuers far behind; and, leaping upon a rock amid the woods, he sat erect and listening, with his back to the hunter. For a moment compassion restrained the latter's arm; but that was a short-lived mood, and as quick as thought can follow thought his piece was levelled, and whang! — the fox, rolling over the rock, lay dead on the ground. The hunter still kept his place and listened to the hounds. Still on they came, and now the near woods resounded through all their aisles with their demoniac cry. At length the old hound burst into view with muzzle to the ground, and snapping the air as if possessed, and ran directly to the rock; but, spying the dead fox, she suddenly ceased her hounding as if struck dumb with amazement, and walked round and round him in silence; and one by one her pups arrived, and, like their mother, were sobered into silence by the mystery. Then the hunter came forward and stood in their midst, and the mystery was solved. They waited in silence while he skinned the fox, then followed the brush a while, and at length turned off into the woods again. That evening a Weston (8) squire came to the Concord hunter's cottage to inquire for his hounds, and told how for a week they had been hunting on their own account from Weston woods. The Concord hunter told him what he knew and offered him the skin; but the other declined it and departed. He did not find his hounds that night, but the next day learned that they had crossed the river and put up at a farmhouse for the night, whence, having been well fed, they took their departure early in the morning.
The hunter who told me this could remember one Sam Nutting, who used to hunt bears on Fair Haven Ledges, and exchange their skins for rum in Concord village; who told him, even, that he had seen a moose there. Nutting had a famous foxhound named Burgoyne (9) — he pronounced it Bugine — which my informant used to borrow. In the "Wast Book"(10) of an old trader of this town, who was also a captain, town-clerk, and representative, I find the following entry. Jan. 18th, 1742-3, "John Melven Cr. By 1 Grey Fox 0 — 2 — 3"; they are not now found here; and in his ledger, Feb, 7th, 1743, Hezekiah Stratton has credit "by ? a Catt (11) skin 0 — 1— 4?"; of course, a wild-cat, for Stratton was a sergeant in the old French war,(12) and would not have got credit for hunting less noble game. Credit is given for deerskins also, and they were daily sold. One man still preserves the horns of the last deer that was killed in this vicinity, and another has told me the particulars of the hunt in which his uncle was engaged. The hunters were formerly a numerous and merry crew here. I remember well one gaunt Nimrod (13) who would catch up a leaf by the roadside and play a strain on it wilder and more melodious, if my memory serves me, than any hunting-horn.
At midnight, when there was a moon, I sometimes met with hounds in my path prowling about the woods, which would skulk out of my way, as if afraid, and stand silent amid the bushes till I had passed.
Squirrels and wild mice disputed for my store of nuts. There were scores of pitch pines around my house, from one to four inches in diameter, which had been gnawed by mice the previous winter — a Norwegian winter for them, for the snow lay long and deep, and they were obliged to mix a large proportion of pine bark with their other diet. These trees were alive and apparently flourishing at midsummer, and many of them had grown a foot, though completely girdled; but after another winter such were without exception dead. It is remarkable that a single mouse should thus be allowed a whole pine tree for its dinner, gnawing round instead of up and down it; but perhaps it is necessary in order to thin these trees, which are wont to grow up densely.
The hares (Lepus Americanus) were very familiar. One had her form under my house all winter, separated from me only by the flooring, and she startled me each morning by her hasty departure when I began to stir — thump, thump, thump, striking her head against the floor timbers in her hurry. They used to come round my door at dusk to nibble the potato parings which I had thrown out, and were so nearly the color of the ground that they could hardly be distinguished when still. Sometimes in the twilight I alternately lost and recovered sight of one sitting motionless under my window. When I opened my door in the evening, off they would go with a squeak and a bounce. Near at hand they only excited my pity. One evening one sat by my door two paces from me, at first trembling with fear, yet unwilling to move; a poor wee thing, lean and bony, with ragged ears and sharp nose, scant tail and slender paws. It looked as if Nature no longer contained the breed of nobler bloods, but stood on her last toes. Its large eyes appeared young and unhealthy, almost dropsical. I took a step, and lo, away it scud with an elastic spring over the snow-crust, straightening its body and its limbs into graceful length, and soon put the forest between me and itself — the wild free venison, asserting its vigor and the dignity of Nature. Not without reason was its slenderness. Such then was its nature. (Lepus, levipes, light-foot, some think.)
What is a country without rabbits and partridges? They are among the most simple and indigenous animal products; ancient and venerable families known to antiquity as to modern times; of the very hue and substance of Nature, nearest allied to leaves and to the ground — and to one another; it is either winged or it is legged. It is hardly as if you had seen a wild creature when a rabbit or a partridge bursts away, only a natural one, as much to be expected as rustling leaves. The partridge and the rabbit are still sure to thrive, like true natives of the soil, whatever revolutions occur. If the forest is cut off, the sprouts and bushes which spring up afford them concealment, and they become more numerous than ever. That must be a poor country indeed that does not support a hare. Our woods teem with them both, and around every swamp may be seen the partridge or rabbit walk, beset with twiggy fences and horse-hair snares, which some cow-boy tends.

1. the North Atlantic Ocean between Greenland and Canada
2. Thoreau's spelling of Eskimos
3. See: Thoreau’s Career as a Lecturer
4. local or regional language
5. large bay in northern Canada
6. "Before you can say Jack Robinson" - phrase means "immediately"
7. in Greek mythology, a hunter who was changed into a stag, then hunted & killed by his own dogs
8. town near Concord
9. John Burgoyne (1722-92) British general in the American Revolution
10. account book or diary
11. "can it be a Calf? V. Mott ledger near beginning" - Thoreau's note
12. French & Indian War, 1754-60
13. "wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD." - Genesis 10:9, King James version
在冬天夜里,白天也往往是这样,我听到的声音是从很远的地方传来的绝望而旋律优美的枭嗥,这仿佛是用合适的拨子弹拨时,这冰冻的大地发出来的声音,正是瓦尔登森林的 1ingua vernacula①,后来我很熟悉它了,虽然从没有看到过那只枭在歌唱时的样子。
① 拉丁文,地方语言。
通常总是赤松鼠(学名Sciurus Hudsonius)在黎明中把我叫醒的,它在屋脊上奔窜,又在屋子的四侧攀上爬下,好像它们出森林来,就为了这个目的。冬天里,我抛出了大约有半蒲式耳的都是没有熟的玉米穗,抛在门口的积雪之上,然后观察那些给勾引来的各种动物的姿态,这使我发生极大兴趣。黄昏与黑夜中,兔子经常跑来,饱餐一顿。整天里,赤松鼠来来去去,它们的灵活尤其娱悦了我。有一只赤松鼠开始谨慎地穿过矮橡树丛,跑跑停停地在雪地奔驰,像一张叶子给风的溜溜地吹了过来;一忽儿它向这个方向跑了几步,速度惊人,精力也消耗得过了份,它用“跑步”的姿态急跑,快得不可想象,似乎它是来作孤注一掷的,一忽儿它向那个方向也跑那么几步,但每一次总不超出半杆之遥;于是突然间做了一个滑稽的表情停了步,无缘无故地翻一个斤斗,仿佛全宇宙的眼睛都在看着它,——因为一只松鼠的行动,即使在森林最深最寂寞的地方,也好像舞女一样,似乎总是有观众在场的,——它在拖宕,兜圈子中,浪费了更多的时间,如果直线进行,早毕全程,——我却从没有看见过一只松鼠能泰然步行过,——然后,突然,刹那之间,它已经在一个小苍松的顶上,开足了它的发条,责骂一切假想中的观众,又像是在独白,同时又像是在向全宇宙说话,一我丝毫猜不出这是什么理由,我想,它自己也未必说得出理由来。最后,它终于到了玉米旁,拣定一个玉米穗,还是用那不规则三角形的路线跳来跳去,跳到了我窗前堆起的那一堆木料的最高峰上,在那里它从正面看着我,而且一坐就是几个小时,时不时地找来新的玉米穗,起先它贪食着,把半裸的穗轴抛掉;后来它变得更加精灵了,拿了它的食物来玩耍,只吃一粒粒的玉米,而它用一只前掌擎起的玉米穗忽然不小心掉到地上了,它便做出一副不肯定的滑稽的表情来,低头看着玉米穗,好像在怀疑那玉米穗是否是活的,决不定要去拣起来呢,还是该另外去拿一个过来,或者干脆走开;它一忽儿想看玉米穗,一忽儿又听听风里有什么声音。就是这样,这个唐突的家伙一个上午就糟蹋了好些玉米穗;直到最后,它攫起了最长最大的一支,比它自己还大得多,很灵巧地背了就走,回森林去,好像一只老虎背了一只水牛,却还是弯弯曲曲地走,走走又停停,辛辛苦苦前进,好像那玉米穗太重,老是掉落,它让王米穗处在介乎垂直线与地平线之间的对角线状态,决心要把它拿到目的地去;——一个少见的这样轻佻而三心二意的家伙;——这样它把玉米穗带到它住的地方,也许是四五十杆之外的一棵松树的顶上去了,事后我总可以看见,那穗轴被乱掷在森林各处。
野兔子(学名Lepus Americanus)是很常见的,整个冬天,它的身体常活动在我的屋子下面,只有地板隔开了我们,每天早晨,当我开始动弹的时候,它便急促地逃开,惊醒我,——砰,砰,砰,它在匆忙之中,脑袋撞在地板上了。黄昏中,它们常常绕到我的门口来,吃我扔掉的土豆皮,它们和土地的颜色是这样的相似,当静着不动的时候,你几乎辨别不出来。有时在黄昏中,我一忽儿看不见了,一忽儿又看见了那一动不动呆坐在我窗下的野兔子。黄昏时要是我推开了门,它们吱吱地叫,一跃而去。靠近了看它们,只有叫我可怜。有一个晚上,有一只坐在我门口,离我只有两步;起先怕得发抖,可是还不肯跑开,可怜的小东西,瘦得骨头都突出来了,破耳朵,尖鼻子,光尾巴,细脚爪。看起来,仿佛大自然已经没有比它更高贵的品种,只存这样的小东西了。它的大眼睛显得很年轻,可是不健康,几乎像生了水肿病似的。我路上一步,瞧,它弹力很足地一跃而起,奔过了雪地,温文尔雅地伸直了它的身子和四肢,立刻把森林搬到我和它的中间来了,——这野性的自由的肌肉却又说明了大自然的精力和尊严。它的消瘦并不是没有理由的。这便是它的天性。(它的学名Lepus,来自Levipes,足力矫健,有人这样想。)



等级: 热心会员
举报 只看该作者 18楼  发表于: 2014-08-21 0

Former Inhabitants; & Winter Visitors

I WEATHERED SOME merry snow-storms, and spent some cheerful winter evenings by my fireside, while the snow whirled wildly without, and even the hooting of the owl was hushed. For many weeks I met no one in my walks but those who came occasionally to cut wood and sled it to the village. The elements, however, abetted me in making a path through the deepest snow in the woods, for when I had once gone through the wind blew the oak leaves into my tracks, where they lodged, and by absorbing the rays of the sun melted the snow, and so not only made a my bed for my feet, but in the night their dark line was my guide. For human society I was obliged to conjure up the former occupants of these woods. Within the memory of many of my townsmen the road near which my house stands resounded with the laugh and gossip of inhabitants, and the woods which border it were notched and dotted here and there with their little gardens and dwellings, though it was then much more shut in by the forest than now. In some places, within my own remembrance, the pines would scrape both sides of a chaise at once, and women and children who were compelled to go this way to Lincoln alone and on foot did it with fear, and often ran a good part of the distance. Though mainly but a humble route to neighboring villages, or for the woodman's team, it once amused the traveller more than now by its variety, and lingered longer in his memory. Where now firm open fields stretch from the village to the woods, it then ran through a maple swamp on a foundation of logs, the remnants of which, doubtless, still underlie the present dusty highway, from the Stratton, now the Alms-House Farm, to Brister's Hill.
East of my bean-field, across the road, lived Cato Ingraham, slave of Duncan Ingraham, Esquire, gentleman, of Concord village, who built his slave a house, and gave him permission to live in Walden Woods; — Cato, not Uticensis, but Concordiensis.(1) Some say that he was a Guinea Negro. There are a few who remember his little patch among the walnuts, which he let grow up till he should be old and need them; but a younger and whiter speculator got them at last. He too, however, occupies an equally narrow house at present. Cato's half-obliterated cellar-hole still remains, though known to few, being concealed from the traveller by a fringe of pines. It is now filled with the smooth sumach (Rhus glabra), and one of the earliest species of goldenrod (Solidago stricta) grows there luxuriantly.
Here, by the very corner of my field, still nearer to town, Zilpha, a colored woman, had her little house, where she spun linen for the townsfolk, making the Walden Woods ring with her shrill singing, for she had a loud and notable voice. At length, in the war of 1812,(2) her dwelling was set on fire by English soldiers, prisoners on parole, when she was away, and her cat and dog and hens were all burned up together. She led a hard life, and somewhat inhumane. One old frequenter of these woods remembers, that as he passed her house one noon he heard her muttering to herself over her gurgling pot — "Ye are all bones, bones!" I have seen bricks amid the oak copse there.
Down the road, on the right hand, on Brister's Hill, lived Brister Freeman, "a handy Negro," slave of Squire Cummings once — there where grow still the apple trees which Brister planted and tended; large old trees now, but their fruit still wild and ciderish to my taste. Not long since I read his epitaph in the old Lincoln burying-ground, a little on one side, near the unmarked graves of some British grenadiers who fell in the retreat from Concord — where he is styled "Sippio Brister" — Scipio Africanus (3) he had some title to be called — "a man of color," as if he were discolored. It also told me, with staring emphasis, when he died; which was but an indirect way of informing me that he ever lived. With him dwelt Fenda, his hospitable wife, who told fortunes, yet pleasantly — large, round, and black, blacker than any of the children of night, such a dusky orb as never rose on Concord before or since.
Farther down the hill, on the left, on the old road in the woods, are marks of some homestead of the Stratton family; whose orchard once covered all the slope of Brister's Hill, but was long since killed out by pitch pines, excepting a few stumps, whose old roots furnish still the wild stocks of many a thrifty village tree.(4)
Nearer yet to town, you come to Breed's location, on the other side of the way, just on the edge of the wood; ground famous for the pranks of a demon not distinctly named in old mythology, who has acted a prominent and astounding part in our New England life, and deserves, as much as any mythological character, to have his biography written one day; who first comes in the guise of a friend or hired man, and then robs and murders the whole family — New-England Rum. But history must not yet tell the tragedies enacted here; let time intervene in some measure to assuage and lend an azure tint to them. Here the most indistinct and dubious tradition says that once a tavern stood; the well the same, which tempered the traveller's beverage and refreshed his steed. Here then men saluted one another, and heard and told the news, and went their ways again.
Breed's hut was standing only a dozen years ago, though it had long been unoccupied. It was about the size of mine. It was set on fire by mischievous boys, one Election night, if I do not mistake. I lived on the edge of the village then, and had just lost myself over Davenant's (5) "Gondibert," that winter that I labored with a lethargy — which, by the way, I never knew whether to regard as a family complaint, having an uncle (6) who goes to sleep shaving himself, and is obliged to sprout potatoes in a cellar Sundays, in order to keep awake and keep the Sabbath, or as the consequence of my attempt to read Chalmers'(7) collection of English poetry without skipping. It fairly overcame my Nervii. I had just sunk my head on this when the bells rung fire, and in hot haste the engines rolled that way, led by a straggling troop of men and boys, and I among the foremost, for I had leaped the brook. We thought it was far south over the woods — we who had run to fires before — barn, shop, or dwelling-house, or all together. "It's Baker's barn," cried one. "It is the Codman place," affirmed another. And then fresh sparks went up above the wood, as if the roof fell in, and we all shouted "Concord to the rescue!" Wagons shot past with furious speed and crushing loads, bearing, perchance, among the rest, the agent of the Insurance Company, who was bound to go however far; and ever and anon the engine bell tinkled behind, more slow and sure; and rearmost of all, as it was afterward whispered, came they who set the fire and gave the alarm. Thus we kept on like true idealists, rejecting the evidence of our senses, until at a turn in the road we heard the crackling and actually felt the heat of the fire from over the wall, and realized, alas! That we were there. The very nearness of the fire but cooled our ardor. At first we thought to throw a frog-pond on to it; but concluded to let it burn, it was so far gone and so worthless. So we stood round our engine, jostled one another, expressed our sentiments through speaking-trumpets, or in lower tone referred to the great conflagrations which the world has witnessed, including Bascom's shop, and, between ourselves, we thought that, were we there in season with our "tub,"(8) and a full frog-pond by, we could turn that threatened last and universal one into another flood. We finally retreated without doing any mischief — returned to sleep and "Gondibert."(9) But as for "Gondibert," I would except that passage in the preface about wit being the soul's powder — "but most of mankind are strangers to wit, as Indians are to powder."
It chanced that I walked that way across the fields the following night, about the same hour, and hearing a low moaning at this spot, I drew near in the dark, and discovered the only survivor of the family that I know, the heir of both its virtues and its vices, who alone was interested in this burning, lying on his stomach and looking over the cellar wall at the still smouldering cinders beneath, muttering to himself, as is his wont. He had been working far off in the river meadows all day, and had improved the first moments that he could call his own to visit the home of his fathers and his youth. He gazed into the cellar from all sides and points of view by turns, always lying down to it, as if there was some treasure, which he remembered, concealed between the stones, where there was absolutely nothing but a heap of bricks and ashes. The house being gone, he looked at what there was left. He was soothed by the sympathy which my mere presence, implied, and showed me, as well as the darkness permitted, where the well was covered up; which, thank Heaven, could never be burned; and he groped long about the wall to find the well-sweep which his father had cut and mounted, feeling for the iron hook or staple by which a burden had been fastened to the heavy end — all that he could now cling to — to convince me that it was no common "rider.(10)" I felt it, and still remark it almost daily in my walks, for by it hangs the history of a family.
Once more, on the left, where are seen the well and lilac bushes by the wall, in the now open field, lived Nutting and Le Grosse. But to return toward Lincoln.
Farther in the woods than any of these, where the road approaches nearest to the pond, Wyman the potter squatted, and furnished his townsmen with earthenware, and left descendants to succeed him. Neither were they rich in worldly goods, holding the land by sufferance while they lived; and there often the sheriff came in vain to collect the taxes, and "attached a chip," for form's sake, as I have read in his accounts, there being nothing else that he could lay his hands on. One day in midsummer, when I was hoeing, a man who was carrying a load of pottery to market stopped his horse against my field and inquired concerning Wyman the younger. He had long ago bought a potter's wheel of him, and wished to know what had become of him. I had read of the potter's clay and wheel in Scripture, but it had never occurred to me that the pots we use were not such as had come down unbroken from those days, or grown on trees like gourds somewhere, and I was pleased to hear that so fictile an art was ever practiced in my neighborhood.
The last inhabitant of these woods before me was an Irishman, Hugh Quoil (if I have spelt his name with coil enough), who occupied Wyman's tenement — Col. Quoil, he was called. Rumor said that he had been a soldier at Waterloo. If he had lived I should have made him fight his battles over again. His trade here was that of a ditcher. Napoleon went to St. Helena; Quoil came to Walden Woods. All I know of him is tragic. He was a man of manners, like one who had seen the world, and was capable of more civil speech than you could well attend to. He wore a greatcoat in midsummer, being affected with the trembling delirium, and his face was the color of carmine. He died in the road at the foot of Brister's Hill shortly after I came to the woods, so that I have not remembered him as a neighbor. Before his house was pulled down, when his comrades avoided it as "an unlucky castle," I visited it. There lay his old clothes curled up by use, as if they were himself, upon his raised plank bed. His pipe lay broken on the hearth, instead of a bowl broken at the fountain. The last could never have been the symbol of his death, for he confessed to me that, though he had heard of Brister's Spring, he had never seen it; and soiled cards, kings of diamonds, spades, and hearts, were scattered over the floor. One black chicken which the administrator could not catch, black as night and as silent, not even croaking, awaiting Reynard, still went to roost in the next apartment. In the rear there was the dim outline of a garden, which had been planted but had never received its first hoeing, owing to those terrible shaking fits, though it was now harvest time. It was overrun with Roman wormwood and beggar-ticks, which last stuck to my clothes for all fruit. The skin of a woodchuck was freshly stretched upon the back of the house, a trophy of his last Waterloo;(11) but no warm cap or mittens would he want more.
Now only a dent in the earth marks the site of these dwellings, with buried cellar stones, and strawberries, raspberries, thimble-berries, hazel-bushes, and sumachs growing in the sunny sward there; some pitch pine or gnarled oak occupies what was the chimney nook, and a sweet-scented black birch, perhaps, waves where the door-stone was. Sometimes the well dent is visible, where once a spring oozed; now dry and tearless grass; or it was covered deep — not to be discovered till some late day — with a flat stone under the sod, when the last of the race departed. What a sorrowful act must that be — the covering up of wells! Coincident with the opening of wells of tears. These cellar dents, like deserted fox burrows, old holes, are all that is left where once were the stir and bustle of human life, and "fate, free will, foreknowledge absolute,"(12) in some form and dialect or other were by turns discussed. But all I can learn of their conclusions amounts to just this, that "Cato and Brister pulled wool"; which is about as edifying as the history of more famous schools of philosophy.
Still grows the vivacious lilac a generation after the door and lintel and the sill are gone, unfolding its sweet-scented flowers each spring, to be plucked by the musing traveller; planted and tended once by children's hands, in front-yard plots — now standing by wallsides in retired pastures, and giving place to new-rising forests; — the last of that stirp, sole survivor of that family. Little did the dusky children think that the puny slip with its two eyes only, which they stuck in the ground in the shadow of the house and daily watered, would root itself so, and outlive them, and house itself in the rear that shaded it, and grown man's garden and orchard, and tell their story faintly to the lone wanderer a half-century after they had grown up and died — blossoming as fair, and smelling as sweet, as in that first spring. I mark its still tender, civil, cheerful lilac colors.
But this small village, germ of something more, why did it fail while Concord keeps its ground? Were there no natural advantages — no water privileges, forsooth? Ay, the deep Walden Pond and cool Brister's Spring — privilege to drink long and healthy draughts at these, all unimproved by these men but to dilute their glass. They were universally a thirsty race. Might not the basket, stable-broom, mat-making, corn-parching, linen-spinning, and pottery business have thrived here, making the wilderness to blossom like the rose, and a numerous posterity have inherited the land of their fathers? The sterile soil would at least have been proof against a low-land degeneracy. Alas! How little does the memory of these human inhabitants enhance the beauty of the landscape! Again, perhaps, Nature will try, with me for a first settler, and my house raised last spring to be the oldest in the hamlet.
I am not aware that any man has ever built on the spot which I occupy. Deliver me from a city built on the site of a more ancient city, whose materials are ruins, whose gardens cemeteries. The soil is blanched and accursed there, and before that becomes necessary the earth itself will be destroyed. With such reminiscences I repeopled the woods and lulled myself asleep.
At this season I seldom had a visitor. When the snow lay deepest no wanderer ventured near my house for a week or fortnight at a time, but there I lived as snug as a meadow mouse, or as cattle and poultry which are said to have survived for a long time buried in drifts, even without food; or like that early settler's family in the town of Sutton, in this State, whose cottage was completely covered by the great snow of 1717 when he was absent, and an Indian found it only by the hole which the chimney's breath made in the drift, and so relieved the family. But no friendly Indian concerned himself about me; nor needed he, for the master of the house was at home. The Great Snow! How cheerful it is to hear of! When the farmers could not get to the woods and swamps with their teams, and were obliged to cut down the shade trees before their houses, and, when the crust was harder, cut off the trees in the swamps, ten feet from the ground, as it appeared the next spring.
In the deepest snows, the path which I used from the highway to my house, about half a mile long, might have been represented by a meandering dotted line, with wide intervals between the dots. For a week of even weather I took exactly the same number of steps, and of the same length, coming and going, stepping deliberately and with the precision of a pair of dividers in my own deep tracks — to such routine the winter reduces us — yet often they were filled with heaven's own blue. But no weather interfered fatally with my walks, or rather my going abroad, for I frequently tramped eight or ten miles through the deepest snow to keep an appointment with a beech tree, or a yellow birch, or an old acquaintance among the pines; when the ice and snow causing their limbs to droop, and so sharpening their tops, had changed the pines into fir trees; wading to the tops of the highest hills when the show was nearly two feet deep on a level, and shaking down another snow-storm on my head at every step; or sometimes creeping and floundering thither on my hands and knees, when the hunters had gone into winter quarters. One afternoon I amused myself by watching a barred owl (Strix nebulosa) sitting on one of the lower dead limbs of a white pine, close to the trunk, in broad daylight, I standing within a rod of him. He could hear me when I moved and cronched the snow with my feet, but could not plainly see me. When I made most noise he would stretch out his neck, and erect his neck feathers, and open his eyes wide; but their lids soon fell again, and he began to nod. I too felt a slumberous influence after watching him half an hour, as he sat thus with his eyes half open, like a cat, winged brother of the cat. There was only a narrow slit left between their lids, by which be preserved a pennisular relation to me; thus, with half-shut eyes, looking out from the land of dreams, and endeavoring to realize me, vague object or mote that interrupted his visions. At length, on some louder noise or my nearer approach, he would grow uneasy and sluggishly turn about on his perch, as if impatient at having his dreams disturbed; and when he launched himself off and flapped through the pines, spreading his wings to unexpected breadth, I could not hear the slightest sound from them. Thus, guided amid the pine boughs rather by a delicate sense of their neighborhood than by sight, feeling his twilight way, as it were, with his sensitive pinions, he found a new perch, where he might in peace await the dawning of his day.
As I walked over the long causeway made for the railroad through the meadows, I encountered many a blustering and nipping wind, for nowhere has it freer play; and when the frost had smitten me on one cheek, heathen as I was, I turned to it the other also. Nor was it much better by the carriage road from Brister's Hill. For I came to town still, like a friendly Indian, when the contents of the broad open fields were all piled up between the walls of the Walden road, and half an hour sufficed to obliterate the tracks of the last traveller. And when I returned new drifts would have formed, through which I floundered, where the busy northwest wind had been depositing the powdery snow round a sharp angle in the road, and not a rabbit's track, nor even the fine print, the small type, of a meadow mouse was to be seen. Yet I rarely failed to find, even in midwinter, some warm and springly swamp where the grass and the skunk-cabbage still put forth with perennial verdure, and some hardier bird occasionally awaited the return of spring.
Sometimes, notwithstanding the snow, when I returned from my walk at evening I crossed the deep tracks of a woodchopper leading from my door, and found his pile of whittlings on the hearth, and my house filled with the odor of his pipe. Or on a Sunday afternoon, if I chanced to be at home, I heard the cronching of the snow made by the step of a long-headed farmer, who from far through the woods sought my house, to have a social "crack"; one of the few of his vocation who are "men on their farms";(13) who donned a frock instead of a professor's gown, and is as ready to extract the moral out of church or state as to haul a load of manure from his barn-yard. We talked of rude and simple times, when men sat about large fires in cold, bracing weather, with clear heads; and when other dessert failed, we tried our teeth on many a nut which wise squirrels have long since abandoned, for those which have the thickest shells are commonly empty.
The one who came from farthest to my lodge, through deepest snows and most dismal tempests, was a poet.(14) A farmer, a hunter, a soldier, a reporter, even a philosopher, may be daunted; but nothing can deter a poet, for he is actuated by pure love. Who can predict his comings and goings? His business calls him out at all hours, even when doctors sleep. We made that small house ring with boisterous mirth and resound with the murmur of much sober talk, making amends then to Walden vale for the long silences. Broadway was still and deserted in comparison. At suitable intervals there were regular salutes of laughter, which might have been referred indifferently to the last-uttered or the forth-coming jest. We made many a "bran new" theory of life over a thin dish of gruel, which combined the advantages of conviviality with the clear-headedness which philosophy requires.
I should not forget that during my last winter at the pond there was another welcome visitor,(15) who at one time came through the village, through snow and rain and darkness, till he saw my lamp through the trees, and shared with me some long winter evenings. One of the last of the philosophers — Connecticut gave him to the world — he peddled first her wares, afterwards, as he declares, his brains. These he peddles still, prompting God and disgracing man, bearing for fruit his brain only, like the nut its kernel. I think that he must be the man of the most faith of any alive. His words and attitude always suppose a better state of things than other men are acquainted with, and he will be the last man to be disappointed as the ages revolve. He has no venture in the present. But though comparatively disregarded now, when his day comes, laws unsuspected by most will take effect, and masters of families and rulers will come to him for advice.
"How blind that cannot see serenity!"(16)
A true friend of man; almost the only friend of human progress. An Old Mortality,(17) say rather an Immortality, with unwearied patience and faith making plain the image engraven in men's bodies, the God of whom they are but defaced and leaning monuments. With his hospitable intellect he embraces children, beggars, insane, and scholars, and entertains the thought of all, adding to it commonly some breadth and elegance. I think that he should keep a caravansary on the world's highway, where philosophers of all nations might put up, and on his sign should be printed, "Entertainment for man, but not for his beast. Enter ye that have leisure and a quiet mind, who earnestly seek the right road." He is perhaps the sanest man and has the fewest crotchets of any I chance to know; the same yesterday and tomorrow. Of yore we had sauntered and talked, and effectually put the world behind us; for he was pledged to no institution in it, freeborn, ingenuus. Whichever way we turned, it seemed that the heavens and the earth had met together, since he enhanced the beauty of the landscape. A blue-robed man, whose fittest roof is the overarching sky which reflects his serenity. I do not see how he can ever die; Nature cannot spare him.
Having each some shingles of thought well dried, we sat and whittled them, trying our knives, and admiring the clear yellowish grain of the pumpkin pine. We waded so gently and reverently, or we pulled together so smoothly, that the fishes of thought were not scared from the stream, nor feared any angler on the bank, but came and went grandly, like the clouds which float through the western sky, and the mother-o'-pearl flocks which sometimes form and dissolve there. There we worked, revising mythology, rounding a fable here and there, and building castles in the air for which earth offered no worthy foundation. Great Looker! Great Expecter! To converse with whom was a New England Night's Entertainment. Ah! Such discourse we had, hermit and philosopher, and the old settler I have spoken of — we three — it expanded and racked my little house; I should not dare to say how many pounds' weight there was above the atmospheric pressure on every circular inch; it opened its seams so that they had to be calked with much dulness thereafter to stop the consequent leak; — but I had enough of that kind of oakum already picked.
There was one other (18) with whom I had "solid seasons," long to be remembered, at his house in the village, and who looked in upon me from time to time; but I had no more for society there.
There too, as everywhere, I sometimes expected the Visitor who never comes. The Vishnu Purana (19) says, "The house-holder is to remain at eventide in his courtyard as long as it takes to milk a cow, or longer if he pleases, to await the arrival of a guest." I often performed this duty of hospitality, waited long enough to milk a whole herd of cows, but did not see the man approaching from the town.

1. not the Roman Marcus Porcius Cato (95-46 B.C.), but Cato of Concord
2. British prisoners were in Concord during the War of 1812
3. title given a Roman general after the defeat of Hannibal
4. Thoreau's note: "Surveying for Cyrus Jarvis Dec. 23d 56 — he shows me a deed of this lot contaning 6 A. 52 rods all on the W. of the Wayland Road — & 'consisting of plowland, orcharding & woodland,' sold by Joseph Stratton to Samual Swan of Concord In holder Aug. 11th 1777"
5. William D'Avenant (1606-1668) English dramatist and poet
6. Thoreau's eccentric uncle Charles Dunbar, who discovered a graphite deposit, started the Thoreau pencil business, and often lived with the Thoreaus
7. Alexander Chalmers (1759-1834) Scottish biographer and editor
8. hand pulled fire engine
9. epic poem by William D' Avenant, written in the Tour of London in 1650
10. part of a wooden fence
11. 1815 battle in which Wellington defeated Napoleon
12. John Milton (1608-1674) English poet Paradise Lost
13. reference to Emerson's The American Scholar, "The planter, who is Man sent out into the field to gather food, is seldom cheered by any idea of the true dignity of his ministry. He sees his bushel and his cart, and nothing beyond, and sinks into the farmer, instead of Man on the farm."
14. Thoreau's friend Ellery Channing
15. Amos Bronson Alcott (1799-1888), Transcendentalist and teacher - Walter Harding wrote that "Thoreau was one of the first to to recognize his strange genius, and Alcott one of the first to recognize Thoreau's."
16. Thomas Storer, Life and Death of Thomas Wolsey, Cardinal, 1599
17. title and central character on a novel by Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832)
18. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), Thoreau's good friend
19. Hindu religious text; there are 18 Puranas (and 18 chapters in Walden)
在我的豆田之东,路的那一边,卡托·殷格拉汉姆曾居住过,他是康科德的乡绅邓肯·殷格拉汉姆老爷的奴隶;他给他的奴隶造了一座房子,还允许他住在瓦尔登林中,——这个卡托不是尤蒂卡的那个①,而是康科德人。有人说他是几内亚的黑人。有少数人还记得他胡桃林中的一块小地,他将它培育成林了,希望老了以后,需要的时候可以有用处;一个年轻白种人的投机家后来买下了它。现在他也有一所狭长的房子。卡托的那个半已消失无踪的地窖窟窿至今还在,却很少人知道了,因为有一行松树遮去了旅行家的视线。现在那里满是平滑的黄栌树(学名Rhus glabra),还有很原始的一种黄色紫菀(学名Solidago stricta),也在那里很茂郁地生长着。
① 指罗马哲学家、爱国志士卡托(公元前95- 公元前46)。
② 斯基比奥·阿非利加努斯(公元前237- 约公元前183),古罗马将军,侵入非洲,打败汉尼拔。
③ 德芙南特(1606- 1668),英国剧作家。
① 查尔末斯(1759- 1834),英国作家,编辑。
① 拿破仑在滑铁卢战役失败后,被流放于圣赫勒拿岛。1821年病死该岛。
② 典出12世纪到13世纪形成的法国讽刺故事诗《列那狐的故事》中的《列那狐和公鸡商特克莱》。诡计多端的列那狐到一座庄园里去偷鸡,公鸡上当被咬住,最后设法逃脱。
积雪最深时,从公路到我家有半英里长的那条路,好像是迂回曲折的虚线,每两点之间都有很大的空白。一连平静一星期的天气中,我总是跨出同样的步数,同样大小的步伐,谨慎地行走,像一只两脚规一样地准确,老在我自己的深深的足印上,——冬天把我们局限在这样的路线上了,——可是这些足印往往反映出天空的蔚蓝色。其实不管什么天气,都没有致命地阻挠过我的步行,或者说,我的出门,因为我常常在最深的积雪之中,步行八英里或十英里,专为了践约,我和一株山毛榉,或一株黄杨,或松林中的一个旧相识,是定了约会时间的,那时冰雪压得它们的四肢都挂下来了,树顶就更尖,松树的样子倒像铁杉木;有时,我跋涉在两英尺深的积雪中,到了最高的山顶,我每跨一步,都得把我头顶上的一大团雪摇落下来;有几次我索性手脚都扑在地上爬行了,因为我知道猎户都躲在家里过冬天。有一个下午,我饶有兴味地观察一个有条纹的猫头鹰(学名Strix nebulosa),它坐在一株白松的下面的枯枝上,靠近了树干,在光天化日之下,我站在高它不到一杆的地方,当我移动时,步履踏在雪上的声音,它可以听到的,可是它看不清我。我发出了很大的声音来,它就伸伸脖子,竖起了它颈上的羽毛,睁大了眼睛;可是,立刻它又把眼皮阖上了,开始点头打瞌睡了。这样观察了半个小时之后,我自己也睡意蒙眬起来,它半开眼睛地睡着,真像一只猫,它是猫的有翅膀的哥哥。眼皮之间,它只开一条小缝,这样它和我保持了一个半岛形的关系;这样,从它的梦的土地上望我,极力想知道我是谁,是哪个朦胧的物体,或是它眼睛中的一粒灰尘在遮住它的视线。最后,或许是更响的声音,或许是我更接近了它使它不安了,在丫枝上蹒跚地转一个身,好像它的美梦被扰乱了,它颇不以为然;而当它展翅飞了起来,在松林中翱翔的时候,它的翅膀是出人意料地展开得很大,可我一点儿声音也听不到。就这样,它似乎不是用视觉,而是用感觉,在松枝之间缭绕,仿佛它那羽毛都有感觉一样,在阴暗之中,它找到了一个新的枝头,飞了上去,栖息在上页,在那儿它可以安静地等待他的一天的黎明了。
① 引自汤麦斯·斯多雷的《汤麦斯·华司来主教的生与死》(1599年)。



等级: 热心会员
举报 只看该作者 17楼  发表于: 2014-08-21 0
House-Warming 室内的取暖
IN OCTOBER I went a-graping to the river meadows, and loaded myself with clusters more precious for their beauty and fragrance than for food.(1) There, too, I admired, though I did not gather, the cranberries, small waxen gems, pendants of the meadow grass, pearly and red, which the farmer plucks with an ugly rake, leaving the smooth meadow in a snarl, heedlessly measuring them by the bushel and the dollar only, and sells the spoils of the meads to Boston and New York; destined to be jammed, to satisfy the tastes of lovers of Nature there. So butchers rake the tongues of bison out of the prairie grass, regardless of the torn and drooping plant. The barberry's brilliant fruit was likewise food for my eyes merely; but I collected a small store of wild apples for coddling, which the proprietor and travellers had overlooked. When chestnuts were ripe I laid up half a bushel for winter. It was very exciting at that season to roam the then boundless chestnut woods of Lincoln — they now sleep their long sleep under the railroad — with a bag on my shoulder, and a stick to open burs with in my hand, for I did not always wait for the frost, amid the rustling of leaves and the loud reproofs of the red squirrels and the jays, whose half-consumed nuts I sometimes stole, for the burs which they had selected were sure to contain sound ones. Occasionally I climbed and shook the trees. They grew also behind my house, and one large tree, which almost overshadowed it, was, when in flower, a bouquet which scented the whole neighborhood, but the squirrels and the jays got most of its fruit; the last coming in flocks early in the morning and picking the nuts out of the burs before they fell, I relinquished these trees to them and visited the more distant woods composed wholly of chestnut. These nuts, as far as they went, were a good substitute for bread. Many other substitutes might, perhaps, be found. Digging one day for fishworms, I discovered the ground-nut (Apios tuberosa) on its string, the potato of the aborigines, a sort of fabulous fruit, which I had begun to doubt if I had ever dug and eaten in childhood, as I had told, and had not dreamed it. I had often since seen its crumpled red velvety blossom supported by the stems of other plants without knowing it to be the same. Cultivation has well-nigh exterminated it. It has a sweetish taste, much like that of a frost-bitten potato, and I found it better boiled than roasted. This tuber seemed like a faint promise of Nature to rear her own children and feed them simply here at some future period. In these days of fatted cattle and waving grain-fields this humble root, which was once the totem of an Indian tribe, is quite forgotten, or known only by its flowering vine; but let wild Nature reign here once more, and the tender and luxurious English grains will probably disappear before a myriad of foes, and without the care of man the crow may carry back even the last seed of corn to the great cornfield of the Indian's God in the southwest, whence he is said to have brought it; but the now almost exterminated ground-nut will perhaps revive and flourish in spite of frosts and wildness, prove itself indigenous, and resume its ancient importance and dignity as the diet of the hunter tribe. Some Indian Ceres or Minerva (2) must have been the inventor and bestower of it; and when the reign of poetry commences here, its leaves and string of nuts may be represented on our works of art.
Already, by the first of September, I had seen two or three small maples turned scarlet across the pond, beneath where the white stems of three aspens diverged, at the point of a promontory, next the water. Ah, many a tale their color told! And gradually from week to week the character of each tree came out, and it admired itself reflected in the smooth mirror of the lake. Each morning the manager of this gallery substituted some new picture, distinguished by more brilliant or harmonious coloring, for the old upon the walls.
The wasps came by thousands to my lodge in October, as to winter quarters, and settled on my windows within and on the walls overhead, sometimes deterring visitors from entering. Each morning, when they were numbed with cold, I swept some of them out, but I did not trouble myself much to get rid of them; I even felt complimented by their regarding my house as a desirable shelter. They never molested me seriously, though they bedded with me; and they gradually disappeared, into what crevices I do not know, avoiding winter and unspeakable cold.
Like the wasps, before I finally went into winter quarters in November, I used to resort to the northeast side of Walden, which the sun, reflected from the pitch pine woods and the stony shore, made the fireside of the pond; it is so much pleasanter and wholesomer to be warmed by the sun while you can be, than by an artificial fire. I thus warmed myself by the still glowing embers which the summer, like a departed hunter, had left.
When I came to build my chimney I studied masonry. My bricks, being second-hand ones, required to be cleaned with a trowel, so that I learned more than usual of the qualities of bricks and trowels. The mortar on them was fifty years old, and was said to be still growing harder; but this is one of those sayings which men love to repeat whether they are true or not. Such sayings themselves grow harder and adhere more firmly with age, and it would take many blows with a trowel to clean an old wiseacre of them. Many of the villages of Mesopotamia are built of second-hand bricks of a very good quality, obtained from the ruins of Babylon, and the cement on them is older and probably harder still. However that may be, I was struck by the peculiar toughness of the steel which bore so many violent blows without being worn out. As my bricks had been in a chimney before, though I did not read the name of Nebuchadnezzar (3) on them, I picked out its many fireplace bricks as I could find, to save work and waste, and I filled the spaces between the bricks about the fireplace with stones from the pond shore, and also made my mortar with the white sand from the same place. I lingered most about the fireplace, as the most vital part of the house. Indeed, I worked so deliberately, that though I commenced at the ground in the morning, a course of bricks raised a few inches above the floor served for my pillow at night; yet I did not get a stiff neck for it that I remember; my stiff neck is of older date. I took a poet (4) to board for a fortnight about those times, which caused me to be put to it for room. He brought his own knife, though I had two, and we used to scour them by thrusting them into the earth. He shared with me the labors of cooking. I was pleased to see my work rising so square and solid by degrees, and reflected, that, if it proceeded slowly, it was calculated to endure a long time. The chimney is to some extent an independent structure, standing on the ground, and rising through the house to the heavens; even after the house is burned it still stands sometimes, and its importance and independence are apparent. This was toward the end of summer. It was now November.
The north wind had already begun to cool the pond, though it took many weeks of steady blowing to accomplish it, it is so deep. When I began to have a fire at evening, before I plastered my house, the chimney carried smoke particularly well, because of the numerous chinks between the boards. Yet I passed some cheerful evenings in that cool and airy apartment, surrounded by the rough brown boards full of knots, and rafters with the bark on high overhead. My house never pleased my eye so much after it was plastered, though I was obliged to confess that it was more comfortable. Should not every apartment in which man dwells be lofty enough to create some obscurity overhead, where flickering shadows may play at evening about the rafters? These forms are more agreeable to the fancy and imagination than fresco paintings or other the most expensive furniture. I now first began to inhabit my house, I may say, when I began to use it for warmth as well as shelter. I had got a couple of old fire-dogs to keep the wood from the hearth, and it did me good to see the soot form on the back of the chimney which I had built, and I poked the fire with more right and more satisfaction than usual. My dwelling was small, and I could hardly entertain an echo in it; but it seemed larger for being a single apartment and remote from neighbors. All the attractions of a house were concentrated in one room; it was kitchen, chamber, parlor, and keeping-room;(5) and whatever satisfaction parent or child, master or servant, derive from living in a house, I enjoyed it all. Cato (6) says, the master of a family (patremfamilias) must have in his rustic villa "cellam oleariam, vinariam, dolia multa, uti lubeat caritatem expectare, et rei, et virtuti, et gloriae erit," that is, "an oil and wine cellar, many casks, so that it may be pleasant to expect hard times; it will be for his advantage, and virtue, and glory." I had in my cellar a firkin of potatoes, about two quarts of peas with the weevil in them, and on my shelf a little rice, a jug of molasses, and of rye and Indian meal a peck each.
I sometimes dream of a larger and more populous house, standing in a golden age, of enduring materials, and without gingerbread work, which shall still consist of only one room, a vast, rude, substantial, primitive hall, without ceiling or plastering, with bare rafters and purlins supporting a sort of lower heaven over one's head — useful to keep off rain and snow, where the king and queen posts stand out to receive your homage, when you have done reverence to the prostrate Saturn (7) of an older dynasty on stepping over the sill; a cavernous house, wherein you must reach up a torch upon a pole to see the roof; where some may live in the fireplace, some in the recess of a window, and some on settles, some at one end of the hall, some at another, and some aloft on rafters with the spiders, if they choose; a house which you have got into when you have opened the outside door, and the ceremony is over; where the weary traveller may wash, and eat, and converse, and sleep, without further journey; such a shelter as you would be glad to reach in a tempestuous night, containing all the essentials of a house, and nothing for house-keeping; where you can see all the treasures of the house at one view, and everything hangs upon its peg, that a man should use; at once kitchen, pantry, parlor, chamber, storehouse, and garret; where you can see so necessary a thing, as a barrel or a ladder, so convenient a thing as a cupboard, and hear the pot boil, and pay your respects to the fire that cooks your dinner, and the oven that bakes your bread, and the necessary furniture and utensils are the chief ornaments; where the washing is not put out, nor the fire, nor the mistress, and perhaps you are sometimes requested to move from off the trap-door, when the cook would descend into the cellar, and so learn whether the ground is solid or hollow beneath you without stamping. A house whose inside is as open and manifest as a bird's nest, and you cannot go in at the front door and out at the back without seeing some of its inhabitants; where to be a guest is to be presented with the freedom of the house, and not to be carefully excluded from seven eighths of it, shut up in a particular cell, and told to make yourself at home there — in solitary confinement. Nowadays the host does not admit you to his hearth, but has got the mason to build one for yourself somewhere in his alley, and hospitality is the art of keeping you at the greatest distance. There is as much secrecy about the cooking as if he had a design to poison you. I am aware that I have been on many a man's premises, and might have been legally ordered off, but I am not aware that I have been in many men's houses. I might visit in my old clothes a king and queen who lived simply in such a house as I have described, if I were going their way; but backing out of a modern palace will be all that I shall desire to learn, if ever I am caught in one.
It would seem as if the very language of our parlors would lose all its nerve and degenerate into parlaver (8) wholly, our lives pass at such remoteness from its symbols, and its metaphors and tropes are necessarily so far fetched, through slides and dumb-waiters, as it were; in other words, the parlor is so far from the kitchen and workshop. The dinner even is only the parable of a dinner, commonly. As if only the savage dwelt near enough to Nature and Truth to borrow a trope from them. How can the scholar, who dwells away in the North West Territory (9) or the Isle of Man,(10) tell what is parliamentary in the kitchen?
However, only one or two of my guests were ever bold enough to stay and eat a hasty-pudding with me; but when they saw that crisis approaching they beat a hasty retreat rather, as if it would shake the house to its foundations. Nevertheless, it stood through a great many hasty-puddings.
I did not plaster till it was freezing weather. I brought over some whiter and cleaner sand for this purpose from the opposite shore of the pond in a boat, a sort of conveyance which would have tempted me to go much farther if necessary. My house had in the meanwhile been shingled down to the ground on every side. In lathing I was pleased to be able to send home each nail with a single blow of the hammer, and it was my ambition to transfer the plaster from the board to the wall neatly and rapidly. I remembered the story of a conceited fellow, who, in fine clothes, was wont to lounge about the village once, giving advice to workmen. Venturing one day to substitute deeds for words, he turned up his cuffs, seized a plasterer's board, and having loaded his trowel without mishap, with a complacent look toward the lathing overhead, made a bold gesture thitherward; and straightway, to his complete discomfiture, received the whole contents in his ruffled bosom. I admired anew the economy and convenience of plastering, which so effectually shuts out the cold and takes a handsome finish, and I learned the various casualties to which the plasterer is liable. I was surprised to see how thirsty the bricks were which drank up all the moisture in my plaster before I had smoothed it, and how many pailfuls of water it takes to christen a new hearth. I had the previous winter made a small quantity of lime by burning the shells of the Unio fluviatilis,(11) which our river affords, for the sake of the experiment; so that I knew where my materials came from. I might have got good limestone within a mile or two and burned it myself, if I had cared to do so.
The pond had in the meanwhile skimmed over in the shadiest and shallowest coves, some days or even weeks before the general freezing. The first ice is especially interesting and perfect, being hard, dark, and transparent, and affords the best opportunity that ever offers for examining the bottom where it is shallow; for you can lie at your length on ice only an inch thick, like a skater insect on the surface of the water, and study the bottom at your leisure, only two or three inches distant, like a picture behind a glass, and the water is necessarily always smooth then. There are many furrows in the sand where some creature has travelled about and doubled on its tracks; and, for wrecks, it is strewn with the cases of caddis-worms made of minute grains of white quartz. Perhaps these have creased it, for you find some of their cases in the furrows, though they are deep and broad for them to make. But the ice itself is the object of most interest, though you must improve the earliest opportunity to study it. If you examine it closely the morning after it freezes, you find that the greater part of the bubbles, which at first appeared to be within it, are against its under surface, and that more are continually rising from the bottom; while the ice is as yet comparatively solid and dark, that is, you see the water through it. These bubbles are from an eightieth to an eighth of an inch in diameter, very clear and beautiful, and you see your face reflected in them through the ice. There may be thirty or forty of them to a square inch. There are also already within the ice narrow oblong perpendicular bubbles about half an inch long, sharp cones with the apex upward; or oftener, if the ice is quite fresh, minute spherical bubbles one directly above another, like a string of beads. But these within the ice are not so numerous nor obvious as those beneath. I sometimes used to cast on stones to try the strength of the ice, and those which broke through carried in air with them, which formed very large and conspicuous white bubbles beneath. One day when I came to the same place forty-eight hours afterward, I found that those large bubbles were still perfect, though an inch more of ice had formed, as I could see distinctly by the seam in the edge of a cake. But as the last two days had been very warm, like an Indian summer, the ice was not now transparent, showing the dark green color of the water, and the bottom, but opaque and whitish or gray, and though twice as thick was hardly stronger than before, for the air bubbles had greatly expanded under this heat and run together, and lost their regularity; they were no longer one directly over another, but often like silvery coins poured from a bag, one overlapping another, or in thin flakes, as if occupying slight cleavages. The beauty of the ice was gone, and it was too late to study the bottom. Being curious to know what position my great bubbles occupied with regard to the new ice, I broke out a cake containing a middling sized one, and turned it bottom upward. The new ice had formed around and under the bubble, so that it was included between the two ices. It was wholly in the lower ice, but close against the upper, and was flattish, or perhaps slightly lenticular, with a rounded edge, a quarter of an inch deep by four inches in diameter; and I was surprised to find that directly under the bubble the ice was melted with great regularity in the form of a saucer reversed, to the height of five eighths of an inch in the middle, leaving a thin partition there between the water and the bubble, hardly an eighth of an inch thick; and in many places the small bubbles in this partition had burst out downward, and probably there was no ice at all under the largest bubbles, which were a foot in diameter. I inferred that the infinite number of minute bubbles which I had first seen against the under surface of the ice were now frozen in likewise, and that each, in its degree, had operated like a burning-glass on the ice beneath to melt and rot it. These are the little air-guns which contribute to make the ice crack and whoop.
At length the winter set in good earnest, just as I had finished plastering, and the wind began to howl around the house as if it had not had permission to do so till then. Night after night the geese came lumbering in the dark with a clangor and a whistling of wings, even after the ground was covered with snow, some to alight in Walden, and some flying low over the woods toward Fair Haven, bound for Mexico. Several times, when returning from the village at ten or eleven o'clock at night, I heard the tread of a flock of geese, or else ducks, on the dry leaves in the woods by a pond-hole behind my dwelling, where they had come up to feed, and the faint honk or quack of their leader as they hurried off. In 1845 Walden froze entirely over for the first time on the night of the 22d of December, Flint's and other shallower ponds and the river having been frozen ten days or more; in '46, the 16th; in '49, about the 31st; and in '50, about the 27th of December; in '52, the 5th of January; in '53, the 31st of December. The snow had already covered the ground since the 25th of November, and surrounded me suddenly with the scenery of winter. I withdrew yet farther into my shell, and endeavored to keep a bright fire both within my house and within my breast. My employment out of doors now was to collect the dead wood in the forest, bringing it in my hands or on my shoulders, or sometimes trailing a dead pine tree under each arm to my shed. An old forest fence which had seen its best days was a great haul for me. I sacrificed it to Vulcan, for it was past serving the god Terminus.(12) How much more interesting an event is that man's supper who has just been forth in the snow to hunt, nay, you might say, steal, the fuel to cook it with! His bread and meat are sweet. There are enough fagots and waste wood of all kinds in the forests of most of our towns to support many fires, but which at present warm none, and, some think, hinder the growth of the young wood. There was also the driftwood of the pond. In the course of the summer I had discovered a raft of pitch pine logs with the bark on, pinned together by the Irish when the railroad was built. This I hauled up partly on the shore. After soaking two years and then lying high six months it was perfectly sound, though waterlogged past drying. I amused myself one winter day with sliding this piecemeal across the pond, nearly half a mile, skating behind with one end of a log fifteen feet long on my shoulder, and the other on the ice; or I tied several logs together with a birch with, and then, with a longer birch or alder which had a book at the end, dragged them across. Though completely waterlogged and almost as heavy as lead, they not only burned long, but made a very hot fire; nay, I thought that they burned better for the soaking, as if the pitch, being confined by the water, burned longer, as in a lamp.
Gilpin, in his account of the forest borderers of England, says that "the encroachments of trespassers, and the houses and fences thus raised on the borders of the forest," were "considered as great nuisances by the old forest law, and were severely punished under the name of purprestures, as tending ad terrorem ferarum — ad nocumentum forest?, etc.,"(13) to the frightening of the game and the detriment of the forest. But I was interested in the preservation of the venison and the vert more than the hunters or woodchoppers, and as much as though I had been the Lord Warden himself; and if any part was burned, though I burned it myself by accident, I grieved with a grief that lasted longer and was more inconsolable than that of the proprietors; nay, I grieved when it was cut down by the proprietors themselves. I would that our farmers when they cut down a forest felt some of that awe which the old Romans did when they came to thin, or let in the light to, a consecrated grove (lucum conlucare), that is, would believe that it is sacred to some god. The Roman made an expiatory offering, and prayed, Whatever god or goddess thou art to whom this grove is sacred, be propitious to me, my family, and children, etc.
It is remarkable what a value is still put upon wood even in this age and in this new country, a value more permanent and universal than that of gold. After all our discoveries and inventions no man will go by a pile of wood. It is as precious to us as it was to our Saxon and Norman ancestors. If they made their bows of it, we make our gun-stocks of it. Michaux (14), more than thirty years ago, says that the price of wood for fuel in New York and Philadelphia "nearly equals, and sometimes exceeds, that of the best wood in Paris, though this immense capital annually requires more than three hundred thousand cords, and is surrounded to the distance of three hundred miles by cultivated plains." In this town the price of wood rises almost steadily, and the only question is, how much higher it is to be this year than it was the last. Mechanics and tradesmen who come in person to the forest on no other errand, are sure to attend the wood auction, and even pay a high price for the privilege of gleaning after the woodchopper. It is now many years that men have resorted to the forest for fuel and the materials of the arts: the New Englander and the New Hollander, the Parisian and the Celt, the farmer and Robin Hood, Goody Blake and Harry Gill;(15) in most parts of the world the prince and the peasant, the scholar and the savage, equally require still a few sticks from the forest to warm them and cook their food. Neither could I do without them.
Every man looks at his wood-pile with a kind of affection. I love to have mine before my window, and the more chips the better to remind me of my pleasing work. I had an old axe which nobody claimed, with which by spells in winter days, on the sunny side of the house, I played about the stumps which I had got out of my bean-field. As my driver prophesied when I was plowing, they warmed me twice — once while I was splitting them, and again when they were on the fire, so that no fuel could give out more heat. As for the axe, I was advised to get the village blacksmith to "jump" it; but I jumped him, and, putting a hickory helve from the woods into it, made it do. If it was dull, it was at least hung true.
A few pieces of fat pine were a great treasure. It is interesting to remember how much of this food for fire is still concealed in the bowels of the earth. In previous years I had often gone prospecting over some bare hillside, where a pitch pine wood had formerly stood, and got out the fat pine roots. They are almost indestructible. Stumps thirty or forty years old, at least, will still be sound at the core, though the sapwood has all become vegetable mould, as appears by the scales of the thick bark forming a ring level with the earth four or five inches distant from the heart. With axe and shovel you explore this mine, and follow the marrowy store, yellow as beef tallow, or as if you had struck on a vein of gold, deep into the earth. But commonly I kindled my fire with the dry leaves of the forest, which I had stored up in my shed before the snow came. Green hickory finely split makes the woodchopper's kindlings, when he has a camp in the woods. Once in a while I got a little of this. When the villagers were lighting their fires beyond the horizon, I too gave notice to the various wild inhabitants of Walden vale, by a smoky streamer from my chimney, that I was awake. —
Light-winged Smoke, Icarian bird,
Melting thy pinions in thy upward flight,
Lark without song, and messenger of dawn,
Circling above the hamlets as thy nest;
Or else, departing dream, and shadowy form
Of midnight vision, gathering up thy skirts;
By night star-veiling, and by day
Darkening the light and blotting out the sun;
Go thou my incense upward from this hearth,
And ask the gods to pardon this clear flame. (16)
Hard green wood just cut, though I used but little of that, answered my purpose better than any other. I sometimes left a good fire when I went to take a walk in a winter afternoon; and when I returned, three or four hours afterward, it would be still alive and glowing. My house was not empty though I was gone. It was as if I had left a cheerful housekeeper behind. It was I and Fire that lived there; and commonly my housekeeper proved trustworthy. One day, however, as I was splitting wood, I thought that I would just look in at the window and see if the house was not on fire; it was the only time I remember to have been particularly anxious on this score; so I looked and saw that a spark had caught my bed, and I went in and extinguished it when it had burned a place as big as my hand. But my house occupied so sunny and sheltered a position, and its roof was so low, that I could afford to let the fire go out in the middle of almost any winter day.
The moles nested in my cellar, nibbling every third potato, and making a snug bed even there of some hair left after plastering and of brown paper; for even the wildest animals love comfort and warmth as well as man, and they survive the winter only because they are so careful to secure them. Some of my friends spoke as if I was coming to the woods on purpose to freeze myself. The animal merely makes a bed, which he warms with his body, in a sheltered place; but man, having discovered fire, boxes up some air in a spacious apartment, and warms that, instead of robbing himself, makes that his bed, in which he can move about divested of more cumbrous clothing, maintain a kind of summer in the midst of winter, and by means of windows even admit the light, and with a lamp lengthen out the day. Thus he goes a step or two beyond instinct, and saves a little time for the fine arts. Though, when I had been exposed to the rudest blasts a long time, my whole body began to grow torpid, when I reached the genial atmosphere of my house I soon recovered my faculties and prolonged my life. But the most luxuriously housed has little to boast of in this respect, nor need we trouble ourselves to speculate how the human race may be at last destroyed. It would be easy to cut their threads any time with a little sharper blast from the north. We go on dating from Cold Fridays and Great Snows; but a little colder Friday, or greater snow would put a period to man's existence on the globe.
The next winter I used a small cooking-stove for economy, since I did not own the forest; but it did not keep fire so well as the open fireplace. Cooking was then, for the most part, no longer a poetic, but merely a chemic process. It will soon be forgotten, in these days of stoves, that we used to roast potatoes in the ashes, after the Indian fashion. The stove not only took up room and scented the house, but it concealed the fire, and I felt as if I had lost a companion. You can always see a face in the fire. The laborer, looking into it at evening, purifies his thoughts of the dross and earthiness which they have accumulated during the day. But I could no longer sit and look into the fire, and the pertinent words of a poet recurred to me with new force. —
'Never, bright flame, may be denied to me
Thy dear, life imaging, close sympathy.
What but my hopes shot upward e'er so bright?
What but my fortunes sunk so low in night?
Why art thou banished from our hearth and hall,
Thou who art welcomed and beloved by all?
Was thy existence then too fanciful
For our life's common light, who are so dull?
Did thy bright gleam mysterious converse hold
With our congenial souls? Secrets too bold?
'Well, we are safe and strong, for now we sit
Beside a hearth where no dim shadows flit,
Where nothing cheers nor saddens, but a fire
Warms feet and hands — nor does to more aspire;
By whose compact utilitarian heap
The present may sit down and go to sleep,
Nor fear the ghosts who from the dim past walked,
And with us by the unequal light of the old wood fire talked.'
Mrs. Hooper (17)

1. Ephraim Wales Bull (1806-1895) developed the Concord grape on his farm outside of Concord Mass. In 1849, from the wild grapes of New England, just 4 years after Walden was published .
2. in Roman mythology, goddesses of culture & wisdom
3. Nebuchadnezzar (605-562 B.C.) Babylonian king
4. Thoreau's friend Ellery Channing
5. sitting room
6. Marcus Porcius Cato (234-149 B.C.) Roman agricultural author
7. in Roman mythology, a god overthrown by Jupiter
8. parlor(room) with palaver(talk): parlor talk
9. area now occupied by Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Minnisota, Wisconin
10. island in the Irish Sea
11. a fresh-water mussel
12. in Roman mythology, the gods of fire & boundries
13. William Gilpin (1724-1804) English author, artist, educator, Remarks on Forest Scenery, 1791
14. Fran?ois André Michaux (1777-1855) French naturalist, North American Sylva
15. Goody Blake and Harry Gill, by William Wordsworth (1770-1850)
16. poem by Thoreau
17. Ellen Sturgis Hooper (1812-1848) American poet, from The Wood Fire
十月中,我到河岸草地采葡萄,满载而归,色泽芬芳,胜似美味。在那里,我也赞赏蔓越橘,那小小的蜡宝石垂悬在草叶上,光莹而艳红,我却并不采集,农夫用耙耙集了它们,平滑的草地凌乱不堪,他们只是漫不经心地用蒲式耳和金元来计算,把草地上的劫获出卖到波士顿和纽约;命定了制成果酱,以满足那里的大自然爱好者的口味。同样地,屠夫们在草地上到处耙野牛舌草,不顾那被撕伤了和枯萎了的植物。光耀的伏牛花果也只供我眼睛的欣赏:我只稍为采集了一些野苹果,拿来煮了吃,这地方的地主和旅行家还没有注意到这些东西呢。栗子熟了,我藏了半蒲式耳,预备过冬天。这样的季节里,倘佯在林肯一带无边无际的栗树林中,真是非常兴奋的,——现在,这些栗树却长眠在铁道之下了,——那时我肩上扛了一只布囊,手中提了一根棍棒来打开那些有芒刺的果子,因为我总是等不到霜降的,在枯叶飒飒声和赤松鼠跟樫鸟聒噪责怪声中漫游,有时我还偷窃它们已经吃了一部分的坚果,因为它们所选中的有芒刺的果子中间,一定有一些是较好的。偶尔我爬上树,去震摇栗树,我屋后也长有栗树,有一棵大得几乎荫蔽了我的房屋。开花时,它是一个巨大的花束,四邻都馨郁,但它的果实大部分却给松鼠和樫鸟吃掉;樫鸟一清早就成群地飞来,在栗子落下来之前先把它从果皮中拣出来。这些树我让给了它们,自去找全部都是栗树的较远处的森林。这一种果实,我看,可以作为面包的良好的代用品。也许还可以找到别的许多种代用品吧。有一天我挖地找鱼饵,发现了成串的野豆(Apios tuberosa),是少数民族的土豆,一种奇怪的食物,我不禁奇怪起来,究竟我有没有像他们告诉过我的,在童年时代挖过,吃过它们,何以我又不再梦见它们了。我常常看到它们的皱的、红天鹅绒似的花朵,给别些植物的梗子支撑着,却不知道便是它们。耕耘差不多消灭了它们。它有甜味,像霜后的土豆,我觉得煮熟了吃比烘来吃更好。这种块茎似乎是大自然的一个默诺,将来会有一天它就要在这里简单地抚养自己的孩子,就用这些来喂养它们。目前崇尚养肥的耕牛,麦浪翻滚的田地,在这种时代里,卑微的野豆便被人遗忘了,顶多只有它开花的藤蔓还能看到,却曾经有一度它还是印第安部落的图腾呢;其实只要让狂野的大自然重新在这里统治,那些温柔而奢侈的英国谷物说不定就会在无数仇敌面前消失,而且不要人的援助,乌鸦会把最后的一颗玉米的种子再送往西南方,到印第安之神的大玉米田野上去,据说以前它就是从那儿把种子带过来的,那时候,野豆这现已几乎灭了种的果实也许要再生,并且繁殖了,不怕那霜雪和蛮荒,证明它自己是土生土长的,而且还要恢复古代作为游猎人民的一种主要食品时的那种重要地位和尊严了。必定是印第安的谷物女神或智慧女神发明了它,以后赐予人类的,当诗歌的统治在这里开始时,它的叶子和成串的坚果将在我们的艺术作品上得到表现。
① 古巴比伦国王。
北风已经开始把湖水吹凉,虽然还要不断地再吹几个星期才能结冰,湖太深了。当我第一天晚上生了火,烟在烟囱里通行无阻,异常美妙,因为墙壁有很多漏风的缝,那时我还没有给板壁涂上灰浆。然而,我在这寒冷通风的房间内过了几个愉快的晚上,四周尽是些有节疤的棕色木板,而椽木是连树皮的,高高的在头顶上页。后来涂上了灰浆,我就格外喜欢我的房子。我不能不承认这样格外舒服。人住的每一所房子难道不应该顶上很高,高得有些隐晦的感觉吗?到了晚上,火光投射的影子就可以在椽木之上跳跃了。这种影子的形态,比起壁画或最值钱的家具来,应该是更适合于幻觉与想象的。现在我可以说,我是第一次住在我自己的房子里了,第一次用以蔽风雨,并且取暖了。我还用了两个旧的薪架以使木柴脱空,当我看到我亲手造的烟囱的背后积起了烟炱,我很欣慰,我比平常更加有权威、更加满意地拨火。固然我的房子很小,无法引起回声;但作为一个单独的房间,和邻居又离得很远,这就显得大一点了。一幢房屋内应有的一切都集中在这一个房间内;它是厨房,寝室,客厅兼储藏室;无论是父母或孩子,主人或仆役,他们住在一个房子里所得到的一切,我统统享受到了。卡托说,一个家庭的主人(patremfamilias)必须在他的乡居别墅中,具有“cellam oleariam,vinariam,dolia multa,uti lubeat caritatem expectare,et rei,et virtuti,et gloriae erit,”也就是说,“一个放油放酒的地窖,放进许多桶去预防艰难的日子,这是于他有利的,有价值的,光荣的。”在我的地窖中,我有一小桶的土豆,大约两夸脱①的豌豆,连带它们的象鼻虫,在我的架上,还有一点儿米,一缸糖浆,还有黑麦和印第安玉米粉,各一配克②。
① 在美国,1夸脱合1.101升。
② 在美国,1配克合8.809升。
我是直到气候真的很冷了,才开始泥墙的,为了这个缘故,我驾了一叶扁舟到湖对岸去取来更洁白的细沙。有了这样的交通工具,必要的话,就是旅行得更远我也是高兴的。在这期间,我的屋子已经四面都钉满了薄薄的木板条子。在钉这些板条的时候,我很高兴,我能够一锤就钉好一只钉子。我更野心勃勃,要迅速而漂亮地把灰浆从木板上涂到墙上。我记起了讲一个自负的家伙的那个故事。他穿了很好的衣服,常常在村里走来走去,指点工人。有一天他忽然想用实践来代替他的理论了,他卷起了袖子,拿了一块泥水工用的木板,放上灰浆,总算没出岔子,于是得意洋洋地望了望头顶上的板条,用了一个勇敢的动作把灰浆糊上去,马上出丑,全部灰浆掉回到他那傲慢的胸口。我再次欣赏灰浆,它能这样经济,这样便利地击退了寒冷,它平滑又漂亮,我懂得了一个泥水匠会碰到怎样一些事故。使我惊奇的是,在我泥平以前,砖头如何饥渴地吸人了灰浆中的全部水分,为了造一个新的壁炉,我用了多少桶水。前一个冬天,我就曾经试验过,用我们的河流中学名Unio fluviatilis的一种介壳烧制成少量的石灰;所以我已知道从什么地方去取得材料了。如果我高兴的话,也许我会走一两英里路,找到很好的石灰石,自己动手来烧石灰。
吉尔平①在他的英格兰森林中的居民记录里面,写着:“一些人侵占了土地,在森林中就这样筑了篱笆,造了屋子,”在“古老的森林法规中,这是被认为很有害的而要以强占土地的罪名重罚的,因为ad terrorem ferarum—ad nocumentum fore-stae等等”使飞禽恐惧,使森林受损。可是我比猎者或伐木者更关心野味和森林保护,仿佛我自己便是护林官一样;假若它有一部分给烧掉了,即便是我自己不小心烧掉的,我也要大为悲伤,比任何一个森林主本人都要哀痛得更长久,而且更无法安慰。我希望我们的农夫在砍伐一个森林的时候,能够感觉到那种恐惧,好像古罗马人士在使一个神圣森林(lucum conlucare)里的树木更稀些,以便放阳光进来的时候所感觉到的恐惧一样,因为他们觉得这个森林是属于一些天神的。罗马人先赎罪,后析祷,无论你是男神或女神,这森林是因你而神圣的,愿你赐福给我,给我的家庭和我的孩子们,等等。
① 吉尔平(1517- 1583),英国改革家。
② 米萧(1746- 1802),法国植物学家。
③ 见英国诗人华兹华斯(1770- 1850)的诗《戈底·勃莱克和哈莱·吉尔》,前者责备后者拒绝给她柴火。
翅膀轻展的烟啊,伊卡洛斯之鸟, 向上升腾,你的羽毛就要溶消, 悄然无声的云雀,黎明的信使啊, 盘旋在你的村屋上,那是你的巢; 要不然你是逝去的梦,午夜的 迷幻的身影,整理着你的裙裳; 夜间给群星蒙上面纱,白天里, 抹黑了光明,遮蔽了太阳光; 我的薰香,去吧,从这火炉上升, 见到诸神,请他们宽恕这通明的火光。
“光亮的火焰,永远不要拒绝我, 你那可爱的生命之影,亲密之情, 向上升腾的光亮,是我的希望? 到夜晚沉沦低垂的是我的命运? 你是所有的人都欢迎,都爱的, 为何给放逐出我们的炉边和大厅? 难道是你的存在太富于想象了, 不能作迟钝的浮生的普遍照明? 你的神秘的光芒不是跟我们的 同性情的灵魂交谈吗?秘不可泄? 是的,我们安全而强壮,因为现在 我们坐在炉旁,炉中没有暗影。 也许没有喜乐哀愁,只有一个火, 温暖我们手和足——也不希望更多; 有了它这坚密、实用的一堆火, 在它前面的人可以坐下,可以安寝, 不必怕黑暗中显现游魂厉鬼, 古树的火光闪闪地和我们絮语。”①
① 摘自艾伦·史笃琪斯·霍伯(1812- 1848)的一首诗《柴火》。



等级: 热心会员
举报 只看该作者 16楼  发表于: 2014-08-20 0

Brute Neighbors

SOMETIMES I HAD a companion (1) in my fishing, who came through the village to my house from the other side of the town, and the catching of the dinner was as much a social exercise as the eating of it.
Hermit. I wonder what the world is doing now. I have not heard so much as a locust over the sweet-fern these three hours. The pigeons are all asleep upon their roosts — no flutter from them. Was that a farmer's noon horn which sounded from beyond the woods just now? The hands are coming in to boiled salt beef and cider and Indian bread. Why will men worry themselves so? He that does not eat need not work. I wonder how much they have reaped. Who would live there where a body can never think for the barking of Bose?(2) And oh, the housekeeping! To keep bright the devil's door-knobs, and scour his tubs this bright day! Better not keep a house. Say, some hollow tree; and then for morning calls and dinner-parties! Only a woodpecker tapping. Oh, they swarm; the sun is too warm there; they are born too far into life for me. I have water from the spring, and a loaf of brown bread on the shelf. — Hark! I hear a rustling of the leaves. Is it some ill-fed village hound yielding to the instinct of the chase? Or the lost pig which is said to be in these woods, whose tracks I saw after the rain? It comes on apace; my sumachs and sweetbriers tremble. — Eh, Mr. Poet, is it you? How do you like the world to-day?
Poet. See those clouds; how they hang! That's the greatest thing I have seen to-day. There's nothing like it in old paintings, nothing like it in foreign lands — unless when we were off the coast of Spain. That's a true Mediterranean sky. I thought, as I have my living to get, and have not eaten to-day, that I might go a-fishing. That's the true industry for poets. It is the only trade I have learned. Come, let's along.
Hermit. I cannot resist. My brown bread will soon be gone. I will go with you gladly soon, but I am just concluding a serious meditation. I think that I am near the end of it. Leave me alone, then, for a while. But that we may not be delayed, you shall be digging the bait meanwhile. Angleworms are rarely to be met with in these parts, where the soil was never fattened with manure; the race is nearly extinct. The sport of digging the bait is nearly equal to that of catching the fish, when one's appetite is not too keen; and this you may have all to yourself today. I would advise you to set in the spade down yonder among the ground-nuts, where you see the johnswort waving. I think that I may warrant you one worm to every three sods you turn up, if you look well in among the roots of the grass, as if you were weeding. Or, if you choose to go farther, it will not be unwise, for I have found the increase of fair bait to be very nearly as the squares of the distances.
Hermit alone. Let me see; where was I? Methinks I was nearly in this frame of mind; the world lay about at this angle. Shall I go to heaven or a-fishing? If I should soon bring this meditation to an end, would another so sweet occasion be likely to offer? I was as near being resolved into the essence of things as ever I was in my life. I fear my thoughts will not come back to me. If it would do any good, I would whistle for them. When they make us an offer, is it wise to say, We will think of it? My thoughts have left no track, and I cannot find the path again. What was it that I was thinking of? It was a very hazy day. I will just try these three sentences of Confutsee;(3) they may fetch that state about again. I know not whether it was the dumps or a budding ecstasy. Mem. There never is but one opportunity of a kind.
Poet. How now, Hermit, is it too soon? I have got just thirteen whole ones, beside several which are imperfect or undersized; but they will do for the smaller fry; they do not cover up the hook so much. Those village worms are quite too large; a shiner may make a meal off one without finding the skewer.
Hermit. Well, then, let's be off. Shall we to the Concord? There's good sport there if the water be not too high.
Why do precisely these objects which we behold make a world? Why has man just these species of animals for his neighbors; as if nothing but a mouse could have filled this crevice? I suspect that Pilpay & Co.(4) have put animals to their best use, for they are all beasts of burden, in a sense, made to carry some portion of our thoughts.
The mice which haunted my house were not the common ones, which are said to have been introduced into the country, but a wild native kind (Mus leucopus) not found in the village. I sent one to a distinguished naturalist, and it interested him much. When I was building, one of these had its nest underneath the house, and before I had laid the second floor, and swept out the shavings, would come out regularly at lunch time and pick up the crumbs at my feet. It probably had never seen a man before; and it soon became quite familiar, and would run over my shoes and up my clothes. It could readily ascend the sides of the room by short impulses, like a squirrel, which it resembled in its motions. At length, as I leaned with my elbow on the bench one day, it ran up my clothes, and along my sleeve, and round and round the paper which held my dinner, while I kept the latter close, and dodged and played at bopeep with it; and when at last I held still a piece of cheese between my thumb and finger, it came and nibbled it, sitting in my hand, and afterward cleaned its face and paws, like a fly, and walked away.
A phoebe soon built in my shed, and a robin for protection in a pine which grew against the house. In June the partridge (Tetrao umbellus), which is so shy a bird, led her brood past my windows, from the woods in the rear to the front of my house, clucking and calling to them like a hen, and in all her behavior proving herself the hen of the woods. The young suddenly disperse on your approach, at a signal from the mother, as if a whirlwind had swept them away, and they so exactly resemble the dried leaves and twigs that many a traveler has placed his foot in the midst of a brood, and heard the whir of the old bird as she flew off, and her anxious calls and mewing, or seen her trail her wings to attract his attention, without suspecting their neighborhood. The parent will sometimes roll and spin round before you in such a dishabille, that you cannot, for a few moments, detect what kind of creature it is. The young squat still and flat, often running their heads under a leaf, and mind only their mother's directions given from a distance, nor will your approach make them run again and betray themselves. You may even tread on them, or have your eyes on them for a minute, without discovering them. I have held them in my open hand at such a time, and still their only care, obedient to their mother and their instinct, was to squat there without fear or trembling. So perfect is this instinct, that once, when I had laid them on the leaves again, and one accidentally fell on its side, it was found with the rest in exactly the same position ten minutes afterward. They are not callow like the young of most birds, but more perfectly developed and precocious even than chickens. The remarkably adult yet innocent expression of their open and serene eyes is very memorable. All intelligence seems reflected in them. They suggest not merely the purity of infancy, but a wisdom clarified by experience. Such an eye was not born when the bird was, but is coeval with the sky it reflects. The woods do not yield another such a gem. The traveller does not often look into such a limpid well. The ignorant or reckless sportsman often shoots the parent at such a time, and leaves these innocents to fall a prey to some prowling beast or bird, or gradually mingle with the decaying leaves which they so much resemble. It is said that when hatched by a hen they will directly disperse on some alarm, and so are lost, for they never hear the mother's call which gathers them again. These were my hens and chickens.
It is remarkable how many creatures live wild and free though secret in the woods, and still sustain themselves in the neighborhood of towns, suspected by hunters only. How retired the otter manages to live here! (below: The Northern River Otter, Lontra canadensis) He grows to be four feet long, as big as a small boy, perhaps without any human being getting a glimpse of him. I formerly saw the raccoon in the woods behind where my house is built, and probably still heard their whinnering at night. Commonly I rested an hour or two in the shade at noon, after planting, and ate my lunch, and read a little by a spring which was the source of a swamp and of a brook, oozing from under Brister's Hill, half a mile from my field. The approach to this was through a succession of descending grassy hollows, full of young pitch pines, into a larger wood about the swamp. There, in a very secluded and shaded spot, under a spreading white pine, there was yet a clean, firm sward to sit on. I had dug out the spring and made a well of clear gray water, where I could dip up a pailful without roiling it, and thither I went for this purpose almost every day in midsummer, when the pond was warmest. Thither, too, the woodcock led her brood, to probe the mud for worms, flying but a foot above them down the bank, while they ran in a troop beneath; but at last, spying me, she would leave her young and circle round and round me, nearer and nearer till within four or five feet, pretending broken wings and legs, to attract my attention, and get off her young, who would already have taken up their march, with faint, wiry peep, single file through the swamp, as she directed. Or I heard the peep of the young when I could not see the parent bird. There too the turtle doves sat over the spring, or fluttered from bough to bough of the soft white pines over my head; or the red squirrel, coursing down the nearest bough, was particularly familiar and inquisitive. You only need sit still long enough in some attractive spot in the woods that all its inhabitants may exhibit themselves to you by turns.
I was witness to events of a less peaceful character. One day when I went out to my wood-pile, or rather my pile of stumps, I observed two large ants, the one red, the other much larger, nearly half an inch long, and black, fiercely contending with one another. Having once got hold they never let go, but struggled and wrestled and rolled on the chips incessantly. Looking farther, I was surprised to find that the chips were covered with such combatants, that it was not a duellum, but a bellum,(5) a war between two races of ants, the red always pitted against the black, and frequently two red ones to one black.The legions of these Myrmidons (6) covered all the hills and vales in my wood-yard, and the ground was already strewn with the dead and dying, both red and black. It was the only battle which I have ever witnessed, the only battle-field I ever trod while the battle was raging; internecine war; the red republicans on the one hand, and the black imperialists on the other. On every side they were engaged in deadly combat, yet without any noise that I could hear, and human soldiers never fought so resolutely. I watched a couple that were fast locked in each other's embraces, in a little sunny valley amid the chips, now at noonday prepared to fight till the sun went down, or life went out. The smaller red champion had fastened himself like a vice to his adversary's front, and through all the tumblings on that field never for an instant ceased to gnaw at one of his feelers near the root, having already caused the other to go by the board; while the stronger black one dashed him from side to side, and, as I saw on looking nearer, had already divested him of several of his members. They fought with more pertinacity than bulldogs. Neither manifested the least disposition to retreat. It was evident that their battle-cry was "Conquer or die."(7) In the meanwhile there came along a single red ant on the hillside of this valley, evidently full of excitement, who either had despatched his foe, or had not yet taken part in the battle; probably the latter, for he had lost none of his limbs; whose mother had charged him to return with his shield or upon it. Or perchance he was some Achilles, who had nourished his wrath apart, and had now come to avenge or rescue his Patroclus. He saw this unequal combat from afar — for the blacks were nearly twice the size of the red — he drew near with rapid pace till be stood on his guard within half an inch of the combatants; then, watching his opportunity, he sprang upon the black warrior, and commenced his operations near the root of his right fore leg, leaving the foe to select among his own members; and so there were three united for life, as if a new kind of attraction had been invented which put all other locks and cements to shame. I should not have wondered by this time to find that they had their respective musical bands stationed on some eminent chip, and playing their national airs the while, to excite the slow and cheer the dying combatants. I was myself excited somewhat even as if they had been men. The more you think of it, the less the difference. And certainly there is not the fight recorded in Concord history, at least, if in the history of America, that will bear a moment's comparison with this, whether for the numbers engaged in it, or for the patriotism and heroism displayed. For numbers and for carnage it was an Austerlitz or Dresden.(8) Concord Fight! Two killed on the patriots' side, and Luther Blanchard wounded!(9) Why here every ant was a Buttrick (10) — "Fire! For God's sake fire!" — and thousands shared the fate of Davis and Hosmer.(11) There was not one hireling there. I have no doubt that it was a principle they fought for, as much as our ancestors, and not to avoid a three-penny tax on their tea; and the results of this battle will be as important and memorable to those whom it concerns as those of the battle of Bunker Hill, at least.
I took up the chip on which the three I have particularly described were struggling, carried it into my house, and placed it under a tumbler on my window-sill, in order to see the issue. Holding a microscope to the first-mentioned red ant, I saw that, though he was assiduously gnawing at the near fore leg of his enemy, having severed his remaining feeler, his own breast was all torn away, exposing what vitals he had there to the jaws of the black warrior, whose breastplate was apparently too thick for him to pierce; and the dark carbuncles of the sufferer's eyes shone with ferocity such as war only could excite. They struggled half an hour longer under the tumbler, and when I looked again the black soldier had severed the heads of his foes from their bodies, and the still living heads were hanging on either side of him like ghastly trophies at his saddle-bow, still apparently as firmly fastened as ever, and he was endeavoring with feeble struggles, being without feelers and with only the remnant of a leg, and I know not how many other wounds, to divest himself of them; which at length, after half an hour more, he accomplished. I raised the glass, and he went off over the window-sill in that crippled state. Whether he finally survived that combat, and spent the remainder of his days in some Hotel des Invalides,(12) I do not know; but I thought that his industry would not be worth much thereafter. I never learned which party was victorious, nor the cause of the war; but I felt for the rest of that day as if I had had my feelings excited and harrowed by witnessing the struggle, the ferocity and carnage, of a human battle before my door.
Kirby and Spence tell us that the battles of ants have long been celebrated and the date of them recorded, though they say that Huber (13) is the only modern author who appears to have witnessed them. "?neas Sylvius,"(14) say they, "after giving a very circumstantial account of one contested with great obstinacy by a great and small species on the trunk of a pear tree," adds that "'this action was fought in the pontificate of Eugenius the Fourth,(15) in the presence of Nicholas Pistoriensis, an eminent lawyer, who related the whole, history of the battle with the greatest fidelity.' A similar engagement between great and small ants is recorded by Olaus Magnus,(16) in which the small ones, being victorious, are said to have buried the bodies of their own soldiers, but left those of their giant enemies a prey to the birds. This event happened previous to the expulsion of the tyrant Christiern the Second from Sweden."(17) The battle which I witnessed took place in the Presidency of Polk, five years before the passage of Webster's Fugitive-Slave Bill.(18)
Many a village Bose, fit only to course a mud-turtle in a victualling cellar, sported his heavy quarters in the woods, without the knowledge of his master, and ineffectually smelled at old fox burrows and woodchucks' holes; led perchance by some slight cur which nimbly threaded the wood, and might still inspire a natural terror in its denizens; — now far behind his guide, barking like a canine bull toward some small squirrel which had treed itself for scrutiny, then, cantering off, bending the bushes with his weight, imagining that he is on the track of some stray member of the jerbilla family. Once I was surprised to see a cat walking along the stony shore of the pond, for they rarely wander so far from home. The surprise was mutual. Nevertheless the most domestic cat, which has lain on a rug all her days, appears quite at home in the woods, and, by her sly and stealthy behavior, proves herself more native there than the regular inhabitants. Once, when berrying, I met with a cat with young kittens in the woods, quite wild, and they all, like their mother, had their backs up and were fiercely spitting at me. A few years before I lived in the woods there was what was called a "winged cat" in one of the farm-houses in Lincoln nearest the pond, Mr. Gilian Baker's. When I called to see her in June, 1842, she was gone a-hunting in the woods, as was her wont (I am not sure whether it was a male or female, and so use the more common pronoun), but her mistress told me that she came into the neighborhood a little more than a year before, in April, and was finally taken into their house; that she was of a dark brownish-gray color, with a white spot on her throat, and white feet, and had a large bushy tail like a fox; that in the winter the fur grew thick and flatted out along her sides, forming stripes ten or twelve inches long by two and a half wide, and under her chin like a muff, the upper side loose, the under matted like felt, and in the spring these appendages dropped off. They gave me a pair of her "wings," which I keep still. There is no appearance of a membrane about them. Some thought it was part flying squirrel or some other wild animal, which is not impossible, for, according to naturalists, prolific hybrids have been produced by the union of the marten and domestic cat. This would have been the right kind of cat for me to keep, if I had kept any; for why should not a poet's cat be winged as well as his horse?
In the fall the loon (Colymbus glacialis) came, as usual, to moult and bathe in the pond, making the woods ring with his wild laughter before I had risen. At rumor of his arrival all the Mill-dam sportsmen are on the alert, in gigs and on foot, two by two and three by three, with patent rifles and conical balls and spy-glasses. They come rustling through the woods like autumn leaves, at least ten men to one loon. Some station themselves on this side of the pond, some on that, for the poor bird cannot be omnipresent; if he dive here he must come up there. But now the kind October wind rises, rustling the leaves and rippling the surface of the water, so that no loon can be heard or seen, though his foes sweep the pond with spy-glasses, and make the woods resound with their discharges. The waves generously rise and dash angrily, taking sides with all water-fowl, and our sportsmen must beat a retreat to town and shop and unfinished jobs. But they were too often successful. When I went to get a pail of water early in the morning I frequently saw this stately bird sailing out of my cove within a few rods. If I endeavored to overtake him in a boat, in order to see how he would manoeuvre, he would dive and be completely lost, so that I did not discover him again, sometimes, till the latter part of the day. But I was more than a match for him on the surface. He commonly went off in a rain.
As I was paddling along the north shore one very calm October afternoon, for such days especially they settle on to the lakes, like the milkweed down, having looked in vain over the pond for a loon, suddenly one, sailing out from the shore toward the middle a few rods in front of me, set up his wild laugh and betrayed himself. I pursued with a paddle and he dived, but when he came up I was nearer than before. He dived again, but I miscalculated the direction he would take, and we were fifty rods apart when he came to the surface this time, for I had helped to widen the interval; and again he laughed long and loud, and with more reason than before. He manoeuvred so cunningly that I could not get within half a dozen rods of him. Each time, when he came to the surface, turning his head this way and that, he cooly surveyed the water and the land, and apparently chose his course so that he might come up where there was the widest expanse of water and at the greatest distance from the boat. It was surprising how quickly he made up his mind and put his resolve into execution. He led me at once to the widest part of the pond, and could not be driven from it. While he was thinking one thing in his brain, I was endeavoring to divine his thought in mine. It was a pretty game, played on the smooth surface of the pond, a man against a loon. Suddenly your adversary's checker disappears beneath the board, and the problem is to place yours nearest to where his will appear again. Sometimes he would come up unexpectedly on the opposite side of me, having apparently passed directly under the boat. So long-winded was he and so unweariable, that when he had swum farthest he would immediately plunge again, nevertheless; and then no wit could divine where in the deep pond, beneath the smooth surface, he might be speeding his way like a fish, for he had time and ability to visit the bottom of the pond in its deepest part. It is said that loons have been caught in the New York lakes eighty feet beneath the surface, with hooks set for trout — though Walden is deeper than that. How surprised must the fishes be to see this ungainly visitor from another sphere speeding his way amid their schools! Yet he appeared to know his course as surely under water as on the surface, and swam much faster there. Once or twice I saw a ripple where he approached the surface, just put his head out to reconnoitre, and instantly dived again. I found that it was as well for me to rest on my oars and wait his reappearing as to endeavor to calculate where he would rise; for again and again, when I was straining my eyes over the surface one way, I would suddenly be startled by his unearthly laugh behind me. But why, after displaying so much cunning, did he invariably betray himself the moment he came up by that loud laugh? Did not his white breast enough betray him? He was indeed a silly loon, I thought. I could commonly hear the splash of the water when he came up, and so also detected him. But after an hour he seemed as fresh as ever, dived as willingly, and swam yet farther than at first. It was surprising to see how serenely he sailed off with unruffled breast when he came to the surface, doing all the work with his webbed feet beneath. His usual note was this demoniac laughter, yet somewhat like that of a water-fowl; but occasionally, when he had balked me most successfully and come up a long way off, he uttered a long-drawn unearthly howl, probably more like that of a wolf than any bird; as when a beast puts his muzzle to the ground and deliberately howls. This was his looning — perhaps the wildest sound that is ever heard here, making the woods ring far and wide. I concluded that he laughed in derision of my efforts, confident of his own resources. Though the sky was by this time overcast, the pond was so smooth that I could see where he broke the surface when I did not hear him. His white breast, the stillness of the air, and the smoothness of the water were all against him. At length having come up fifty rods off, he uttered one of those prolonged howls, as if calling on the god of loons to aid him, and immediately there came a wind from the east and rippled the surface, and filled the whole air with misty rain, and I was impressed as if it were the prayer of the loon answered, and his god was angry with me; and so I left him disappearing far away on the tumultuous surface.
For hours, in fall days, I watched the ducks cunningly tack and veer and hold the middle of the pond, far from the sportsman; tricks which they will have less need to practise in Louisiana bayous. When compelled to rise they would sometimes circle round and round and over the pond at a considerable height, from which they could easily see to other ponds and the river, like black motes in the sky; and, when I thought they had gone off thither long since, they would settle down by a slanting flight of a quarter of a mile on to a distant part which was left free; but what beside safety they got by sailing in the middle of Walden I do not know, unless they love its water for the same reason that I do.

1. W. Ellery Channing (1817–1901) Thoreau's good friend, the nephew of a celebrated Unitarian minister with the same name, the author of Thoreau, the Poet-Naturalist (1873), and later the namesake of Annie Dillard's goldfish in Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
2. a common dog's name
3. Confucius
4. men known for fables (Pilpay, ?sop, etc.) In March 1842, The Dial printed portions of Sir William Jones's and Charles Wilkins's translations of The Heetopades of Veeshnoo-Sarma, in a Series of Connected Fables, interspersed with Moral, Prudential, and Political Maxims, by several ancient Indian authors, but supposedly by one Indian, traditionally called "Pilpay."
5. not a duel, but a war
6. in Greek legend, troops who fought with Achilles in the Trojan War
7. "We have therefore to resolve to conquer or die." - George Washington
8. battles of Napoleon
9. American fifer at the battle of Concord, died from a battle injury
10. John Buttrick, American commander at Concord
11. two Americans killed at Concord
12. Paris old soldiers's home built for Louis XIV
13. Pierre Huber (1777-1840), French entomologist, author of Recherches sur les Moeurs des Fourmis Indigenes (Paris, 1810)
14. ?neas Sylvius (1405-1464), Pope Pius II 1458-1464
15. Eugenius IV (1383-1447), Pope 1431-1437
16. Olaus Magnus (1490-1558) Swedish historian
17. Christian II (1481-1589), Danish king deposed in 1532
18. The Fugitive Slave Law passed in 1850, placing the ant battle in 1845. This sentence also adds a time frame for the writing of Walden, showing that it was not completed until at least five years after Henry's stay at the pond
① 一家出版寓言书本的出版公司。
很快就有一只美洲鹟来我屋中做窠;一只知更鸟在我屋侧的一棵松树上巢居着,受我保护。六月里,鹧鸪(Tetrao umbellus)这样怕羞的飞鸟,带了它的幼雏经过我的窗子,从我屋后的林中飞到我的屋前,像一只老母鸡一样咯咯咯地唤她的孩子们,她的这些行为证明了她是森林中的老母鸡。你一走近它们,母亲就发出一个信号,它们就一哄而散,像一阵旋风吹散了它们一样;鹧鸪的颜色又真像枯枝和败叶,经常有些个旅行家,一脚踏在这些幼雏的中间了,只听得老鸟拍翅飞走,发出那焦虑的呼号,只见它的扑扑拍动的翅膀,为了吸引那些旅人,不去注意他们的前后左右。母鸟在你们面前打滚,打旋子,弄得羽毛蓬松,使你一时之间不知道它是怎么一种禽鸟了。幼雏们宁静而扁平的蹲着,常常把它们的头缩入一张叶子底下,什么也不听,只听着它们母亲从远处发来的信号,你就是走近它们,它们也不会再奔走,因此它们是不会被发觉的。甚至你的脚已经踏上了它们,眼睛还望了它们一会儿,可是还不能发觉你踩的是什么。有一次我偶然把它们放在我摊开的手掌中,因为它们从来只服从它们的母亲与自己的本能,一点也不觉得恐惧,也不打抖,它们只是照旧蹲着。这种本能是如此之完美,有一次我又把它们放回到村叶上,其中有一只由于不小心而跌倒在地了,可是我发现它,十分钟之后还是和别的雏鸟一起,还是原来的姿势。鹧鸪的幼雏不像其余的幼雏那样不长羽毛,比起小鸡来,它们羽毛更快地丰满起来,而且更加早熟。它们睁大了宁静的眼睛,很显著地成熟了,却又很天真的样子,使人一见难忘。这种眼睛似乎反映了全部智慧。不仅仅提示了婴孩期的纯洁,还提示了由经验洗炼过的智慧。鸟儿的这样的眼睛不是与生俱来的,而是和它所反映的天空同样久远。山林之中还没有产生过像它们的眼睛那样的宝石。一般的旅行家也都不大望到过这样清澈的一口井。无知而鲁莽的猎者在这种时候常常熗杀了它们的父母,使这一群无告的幼雏成了四处觅食的猛兽或恶鸟的牺牲品,或逐渐地混入了那些和它们如此相似的枯叶而同归于尽。据说,这些幼雏要是由老母鸡孵出来,那稍被惊扰,便到处乱走,很难幸免,因为它们再听不到母鸟召唤它们的声音。这些便是我的母鸡和幼雏。
① 希腊神话中跟随阿基勒斯去特洛伊作战的塞萨利人。
① 1805年12月初,拿破仑在奥利斯特里茨一战中,消灭俄奥联军三万余,使第三次反法联盟解体。
② 1813年拿破仑在德斯顿之战中战胜反法联盟。
③ 1775年6月17日,英军在波士顿附近的邦克山发动进攻。由美国农民、工人、渔民、白奴等两万人组织起来的志愿民兵队,在自由之子社的领导下英勇迎击,一天之内击退英军三次冲锋,重创敌军。
① 胡勃(1750- 1831),瑞士自然科学家,博物学家。
② 1431至1447年任罗马天主教教皇。
③ 1513至1523年为丹麦国王。
④ 波尔克(1795- 1849),美国第十一任总统(1845- 1849)。
⑤ 该法案与1850年由联邦通过,使南北双方的敌视更加激化。于1864年废除。
许多村中的牛,行动迟缓,只配在储藏食物的地窖里追逐乌龟的,却以它那种笨重的躯体来到森林中跑跑跳跳了,它的主人是不知道的,它嗅嗅老狐狸的窟穴和土拨鼠的洞,毫无结果;也许是些瘦小的恶狗给带路进来的,它们在森林中灵活地穿来穿去,林中鸟兽对这种恶狗自然有一种恐惧;现在老牛远落在它那导游者的后面了,向树上一些小松鼠狂叫,那些松鼠就是躲在上面仔细观察它的,然后它缓缓跑开,那笨重的躯体把树枝都压弯了,它自以为在追踪一些迷了路的老鼠。有一次,我很奇怪地发现了一只猫,散步在湖边的石子岸上,它们很少会离家走这么远的,我和猫都感到惊奇了。然而,就是整天都躺在地毡上的最驯服的猫,一到森林里却也好像回了老家,从她的偷偷摸摸的狡猾的步伐上可以看出,她是比土生的森林禽兽更土生的。有一次,在森林拣浆果时我遇到了一只猫,带领了她的一群小猫,那些小猫全是野性未驯的,像它们的母亲一样地弓起了背脊,向我凶恶地喷吐口水。在我迁入森林之前不多几年,在林肯那儿离湖最近的吉利安·倍克田庄内,有一只所谓“有翅膀的猫”。一八四二年六月,我专程去访问她(我不能确定这头猫是雌的还是雄的,所以我采用了这一般称呼猫的女性的代名词),她已经像她往常那样,去森林猎食去了,据她的女主人告诉我,她是一年多以前的四月里来到这附近的,后来就由她收容到家里;猫身深棕灰色,喉部有个白点,脚也是白的,尾巴很大,毛茸茸的像狐狸。到了冬天,她的毛越长越密,向两旁披挂,形成了两条十至十二英寸长,两英寸半阔的带子,在她的下巴那儿也好像有了一个暖手筒,上面的毛比较松,下面却像毡一样缠结着,一到春天,这些附着物就落掉了。他们给了我一对她的“翅膀”,我至今还保存着。翅膀的外面似乎并没有一层膜。有人以为这猫的血统一部分是飞松鼠,或别的什么野兽,因为这并不是不可能的,据博物学家说,貂和家猫支配,可以产生许多这样的杂种。如果我要养猫的话,这倒正好是我愿意养的猫,因为一个诗人的马既然能插翅飞跑,他的猫为什么不能飞呢?秋天里,潜水鸟(Colymbus glaclalis)像往常一样来了,在湖里脱毛并且洗澡,我还没有起身,森林里已响起了它的狂放的笑声。一听到它已经来到,磨坊水闸上的全部猎人都出动了,有的坐马车,有的步行,两两三三,带着猎熗和子弹,还有望远镜。他们行来,像秋天的树叶飒飒然穿过林中,一只潜水鸟至少有十个猎者。有的放哨在这一边湖岸,有的站岗在那一边湖岸,因为这可怜的鸟不能够四处同时出现;如果它从这里潜水下去,它一定会从那边上来的。可是,那阳春十月的风吹起来了,吹得树叶沙沙作响,湖面起了皱纹,再听不到也看不到潜水鸟了,虽然它的敌人用望远镜搜索水面,尽管熗声在林中震荡,鸟儿的踪迹都没有了。水波大量地涌起,愤怒地冲到岸上,它们和水禽是同一阵线的,我们的爱好打猎的人们只得空手回到镇上店里,还去干他们的未完的事务。不过,他们的事务常常是很成功的。黎明,我到湖上汲水的时候,我常常看到这种王者风度的潜水鸟驶出我的小湾,相距不过数杆。如果我想坐船追上它,看它如何活动,它就潜下水去,全身消失,从此不再看见,有时候要到当天的下午才出来。可是,在水面上,我还是有法子对付它的。它常常在一阵雨中飞去。



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Higher Laws更高的规律
Woodchuck by Charles W. Shwartz (1)
AS I CAME home through the woods with my string of fish, trailing my pole, it being now quite dark, I caught a glimpse of a woodchuck stealing across my path, and felt a strange thrill of savage delight, and was strongly tempted to seize and devour him raw; not that I was hungry then, except for that wildness which he represented. Once or twice, however, while I lived at the pond, I found myself ranging the woods, like a half-starved hound, with a strange abandonment, seeking some kind of venison which I might devour, and no morsel could have been too savage for me. The wildest scenes had become unaccountably familiar. I found in myself, and still find, an instinct toward a higher, or, as it is named, spiritual life, as do most men, and another toward a primitive rank and savage one, and I reverence them both. I love the wild not less than the good. The wildness and adventure that are in fishing still recommended it to me. I like sometimes to take rank hold on life and spend my day more as the animals do. Perhaps I have owed to this employment and to hunting, when quite young, my closest acquaintance with Nature. They early introduce us to and detain us in scenery with which otherwise, at that age, we should have little acquaintance. Fishermen, hunters, woodchoppers, and others, spending their lives in the fields and woods, in a peculiar sense a part of Nature themselves, are often in a more favorable mood for observing her, in the intervals of their pursuits, than philosophers or poets even, who approach her with expectation. She is not afraid to exhibit herself to them. The traveller on the prairie is naturally a hunter, on the head waters of the Missouri and Columbia a trapper, and at the Falls of St. Mary a fisherman. He who is only a traveller learns things at second-hand and by the halves, and is poor authority. We are most interested when science reports what those men already know practically or instinctively, for that alone is a true humanity, or account of human experience.
They mistake who assert that the Yankee has few amusements, because he has not so many public holidays, and men and boys do not play so many games as they do in England, for here the more primitive but solitary amusements of hunting, fishing, and the like have not yet given place to the former. Almost every New England boy among my contemporaries shouldered a fowling-piece between the ages of ten and fourteen; and his hunting and fishing grounds were not limited, like the preserves of an English nobleman, but were more boundless even than those of a savage. No wonder, then, that he did not oftener stay to play on the common. But already a change is taking place, owing, not to an increased humanity, but to an increased scarcity of game, for perhaps the hunter is the greatest friend of the animals hunted, not excepting the Humane Society.
Moreover, when at the pond, I wished sometimes to add fish to my fare for variety. I have actually fished from the same kind of necessity that the first fishers did. Whatever humanity I might conjure up against it was all factitious, and concerned my philosophy more than my feelings. I speak of fishing only now, for I had long felt differently about fowling, and sold my gun before I went to the woods. Not that I am less humane than others, but I did not perceive that my feelings were much affected. I did not pity the fishes nor the worms. This was habit. As for fowling, during the last years that I carried a gun my excuse was that I was studying ornithology, and sought only new or rare birds. But I confess that I am now inclined to think that there is a finer way of studying ornithology than this. It requires so much closer attention to the habits of the birds, that, if for that reason only, I have been willing to omit the gun. Yet notwithstanding the objection on the score of humanity, I am compelled to doubt if equally valuable sports are ever substituted for these; and when some of my friends have asked me anxiously about their boys, whether they should let them hunt, I have answered, yes — remembering that it was one of the best parts of my education — make them hunters, though sportsmen only at first, if possible, mighty hunters at last, so that they shall not find game large enough for them in this or any vegetable wilderness — hunters as well as fishers of men. Thus far I am of the opinion of Chaucer's nun, who
"yave not of the text a pulled hen
That saith that hunters ben not holy men."(2)
There is a period in the history of the individual, as of the race, when the hunters are the "best men," as the Algonquins (3) called them. We cannot but pity the boy who has never fired a gun; he is no more humane, while his education has been sadly neglected. This was my answer with respect to those youths who were bent on this pursuit, trusting that they would soon outgrow it. No humane being, past the thoughtless age of boyhood, will wantonly murder any creature which holds its life by the same tenure that he does. The hare in its extremity cries like a child. I warn you, mothers, that my sympathies do not always make the usual philanthropic distinctions.
Such is oftenest the young man's introduction to the forest, and the most original part of himself. He goes thither at first as a hunter and fisher, until at last, if he has the seeds of a better life in him, he distinguishes his proper objects, as a poet or naturalist it may be, and leaves the gun and fish-pole behind. The mass of men are still and always young in this respect. In some countries a hunting parson is no uncommon sight. Such a one might make a good shepherd's dog, but is far from being the Good Shepherd. I have been surprised to consider that the only obvious employment, except wood-chopping, ice-cutting, or the like business, which ever to my knowledge detained at Walden Pond for a whole half-day any of my fellow-citizens, whether fathers or children of the town, with just one exception, was fishing. Commonly they did not think that they were lucky, or well paid for their time, unless they got a long string of fish, though they had the opportunity of seeing the pond all the while. They might go there a thousand times before the sediment of fishing would sink to the bottom and leave their purpose pure; but no doubt such a clarifying process would be going on all the while. The Governor and his Council faintly remember the pond, for they went a-fishing there when they were boys; but now they are too old and dignified to go a-fishing, and so they know it no more forever. Yet even they expect to go to heaven at last. If the legislature regards it, it is chiefly to regulate the number of hooks to be used there; but they know nothing about the hook of hooks with which to angle for the pond itself, impaling the legislature for a bait. Thus, even in civilized communities, the embryo man passes through the hunter stage of development.
I have found repeatedly, of late years, that I cannot fish without falling a little in self-respect. I have tried it again and again. I have skill at it, and, like many of my fellows, a certain instinct for it, which revives from time to time, but always when I have done I feel that it would have been better if I had not fished. I think that I do not mistake. It is a faint intimation, yet so are the first streaks of morning. There is unquestionably this instinct in me which belongs to the lower orders of creation; yet with every year I am less a fisherman, though without more humanity or even wisdom; at present I am no fisherman at all. But I see that if I were to live in a wilderness I should again be tempted to become a fisher and hunter in earnest. Beside, there is something essentially unclean about this diet and all flesh, and I began to see where housework commences, and whence the endeavor, which costs so much, to wear a tidy and respectable appearance each day, to keep the house sweet and free from all ill odors and sights. Having been my own butcher and scullion and cook, as well as the gentleman for whom the dishes were served up, I can speak from an unusually complete experience. The practical objection to animal food in my case was its uncleanness; and besides, when I had caught and cleaned and cooked and eaten my fish, they seemed not to have fed me essentially. It was insignificant and unnecessary, and cost more than it came to. A little bread or a few potatoes would have done as well, with less trouble and filth. Like many of my contemporaries, I had rarely for many years used animal food, or tea, or coffee, etc.; not so much because of any ill effects which I had traced to them, as because they were not agreeable to my imagination. The repugnance to animal food is not the effect of experience, but is an instinct. It appeared more beautiful to live low and fare hard in many respects; and though I never did so, I went far enough to please my imagination. I believe that every man who has ever been earnest to preserve his higher or poetic faculties in the best condition has been particularly inclined to abstain from animal food, and from much food of any kind. It is a significant fact, stated by entomologists — I find it in Kirby and Spence (4) — that "some insects in their perfect state, though furnished with organs of feeding, make no use of them"; and they lay it down as "a general rule, that almost all insects in this state eat much less than in that of larvae. The voracious caterpillar when transformed into a butterfly … and the gluttonous maggot when become a fly" content themselves with a drop or two of honey or some other sweet liquid. The abdomen under the wings of the butterfly still represents the larva. This is the tidbit which tempts his insectivorous fate. The gross feeder is a man in the larva state; and there are whole nations in that condition, nations without fancy or imagination, whose vast abdomens betray them.
It is hard to provide and cook so simple and clean a diet as will not offend the imagination; but this, I think, is to be fed when we feed the body; they should both sit down at the same table. Yet perhaps this may be done. The fruits eaten temperately need not make us ashamed of our appetites, nor interrupt the worthiest pursuits. But put an extra condiment into your dish, and it will poison you. It is not worth the while to live by rich cookery. Most men would feel shame if caught preparing with their own hands precisely such a dinner, whether of animal or vegetable food, as is every day prepared for them by others. Yet till this is otherwise we are not civilized, and, if gentlemen and ladies, are not true men and women. This certainly suggests what change is to be made. It may be vain to ask why the imagination will not be reconciled to flesh and fat. I am satisfied that it is not. Is it not a reproach that man is a carnivorous animal? True, he can and does live, in a great measure, by preying on other animals; but this is a miserable way — as any one who will go to snaring rabbits, or slaughtering lambs, may learn — and he will be regarded as a benefactor of his race who shall teach man to confine himself to a more innocent and wholesome diet. Whatever my own practice may be, I have no doubt that it is a part of the destiny of the human race, in its gradual improvement, to leave off eating animals, as surely as the savage tribes have left off eating each other when they came in contact with the more civilized.
If one listens to the faintest but constant suggestions of his genius, which are certainly true, he sees not to what extremes, or even insanity, it may lead him; and yet that way, as he grows more resolute and faithful, his road lies. The faintest assured objection which one healthy man feels will at length prevail over the arguments and customs of mankind. No man ever followed his genius till it misled him. Though the result were bodily weakness, yet perhaps no one can say that the consequences were to be regretted, for these were a life in conformity to higher principles. If the day and the night are such that you greet them with joy, and life emits a fragrance like flowers and sweet-scented herbs, is more elastic, more starry, more immortal — that is your success. All nature is your congratulation, and you have cause momentarily to bless yourself. The greatest gains and values are farthest from being appreciated. We easily come to doubt if they exist. We soon forget them. They are the highest reality. Perhaps the facts most astounding and most real are never communicated by man to man. The true harvest of my daily life is somewhat as intangible and indescribable as the tints of morning or evening. It is a little star-dust caught, a segment of the rainbow which I have clutched.
Yet, for my part, I was never unusually squeamish; I could sometimes eat a fried rat with a good relish, if it were necessary. I am glad to have drunk water so long, for the same reason that I prefer the natural sky to an opium-eater's heaven. I would fain keep sober always; and there are infinite degrees of drunkenness. I believe that water is the only drink for a wise man; wine is not so noble a liquor; and think of dashing the hopes of a morning with a cup of warm coffee, or of an evening with a dish of tea! Ah, how low I fall when I am tempted by them! Even music may be intoxicating. Such apparently slight causes destroyed Greece and Rome, and will destroy England and America. Of all ebriosity, who does not prefer to be intoxicated by the air he breathes? I have found it to be the most serious objection to coarse labors long continued, that they compelled me to eat and drink coarsely also. But to tell the truth, I find myself at present somewhat less particular in these respects. I carry less religion to the table, ask no blessing; not because I am wiser than I was, but, I am obliged to confess, because, however much it is to be regretted, with years I have grown more coarse and indifferent. Perhaps these questions are entertained only in youth, as most believe of poetry. My practice is "nowhere," my opinion is here. Nevertheless I am far from regarding myself as one of those privileged ones to whom the Ved refers when it says, that "he who has true faith in the Omnipresent Supreme Being may eat all that exists," that is, is not bound to inquire what is his food, or who prepares it; and even in their case it is to be observed, as a Hindoo commentator (5) has remarked, that the Vedant limits this privilege to "the time of distress."
Who has not sometimes derived an inexpressible satisfaction from his food in which appetite had no share? I have been thrilled to think that I owed a mental perception to the commonly gross sense of taste, that I have been inspired through the palate, that some berries which I had eaten on a hillside had fed my genius. "The soul not being mistress of herself," says Thseng-tseu,(6) "one looks, and one does not see; one listens, and one does not hear; one eats, and one does not know the savor of food." He who distinguishes the true savor of his food can never be a glutton; he who does not cannot be otherwise. A puritan may go to his brown-bread crust with as gross an appetite as ever an alderman to his turtle. Not that food which entereth into the mouth defileth a man, but the appetite with which it is eaten. It is neither the quality nor the quantity, but the devotion to sensual savors; when that which is eaten is not a viand to sustain our animal, or inspire our spiritual life, but food for the worms that possess us. If the hunter has a taste for mud-turtles, muskrats, and other such savage tidbits, the fine lady indulges a taste for jelly made of a calf's foot, or for sardines from over the sea, and they are even. He goes to the mill-pond, she to her preserve-pot. The wonder is how they, how you and I, can live this slimy, beastly life, eating and drinking.
Our whole life is startlingly moral. There is never an instant's truce between virtue and vice. Goodness is the only investment that never fails. In the music of the harp which trembles round the world it is the insisting on this which thrills us. The harp is the travelling patterer for the Universe's Insurance Company, recommending its laws, and our little goodness is all the assessment that we pay. Though the youth at last grows indifferent, the laws of the universe are not indifferent, but are forever on the side of the most sensitive. Listen to every zephyr for some reproof, for it is surely there, and he is unfortunate who does not hear it. We cannot touch a string or move a stop but the charming moral transfixes us. Many an irksome noise, go a long way off, is heard as music, a proud, sweet satire on the meanness of our lives.
We are conscious of an animal in us, which awakens in proportion as our higher nature slumbers. It is reptile and sensual, and perhaps cannot be wholly expelled; like the worms which, even in life and health, occupy our bodies. Possibly we may withdraw from it, but never change its nature. I fear that it may enjoy a certain health of its own; that we may be well, yet not pure. The other day I picked up the lower jaw of a hog, with white and sound teeth and tusks, which suggested that there was an animal health and vigor distinct from the spiritual. This creature succeeded by other means than temperance and purity. "That in which men differ from brute beasts," says Mencius,(7) "is a thing very inconsiderable; the common herd lose it very soon; superior men preserve it carefully." Who knows what sort of life would result if we had attained to purity? If I knew so wise a man as could teach me purity I would go to seek him forthwith. "A command over our passions, and over the external senses of the body, and good acts, are declared by the Ved to be indispensable in the mind's approximation to God." Yet the spirit can for the time pervade and control every member and function of the body, and transmute what in form is the grossest sensuality into purity and devotion. The generative energy, which, when we are loose, dissipates and makes us unclean, when we are continent invigorates and inspires us. Chastity is the flowering of man; and what are called Genius, Heroism, Holiness, and the like, are but various fruits which succeed it. Man flows at once to God when the channel of purity is open. By turns our purity inspires and our impurity casts us down. He is blessed who is assured that the animal is dying out in him day by day, and the divine being established. Perhaps there is none but has cause for shame on account of the inferior and brutish nature to which he is allied. I fear that we are such gods or demigods only as fauns and satyrs, the divine allied to beasts, the creatures of appetite, and that, to some extent, our very life is our disgrace. —
"How happy's he who hath due place assigned
To his beasts and disafforested his mind!
. . . . . . .
Can use this horse, goat, wolf, and ev'ry beast,
And is not ass himself to all the rest!
Else man not only is the herd of swine,
But he's those devils too which did incline
Them to a headlong rage, and made them worse."(8)
All sensuality is one, though it takes many forms; all purity is one. It is the same whether a man eat, or drink, or cohabit, or sleep sensually. They are but one appetite, and we only need to see a person do any one of these things to know how great a sensualist he is. The impure can neither stand nor sit with purity. When the reptile is attacked at one mouth of his burrow, he shows himself at another. If you would be chaste, you must be temperate. What is chastity? How shall a man know if he is chaste? He shall not know it. We have heard of this virtue, but we know not what it is. We speak conformably to the rumor which we have heard. From exertion come wisdom and purity; from sloth ignorance and sensuality. In the student sensuality is a sluggish habit of mind. An unclean person is universally a slothful one, one who sits by a stove, whom the sun shines on prostrate, who reposes without being fatigued. If you would avoid uncleanness, and all the sins, work earnestly, though it be at cleaning a stable. Nature is hard to be overcome, but she must be overcome. What avails it that you are Christian, if you are not purer than the heathen, if you deny yourself no more, if you are not more religious? I know of many systems of religion esteemed heathenish whose precepts fill the reader with shame, and provoke him to new endeavors, though it be to the performance of rites merely.
I hesitate to say these things, but it is not because of the subject — I care not how obscene my words are — but because I cannot speak of them without betraying my impurity. We discourse freely without shame of one form of sensuality, and are silent about another. We are so degraded that we cannot speak simply of the necessary functions of human nature. In earlier ages, in some countries, every function was reverently spoken of and regulated by law. Nothing was too trivial for the Hindoo lawgiver, however offensive it may be to modern taste. He teaches how to eat, drink, cohabit, void excrement and urine, and the like, elevating what is mean, and does not falsely excuse himself by calling these things trifles.
Every man is the builder of a temple, called his body, to the god he worships, after a style purely his own, nor can he get off by hammering marble instead. We are all sculptors and painters, and our material is our own flesh and blood and bones. Any nobleness begins at once to refine a man's features, any meanness or sensuality to imbrute them.
John Farmer sat at his door one September evening, after a hard day's work, his mind still running on his labor more or less. Having bathed, he sat down to recreate his intellectual man. It was a rather cool evening, and some of his neighbors were apprehending a frost. He had not attended to the train of his thoughts long when he heard some one playing on a flute, and that sound harmonized with his mood. Still he thought of his work; but the burden of his thought was, that though this kept running in his head, and he found himself planning and contriving it against his will, yet it concerned him very little. It was no more than the scurf of his skin, which was constantly shuffled off. But the notes of the flute came home to his ears out of a different sphere from that he worked in, and suggested work for certain faculties which slumbered in him. They gently did away with the street, and the village, and the state in which he lived. A voice said to him — Why do you stay here and live this mean moiling life, when a glorious existence is possible for you? Those same stars twinkle over other fields than these. — But how to come out of this condition and actually migrate thither? All that he could think of was to practise some new austerity, to let his mind descend into his body and redeem it, and treat himself with ever increasing respect.

1. Reprinted from The Wild Mammals of Missouri by Charles M. Schwartz and Elizabeth R. Schwartz, by permission of the University of Missouri Press and the Missouri Department of Conservation. Copyright ? 2001 by the Curators of the University of Missouri
2. Geoffrey Chaucer (1340?-1400) Canterberry Tales
3. American Indian tribe, originally north of the St. Lawrence River
4. William Kirby (1759-1850), William Spence (1783-1860), British entomologists, wrote An Introduction to Entomology
5. Raja Rammohun Roy (1772-1833) from a translation of Hindu scripture
6. Confucius (551?-478? B.C.) Chinese philosopher & teacher
7. Meng-tse (372?-287? B.C.) Chinese philosopher, follower of Confucius
8. John Donne (1573-1631) To Sir Edward Herbert
“没有听到老母鸡说过 猎者并不是圣洁的人。”
① 乔叟(约1340- 1400),英国诗人。所著《坎特伯雷故事集》中有《女尼的教士的故事》。
① 柯尔比(1759- 1850)和斯班司(1783- 1860)均为英国昆虫学家。两人合写了一部《昆虫学概论》(1815- 1826),共四卷。后来,柯尔比还写了别的昆虫学著作。
① 据古罗马神话,其体形一半像人,一半像羊。
② 据希腊神话,半人半兽的森林之神性好欢娱,耽于淫欲。
“这人何等快乐,斩除了脑中的林莽, 把内心的群兽驱逐到适当的地方。 ………… 能利用他的马、羊、狼和一切野兽, 而自己和其他动物相比,不算蠢驴。 否则,人不单单放牧一群猪猡, 而且也是这样那样的鬼怪妖魔, 使它们狂妄失性,使他们越来越坏。③
③ 引自英国诗人约翰·多恩(1573- 1631)的诗《致爱·赫倍特爵士》。



等级: 热心会员
举报 只看该作者 14楼  发表于: 2014-08-20 0
Baker Farm倍克田庄  
SOMETIMES I RAMBLED to pine groves, standing like temples, or like fleets at sea, full-rigged, with wavy boughs, and rippling with light, so soft and green and shady that the Druids (1) would have forsaken their oaks to worship in them; or to the cedar wood beyond Flint's Pond, where the trees, covered with hoary blue berries, spiring higher and higher, are fit to stand before Valhalla,(2) and the creeping juniper covers the ground with wreaths full of fruit; or to swamps where the usnea lichen hangs in festoons from the black-spruce trees, and toadstools, round tables of the swamp gods, cover the ground, and more beautiful fungi adorn the stumps, like butterflies or shells, vegetable winkles; where the swamp-pink and dogwood grow, the red alderberry glows like eyes of imps, the waxwork grooves and crushes the hardest woods in its folds, and the wild holly berries make the beholder forget his home with their beauty, and he is dazzled and tempted by nameless other wild forbidden fruits, too fair for mortal taste. Instead of calling on some scholar, I paid many a visit to particular trees, of kinds which are rare in this neighborhood, standing far away in the middle of some pasture, or in the depths of a wood or swamp, or on a hilltop; such as the black birch, of which we have some handsome specimens two feet in diameter; its cousin, the yellow birch, with its loose golden vest, perfumed like the first; the beech, which has so neat a bole and beautifully lichen-painted, perfect in all its details, of which, excepting scattered specimens, I know but one small grove of sizable trees left in the township, supposed by some to have been planted by the pigeons that were once baited with beechnuts near by; it is worth the while to see the silver grain sparkle when you split this wood; the bass; the hornbeam; the Celtis occidentalis, or false elm, of which we have but one well-grown; some taller mast of a pine, a shingle tree, or a more perfect hemlock than usual, standing like a pagoda in the midst of the woods; and many others I could mention. These were the shrines I visited both summer and winter.
Once it chanced that I stood in the very abutment of a rainbow's arch, which filled the lower stratum of the atmosphere, tinging the grass and leaves around, and dazzling me as if I looked through colored crystal. It was a lake of rainbow light, in which, for a short while, I lived like a dolphin. If it had lasted longer it might have tinged my employments and life. As I walked on the railroad causeway, I used to wonder at the halo of light around my shadow, and would fain fancy myself one of the elect. One who visited me declared that the shadows of some Irishmen before him had no halo about them, that it was only natives that were so distinguished. Benvenuto Cellini (3) tells us in his memoirs, that, after a certain terrible dream or vision which he had during his confinement in the castle of St. Angelo a resplendent light appeared over the shadow of his head at morning and evening, whether he was in Italy or France, and it was particularly conspicuous when the grass was moist with dew. This was probably the same phenomenon to which I have referred, which is especially observed in the morning, but also at other times, and even by moonlight. Though a constant one, it is not commonly noticed, and, in the case of an excitable imagination like Cellini's, it would be basis enough for superstition. Beside, he tells us that he showed it to very few. But are they not indeed distinguished who are conscious that they are regarded at all?
I set out one afternoon to go a-fishing to Fair Haven, through the woods, to eke out my scanty fare of vegetables. My way led through Pleasant Meadow, an adjunct of the Baker Farm, that retreat of which a poet has since sung, beginning, —
"Thy entry is a pleasant field,
Which some mossy fruit trees yield
Partly to a ruddy brook,
By gliding musquash undertook,
And mercurial trout,
Darting about."(4)
I thought of living there before I went to Walden. I "hooked" the apples, leaped the brook, and scared the musquash and the trout. It was one of those afternoons which seem indefinitely long before one, in which many events may happen, a large portion of our natural life, though it was already half spent when I started. By the way there came up a shower, which compelled me to stand half an hour under a pine, piling boughs over my head, and wearing my handkerchief for a shed; and when at length I had made one cast over the pickerelweed, standing up to my middle in water, I found myself suddenly in the shadow of a cloud, and the thunder began to rumble with such emphasis that I could do no more than listen to it. The gods must be proud, thought I, with such forked flashes to rout a poor unarmed fisherman. So I made haste for shelter to the nearest hut, which stood half a mile from any road, but so much the nearer to the pond, and had long been uninhabited: —
"And here a poet builded,
In the completed years,
For behold a trivial cabin
That to destruction steers."
So the Muse fables. But therein, as I found, dwelt now John Field, an Irishman, and his wife, and several children, from the broad-faced boy who assisted his father at his work, and now came running by his side from the bog to escape the rain, to the wrinkled, sibyl-like,(5) cone-headed infant that sat upon its father's knee as in the palaces of nobles, and looked out from its home in the midst of wet and hunger inquisitively upon the stranger, with the privilege of infancy, not knowing but it was the last of a noble line, and the hope and cynosure of the world, instead of John Field's poor starveling brat. There we sat together under that part of the roof which leaked the least, while it showered and thundered without. I had sat there many times of old before the ship was built that floated his family to America. An honest, hard-working, but shiftless man plainly was John Field; and his wife, she too was brave to cook so many successive dinners in the recesses of that lofty stove; with round greasy face and bare breast, still thinking to improve her condition one day; with the never absent mop in one hand, and yet no effects of it visible anywhere. The chickens, which had also taken shelter here from the rain, stalked about the room like members of the family, too humanized, methought, to roast well. They stood and looked in my eye or pecked at my shoe significantly. Meanwhile my host told me his story, how hard he worked "bogging" for a neighboring farmer, turning up a meadow with a spade or bog hoe at the rate of ten dollars an acre and the use of the land with manure for one year, and his little broad-faced son worked cheerfully at his father's side the while, not knowing how poor a bargain the latter had made. I tried to help him with my experience, telling him that he was one of my nearest neighbors, and that I too, who came a-fishing here, and looked like a loafer, was getting my living like himself; that I lived in a tight, light, and clean house, which hardly cost more than the annual rent of such a ruin as his commonly amounts to; and how, if he chose, he might in a month or two build himself a palace of his own; that I did not use tea, nor coffee, nor butter, nor milk, nor fresh meat, and so did not have to work to get them; again, as I did not work hard, I did not have to eat hard, and it cost me but a trifle for my food; but as he began with tea, and coffee, and butter, and milk, and beef, he had to work hard to pay for them, and when he had worked hard he had to eat hard again to repair the waste of his system — and so it was as broad as it was long, indeed it was broader than it was long, for he was discontented and wasted his life into the bargain; and yet he had rated it as a gain in coming to America, that here you could get tea, and coffee, and meat every day. But the only true America is that country where you are at liberty to pursue such a mode of life as may enable you to do without these, and where the state does not endeavor to compel you to sustain the slavery and war and other superfluous expenses which directly or indirectly result from the use of such things. For I purposely talked to him as if he were a philosopher, or desired to be one. I should be glad if all the meadows on the earth were left in a wild state, if that were the consequence of men's beginning to redeem themselves. A man will not need to study history to find out what is best for his own culture. But alas! The culture of an Irishman is an enterprise to be undertaken with a sort of moral bog hoe. I told him, that as he worked so hard at bogging, he required thick boots and stout clothing, which yet were soon soiled and worn out, but I wore light shoes and thin clothing, which cost not half so much, though he might think that I was dressed like a gentleman (which, however, was not the case), and in an hour or two, without labor, but as a recreation, I could, if I wished, catch as many fish as I should want for two days, or earn enough money to support me a week. If he and his family would live simply, they might all go a-huckleberrying in the summer for their amusement. John heaved a sigh at this, and his wife stared with arms a-kimbo, and both appeared to be wondering if they had capital enough to begin such a course with, or arithmetic enough to carry it through. It was sailing by dead reckoning to them, and they saw not clearly how to make their port so; therefore I suppose they still take life bravely, after their fashion, face to face, giving it tooth and nail, not having skill to split its massive columns with any fine entering wedge, and rout it in detail; — thinking to deal with it roughly, as one should handle a thistle. But they fight at an overwhelming disadvantage — living, John Field, alas! Without arithmetic, and failing so.
"Do you ever fish?" I asked. "Oh yes, I catch a mess now and then when I am lying by; good perch I catch. — "What's your bait?" "I catch shiners with fishworms, and bait the perch with them." "You'd better go now, John," said his wife, with glistening and hopeful face; but John demurred.
The shower was now over, and a rainbow above the eastern woods promised a fair evening; so I took my departure. When I had got without I asked for a drink, hoping to get a sight of the well bottom, to complete my survey of the premises; but there, alas! Are shallows and quicksands, and rope broken withal, and bucket irrecoverable. Meanwhile the right culinary vessel was selected, water was seemingly distilled, and after consultation and long delay passed out to the thirsty one — not yet suffered to cool, not yet to settle. Such gruel sustains life here, I thought; so, shutting my eyes, and excluding the motes by a skilfully directed undercurrent, I drank to genuine hospitality the heartiest draught I could. I am not squeamish in such cases when manners are concerned.
As I was leaving the Irishman's roof after the rain, bending my steps again to the pond, my haste to catch pickerel, wading in retired meadows, in sloughs and bog-holes, in forlorn and savage places, appeared for an instant trivial to me who had been sent to school and college; but as I ran down the hill toward the reddening west, with the rainbow over my shoulder, and some faint tinkling sounds borne to my ear through the cleansed air, from I know not what quarter, my Good Genius seemed to say — Go fish and hunt far and wide day by day — farther and wider — and rest thee by many brooks and hearth-sides without misgiving. Remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth.(6) Rise free from care before the dawn, and seek adventures. Let the noon find thee by other lakes, and the night overtake thee everywhere at home. There are no larger fields than these, no worthier games than may here be played. Grow wild according to thy nature, like these sedges and brakes, which will never become English bay. Let the thunder rumble; what if it threaten ruin to farmers' crops? That is not its errand to thee. Take shelter under the cloud, while they flee to carts and sheds. Let not to get a living be thy trade, but thy sport. Enjoy the land, but own it not. Through want of enterprise and faith men are where they are, buying and selling, and spending their lives like serfs.
O Baker Farm! (7)
"Landscape where the richest element
Is a little sunshine innocent." …
"No one runs to revel
On thy rail-fenced lea." …
"Debate with no man hast thou,
With questions art never perplexed,
As tame at the first sight as now,
In thy plain russet gabardine dressed." …
"Come ye who love,
And ye who hate,
Children of the Holy Dove,
And Guy Faux (8) of the state,
And hang conspiracies
From the tough rafters of the trees!"
Men come tamely home at night only from the next field or street, where their household echoes haunt, and their life pines because it breathes its own breath over again; their shadows, morning and evening, reach farther than their daily steps. We should come home from far, from adventures, and perils, and discoveries every day, with new experience and character.
Before I had reached the pond some fresh impulse had brought out John Field, with altered mind, letting go "bogging" ere this sunset. But he, poor man, disturbed only a couple of fins while I was catching a fair string, and he said it was his luck; but when we changed seats in the boat luck changed seats too. Poor John Field! — I trust he does not read this, unless he will improve by it — thinking to live by some derivative old-country mode in this primitive new country — to catch perch with shiners. It is good bait sometimes, I allow. With his horizon all his own, yet he a poor man, born to be poor, with his inherited Irish poverty or poor life, his Adam's grandmother and boggy ways, not to rise in this world, he nor his posterity, till their wading webbed bog-trotting feet get talaria (9) to their heels.

1. ancient Celtic priests who worshiped in oak groves
2. in Norse mythology, the hall of Odin, home to warriors killed in battle
3. Benvenuto Cellini (1500-1571) Italian goldsmith and sculptor
4. All poetry in this chapter from Baker Farm by Thoreau's friend, Ellery Channing
5. ancient long-lived female prophet
6. the Bible, Ecclesiates 12:1
7. poem by Thoreau's friend, Ellery Channing, with some changes
8. Guy Fawkes (1570-1606) English Catholic executed for attempt to blow up the English Parliament
9. winged heels or sandals
① 古时克尔特人中的巫师。
② 北欧神话中沃丁神接待战死者英灵的殿堂。
我并没有去访问哪个学者,我访问了一棵棵树,访问了在附近一带也是稀有的林木,它们或远远地耸立在牧场的中央,或长在森林、沼泽的深处,或在小山的顶上;譬如黑桦木,我就看到一些好标本,直径有两英尺:还有它们的表亲黄桦木,宽弛地穿着金袍,像前述的那种一样地散发香味,又如山毛榉,有这样清洁的树干,美丽地绘着苔藓之色,处处美妙呵,除了一些散在各地的样本,在这乡镇一带,我只知道有一个这样的小小的林子,树身已相当大了,据说还是一些被附近山毛榉的果实吸引来的鸽子播下的种子;当你劈开树木的时候,银色的细粒闪闪发光,真值得鉴赏;还有,椴树,角树;还有学名为Celtis occidentalis的假榆树,那就只有一棵是长得好的;还有,可以作挺拔的桅杆用的高高的松树,以及作木瓦用的树;还有比一般松树更美妙的我们的铁杉,像一座宝塔一样矗立在森林中;还有我能提出的许多别的树。在夏天和冬天,我便访问这些神庙。
① 班文钮托·切利尼(1500- 1571),意大利文艺复兴时期的雕刻家、作家,他的回忆录是一部名著。
“入口是愉快的田野, 那里有些生苔的果树, 让出一泓红红的清溪, 水边有闪逃的麝香鼠, 还有水银似的鳟鱼啊, 游来游去。”②
② 引自美国作家爱勒莱·强宁(1780- 1842)的诗《倍克田庄》,下面还引了同诗的一节。
“这里是诗人所建, 在他的风烛残年, 看这小小的木屋, 也有毁灭的危险。”
以小小烂漫的阳光 为最富丽的大地风光。……
牧场上围起了栏杆, 没有人会跑去狂欢。……
你不曾跟人辩论, 也从未为你的疑问所困, 初见时就这样驯良, 你穿着普通的褐色斜纹。……
爱者来, 憎者亦来, 圣鸽之子, 和州里的戈艾〃福克斯①, 把阴谋吊在牢固的树枝上!
① 戈艾·福克斯是17世纪初试图炸毁英国议会大厦的阴谋家。



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举报 只看该作者 13楼  发表于: 2014-08-20 0
The Ponds   
SOMETIMES, HAVING HAD a surfeit of human society and gossip, and worn out all my village friends, I rambled still farther westward than I habitually dwell, into yet more unfrequented parts of the town, "to fresh woods and pastures new,(1)" or, while the sun was setting, made my supper of huckleberries and blueberries on Fair Haven Hill, and laid up a store for several days. The fruits do not yield their true flavor to the purchaser of them, nor to him who raises them for the market. There is but one way to obtain it, yet few take that way. If you would know the flavor of huckleberries, ask the cowboy or the partridge. It is a vulgar error to suppose that you have tasted huckleberries who never plucked them. A huckleberry never reaches Boston; they have not been known there since they grew on her three hills. The ambrosial and essential part of the fruit is lost with the bloom which is rubbed off in the market cart, and they become mere provender. As long as Eternal Justice reigns, not one innocent huckleberry can be transported thither from the country's hills.
1. John Milton (1608-1674) English poet, from Lycidas
Occasionally, after my hoeing was done for the day, I joined some impatient companion who had been fishing on the pond since morning, as silent and motionless as a duck or a floating leaf, and, after practising various kinds of philosophy, had concluded commonly, by the time I arrived, that he belonged to the ancient sect of Coenobites.(2) There was one older man, an excellent fisher and skilled in all kinds of woodcraft, who was pleased to look upon my house as a building erected for the convenience of fishermen; and I was equally pleased when he sat in my doorway to arrange his lines. Once in a while we sat together on the pond, he at one end of the boat, and I at the other; but not many words passed between us, for he had grown deaf in his later years, but he occasionally hummed a psalm, which harmonized well enough with my philosophy. Our intercourse was thus altogether one of unbroken harmony, far more pleasing to remember than if it had been carried on by speech. When, as was commonly the case, I had none to commune with, I used to raise the echoes by striking with a paddle on the side of my boat, filling the surrounding woods with circling and dilating sound, stirring them up as the keeper of a menagerie his wild beasts, until I elicited a growl from every wooded vale and hillside.
2. religious communities - pronounced "See no bites" (a pun!)
In warm evenings I frequently sat in the boat playing the flute, and saw the perch, which I seem to have charmed, hovering around me, and the moon travelling over the ribbed bottom, which was strewed with the wrecks of the forest. (below: white perch) Formerly I had come to this pond adventurously, from time to time, in dark summer nights, with a companion, and, making a fire close to the water's edge, which we thought attracted the fishes, we caught pouts with a bunch of worms strung on a thread, and when we had done, far in the night, threw the burning brands high into the air like skyrockets, which, coming down into the pond, were quenched with a loud hissing, and we were suddenly groping in total darkness. Through this, whistling a tune, we took our way to the haunts of men again. But now I had made my home by the shore.
Sometimes, after staying in a village parlor till the family had all retired, I have returned to the woods, and, partly with a view to the next day's dinner, spent the hours of midnight fishing from a boat by moonlight, serenaded by owls and foxes, and hearing, from time to time, the creaking note of some unknown bird close at hand. These experiences were very memorable and valuable to me — anchored in forty feet of water, and twenty or thirty rods from the shore,(3) surrounded sometimes by thousands of small perch and shiners, dimpling the surface with their tails in the moonlight, and communicating by a long flaxen line with mysterious nocturnal fishes which had their dwelling forty feet below, or sometimes dragging sixty feet of line about the pond as I drifted in the gentle night breeze, now and then feeling a slight vibration along it, indicative of some life prowling about its extremity, of dull uncertain blundering purpose there, and slow to make up its mind. At length you slowly raise, pulling hand over hand, some horned pout squeaking and squirming to the upper air. It was very queer, especially in dark nights, when your thoughts had wandered to vast and cosmogonal themes in other spheres, to feel this faint jerk, which came to interrupt your dreams and link you to Nature again. It seemed as if I might next cast my line upward into the air, as well as downward into this element, which was scarcely more dense. Thus I caught two fishes as it were with one hook.
3. Twenty or thirty rods is 330-495 feet
The scenery of Walden is on a humble scale, and, though very beautiful, does not approach to grandeur, nor can it much concern one who has not long frequented it or lived by its shore; yet this pond is so remarkable for its depth and purity as to merit a particular description. It is a clear and deep green well, half a mile long and a mile and three quarters in circumference, and contains about sixty-one and a half acres; a perennial spring in the midst of pine and oak woods, without any visible inlet or outlet except by the clouds and evaporation. The surrounding hills rise abruptly from the water to the height of forty to eighty feet, though on the southeast and east they attain to about one hundred and one hundred and fifty feet respectively, within a quarter and a third of a mile. They are exclusively woodland. All our Concord waters have two colors at least; one when viewed at a distance, and another, more proper, close at hand. The first depends more on the light, and follows the sky. In clear weather, in summer, they appear blue at a little distance, especially if agitated, and at a great distance all appear alike. In stormy weather they are sometimes of a dark slate-color. The sea, however, is said to be blue one day and green another without any perceptible change in the atmosphere. I have seen our river, when, the landscape being covered with snow, both water and ice were almost as green as grass. Some consider blue "to be the color of pure water, whether liquid or solid." But, looking directly down into our waters from a boat, they are seen to be of very different colors. Walden is blue at one time and green at another, even from the same point of view. Lying between the earth and the heavens, it partakes of the color of both. Viewed from a hilltop it reflects the color of the sky; but near at hand it is of a yellowish tint next the shore where you can see the sand, then a light green, which gradually deepens to a uniform dark green in the body of the pond. In some lights, viewed even from a hilltop, it is of a vivid green next the shore. Some have referred this to the reflection of the verdure; but it is equally green there against the railroad sandbank, and in the spring, before the leaves are expanded, and it may be simply the result of the prevailing blue mixed with the yellow of the sand. Such is the color of its iris. This is that portion, also, where in the spring, the ice being warmed by the heat of the sun reflected from the bottom, and also transmitted through the earth, melts first and forms a narrow canal about the still frozen middle. Like the rest of our waters, when much agitated, in clear weather, so that the surface of the waves may reflect the sky at the right angle, or because there is more light mixed with it, it appears at a little distance of a darker blue than the sky itself; and at such a time, being on its surface, and looking with divided vision, so as to see the reflection, I have discerned a matchless and indescribable light blue, such as watered or changeable silks and sword blades suggest, more cerulean than the sky itself, alternating with the original dark green on the opposite sides of the waves, which last appeared but muddy in comparison. It is a vitreous greenish blue, as I remember it, like those patches of the winter sky seen through cloud vistas in the west before sundown. Yet a single glass of its water held up to the light is as colorless as an equal quantity of air. It is well known that a large plate of glass will have a green tint, owing, as the makers say, to its "body," but a small piece of the same will be colorless. How large a body of Walden water would be required to reflect a green tint I have never proved. The water of our river is black or a very dark brown to one looking directly down on it, and, like that of most ponds, imparts to the body of one bathing in it a yellowish tinge; but this water is of such crystalline purity that the body of the bather appears of an alabaster whiteness, still more unnatural, which, as the limbs are magnified and distorted withal, produces a monstrous effect, making fit studies for a Michael Angelo.(4)
4. Michelangelo (1475-1564) Italian sculptor, painter, architect, poet
The water is so transparent that the bottom can easily be discerned at the depth of twenty-five or thirty feet. Paddling over it, you may see, many feet beneath the surface, the schools of perch and shiners, perhaps only an inch long, yet the former easily distinguished by their transverse bars, and you think that they must be ascetic fish that find a subsistence there. Once, in the winter, many years ago, when I had been cutting holes through the ice in order to catch pickerel, as I stepped ashore I tossed my axe back on to the ice, but, as if some evil genius had directed it, it slid four or five rods directly into one of the holes, where the water was twenty-five feet deep. Out of curiosity, I lay down on the ice and looked through the hole, until I saw the axe a little on one side, standing on its head, with its helve erect and gently swaying to and fro with the pulse of the pond; and there it might have stood erect and swaying till in the course of time the handle rotted off, if I had not disturbed it. Making another hole directly over it with an ice chisel which I had, and cutting down the longest birch which I could find in the neighborhood with my knife, I made a slip-noose, which I attached to its end, and, letting it down carefully, passed it over the knob of the handle, and drew it by a line along the birch, and so pulled the axe out again.
The shore is composed of a belt of smooth rounded white stones like paving-stones, excepting one or two short sand beaches, and is so steep that in many places a single leap will carry you into water over your head; and were it not for its remarkable transparency, that would be the last to be seen of its bottom till it rose on the opposite side. Some think it is bottomless. It is nowhere muddy, and a casual observer would say that there were no weeds at all in it; and of noticeable plants, except in the little meadows recently overflowed, which do not properly belong to it, a closer scrutiny does not detect a flag nor a bulrush, nor even a lily, yellow or white, but only a few small heart-leaves and potamogetons,(5) and perhaps a water-target or two; all which however a bather might not perceive; and these plants are clean and bright like the element they grow in. The stones extend a rod or two into the water, and then the bottom is pure sand, except in the deepest parts, where there is usually a little sediment, probably from the decay of the leaves which have been wafted on to it so many successive falls, and a bright green weed is brought up on anchors even in midwinter.
5. water plants
We have one other pond just like this, White Pond, in Nine Acre Corner, about two and a half miles westerly; but, though I am acquainted with most of the ponds within a dozen miles of this centre I do not know a third of this pure and well-like character. Successive nations perchance have drank at, admired, and fathomed it, and passed away, and still its water is green and pellucid as ever. Not an intermitting spring! Perhaps on that spring morning when Adam and Eve were driven out of Eden Walden Pond was already in existence, and even then breaking up in a gentle spring rain accompanied with mist and a southerly wind, and covered with myriads of ducks and geese, which had not heard of the fall, when still such pure lakes sufficed them. Even then it had commenced to rise and fall, and had clarified its waters and colored them of the hue they now wear, and obtained a patent of Heaven to be the only Walden Pond in the world and distiller of celestial dews. Who knows in how many unremembered nations' literatures this has been the Castalian Fountain?(6) or what nymphs presided over it in the Golden Age? It is a gem of the first water which Concord wears in her coronet.
6. in Greek mythology, source of poetic inspiration
Yet perchance the first who came to this well have left some trace of their footsteps. I have been surprised to detect encircling the pond, even where a thick wood has just been cut down on the shore, a narrow shelf-like path in the steep hillside, alternately rising and falling, approaching and receding from the water's edge, as old probably as the race of man here, worn by the feet of aboriginal hunters, and still from time to time unwittingly trodden by the present occupants of the land. This is particularly distinct to one standing on the middle of the pond in winter, just after a light snow has fallen, appearing as a clear undulating white line, unobscured by weeds and twigs, and very obvious a quarter of a mile off in many places where in summer it is hardly distinguishable close at hand. The snow reprints it, as it were, in clear white type alto-relievo.(7) The ornamented grounds of villas which will one day be built here may still preserve some trace of this.
7. sculptural relief with at least half of the modeled form projecting
The pond rises and falls, but whether regularly or not, and within what period, nobody knows, though, as usual, many pretend to know.(8) It is commonly higher in the winter and lower in the summer, though not corresponding to the general wet and dryness. I can remember when it was a foot or two lower, and also when it was at least five feet higher, than when I lived by it. There is a narrow sand-bar running into it, with very deep water on one side, on which I helped boil a kettle of chowder, some six rods from the main shore, about the year 1824, which it has not been possible to do for twenty-five years; and, on the other hand, my friends used to listen with incredulity when I told them, that a few years later I was accustomed to fish from a boat in a secluded cove in the woods, fifteen rods from the only shore they knew, which place was long since converted into a meadow. But the pond has risen steadily for two years, and now, in the summer of '52, is just five feet higher than when I lived there, or as high as it was thirty years ago, and fishing goes on again in the meadow. This makes a difference of level, at the outside, of six or seven feet; and yet the water shed by the surrounding hills is insignificant in amount, and this overflow must be referred to causes which affect the deep springs. This same summer the pond has begun to fall again. It is remarkable that this fluctuation, whether periodical or not, appears thus to require many years for its accomplishment. I have observed one rise and a part of two falls, and I expect that a dozen or fifteen years hence the water will again be as low as I have ever known it. Flint's Pond, a mile eastward, allowing for the disturbance occasioned by its inlets and outlets, and the smaller intermediate ponds also, sympathize with Walden, and recently attained their greatest height at the same time with the latter. The same is true, as far as my observation goes, of White Pond.
8. Walden is now understood to be a "flow-through" pond, with underwater connections to other local bodies of water. The shape of the pond was created as a glacial sink hole.
This rise and fall of Walden at long intervals serves this use at least; the water standing at this great height for a year or more, though it makes it difficult to walk round it, kills the shrubs and trees which have sprung up about its edge since the last rise — pitch pines, birches, alders, aspens, and others — and, falling again, leaves an unobstructed shore; for, unlike many ponds and all waters which are subject to a daily tide, its shore is cleanest when the water is lowest. On the side of the pond next my house a row of pitch pines, fifteen feet high, has been killed and tipped over as if by a lever, and thus a stop put to their encroachments; and their size indicates how many years have elapsed since the last rise to this height. By this fluctuation the pond asserts its title to a shore, and thus the shore is shorn, and the trees cannot hold it by right of possession. These are the lips of the lake, on which no beard grows. It licks its chaps from time to time. When the water is at its height, the alders, willows, and maples send forth a mass of fibrous red roots several feet long from all sides of their stems in the water, and to the height of three or four feet from the ground, in the effort to maintain themselves; and I have known the high blueberry bushes about the shore, which commonly produce no fruit, bear an abundant crop under these circumstances.
Some have been puzzled to tell how the shore became so regularly paved. My townsmen have all heard the tradition — the oldest people tell me that they heard it in their youth — that anciently the Indians were holding a pow-wow upon a hill here, which rose as high into the heavens as the pond now sinks deep into the earth, and they used much profanity, as the story goes, though this vice is one of which the Indians were never guilty, and while they were thus engaged the hill shook and suddenly sank, and only one old squaw, named Walden, escaped, and from her the pond was named.(9) It has been conjectured that when the hill shook these stones rolled down its side and became the present shore. It is very certain, at any rate, that once there was no pond here, and now there is one; and this Indian fable does not in any respect conflict with the account of that ancient settler whom I have mentioned, who remembers so well when he first came here with his divining-rod, saw a thin vapor rising from the sward, and the hazel pointed steadily downward, and he concluded to dig a well here. As for the stones, many still think that they are hardly to be accounted for by the action of the waves on these hills; but I observe that the surrounding hills are remarkably full of the same kind of stones, so that they have been obliged to pile them up in walls on both sides of the railroad cut nearest the pond; and, moreover, there are most stones where the shore is most abrupt; so that, unfortunately, it is no longer a mystery to me. I detect the paver. If the name was not derived from that of some English locality — Saffron Walden,(10) for instance — one might suppose that it was called originally Walled-in Pond.
9. "This is told of Alexander's Lake in Killingly Ct. by Barber. v his Con. Hist Coll" - note made by Thoreau in his copy of Walden
10. At least one early settler of Concord was from the English town of Saffron Walden. "Evelyn in his Diary (1645) mentions 'the parish of Saffron Walden, famous for the abundance of Saffron there cultivated, and esteemed the best of any foreign county'" - note made by Thoreau in his copy of Walden
The pond was my well ready dug. For four months in the year its water is as cold as it is pure at all times; and I think that it is then as good as any, if not the best, in the town. In the winter, all water which is exposed to the air is colder than springs and wells which are protected from it. The temperature of the pond water which had stood in the room where I sat from five o'clock in the afternoon till noon the next day, the sixth of March, 1846, the thermometer having been up to 65o or 70o some of the time, owing partly to the sun on the roof, was 42o, or one degree colder than the water of one of the coldest wells in the village just drawn. The temperature of the Boiling Spring the same day was 45o, or the warmest of any water tried, though it is the coldest that I know of in summer, when, beside, shallow and stagnant surface water is not mingled with it. Moreover, in summer, Walden never becomes so warm as most water which is exposed to the sun, on account of its depth. In the warmest weather I usually placed a pailful in my cellar, where it became cool in the night, and remained so during the day; though I also resorted to a spring in the neighborhood. It was as good when a week old as the day it was dipped, and had no taste of the pump. Whoever camps for a week in summer by the shore of a pond, needs only bury a pail of water a few feet deep in the shade of his camp to be independent of the luxury of ice.
There have been caught in Walden pickerel, one weighing seven pounds — to say nothing of another which carried off a reel with great velocity, which the fisherman safely set down at eight pounds because he did not see him — perch and pouts, some of each weighing over two pounds, shiners, chivins or roach (Leuciscus pulchellus,) a very few breams (Pomotis obesus,) (11) and a couple of eels, one weighing four pounds — I am thus particular because the weight of a fish is commonly its only title to fame, and these are the only eels I have heard of here; — also, I have a faint recollection of a little fish some five inches long, with silvery sides and a greenish back, somewhat dace-like in its character, which I mention here chiefly to link my facts to fable. Nevertheless, this pond is not very fertile in fish. Its pickerel, though not abundant, are its chief boast. I have seen at one time lying on the ice pickerel of at least three different kinds: a long and shallow one, steel-colored, most like those caught in the river; a bright golden kind, with greenish reflections and remarkably deep, which is the most common here; and another, golden-colored, and shaped like the last, but peppered on the sides with small dark brown or black spots, intermixed with a few faint blood-red ones, very much like a trout. The specific name reticulatus would not apply to this; it should be guttatus rather. These are all very firm fish, and weigh more than their size promises. The shiners, pouts, and perch also, and indeed all the fishes which inhabit this pond, are much cleaner, handsomer, and firmer-fleshed than those in the river and most other ponds, as the water is purer, and they can easily be distinguished from them. Probably many ichthyologists (12) would make new varieties of some of them. There are also a clean race of frogs and tortoises, and a few mussels in it; muskrats and minks leave their traces about it, and occasionally a travelling mud-turtle visits it. Sometimes, when I pushed off my boat in the morning, I disturbed a great mud-turtle which had secreted himself under the boat in the night. Ducks and geese frequent it in the spring and fall, the white-bellied swallows (Hirundo bicolor) skim over it, kingfishers dart away from its coves, and the peetweets (Totanus macularius) "teeter" along its stony shores all summer. I have sometimes disturbed a fish hawk sitting on a white pine over the water; but I doubt if it is ever profaned by the wind of a gull, like Fair Haven.(13) At most, it tolerates one annual loon. These are all the animals of consequence which frequent it now.
11. "Pomotis obesus [v Nov 26-58] one trout weighing a little over 5 ibs — (Nov. 14-57)" - note made by Thoreau in his copy of Walden
12. zoologists who study fish, including their structure, classification, and habits
13. bay of the Sudbury River approximately one mile from Walden
You may see from a boat, in calm weather, near the sandy eastern shore, where the water is eight or ten feet deep, and also in some other parts of the pond, some circular heaps half a dozen feet in diameter by a foot in height, consisting of small stones less than a hen's egg in size, where all around is bare sand. At first you wonder if the Indians could have formed them on the ice for any purpose, and so, when the ice melted, they sank to the bottom; but they are too regular and some of them plainly too fresh for that. They are similar to those found in rivers; but as there are no suckers nor lampreys here, I know not by what fish they could be made. Perhaps they are the nests of the chivin. These lend a pleasing mystery to the bottom.
The shore is irregular enough not to be monotonous. I have in my mind's eye the western, indented with deep bays, the bolder northern, and the beautifully scalloped southern shore, where successive capes overlap each other and suggest unexplored coves between. The forest has never so good a setting, nor is so distinctly beautiful, as when seen from the middle of a small lake amid hills which rise from the water's edge; for the water in which it is reflected not only makes the best foreground in such a case, but, with its winding shore, the most natural and agreeable boundary to it. There is no rawness nor imperfection in its edge there, as where the axe has cleared a part, or a cultivated field abuts on it. The trees have ample room to expand on the water side, and each sends forth its most vigorous branch in that direction. There Nature has woven a natural selvage, and the eye rises by just gradations from the low shrubs of the shore to the highest trees. There are few traces of man's hand to be seen. The water laves the shore as it did a thousand years ago.
A lake is the landscape's most beautiful and expressive feature. It is earth's eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature. The fluviatile (1) trees next the shore are the slender eyelashes which fringe it, and the wooded hills and cliffs around are its overhanging brows.
1. "fluviatile", from the Latin name for river, refers to moving water, and appears to be misused here
Standing on the smooth sandy beach at the east end of the pond, in a calm September afternoon, when a slight haze makes the opposite shore-line indistinct, I have seen whence came the expression, "the glassy surface of a lake." When you invert your head, it looks like a thread of finest gossamer stretched across the valley, and gleaming against the distant pine woods, separating one stratum of the atmosphere from another. You would think that you could walk dry under it to the opposite hills, and that the swallows which skim over might perch on it. Indeed, they sometimes dive below this line, as it were by mistake, and are undeceived. As you look over the pond westward you are obliged to employ both your hands to defend your eyes against the reflected as well as the true sun, for they are equally bright; and if, between the two, you survey its surface critically, it is literally as smooth as glass, except where the skater insects, at equal intervals scattered over its whole extent, by their motions in the sun produce the finest imaginable sparkle on it, or, perchance, a duck plumes itself, or, as I have said, a swallow skims so low as to touch it. It may be that in the distance a fish describes an arc of three or four feet in the air, and there is one bright flash where it emerges, and another where it strikes the water; sometimes the whole silvery arc is revealed; or here and there, perhaps, is a thistle-down floating on its surface, which the fishes dart at and so dimple it again. It is like molten glass cooled but not congealed, and the few motes in it are pure and beautiful like the imperfections in glass. You may often detect a yet smoother and darker water, separated from the rest as if by an invisible cobweb, boom of the water nymphs, resting on it. From a hilltop you can see a fish leap in almost any part; for not a pickerel or shiner picks an insect from this smooth surface but it manifestly disturbs the equilibrium of the whole lake. It is wonderful with what elaborateness this simple fact is advertised — this piscine murder will out — and from my distant perch I distinguish the circling undulations when they are half a dozen rods in diameter. You can even detect a water-bug (Gyrinus) (2) ceaselessly progressing over the smooth surface a quarter of a mile off; for they furrow the water slightly, making a conspicuous ripple bounded by two diverging lines, but the skaters glide over it without rippling it perceptibly. When the surface is considerably agitated there are no skaters nor water-bugs on it, but apparently, in calm days, they leave their havens and adventurously glide forth from the shore by short impulses till they completely cover it. It is a soothing employment, on one of those fine days in the fall when all the warmth of the sun is fully appreciated, to sit on a stump on such a height as this, overlooking the pond, and study the dimpling circles which are incessantly inscribed on its otherwise invisible surface amid the reflected skies and trees. Over this great expanse there is no disturbance but it is thus at once gently smoothed away and assuaged, as, when a vase of water is jarred, the trembling circles seek the shore and all is smooth again. Not a fish can leap or an insect fall on the pond but it is thus reported in circling dimples, in lines of beauty, as it were the constant welling up of its fountain, the gentle pulsing of its life, the heaving of its breast. The thrills of joy and thrills of pain are undistinguishable. How peaceful the phenomena of the lake! Again the works of man shine as in the spring. Ay, every leaf and twig and stone and cobweb sparkles now at mid-afternoon as when covered with dew in a spring morning. Every motion of an oar or an insect produces a flash of light; and if an oar falls, how sweet the echo!
2. small aquatic beetle that swims on the surface of the water
In such a day, in September or October, Walden is a perfect forest mirror, set round with stones as precious to my eye as if fewer or rarer. Nothing so fair, so pure, and at the same time so large, as a lake, perchance, lies on the surface of the earth. Sky water. It needs no fence. Nations come and go without defiling it. It is a mirror which no stone can crack, whose quicksilver will never wear off, whose gilding Nature continually repairs; no storms, no dust, can dim its surface ever fresh; — a mirror in which all impurity presented to it sinks, swept and dusted by the sun's hazy brush — this the light dust-cloth — which retains no breath that is breathed on it, but sends its own to float as clouds high above its surface, and be reflected in its bosom still.
A field of water betrays the spirit that is in the air. It is continually receiving new life and motion from above. It is intermediate in its nature between land and sky. On land only the grass and trees wave, but the water itself is rippled by the wind. I see where the breeze dashes across it by the streaks or flakes of light. It is remarkable that we can look down on its surface. We shall, perhaps, look down thus on the surface of air at length, and mark where a still subtler spirit sweeps over it.
The skaters and water-bugs finally disappear in the latter part of October, when the severe frosts have come; and then and in November, usually, in a calm day, there is absolutely nothing to ripple the surface. One November afternoon, in the calm at the end of a rain-storm of several days' duration, when the sky was still completely overcast and the air was full of mist, I observed that the pond was remarkably smooth, so that it was difficult to distinguish its surface; though it no longer reflected the bright tints of October, but the sombre November colors of the surrounding hills. Though I passed over it as gently as possible, the slight undulations produced by my boat extended almost as far as I could see, and gave a ribbed appearance to the reflections. But, as I was looking over the surface, I saw here and there at a distance a faint glimmer, as if some skater insects which had escaped the frosts might be collected there, or, perchance, the surface, being so smooth, betrayed where a spring welled up from the bottom. Paddling gently to one of these places, I was surprised to find myself surrounded by myriads of small perch, about five inches long, of a rich bronze color in the green water, sporting there, and constantly rising to the surface and dimpling it, sometimes leaving bubbles on it. In such transparent and seemingly bottomless water, reflecting the clouds, I seemed to be floating through the air as in a balloon, and their swimming impressed me as a kind of flight or hovering, as if they were a compact flock of birds passing just beneath my level on the right or left, their fins, like sails, set all around them. There were many such schools in the pond, apparently improving the short season before winter would draw an icy shutter over their broad skylight, sometimes giving to the surface an appearance as if a slight breeze struck it, or a few rain-drops fell there. When I approached carelessly and alarmed them, they made a sudden splash and rippling with their tails, as if one had struck the water with a brushy bough, and instantly took refuge in the depths. At length the wind rose, the mist increased, and the waves began to run, and the perch leaped much higher than before, half out of water, a hundred black points, three inches long, at once above the surface. Even as late as the fifth of December, one year, I saw some dimples on the surface, and thinking it was going to rain hard immediately, the air being fun of mist, I made haste to take my place at the oars and row homeward; already the rain seemed rapidly increasing, though I felt none on my cheek, and I anticipated a thorough soaking. But suddenly the dimples ceased, for they were produced by the perch, which the noise of my oars had seared into the depths, and I saw their schools dimly disappearing; so I spent a dry afternoon after all.
An old man who used to frequent this pond nearly sixty years ago, when it was dark with surrounding forests, tells me that in those days he sometimes saw it all alive with ducks and other water-fowl, and that there were many eagles about it. He came here a-fishing, and used an old log canoe which he found on the shore. It was made of two white pine logs dug out and pinned together, and was cut off square at the ends. It was very clumsy, but lasted a great many years before it became water-logged and perhaps sank to the bottom. He did not know whose it was; it belonged to the pond. He used to make a cable for his anchor of strips of hickory bark tied together. An old man, a potter, who lived by the pond before the Revolution, told him once that there was an iron chest at the bottom, and that he had seen it. Sometimes it would come floating up to the shore; but when you went toward it, it would go back into deep water and disappear. I was pleased to hear of the old log canoe, which took the place of an Indian one of the same material but more graceful construction, which perchance had first been a tree on the bank, and then, as it were, fell into the water, to float there for a generation, the most proper vessel for the lake. I remember that when I first looked into these depths there were many large trunks to be seen indistinctly lying on the bottom, which had either been blown over formerly, or left on the ice at the last cutting, when wood was cheaper; but now they have mostly disappeared.
When I first paddled a boat on Walden, it was completely surrounded by thick and lofty pine and oak woods, and in some of its coves grape-vines had run over the trees next the water and formed bowers under which a boat could pass. The hills which form its shores are so steep, and the woods on them were then so high, that, as you looked down from the west end, it had the appearance of an amphitheatre for some land of sylvan spectacle. I have spent many an hour, when I was younger, floating over its surface as the zephyr willed, having paddled my boat to the middle, and lying on my back across the seats, in a summer forenoon, dreaming awake, until I was aroused by the boat touching the sand, and I arose to see what shore my fates had impelled me to; days when idleness was the most attractive and productive industry. Many a forenoon have I stolen away, preferring to spend thus the most valued part of the day; for I was rich, if not in money, in sunny hours and summer days, and spent them lavishly; nor do I regret that I did not waste more of them in the workshop or the teacher's desk. But since I left those shores the woodchoppers have still further laid them waste, and now for many a year there will be no more rambling through the aisles of the wood, with occasional vistas through which you see the water. My Muse may be excused if she is silent henceforth. How can you expect the birds to sing when their groves are cut down?
Now the trunks of trees on the bottom, and the old log canoe, and the dark surrounding woods, are gone, and the villagers, who scarcely know where it lies, instead of going to the pond to bathe or drink, are thinking to bring its water, which should be as sacred as the Ganges (3) at least, to the village in a pipe, to wash their dishes with! — to earn their Walden by the turning of a cock or drawing of a plug! That devilish Iron Horse, whose ear-rending neigh is heard throughout the town, has muddied the Boiling Spring with his foot, and he it is that has browsed off all the woods on Walden shore, that Trojan horse, with a thousand men in his belly, introduced by mercenary Greeks! Where is the country's champion, the Moore of Moore-Hall,(4) to meet him at the Deep Cut (5) and thrust an avenging lance between the ribs of the bloated pest?
3. river in northern India, sacred to Hindus
4. hero of an English ballad, who killed a dragon
5. The "Deep Cut" is the route of the Fitchburg Railroad, described by Thoreau as "about a quarter of a mile long — and thirty or forty feet deep"
Nevertheless, of all the characters I have known, perhaps Walden wears best, and best preserves its purity.(6) Many men have been likened to it, but few deserve that honor. Though the woodchoppers have laid bare first this shore and then that, and the Irish have built their sties by it, and the railroad has infringed on its border, and the ice-men have skimmed it once, it is itself unchanged, the same water which my youthful eyes fell on; all the change is in me. It has not acquired one permanent wrinkle after all its ripples. It is perennially young, and I may stand and see a swallow dip apparently to pick an insect from its surface as of yore. It struck me again tonight, as if I had not seen it almost daily for more than twenty years — Why, here is Walden, the same woodland lake that I discovered so many years ago; where a forest was cut down last winter another is springing up by its shore as lustily as ever; the same thought is welling up to its surface that was then; it is the same liquid joy and happiness to itself and its Maker, ay, and it may be to me. It is the work of a brave man surely, in whom there was no guile! He rounded this water with his hand, deepened and clarified it in his thought, and in his will bequeathed it to Concord. I see by its face that it is visited by the same reflection; and I can almost say, Walden, is it you?
6. "In the years after Thoreau's death Walden was exploited for recreational use. The railroad put in picnic tables in 1866, a bath house in 1868, and in 1880 began conducting excursions to the pond that continued into the next century. A pavilion, merry-go-round, race track, boat rentals, and concessions were Victorian period embellishments." - Ronald Wesley Hoag
It is no dream of mine,
To ornament a line;
I cannot come nearer to God and Heaven
Than I live to Walden even.
I am its stony shore,
And the breeze that passes o'er;
In the hollow of my hand
Are its water and its sand,
And its deepest resort
Lies high in my thought.(7)
7. poem by Henry Thoreau
The cars never pause to look at it; yet I fancy that the engineers and firemen and brakemen, and those passengers who have a season ticket and see it often, are better men for the sight. The engineer does not forget at night, or his nature does not, that he has beheld this vision of serenity and purity once at least during the day. Though seen but once, it helps to wash out State-street (8) and the engine's soot. One proposes that it be called "God's Drop."(9)
8. Boston financial district
9. "One" is Emerson
I have said that Walden has no visible inlet nor outlet, but it is on the one hand distantly and indirectly related to Flint's Pond, which is more elevated, by a chain of small ponds coming from that quarter, and on the other directly and manifestly to Concord River, which is lower, by a similar chain of ponds through which in some other geological period it may have flowed, and by a little digging, which God forbid, it can be made to flow thither again. If by living thus reserved and austere, like a hermit in the woods, so long, it has acquired such wonderful purity, who would not regret that the comparatively impure waters of Flint's Pond should be mingled with it, or itself should ever go to waste its sweetness in the ocean wave?
Flint's, or Sandy Pond, in Lincoln, our greatest lake and inland sea, lies about a mile east of Walden. It is much larger, being said to contain one hundred and ninety-seven acres, and is more fertile in fish; but it is comparatively shallow, and not remarkably pure. A walk through the woods thither was often my recreation. It was worth the while, if only to feel the wind blow on your cheek freely, and see the waves run, and remember the life of mariners. I went a-chestnutting there in the fall, on windy days, when the nuts were dropping into the water and were washed to my feet; and one day, as I crept along its sedgy shore, the fresh spray blowing in my face, I came upon the mouldering wreck of a boat, the sides gone, and hardly more than the impression of its flat bottom left amid the rushes; yet its model was sharply defined, as if it were a large decayed pad, with its veins. It was as impressive a wreck as one could imagine on the seashore, and had as good a moral. It is by this time mere vegetable mould and undistinguishable pond shore, through which rushes and flags have pushed up. I used to admire the ripple marks on the sandy bottom, at the north end of this pond, made firm and hard to the feet of the wader by the pressure of the water, and the rushes which grew in Indian file, in waving lines, corresponding to these marks, rank behind rank, as if the waves had planted them. There also I have found, in considerable quantities, curious balls, composed apparently of fine grass or roots, of pipewort perhaps, from half an inch to four inches in diameter, and perfectly spherical. These wash back and forth in shallow water on a sandy bottom, and are sometimes cast on the shore. They are either solid grass, or have a little sand in the middle. At first you would say that they were formed by the action of the waves, like a pebble; yet the smallest are made of equally coarse materials, half an inch long, and they are produced only at one season of the year. Moreover, the waves, I suspect, do not so much construct as wear down a material which has already acquired consistency. They preserve their form when dry for an indefinite period.
Flint's Pond! Such is the poverty of our nomenclature. What right had the unclean and stupid farmer,(10) whose farm abutted on this sky water, whose shores he has ruthlessly laid bare, to give his name to it? Some skin-flint, who loved better the reflecting surface of a dollar, or a bright cent, in which he could see his own brazen face; who regarded even the wild ducks which settled in it as trespassers; his fingers grown into crooked and bony talons from the long habit of grasping harpy-like; — so it is not named for me. I go not there to see him nor to hear of him; who never saw it, who never bathed in it, who never loved it, who never protected it, who never spoke a good word for it, nor thanked God that He had made it. Rather let it be named from the fishes that swim in it, the wild fowl or quadrupeds which frequent it, the wild flowers which grow by its shores, or some wild man or child the thread of whose history is interwoven with its own; not from him who could show no title to it but the deed which a like-minded neighbor or legislature gave him who thought only of its money value; whose presence perchance cursed — him all the shores; who exhausted the land around it, and would fain have exhausted the waters within it; who regretted only that it was not English hay or cranberry meadow — there was nothing to redeem it, forsooth, in his eyes — and would have drained and sold it for the mud at its bottom. It did not turn his mill, and it was no privilege to him to behold it. I respect not his labors, his farm where everything has its price, who would carry the landscape, who would carry his God, to market, if he could get anything for him; who goes to market for his god as it is; on whose farm nothing grows free, whose fields bear no crops, whose meadows no flowers, whose trees no fruits, but dollars; who loves not the beauty of his fruits, whose fruits are not ripe for him till they are turned to dollars. Give me the poverty that enjoys true wealth. Farmers are respectable and interesting to me in proportion as they are poor — poor farmers. A model farm! where the house stands like a fungus in a muckheap, chambers for men horses, oxen, and swine, cleansed and uncleansed, all contiguous to one another! Stocked with men! A great grease-spot, redolent of manures and buttermilk! Under a high state of cultivation, being manured with the hearts and brains of men! As if you were to raise your potatoes in the churchyard! Such is a model farm.
10. Flint had denied Thoreau's request for permission to build a cabin at Flint's Pond. If permission had been granted, we might be reading a book called "Flint".
No, no; if the fairest features of the landscape are to be named after men, let them be the noblest and worthiest men alone. Let our lakes receive as true names at least as the Icarian Sea,(11) where "still the shore" a "brave attempt resounds.(12)"
11. named after Icarus; in Greek mythology he flew too close to the sun on wings of feathers and wax, and fell to his death when the wax melted.
12. William Drummond of Hawthornden (1585-1649) Scottish poet, Icarus
Goose Pond, of small extent, is on my way to Flint's; Fair Haven, an expansion of Concord River, said to contain some seventy acres, is a mile southwest; and White Pond, of about forty acres, is a mile and a half beyond Fair Haven. This is my lake country.(13) These, with Concord River, are my water privileges; and night and day, year in year out, they grind such grist as I carry to them.
13. reference to the Lake Country of England, associated with Romantic poets
Since the wood-cutters, and the railroad, and I myself have profaned Walden, perhaps the most attractive, if not the most beautiful, of all our lakes, the gem of the woods, is White Pond; — a poor name from its commonness, whether derived from the remarkable purity of its waters or the color of its sands. In these as in other respects, however, it is a lesser twin of Walden. They are so much alike that you would say they must be connected under ground. It has the same stony shore, and its waters are of the same hue. As at Walden, in sultry dog-day weather, looking down through the woods on some of its bays which are not so deep but that the reflection from the bottom tinges them, its waters are of a misty bluish-green or glaucous color. Many years since I used to go there to collect the sand by cartloads, to make sandpaper with,(14) and I have continued to visit it ever since.
14. The Thoreau family manufactured sandpaper as well as pencils
One who frequents it proposes to call it Virid Lake. Perhaps it might be called Yellow Pine Lake, from the following circumstance. About fifteen years ago you could see the top of a pitch pine, of the kind called yellow pine hereabouts, though it is not a distinct species, projecting above the surface in deep water, many rods from the shore. It was even supposed by some that the pond had sunk, and this was one of the primitive forest that formerly stood there. I find that even so long ago as 1792, in a "Topographical Description of the Town of Concord," by one of its citizens, in the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, the author, after speaking of Walden and White Ponds, adds, "In the middle of the latter may be seen, when the water is very low, a tree which appears as if it grew in the place where it now stands, although the roots are fifty feet below the surface of the water; the top of this tree is broken off, and at that place measures fourteen inches in diameter." In the spring of '49 I talked with the man who lives nearest the pond in Sudbury, who told me that it was he who got out this tree ten or fifteen years before. As near as he could remember, it stood twelve or fifteen rods from the shore, where the water was thirty or forty feet deep. It was in the winter, and he had been getting out ice in the forenoon, and had resolved that in the afternoon, with the aid of his neighbors, he would take out the old yellow pine. He sawed a channel in the ice toward the shore, and hauled it over and along and out on to the ice with oxen; but, before he had gone far in his work, he was surprised to find that it was wrong end upward, with the stumps of the branches pointing down, and the small end firmly fastened in the sandy bottom. It was about a foot in diameter at the big end, and he had expected to get a good saw-log, but it was so rotten as to be fit only for fuel, if for that. He had some of it in his shed then. There were marks of an axe and of woodpeckers on the butt. He thought that it might have been a dead tree on the shore, but was finally blown over into the pond, and after the top had become water-logged, while the butt-end was still dry and light, had drifted out and sunk wrong end up. His father, eighty years old, could not remember when it was not there. Several pretty large logs may still be seen lying on the bottom, where, owing to the undulation of the surface, they look like huge water snakes in motion.
This pond has rarely been profaned by a boat, for there is little in it to tempt a fisherman. Instead of the white lily, which requires mud, or the common sweet flag, the blue flag (Iris versicolor) grows thinly in the pure water, rising from the stony bottom all around the shore, where it is visited by hummingbirds in June; and the color both of its bluish blades and its flowers and especially their reflections, is in singular harmony with the glaucous water.
White Pond and Walden are great crystals on the surface of the earth, Lakes of Light. If they were permanently congealed, and small enough to be clutched, they would, perchance, be carried off by slaves, like precious stones, to adorn the heads of emperors; but being liquid, and ample, and secured to us and our successors forever, we disregard them, and run after the diamond of Kohinoor.(15) They are too pure to have a market value; they contain no muck. How much more beautiful than our lives, how much more transparent than our characters, are they! We never learned meanness of them. How much fairer than the pool before the farmers door, in which his ducks swim! Hither the clean wild ducks come. Nature has no human inhabitant who appreciates her. The birds with their plumage and their notes are in harmony with the flowers, but what youth or maiden conspires with the wild luxuriant beauty of Nature? She flourishes most alone, far from the towns where they reside. Talk of heaven! ye disgrace earth
15. gem with a very long history, better known in Thoreau's time: given to Queen Victoria in 1850, on display at the Crystal Palace Exhibition in London’s Hyde Park in 1851
① 米开朗琪罗(1475- 1564),意大利文艺复兴时期的雕塑家、画家。
① 传说中文艺女神居住的帕那萨斯山的神泉。
① 指一种用迷信方法探寻水源等所用的叉式木杖。
在瓦尔登湖中,捉到过梭鱼,有一条重七磅,且不去说那另外的一条,用非常的速度把一卷钓丝拉走了,渔夫因为没有看到它,估计它稳稳当当有八磅的重量,此外,还捉到过鲈鱼,鳘鱼,有些重两磅,还有银鱼,鳊鱼(学名Leueiscus Pulchellus),极少量的鲤鱼,两条鳗鱼,有一条有四磅重,——我对于鱼的重量写得这样详细,因为它们的价值一般是根据重量来决定的,至于鳗鱼,除了这两条我就没有听说过另外的,——此外,我还隐约记得一条五英寸长的小鱼,两侧是银色的,背脊却呈青色,性质上近于鲦鱼,我提起这条鱼,主要是为了把事实和寓言连接起来。总之是,这个湖里,鱼并不多。梭鱼也不很多,但它夸耀的是梭鱼。有一次我躺卧在冰上面,至少看到了三种不同的梭鱼,一种扁而长的,钢灰色,像一般从河里捉起来的一样;一种是金晃晃的,有绿色的闪光,在很深的深水中;最后一种金色的,形态跟上一种相近,但身体两侧有棕黑色或黑色斑点,中间还夹着一些淡淡的血红色斑点,很像鲑鱼。但学名reticulatus(网形)用不上,被称为guttatus(斑斓)才对。这些都是很结实的鱼,重量比外貌上看来要重得多。银鱼、鳘鱼,还有鲈鱼,所有在这个湖中的水族,确实都比一般的河流和多数的别的湖沼中的鱼类,来得更清洁,更漂亮,更结实,因为这里的湖水更纯洁,你可以很容易地把它们区别出来。也许有许多鱼学家可以用它们来培育出一些新品种。此外还有清洁的青蛙和乌龟,少数的淡菜;麝香鼠和貂鼠也留下过它们的足迹;偶尔还有从烂泥中钻出来旅行经过的甲鱼。有一次,当我在黎明中把我的船推离湖岸时,有一只夜里躲在船底下的大甲鱼给我惊拢得不安了。春秋两季,鸭和天鹅常来,白肚皮的燕子(学名Hirundo bicolor)在水波上掠过,还有些身有斑点的田凫(学名Totanus macularius)整个夏天摇摇摆摆地走在石头湖岸上。我有时还惊起了湖水上面、坐在白松枝头的一只鱼鹰;我却不知道有没有海鸥飞到这里来过,像它们曾飞到过美港去那样。至多每年还有一次潜水鸟要来。常到这里来的飞禽,已全部包罗在内了。
From the eastern end of the pond, July 2005, with the cabin site and the road to the left, the train tracks to the right, and the beach area in the distance, but not visible in this light — just before it started to rain. Photo by Richard Lenat.
① 希腊神话中司文艺的女神。
② 希腊人攻特洛伊城,久攻不下,全军撤退,只留下一只木马。特洛伊人将木马曳入城中,不知其中藏有将士。攻城大军又至,里应外合,特洛伊城被攻破。
③ 英国民谣中杀死一条龙的英雄,见汤麦斯·佩赛(1729- 1811)的《英国古诗源》(1765年版)。
这不是我的梦, 用于装饰一行诗; 我不能更接近上帝和天堂 甚于我之生活在瓦尔登。 我是它的圆石岸, 瓢拂而过的风; 在我掌中的一握,是它的水,它的沙, 而它的最深邃僻隐处 高高躺在我的思想中。
① 希腊神话中,伊卡洛斯以蜡烛油脂制成翅膀,高飞入云,因距离太阳太近,油脂溶化,坠海而死。
① 印度最大的钻石,是英国王冠上的珍饰。



等级: 热心会员
举报 只看该作者 12楼  发表于: 2014-08-20 0
The Village村子
AFTER HOEING, OR perhaps reading and writing, in the forenoon, I usually bathed again in the pond, swimming across one of its coves for a stint, and washed the dust of labor from my person, or smoothed out the last wrinkle which study had made, and for the afternoon was absolutely free. Every day or two I strolled to the village to hear some of the gossip which is incessantly going on there, circulating either from mouth to mouth, or from newspaper to newspaper, and which, taken in homoeopathic doses, was really as refreshing in its way as the rustle of leaves and the peeping of frogs. As I walked in the woods to see the birds and squirrels, so I walked in the village to see the men and boys; instead of the wind among the pines I heard the carts rattle. In one direction from my house there was a colony of muskrats in the river meadows; under the grove of elms and buttonwoods in the other horizon was a village of busy men, as curious to me as if they had been prairie-dogs, each sitting at the mouth of its burrow, or running over to a neighbor's to gossip. I went there frequently to observe their habits. The village appeared to me a great news room; and on one side, to support it, as once at Redding & Company's on State Street,(1) they kept nuts and raisins, or salt and meal and other groceries. Some have such a vast appetite for the former commodity, that is, the news, and such sound digestive organs, that they can sit forever in public avenues without stirring, and let it simmer and whisper through them like the Etesian winds,(2) or as if inhaling ether, it only producing numbness and insensibility to pain — otherwise it would often be painful to bear — without affecting the consciousness. I hardly ever failed, when I rambled through the village, to see a row of such worthies, either sitting on a ladder sunning themselves, with their bodies inclined forward and their eyes glancing along the line this way and that, from time to time, with a voluptuous expression, or else leaning against a barn with their hands in their pockets, like caryatides,(3) as if to prop it up. They, being commonly out of doors, heard whatever was in the wind. These are the coarsest mills, in which all gossip is first rudely digested or cracked up before it is emptied into finer and more delicate hoppers within doors. I observed that the vitals of the village were the grocery, the bar-room, the post-office, and the bank; and, as a necessary part of the machinery, they kept a bell, a big gun, and a fire-engine, at convenient places; and the houses were so arranged as to make the most of mankind, in lanes and fronting one another, so that every traveller had to run the gauntlet, and every man, woman, and child might get a lick at him. Of course, those who were stationed nearest to the head of the line, where they could most see and be seen, and have the first blow at him, paid the highest prices for their places; and the few straggling inhabitants in the outskirts, where long gaps in the line began to occur, and the traveller could get over walls or turn aside into cow-paths, and so escape, paid a very slight ground or window tax. Signs were hung out on all sides to allure him; some to catch him by the appetite, as the tavern and victualling cellar; some by the fancy, as the dry goods store and the jeweller's; and others by the hair or the feet or the skirts, as the barber, the shoemaker, or the tailor. Besides, there was a still more terrible standing invitation to call at every one of these houses, and company expected about these times. For the most part I escaped wonderfully from these dangers, either by proceeding at once boldly and without deliberation to the goal, as is recommended to those who run the gauntlet, or by keeping my thoughts on high things, like Orpheus,(4) who, "loudly singing the praises of the gods to his lyre, drowned the voices of the Sirens,(5) and kept out of danger." Sometimes I bolted suddenly, and nobody could tell my whereabouts, for I did not stand much about gracefulness, and never hesitated at a gap in a fence. I was even accustomed to make an irruption into some houses, where I was well entertained, and after learning the kernels and very last sieveful of news — what had subsided, the prospects of war and peace, and whether the world was likely to hold together much longer — I was let out through the rear avenues, and so escaped to the woods again.
It was very pleasant, when I stayed late in town, to launch myself into the night, especially if it was dark and tempestuous, and set sail from some bright village parlor or lecture room, with a bag of rye or Indian meal upon my shoulder, for my snug harbor in the woods, having made all tight without and withdrawn under hatches with a merry crew of thoughts, leaving only my outer man at the helm, or even tying up the helm when it was plain sailing. I had many a genial thought by the cabin fire "as I sailed."(6) I was never cast away nor distressed in any weather, though I encountered some severe storms. It is darker in the woods, even in common nights, than most suppose. I frequently had to look up at the opening between the trees above the path in order to learn my route, and, where there was no cart-path, to feel with my feet the faint track which I had worn, or steer by the known relation of particular trees which I felt with my hands, passing between two pines for instance, not more than eighteen inches apart, in the midst of the woods, invariably, in the darkest night. Sometimes, after coming home thus late in a dark and muggy night, when my feet felt the path which my eyes could not see, dreaming and absent-minded all the way, until I was aroused by having to raise my hand to lift the latch, I have not been able to recall a single step of my walk, and I have thought that perhaps my body would find its way home if its master should forsake it, as the hand finds its way to the mouth without assistance. Several times, when a visitor chanced to stay into evening, and it proved a dark night, I was obliged to conduct him to the cart-path in the rear of the house, and then point out to him the direction he was to pursue, and in keeping which he was to be guided rather by his feet than his eyes. One very dark night I directed thus on their way two young men who had been fishing in the pond. They lived about a mile off through the woods, and were quite used to the route. A day or two after one of them told me that they wandered about the greater part of the night, close by their own premises, and did not get home till toward morning, by which time, as there had been several heavy showers in the meanwhile, and the leaves were very wet, they were drenched to their skins. I have heard of many going astray even in the village streets, when the darkness was so thick that you could cut it with a knife, as the saying is. Some who live in the outskirts, having come to town a-shopping in their wagons, have been obliged to put up for the night; and gentlemen and ladies making a call have gone half a mile out of their way, feeling the sidewalk only with their feet, and not knowing when they turned. It is a surprising and memorable, as well as valuable experience, to be lost in the woods any time. Often in a snow-storm, even by day, one will come out upon a well-known road and yet find it impossible to tell which way leads to the village. Though he knows that he has travelled it a thousand times, he cannot recognize a feature in it, but it is as strange to him as if it were a road in Siberia. By night, of course, the perplexity is infinitely greater. In our most trivial walks, we are constantly, though unconsciously, steering like pilots by certain well-known beacons and headlands, and if we go beyond our usual course we still carry in our minds the bearing of some neighboring cape; and not till we are completely lost, or turned round — for a man needs only to be turned round once with his eyes shut in this world to be lost — do we appreciate the vastness and strangeness of nature. Every man has to learn the points of compass again as often as he awakes, whether from sleep or any abstraction. Not till we are lost, in other words not till we have lost the world, do we begin to find ourselves, and realize where we are and the infinite extent of our relations.
One afternoon, near the end of the first summer, when I went to the village to get a shoe from the cobbler's, I was seized and put into jail, because, as I have elsewhere related,(7) I did not pay a tax to, or recognize the authority of, the State which buys and sells men, women, and children, like cattle, at the door of its senate-house. I had gone down to the woods for other purposes. But, wherever a man goes, men will pursue and paw him with their dirty institutions, and, if they can, constrain him to belong to their desperate odd-fellow society. It is true, I might have resisted forcibly with more or less effect, might have run "amok" against society; but I preferred that society should run "amok" against me, it being the desperate party. However, I was released the next day, obtained my mended shoe, and returned to the woods in season to get my dinner of huckleberries on Fair Haven Hill. I was never molested by any person but those who represented the State. I had no lock nor bolt but for the desk which held my papers, not even a nail to put over my latch or windows. I never fastened my door night or day, though I was to be absent several days; not even when the next fall I spent a fortnight in the woods of Maine.(8) And yet my house was more respected than if it had been surrounded by a file of soldiers. The tired rambler could rest and warm himself by my fire, the literary amuse himself with the few books on my table, or the curious, by opening my closet door, see what was left of my dinner, and what prospect I had of a supper. Yet, though many people of every class came this way to the pond, I suffered no serious inconvenience from these sources, and I never missed anything but one small book, a volume of Homer, which perhaps was improperly gilded, and this I trust a soldier of our camp has found by this time. I am convinced, that if all men were to live as simply as I then did, thieving and robbery would be unknown. These take place only in communities where some have got more than is sufficient while others have not enough. The Pope's (9) Homers would soon get properly distributed.
"Nec bella fuerunt,
Faginus astabat dum scyphus ante dapes."
"Nor wars did men molest,
When only beechen bowls were in request."(10)
"You who govern public affairs, what need have you to employ punishments? Love virtue, and the people will be virtuous. The virtues of a superior man are like the wind; the virtues of a common man are like the grass; the grass, when the wind passes over it, bends."(11)


1. Redding and Company were booksellers at 8 State Street
2. Mediterranean summer winds
3. sculptural figures used as supporting columns
4. in Greek mythology, a musician whose music had supernatural powers
5. in Greek mythology, sea nymphs lured mariners to destruction by singing
6. refrain from "The Ballad of Captain Robert Kidd"
7. in Thoreau's Civil Disobedience, published in 1849
8. later described in the Ktaadn section of The Maine Woods
9. Alexander Pope (1688-1744) translated Homers' Iliad and Odyssey
10. Homer, with translation by Pope
11. Confucius (1551-1477 B.C.) from Analects
①Center of Concord Mass in 1840 - by J.W. Barber 波士顿的金融中心。
① 希腊神话中的诗人和歌手,善弹竖琴,弹奏时猛兽俯首,顽石点头。
① 这篇文章叫《消极反抗》(Civil Disobedience),曾产生过很大影响。
② 蒲伯(1688- 1744),英国启蒙运动时期古典主义诗人。曾译过荷马的史诗。
“Nec bella fuerunt, Faginus astabat dum scyphus ante dapes。”
“世人不会战争, 在所需只是山毛榉的碗碟时。”



等级: 热心会员
举报 只看该作者 11楼  发表于: 2014-08-19 0
  The Bean-Field 种豆

MEANWHILE MY BEANS, the length of whose rows, added together, wasseven miles already planted, were impatient to be hoed, for the earliesthad grown considerably before the latest were in the ground; indeedthey were not easily to be put off. What was the meaning of this sosteady and self-respecting, this small Herculean labor, I knew not. Icame to love my rows, my beans, though so many more than I wanted. Theyattached me to the earth, and so I got strength like Ant?us.(1) But whyshould I raise them? Only Heaven knows. This was my curious labor allsummer — to make this portion of the earth's surface, which had yieldedonly cinquefoil, blackberries, johnswort, and the like, before, sweetwild fruits and pleasant flowers, produce instead this pulse. What shallI learn of beans or beans of me? I cherish them, I hoe them, early andlate I have an eye to them; and this is my day's work. It is a finebroad leaf to look on. My auxiliaries are the dews and rains which waterthis dry soil, and what fertility is in the soil itself, which for themost part is lean and effete. My enemies are worms, cool days, and mostof all woodchucks. The last have nibbled for me a quarter of an acreclean. But what right had I to oust johnswort and the rest, and break uptheir ancient herb garden? Soon, however, the remaining beans will betoo tough for them, and go forward to meet new foes.
Bean-Field Math
Thoreausays in Walden that during his first year at the pond (1845) he plantedon “about two acres and a half of [Emerson’s] upland” a total of sevenmiles of bean rows, each of which was fifteen rods long, one end of therows “terminating in a shrub oak copse where [he] could rest in theshade, the other in a blackberry field” [Princeton Edition, Walden, pp.153, 156]. In his journal he mentions that during the first week of June1845 he planted “the common white bush bean … in straight rows, threefeet by eighteen inches apart” (Princeton Edition, Journal 2, p. 134).
Amile is 5,280 feet, a rod is 16.5 feet, and an acre is 43,560 squarefeet. Each row was 15 rods or (16.5 feet x 15 rods =) 247.5 feet long.The total length of the rows was 7 miles or (7 x 5,280 =) 36,960 feet.Thoreau must therefore have planted 150 rows of beans (36,960 feet ÷247.5 feet = 150). Each row was 247.5 feet in length, and the rows werespaced 3 feet apart, so the dimension of Thoreau’s bean-field must havebeen 247.5 feet by 447 feet — or 110,632.5 square feet, which is in factslightly larger than 2? acres or 108,900 square feet.
If we canassume the descriptions above are precise, which I think likely becauseThoreau probably used his surveying instruments to lay out the field, heplanted a total of 24,750 bean plants in his bean-field.  Each of the150 rows having 165 plants 18 inches apart — or, expressed more fully,15 rods or 247.5 feet or 2,970 inches per row divided by 18 inchesequals 165 bean plants per row times 150 rows equals 24,750 bean plants.
Bradley P. Dean
WhenI was four years old, as I well remember, I was brought from Boston tothis my native town, through these very woods and this field, to thepond. It is one of the oldest scenes stamped on my memory. And nowto-night my flute has waked the echoes over that very water. The pinesstill stand here older than I; or, if some have fallen, I have cooked mysupper with their stumps, and a new growth is rising all around,preparing another aspect for new infant eyes. Almost the same johnswortsprings from the same perennial root in this pasture, and even I have atlength helped to clothe that fabulous landscape of my infant dreams,and one of the results of my presence and influence is seen in thesebean leaves, corn blades, and potato vines.
I planted about twoacres and a half of upland; and as it was only about fifteen years sincethe land was cleared, and I myself had got out two or three cords ofstumps, I did not give it any manure; but in the course of the summer itappeared by the arrowheads which I turned up in hoeing, that an extinctnation had anciently dwelt here and planted corn and beans ere whitemen came to clear the land, and so, to some extent, had exhausted thesoil for this very crop.
Before yet any woodchuck or squirrel hadrun across the road, or the sun had got above the shrub oaks, while allthe dew was on, though the farmers warned me against it — I would adviseyou to do all your work if possible while the dew is on — I began tolevel the ranks of haughty weeds in my bean-field and throw dust upontheir heads. Early in the morning I worked barefooted, dabbling like aplastic artist in the dewy and crumbling sand, but later in the day thesun blistered my feet. There the sun lighted me to hoe beans, pacingslowly backward and forward over that yellow gravelly upland, betweenthe long green rows, fifteen rods, the one end terminating in a shruboak copse where I could rest in the shade, the other in a blackberryfield where the green berries deepened their tints by the time I hadmade another bout. Removing the weeds, putting fresh soil about the beanstems, and encouraging this weed which I had sown, making the yellowsoil express its summer thought in bean leaves and blossoms rather thanin wormwood and piper and millet grass, making the earth say beansinstead of grass — this was my daily work. As I had little aid fromhorses or cattle, or hired men or boys, or improved implements ofhusbandry, I was much slower, and became much more intimate with mybeans than usual. But labor of the hands, even when pursued to the vergeof drudgery, is perhaps never the worst form of idleness. It has aconstant and imperishable moral, and to the scholar it yields a classicresult. A very agricola laboriosus (2) was I to travellers boundwestward through Lincoln and Wayland to nobody knows where; they sittingat their ease in gigs, with elbows on knees, and reins loosely hangingin festoons; I the home-staying, laborious native of the soil. But soonmy homestead was out of their sight and thought. It was the only openand cultivated field for a great distance on either side of the road, sothey made the most of it; and sometimes the man in the field heard moreof travellers' gossip and comment than was meant for his ear: "Beans solate! Peas so late!" — for I continued to plant when others had begunto hoe — the ministerial husbandman had not suspected it. "Corn, my boy,for fodder; corn for fodder." "Does he live there?" asks the blackbonnet of the gray coat; and the hard-featured farmer reins up hisgrateful dobbin to inquire what you are doing where he sees no manure inthe furrow, and recommends a little chip dirt, or any little wastestuff, or it may be ashes or plaster. But here were two acres and a halfof furrows, and only a hoe for cart and two hands to draw it — therebeing an aversion to other carts and horses — and chip dirt far away.Fellow-travellers as they rattled by compared it aloud with the fieldswhich they had passed, so that I came to know how I stood in theagricultural world. This was one field not in Mr. Coleman's (3) report.And, by the way, who estimates the value of the crop which nature yieldsin the still wilder fields unimproved by man? The crop of English hayis carefully weighed, the moisture calculated, the silicates and thepotash; but in all dells and pond-holes in the woods and pastures andswamps grows a rich and various crop only unreaped by man. Mine was, asit were, the connecting link between wild and cultivated fields; as somestates are civilized, and others half-civilized, and others savage orbarbarous, so my field was, though not in a bad sense, a half-cultivatedfield. They were beans cheerfully returning to their wild and primitivestate that I cultivated, and my hoe played the Rans des Vaches (4) forthem.
Near at hand, upon the topmost spray of a birch, sings thebrown thrasher — or red mavis, as some love to call him — all themorning, glad of your society, that would find out another farmer'sfield if yours were not here. While you are planting the seed, he cries —"Drop it, drop it — cover it up, cover it up — pull it up, pull it up,pull it up." But this was not corn, and so it was safe from such enemiesas he. You may wonder what his rigmarole, his amateur Paganini (5)performances on one string or on twenty, have to do with your planting,and yet prefer it to leached ashes or plaster. It was a cheap sort oftop dressing (6) in which I had entire faith.
As I drew a stillfresher soil about the rows with my hoe, I disturbed the ashes ofunchronicled nations who in primeval years lived under these heavens,and their small implements of war and hunting (7) were brought to thelight of this modern day. They lay mingled with other natural stones,some of which bore the marks of having been burned by Indian fires, andsome by the sun, and also bits of pottery and glass brought hither bythe recent cultivators of the soil. When my hoe tinkled against thestones, that music echoed to the woods and the sky, and was anaccompaniment to my labor which yielded an instant and immeasurablecrop. It was no longer beans that I hoed, nor I that hoed beans; and Iremembered with as much pity as pride, if I remembered at all, myacquaintances who had gone to the city to attend the oratorios. Thenighthawk circled overhead in the sunny afternoons — for I sometimesmade a day of it — like a mote in the eye, or in heaven's eye, fallingfrom time to time with a swoop and a sound as if the heavens were rent,torn at last to very rags and tatters, and yet a seamless cope remained;small imps that fill the air and lay their eggs on the ground on baresand or rocks on the tops of hills, where few have found them; gracefuland slender like ripples caught up from the pond, as leaves are raisedby the wind to float in the heavens; such kindredship is in nature. Thehawk is aerial brother of the wave which he sails over and surveys,those his perfect air-inflated wings answering to the elementalunfledged pinions of the sea. Or sometimes I watched a pair of hen-hawkscircling high in the sky, alternately soaring and descending,approaching, and leaving one another, as if they were the embodiment ofmy own thoughts. Or I was attracted by the passage of wild pigeons fromthis wood to that, with a slight quivering winnowing sound and carrierhaste; or from under a rotten stump my hoe turned up a sluggishportentous and outlandish spotted salamander, a trace of Egypt and theNile, yet our contemporary. When I paused to lean on my hoe, thesesounds and sights I heard and saw anywhere in the row, a part of theinexhaustible entertainment which the country offers.
On gala daysthe town fires its great guns, which echo like popguns to these woods,and some waifs of martial music occasionally penetrate thus far. To me,away there in my bean-field at the other end of the town, the big gunssounded as if a puffball had burst; and when there was a militaryturnout of which I was ignorant, I have sometimes had a vague sense allthe day of some sort of itching and disease in the horizon, as if someeruption would break out there soon, either scarlatina or canker-rash,until at length some more favorable puff of wind, making haste over thefields and up the Wayland road,(8) brought me information of the"trainers."
It seemed by the distant hum as if somebody's bees hadswarmed, and that the neighbors, according to Virgil's advice,(9) by afaint tintinnabulum (10) upon the most sonorous of their domesticutensils, were endeavoring to call them down into the hive again. Andwhen the sound died quite away, and the hum had ceased, and the mostfavorable breezes told no tale, I knew that they had got the last droneof them all safely into the Middlesex hive, and that now their mindswere bent on the honey with which it was smeared.
I felt proud toknow that the liberties of Massachusetts and of our fatherland were insuch safe keeping; and as I turned to my hoeing again I was filled withan inexpressible confidence, and pursued my labor cheerfully with a calmtrust in the future.
When there were several bands of musicians,it sounded as if all the village was a vast bellows and all thebuildings expanded and collapsed alternately with a din. But sometimesit was a really noble and inspiring strain that reached these woods, andthe trumpet that sings of fame, and I felt as if I could spit a Mexican(11) with a good relish — for why should we always stand for trifles? —and looked round for a woodchuck or a skunk to exercise my chivalryupon. These martial strains seemed as far away as Palestine, andreminded me of a march of crusaders in the horizon, with a slighttantivy and tremulous motion of the elm tree tops which overhang thevillage. This was one of the great days; though the sky had from myclearing only the same everlastingly great look that it wears daily, andI saw no difference in it.
It was a singular experience that longacquaintance which I cultivated with beans, what with planting, andhoeing, and harvesting, and threshing, and picking over and selling them— the last was the hardest of all — I might add eating, for I didtaste. I was determined to know beans. When they were growing, I used tohoe from five o'clock in the morning till noon, and commonly spent therest of the day about other affairs. Consider the intimate and curiousacquaintance one makes with various kinds of weeds — it will bear someiteration in the account, for there was no little iteration in the labor— disturbing their delicate organizations so ruthlessly, and makingsuch invidious distinctions with his hoe, levelling whole ranks of onespecies, and sedulously cultivating another. That's Roman wormwood —that's pigweed — that's sorrel — that's piper-grass — have at him, chophim up, turn his roots upward to the sun, don't let him have a fibre inthe shade, if you do he'll turn himself t'other side up and be as greenas a leek in two days. A long war, not with cranes, but with weeds,those Trojans who had sun and rain and dews on their side. Daily thebeans saw me come to their rescue armed with a hoe, and thin the ranksof their enemies, filling up the trenches with weedy dead. Many a lustycrest-waving Hector,(12) that towered a whole foot above his crowdingcomrades, fell before my weapon and rolled in the dust.
Thosesummer days which some of my contemporaries devoted to the fine arts inBoston or Rome, and others to contemplation in India, and others totrade in London or New York, I thus, with the other farmers of NewEngland, devoted to husbandry. Not that I wanted beans to eat, for I amby nature a Pythagorean,(13) so far as beans are concerned, whether theymean porridge or voting, and exchanged them for rice; but, perchance,as some must work in fields if only for the sake of tropes andexpression, to serve a parable-maker one day. It was on the whole a rareamusement, which, continued too long, might have become a dissipation.Though I gave them no manure, and did not hoe them all once, I hoed themunusualy well as far as I went, and was paid for it in the end, "therebeing in truth," as Evelyn (14) says, "no compost or laetationwhatsoever comparable to this continual motion, repastination, andturning of the mould with the spade." "The earth," he adds elsewhere,"especially if fresh, has a certain magnetism in it, by which itattracts the salt, power, or virtue (call it either) which gives itlife, and is the logic of all the labor and stir we keep about it, tosustain us; all dungings and other sordid temperings being but thevicars succedaneous to this improvement." Moreover, this being one ofthose "worn-out and exhausted lay fields which enjoy their sabbath," hadperchance, as Sir Kenelm Digby (15) thinks likely, attracted "vitalspirits" from the air. I harvested twelve bushels of beans.
But tobe more particular, for it is complained that Mr. Coleman has reportedchiefly the expensive experiments of gentlemen farmers, my outgoes were,—
For a hoe, ……………………………… $0.54
Plowing, harrowing, and furrowing, …………. 7.50 Too much.
Beans for seed, ………………………….. 3.12?
Potatoes  "  …………………………….. 1.33
Peas      "  …………………………….. 0.40
Turnip seed, …………………………….. 0.06
White line for crow fence, ………………… 0.02
Horse cultivator and boy three hours, ………. 1.00
Horse and cart to get crop, ………………   0.75
In all, …………………………….. $14.72?
My income was, (patrem familias vendacem, non emacem esse oportet),(16) from
Nine bushels & twelve quarts of beans sold, .. $16.94
Five    "    large potatoes, ……………..   2.50
Nine    "    small    "     ………………   2.25
Grass, …………………………………   1.00
Stalks, ………………………………..   0.75
In all, ……………………………. $23.44
Leaving a pecuniary profit, as I have elsewhere said, of $8.71?.
Thisis the result of my experience in raising beans: Plant the common smallwhite bush bean about the first of June, in rows three feet by eighteeninches apart, being careful to select fresh round and unmixed seed.First look out for worms, and supply vacancies by planting anew. Thenlook out for woodchucks, if it is an exposed place, for they will nibbleoff the earliest tender leaves almost clean as they go; and again, whenthe young tendrils make their appearance, they have notice of it, andwill shear them off with both buds and young pods, sitting erect like asquirrel. But above all harvest as early as possible, if you wouldescape frosts and have a fair and salable crop; you may save much lossby this means.
This further experience also I gained: I said tomyself, I will not plant beans and corn with so much industry anothersummer, but such seeds, if the seed is not lost, as sincerity, truth,simplicity, faith, innocence, and the like, and see if they will notgrow in this soil, even with less toil and manurance, and sustain me,for surely it has not been exhausted for these crops. Alas! I said thisto myself; but now another summer is gone, and another, and another, andI am obliged to say to you, Reader, that the seeds which I planted, ifindeed they were the seeds of those virtues, were wormeaten or had losttheir vitality, and so did not come up. Commonly men will only be braveas their fathers were brave, or timid. This generation is very sure toplant corn and beans each new year precisely as the Indians didcenturies ago and taught the first settlers to do, as if there were afate in it. I saw an old man the other day, to my astonishment, makingthe holes with a hoe for the seventieth time at least, and not forhimself to lie down in! But why should not the New Englander try newadventures, and not lay so much stress on his grain, his potato andgrass crop, and his orchards — raise other crops than these? Why concernourselves so much about our beans for seed, and not be concerned at allabout a new generation of men? We should really be fed and cheered ifwhen we met a man we were sure to see that some of the qualities which Ihave named, which we all prize more than those other productions, butwhich are for the most part broadcast and floating in the air, had takenroot and grown in him. Here comes such a subtile and ineffable quality,for instance, as truth or justice, though the slightest amount or newvariety of it, along the road.Our ambassadors should be instructed tosend home such seeds as these, and Congress (17) help to distribute themover all the land. We should never stand upon ceremony with sincerity.We should never cheat and insult and banish one another by our meanness,if there were present the kernel of worth and friendliness. We shouldnot meet thus in haste. Most men I do not meet at all, for they seem notto have time; they are busy about their beans. We would not deal with aman thus plodding ever, leaning on a hoe or a spade as a staff betweenhis work, not as a mushroom, but partially risen out of the earth,something more than erect, like swallows alighted and walking on theground: —
"And as he spake, his wings would now and then
Spread, as he meant to fly, then close again —"(18)
sothat we should suspect that we might be conversing with an angel. Breadmay not always nourish us; but it always does us good, it even takesstiffness out of our joints, and makes us supple and buoyant, when weknew not what ailed us, to recognize any generosity in man or Nature, toshare any unmixed and heroic joy.
Ancient poetry and mythologysuggest, at least, that husbandry was once a sacred art; but it ispursued with irreverent haste and heedlessness by us, our object beingto have large farms and large crops merely. We have no festival, norprocession, nor ceremony, not excepting our cattle-shows and so-calledThanksgivings, by which the farmer expresses a sense of the sacrednessof his calling, or is reminded of its sacred origin. It is the premiumand the feast which tempt him. He sacrifices not to Ceres (19) and theTerrestrial Jove,(20) but to the infernal Plutus (21) rather. By avariceand selfishness, and a grovelling habit, from which none of us is free,of regarding the soil as property, or the means of acquiring propertychiefly, the landscape is deformed, husbandry is degraded with us, andthe farmer leads the meanest of lives. He knows Nature but as a robber.Cato (22) says that the profits of agriculture are particularly pious orjust (maximeque pius qu?stus), and according to Varro (23) the oldRomans "called the same earth Mother and Ceres, and thought that theywho cultivated it led a pious and useful life, and that they alone wereleft of the race of King Saturn.(24)"
We are wont to forget thatthe sun looks on our cultivated fields and on the prairies and forestswithout distinction. They all reflect and absorb his rays alike, and theformer make but a small part of the glorious picture which he beholdsin his daily course. In his view the earth is all equally cultivatedlike a garden. Therefore we should receive the benefit of his light andheat with a corresponding trust and magnanimity. What though I value theseed of these beans, and harvest that in the fall of the year? Thisbroad field which I have looked at so long looks not to me as theprincipal cultivator, but away from me to influences more genial to it,which water and make it green. These beans have results which are notharvested by me. Do they not grow for woodchucks partly? The ear ofwheat (in Latin spica, obsoletely speca, from spe, hope) should not bethe only hope of the husbandman; its kernel or grain (granum fromgerendo, bearing) is not all that it bears. How, then, can our harvestfail? Shall I not rejoice also at the abundance of the weeds whose seedsare the granary of the birds? It matters little comparatively whetherthe fields fill the farmer's barns. The true husbandman will cease fromanxiety, as the squirrels manifest no concern whether the woods willbear chestnuts this year or not, and finish his labor with every day,relinquishing all claim to the produce of his fields, and sacrificing inhis mind not only his first but his last fruits also.


1. in Greek Mythology, a giant whose strength came from the earth
2. "hard-working farmer"
3. Henry Coleman (1785-1848) Massachusetts agricultural official
4. Swiss cow herder's songs, also song in Schiller's "Wilhelm Tell"
5. Nicolo Paganini (1782-1840) Italian violinist, composer
6. top dressing is fertilizing material added around plants
7. Thoreau was known for his ability to spot indian artifacts, such as arrowheads
8. Wayland is a town in Massachusets about three miles south of Walden Pond
9. Virgil (Publius Vergilius Maro) 70-19 B.C, Roman poet,wrote about tillage, trees, cattle, and bees
10. small tinkling bell
11.a sarcastic reference to the U.S.-Mexican War, which began whileThoreau was at Walden, and which Thoreau opposed because it would extendslavery - this is not the racist remark that it might appear to be inthe context of the present time
12. in Homer's Iliad, Trojan warrior killed by Achilles
13. follower of Pythagoras (582-507? B.C.) Greek philosopher, mathematician, said to have forbidden his disciples to eat beans
14. John Evelyn (1620-1706) English horticulturist and author, from Terra
15. Sir Kenelm Digby (1603-1665) English naval commander, diplomat, physicist, author
16. "The householder should be the seller, not the buyer" - Marcus Porcius Cato (234-149 B.C.) Roman agricultural author
17. Congressmen once sent free seeds to constituents
18. Francis Quarles (1592-1644) English poet, from The Shepherd's Oracles
19. in Roman mythology, goddess of agriculture
20. in Roman mythology, another name for Jupiter, chief of the gods
21. in Roman mythology, god of wealth
22. Marcus Porcius Cato (234-149 B.C.) Roman agricultural author
23. Marcus Terrentius Varro (116-27? B.C.) Roman author
24. in Roman mythology, god of agriculture

① 希腊神话中的巨人,海神波塞冬和地神盖亚之子,战斗时,只要身体不离土地,就能从大地母亲身上不断吸收力量,百战百胜。后被赫拉克勒斯识破,将他举在空中击毙。
① 拉丁文,劳苦的农夫。
② 帕格尼尼(1782- 1840),意大利著名小提琴家,作曲家。
① 作者在写这段话时,很可能是在美国的侵略性的墨西哥战争(1846- 1848)期间,他在瓦尔登湖的时间是1845- 1847年。
① 希腊史诗中特洛伊城的主将。
② 毕达哥拉斯(公元前582- 约公元前507),古希腊哲学家。他是不吃豆子的。
一柄锄头 ................. 0.54
耕耘挖沟 ................. 7.5——过贵了
豆种子................... 3.125
土豆种子 ................. 1.33
豌豆种子 ................. 0.4
萝卜种子 ................. 0.06
篱笆白线 ................. 0.02
耕马及三小时雇工 ......... 1
收获时用马及车 ........... 0.75
共计 .................. 14.725元
我的收入(Patremfamillias vendacem,non emacem esse oportet),来自
卖出九蒲式耳十二夸特之豆 ....... 16.94
五蒲式耳大土豆 ................... 2.5
九蒲式耳小土豆 ................... 2.25
草 .............................. 1
茎 .............................. 0.75
共计 .......................... 23.44元
赢余(正如我在别处所说) ......... 8.715元
“说话时,他的翅膀不时张开, 像要飞动,却又垂下了,——”①
① 引自英国诗人法兰锡斯·夸来斯(1592- 1644)《牧羊人的神示》第五首颂歌。
古代的诗歌和神话至少提示过,农事曾经是一种神圣的艺术,但我们匆促而杂乱,我们的目标只是大田园和大丰收。我们没有节庆的日子,没有仪式,没有行列了,连耕牛大会及感恩节也不例外,农民本来是用这种形式来表示他这职业的神圣意味的,或者是用来追溯农事的神圣起源的。现在是报酬和一顿大嚼在吸引他们了。现在他献牺牲不献给色列斯②,不献给约夫③了,他献给普鲁都斯④这恶神了。由于我们没有一个人能摆脱掉的贪婪、自私和一个卑辱的习惯,把土地看作财产,或者是获得财产的主要手段,风景给破坏了,农事跟我们一样变得低下,农民过着最屈辱的生活。他了解的大自然,如同一个强盗所了解的那样。卡托说过农业的利益是特别虔敬而且正直的(maximeque piusquaestus),照伐洛⑤说,古罗马的人.把地母和色列斯唤为同名“他们认为从事耕作的人过的是一个虔敬而有用的生活,只有他们才是农神⑥的遗民”。
② 罗马神话中的谷物女神。
③ 即罗马神话中的主神朱庇特。
④ 希腊神话中的财神。
⑤ 伐洛(公元前116- 约公元前27),罗马学者和作家。
⑥ 罗马神话中天神与地神之子,最理想的统治者。



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举报 只看该作者 10楼  发表于: 2014-08-19 0
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"Life at Walden was not without its incidences. Thoreau occasionallyharbored fugitive slaves, and once held a meeting for the ConcordWomen’s Anti-slavery Society, as he indirectly mentions in Walden havingonce housed twenty-five to thirty people under his roof." - Michael J.Frederick
I THINK THAT I LOVE SOCIETY as much as most, and amready enough to fasten myself like a bloodsucker for the time to anyfull-blooded man that comes in my way. I am naturally no hermit, butmight possibly sit out the sturdiest frequenter of the bar-room, if mybusiness called me thither.
I had three chairs in my house; onefor solitude, two for friendship, three for society. When visitors camein larger and unexpected numbers there was but the third chair for themall, but they generally economized the room by standing up. It issurprising how many great men and women a small house will contain. Ihave had twenty-five or thirty souls, with their bodies, at once undermy roof, and yet we often parted without being aware that we had comevery near to one another. Many of our houses, both public and private,with their almost innumerable apartments, their huge halls and theircellars for the storage of wines and other munitions of peace, appear tobe extravagantly large for their inhabitants. They are so vast andmagnificent that the latter seem to be only vermin which infest them. Iam surprised when the herald blows his summons before some Tremont orAstor or Middlesex House,(1) to see come creeping out over the piazzafor all inhabitants a ridiculous mouse, which soon again slinks intosome hole in the pavement.
One inconvenience I sometimesexperienced in so small a house, the difficulty of getting to asufficient distance from my guest when we began to utter the bigthoughts in big words. You want room for your thoughts to get intosailing trim and run a course or two before they make their port. Thebullet of your thought must have overcome its lateral and ricochetmotion and fallen into its last and steady course before it reaches theear of the hearer, else it may plow out again through the side of hishead. Also, our sentences wanted room to unfold and form their columnsin the interval. Individuals, like nations, must have suitable broad andnatural boundaries, even a considerable neutral ground, between them. Ihave found it a singular luxury to talk across the pond to a companionon the opposite side. In my house we were so near that we could notbegin to hear — we could not speak low enough to be heard; as when youthrow two stones into calm water so near that they break each other'sundulations. If we are merely loquacious and loud talkers, then we canafford to stand very near together, cheek by jowl, and feel each other'sbreath; but if we speak reservedly and thoughtfully, we want to befarther apart, that all animal heat and moisture may have a chance toevaporate. If we would enjoy the most intimate society with that in eachof us which is without, or above, being spoken to, we must not only besilent, but commonly so far apart bodily that we cannot possibly heareach other's voice in any case. Referred to this standard, speech is forthe convenience of those who are hard of hearing; but there are manyfine things which we cannot say if we have to shout. As the conversationbegan to assume a loftier and grander tone, we gradually shoved ourchairs farther apart till they touched the wall in opposite corners, andthen commonly there was not room enough.
My "best" room, however,my withdrawing room, always ready for company, on whose carpet the sunrarely fell, was the pine wood behind my house. Thither in summer days,when distinguished guests came, I took them, and a priceless domesticswept the floor and dusted the furniture and kept the things in order.
Ifone guest came he sometimes partook of my frugal meal, and it was nointerruption to conversation to be stirring a hasty-pudding,(2) orwatching the rising and maturing of a loaf of bread in the ashes, in themeanwhile. But if twenty came and sat in my house there was nothingsaid about dinner, though there might be bread enough for two, more thanif eating were a forsaken habit; but we naturally practised abstinence;and this was never felt to be an offence against hospitality, but themost proper and considerate course. The waste and decay of physicallife, which so often needs repair, seemed miraculously retarded in such acase, and the vital vigor stood its ground. I could entertain thus athousand as well as twenty; and if any ever went away disappointed orhungry from my house when they found me at home, they may depend upon itthat I sympathized with them at least. So easy is it, though manyhousekeepers doubt it, to establish new and better customs in the placeof the old. You need not rest your reputation on the dinners you give.For my own part, I was never so effectually deterred from frequenting aman's house, by any kind of Cerberus (3) whatever, as by the parade onemade about dining me, which I took to be a very polite and roundabouthint never to trouble him so again. I think I shall never revisit thosescenes. I should be proud to have for the motto of my cabin those linesof Spenser which one of my visitors inscribed on a yellow walnut leaffor a card: —
"Arrivèd there, the little house they fill,
Ne looke for entertainment where none was;
Rest is their feast, and all things at their will:
The noblest mind the best contentment has."(4)
WhenWinslow (5), afterward governor of the Plymouth Colony, went with acompanion on a visit of ceremony to Massasoit (6) on foot through thewoods, and arrived tired and hungry at his lodge, they were wellreceived by the king, but nothing was said about eating that day. Whenthe night arrived, to quote their own words — "He laid us on the bedwith himself and his wife, they at the one end and we at the other, itbeing only planks laid a foot from the ground and a thin mat upon them.Two more of his chief men, for want of room, pressed by and upon us; sothat we were worse weary of our lodging than of our journey." At oneo'clock the next day Massasoit "brought two fishes that he had shot,"about thrice as big as a bream. "These being boiled, there were at leastforty looked for a share in them; the most eat of them. This meal onlywe had in two nights and a day; and had not one of us bought apartridge, we had taken our journey fasting." Fearing that they would belight-headed for want of food and also sleep, owing to "the savages'barbarous singing, (for they use to sing themselves asleep,)" and thatthey might get home while they had strength to travel, they departed. Asfor lodging, it is true they were but poorly entertained, though whatthey found an inconvenience was no doubt intended for an honor; but asfar as eating was concerned, I do not see how the Indians could havedone better. They had nothing to eat themselves, and they were wiserthan to think that apologies could supply the place of food to theirguests; so they drew their belts tighter and said nothing about it.Another time when Winslow visited them, it being a season of plenty withthem, there was no deficiency in this respect.
As for men, theywill hardly fail one anywhere. I had more visitors while I lived in thewoods than at any other period in my life; I mean that I had some. I metseveral there under more favorable circumstances than I could anywhereelse. But fewer came to see me on trivial business. In this respect, mycompany was winnowed by my mere distance from town. I had withdrawn sofar within the great ocean of solitude, into which the rivers of societyempty, that for the most part, so far as my needs were concerned, onlythe finest sediment was deposited around me. Beside, there were waftedto me evidences of unexplored and uncultivated continents on the otherside.
Who should come to my lodge this morning but a true Homeric(7) or Paphlagonian (8) man — he had so suitable and poetic a name that Iam sorry I cannot print it here — a Canadian, a woodchopper andpost-maker, who can hole fifty posts in a day, who made his last supperon a woodchuck which his dog caught. He, too, has heard of Homer, and,"if it were not for books," would "not know what to do rainy days,"though perhaps he has not read one wholly through for many rainyseasons. Some priest who could pronounce the Greek itself taught him toread his verse in the Testament in his native parish far away; and now Imust translate to him, while he holds the book, Achilles' reproof toPatroclus for his sad countenance. — "Why are you in tears, Patroclus,like a young girl?"
"Or have you alone heard some news from Phthia?
They say that Menoetius lives yet, son of Actor,
And Peleus lives, son of ?acus, among the Myrmidons,
Either of whom having died, we should greatly grieve."(9)
Hesays, "That's good." He has a great bundle of white oak bark under hisarm for a sick man, gathered this Sunday morning. "I suppose there's noharm in going after such a thing to-day," says he. To him Homer was agreat writer, though what his writing was about he did not know. A moresimple and natural man it would be hard to find. Vice and disease, whichcast such a sombre moral hue over the world, seemed to have hardly anyexistance for him. He was about twenty-eight years old, and had leftCanada and his father's house a dozen years before to work in theStates, and earn money to buy a farm with at last, perhaps in his nativecountry. He was cast in the coarsest mould; a stout but sluggish body,yet gracefully carried, with a thick sunburnt neck, dark bushy hair, anddull sleepy blue eyes, which were occasionally lit up with expression.He wore a flat gray cloth cap, a dingy wool-colored greatcoat, andcowhide boots. He was a great consumer of meat, usually carrying hisdinner to his work a couple of miles past my house — for he chopped allsummer — in a tin pail; cold meats, often cold woodchucks, and coffee ina stone bottle which dangled by a string from his belt; and sometimeshe offered me a drink. He came along early, crossing my bean-field,though without anxiety or haste to get to his work, such as Yankeesexhibit. He wasn't a-going to hurt himself. He didn't care if he onlyearned his board. Frequently he would leave his dinner in the bushes,when his dog had caught a woodchuck by the way, and go back a mile and ahalf to dress it and leave it in the cellar of the house where heboarded, after deliberating first for half an hour whether he could notsink it in the pond safely till nightfall — loving to dwell long uponthese themes. He would say, as he went by in the morning, "How thick thepigeons are! If working every day were not my trade, I could get allthe meat I should want by hunting-pigeons, woodchucks, rabbits,partridges — by gosh! I could get all I should want for a week in oneday."
He was a skilful chopper, and indulged in some flourishesand ornaments in his art. He cut his trees level and close to theground, that the sprouts which came up afterward might be more vigorousand a sled might slide over the stumps; and instead of leaving a wholetree to support his corded wood, he would pare it away to a slenderstake or splinter which you could break off with your hand at last.
Heinterested me because he was so quiet and solitary and so happy withal;a well of good humor and contentment which overflowed at his eyes. Hismirth was without alloy. Sometimes I saw him at his work in the woods,felling trees, and he would greet me with a laugh of inexpressiblesatisfaction, and a salutation in Canadian French, though he spokeEnglish as well. When I approached him he would suspend his work, andwith half-suppressed mirth lie along the trunk of a pine which he hadfelled, and, peeling off the inner bark, roll it up into a ball and chewit while he laughed and talked. Such an exuberance of animal spiritshad he that he sometimes tumbled down and rolled on the ground withlaughter at anything which made him think and tickled him. Looking roundupon the trees he would exclaim — "By George! I can enjoy myself wellenough here chopping; I want no better sport." Sometimes, when atleisure, he amused himself all day in the woods with a pocket pistol,firing salutes to himself at regular intervals as he walked. In thewinter he had a fire by which at noon he warmed his coffee in a kettle;and as he sat on a log to eat his dinner the chickadees would sometimescome round and alight on his arm and peck at the potato in his fingers;and he said that he "liked to have the little fellers about him."
Inhim the animal man chiefly was developed. In physical endurance andcontentment he was cousin to the pine and the rock. I asked him once ifhe was not sometimes tired at night, after working all day; and heanswered, with a sincere and serious look, "Gorrappit, I never was tiredin my life." But the intellectual and what is called spiritual man inhim were slumbering as in an infant. He had been instructed only in thatinnocent and ineffectual way in which the Catholic priests teach theaborigines, by which the pupil is never educated to the degree ofconsciousness, but only to the degree of trust and reverence, and achild is not made a man, but kept a child. When Nature made him, shegave him a strong body and contentment for his portion, and propped himon every side with reverence and reliance, that he might live out histhreescore years and ten a child. He was so genuine and unsophisticatedthat no introduction would serve to introduce him, more than if youintroduced a woodchuck to your neighbor. He had got to find him out asyou did. He would not play any part. Men paid him wages for work, and sohelped to feed and clothe him; but he never exchanged opinions withthem. He was so simply and naturally humble — if he can be called humblewho never aspires — that humility was no distinct quality in him, norcould he conceive of it. Wiser men were demigods to him. If you told himthat such a one was coming, he did as if he thought that anything sogrand would expect nothing of himself, but take all the responsibilityon itself, and let him be forgotten still. He never heard the sound ofpraise. He particularly reverenced the writer and the preacher. Theirperformances were miracles. When I told him that I wrote considerably,he thought for a long time that it was merely the handwriting which Imeant, for he could write a remarkably good hand himself. I sometimesfound the name of his native parish handsomely written in the snow bythe highway, with the proper French accent, and knew that he had passed.I asked him if he ever wished to write his thoughts. He said that hehad read and written letters for those who could not, but he never triedto write thoughts — no, he could not, he could not tell what to putfirst, it would kill him, and then there was spelling to be attended toat the same time!
I heard that a distinguished wise man andreformer asked him if he did not want the world to be changed; but heanswered with a chuckle of surprise in his Canadian accent, not knowingthat the question had ever been entertained before, "No, I like it wellenough." It would have suggested many things to a philosopher to havedealings with him. To a stranger he appeared to know nothing of thingsin general; yet I sometimes saw in him a man whom I had not seen before,and I did not know whether he was as wise as Shakespeare or as simplyignorant as a child, whether to suspect him of a fine poeticconsciousness or of stupidity. A townsman told me that when he met himsauntering through the village in his small close-fitting cap, andwhistling to himself, he reminded him of a prince in disguise.
Hisonly books were an almanac and an arithmetic, in which last he wasconsiderably expert. The former was a sort of cyclopaedia to him, whichhe supposed to contain an abstract of human knowledge, as indeed it doesto a considerable extent. I loved to sound him on the various reformsof the day, and he never failed to look at them in the most simple andpractical light. He had never heard of such things before. Could he dowithout factories? I asked. He had worn the home-made Vermont gray, hesaid, and that was good. Could he dispense with tea and coffee? Did thiscountry afford any beverage beside water? He had soaked hemlock leavesin water and drank it, and thought that was better than water in warmweather. When I asked him if he could do without money, he showed theconvenience of money in such a way as to suggest and coincide with themost philosophical accounts of the origin of this institution, and thevery derivation of the word pecunia.(10) If an ox were his property, andhe wished to get needles and thread at the store, he thought it wouldbe inconvenient and impossible soon to go on mortgaging some portion ofthe creature each time to that amount. He could defend many institutionsbetter than any philosopher, because, in describing them as theyconcerned him, he gave the true reason for their prevalence, andspeculation had not suggested to him any other. At another time, hearingPlato's definition of a man — a biped without feathers — and that oneexhibited a cock plucked and called it Plato's man, he thought it animportant difference that the knees bent the wrong way. He wouldsometimes exclaim, "How I love to talk! By George, I could talk allday!" I asked him once, when I had not seen him for many months, if hehad got a new idea this summer. "Good Lord" — said he, "a man that hasto work as I do, if he does not forget the ideas he has had, he will dowell. May be the man you hoe with is inclined to race; then, by gorry,your mind must be there; you think of weeds." He would sometimes ask mefirst on such occasions, if I had made any improvement. One winter day Iasked him if he was always satisfied with himself, wishing to suggest asubstitute within him for the priest without, and some higher motivefor living. "Satisfied!" said he; "some men are satisfied with onething, and some with another. One man, perhaps, if he has got enough,will be satisfied to sit all day with his back to the fire and his bellyto the table, by George!" Yet I never, by any manoeuvring, could gethim to take the spiritual view of things; the highest that he appearedto conceive of was a simple expediency, such as you might expect ananimal to appreciate; and this, practically, is true of most men. If Isuggested any improvement in his mode of life, he merely answered,without expressing any regret, that it was too late. Yet he thoroughlybelieved in honesty and the like virtues.
There was a certainpositive originality, however slight, to be detected in him, and Ioccasionally observed that he was thinking for himself and expressinghis own opinion, a phenomenon so rare that I would any day walk tenmiles to observe it, and it amounted to the re-origination of many ofthe institutions of society. Though he hesitated, and perhaps failed toexpress himself distinctly, he always had a presentable thought behind.Yet his thinking was so primitive and immersed in his animal life, that,though more promising than a merely learned man's, it rarely ripened toanything which can be reported. He suggested that there might be men ofgenius in the lowest grades of life, however permanently humble andilliterate, who take their own view always, or do not pretend to see atall; who are as bottomless even as Walden Pond was thought to be, thoughthey may be dark and muddy.
Many a traveller came out of his wayto see me and the inside of my house, and, as an excuse for calling,asked for a glass of water. I told them that I drank at the pond, andpointed thither, offering to lend them a dipper. Far off as I lived, Iwas not exempted from the annual visitation which occurs, methinks,about the first of April, when everybody is on the move; and I had myshare of good luck, though there were some curious specimens among myvisitors. Half-witted men from the almshouse and elsewhere came to seeme; but I endeavored to make them exercise all the wit they had, andmake their confessions to me; in such cases making wit the theme of ourconversation; and so was compensated. Indeed, I found some of them to bewiser than the so-called overseers of the poor and selectmen of thetown, and thought it was time that the tables were turned. With respectto wit, I learned that there was not much difference between the halfand the whole. One day, in particular, an inoffensive, simple-mindedpauper, whom with others I had often seen used as fencing stuff,standing or sitting on a bushel in the fields to keep cattle and himselffrom straying, visited me, and expressed a wish to live as I did. Hetold me, with the utmost simplicity and truth, quite superior, or ratherinferior, to anything that is called humility, that he was "deficientin intellect." These were his words. The Lord had made him so, yet hesupposed the Lord cared as much for him as for another. "I have alwaysbeen so," said he, "from my childhood; I never had much mind; I was notlike other children; I am weak in the head. It was the Lord's will, Isuppose." And there he was to prove the truth of his words. He was ametaphysical puzzle to me. I have rarely met a fellowman on suchpromising ground — it was so simple and sincere and so true all that hesaid. And, true enough, in proportion as he appeared to humble himselfwas he exalted. I did not know at first but it was the result of a wisepolicy. It seemed that from such a basis of truth and frankness as thepoor weak-headed pauper had laid, our intercourse might go forward tosomething better than the intercourse of sages.
I had some guestsfrom those not reckoned commonly among the town's poor, but who shouldbe; who are among the world's poor, at any rate; guests who appeal, notto your hospitality, but to your hospitalality; who earnestly wish to behelped, and preface their appeal with the information that they areresolved, for one thing, never to help themselves. I require of avisitor that he be not actually starving, though he may have the verybest appetite in the world, however he got it. Objects of charity arenot guests. Men who did not know when their visit had terminated, thoughI went about my business again, answering them from greater and greaterremoteness. Men of almost every degree of wit called on me in themigrating season. Some who had more wits than they knew what to do with;runaway slaves with plantation manners,(11) who listened from time totime, like the fox in the fable, as if they heard the hounds a-baying ontheir track, and looked at me beseechingly, as much as to say, —
"O Christian, will you send me back?"(12)
Onereal runaway slave, among the rest, whom I helped to forward toward thenorth star. Men of one idea, like a hen with one chicken, and that aduckling; men of a thousand ideas, and unkempt heads, like those henswhich are made to take charge of a hundred chickens, all in pursuit ofone bug, a score of them lost in every morning's dew — and becomefrizzled and mangy in consequence; men of ideas instead of legs, a sortof intellectual centipede that made you crawl all over. One man proposeda book in which visitors should write their names, as at the WhiteMountains; but, alas! I have too good a memory to make that necessary.
Icould not but notice some of the peculiarities of my visitors. Girlsand boys and young women generally seemed glad to be in the woods. Theylooked in the pond and at the flowers, and improved their time. Men ofbusiness, even farmers, thought only of solitude and employment, and ofthe great distance at which I dwelt from something or other; and thoughthey said that they loved a ramble in the woods occasionally, it wasobvious that they did not. Restless committed men, whose time was alltaken up in getting a living or keeping it; ministers who spoke of Godas if they enjoyed a monopoly of the subject, who could not bear allkinds of opinions; doctors, lawyers, uneasy housekeepers who pried intomy cupboard and bed when I was out — how came Mrs. — to know that mysheets were not as clean as hers? — young men who had ceased to beyoung, and had concluded that it was safest to follow the beaten trackof the professions — all these generally said that it was not possibleto do so much good in my position. Ay! There was the rub. The old andinfirm and the timid, of whatever age or sex, thought most of sickness,and sudden accident and death; to them life seemed full of danger — whatdanger is there if you don't think of any? — and they thought that aprudent man would carefully select the safest position, where Dr. B.(13)might be on hand at a moment's warning. To them the village wasliterally a com-munity, a league for mutual defence, and you wouldsuppose that they would not go a-huckleberrying without a medicinechest. The amount of it is, if a man is alive, there is always dangerthat he may die, though the danger must be allowed to be less inproportion as he is dead-and-alive to begin with. A man sits as manyrisks as he runs. Finally, there were the self-styled reformers, thegreatest bores of all, who thought that I was forever singing, —
This is the house that I built;
This is the man that lives in the house that I built;
but they did not know that the third line was,
These are the folks that worry the man
That lives in the house that I built.
I did not fear the hen-harriers, for I kept no chickens; but I feared the men-harriers rather.
Ihad more cheering visitors than the last. Children come a-berrying,railroad men taking a Sunday morning walk in clean shirts, fishermen andhunters, poets and philosophers; in short, all honest pilgrims, whocame out to the woods for freedom's sake, and really left the villagebehind, I was ready to greet with — "Welcome, Englishmen! Welcome,Englishmen!" for I had had communication with that race.


1. hotels in Boston, New York City, and Concord
2. in New England, corn meal boiled in water
3. in Greek mythology, a three-headed dog that guarded the land of the dead
4. Edmond Spenser (1552?-1599) English poet, from The Faerie Queen
5. Edward Winslow (1595-1655) second Plymouth colony governor
6. Massasoit (1585?-1660) Indian chief friendly to the Pilgrims
7. reference to poems of Homer, 8th cent. B.C. Greek epic poet
8. Paphlagonia: ancient country & Roman province on the Black Sea
9. from Homer's Iliad
10. Latin word for money
11.reference to runaway slaves; the Thoreaus were part of the UndergroundRailroad, a network of abolitionists who guided escaped slaves to Canada
12."The hounds are baying on my track, / O Christian! Will you send meback?" - from "The Liberty Minstrel" by George W. Clark, New York, 1845
13. Dr. Josiah Bartlett - Concord doctor
① 斯宾塞(1552- 1599),英国文艺复兴时期诗人。
“到了这里,他们填充着的小房屋, 不寻求那些本来就没有的娱乐; 休息好比宴席,一切听其自然, 最高贵的心灵,最能知足自满。”
② 印第安人的酋长。
① 黑海边的古国。
② 据希腊神话,普特洛克勒斯在特洛伊战争中被赫克托耳所杀,后友人阿基里斯为他复仇。后面所引的诗是荷马的《伊利亚特》中的一段。
“是不是你从毕蒂亚那里 得到什么秘密消息? 阿克脱的儿子,伊苦斯的儿子, 还是好好儿地活在玛密同; 除非他俩死了,才应该悲伤。”
① “银”的拉丁语根,本是“牛”的意思。
① 英语中community的意思是“村社”,“同一地区的全体居民”。拉丁语中,语根com意思是“共同”,munire是“防守”。
这是我所造的屋子; 这是在我所造的屋子中生活的人;
而正是这些人, 烦死了住在我所造之屋中的人。

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